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‫االسم‪ :‬غفران جبار علي‬

‫مادة البحث‪ :‬العدسات والمرايا‬


The lens is an optical means of refraction of light
as it passes through it, and it is made of
transparent isotropic materials such as glass, and it
has spherical surfaces where the surface of the
lens is either equal or different curvature,
according to the purpose for which the lens is used
for it, and the line connecting the two curvature
" .centers in one lens is known as " Axis of lens

The lenses are concave or convex on one or both

of their surfaces, where refracted light rays fall on
one side. A convex lens is used to collect optical
rays in focus. While the concave lens is used to
disperse the rays, the concave lens also has an
.imaginary focus
Types of simple lenses (1) convex sided lens (2)
concave sided lens (3) concave flat lens (4) convex
flat lens (4) convex concave lens
The majority of lenses are spherical lenses, that is,
lenses consisting of two surfaces, so that each of
them is part of the surface of a sphere, and the
lens axis, i.e. the straight line that connects the
two centers of the balls, is perpendicular to both
surfaces. Depending on how the light passes
through the lens and the quality of the resulting
images, it is described as a convex (combined) or
.concave (dispersed) lens

Convex lens working principle: Point F is called

focus, and distance is called focal length

The principle of the action of concave lens: Point F

is called the imaginary focus, and the distance
between F and the center of the lens is called the
focal length
Another type is aspherical lenses, which are lenses
with one or both surfaces that are not spherical or
cylindrical. Some of these lenses can produce
clearer images with less deviations than spherical
lenses. Specifically, the two-surface lens in
parabolic shape, which makes a bundle of parallel
light rays on one side that meets at exactly one
point on the other side, which is the focus.
Manufacturing such lenses is often more
.expensive than spherical lenses

As for concave lenses, they are thick lenses at the

ends and thin in the middle, and the concave lens
clarifies vision from far away and does not clarify it
from close-up. It breaks into the camera the light
rays towards the outside, so the rays appear as if
they come from a smaller or closer image to the
camera than they are in Reality. The concave lens
helps nearsighted people to see distant objects, as
concave lenses break the rays of light outward, so
.distant objects seem close to the eye

The actual path of the rays through the lens (if it is

a lens or differentiation) depends on its shape, and
the two main types of lenses are convex and
concave lenses, and convex lenses are thicker in
the middle of them than in the ends, while
concave lenses are thicker in the ends than in the

If a beam of parallel light rays falls on a convex

lens, it collects at one point, approximately, the
focus of the convex lens, but if this beam falls on a
concave lens, it is dispersed as if it came from a
discrete focus of the lens. In both cases, the
distance between the center of the lens and the
focus is called the focal length, which is positive in
the blurred lens and negative in the separated
A convex lens is used as a magnifying glass. If an
object is placed between the lens and its focus, the
viewer from the other side of the lens sees a
magnified image of the body more than the actual
body distance from it. But you can receive a real
photo of it (upside down) on a sheet or curtain on
the other side of the lens. Especially if the body is
bright or well-lit, but in the case of a concave lens,
it is on the contrary, it is used to reduce the image,
as the concave lens creates an estimated
moderately (non-inverted) image of the body in
the same direction as the body
Mirrors are any polished surface that converts the
light beam according to the law of reflection.
Before identifying the types of mirrors and their
uses, it is necessary to recognize the mirrors, it is a
thin sheet of glass whose back is coated with
aluminum or silver that produces images by
reflection [1], Reflected light maintains many or
most of the physical properties of the original
light, and this is different from the rest of the tools
and other materials that reflect the light, as it does
not retain many of the properties of the original
light when it is reflected, and mirrors are used
mainly for personal care and looking after the
appearance by viewing the person through Mirror.
Mirrors are used in cars and bicycles to assist in
the driving process, machinery and telescopes, and
.many other areas [2]
Types of mirrors
There are three common types of mirrors that we will
mention together, and there are other types that are not
common and a little strange, we will also mention them,
but we will now start with the three common types.

Plane mirror

Flat mirrors are the most common type of mirror, which is

a flat mirror surface, and always creates virtual images.
The only difference between the real object in front of the
mirror and its reflection image is the image's directions, as
the right-to-left image is reflected in the image on the
mirror. If we look at the previous image, we will find that
the girl is in fact using her left hand to brush her teeth, but
for the image reflected in the flat mirror, she uses her right

A quick way to change the way a mirror works is to curve it

(to make it curved), and after we talk about the first type of
mirror, the flat type, we will now talk about Curved types,
they are two types, either convex or concave. We will talk
about both
Uses of mirrors In identifying the types of mirrors and
their uses according to their type, it is necessary to
take a closer look at the fields in which the different
types of mirrors are used, as these mirrors differ in
their measurements, standards and type according to
the field used therein [6]. Decoration: Because
mirrors reflect light, they create illusion in the open
space by multiplying everything in the room, and
interior designers use mirrors in their tricks to make
the rooms give the impression that they are bigger
and more attractive than they might be, and they may
put candles on the mirrors to inflate Sparkling effect
in the room. Science: One of the most important
applications of using mirrors and lenses is the
manufacture of the telescope and microscope, so
that they can investigate and discover molecules,
very microorganisms, or very distant celestial bodies.
Photography: Aside from using mirrors and lenses to
make cameras, many photographers use mirrors in
their photo sessions to produce photos in
professional ways. Human development: Some
people use mirrors in energy-saving techniques.
According to Feng Shui, mirrors are supposed to help
direct energy flow through the body and thus reduce
stress. Psychiatrists advise people to look at their
reflections on mirrors and say words and positive
phrases to gain self-confidence.

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