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Anchor 1: Living without covering

Anchor 2: Revealing not hiding

Anchor 1&2: Blow the whistle on… DZXY Radio Exposed. 737 on your radio dial

Anchor 2: Goodmorning Isabela…

Anchor 1: Goodmorning City of Ilagan… Today is Monday, (date)… (music fade out) This is name…

Anchor 2: and this is Name…

Anchor 1&2: delivering you the hottest and the most leading news of the hour… DZXY Radio Exposed…

(fade in)

Anchor 1: (fade out) For the headlines

For the National news,

For the local news,

For the International News,

For the __________,

Anchor 2: News details and information, coming up next, right after this shortbreak

Anchor 1: Time check is now ________

(insert background music)


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