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"Basic Life Support 

Competence Among the Employees of the Christ The King College"

Statement Of the Problem:

This study is to assess the knowledge and skills of the employees of the Christ the King College
regarding the Basic Life Support.

1. What is the profile of the Employees:

     1.1 Age
     1.2 Sex
     1.3 Civil Status
     1.4 Religion
     1.5 Educational Attainment
     1.6 Occupation

2. What is the level of awareness of the employees of the Christ the King College among the
Basic Life Support  in terms of:
    2.1 Basic parts and function of the human body
   2.2. Vital signs
   2.3 Emergency Services
   2. 4 First Aid

3. What ia the level competence of basic life support among employees in terms of:
    3.1 Assessment of Vital Signs
    3.2  Response to Emergency purposes

4. What is the significant relationship between the level of awareness of the employees of the
Christ the King College on the Basic Life Support and their Profile?
5. Based on the findings, what programs can be recommended to improve the basic life support
competence of employees of Christ the King College?

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