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LA VIE EN ROSE (LaVeoOn-Rose) Music by Words by muy MACK DAVID Lowa Original French Lyle by eDITH Pe Slowly PIANO fe mf Ea I thoughtthat Jove was just @ word They sang a ~ Fe. Des yeux qui font bais-ser les miens, Un rir” qui se perd sur sa bouch’, Voi kiss- es to re- veal That I was wrong and love is for trait sans re- touch’ De Thom-me au - quel j'ap-par - 1947 EOMONS ARPEGE, PAS "960 WARNER BAOS NC Conyras Renewed ‘fas Revers nunvs owe) fearon may co a ft ‘me close and hold me The mag-ic spell you ime prend dans ses Tl me par-le tout ———— me heav-en cast, This is LA VIE EN ROSE. des mots bas. Je vois la vie em ro 3. fF ROSE. And tho’ I close my eyes 1 see LA VIE _EN Des mots de tous les jours, Et ga mfait quel-que cho you press me to your heart Vm in a world a - et en = tr dans mon coeur U+ we part de bow - af j= —— —— | SS part, A world where os~es bloom; And when you speak An gels hewr Dont ye con-nats fa cause Crest tut pour mos, Mor pour - 4 = sing from a bove; Ev-"ty day wordsseem to turn lus, dans ta oe, Home Ta di, ta ju > ré pour la ot be in = ove songs sb i SSS your heart and soul to me And des que je. Pas per - ais be LA VIE EN mot Mon coeur qui life will at - ways eye sens em “TMU roosa

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