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An, Vel. (Murcia) 3: 65-69 (1987) AZIDIOL AS A PRESERVATIVE FOR MILK SAMPLES, Azidiol como conservante de muestras de leche Barcina, ¥.*; Zorraquino, M. A.*%; Pedauye, J.*; Ros, G.* and Rineén, F.* + Departamento de Ciencias Socio-Senitarias. Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Murcia, Spain “+ “Laboratorio Interprofesional- Villava, Navarra, Spain. Recibido: 10 sepiembre ‘Aceptado: 4 diciembre SUMMARY In order to evaluate the possiblity of using the same preserved milk samples for different analysis by milk testing laboratories, it was investigated the use of aziiol (sodium azidelcloramphenico) as a liguid preserva tive for chemical, Hacteriologieal and cytological evaluations. Adio? was added inmeditely after milking in half of the samples, the others Were used as witness. Analyses vere made using am infa-ted milk analyzer {Milko-Sean}, 4 Bactoscan and a Fossomatic counter. Life of milk was increased with aziiol as storage temperature was lowered from 20° C to 4° C. Samples {or chemical analysis with aziiol could be preserve! more than IS days at 4 C and atleast a weed st 20" C. “Mean life of samples for bacteriological evaluation inthe presence of the preservative vared depending on the temperature of the storage. At 4 C changes were not significant by the Bacto-Sean method and at 20° milk samples were preserve days he samy ime that a4” without azo ‘Cytologic test-gave the same results with and without azidiol when storage temperature was 4 C. However, the mean lie of mil with azidiol at 2" C is reduced to 2 days. Kepswords" Preserved milk, zi RESUMEN Con objeto de evaluay la posibtidad de utilizar Ia misma muestra de leche conservada para diferentes, determinaciones en los Laboratorios Interprofesionales,investigamos el uso del aziiol(azia sodicalloranfe tical como conservante liquido para evalusciones quimicas, bacterildgicas y eitoldgicas. Las muestas fueron tomadas inmediatamente despues del ordeno y el conservante se adicion6 en la mitad de ells, quedando Iss festantes como testigo. Las determiaciones se realizaron ulizando un analizadarinfra-rejo de Weche (Mtko™ ‘Scan), un Bactoscan y un Fossomatic. Tos resultados mastraron que las muestras con conservante para el andlisis quimico. pueden ser manteni- «das mas de IS dias 2 4” C, ¥al'menos una seman 20” C. Al evaluar la calidad bacterildgia, la vida media ‘de las mucstras de leche con azidiol mostt6 varaciones dependientes de la temperaturo de almacenamiento: ‘€ C'no se encontraron cambjos signifieativos por el método Bacto-Scan; a 20° C las muestra de leche se conservaban 3 dias (el mismo tiempo que sin azidol a. C). Ends cele no Tu afetado por el ismpe de almacenamieny de as musts cuando la tempe- ratura fue 4” C. Sin embargo, a 2° C la vada media de la leche con taidigl se reduce & 2 das Palabras clave: Leche conservada, aziiol. 65 % FAT 60 % SOUR MILK 10 % SOUR MILK 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DAYS IN STORAGE PicuRe |. Changes of tive at 4" C (mand 20°C (C). The statistical signi INTRODUCTION The development of milk testing laboratories and alternative methods of automatic milk analysis requires the use of a milk sample pre servative that can assure dtestability of sample» (KROGER, 1985), Tt is best that the same preservative be used for chemical, bacteriological and cytological evaluation of milk (RAPP y MONCH, 1984) and effective for several days JENNET and GRa\ PIN, 1979), Several ‘substances and formulas (ARDO, 1982; DUNHAM et al, 1978; NGKWALHANG and HAYES, 1982; SANDHU et al.: 1984; SCH. MIDT-MADSEN, 1979; ZAKIR et al., 1984), that satisfy the basic requirements, have been used to preserve milk samples for routine analysis by milk testing laboratoires but the search for the ideal milk sample preservative still continues. ‘The purpose of this communication is to in- vestigate the possibility of using a new liquid preservation agent, azidiol (RAPP and MUNCH, 1984), as the sole preservative in milk samples {0 determine the composition of cow's milk With routine apparatus and instruments in milk {esting laboratories: 3 Milko-Scan, a Bacto can and & Fossomatic®. MATERIAL AND METHODS ori in and preparation of milk samples Separate milk samples were obtained inme- © Regintred wade mark by Ross lec 66 tent in milk stored with azidiol at 4 € (@) and 20° C (Q), and without preserva: ance is given in the tex diately after milking from 10 individual cows of Navarre (Spain), and the day of the milk co: liection is feferred to as day O, Milk samples were distributes into four groups (A. B, C, D). 0°L ml azidiol (containing 12 mg sodium azide and Q'S mg chloranphenicol/100 ml. milk) was added as a preservative to 30 sl. o€ milk in groups A and C, whereas groups Band D were sed as withess. All samples wered stored du- ring 1S days at 4° C (groups A and C) or at 20°C (groups B and D). Analyses Milk samples were analysed for fat, protein and lactose by the infrared method by a Milko- Scan. Cell counts were performed with the Fossomatic according to the manufacturer's ‘manual and standard methods for somatic cell ‘counting in milk (ANON, 1978). Bacteriological evaluation was carried out by a Bactoscan. Samples were tested every day of the storage Statistical Analyses It was calculated the variance, and carried ‘out the Duncan's multirange tests (SOKAL and ROHLFF, 1979). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The efficiency of the azidiol as a preservative % LACTOSE o 124 4 5 6 7 rT 40 % SOUR MILK 60 % SOUR MILK a 9 w 1 2 13 14 15 DAYS IN STORAGE Ficune 2, Changes of lactose content in milk stored with azidil at 4° C (@) and 20° C (O), and without preservative at 40" C (M) and 20°'C (C). The statistical significance is given in the text. ‘ 2.95 2.90 2.05 2.80 0 See a “e Ficuge 3. Changes of protein content in mi 60 % SOUR MILK 7 DAYS IN STORAGE a 9 10°11 12°13 14 19 stored with aziiol at # C (@) and 20° C (0) and without preservative at #'C (M) and 20° C (C). The statistical significance i given inthe tex. in milk samples for the determining of chemical components using Milko-Sean during the sto- rage time following the protocol described in material and methods, fat, Figure 2 for lactose and figure 3 for protein. The effect of the azidiol on the mean life of raw milk samples has been investigated at two temperatures, 4* Cand 20° C, and the results compared with the main components if milk withount any preservative, Al milk samples were preserved with azidiol at 4 C during the storage time for analysis of, fat, lactose and protein. Samples. stored more than a week at 20° showed significant altera- tions (p<0'01) of fat and lactose components of milk compared with the control (first day of oa 20000 es a z 10000 ° 0 2 4 6 @ 10 12 14 DAYS IN STORAGE Ficuae 4. Changes of bactoscan impulses in milk Stored with szidiol at "°C (W) and 20"°C (0) and Without preservative at 4° C () and 20° C(O). The ‘alistical significance is given in the text, 800 700 600 500 400: 300) 200: CELL COUNTS ( 100 ° ° 6 pays 7 Ficus 5. Changes of somatic preservative at #C (W) and 20° (G). The statistical 68 analysis), However, the protein component was ‘ot modified when milk ‘samples were stored luring 15 slays with azidiol at 20" C prior to analysis. Tris therefore concluded that azdiol preser ves the chemical components of milk better at fefrigeration than at Toom temperature (about 2» 6) ‘The efficiency 0 azidiol as a preservative in milk samples for bacteriological evaluation was Studied for 15 days in the same conditions a5 for chemical analysis. Results at two different temperatures (4° C ‘and 20° C) in presence and absence of azidiol are depicted in figure 4. The effect of the pre- Servative was. similar at 20" C to refrigeration temperature (4 C), thus suggesting that itis possible to keep preserved milk samples for 3 days without codling recorded. On the other hand, "#0 significant changes were recorded when the milk preserved with azidiol was sto red-at- C during 15 days Cell count is am analysis usually carried out in a quality payment scheme. Therefore. the ‘effect of azidiol in the cytological evaluation of milk samples was also studied. Resulls are ven in figure S. The somatic cel counts decrea sed similarly and significantly (p<0°01) in all Samples. Also our results reported that Fosso- ‘atic measures of somatic cell count of preser- ‘ed samples with azidiol remained stable for at least ? days. However, when milk samples were stored at refrigeration temperature with or wahout pre- Servative, no significant changes were found in 8 9 0 1 2 19 14 «15 IN STORAGE Is content in milk stored with azidiol at * C (@) and 20" C(O), and without Significance is given in the txt cell counts, most variations were due to the instrument. In conclusion, azidiol may be used in a qua- lity payment scheme for chemical, bacteriologi cal and cytological evaluation of milk, because the milk sample maintains its original composi tion from the time of milking to that of analysis; longer preservation is achieved if the milk is stored with the preservative at low temperatu- res, as reported by other authors for different milk preservatives (KENNEDY et al., 1982; KWON and KIM, 1982; RAIMOND and KRO- GER, 1974), because when the storage tempe- rature of samples is under 20° C, the analysis remained stable over 2 days, amd when the Temperature was 4° C the milk components were not modified for at least one week REFERENCES, ANON 1978: Standard method for somatic cell coun- Ting in milk, IDF Bull. doc. 41 ‘AnDo, ¥. 1982: Bronopol as a preservative in milk ‘samples for the determination of cell content using Fossoniaic. Milehwissenschaft. 37 139-142, Dunnaw, J. 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