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COMSATS University Islamabad

Department of Electrical Engineering


Class: - BCE – 6 A & B

Marks: - 100
Subject: - Software Engineering Concept (CSC-291)


Q2: Differentiate between the following concepts. (20) CLO5

 Cost effective review and informal review
 Software reliability and Availability
 Cohesion and coupling
 Change management and vendor management

Q3: Besides counting errors and defects, are there other countable characteristics
of software that imply quality? What are they and can they be measured directly?

Q4: Consider the following scenario.
You are working in the firm and you firm have to develop a software for the
ecommerce website and host it for the period of next 10 years. As project
manager, you have to deploy and manage the system.
You have to develop a project report representing system requirements, and risk
analysis. (20)
Q:5 CLO: 2

A: Using the UML graphical notation for object classes, design the object classes
for “CUI student portal “identifying attributes and operations. Use your own
experience to decide on the attributes and operations that should be associated
with these objects. (10)

B: Using interaction modeling techniques draw use case and sequence diagram of
your credit card for shopping, password verification and failure. (10)

===========================GOOD LUCK============================

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