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The Civil War Score  

1. Who was president du ing the civil war?

A John Hayes

B Eli Hayes

C Abraham Lincoln

D James Buchanan

2. Desc ibe what is known as "Bleeding Kansas"

3. What were the sides in the civil war called?

A The Blue vs. The Grey

B Anti-Slave y vs. Pro-Slave y

C The United States vs. The South Confederacy)

D The Union No th) vs. The Confederacy South)

4. In what year did the civil war begin?

A 1860

B 1861

C 1865

D 1862

5. The South threatened to secede if Abraham Lincoln was elected president

T T ue

F False
6. Desc ibe what "Uncle Toms Cabin" was

7. Who was the commander of the confederate forces?

A Robe t E. Lee

B "Stonewall" Jackson

C Ulysses S. Grant

D She man

8. Which major city in Georgia did She man bu n du ing his "March to the Sea" campaign?
A Savannah

B Augusta

C Elijay

D Atlanta

9. The first shots were fired at Ft. Sumter on Ap il 12, 1861

T T ue

F False

10. What were 2 advantages that the no th had over the south in the Civil War?

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