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Editor’s note

Damdamin – roughly translated means emotion or to feel.

Pluma 2020: Damdamin, is a collection of emotionally inspired written and art pieces that hopes to
capture the essence of the Filipino culture of Hugot. The works seen here are laid out as if it is was
written as a journal or diary which to most people who cannot easily express their emotion, becomes
their primary outlet or release. This was the goal of this year’s Pluma, to showcase emotion at its purest
and unhindered form, and to inspire or evoke inspiration through emotion.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say that this year’s Literary Folio would not be made possible
without the effort of so many people. This is truly a collaborative effort and all the credit is due to those
who worked on it. I am grateful to God, for this opportunity to curate such inspired works, to my Babi, I
love you and thank you for all the support, to my bosses: our Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor, and
Managing Editor, from whom came a lot of ideas and planning to produce this Folio, to the contributors,
for submitting such wonderful pieces, and last but not certainly not the least, our Layout Artists who
gave artistic justice to my vision of what this collection of works should look like. From the bottom of my
heart, THANK YOU!

About the cover

The cover, damdamin, written in white script font and put asymmetrically off-center, is meant to convey
realism that the Literary Folio is an actual diary or journal of a person

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