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Journal qfthe European Ceramic Society 18 (1998) 131-140

0 1997 Elsevier Science Limited

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Processin g of Porou s Ceramics by ‘Starch

0. Lyckfeldt” and J. M. F. Ferreirab
“Swedish Ceramic Institute, Box 5403, S-402 29 Giiteborg, Sweden
hDepartment of Engineering Ceramics and Glass, University of Aveiro, 3810 Aveiro, Portugal

(Received 18 November 1996; revised version received 19 March 1997; accepted 18 April 1997)

Abstract porosity whereas, on the other hand, filters and

membranes requir e open porosity. In the biocera-
A new consolidation method for forming porous mics field it is desirabl e to use ceramic implants
ceramics was developed using starch as both conso- with certai n porosity to promote integratio n with
lidator/binder and pore former. Simple and complex- biological tissues.’
shaped components of porous alumina were shaped There exist various methods to obtain porous
and demoulded in wet state. After drying, burn-out ceramics such as the polymeric sponge method, in
and sintering, materials with ultimate porosities which a ceramic slip is forced to penetrat e a
between 23 and 70% were obtained. The overall pore sponge.2 After drying, the sponge is removed by a
structures were dominated by the large spherically burn-out operatio n and the ceramic materia l is
shaped pores (lo-80 pm) left by the starch particles. sintered, resulting in a materia l with open porosity.
Furthermore, the average size of the small pores Another common technique is the foaming method
connecting the large pores, measured by Hg porosi- in which a foaming agent is added to the ceramic
metry, was controlled by the total solids loading and suspension. By agitatio n a foam is built up which,
starch content in the originally prepared slips and after removal of the liquid phase, builds up a pore
varied between 0.5 and 9.5 pm. Chemically modtjied structure , essentially consisting of the closed pores
starch was found to give better dimensional control that remain after sintering. Other techniques focus
and regularity regarding average size of the con- on the ceramic powder compounding (particl e size
nectingpores than native starch owing to more stable distribution),2T3 fugitive organi c additives4 and/or
properties during water processing. This new form- particl e interaction s in the powder suspension
ing technique can be used in the manufacture of var- prior to the forming 0peration. j Each method has
ious porous ceramics for thermal insulation its advantage s and potential uses. The control of
applications, as filters/membranes and gas burners, the processing and, consequently, the ultimate
or as bioceramics. Major advantages are the simplicity materia l propertie s in terms of pore structur e and
of the process, the possibilities of forming complex component dimensions is a genera l problem, how-
shapes using various mould materials and the low- ever.
cost processing equipment/materials needed. 0 Some of the techniques for the manufacture of
1997 Elsevier Science Limited. porous ceramics ar e closely relate d to the forming
technique, e.g. the use of the polymeric sponge
method. Other methods can be used more freely
1 Introduction when it comes to the forming technique, e.g. the
use of organi c additives as pore formers. Regard-
Porous ceramics have grea t potential in many less of the technique used, the processing of the
application s in which chemical, thermal or ceramic powder-with or without organi c addi-
mechanical stresses make metallic or polymeric tives-must be properl y controlled to obtain the
material s unsuitable, as in thermally insulating desirabl e propertie s of the ultimate porous cera-
applications , as filters, membranes and gas bur- mic.
ners, or as bioceramics. The requirements for the Powder-base d forming of ceramics usually
ceramic matrix and the pore structur e may vary includes a step in which ceramic powders ar e dis-
depending on type of application . For effective persed in a liquid. To reac h high solids loading of
thermal insulation it is favourable to have closed the suspension, electrostatic , steric or electrosteric
132 0. Lyckfeldt, J. M. F. Ferreira

stabilisation can be used to prevent the ceramic Starch grains are normally white, dense and
particles from flocculating.5 Further steps in the water insoluble at room temperature. They vary in
processing of the slurry (slip) can involve spray- size between 2 and 170 pm. Most starches consist
drying prior to dry pressing or wet forming by slip of mixtures of two polysaccharide types, a linear
casting, injection moulding or tape casting. one, amylose, and a highly branched one, amylo-
There is also a new family of forming techniques pectin. Amylose gives the starch its gelling property
in which ceramic slips are forced to consolidate in in aqueous suspensions. The glucose units that
an inpermeable mould, for example by a polymer- build up the polymeric chains in starch expose a
isation reaction (gel casting),6 destabilisation large amount of hydroxyl groups and, therefore,
(direct coagulation consolidation, DCC),7 poly- give a strong hydrophilic character to starch gran-
condensation reactions (hydrolysis assisted solidi- ules (see Fig. 1).
fication, HAS)8 or freezing (Quick Set@).9,1o In The water insolubility of starch granules below
these techniques, the particle structure of the slip is about 50°C means that they can be handled and
consolidated without powder compaction or processed at room temperature without significant
removal of liquid. A potential advantage of these impact on the granule structure. However, when
‘direct-consolidation’ techniques is good material the starch suspension is heated to a temperature
homogeneity which promotes control of the between 55 and 80°C (depending on type and con-
shrinkage during sintering and, hence, control of centration), the intermolecular bonds holding the
the ultimate dimensions of the components. granules together are weakened. During this pro-
However, each of the existing methods has disad- cess the granules undergo a rapid and irreversible
vantages, such as the use of toxic initiators in swelling by water uptake which results in an
water-based gel casting, expansion and ice crystals increased granule size to many times the original
in water-based systems, or contraction when using size. l l
organic solvents in freeze forming or low wet-body Although the starch granule is insoluble in water
strength in DCC and HAS. below the gelling temperature there is limited water
In this study, a new forming technique for the absorption when the granule is exposed to wetting
fabrication of porous ceramics was developed or high humidity. This results in a slight swelling of
which belongs to the family of direct-consolidation the granule, which is reversible on drying. Under
methods. Porous alumina materials were manufac- normal atmospheric conditions most commercial
tured using starch both as consolidator/binder and starches contain lO--17% moisture.
as a pore former. Components of various shapes By mixing ceramic powders and starch in a water
and sizes were produced to evaluate the processing suspension, pouring it into a mould and heating it
ability. After consolidation, burn-out of the up to 60-80°C the starch particle will swell by
organic material and sintering the ultimate materi- water uptake. This swelling removes water from
als were characterised with respect to their pore the slip causing the ceramic particles to stick toge-
structure. ther and, consequently, consolidate into a solid
body. As the starch granules or particles swell they
will also act as a binder adding strength to the
2 Starch Chemistry-Starch Consolidation consolidated body which enables demoulding prior
to drying. After burn-out of the starch and sinter-
The new forming method for porous ceramics ing of the ceramic matrix a material is obtained
developed in this work is based on the funda- with a porosity corresponding to the original
mental property of starches-their gelling ability in amount, shape and size of the starch particles
water.” including the allowed swelling during the consoli-
For commercial uses starches are extracted from dation.
the seeds of cereal grains (corn, sorghum, wheat or Besides the favourable gelling properties of star-
rice), certain roots (potato, tapioca or cassava or ches, they are environmentally friendly, easy to
arrowroot) and from the pith of the sago palm. burn out and, not least important, they are very
Starches are used as components and/or processing cheap.4
aids in the manufacture of adhesives, textiles, paper,

food, pharmaceuticals, and building materials. The
important properties of starches, which make them
so widely used, are their thickening, gelling, adhe-
sive and film-forming abilities. These properties
can be modified by chemical or physical treatments 6H CH20H OH
and/or enzyme treatments to obtain optimum Fig. 1. Starch as a polymer consisting of condensed glucose
characteristics for each specific application. units.
‘Starch consolidation’ 133

3 Materials

Ceramic and organic materials used in this work

are listed in Table 1 together with some character-
The starches used were of two types, one native
potato starch, available in the supermarket for use
in cooking, and one etherfrcated potato starch
modified by hydroxy-propylation and cross link-
ing. The latter one was used in two versions with
different particle size distribution, TRECOMEX
AETl, with the original potato starch average size
of 55 pm (see Fig. 2), and MICROLYS, with a Fig. 2. Chemically modified potato starch (TRECOMEX)
fractionised average size of 20 Frn. with an average particle size of 55 pm.
The native starch is expected to be more sensitive
to chemical, thermal and physical treatment than of starch was calculated and varied between 17.3
the potato ethers. However, the latter give higher and 66.2 ~01% based on solids. The total solids
viscosity, although more stable, than the native loading was set to 52-54.2 ~01% (low regime) or
starch owing to a certain swelling during the mod- 57.1-59.1 ~01% (high regime) with decreased solids
ification process. Furthermore, the gelling tem- loading when the amount of starch increased. After
perature is expected to decrease as a certain 2 h stirring for homogenisation and conditioning
granule breakdown process is initiated already by the slips were subjected to rheological measure-
the modification. The etherfication and early gran- ments and forming experiments.
ule breakdown of the potato starch promote a
stronger adhesion to ceramic particles such as 4.2 Rheological measurements
inorganic pigments in paints.” Steady shear measurements of the equilibrium
A polyacrylic acid, Dispex A40 (Allied Colloids viscosities at various shear rates were conducted
Ltd, UK), a type commonly used in stabilising with a control-stress rheometer (CSL 500, Carri-
alumina slips, was used as dispersant. When using Med, UK) and a concentric cylinder measurement
this dispersant the pH is kept in the range 9-9.5. device with a 1 mm gap. The measurements were
performed in the shear rate range of 1-500s’ at a
constant temperature of 25°C. Before measurement
4 Experimental Procedures all slips were exposed to a pre-shearing at about
500 s-’ for 1 min followed by a rest for 2 min.
4.1 Slip preparation To characterise the gelling behaviour when using
Alumina stock slips (800 cm3) (including 0.05 wt% the different types of starch (native and chemically
MgO based on solids) with 50 or 55 ~01% solids modified), alumina slips with a total solids loading
loading were prepared by ball milling for 24 h using of 52 ~01% and a starch content of 17.3 ~01%
cylindrical grinding media of alumina with varied based on solids, were subjected to sinusiodal oscil-
sizes (4 =20.5, 15.5 and 7.5mm). The slips were lation at a constant frequency of 1 Hz and a stress,
stabilised using 0.40 wt% Dispex A40. 00, of 2.5 Pa during increased temperature from
Samples of 100 cm3 were taken from the stock about 35 to 60°C in a sequence of about 20min.
slips and various quantities of the different starches During this operation the responding strain, ~0, of
(T = TRECOMEX, M = MICROLYS and N = the material was measured. The strain amplitude is
Native) were added together with additional water. expected to decrease when consolidation occurs
Based on a starch density of 1.43g cm-3 and an which causes an increase of the calculated storage
alumina density of 3.98 g cme3 the volume content modulus, G’, defined as,
Table 1. Data of the ceramic and organic materials used in this study
Material Producer BET area (m2 g-‘) Average particle size (pm) Density (g cmb3)

Alumina (Al6 SG) Alcoa Chemicals, USA 8.5’ 3.985

Magnesia (analytic grade) Merck, Germany 25’ 3.588
Native potato starch Ramazzotti Ltd., Portugal 5% 1.447
TRECOMEX AET 1 Lyckeby Starkelsen AB, Sweden - 55t I.437
MICROLYS Lyckeby Starkelsen AB, Sweden 2ot
Polyacrylic acid Allied Colloids, UK

‘Micromeritics FlowSorb II 2300, USA; tassumed; tproducer’s data; Stheoretical densities; ‘helium multipycnometer, Model MVP-
1, Quantachrome, USA.
134 0. Lyckfeldt, J. M. F. Ferreira

G'= no/y0 cos 6 (1) 4.5 Material evaluations

where 6 represents the phase (loss) angle between 4.5.1 Density and porosity measurements
the stress and responding strain.12 The storage The densities of consolidated bodies, after burn-
modulus, also called dynamic rigidity, represents out and pre-sintering as well as after sintering, were
the elastic (in phase) component of the complex determined by the mercury immersion method.
shear modulus, G* = G’ + iG”, where the loss Before the measurements the bodies were dried at
modulus represents the viscous (out of phase) 120°C for 24 h and then kept in a desiccator during
component. cooling to avoid moisture uptake.
The temperature in the suspension was measured The pore size distribution, characterising the
by an external thermocouple placed in the upper interconnecting pores, i.e. the pores (necks)
part of the slip sample. Pre-studies showed that the between the large ones left by the starch parti-
temperature difference between the bottom and the cles, in sintered materials was determined using a
top of the sample did not exceed 1°C. mercury porosimeter (PoreSizer 9320, Micromeri-
tics, USA).
4.3 Forming
A wide range of shapes were formed by ‘starch 4.5.2 SEA4 studies
consolidation’ using various plastic mould materi- Studies of the microstructure, mainly concerning
als. For the materials evaluation small cylinders the overall pore structure formed by the starch
(4 =25 mm, h= 15 mm) were formed. Various particles, of sintered materials, were conducted in a
figures (lo-30 mm thickness), bone shapes and SEM (S-4100, HITACHI, Japan). Pieces of the
pipes, were formed using latex rubber moulds. Flat materials were impregnated with polymer resin and
plastic bags and balloons were used to form sheets polished to evaluate the microstructure in the dif-
(I-2mm thick) between two metallic plates. ferent materials.
The slips were poured into the moulds which
were heated in air (SO’C, 1 h). To enhance the heat
transfer the latex rubber moulds were placed in 5 Results and Discussion
pre-heated water after being filled with slip. The
moulds were covered to minimise evaporation of 5.1 Rheology
water before and during the solidification to pre- All alumina/starch slips showed various degree of
vent segregation phenomena and, hence, avoid shear-thinning behaviour with a decrease in visc-
uneven shrinkage and subsequent deformations osity as the shear rate increased. In general, the
during sintering. After consolidation the coverings shear thinning decreased with an increased amount
were removed to enable a certain drying at the of starch, replacing alumina powder in the suspen-
same temperature during an additional hour before sion, resulting in more or less newtonian behaviour
demoulding. Some consolidated bodies were with the largest amount of starch, particularly
demoulded without initial drying. From the sheets when using the native starch in the low solids-
formed, still in wet and plastic state, some contours loading regime (see Fig. 3). Separate studies
were punched out using metallic tools. showed that pure starch suspensions (40 ~01%)
Before further evaluations the shaped bodies display newtonian behaviour. Figure 4 shows the
were dried at 120°C for at least 24 h. viscosity of alumina suspensions at a shear rate of
100s’ with increased starch content in the slips
4.4 Burn-out and sintering prepared and clearly displays the differences
The organic additives were burned out at a slow between using native (N) starch and the chemically
temperature increase (1’C min-‘) up to 500°C modified starch (T and M). At this shear rate the
with holdings for 60min at 200 and 300°C. During hydrodynamic forces dominate and the factors
this operation air was pumped into the furnace to influencing the viscosity are essentially the solids
promote the burn-out. This process was either loading, the particle morphology and the particle
done in a separate cycle or integrated with a pre- size distribution.15 The modified starch generally
sintering or sintering operation. Some samples with gives a higher viscosity at a given solids loading,
high starch content were subjected to a more which can be related to the more open structure of
sophisticated burn-out operation controlled by the the granules initiated by the modification process
weight-loss rate. 13,14Pre-sintering was conducted and, hence, a higher degree of water uptake at
at 1000°C for 1 h, without significant shrinkage, to room temperature. When alumina is replaced by
enable density measurements when the starch had starch the viscosity decreases since the increased
been removed. The sintering was conducted in a starch content is accompanied by a decrease in
Super-Kanthal furnace at 1600°C for 2 h. total volume fraction of solids. This is logical, not
‘Starch consolidation’ 135

particle sizes gives lower viscosity than a mono-

sized particle suspension as a more favourable
particle packing is obtained.‘“i8
The slip viscosity seems to be controlled by the
following mechanisms: the total solids loading, the
total exposed surface area of the solids, possible
existence of an optimum particle packing and the
water uptake by the starch. The first two dominate
at lower starch content. In this region the decrease
45.5 of exposed surface area with the increased amount
i - . ,““‘I ’ ‘.*.‘**t “‘,‘,,J . ,“r of starch results in a decreased viscosity. The other
or1 1 10 100
two mechanisms dominate at higher starch con-
Shear rate (s-l)
tent. Consequently, in the region above a starch
Fig. 3. Apparent viscosity versus shear rate for alumina/starch content of 55 ~01% in the low solids-loading and
slips with various volume fractions of native potato starch in above 45 ~01% in the high solids-loading regime,
the low solids loading regime. With increased amount of
starch the total solids loading decreased from 54.2 to 52-O
the viscosity increases with an increased quantity
vol% . of the modified starches. Similar behaviour was
achieved with native starch. Based on present
results, however, it is difficult to distinguish and
800 & T-High separate the impact of the different mechanisms
700 -I
Q involved.
A q M-High Overall, it is important to control the rheology to
600 -
c 0 make certain that proper processing can be con-
2 500- A
ducted. The viscosity of an alumina/starch slip
h 400- q should be low enough to permit adequate mould
.G A . filling without entrapping air but, at the same time,
8 300- A 0
A T-Low
.!C A high enough to avoid critical segregation phenom-
’ 200- A A ena at rest before consolidation takes place and
0 0 N-High
ioo- 0 0 : N-Low significant shrinkage during consolidation and
0 0
I. I I I I. I( drying.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 5 shows how the storage modulus
Starch content (~01%)
(dynamic rigidity) of two different alumina/starch
Fig. 4. Apparent viscosity, at a shear rate of 100 s-r, versus slips vary with temperature. With this low content
starch content in the alumina/starch slips prepared. With of starch (17.3 ~01%) the storage modulus is on a
increased amount of starch the total solids loading decreased
from 54.2 to 52.0 ~01% and from 59.2 to 57.1 ~01% in the low similar level with both types of starch used.
and high solids loading regimes, respectively. Besides, the increase in storage modulus (consoli-
dation starts) occurs at a similar temperature
(about 50°C). At this stage, when the starch gran-
only because of the decrease in solids loading, but ules swell, it can be assumed that the surrounding
also because the alumina powder consists of much alumina particles (matrix) are compressed by the
smaller particles (submicron) than the starch and,
therefore, exposes a much larger surface area 1000

towards the liquid phase. However, when the 1

starch content exceeds a certain fraction (in the ;;i 100
range 45-55 ~01%) of the total solids the viscosity %
starts to increase, in spite of the fact that the total 10
-2 1
volume fraction of solids further decrease. This s
effect can arise from the water uptake property of
the starch which causes a decrease of free water
with an increased amount of starch and/or as a
result of being beyond the optimum particle pack-
ing. If water, absorbed by the starch, is excluded
the effective volume concentration of solids in the


Native starch

. ,
. ,

, ,
Temperature (“C)
slips will be higher than calculated. The change in
particle size distribution as the starch content Fig. 5. Storage modulus versus temperature, in a sequence of
20 min, at a constant stress (2.5 Pa) and frequency (I Hz) for
increases should also have an effect on the viscos- alumina slips with 17.3 ~01% native or chemically modified
ity. It has been shown before that mixing different (TRECOMEX) starch.
136 0. Lyckfeldt, J. M. F. Ferreira

draining of water, forcing the particles closer to

22 0 M-High
each other and, eventually, causing a flocculation # High regim A T-High
process, which may assist the consolidation of the 2,0 0 N-High
entire particulate suspension into a rigid body. At .S-
., 0
E A T-Low
the same time the opening up of the starch granules y 1,6- ‘. .’ ; ..’ 8.
0 N-Low
9 . Low regim ” ..A
gives an adhesion to the ceramic matrix which fur- s.9 “m
ther contributes to the rigidity of the consolidated ‘5
.... 2.. .’ .@
body. 0zJ 14-
3 .. ....
In Fig. 5 it can be seen that the increase of the
storage modulus is more rapid and reaches a higher 11 / ’ 8 I ~ / I, ’

level at a lower temperature with TRECOMEX. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Like the impact on the viscosity level this beha- Starch content (~01%)

viour can be related to the effects of the chemical Fig. 6. Density after consolidation versus starch content in the
modification and faster water uptake supported by alumina/starch slips prepared.
the more open starch-granule structure. This fast
increase to a high storage modulus is favourable between achieved and predicted density is less good
for the consolidation process as there is less risk of with the native starch, especially in the low solids-
segregation phenomena before consolidation is loading regime. The deviation at high starch con-
completed and deformations of consolidated bod- tent and low total solids loading can be related to a
ies when releasing them in wet state, owing to the low density of the alumina matrix in combination
higher rigidity. with a large quantity of shrinking starch granules
during drying. A matrix with low density has a
5.2 Forming and demoulding tendency to shrink during drying as there is, com-
In spite of the more or less high-viscosity proper- paratively, much empty space between the alumina
ties of the prepared slips they were reasonably easy particles. Furthermore, if the matrix is weak the
to pour, which enabled proper mould filling even starch shrinking can cause a local breakdown when
with complex shapes. A hardening of the slips at adhered alumina is removed leaving more open
heat treatment was observed much earlier than the space.
l-h period used, which was also indicated by the Overall, the results indicated less reliable beha-
rheological studies. After consolidation, with or viour with the native starch compared with the
without the initial drying, simple-shaped bodies modified starch owing to the less stable properties
were released without problems. However, in water processing. The densities obtained with
demoulding of complex-shaped bodies, still in wet the fractionised starch version (MIKROLYS) cor-
state, had to be done more carefully owing to risk responded very well to the ones with TRECO-
of deformations. It must be noted that the com- MEX.
plex-shaped bodies were cast in latex rubber
moulds that must be turned inside out when 5.3 Burn-out and pre-sintering
demoulding, resulting in significant stresses on the In general, the ‘starch-consolidated’ bodies were
bodies. If other concepts are used, divided moulds burned out without serious problems even when
for example, this problem will be less severe and the material thickness was in the range 3&40mm.
complex shapes can probably also be released in It was possible to integrate the burn-out and sin-
wet state without any problems. tering processes which offers a more time/energy
Figure 6 shows the densities of consolidated efficient process. Only with the highest starch con-
bodies after drying. In comparison, predicted den- tent (66.2 ~01%) did some cracking occur. The
sity, based on the content of alumina (p= 3.98 g stresses generated by the burn-out process of large
cmP3) and starch (p= 1.43 g cmP3), versus starch quantities of starch in combination with a ceramic
content is plotted. The densities of samples con- matrix with low strength caused this problem.
taining the chemically modified starch (TRECO- However, when using the rate-controlled burn-out
MEX) show very good agreement with predicted route, in which the temperature increase is con-
values, at least up to 45 ~01% starch content in the trolled and limited by a maximum weight loss per
low solids-loading regime, and even better in the time unit, cracking was avoided. Figure 7 shows a
high solids-loading regime. This indicates that burn-out process, in which the maximum weight
there are no obvious dimensional changes during loss was set to 0.23% (of the organic content) per
the consolidation/drying process. Only at a very minute and the maximum temperature increase to
high starch content, was a deviation from higher 1°C min-‘. The figure shows that under these con-
densities than the predicted obtained, suggesting ditions absorbed water is removed in the range
some shrinkage during the process. The correlation lOO-2OO”C,whereas the starch is removed in two
‘Starch consolidation’ 137

burn-out and/or pre-sintering step, not detectable

with manual measurements. Still, there is good
correlation between the different samples and, at
least with lower starch content, there is good
agreement with the predicted density, which indi-
cates that dimensional tolerances can be control-
The densities obtained with the native starch
(not included in Fig. 8) showed less good correla-
tion to those predicted, particularly at larger
amounts of starch. This, again, can be referred to
Time (min) the more unstable properties which may lead to a
Fig. 7. Bum-out rate and temperature versus time in a rate- higher degree of breakdown of the starch granules
control bum-out operation for an alumina sample containing during the water processing, resulting in more
66.2 ~01% (based on solids) MICROLYS. irregular shrinkage of the alumina matrix. The
degree of breakdown can vary from sample to
sequences at 240 and 38O”C, respectively. The two sample depending on the amount of water avail-
different polymer types in starch, the linear and the able in the different compositions as well as minor
branched, obviously have different decomposition variations in processing time.
behaviour, however, this is not further investigated
in this study. Note that the temperature even 5.4 Sintering
decreases in the polymer removal sequences to With the exception of samples with large amounts
limit the burn-out rate. With this technique the of native starch the sintering was performed with-
burn-out can be optimised, both regarding time out significant deformations which indicated good
efficiency and avoidance of cracks. homogeneity of the materials. Figure 9 shows a
Figure 8 shows the densities of burned-out and collection of various formed and sintered compo-
pre-sintered bodies based on the chemically modi- nents, which illustrates the possible variations in
fied starches (M and T). Depending on the total shape and size when using this new technique.
solids loading and composition of the original slips The relative densities of sintered samples
the density varies between 20 and 50% of full den- obtained using the modified starches (T and M),
sity based on p(Al,Os) = 3.98 g cmp3. Predicted displayed in Fig. 10, were in the range 30-77% of
density in Fig. 8 is based on there being no dimen- the theoretical which means a porosity of 23-70%.
sional changes during the process and only the Here, predicted density is based on the assumption
alumina matrix left. In general, the density of full densification of the alumina matrix and that
increased with decreased starch content and total the porosity left corresponds to the volume frac-
solids loading, but a slight deviation from the pre- tion of originally added starch. Similar relations
dicted densities can be seen, which increases with between the different materials as seen in the pre-
increased amount of starch added. In contrast to sintered state were preserved after sintering. How-
the consolidated densities shown in Fig. 6, the pre- ever, a larger deviation from the predicted density
sintered densities are slightly above the predicted. was obtained, now in the other direction, with
There is obviously some shrinkage during the lower densities than predicted. This can be

0 M-High
50- i. High regim A T-High
g 45- A .A
A T-Low
‘ij 40- A A
g Low regim
ZW 35. P
I 30- A

$ 25- . ..A

2 20-
... 2

151 . , , ( , , , ,
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Starch content (~01%)

Fig. 8. Relative density of consolidated

bodies after burn-out Fig. 9. Collection of sintered components for porous alumina
and pre-sintering (lOOO°C) versus content of the chemically manufactured by ‘starch consolidation’; 45 and 60mm height
modified starches (TRECOMEX, MICROLYS). of the owl and thumb, respectively.
138 0. Lyckfeldt, J, M. F. Ferreira

Figure 11 shows the pore size distribution,
0 M-High obtained by Hg porosimetry, of some of the sin-
80- A T-High
tered materials obtained using the modified starch
F 70- A T-Low TRECOMEX, and it displays how the pore
B volume and the pore size increased with increased
g 60-
z+. amounts of starch added. Figure 12 shows how the
.G 50- average pore sizes were clearly influenced by the
‘0 original slip composition. With the chemically
g 40- 4%.
...,, a
modified starches (M and T) there is a significant
30- 0 and expected increase in the pore size with
i ’ I I - I! I., I s
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 decreasing solids loading and increasing starch
Starch content (vol%) content. The use of the fractionised starch (M)
tended to give a smaller average pore size, simply
Fig. 10. Relative density of sintered alumina versus content of
because of the smaller starch particles. The native
the chemically modified starches (TRECOMEX, MICRO-
LYS) in the originally prepared slips. starch gave more irregularities regarding the pore
size which, again, confirmed the unpredictable
processing properties when using this type of
explained by an incomplete densification of the starch. When increasing the amount of starch the
alumina matrix during sintering. The linear shrink- number and degree of contacts between the starch
age was in the range 12-14% and, for the materials particle also increase, which results in a larger
with TRECOMEX, the shrinkage increased with average pore size.
increased starch content. The less densely packed Figure 13 shows SEM images with overall views
alumina matrix at consolidation will not only give of the microstructure of two sintered alumina
rise to larger shrinkage at drying after consolida-
tion (see Fig. 6) but also, at sintering.
As before, deviations and irregularities of the 0
45.6 ~01% starch
final density and shrinkage behaviour when using
the native starch were shown. The density, for
example, was more or less constant in the range
45-66 ~01% of the native starch content. Further-
more, these samples were significantly deformed
during sintering. The results clearly showed that 3
E 0,04
the native starch had less favourable processing
properties compared with the chemically modified ; 0,02

starches, which gave much more regularity and 2

- 0.00
predictability of shrinkage and ultimate density. 1 10 100

Pore size (pm)

5.4.1 Microstructure
Fig. 11. Pore size distributions
in sintered alumina samples,
The evaluation of the sintered microstructures, in
obtained using various amounts of the chemically modified
terms of porosity, of the sintered alumina materials starch TRECOMEX in the low solids loading regime.
obtained in this work, was done by two comple-
mentary techniques: Hg porosimetry and SEM (52.0)

investigations. Hg porosimetry was used to mea- *r

sure the smaller pores, corresponding to the con- 7-

necting contacts areas or necks between much z6-

larger spherically shaped pores created by the ori- t -
Q) 5-
ginal starch particles. On the other hand, the SEM .;
Iu 4-
investigations visually displayed the overall pore z .
structure dominated by the large pores left by the p3-
& .
starch particles. The use and purpose of determin- !I 2-
ing the size of the connecting pores and/or empha- $ . [Total solids loading, ~01%)
a I- (5;2)
sising the dominating large spherical pores depend
on the material’s intended use. For use as filters in 0’. ’ s ” ” ” ” ”
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
separation processes the smaller connecting pores Starch content (vol%)
will be essential, whereas the large pores will be the
Fig. 12. Average pore size of sintered alumina versus content
determining factor for the capacity in thermally of the chemically modified starches (TRECOMEX, MICRO-
insulating applications. LYS) in the originally prepared slips.
‘Starch consolidation ’

56% Trecomex 200 pm

Fig. 13. SEM images of a sintered alumina, obtained using 17.3 or 66.2 ~01% starch (TRECOMEX).

materials, one with a low content (17.3 ~01%) and that are excluded during sintering. This can also be
the other one with high content (66.2 ~01%) of the case with pores left by an existing fraction of
chemically modified starch (T) in the original slip small starch granules.
compositions. The large, spherically shaped pores
correspond well to the shape and size of the origi-
nal starch particles. The possibility of the starch 6 Summary-Conclusions
particles swelling is obviously restricted by the
limited space available owing to the high solids The new forming technique for the manufacture of
loadings used. This also means that the consolida- porous ceramics developed in this study has been
tion will proceed rapidly when the temperature is shown to work very successfully. Also, components
reached and the water uptake occurs. However, in with very complex shapes were formed and sin-
Fig. 14, showing a SEM image of another formed tered in a simple way without critical deformations.
and sintered material, shells, separated from the The favourable properties of starch in terms of
rest of the alumina matrix, can be seen at the outer dispersibility in water, gelling ability, burn-out
part of the large pores left by the starch particles. properties and low cost make this method one of
This indicates that there is some contraction of the the most promising shaping techniques when por-
starch particles during drying after the swelling. A ous ceramics are to be produced.
shell of alumina particles, adhering to each starch It was clearly shown that the chemically modified
particle, in the surrounding matrix is released from starches have more favourable properties than the
the rest of the matrix and follows the shrinking native starch, which also gives better control of the
starch particles during drying. Hence, a space processing and the ultimate material properties.
between the formed shell of alumina and the main
alumina matrix is left after sintering. This phe-
nomenon is not expected to give any serious effects
on the mechanical strength of the ultimate materi-
als. As mentioned before the measured pore size
corresponds to the degree of contact between the
starch granules but also to the degree of densifica-
tion in the alumina matrix. The SEM images above
confirm that the alumina matrix is not fully densi-
fied and, therefore, the observed deviation from the
theoretical densities occurs. Because of the incom-
plete densification of the alumina matrix the por-
osity is higher than the amount of added starch
when lower starch content is used (see Fig. 10).
However, the opposite occurs at larger starch
additions, i.e. all of the added starch does not
result in porosity. This can be an effect of some
minor breakdown of the starch granules during Fig. 14. SEM image of sintered alumina, obtained using 456
consolidation, resulting in smaller, unstable pores ~01% starch (TRECOMEX).
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