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Asraruddin et al. / Regional Journal and Maritime Cities Vol. No. (Edition 2021):
1 - 10
Asraruddin 1) , Mukti Ali 2) , Ihsan 3)
1) Urban and Regional Planning Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Hasanuddin University. Email: 2 ) Department of
Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
Email: 3 ) Department of Urban and Regional
Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. Email:
The development of a city is signi cantly related to the function of time; it
reminds us of the past where the historical aspect plays a signi cant role in
shaping the morphology of a city; therefore, it is necessary to trace the history
of the formation of the morphology of West Rasanae Subdistrict as a process of
learning from the successes and failures of the past, to avoid morphological
defects of the city. Increasing the urban population with a high growth rate and
urbanization makes cities less able to provide optimal services to their
communities. It has consequences for the city's development, especially in the
provision of urban facilities and infrastructure. Land limitations and
increasingly dense urban areas make the suburbs an alternative to problem-
solving. This study aims to discover the city's morphology in ood-prone areas
denounced by western Rasanae and what factors affect the community that

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settled in ood-prone areas denounced western rasanae. The analysis method

used is the spatial analysis of the interview results. The results of this study
showed that the pattern of morphological development of the city in West
Rasanae Subdistrict has a circulation system with linear categories and
modi ed with grid patterns, namely from Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin, Jalan
Sultan Kaharuddin, and Jalan Gajah Ma da (Paruga Village, Dara Village, Sarae
Village, and in Tanjung Village) is an area that has a high intensity of
development, high population density in residential areas and the most
populous transportation. And on Jl.Soekarno Hatta, there is a development of
trade and service activities on the main lines of the city area that are linearly
patterned. And in grid-patterned housing activities with a 2-way circulation on
every street in West Rasanae.
Keywords: Morphology, City, Community Preferences, Rasanae Batat
The development of a city is closely related to the function of time; it reminds
us of the past, where historical aspects played a signi cant role in shaping the
morphology of a city. Therefore, it is necessary to trace the history of the
formation of the morphology of West Rasanae District as a learning process
from past successes and failures to avoid the city morphological defects.
Increasing urban population with a high growth rate and urbanization has made
cities less able to provide optimal services to their communities. It has
consequences for urban development, especially in urban facilities and
infrastructure. Limited land and increasingly dense cities make suburban areas
an alternative solution to the problem. This study aims to determine the city's
morphology in areas prone to ooding di kecamatan rasanae west, and what
factors mempengaruhi theta people living in areas prone to ooding di

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kecamatan rasanae west. The analytical method used is a spatial analysis of
the results of the interviews. The results of this study indicate that the
development pattern of urban morphology in West Rasanae District has a
circulation system with linear categories and modi ed with a grid pattern,
starting from Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin, Jalan Sultan Kaharuddin, and Jalan
Gajah Mada (Kelurahan Paruga, Kelurahan Dara, Kelurahan Sarae. , and in
Kelurahan Tanjung) is an area that has a high development intensity, population
density in a high residential area and the densest transportation. And on
Jl.Soekarno Hatta, there is a development in trade and service activities on the
main lines of the city area, which have a linear pattern. And on the grid pattern
housing activity with 2-way circulation on every road in West Rasanae.
Keywords: Morphology, City, Community Preference, Rasanae Batat District.

* Corresponding author. Tel .: + 62-822-5963-7739 Jalan Poros Malino km. 6

Bontomarannu, Gowa South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 92711

2 Asraruddin et al. / Regional Journal and Maritime Cities Vol. No. (Edition
2021): 1 - 10

Increasing urban population with a high growth rate and urbanization has made
cities less able to provide optimal services to their communities. It has
consequences for urban development, especially in urban facilities and
infrastructure. Limited land and increasingly dense cities make suburban areas
an alternative solution to the problem. Urban physical changes towards the

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outside create new areas, often referred to as suburban areas [1]. the
development of housing stems from the migration of people to the city center
and then naturally spreads to the outskirts [2].
One of the factors driving the movement to the city's outskirts is the desire to
have a natural life, away from pollution, comfortable with guaranteed utilities
and facilities. Everyone has their tendency to choose in selecting dwelling on
the outskirts of the city. The tendency to choose to stay and not stay is often
referred to as preference. The preference for living in choosing residential
housing can be due to accessibility factors, namely the ease of reaching the
location, environmental conditions related to their physical and social
conditions, the ease of reaching the workplace, and the level of service that can
10 11
be reached by the community both by means and infrastructure.
West Rasanae Subdistrict, which is located in Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara
Province, shows progress when viewed from its development, the development
of the city shape in West Rasanae District causes a process of physical and
non-physical changes, including changes in land cover, where land in West
Rasanae District is increasingly thinning out.
The morphology of the town is formed through a long process. Any changes in
the form morphologically region can give meaning and bene ts that are
valuable to handling the development of an area of the city. By studying the
morphology of an area of the city, presumably morphological defects of area
cities can be avoided because the process of learning from the experience of
past failures and successes lam pau is a process of establishing a regional
morphology city [ 3]. Based on

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This phenomenon is essential to identify the morphological characteristics of

the city in the West Rasanae District.
1) How is the development of urban morphology in the West Rasanae District?
2) What are the non-physical factors that in uence the development of urban
morphology in the West Rasanae District?
3) How is the direction of urban morphology development in the West Rasanae
Pustka Study
City Morphology Theory
In some kinds of literature, the de nition of morphology is de ned as a science
that studies the form, structure, or process of the occurrence of parts,
elements, or elements. Morphology is the study of how each unit element
builds a city [4], how an individual project contributes to the collective project.
Besides, morphology is also a product. This explains that morphology consists
of the elements that make it up. Morphological elements are objects that
makeup cities or settlements. In the urban context, morphological elements
include land use patterns, building shapes, and road patterns. Physical and
non-physical aspects in uence morphology as a process and morphology as a
product to give meaning and characteristics to the cities and settlements that
18 19
are formed.
Elements of Urban Morphological Elements
Land use ( Land Use )
This element is temporary and dynamic and can be used to rebuild and plan a
new function of a building to be made, namely by combining or reducing
building lots and changing the road pattern [ 6]. Land use itself is a continuous
process in optimally utilizing existing land for certain functions effectively and
ef ciently. Land use shows the relationship between circulation and the

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density of activities or functions in a space, where each space has its use

Different land according to their respective capacities.
Street plan (Pola Road)
The road network pattern is formed through a long process and is a part or
continuation of the existing pattern. The road pattern can be regular or irregular
(natural), which is strongly in uenced by the topography of the area [ 7].
Style of Building ( Building Type )
The building mass has a vital role in shaping the structure of the area and the
road network. Buildings can develop to be bigger or smaller, in the form of
increasing or decreasing the area. After that, there will be an intervention
process for lots and buildings in the form of adding, subtracting, or forming
new buildings and lots [ 8]. The functions of building types in a city are grouped
into four, namely buildings as generators, buildings as a de ning feature of
space, buildings as points of interest and landmarks, and buildings as edges.
The architectural style itself can be seen through the building facades, which
have their characteristics, texture, size, color, and material.
Community Preference
Preference is part of an individual decision-making component. And komPonen
components were perception (perception), attitude (attitude), value (value),
preference (tendency), and satisfaction (satisfaction). These components
in uence each other in making decisions. Each individual has preferences in

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determining various options for their needs. Preferences can be formed
through the mindset of consumers (individuals), which are based on two things,
namely the experiences they have acquired and hereditary beliefs. Perception
is a process of giving meaning or a cognitive process from a person to his
environment, which is used to interpret and understand the world around him
Thus each person will have a different perspective and interpretation of a
particular object/phenomenon. Perception is also related to how to get special
knowledge about a phenomenon at a particular moment and

It also includes the cognitive aspects of knowledge. So perception includes

interpreting objects/signs from the point of view of the individual concerned,
and perceptions can in uence behavior and formation.
Research methods
Research sites
The research was conducted in West Rasnae District, Bima City, West Nusa
Tenggara. The research locations, in general, are West Rasanae District which
includes Dara Village, Tanjung Village, Sarae Village, Nae Village, Pane Village,
and Paruga Village, as the downtown area in West Rasanae District.
Types of research
This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of descriptive
research is to study the development of urban morphology. At the same time,
qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data
from the object being observed. This research tries to raise the spatial aspects,
especially the transformation of the spatial structures and patterns formed in
the West Rasanae District. Qualitative methods are used to describe the
phenomena of the physical aspects of in uencing changes in urban

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morphology. This method will interpret and describe the meaning of the change
in the city's morphology that is formed.
Time and Location of Research
78 32
This research was conducted for four months, from December 2020 to March
2021, including literature studies, initial site surveys, primary and secondary
data collection, data processing, and preparation of research reports.
The research was conducted in West Rasnae District, Bima City, West Nusa
Tenggara. The research locations, in general, are West Rasanae District which
includes Dara Village, Tanjung Village, Sarae Village, Nae Village, Pane Village,
and Paruga Village, as the downtown area in West Rasanae District.

Research variable
To answer research questions 1 How is the development of urban morphology
in West Rasanae District based on ood vulnerability, data on a) land use
includes data on the increase in area and land function, b) road patterns
include the increase in the number of roads, accessibility, types and functions
roads, c) building shaped) population density .
To answer research question 2, What are the non-physical factors that affect
the morphology of the city in West Rasanae District, including a) Education
Level, b) Historical Culture, c) Social Interaction, d) Settlement Comfort, e)
Occupation, f) Length of Residence.


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To answer research question 3, How is the direction of urban morphological

development in the West Rasanae District? Data is needed regarding the right
direction regarding the existing problem.
Method of collecting data
In this study, the required data is divided into primary data and secondary data
collected by several methods. The data requirements, data types, and data
collection methods in this study are shown in Table 2 as follows:

Data analysis method

Because this study will explain the development and changes in urban
morphology, a search was carried out using the diachronic reading method.
Second, synchronous interpretation/reading or alignment of various
information related to socio-cultural, economic, and political events obtained
simultaneously, this analysis is referred to as synchronic reading. From the
above explanation, diachronic reading analysis techniques are used to describe
urban development. The results of this analysis will be correlated using
synchronic reading analysis so that it will reveal the extent to which the
variables are interrelated and in uential.
Results and Discussion
This section will discuss the analysis of changes in land-use patterns, road
network patterns, and building distribution. in West Rasanae Subdistrict. Land
uses are a signi cant component in the growth of the area. The road network
pattern is formed through a long process and is a part or continuation of the
existing pattern. The building mass has a vital role in shaping the structure of
the area and the road network. Buildings can develop to be bigger or smaller, in
the form of increasing or decreasing the area. From the results of the interview,

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the writer tries to put it in the form of a map which is divided into ve
development periods as follows:


In 1930-1957, Paruga Village was the center of government and trade, while in
other Kelurahan, it was only designated as a residential area. The beginning of
the land cover development pattern of Rasanae Barat Subdistrict in 1930
started from Paruga Village, where the Paruga Village was iconic because the
center of the Bima Sultanate government and trading area followed the
development of the surrounding settlements.
During 1958-1973, land cover in West Rasanae District tended to develop west,
east, and south. In this period, trade and services in West Rasanae District
increased among the wholesale markets built in Tanjung Kelurahan.
The 1974-1986 period was a period where there was a growth in the number of
residential buildings, the function of residential land grew to the north
following a linear road pattern, namely in the Sarae village, in addition to the
function of residential land, there were other built facilities such as four
educational facilities, one health facility, one open space facility, one public
burial facility, and three of ce facilities.
In the period 1987-2000, there was rapid development and growth where
development of the trade and services function was built located in Tanjung
and Dara villages, the function of trading land was developed because there
were port facilities along the


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the road to the port. Some of the trade facilities that have been built are the
conversion of land functions, which were formerly residential facilities other
than in Tanjung Kelurahan, the development of trade and services occurs in the
Pane Village, while in the downtown area, namely Paruga Village, especially on
trading land there has been developed so that Paruga Village has become the
central area. Trading.
From 2001 to 2021, the function of trade was increasing, one of which was the
construction of a new market located in Dara Village; in addition to the market,
there were several other buildings, including of ce facilities, green open
spaces, private and industrial. It can be seen that the development of the built-
in land function increased signi cantly in this period in Dara Village. This
development was dominated by built-up land, including residential areas on
the edge of the watershed.
Rasanae Barat Subdistrict has a circulation system with linear categories and
modi ed with a grid pattern, starting from Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin, Jalan
Sultan Kaharuddin, and Jalan Gajah Mada (Kelurahan Paruga, Kelurahan Dara,
Kelurahan Sarae, Soekarno Hatta which was formed since the Sultanate of
Bima in 1999). 1930, which is the main road connecting West Rasanae District
with other areas, while the development of trade and service activities on the
main routes of the city area has a linear pattern.


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In the period 1957-1973, West Rasanae Subdistrict experienced other road

networks at three connecting points where the road pattern connected
between Sarae and Tanjung, Paruga and Pane, and Paruga and Dara villages.
In the 1974-2000 period, the addition of a new road network was based on the
policy of the Bima City government. At that time, additional roads were built in
Tanjung Kelurahan, Kelurahan Sarae, and Kelurahan Pane.
Meanwhile, in the 2001-2021 period, other roads were built in Dara Village,
where the road connects Dara Village and Tanjung Village.

In the period 1930-1957, where the sultanate houses scattered in residential

areas were permanent and non-permanent houses from the results of
48 49
interviews, it is known that the location of the house in that period was located
in Paruga Village where Paruga Village was a landmark or iconic because the
50 51
center of the Bima Sultanate government was located . The development of
the distribution of buildings in the West Rasanae District follows a linear or
road pattern.


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In the period 1958-1973, building developments occurred vertically and

horizontally, which followed the pattern of road developments, for the vertical
development of the distribution of buildings towards the north and south,
namely in the Kelurahan Sarae and Kelurahan Dara. At the same time, the
horizontal development leads to the west and east, namely in the Tanjung and
Pane sub-districts. For the building mass, it still shows a single block typology
with a heterogeneous texture.
During the period 1974-1986, it was seen that the distribution of buildings was
53 52
directed to the north, namely in the Nae Village and partly in the Nae Village. At
this time, the development of many educational facilities and settlements was
In the 1987-2000 period, the typology of building mass began to appear caused
by building developments that tended to occur linearly following the pattern of
road development, making residential buildings invisible in the form of
In the 2001-2021 period, the rapid development of buildings where many
buildings were built, such as trade and service facilities, made the building
masses increasingly show linear developments and modi ed grid patterns that
followed the road network pattern formed since the Bima Sultanate era.
Next is a discussion that will answer the second research question related to
the factors that in uence the community to stay in the ood-prone areas of
West Rasanae District in terms of several aspects, including:
1. Socio-Economic Aspects
Economic activities in West RasanaE Subdistrict are closely related to existing
land uses. Of those who work in agriculture, very vulnerable to losing their
livelihoods, and livelihood shifted to the commercial sector, services, and
industry along with the transformation of farmland into lahan awakened. Based

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on the socio-economic conditions of the population and existing strategic

sectors, in general, the activities are

Dominant is trading activity, trade and services; trade arising from other
activities; and trade which is part of other activities.
Political Aspects
Non-physical factors other than his form Rasanae District of the West is the
political aspect that laid the foundation for structuring the spatial patterns and
structures space formed until today.
Thus, in the constellation of the West RasanaE District system, it has a
strategic value to be developed into a service center. This affects the scale of
infrastructure and facilities that will be developed according to its function as a
City Service Center development area, namely with the function of the center
for trade and service development, transportation nodes. Marine and cultural
tourism destinations and capture sheries development. The directions above
are direct or indirect.
Cultural Aspects
The Bima community has a philosophy in orienting the building, namely in the
cultural stone house. The Bima community usually has to plant gold on the
central pole with a weight of 3 grams to 7 grams depending on the determined
intention. To build a toilet in the house, you must not face the Qibla. In the
house, there must be a room for worship or a prayer room because of the
religious nature of the Bima community. Beside the house, a kind of Gazebo is
usually made for a family play area, and in speci c communities, there must be
a room for storing rice.
61 62
While on the house on stilts there are three ats under the house that are used
to store livestock, the part for the roof of the house there is space for storing

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crops such as corn, rice, sweet potatoes, and soon, for building a house on
63 64
stilts it must be done by an expert carpenter who is usually called calling. The
culture of living in West Rasanae District, by orienting the buildings as above,
78 66
plays a vital role in the pattern of development

Buildings formed in West Rasanae District. Precisely in residential areas.

Historical Culture
All respondents in West Rasanae Subdistrict have families in the exact
location; the highest is people who have <3 families as much as 55% and the
least is people who have> 5 families as much as 16%. From the results of the
interviews, the people who live do not have plans to move because they have
families living in the area.
Social Interaction ( Neighboring Organizations )
Medium interval social interaction as much as 16% of the community interacts
with community service on holidays and social gatherings between mothers.
Low interval social interaction as much as 26% of the people interact with
attending recitation at the mosques. However, the community chooses to build
and stay on because the relationship between neighbors has been well
The people of West Rasanae Subdistrict dominantly have low interval jobs as
much as 85% work as laborers, domestic workers, and grocery sellers because

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of the education of elementary, junior high, and high school graduates they
affect nding a more stable job. Community income is also classi ed as low to
moderate, namely Rp. 2,000,000. Medium interval jobs, namely government
employees and 13% of the jobs, are employees, civil servants, and teachers.
2% high or established interval jobs, namely entrepreneurs who have an
income of more than Rp. 2,000,000.
The community chooses to build in the West Rasanae Subdistrict, in uenced
by work and income factors. Communities who live close to their work
locations, such as teachers who live near schools and work as laborers with low
income, keep people living because they do not have the cost to build

Ownership Status
The highest land ownership for the people of West Rasanae Subdistrict, as
much as 86% of the respondents, is private land ownership. Communities live
on land passed down from generation to generation, passed from one person to
another who quali es as heirs, or on land purchased by themselves. Medium
land ownership is 13% which is a lease/contract. There is only 1% whose land
ownership belongs to the government agency.
The community chooses to build in an area in West Rasanae Subdistrict, one of
the factors, namely the ownership of the land which is private or hereditary
rights and private houses or houses owned by parents passed on to their
children and their families. Residents who inherit the property of both parents
are responsible for occupying the land or house so that the community has no
reason to move, especially those who live in areas prone to ooding.
Long Stay

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The people of the West Rasanae Subdistrict have long lived in ood-prone
areas. The questionnaire results show the highest interval, namely as many as
61% of the people live for more than 15 years, as many as 21% of the people
78 69
live for 5-15 years which is a moderate interval. The lowest interval is as many
as 18% of the people live no more than ve years.
The longer life in an environment would result in a low desire to move. West
Raasanae District chose to build in West Rasanae District because they have
been living for more than 15 years and even up to 60 years. Their parents or
their families lived rst, so that many people were born and raised in the
71 72
kelurahan, and there is no reason for them to move because the kelurahan is
their village.
1. West Raasanae Subdistrict has a grid-patterned city morphology centered in
the square area, which has a function

Government, worship, and commerce in the vicinity. The grid pattern in West
74 75
Rasanae District has been formed since 1930, in the early settlement areas.
The spatial structure is concentrated in the square area as the city center,
making the growth of residential areas tend to occur around the downtown
area. The residential area grows horizontally and vertically. Meanwhile, in
residential areas, building developments occur linearly following road patterns.
In 1930-1957, the formation of the city's morphology started from the vicinity

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of the Bima royal palace, which was an icon, and then developed following the
road pattern until the 1973-2021 period. The development took place
2. Non-physical factors that in uence the development of urban morphology in
West Rasanae District are (1) social, (2) economic, (3) political, (4) cultural as
well as other non-physical factors which are the people's preferences or
tendencies there are a result of ( 1) the historical culture of residential
locations is solid, (2) social solid interaction, high social comfort, (3)
employment, where the majority of workers and domestic workers, (4)
ownership of private land, and (5) live
> 15 years. The factors that have a dominant in uence based on the
questionnaire results are the comfort factor of living, social interaction, and the
length of living in the community in West Rasanae District.
3. The directions formulated based on the morphological study of the city of
West Rasanae District are (1) Establishment and development of trade and
service areas, (2) Determination and utilization of residential areas.
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Urban Design Winter Journal, Issue 93


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1. The development of a city is Intricate text Clarity

signi cantly related to the function of
time; it reminds us of the past where
the historical aspect plays a
signi cant role in shaping the
morphology of a city; therefore, it is
necessary to trace the history of the
formation of the morphology of West
Rasanae Subdistr…

2. The development of a city is Hard-to-read text Clarity

signi cantly related to the function of
time; it reminds us of the past where
the historical aspect plays a
signi cant role in shaping the
morphology of a city; therefore, it is
necessary to trace the history of the
formation of the morphology of West
Rasanae Subdistr…

3. The results of this study showed that Hard-to-read text Clarity

the pattern of morphological
development of the city in West
Rasanae Subdistrict has a circulation
system with linear categories and
modi ed with grid patterns, namely
from Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin, Jalan
Sultan Kaharuddin, and Jalan Gajah
Ma da (Paruga Village…

4. city → city's Incorrect noun number Correctness

5. kecamatan Unknown words Correctness

6. mempengaruhi Unknown words Correctness

7. kecamatan Unknown words Correctness

8. The results of this study indicate that Hard-to-read text Clarity

the development pattern of urban
morphology in West Rasanae District
has a circulation system with linear
categories and modi ed with a grid
pattern, starting from Jalan Sultan
Hasanuddin, Jalan Sultan

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Kaharuddin, and Jalan Gajah Mada

(Kelurahan Paruga, Kelu…

9. is often referred Passive voice misuse Clarity

10. be reached Passive voice misuse Clarity

11. The preference for living in choosing Hard-to-read text Clarity

residential housing can be due to
accessibility factors, namely the ease
of reaching the location,
environmental conditions related to
their physical and social conditions,
the ease of reaching the workplace,
and the level of service that can be
reached by the …

12. is located Passive voice misuse Clarity

13. West Rasanae Subdistrict, which is Hard-to-read text Clarity

located in Bima City, West Nusa
Tenggara Province, shows progress
when viewed from its development,
the development of the city shape in
West Rasanae District causes a
process of physical and non-physical
changes, including changes in land
cover, where land in Wes…

14. is formed Passive voice misuse Clarity

15. be avoided Passive voice misuse Clarity

16. is de ned Passive voice misuse Clarity

17. This Intricate text Clarity

18. that are Wordy sentences Clarity

19. are formed Passive voice misuse Clarity

20. Different land according to their Incomplete sentences Correctness

respective capacities.

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21. is strongly in uenced Passive voice misuse Clarity

22. are grouped Passive voice misuse Clarity

23. be seen Passive voice misuse Clarity


24. komPonen → component Misspelled words Correctness

25. be formed Passive voice misuse Clarity

26. are based Passive voice misuse Clarity

27. is used Passive voice misuse Clarity

28. was conducted Passive voice misuse Clarity

29. being observed Passive voice misuse Clarity

30. are used Passive voice misuse Clarity

31. is formed Passive voice misuse Clarity

32. was conducted Passive voice misuse Clarity

33. was conducted Passive voice misuse Clarity

34. is needed Passive voice misuse Clarity

35. is divided Passive voice misuse Clarity

36. was carried out Passive voice misuse Clarity

37. , this → ; this, . This Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences

38. are used Passive voice misuse Clarity

39. From the results of the interview, the Intricate text Clarity
writer tries to put it in the form of a
map which is divided into ve
development periods as follows:

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40. was only designated Passive voice misuse Clarity

41. The 1974-1986 period was a period Hard-to-read text Clarity

where there was a growth in the
number of residential buildings, the
78 function of residential land grew to
the north following a linear road
pattern, namely in the Sarae village,
in addition to the function of
residential land, there were other
built facilities such…

42. was built Passive voice misuse Clarity

43. been built Passive voice misuse Clarity

44. Some of the trade facilities that have Hard-to-read text Clarity
been built are the conversion of land
functions, which were formerly
residential facilities other than in
Tanjung Kelurahan, the development
of trade and services occurs in the
Pane Village, while in the downtown
area, namely Paruga Village,
especially on trad…

45. be seen Passive voice misuse Clarity

46. was dominated Passive voice misuse Clarity

47. was based Passive voice misuse Clarity

48. is known Passive voice misuse Clarity

49. was located Passive voice misuse Clarity

50. was located Passive voice misuse Clarity

51. In the period 1930-1957, where the Hard-to-read text Clarity

sultanate houses scattered in
residential areas were permanent
and non-permanent houses from the
results of interviews, it is known that
the location of the house in that
77 period was located in Paruga Village

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where Paruga Village was a landmark

or iconic because th…

52. During the period 1974-1986, it was Intricate text Clarity

seen that the distribution of buildings
78 was directed to the north, namely in
the Nae Village and partly in the Nae

53. was directed Passive voice misuse Clarity

54. was built Passive voice misuse Clarity

55. were built Passive voice misuse Clarity

56. lahan Unknown words Correctness

57. This Intricate text Clarity

58. be developed Passive voice misuse Clarity

59. In the house, there must be a room for Unclear sentences Clarity
worship or a prayer room because of
the religious nature of the Bima

60. is usually made Passive voice misuse Clarity

61. stilts, Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences

62. are used Passive voice misuse Clarity

63. be done Passive voice misuse Clarity

64. is usually called Passive voice misuse Clarity

65. by orienting the buildings as above Misplaced words or phrases Correctness

66. development. Closing punctuation Correctness

67. been well established Passive voice misuse Clarity


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68. is also classi ed Passive voice misuse Clarity

69. The questionnaire results show the Intricate text Clarity

highest interval, namely as many as
61% of the people live for more than
78 15 years, as many as 21% of the
people live for 5-15 years which is a
moderate interval.

70. Their parents or their families lived Intricate text Clarity

rst, so that many people were born
and raised in the kelurahan, and there
is no reason for them to move
because the kelurahan is their village.

71. kelurahan Unknown words Correctness

72. kelurahan Unknown words Correctness

73. Government, worship, and commerce Incomplete sentences Correctness

in the vicinity.

74. been formed Passive voice misuse Clarity

75. 930, Punctuation in Correctness

compound/complex sentences

76. social solid → solid social Misplaced words or phrases Correctness

77. Preferences can be formed through 112 1 Determinant Factors of Originality

the mindset of consumers Consumer Preferences in ...

78. This research was conducted for four Strategi Public Relations Warung Originality
months, from Kongkow Pasar Lama ...


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