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with Donald Trump's coming in power in

the United States if some of phobic

debates in Western media have also
trumpeted regional media in disasters
and whole across to Europe have waged a
massive campaign of indignation against
Islam and Muslims and both serious
threats to Muslim migrants specially
children and women the global media have
not lagged in this campaign but then
negativities against Muslims and Islam
are relatively not that a world and are
mostly sporadic in nature mass media in
the United States give massive coverage
of the US president's election speeches
wherein it said that Muslims should be
barred from into the United States and
called for a database to track American
Muslims the US president vocalizes tough
stance on Islamic militants during this
campaign going to defeat radical Islam
just as we won the Cold War Trump's win
legitimize and normalize Islamophobia
tendencies in many communities hi take
you to the new levels and empowering
some to commit hate crimes against
Muslim for instance the Islamic Cultural
Center at Fresno California receive the
lecture which caused Muslims that
children are satin and wine and filthy
people the letter also threatened that
President Donald Trump is going to
cleanse America and make it shine again
and will do the same with Muslims that
Hitler did to the Jews the media at
large gave this event prominence all
across the United States not only this
sum over 30 mass the islamic center
receives letters of this kind saying
that the day of reckoning has arrived
for Muslims in the United States giving
out of proportion coverage to the course
of a controversial florida pastor the
washington post rights that we are
asking for the monitoring of all the
mass in the united states it also
stressed that practicing Islam means be
Eve in the oppression of women and the
murder of infidels and the religion of
Islam is therefore unconstitutional
extensive media debates during US
presidential elections and Trump's
motives towards muslin & Flom
give impetus to racial attacks and hate
crimes towards Muslim immigrants in the
United States FBI reported a great surge
in the anti-muslim incidents in 2016
according to the Houston Chronicle
number 27 2016 drums choices for
attorney journal CIA director and
national security advisor drew public
condemnations from Muslim civil rights
groups as the apartments could reinforce
perception among the words Muslim that
United States is at war against Islam
itself Trump's appointment of retired
left regional michael p flynn to be
stopped national security advisor is one
of the most objectionable piece flame a
former head of the Defense Intelligence
Agency has repeatedly referred to Islam
as a cancer and claimed that a fear of
Muslims is rational and warned that
Sharia or Islamic laws is spreading
throughout the United States flame
joined the board of X for America an
activist group that has helped introduce
bills to ban Islamic sharia line nearly
two dozen united states states shortly
after he joined the Trump campaign
similarly X far America's founder
Brigitte Gabriel has a sale that cancer
called Islam of fascism that permeates
some of them world in which extreme is
mainstream Washington Post in its number
20 2016 edition said that what policies
will flow from one who believes Islam is
a cancer and that he has been at war
with Islam all international channels
had heated debates on this selection of
the US president and many islamophobes
appreciates Flynn's selection we should
not forget that George flame accused the
Obama administration of being too soft
on terrorism and has cost Islam as the
political ideology and driver of X
premium as Los Angeles Times writes on
November 19 2016 according to CNN
another man Frank Gaffney who is known
for NT Islamic rhetoric is now working
with Trump's registration on national
security issues this is a man who was a
big supporter of the TD that President
Obama is a secret muslim and was not
born in the united states another side
in europe p judah is on the rampant its
english acronym is patriotic europeans
against Islamization of Europe it has
gathered huge mast after events of
terrorism in France and other parts of
Europe aunty Muslims and hate attacks
are increasing with every single passing
day and media have been more often found
to be Fanning the flames of anti-muslim
an anti-islam sentiments in this week
German Chancellor Merkel said bands and
coverings such as Bucca and the card
should be enacted wherever it is legally
possible she has also said that our
large takes precedence over honor codes
Treiber our family rules and over sharia
law she said this has to be spelled out
very clearly your listeners we shall
continue sharing you all the Western
media polemics and negativities through
some of obeah t-birds….

the US President Donald from has called

entering garage stairs from seven Muslim
countries including Syria Iran Iraq
Yemen Libya Somalia Sudan for 90 days
and suspended conversion of all refugees
for 120 days for Syrian now the last
eight is completely out of bound state
here is the announcements from the
horse's mouth Donald J Trump is calling
for a total and complete shutdown of
Muslims entering the United States until
our country's representatives can figure
out what the hell is going on Time
magazine on februari 13 2017 courts de
Letran saying that our goal is to keep
out radical Islamic terrorists coming
2nite states against home our soldiers
are fighting overseas a total and
complete shutdown of Muslims entering
the United States was his slogan during
elections and on January 27 2017 he made
it possible the New York time in its
January 28 2017 edition see this lump
itself as a problem in the light of
actions taken by the US administration
such a remaining of Islam and Muslims in
the Western media reminds us the time of
prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam when the back of Islam was
considered as a problem and the
punishment to the unscrupulous sins of
other religions and their followers
unfortunately Donald Trump is surrounded
by NT Islam advisors and strategies in
the White House like George Valene and
Steve Bannon sleep ban and a polemical
filmmaker and Internet bomb sure cause
the contemporary position of the United
States against Muslims as a new
political order in his email to the
Washington Post he proudly calls himself
to be like Lenin who was eager to bring
everything crashing down and destroy all
of today's establishments hate mongers
in the universe are take
great advantage of the situation and are
creating havoc for Muslims in the entire
move the world more than 892 hate groups
are operating only in the United States
and media giving them huge time and
space when in they are claiming that we
have to secure the existence of our
people and a future for the white
children they say it's not a slow mo
cobia when they really are trying to
kill our children dear viewers how world
at large is viewing this sorry state of
affairs let's have a look iran's Foreign
Affairs Ministry says that trumps
immigration order is insulting and a
gift to the extremists it further says
that Iran will take reciprocal meals in
order to safeguard the rights of which
citizen until the time of the removal of
the insulting restrictions of the
government of directors against iranian
national a joke also expressed his
regrets and astonishment over the band
saying it was unfortunate the decision
has been made despite the two nations
achieving victories in their joint fight
against Isis similarly Sudan's foreign
affairs ministry said that the Sudanese
people or here to the ancient Nile River
civilization which is marked by Thomas
and peaceful coexistence the ministry
called and Washington to remove Sudan
from the US list of states that sponsor
terrorists and the same analogy human
dipti prime minister said that the ban
is not justified and suppose the
terrorists and swords divisions among
people he said that attempts to classify
Yemeni citizens as a probable source for
terrorism is illegal and illegitimate
responding to the actions of the United
States against Muslims British Foreign
Secretary Boris Johnson described the
band as divisive and wrong while London
Mayor Sadiq Khan said the move was
shameful and cruel Prime Minister
Theresa May was reluctant to issue
statement on the band later she came
under pressure from the MPs to condemn
the band she eventually then
put out a statement saying her
government did not agree with it but
said immigration was a matter for the
government of the United States only on
the other hand buildings most vocal
budget figures midgel fraud welcome
Trump's executive order he was elected
to get tough he was elected to say he
would do everything in his power to
protect Americans from the infiltration
by the ISIS terrorists there are seven
countries on that list he's enlisted to
do that he was voted on this fraud told
this to the BBC France the recently hit
badly by the terrorism but its foreign
minister jean-marc said that welcoming
refugees was a duty of solidarity
terrorism does not have a nationality
discrimination is not an answer he said
that untutored German Chancellor Angela
Merkel said that the necessary and
divisive fight against terrorism is know
what justifies a general suspicion
against people of certain beliefs in
this case people of Muslim faith and
from a certain origin these actions are
against the core idea of international
aid for Refugees and international
cooperation Turkish dipti Prime
Minister's members simsek said on
Twitter that refugees are welcome this
is one of the few statements to emerge
from a Muslim country not on Trump's
blacklist Australian Prime Minister
Malcolm Turnbull said that it is vital
that evolution is able to control who
comes across its borders he is one of
the few leaders who openly show support
for the band it is important to mention
that according to pew research report
Australia tops among the most
Islamophobic countries on the planet
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
defended the importance of welcoming
refugees without explicitly referring to
the drums executive order he said that
fleeing persecution terror and one are
welcome in Canada Pakistan's interior
minister chosen inside denounced the
travel ban saying it would not affect
terrorists instead massage said it will
increase the miseries of the victims of
terrorism the government of Saudi Arabia
has not publicly click on a position but
its international airline saudi airlines
has issued a statement which according
to CNN fails that citizens from these
seven affected countries will not be
permitted to travel with saudi airlines
citizens with diplomatic visas or who
work for international organizations and
hold valid visas are an exception dear
viewers the world at large is in a state
of panic and chaos due to wide step
contemporary Islamophobic discourses and
action we shall keep on watching these
developments and continue sharing with
Muslims in the world generally and the
United States particularly are under
attack due to cold blooded sloganeering
against Muslims Lomb by the US president
and his advisors since the presidential
campaigns started in the US in 2016
wherein Muslims were severely attacked
by the US president the number of hate
groups and racial attacks on Muslims and
immigrants increased manifold some
independent think tanks declared 2016 as
a banner year for hate FBI reported 67 3
percent increase in crimes against
Muslims but independent research
organization claimed it to be 89% in
2016 and 17 hate mongers joining the US
presidents camp is on the rise Stefan
Miller is the new addition who is one of
the architects of trumps Muslim ban CNN
reported that Miller served as
co-founder president and national campus
coordinator of the Terrorism awareness
project in the spring semester of 2007
during his senior year at Duke URIs tree
his mission was to inform students about
the dangers of Islam of fascism which is
a term coined in 1933 to draw a
comparison between Islamist movements
and European fascism Miller's terrorism
awareness project hosted anti-muslim
film screenings and discussions
Rennie's llama phobic ads as well as
provided posters with the intention to
bring awareness to the Islamic Jihad and
the terrorist threat and to mobilize
support for the defense of America and
the civilization of the West
according to Al Jazeera Trump rose to
power with an Islamophobic campaign and
Islamophobia know will become his
official policy rising Slama phobia has
sposed two main dangers arise in hate
crimes and anti Islamic legislation in
the last year in most part
of the United States including Florida
there have been five hundred percent
increase in hate crimes against Muslims
mas has been vandalized and there have
been a number of bomb threats towards
Islamic groups Florida's Gorman is even
trying to ban schoolbooks from making
any references to Islam in the history
the Institute for social policy and
understanding a us-based think tank told
Al Jazeera that a poll published in
March says one out of every five
American Muslims had experienced
discrimination on a regular basis while
more than half of them had faced some
discrimination secondly since 2013 the
country has seen a rise in number of
bills or amendments about 81 designed to
vilify Islamic religious practices 80 of
which were introduced to state
legislators by the Republicans only on
the other hand mass in the United States
and other parts of the world are hit by
and 30th January 2017 Cuba's city mosque
in Canada was attacked leaving six
people dead and eight injured we
consider the event like an act of
and we can confirm that we have six
person pronounced dead and the eighth
person is in hospital with minor oral or
sever injuries the Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau said in a
statement we condemn this terrorist
attack on Muslims in a center of worship
and refuge he said Muslim Canadians are
an important part of our national fabric
the shooting came on the weekend that
Trudeau said Canada would welcome
refugees after US President Donald Trump
suspended the US refugees program and
temporarily banned citizens from seven
majority Muslim countries from entering
the u.s. states the MA
was asked to previously targeted in an
Islamophobic attack in June 2016 during
Ramadan specially when a pig's head was
left on the mast or stabbed alone with
an extremely negative note on it
similarly Germany also witness attacks
on mosque as a result of rise in
Islamophobic discourses in the media and
the u.s. presidential election campaigns
according to the Associated Press
ninety-one marks were attacked in
Germany in 2016 only the gentleman
interior ministry said that most attacks
21 out of them took place in the Western
German state of North rhine-westphalia
which is the country's most populous
state with the highest number of Muslims
immigrants the report did not detail how
badly the different mosques were
vandalized however it said police
identified suspects in 12 cases only and
could make only one arrest dear viewers
according to Nathan lien the founder
editor-in-chief of Asian media an author
of Islamophobia industry the right-wing
network of fear mongers are active
across the world they are dedicated to
convincing Americans that Islam is
inherently a violent and dangerous
religion that Muslims as a whole adhere
to such violence and that both Islam and
Muslims should be marginalized in this
country Linc's this network as
dominating the religious political and
media right-wing in the United States
bringing together bigoted bloggers
Russia's politicians fundamentalist
religious leaders news pundits and
religious Zionists in the industry of
hate we shall continue our discussion on
this topic from different angles
till next Allah Hafiz-------
Islamophobia is a new world for an old
fear its nominees birth did not stand
immune to
rather some quarters represented it a
problem to the world Christian Byzantine
green marks and the church establishment
alarmed by the Swift spread of Islam
from it will be to the Middle East in a
short span of time after spurt launched
an intractable campaign of cylinder and
indignation against Islam and Muslims
depicting it as a mere apostasy and a
sort of barbaric paganism the foundation
of this antagonism against Islam was
laid down by John of Damascus a
Christian scholar who was a great friend
of the Umayyad Khalifa uz by declaring
Flom to be a peg and college and was
dedicated towards the Prophet sallallahu
alehiwassallaam for long this his
writings and acquisitions between the
classical source of all writings against
Islam not only by the literary joints
even the church elders regard Islam as
an evil and absolutely alien to God
according to the Karen Armstrong
according to Alexander Ganem a freelance
journalist the rejection of Islam and
Muslims culture reaches peak in the den
Thiele Gary's Divine Comedy a pinnacle
of veteran literature in the 13th
century gently he was an Italian poet
who is considered to be a supreme point
and his work is considered as the
masterpiece of world literature hence
his sayings are taken no less than
prophetic some religious stalwarts in
14th century or so solemn as theological
heresy at the level of morals and
practice during this period the Council
of Rihanna mec between 13 11 and 13 12
in vain where the elders of the council
reached a consensus that Muslims could
not be converted and persuaded thus and
academic onslaught be initiated against
them early 15th century molted further
insolence to Islam and Muslims
when gumana the Madonna's controversial
painting the Last Judgement displayed in
Italy it attacked the holy prophet
sallallahu wasallam of Muslim where by
deepening the already widened gulf
between Islam and other Muslim faced
extreme racial sentiments in Spain
during the 15th century some scholars
called Spain as Hamas racism
interestingly the connected Columbus
wise to America continent with racial
stigma as large portion of the slaves
that he brought with him were Muslims
continuing to track the historical lines
of Defense's between Islam and others
there comes the name of him free period
x dr. of community who saw muslims as
part of God's inscrutable purposes to be
a punishment for the sins of other
religions he took the entrenchment of
the Muslims continental rule as a squash
to Christians and expected it to
continue till they're clean some other
contemporaries like feature Halen and
Ross were gruffly out of logic to
condemn a religion that has a huge
number of followers following the
footprints Broughton's dictionary of all
religions categorized the religions of
world into two classes through regions
that included Christianity and Judaism
and false regions including all others
the attitude toward Islam remained
unchanged during 19th and 20th century
jla publish when dis yer Christian
whereby denigrating Islam Hinduism and
other religions as being perpetual
falsehood pernicious an extra legend so
much saught the Balkan war of 19 12 and
13 was proclaimed to be a crusade
against Islam largely by the British
press other more recent web bloggers and
literary artifacts like the house of '
which keep the door open for religious
blossomy and describe Muslims as
intellectually we enjoy killing
similarly mil else is Islam is second
most brilliant and effective invention
for leading men astray laughing also
condemns Islamic concept of holy war and
it stresses to break the treaties with
infidels of course Salman Rushdie and
the sliminess lien are just recent
addition to continuing integration to
Islam and Muslims nevertheless media
contributed substantially in making
their work world fame contemporary
literature on hostility towards Muslim
Islam in fact supplements what used to
be in the past Edward seed the author of
one of the most celebrated book
Orientalism confirmed this certain and
persistent Eurocentric prejudice against
a red bow Islamic people and their
culture maintaining his focus on a
European bridges towards others he
coined and metaphysics of Islamophobia
we're in Muslims and Islamic culture
were seen as static both in time and
place and any capable of defining
themselves and compared to West as a
dynamic and innovative and explaining
culture holiday even earlier than Samuel
Huntington whose famous work clash of
civilization appealed parallel to the
Edwards says theses also presented Islam
as a threatening other for the west
huntington thesis was that new Cold War
would take place not on the basis of
economics or politics but culture
succinctly it is a good that Islam has
been viewed as a contra religious
political force which is capable of
causing grave threats to the west it has
been viewed as the new enemy of the
world to find a support for heavy
holding of emissions and vest designs of
expansionism some other titles given to
snow mark cultural and nami opposing
cultural ecology is a challenge and a
threat to the Western world trick to the
Western security present terror of
the world and the others and the fifth
column strangely enough it is not Islam
in any other religion that they are
contrasted are the east are the best but
Islam a religion and the best
geographical area contemporary posture
of the problem reveals that Islam pose
itself as a powerful socio political
religious force of medieval age when
followers of other religions were in
deep slumber passing through the dark
age hostility towards Islam and Muslim
was the net outcome of the passive
active relationship between the west and
Islam which finally resulted in the
Crusades and effort to create a balance
of part between the dominant
socio-political religious forces of the
times strangely enough centuries-long
prevalence of the hostility turned into
racial cultural empty slammin
anti-muslim sentiments during the
contemporary times and to recent changes
in the world politics normal is amused
to post great threat to the world and
the rest Islam repeats the communism as
a threatening other could it be taken
that one threatening ideology is being
replaced by another having a historical
background of being a problem for the
world Lisa normally quite interestingly
there are plenty of events of terrorism
subjugation subversion and animosity to
prove it Islam and Muslims and
threatening others and the basis of
religion in the contemporary world other
dimension of differences between Islam
and others rest on the race this was a
concept in historic Arabic literature
which referred to a line age of animals
particularly applied to horses while
ethnicity referred to the people with
common history language rituals food
songs etc nevertheless the Spanish
literature made the race synonymous to
blood and religion how and where did
islam and its followers become subject
of racial prejudice probably it was
Islam's expansion across the continents
in a short span of time with constituted
theological political and cultural
to the west mass conversion of Islam
from other religions and insult to the
injury as a result of which the West
found it easier to demonize Islam and
Muslim then to understand it this
demonization labeled Islam and Muslims
with different racial stereotypes which
were meant to create hatred against the
religion and its followers
centuries-long Crusades based on who
study between the warring factions
furthered the hatred by giving it an
institutionalized outlook racial
prejudice ascend them contemporary would
carry out these racial prejudice against
Islam and Muslims which has historical
reasons and situations further
aggravated due to the unrest and rise of
jihadi movement in and across the Muslim
world hence new terminologies developed
to name the difference that was there in
the history and seems to continue for
long die name is Islamophobia------------

- 05 - Who Owns Islamophobia Inc.?

slama phobia has passed this test of
just being a concept
hatred among the non-muslims it has
grown up as an incorporated industry now
but hundreds of millions of dollars with
huge capability of proliferating new
political ideologies setting new dash
news for the west and creating
innovative we designed reasons for
occupation and usurpation of wealth in
the Muslim world Islamophobia
incorporated served the best within and
across its borders within right-wing
hate mongers were exploiting
Islamophobic discourses are touring
liberal progressive approaches to take
roots in the Western societies and
across their borders it provided them
with plenty of reasons to invest into
the Muslim lands and declare their lands
and resources as of their last trails
historic prejudice and the basis of
religious ideology God institutionalized
dr. Iranian Revolution and been spending
of the US ambassador then on we turned
into a multi-billion dollar industry
after the collapse of Twin Towers in New
York in 2001 according to Pew Research
Center fifty-nine percent of Americans
had a favorable opinions of Muslims just
two months before nine eleven get a
straw fee however hatred rose to new
heights within months and hate crimes
against Muslims increase by a whopping
16 hundred percent not only this a mere
1 in 4 Americans expressed a positive
opinion of Islam for the six percent
according to a pew research poll believe
that Islam was more likely than other
religions to encourage violence few was
not only organization to notice an
upward trend ABC news release the report
showing that for the three percent of
americans believe that Muslims had
little respect for the people of other
faiths in 2004 by 2005 nearly six in ten
Americans thought that Islam was a
region prone to violence
half of the respondents held Muslims in
low regard in five years the numbers had
completely flipped the same percentage
of Americans that once viewed Islam in a
positive light now held the exact
opposite opinion in 2010 ABC News and
The Washington Post reported that the
percentage of Americans with a favorable
view of Islam was at its lowest point
since a tuber of 2001 a Time magazine
survey conducted that year short further
evidence of growing prejudice
twenty-eight percent of voters the
statistics revealed did not believe that
Muslims should be eligible to sit on the
Supreme Court and one-third felt that
adherence of the faith should be
prohibited from running for the
president office and the decline has
gained impedance quite recently it made
it a political slogan to denigrate Islam
and Muslims to win people's support for
political models of which Donald Trump
took a great advantage during his
presidential campaign who are behind
this Islamophobia incorporated unlike
most industries where products are
manufactured under a corporate umbrella
the summer phobia industry is different
it is more dynamic and flexible with
various moving past that are not
attached to one single branch the
legitimize the work of each other which
is a key feature of how they operate
this number phobia industry has
harnessed the power of the Internet to
expand their small networks
International and international
organizations often one small group that
sprouts anti-muslim hate speech goes
over time and eventually spawned several
spins off and function under the same or
similar leadership for instance stop
islamization of America and Islamophobic
activist groups started by blogger
Pamela Geller this faction of agitators
form as an offshoot of their parent
organization stop Islamization of Europe
the two organizations stood anti-muslim
sentiment on their respective continents
and announced a merger into
lemon phoning stop islamization of
nations not only hit and demons but
financial motives joined other groups in
the network like Robert Spencer and
David always the American bloggers
created an environment where one is
expected to participate actively in
Islamophobic discourses in order to
receive a monthly paycheck which is
quite lucrative there are hundreds of
such implies of Islamophobia industries
working in the world in many sufferers
not gonna base they're not gonna join
this campaign through his 14 winners
trailer of innocence of Muslims it has
been widely discussed that he was paid
US dollar five hundred millions to
produce a movie put him wisdoms prophet
salallahu diwali salomon dark light the
money was paid by and through the
Zionists now assertion groups who intend
to defame Islam and Muslims using
innovative methods by implying such
criminals provide them political stuff
money and make them famous overnight the
yesterday's nobody becomes world him
instantly in pockets millions of dollars
like Pamela Geller Robert Spencer and no
cannabis Lena Cola to name a few however
the objectives achieves are huge which
the sum for big industries have been
able to sell widely these include number
one young generation does not believe
that Palestinians ever had any right of
living in Palestine rather they are
usurpers and the land belongs to is real
and is real only number two Muslims are
alien to the west and cause of all the
problems and the wars in the world three
Islam is not a religion of peace but
promote violence as all Muslims
countries are home to violence for Islam
is static and unresponsive to new
realities of life five aslam has no
common values with other religions of
the world six Islam is inferior to the
West barbaric irrational primitive and
sexist 7 Aslam is aggressive
nning other and supportive to terrorism
each Islam is a political ideology used
for political and military advantage
only nine Islam is NT to drama critic
values human rights and women rights
these are some of the products of
Islamophobia industry which is owned by
those who take Islam and Muslims as
their competitors and enemies in the
world who have clear designs of
controlling economies of the Muslim
world user paying huge natural sources
in the Muslim countries and liked
Crusades putting Muslims and their
growth in control so that it should not
be able to put their ideologies in
problem dear viewers thanks for watching
our short videos and supporting our
cause of putting the faction

Islamophobia Debates - 06 - PEGIDA:

The European Face of Islamophobia
patriotic Europeans against the
islamization of the best is abbreviated
as PG de in Germany where it took birth
in October 2014 lose back man who owns a
public relations agency in Dresden
founded this movement initially on
social media to vent his venom against
Muslims and Islam Paquita now has become
a far-right political movement that aims
to resist what it sees as a threat posed
by the Islamic extremism islamization
and it's calling for string at large to
curb immigration particularly from the
Muslim countries a movement which was
initially started in urban city of
Germany in Dresden has now emerged as a
strong anti-muslim resistance women in
the whole of Europe the Gita has spawned
a number of smaller Offshore's across
the Germany like lagee de in logic
sugita in southern gent cadila in Castle
would either in würzburg boogita inborn
do guida in desert off and Ferdie de in
Frankfurt not only this it has reached a
neighboring and for flung countries to
like UK Poland France USA belgium and
scandinavian land Paquita and it's
offshoots at various places in Europe
and other parts of the world organised
anti Muslims protects regularly to
create hatred against Islam and its
followers they usually struck their
disgusting slogans with immigrants
swallowing Western resources and a
burden on us and then turned to vilify
Muslims and Islam posing them a threat
to world peace and European Way of life
at peak Edith anniversary event on a
tuba 19 2015 keynote speaker Octus
princey named the Muslim refugees as
invaders with Germany becoming a Muslim
God by drum when in see said that
were acting like noses against their own
people as they wanted critics of Germany
refugee policy to leave the country
addressing the crowd shouting resistance
he claimed that the majority of the
Germans were held in contempt by the
political class and that politicians
wish that there were other alternatives
to fight PG das supporters but the
concentration camps are unfortunately
out of order at the moment as ever when
there's a major pagina demonstration
there are also counted demonstrations
and they're going on around the
outskirts of where we are here in
Dresden the leader of this group has
softened courted controversy himself the
leader of the Daedelus Bachmann stepped
down a while ago after an image emerged
with him dresses as old Hitler he later
we took over the role again and says
that they are not about Nazism but about
defending German values well that hasn't
stopped the large counter-demonstrations
taking place but it also hasn't stopped
the equally large crowds coming out here
in support of pagadas message and
generally 21 2015 Batman resigned from
his position with PG de after coming
under fire for a number of facebook post
excerpts from a closed facebook
conversation incriminated Backman as
having designated immigrants as animals
scumbags and trash classified as his
speech in Germany he was also quoted
commenting that extra security was
needed at the welfare office to protect
employees from the animals a
self-portrait of pac-man allegedly
posing as a incarceration of Adolf
Hitler titled his back went whirling the
social media and was printed on the
title pages worldwide media across
Europe are giving huge cover to
processions of piggy das anti-muslim
onslaught the processions true on the
other hand are increasing in number only
in Germany the birthplace of pegida
there was 208 raleys in the last quarter
2015 what only 95 release were there as
here earlier interior ministry data
showed year 2016 has also seen further
surgeon beginners professions against
Muslim immigrants also in Poland
hundreds of people waved polish flags
and chanted England and France are in
tears that's how Torres ends we are
demonstrating against Islamization of
Europe we are demonstrating against
immigration against an invasion Robert
Benecke leader of Poland's for right
national movement Luke Naruto towards
the demonstrators the Czech Republic
Slovakia Hungary and Poland have
together taken a tough stance on
migration and have been largely opposed
to taking significant numbers of
refugees coming from Muslim countries
similarly demonstrators at the largest
beginners really on january five 2017 in
the UK were hard chanting we are the
people with one man telling the BBC we
do not what mask in europe their viewers
the head groups in Europe to like the US
are mustering financial resources and
using social media which help gather the
huge number of people in their
processions to construct a negative
image of Muslims and Islam so there have
been found to be isolated events of NT
te das like campaigns in the parts of
Europe and some popular leaders also
deny the claims made in the ND muslim
campaign but hardly any concrete steps
are visible demonstrating their will to
fight off anti-islam sloganeering in the
West his speech laws are not seen in
action despite the fact that these
campaigns are clearly hear speech
against the religion of Islam and its
followers who are peaceful and our part
of the Western societies that's all from
today's Islamophobia t beards keep
watching the debates to know how the
word is watching us thanks

Islamophobia Debates - 07 - Burning of

Mosques in the United States
saturday morning the opponent center of
Victoria nine places of worship
hospitals and educational institution
enjoy special protection even in the
bloody war but Regis Center especially
master and extreme threat in united
states where Islamophobia industries
working day and night to fuel aunt Islam
and Muslim sentiments among the
non-muslims for mass in seven weeks have
been born in the United LOL by the
extremists and jelly 7 2017 the islamic
center of lake travis in austin texas
was burnt the mass was under
construction at the time when it was
burned the authorities have confirmed
that fire was caused by an arson we have
never seen full marks burned within
seven weeks said mark Potok a senior
fellow at the Southern Poverty Law
Center which tracks hate groups around
the country it's part of a whole series
of dramatic attacks on muslims he
further said a week later on jerry 14
the islamic center of east side in
bellevue washington was also burned CNN
affiliate said firefighters spotted
[ __ ] feed flames on the back side of
the building crews were able to save
half of the building CNN reported we
have confirmed it was an arson but do
not know a massive ball wave Police
Chief Steve mallet said two weeks after
that on generally 28-7 or zoster peasant
Donald Trump signed an executive order
banning immigrants from seven Muslim
countries a fire destroyed the islamic
center of victoria in texas someone
intentionally set fire to the islamic
center of victorian taxes in the middle
of the night according to the
investigators who have yet to identify
the suspect ablaze cast over 500,000 US
dollar in damage and completely
destroyed the 16 years old mask shaking
the Muslim American community in South
sadly enough the Victoria Islamic Center
in Texas touched on June we 28 was
burgled a few days earlier to this event
the religious center was also the
subject of hate graffiti in 2013 the
masks president dr. shied Hashmi told
The Texas Tribune that his community
would forgive whoever set the fire but
added there is no way we can forget
there is nowhere where children can
forget then on febrile 24 a blizz broke
out at the front entrance of darussalam
mosque near Tampa the fire at the
jerusalem mosque in Florida was at least
the third time in seven months that a
mass in the Tampa area has been set on
fire following incidents at the Islamic
education center in July and the mergers
Omer mosque in August while talking to
CNN Council of American Islamic
relations revealed that 139 incidence of
damage destruction vandalism at mass
were documented last year Islamophobic
bias continued strength towards
increasing violence said korres sailor
director of kyle's department of monitor
and combat Islamic obeah besides burning
of marks many Islamic centers receive
intimidating messages including a bomb
threat saying that is waiting for you
and your kind prompting calls for
increasing security at Muslim facilities
a mosque in Lexington Kentucky stepped
up security following a bomb threat is
received the bomb threat against
Lexington masjid bilal was received
through the email trish to be
originating from sheffield england
council on american-islamic relations
said in a Facebook post the letter
contained a green index card wrapped in
a black sheet of paper with the words an
explosive device will be placed at your
must very soon a new jersey city Mass
reported that it received a threatening
letter calling for violence against
Muslims in the rash of bias incidents
targeting Islamic institutions the
letter sent to the masjid al Iman stated
that you and your filthy kind will be
beheaded and featured an illustration
with the world's Muslims lair it was
also postmarked from she feel you gain
three other marks received identical
emails threatening widespread attacks
against American Muslims on March 15 the
greenview madni center of mass in
lawrenceville recently received a mail
handwritten letter from a Muslim flare
with the message that is waiting for you
and your kind along with a crudely drawn
picture of a decapitated person Majid
omar bin abdulaziz in norcross al-farouq
muslin and another atlanta area must
received a threatening email and febri
18 the emails with the subject line your
one warning stated in part Muslims
Mexicans blacks will be hunted down
nationwide until they are dead and gone
plan to run or die this is the kindness
that way we give you all warning take it
and go recently two mosques in the
United States of Maryland received
threatening letters calling for the
slaughter of Muslims the president of
the Islamic education society of
Maryland in Silver Spring discovered and
enveloped inside a male bus Monday
containing a threatening note offering
money to anyone who slaughtered Muslims
another note at the Muslim community
center on New Hampshire Avenue
containing the same message was
discovered several other marks in
Atlanta and Georgia also receive bomb
threats in the past few weeks a total of
fifty-five NT mass incidents were
recorded as of mid-september in 2016
according to a report by Kyle and in
2015 a total of seventy nine NT mask
cases were reported dear viewers the
number of reported anti-muslim hate
crimes had already been on the rise
before however the President Donald
Trump NT Muslims transfect up the stream
from late 2016 according to the report
by the Council on american-islamic
relations there were 78 in stassi's of
mass being
counting and arson vandalism and other
destructing in 2015 by comparison 2014
saw just 20 certain students a report
released last year by Georgetown Eustace
Center for Muslim Christian
understanding found that in 2015 there
were eight instances of Orson that
targeted masks businesses and home
associated with Muslims FBI data also
show that the number of reported
anti-muslim hate crime surged by
sixty-seven percent from 2014 2 2015 8
groups this time to cultivate
Islamophobic sentiments among the
non-muslims are spending millions of
dollars to make the Islamophobia
industry work day and night for a better
and peaceful world we need to identify
them and their financials and sponsors.

Islamophobia Debates - 08 - Media

Response to London Attack and Rise of
Islamophobia in India
unmask 22 2017 a man drove his car and
the pedestrians and Westminster Bridge
and attempted to enter the UK Parliament
he killed four passes by an attempted to
stab the police officer on duty at the
Parliament gate immediately after the
attack word media reported it a terror
attack on London similarly nation 277
bombing and the attack in Paris the
suspect had beard and was identified as
Muslim we sent a wave of terror among
the Muslims in the UK who are already
being totally profile and their places
of worship and a wash by the
intelligence operators the suspect was
shortly announced as a UK national known
as khalid Massoud 52 year old man he was
converted to islam and his original name
was adrian russel h ow barn in kent UK
he has a criminal past but his most
recent conviction for possessing a knife
was back in december 2003 and he had
never been convicted of a terror offense
his name and appearance as being a
Muslim made the event appeared as a
terror attack on London what it was
nothing more than a lone attack by a
lunatic fake statement by Isis further
fueled the fury against Muslims making
them feel apologetic for the act they
had not committed the Muslim Council of
Britain should click & M that act along
with two leading landmarks in just two
days a Muslim LED campaign Muslims
United for London raised thousands of
dollars for the victims the campaign
organizer Mutasa ma wrote in The
Independent that I am angry at the
perpetrators I'm angry at myself for
being so helpless and I'm angry that all
my fellow Muslims can do is to condemn
the attack on me yet despite these
public and emissions and efforts to
raise funds to support the victims of
terrorism many Muslims in London have
grown weary of constantly being like
they need to apologize and the no
terrorism attack it is now our growing
sentiment among the Muslims in the UK
that why should we keep apologizing
these people do not represent
they do not represent Islam head of
counterterrorism at the Metropolitan
Police mark Rallis said they think they
know who he is and he was inspired by
international and Islam is related
terrorism but gave no further details to
media he said that Britain's the Muslims
communities will feel vulnerable at this
time given the past actions of
right-wing extremists London Mayor sade
Han said my message to those that want
to harm us and destroy our way of life
is you would succeed you would divide us
we would be cowed by terrorists it is
interesting to note that the British
media have been extremely cautious of
issuing flailing statement using muslims
or islam as the main cause of this
attack even parliamentarians and the
notables in the UK remain extra vigilant
while commenting on the attack however
it was mainly taken as a terror attack
by the media clause in the UK but the US
media instantly declared it an organized
attack by Islamist new york times while
concluding it an organized terror attack
said that the attackers in at least 10
strikes that came to fruition were in
direct communication with Islamic state
operatives these cases are known as
enabled plot Washington Post in an
attempt to giving hype to the attack one
the Muslims women of potential backlash
in the workplace it advised those
Muslims woman who keep their hair
covered should keep their heads down
today Washington Post also highlighted
that the attackers used to work in Saudi
Arabia for some time and might have
connections with Isis it has so made
headlines on fake Isis claimed that the
attacker was a soldier of Islamic state
Fox News in a broadcast and much 24 said
that London terrorist was an Islamic
radical but media are playing it down or
hiding the information German media like
Deutsche Welle also criticized the
British authorities then media for
radicalization despite being a serious
threat to the UK's security it said that
terror attack in London by a single
attacker was definitely not as well
coordinated and deadly as the july seven
2005 bombings that killed 52 people and
injured over 700 the british capital but
it stood up the same sense of unease
among british citizens as the 77
violence some UK politicians like nigel
fridge have blamed you kids
multiculturalism policy for the
Westminster's attack and claimed that
the political support for
multiculturalism has created a fifth
column of peril supporters in the
Western societies he said in a tweet
that if you open your doors to
uncontrolled immigration from Middle
Eastern countries you are inviting in
terrorism on the other hand
proliferation of Islamophobia in India
is also on the rise indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi appointed yogi
Adityanath known as the head spewing
yogi as chief minister of uttar pradesh
a home of 220 millions people with at
least twenty percent muslim population
aditya not is the heartliner advocate of
hindutva and ideology that advocates
hindu has money on india he's a
controversial and deeply divisive figure
for his militant misogynistic and
anti-muslim rhetoric in 2015 he said
that if he was given the chance he would
install idols of Hindu gods in every
mask in an undated video uploaded in
2014 he said if Muslims take one Hindu
girl we will take hundred Muslims girl
if they killed one Hindu we will kill
hundred Muslims his supporters have
called for digging up Muslims women from
their graves and insulting them in his
election campaign aditya not reportedly
promised people of Muslim free India he
also supported Donald Trump's ban and
immigrants and asked for similar action
in India Adityanath is also strong
supporter for building a Hindu temple at
the site of destroyed babri mosque in
Judea of the
dish dear viewers this is what India is
all about while at international front
it always claims to be a secular state
Muslims in India are suffering from
deplorable state and Narendra Modi and
Aditi are not coming in power cause for
attention of Muslims world to safeguard
human rights for Muslims in India by
highlighting such statements and designs
office leaders at international forums

Islamophobia Debates - 09 - Who

Sponsors Islamophobia in the United
Islamophobia is not new to the American
Society it got a spike with the fall of
Twin Towers in New York in 2001
increasing anti-muslim hate incidents
immediately all across the United States
however George W Bush rhetoric declaring
Islam is a piece and the face of terror
is not the true faith of Islam brought
down the hate crimes against Muslims in
the aftermath of 9-11 political rhetoric
followed by overwhelming coverage of
mass media create social and public
consent of head especially towards the
group who do not interact frequently
Donal Trump reversed the game by
declaring that Islam hates us and
accused American Muslims are protecting
terrorists he did not realize that
Islamophobic political rhetoric may have
to us stating consequences and increased
Islamophobia reporting may heighten
anti-muslim sentiments the political
rhetoric is continued in the United
States and so are the NT Muslims crimes
another mask was vandalized in Colorado
on mass 26 when an unidentified man
broke a glass window and threw in a
Bible the incident comes in the wake of
acts of vandalism at mass around the
country in recent months including
incidents of arson that damaged a mosque
in Florida and destroyed another in
taxes this act of vandalism comes at a
time of heightened hostility against
Muslims in the United States CNN says
that in 2017 more than 33 American must
have been vandalized in a parade biased
related incidents putting 2017 on pace
to eclipse the previous record of 78
incidents in 2015 from New York to
California the rights groups have
reported 33 incidents from January one
to march twenty in which masks were
targets of hatreds vandalism and arson
in another event a Muslim families house
in Northern Virginia was robbed on mass
24 and a copy of Quran
ripped apart unfortunately the hit
offender left extremely independent
Islamic o'buck words on the house walls
other Islamic materials such as prayer
books etc were also damaged some of the
incidents during the last week of mass
2017 include stabbing of a Somalian
Muslim by a head offender calling I hate
Muslims in Fort Collins Colorado a man
was arrested for throwing rocks and a
Bible through the glasses doors of a
mask in tax on Arizona a men broke into
an Islamic Center and tore up copies of
ghron and in New Mexico a couple was
accused of urinating on a grown at a
center field library so far in 2017 must
have been targeted with threats or acts
of vandalism or destruction over 30
times according to cure so far in 2017
must have been targeted with threats or
acts of vandalism our destruction over
30 times according to care in 17 weeks
span Orson was to blame for three
mosques files in 2016 the number of
anti-muslim head groups in the u.s.
tripled according to the Southern
Poverty Law Center the year before that
the number of hate crimes targeting
Muslims increased by sixty-seven percent
according to the FBI in Canada during a
school board meeting protesters gelled
Islamophobic sentiments and one mentor
pages from a copy of Quran the Toronto
Star reported about 80 protesters
attended the school's board meeting to
campaign against a 20-year Peel District
School Board that provides Muslim
students space and time to pray on
Fridays retire
all retired dear viewers it is very
important to know who triggers and fuse
number phobic discourses in the United
States and across the world that
involves his sums of money there is
hardly any problem now to figure out as
what their objectives are wiley
sponsoring Islamophobia however
identifying those organization and
sponsor is all more necessary at this
critical junction let me share with you
some of the organizations that either
openly if you need usama phobia are
sponsoring Islamophobia through various
means let me share with you some of the
organizations that either openly fueling
Islamophobia and sponsoring Islamophobia
through various means abstraction fund
is a not-for-profit organization that
distributed US dollar 15 lakh 45
thousand seven hundred in grants to
various Islamophobia networks in last
five years it spent 49 legs 75,000 US
dollars on summer phobic campaigns at
for America is identified as a
grassroots national security
organization which has recruited
individuals to advance NT Muslims an
anti-islam policy and legislation at
local and federal levels while
simultaneously flooding the American
public with false accusations and his
speech demonizing Muslims left her
journal michael Flynn an adviser to
Donald Trump and are well-known
anti-muslim and aunt Islam individual
joining us board in 2016 it claims to
have 300,000 members and 1,000 chapters
reportedly spent US dollars similac
13,000 during the 2016 US elections to
demonize Muslims
the alignat formation is one of a group
of grantors known collectively as kathy
foundations according to the
Foundation's tax filing it recently
avoided more than US dollar kulick
50,000 to david horowitz freedom center
and Islamophobic group one of her sister
organization Sarrus kathy foundation has
also offered significant financial
support to groups dedicated to fostering
Islamophobia American freedom Defense
initiatives is the national grassroots
lobbying organization based in New York
founded by pamela geller and Robert
Spencer it is an umbrella organization
for stop islamization of America another
organization led by both Pamela Geller
and Spencer the circulations calls for
profiling of Muslims at airport
surveillance and regular inspections of
mass and an immediate halt of Muslim
immigration to the United States the
American freedom law center claims to be
the first truly authentic
judeo-christian public interest law firm
co-founded by David Yerushalmi and
Robert Wise in an apparent guise of
defending religious liberty the law firm
has repeatedly engaged in action that
vilifies Islam and promotes a fear of
the faith and its practitioners the
organization reportedly spent US dollar
similac 30,000 quite recently in
Islamophobia campaigns Americans for
peace and tolerance is a hate group
dedicated to undermining mainstream
Muslims institutions and promoting
Islamophobia within the media the group
is led by ass president Charles Jacobs
most Americans claim it to be incredibly
racist and unfair the group spent
multiple sums of money like US dollars
similac 5,000 in 2016 US dollars six
lakh 25,000 in 2012 a US dollar 3 lakh
19,000 in 2011 on Islamophobic campaigns
which is an enormous amount for a
state-level organization the Center for
the Study of political Islam is the
think tank
founded by Bill French the think tanks
mission is to educate the word about
political Islam its Prophet peace be
upon him his political doctrine and his
God Allah the center for the study for
political Islam is a member of the inner
core of the u.s. Islamophobia network
like them there are hundreds of such
organizations operating only in the
garage stairs heavily funded by zionist
it might be interesting to know that
notorious is blasphemous 14 minutes
movie trailers innocence of muslims
according to its producers was funded by
staunch Zionist to work US dollar five
hundred millions
Islamophobia Debates - 10 - Islamophobia
Networks in the United States
many events have catalytic effects on
the course of history quite a few
nevertheless has potential to alter the
course of history contemporary world has
witnessed a series of such events which
have doin effects on the conventional
flow of history capable of changing its
way as well as escalating his momentum
the epochal event of 911 is one of them
relations among nations changed new
foods emerged friendly nations turned
out to be either enemies are friendlier
than ever as a consequence of the
collapse of World Trade twin cars in the
United States earlier few events
transformed fabric of the word quality
in such a way that 911 had done most of
them were not captured by media thus
only narrated history could encompass
their gravity but 911 occurred when
media were constructing realities of the
world but this time it were Muslims and
Islam that became easy prey for the
global media media relentlessly chewed
the footer put up for hate mongers
seemingly operating as distinct
organization they are all choosing the
same objective that is demonizing
Muslims and Islam quite recently
millions of dollars have been spent and
mounting hit against Muslims living in
the United States Europe and Australia
however universe has emerged as a
leading one in making lives of the
Muslims a hell on the land of diversity
that claims freedom as its hallmark
console of American Islamic relations
categorizes us Islamophobia network
groups into two groups number one inner
core whose primary purpose is to promote
prejudice against our hatred of Islam
and Muslims and whose work regularly
demostrate Islamophobic teams to outer
core groups whose primary purpose does
not appear to include promoting
prejudice against or hatred of Islam and
Muslims but whose work regularly
demonstrates our supports Islamophobic
themes in this episode we shall shed
some light on the inner core only a
can freedom Defense Initiative this is a
project of Pamela Geller and Robert
Spencer key figures in NT Islam circles
American freedom last Center this Center
was co-founded in 2012 by David
Yerushalmi and Robert muiz to defend our
nation's judeo-christian heritage
encodes Yerushalmi often acts as the
u.s. Islamophobia networks the legal
counsel American Islamic foreign for
democracy this is embedded with groups
that are dedicated to spreading false
information fear and distrust of Islam
and Muslims Americans for peace and
tolerance a bristol-based Americans for
peace and tolerance is a hate group
dedicated to undermining mainstream
Muslims institutions and promoting
Islamophobia within the media their
nekkid Islam these attempts to rebrand
Islamophobia movement as an exercise in
political correctness according to their
website the religion of peace is a
concept the best is eager to embrace all
in the name of political correctness and
that Islam is protected by shelter of
religious freedom the site regularly
features discussions promoting violence
against Muslims Center for security
policy this is a think tank based out of
Washington DC that stirs that its
mission is to identify challenges and
opportunities likely to affect American
security its founder frank gaffney is a
conspiracy theorist and key propagandist
for the u.s. Islamophobia network center
for this study of political Islam it is
a think tank founded by Bill friend who
also goes by the alias Bill Warner the
10 tanks mission is to educate the word
about political Islam its founders its
political doctrine and it's God presents
for national security this is a
florida-based organization and its tax
returns in fact are related with the
Friends of intelligence practitioners
it's largest program appears to be
document briefings of which really what
you need to know is the one Clarion
project this is a shadow non-profit
group distributing anti-muslim
propaganda films such as obsession
radical Islam's war against the west and
the third jihad radical Islam's a vision
for America David Horowitz Freedom
Center the Southern Poverty Law Center a
group that tracks hate moments in the
United States liberals Horeb is the
godfather of the modern empty Muslim
movement florida family association this
was founded in nineteen eighty seven by
David Cayton has pressured companies and
goes to adhere to anti-muslim practices
despite operating only in Florida it has
garnered national attention former
Muslims United this is a group of allied
Muslim converts that have used fake
titles and persons to spread biases of
Islam forum for Middle East
understanding the group's website
includes headlines such as Muslim will
invade the Vatican and try to describe
the Roman Catholic Church and demons
have possessed Muslims and they're doing
horrific and cruel massacres
investigative project on terrorism this
project and terrorism founded and
operated by Steve Emerson claims to
investigate the activities and finances
of radical terrorist group but it makes
all of Islam contraband jihad watch this
is the primary internet vehicle for
Robert Spencer who is one of the most
prominent anti-islam figure in the
United States the site is funded by
david horowitz freedom center which
lists Spencer as an employee Middle East
forum according to its website the
middle is for works to define and
promote American interest in the Middle
East and protect Western values from
Middle Eastern threats the group's
founder and director is Daniel pipe also
known as the grandfather of Islamophobia
in the United States Middle East Media
Research Institute on its website it
claims to bridge
the language gasps between the west and
the Middle East by translating Arabic
passion all do and other languages into
English their translations have been
widely criticized for inaccuracy and
inflammatory misrepresentations Pamela
Geller calm the blog of Pamela Geller
who has been described as the plastic
mouthpiece for the Islamophobic moments
strictly of Greece ministry according to
this group's website the goal of
straight way off Christmas tree is
twofold the first District suppose Islam
for what it is and yes it is worse than
a cancer founder Osama dhak dhak
believes that they will come and Muslims
in America will have the upper hand and
they will kill your children for not
eating what it is liked for nothing
eating the lawful foods stop
islamization of Nations this was
internationally to promote Islamophobia
using speakers from diverse racial
religious and ethnic backgrounds to
create an illusion of tolerance
understanding the threat this is a
consultation and training group founded
by former FBI agent John gondolo in his
training materials going to the refers
to America's mass and Islamic centers as
barracks and falsely claimed it is a
permanent command in Islam for Muslims
to hate and despise jews and christians
united west it stated goal is to unite
Western countries against Islam the
organization's goals are unbearably and
openly anti-muslim---------

Islamophobia Debates - 12 - Islamophobia

Industry in the UK
no phobia has become an a world feature
of right-wing nationalism in the United
Kingdom in recent years its number for
bo2 has come to play a central part in
nationalist rhetoric the debate that
surrounded Bragg's it revealed that
these two in hatreds have also become
prominent profs in mainstream political
discourse that does not bode well for
the relationship between the United
Kingdom's government and its Muslim
population far-right and fascist
organisation in the UK step up
Islamophobic an empty European Union
activities in the wake of terror attacks
in Paris and Brussels as well as
attempting to take advantage of a
possible British withdrawal from Europe
in the June 2016
referendum the ideology of the British
right-wing political groups is pretty
much the same British nationalism euro
skepticism and immigration and entries
long detectors to get their ideal state
are also the same they're contesting
various elections in order to be able to
influence the political picture of the
country and with an occasional March are
really that they are trying to get their
messages heard without much violence
however there are more extreme
right-wing groups present and
functioning in the Britain that seem to
have no interest in contesting elections
but are guided by extreme violence and
hatred in the UK the extreme right is
fractured leaderless confused and
dispirited it is also highly
unpredictable and on occasions violent
rather than one party our groups such as
British National Party are the English
Defence League dominating the state a
couple of dozen smaller groups contend
for attention the group's favor
so-called direct action such as
picketing masks invading halal slaughter
houses and harassing stop at Muslim
owned restaurants on the other hand
Aslam and Muslims are no longer welcome
in Europe the decision by the European
Court of Justice to allow implies to ban
stuff from wearing the headscarf
certain to only further marginalize and
push Muslim women out of public life
economic marginalization is of course
not the only obstacle that women must
face due to the decisions like the one
made there are much more dire
consequences for the average woman on
the streets of London or Paris it is
evident from the reports of women in his
job being dragged along the streets of
London and another women attacked and
bitten by wearing hijab in Viana
homophobia in the UK can easily be
observed online when clear evidence of
analysis by demos on Twitter recorded
between March and July 2016 and just
there to be too late 15,000 247 tweets
sent in English that were highly likely
to be anti sonic delicately are hateful
the vast majority of which that could be
located the Europe came from the United
Kingdom with other concentration in the
Netherlands France and Germany the
highest number of Islamophobia to use to
be sent in one day is twenty one
thousand one hundred and ninety came on
July 15 2016 the day after a man plunged
a lorry into the crowds on the seafront
in knees killing 85 people a report by a
think-tank stated that recent hate
violence has reached historic level
mirroring the day's post 9/11
unfortunately these hate crimes trickle
down to children as well with increased
bullying and isolation for children some
of the organization's the UK fueling
Islamophobia are British National Party
this was founded in 1982 from its
manifesto and policies BNP is a British
nationalist and emigration anti-islam
Euroskeptic party it used to run
anti-muslim slogans like no more mosques
been the burqa article 15 now stop all
besides organisation rallies and marches
enough its first successful political
campaigns shortly after 9/11
entitled Islam out of Britain the
until declared its clearest objectives
where it start to expose the threat
Islam and Muslim hosts to Britain and
the British society in a widely
distributed leaflet titled the truth
about Islam
it used highly inflammatory reasons for
justifying hating Muslim suggesting that
to find out what Islam really stands for
all you have to do is to look at a copy
of the Quran and see for yourself
Islam really does stand for intolerance
slaughter looting arson and molestation
of women Britain first it was founded in
2011 by Jim Dawson its current chairman
is Paul Gulen who was banned from
entering mosque in England and Wales for
the period of two years as being a hate
monger prince force policy include the
introduction of a complete ban on Islam
while rebuilding the media from using
the word racism and praying Muslim or
foreign descent to leave the country
permanently the tectus is uses to harass
muslims include christian spectral
outside london mask invasion of mass in
Bradford Glasgow Luton and East London
and staging protest rallies masked and
Muslim is declared target of it since
being banned from entry mosque its
members have invited a number of
restaurants that use halal meat and
posted films of incidents on the party's
website English Defence League this is a
far-right protest group established in
2009 and is a part of the counter jihad
movement it aims at promoting anti Islam
an empty Shriya ideology in the UK and
openly declared its goal to stop
spreading of Islam into the UK other it
claims only to oppose Islamic extremism
which targets the entire Muslim
community and its actions deliberately
seek to whip up tensions and violence
between Muslims and non-muslims
communities hawkish Henry Jetson society
it was founded in 2005 at Peter house
college camera and moving to London a
few years later it is perhaps best known
for the views of dog
Marie it's a sushi director who has made
a string of anti-muslim comments over
the years including famously that
conditions for Muslims would need to be
made harder across the board in coming
years in society is a good example of
how new conservatives Zionist and even
liberal left for war and secularist
views can come together to bolster
anti-muslim racism ok independent party
you can independent party was formed in
1993 by members of NP Federalist League
in 2007 UKIP is Gerard batten accepted a
petition from Anders grievers protesting
a ban and the brussels demonstration by
stop Islamization of Europe
UKIP watch to pass a law against the
wearing of face Wales
ignoring that only a tiny majority of
British Muslim women wear veils UKIP
members also wants to explicitly ban
what they call Sharia
we have failed to define unfortunately
nevertheless the party claims Shriya
undermines the women rights in the UK
Liberty Great Britain it is a far-right
political party registered in 2013 by
Paul vessel and X UKIP member and George
Will they promote themselves as a
patriotic counter jihad party that
stands for Christian values Western
rights and freedoms Northwest infidels
it is a social organization that claims
to be standing up for the rights of
indigenous British people making a stand
against radical Islam Zionism communism
Irish republicanism pedo fire than the
left it banner says refugees north
welcome in the UK at leat gather huge
mass in the streets of Liverpool London
Glasgow and other major cities in the UK
against Muslims and Islam some of its
protesters were arrested as they were
attempted to be violent in their protest
against Muslims dear viewers not even
the voices that may speak in favor of
being silenced in the UK like Jew Cox a
Labour MP was shot and stabbed to death
on a street in her Yorkshire
constituency on June 16 2016 Cox has
been a prominent wise in the Parliament
calling for the government to welcome
Syrian refugees into Britain and had
worked with a Muslim hate crime minority
Prague has been a prominent voice in
Parliament calling for the government to
welcome Syrian refugees into the Britain
and had worked with the Muslim hate
crime monitoring group tell mama to
combat Islamophobia in the country her
Thomas mail had a long-standing
association with neon Aussie and whites
promised groups……..

Islamophobia Debates - 14 - Tracing

Islamophobia in France
France is home to the largest Western
Muslim minority yet has managed to
become the laboratory for Islamophobia
by inspiring other Western countries
with debates on religious neutrality in
public space adopting discriminatory
laws and justifying the social death
sentence of Muslim women wearing
headscarves who are excluded from
schools work and potentially from
universities with the deeply rooted yet
ignored colonial past French youths have
been manufacturing the Muslims problem
for decades with mainstream media
confining the French Muslim community to
the position of a foreign body within
the nation and a justice system that
fails to meet Islamophobic attacks with
proper sanctions the French state has
excluded and Exploited Muslims for
decades the jihadist attacks in Paris
and in Nice and ruin in 2016 have sent
you to the fevered pitch of the 3,500
raids conducted since the start of that
period only six have led to
investigations in December 2016
authorities in your at lawyer admitted
that they were targeting Muslims on a
purely preventive basis without any
specific evidence against them children
have watched as their parents are
handcuffed or dragged from their beds by
heavily armed police in the first three
months of the state of emergency
declared after last year's battle on
attack 274 people were placed under
house arrest the vast majority of them
were Muslims racial profiling is on the
rampant mosque have also been violently
ransacked by the police worshippers are
humiliated and degraded including
through the use of police dogs political
organizations with Muslim links have
also been threatened with gloria
demonstrations including pro palestinian
ones have been banned the BDS movement
which stands for bike cut this vestment
and sanctions to end inter
national support for Israel's oppression
of Palestine has been outlawed Muslims
appealing for asylum find themselves
even more vulnerable than the residents
the government delivers anti Islamic
broadsides with destroying refugees
camps in Calais and elsewhere in
pursuing these policies French
politicians have knowingly ignored the
fact that long-standing and
state-sponsored Islamophobia combined
with military activity in the Muslim
countries has also encouraged extremism
the political classes have refused to
recognize how their economic and social
policies fuel the alienation that drives
people to join groups like Isis
Islamophobia has become the very ground
on which the organizational an
ideological future of the French right
is mostly directly played out but when
it comes to defending the rights of the
france muslims population the left
including much of the radical left has
been missing in action reluctance to
defend religious freedom seriously
undermines the left solidarity with
Muslim refugees as a result Islamophobia
strikes at the heart of one of the most
urgent political projects for the
European radicals France National Human
Rights Commission recently released the
report on the fight against racism in
France the Commission reported for 29
anti-muslim threats and attacks in 2016
a striking 223 percent increase from the
previous year anti-muslim
incidents in France have seen a marked
increase since the attacks at French
satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
these include their sex and mas and
Muslim businesses or Sun hair speed
racist graffiti vandalism discrimination
physical assault threats with firearms
and murder of Muslims like mohammed al
mookie lee who was stabbed to death in
his own house attacks in paris occurred
in a very slow mo phobic and racist
context in Frost said else arrive
spokesman for the kill
against Islamophobia in France and it
worked is a group which has recorded
reports of over sixty six empty Muslim
attacks the number of anti-muslim
attacks has been increasing over the
past few years because hate speech and
stigmatizing discourse on Muslims have
been a global trend and the French
government has done nothing to counter
this problem to counter discrimination
and violence towards Muslims an
insidious claim that is circulating with
increasing frequency is that
Islamophobia is the new anti-semitism
meant to convey the idea presumably that
Islamophobia has taken over from
anti-semitism as Western civilization's
most pernicious and intractable form of
now when Frank see an Arab they think
that person is a terrorist and when they
see a women wearing the veil people feel
themselves attacked and they reject her
the increasingly anti-muslim sentiment
in France has also forced changes in
behavior since the Charlie Hebdo attacks
the Islam mosque on the neighboring
belfontaine housing state in Toulouse
has had to close between prayers time
video cameras watch over this site a
recent Human Rights Watch report
substantiated individual feelings it
accused France of using its state of
emergency law brought in after the Paris
attacks in November 2016
to carry out abusive and discriminatory
raids and house arrest against Muslims
it was in the early 1980s that the
French government began to blame Islam
for nation social distress and with a
global recession and with the left-wing
government implementing austerity I
strike moment took off in the car
industry in which approximately half of
the employees were migrants workers from
former French colonies the Socialist
Prime Minister blamed the religion of
the strikers
sown popular media such as in Lee Figaro
were asking about French Muslims will we
still be French in 30 years in 1989 and
90 a series of schools begin to target
Muslim girl
for wearing the hijab supposedly a sign
of the refusal to integrate a
controversy that gained momentum with
the French States intervention in the
Algeria civil war against the Islamist
littered with the war and para in full
swing president Jacques Chirac proposed
a veil law banning the wearing of all
religious symbols in French schools in
2011 the state posture for the law
banning the right of Muslim women to
wear any face covering in public the
result was to effectively place those
Muslims who went who preferred the niqab
our burqa under house arrest
today most French people consider Islam
to be incompatible with French values
leading generally such as Lord umber of
the respected conservative magazine we
point probably claim to be ice Lama for
a recent cover of the magazine featuring
an image of a Muslim women wearing a
niqab had the headline Britain Islam in
school cafeterias hospitals and in
swimming pools the culture of war
against Muslim is a war with DEET France
is the country where around 70 percent
of the prison's population is Muslim it
is a country in which there is a
systematic racist brutality and part of
the police the French government has
also made it extremely difficult for
Muslims to protest in 2012 when the
satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
published a series of Islamophobic
cartoons the government banned planned
protest against the publication in 2014
when activists sought to protest against
Israeli attacks on Gaza the government
used exaggerated reports of
anti-semitism among Muslims protesters
to impose bands…

Western Media and Islam and Muslims

Video only available

Islamophobia Debates - 15 - Islamophobia

in Norway
on July 22 2011 two terror attacks in
Norway were perpetrated by a white
Norwegian right-wing extremist and
there's Breivik his stated motivation
was to dedicate the Muslims presence in
Norway and Europe by massacring
Norwegian Social Democrats he believed
to be responsible for allowing Muslims
emigration to Norway since the 1960s 77
people died that day most of them were
teenagers the terror attacks came at the
end of a decade in which Islamophobic
ideas has become increasingly mainstream
in Norwegian politics normally has a
population of 5.1 million a home an
estimated 4.2 percent or of Muslims
background it has a coalition government
consisting of the liberal conservative
conservative party and the populist
right-wing Progress Party since the
parliamentary elections of September
2013 the Progress Party a party whose
voters are more likely to be male
unemployed have a low level of education
and are of social welfare benefits than
any other party in Norway hugely opposed
immigration in general and immigration
of Muslims in particular at the central
mobilizing factor during the elections
of 2013 service has indicated that the
Progress Party has a considerable number
of self declared right-wing extremists
among its voters and sympathizers
subsequent to their coming into
government in October 2013 in a
two-pronged political strategy designed
to retain the support of the party's
far-right electoral constituencies
individuals appointed to cabinet posts
from the party have pawned down their
historically virulent anti-muslim and
Islamophobic rhetoric Welsh individuals
in leading posts as official
spokespersons for the body
administrative offcials
and central party members of parliament
have continued a pace with their
rhetoric against Islam and Muslims in
2015 number of rallies in also lowers
in support of the german anti-muslim and
anti-immigration pegida movement
organized by norwegian far-right
activist affiliated with Norwegian
Defense League and stop the Islamization
of Norway what I said about do you know
remove a machine you have in life from
attending service in Norway document
that Muslims according to social
distance scale are among the least
desired citizen enorme after the Roma
the Norwegian prosecutor general has
since 2000 asked local police districts
to prioritize hate crimes but until
recently efforts in this field can at
best be described as limited in scope
and efficiency so much so that division
Muslims interviewed for a newspaper
report about this issue asserted that
Muslims do not report eight crimes since
they allegedly have no confidence in the
police taking it seriously civil society
activists as well as legal experts in
this field also indicate that there is a
significant under reporting of such
cases for reasons which include a lack
of confidence in the local police a lack
of knowledge of existing laws and their
applicability in hate speech cases etc
the Norwegian mainstream media have also
continued its long-standing established
practice of referring to even for rights
civil society activists who regularly
engaged in both racist discriminatory
and Islamophobic rhetoric targeted at
Muslims as critics of Islam thereby
implying that what organizations such
stop islamization of Norway and the
human rights services are involved in is
part of a venerable enlightenment
tradition of critique of religion rather
than in advocacy for stigmatization
exclusion and discrimination against
origin Muslims in the media blaze
which surrounded the publication of huge
store hogs self-published popular book
Islam the 11th plague of the nation
which is replete with distortions and
fabrications store hog not only called
for prohibitions against Martin away but
also insinuated on the basis of
non-existent empirical data that some 30
to 40 percent of nerve agent Muslims
could be crept rise as fundamentalist
central nodes for the propagation of
Islamophobia in Norway or websites at
present some notorious Islamophobes
operating in Scandinavian countries
include hence restored and the
right-wing extremist blogger Peter
Jensen believed to be living in
Copenhagen Denmark where he is closely
aligned with lords Haggard of Danish
free press society who also serves as a
node for dissemination of Islamophobia
in Norway and Scandinavia through his
writings on various Fort Wright websites
Rita Coulson of the Human Rights
Services is the most central influential
person in current Norwegian Islamophobia
networks due to her extensive links to
the Norwegian progress party extensive
state funding and long-standing links
with Norse Haggard and Hill meter breaks
he is shorting the etc additionally
online commenced fields in mainstream
Norwegian newspapers also served to
propagate Islamophobic views and
sentiments but limited moderation by the
newspapers concerned dear viewers many
Muslims see today's welfare state in
Norway as closer to the Muslim ideal
state than many countries in the Muslim
world and our region Muslims want to
keep the Norwegian state as it is
however public debates in Norway are no
less influenced by anti-islamic
sentiments than other European countries
European Commission against racism and
intolerance strongly recommended that by
Norwegian authorities monitor the
situation as concerns Islamophobia
in Norway and take swift action to
counter any such manifestations as
necessary civil society organizations
such as the Norwegian Center against
racism the organization against public
discrimination and other organizations
have continued their long-standing work
of countering racism and discriminatory
attitudes and ideas but have not had the
resources available to launch new
initiatives and campaigns in this field
lutheran state church in Norway through
its inter-religious dialogue and
involvement in national international
bodies has continued its work for inter
religious tolerance also in extensive
formalized contacts with Islamic Council
of Norway………….

Islamophobia Debates - 16 - Islamophobia

in Denmark

Islamophobia Debates - 17 - Islamophobia

in Sweden
historically Sweden was one of the most
welcoming Nations for Refugees
but this nom is slowly shifting due to
increase the xenophobia
although the Swedes continue to perceive
themselves as an open and tolerant
society recent attacks and
discriminatory rhetoric towards Muslims
and immigrants revealed structural
racism Muslims are often viewed
negatively many Swedes view Islamic and
European values as incompatible a
sentiment prominent other parts of
Europe - in 2014
35% of suicides Lomb as a threat while
one half believed it is incompatible
with the Western world
more recently in 2015 41 percent said
the country granted too many asylum
requests even more recently in 2016 35
percent some Muslims in a negative light
57 percent feared refugees compromise
national security and 32 percent
indicated that they would take jobs and
social benefits hate crimes against
Muslims are on the rise in contemporary
Sweden for instance in 2013 they were
approximately 300 reported anti-muslim
hate crimes while between 2010 and 2014
anti-muslim attacks in Sweden increased
by 81% however hate crimes remain
underreported for a variety of reasons
including persistent skepticism that the
thorah T's will not pursue appropriate
action significantly most hate crimes
target women who are conspicuously
Muslims that is practicing hijab
anti-muslim bias offences also targeted
communal property such as marks in fact
in 2016
66% of marks were subject to vandalism
Osun are bomb threats a 26 percent
increase from 2011 when approximately
40% of mas suffered such attacks during
a one month period immediately prior to
the 2015 attack against Charlie Hebdo a
number of Swedish mosques were
targeted in a series of highly
publicized hate crimes the violence has
resulted at dozens of Swedish Muslim
sustaining injuries
mosques and Muslim prayer facilities
throughout Sweden have also faced
violence that has Lama phobic motivation
they have been vandalized or have been
subject to arson and these attacks are
ongoing trend more domestically issues
relating to the burning of masks the
burning of refugee scams and the school
attacks in trollhättan in October 2015
show director indirect connections to
racism and Islamophobia in January 2017
alone the Goodin but mosque received a
bomb threat a mosque in Uppsala was
attacked with a fire bomb a mosque in
the small town of Jorma was threatened
by mail including pornographic images
and a Mudgett in Mara stead was attacked
with canned pork in a most recent attack
on mosque on May 1st 2017 Sweden's
largest Shia mosque has been partially
destroyed by fire and what police are
treating as an arson attack such attacks
have been increasing including 112 fires
last year most of them were arsons
discrimination in the job a labor market
has also been researched in Sweden for
some time research has indicated that
employers tend to refrain from hiring
those who are perceived to be non
Europeans or Muslims
moreover according to mandatory
directives by the National Education
Agency as issued in 2003 schools are
allowed to prohibit the burqa and niqab
provided that they do so in a spirit of
dialogues on the common values of
equality of the sexes and respect for
the democratic principles
researchers found an explicit and
implicit prejudice towards Muslims men
their studies concluded that 49 percent
of employers have explicit and 94
percent had implicit prejudice towards
Muslim men this prejudice that believed
to have an impact upon employers
decision to hire a
politically significant development is
there right-wing populists Sweden
Democrats becoming the third largest
party in Sweden since 2014 winning
almost 13% of the votes and 30 new
parliamentary seats despite having
anti-immigrant policies often with a
significant anti-islam and Muslim focus
as their foremost agenda the party has
denied accusations of racism or
xenophobia however history of Sweden
Democrats and his prominent members
revealed incidents of clear racism and
discriminatory contents and some less
explicit but nonetheless suspicious
activities one of the examples includes
when the party secretary stated just
like noisy ISM was overturned so does
his nom needs to be overturned during
2015 the Sweden Democrats spokespersons
also confirmed that the party stood
behind flyers that were handed out on
the Greek island of Lesvos discouraging
refugees to make their way to Sweden
contrary to it claims detection bucha
niqab halal slaughter polygamy and
forced marriages speak volumes about the
party's plan for democratic policies in
Sweden given the present levels of
globalization Sweden like other
countries it's not an exempt from the
impact of foreign events the civil wars
in Syria and Iraq the ongoing refugees
crisis the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and
the Paris attacks are directly or
indirectly are related to Islam and
Muslims on the other hand Swedish media
is not leaving any stone unturned to
insert the injuries the studies showed
that minority ethnicities are presented
in Swedish media quite negatively
Muslims in particular face serious
negative representations as the other
and they describe with stereotypes often
connected to violent behavior it's
normal phobic contents can also be seen
on internet web pages and social media
according to scholars internet and
social media have had a hand in
spreading and
generating prejudice towards Muslims and
Islam the living history forum a Swedish
government body that works on
discrimination tolerance and human
rights rights that perhaps the biggest
problem when it comes to spreading
anti-semitism in its anti Islam happens
through internet and social media
according to the forum this normal
phobic contents found on online pages
often presents stereotypes as facts some
studies have found that the contents on
such websites present a picture of war
like struggle between Islam and Sweden
blogs often frame racist or xenophobic
standpoints as a question of freedom of
speech and a critique against religious
extremism the mapping of anti-muslim and
Islam's sentiment in cyberspace has been
less direct focusing more on racism and
xenophobia in general dear viewers the
terror attacks have been used as a
catalyst to spread hate and as a source
of collective blame on Muslims as an
example is the spreading of Facebook
comment supposedly celebrating the
Charlie Hebdo attack by Muslims calling
for an end of all public Islamic
practices in Sweden saying that Islam is
a direct threat to Sweden a popular blog
wonders if the time has come to close
all avenues for Muslims to organize
themselves including shutting down
mosque and ending any financial aid to
Muslim organizations Facebook and other
social media outlets have also been part
of spreading Islamophobia an example is
the fake video of Muslims celebrating
the attacks in Paris that was spread on
social media while the video was in fact
that the Pakistani friends celebrating a
victory in cricket……….

Islamophobia Debates - 13 - Islamophobia

Networks in Australia

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