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Tier 2 Intervention

Incremental Rehearsal
Data-based Decision
Based on Aimsweb+ data from the Fall 2020 screener, approximately ⅓ of the
Young Fives grade-level was identified as high risk for their letter naming
fluency. I chose to analyze data from Young Fives because it is my grade-level and
makes the assignment meaningful for me. Based on the data, there needs to be an
intervention that targets letter naming fluency.
Incremental Rehearsal
From the National Center for Intensive Intervention, I chose Incremental
Rehearsal as a Tier 2 intervention for letter naming fluency.

During this intervention, the interventionist has flashcards containing known

letters and an unknown letter. The unknown letter is shown and named by the
interventionist. Then, the interventionist continues to show known letters to the
student while incorporating the unknown letter. Research shows that showing
known items with unknown items can increase retention of newly learned items
and aids in perseverance.
Incremental Rehearsal Continued
There have been multiple studies conducted with students to determine the
effectiveness of Incremental Rehearsal. Although this intervention is more time
consuming than other interventions, it has proven to work for retention of new
information. According to studies, students who received this intervention had
higher fluency level and comprehension rate. Read more about the studies here.
Incremental rehearsal does not require the purchase of materials or professional
staff training. Interventionists need letter flashcards and should be informed how
to provide the intervention. The school may consider providing a professional
development day in which the MTSS coach describes the intervention and shows

The following slide contains resources that provide an insight as to how the
intervention should be implemented.
● Click here for example procedure
Providing the Intervention
● Who will receive/implement the intervention?
○ Based on Aimsweb+ data, students who score <7 in 1 minute on the letter naming fluency
assessment should receive this intervention because they are identified as high risk for
meeting the end of 3rd grade reading goals.
○ The classroom teacher or paraprofessional can implement the intervention
● When will the intervention be implemented?
○ The intervention will be implemented during play centers - students pulled into hallway
○ 3 times per week, 10-15 minutes each time
Progress Monitoring
This intervention calls for 10 weeks of implementation. Students will be progress
monitored weekly on a Friday using the Aimsweb+ letter naming fluency progress
monitoring tool. If the student is not making progress, the teacher should
consider increasing the intensity of the intervention. The student could be met
with more frequently throughout the week, and the time per session can
increase. If the student is making progress, but still identified as having some risk
(<20 letters in 1 minute), then the intervention can lessen in intensity. If the
student moves out of some risk and high risk, then the intervention can be
Implementation Monitoring
The Young Fives grade-level, along with the MTSS coach and principal will meet
twice monthly to discuss data and progress of students receiving the Tier 2
Intervention to ensure implementation fidelity.

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