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Língua Estrangeira – Inglês (2º Bimestre)

Tarefa 01: Present Continuous & Past Continuous

 Para responder às questões 1, 2 e 3 assista ao seriado FRIENDS (Season 2),

episódio “The one with the list”, disponível na plataforma Moodle. O objetivo
principal é treinar a compreensão oral em Língua Inglesa.

1ª cena: Apartamento de Monica e Rachel. Phoebe, Monica e Rachel estão

falando sobre a noite anterior.
2ª cena: Apartamento do Ross. Ross, Chandler e Joey estão comendo.

1) Assista às cenas e, em seguida, responda:

a) What happened the night before?
b) Who is happier? Why?
c) What are the men eating?

2) TRUE (verdadeiro) ou FALSE (falso)?

Men are the same as women when they are talking about relationship. _______________________

3) Ouça e assista às cenas novamente para poder completar o texto abaixo:

RACHEL: Ross _______________________ me.
MONICA: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
RACHEL: It was _______________________!
MONICA: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
PHOEBE: Ok, all right. We want to hear everything. Monica, _______________________ and unplug
the phone. Rachel, does this end well or do_______________________?
RACHEL: Oh, it _______________________.
MONICA: [getting the wine] Do not start without me. Do not start without me.
PHOEBE: Ok, all right, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it like, was it like a soft brush against your lips? Or
was it like a, you know, a “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
RACHEL: Well, at first it was_______________________, you know. And then, oh, god, and then we
just sort of sunk into it.
PHOEBE: Ok, so, ok, was he holding you? Or was his hand like on your back?
RACHEL: No, actually first they started on my waist. And then, they slid up, and then, they were

ROSS: And, uh, and then I kissed her.

JOEY: Tongue?
ROSS: Yeah.
JOEY: Cool.
4) Simple Present ou Present Continuous? Complete as frases com as formas verbais adequadas:

have start teach drink read eat listen

This is Susanne Wells. She is a teacher and

she ________________ children in primary school.

It’s 7:30 on Monday morning. She is in her

kitchen and she ________________ breakfast.

She usually _____________ a cup of coffee

and ____________ a toast for breakfast.

Now she ________________ the newspaper

and she ________________ to the news on the
radio. She usually _____________ work at 9.00.

come speak speak teach

It is 10.00 now and Susanne is at school. At the

moment she _____________ English to her class.
Children in her class ____________ from France,
Germany and Holland. They ___________ English at
Susanne is a good teacher and she ___________
English very well.

5) Simple Past ou Past Continuous? Complete as frases com as formas verbais adequadas:

a) I ______________________ (wash) my hands when the telephone ____________ (ring).

b) He ____________________ (watch) TV when his friends ____________________ (arrive).
c) She __________________ (wait) for her brother when she _____________ (meet) Dennis.
d) They __________________ (have) breakfast when I _______________ (wake up).
e) The bus ____________ (crash) while the driver __________________ (look) the other way.
f) She _________________ (play) tennis when she ______________ (break) her leg.
g) Her grandfather ___________ (die) while she ___________________ (travel) to Italy.
h) She ___________________ (cook) dinner when the doorbell __________ (ring).
i) John ___________________ (talk) on the phone when his boss _____________ (come in).
j) They ___________________ (swim) when it ___________ (begin) to rain.

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