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Lesson 6

Grammar Errors
Jessica Watson became the young explorer to sail solo around the youngest

1 world. While many of her classmate at school were entertaining

2 themself, with pop music and make-up, the 16-year-old Australian

3 completed the 210-day voyage across 23,000 nautical miles by her own.

4 She tells the Los Angeles Times that: ‘I wanted to challenge myself and

5 achieve something to be proud of. And yes, I wanted to inspiring people.

6 I hate being judged on my appearance and other person’s expectations.’

7 One way Jessica keeps herself busy during the lonely voyage was by

8 writing a blog in which she describe monstrous storms, beautiful

9 sunrises, seeing a blue whale for the first time or watching shooting

10 stars at night. As her journey finally ends at Sydney Harbour, the first

11 people on board was her parents. The reunited family hugged each

12 other and then Jessica stepped out the boat to thousands of cheering

13 spectators. Her parents had received a lot of criticism for allowed

14 someone so ‘immature and inexperienced’ to attempting something so

15 dangerous. But Watson responded to those critic by telling the huge

crowd that, ‘People don’t think you’re capable of these things – they

don’t realise what young people, what 16-year-olds and girls, are

capable of.’
The following text has ONE error of grammar. There are no punctuation mistakes. Find the mistake on each
numbered line and write the correct answer in the space provided.


Complete the sentences using suitable nouns. (Collective Nouns)

pack of plate of piece of hedge of

bouquet of bunch of stalk of comb of

bowl of rows of school of swarm of

hive of ream of shoal of deck of

1 I just bought a – paper and took a – paper out, wondering how many trees
have been cut down.

2 We saw a – bees near the field and another – bees flying towards the trees.

3 Grandfather asked for a – rice and some soup. Grandmother gave him a – rice
and fish instead.

4 That – small fish looks good but the other – colourful fish looks better.

5 The farmer sold a – bananas to a fruit vendor. People usually buy a – bananas
or probably two.

6 “Wow, this – flowers is beautiful. May I take a – flower out of the bouquet?

7 The man plays tricks using a – cards everywhere he goes. A – cards can
always come in handy.

8 The – bushes in front of my house is not as neat as the – bushes at the park.

Complete the sentences with suitable phrasal verbs.

keep away 远离 keep away 拦住 closed off - to not put off - cancel do away - remove it
allow (something) to completely or put an
be used for a period end to it.
of time
dropped off - drive away- fight off - to defend clear away - pull off - to succeed in
became less/ force to go oneself to remove doing something that is
putting difficult

1 It’s cooler now that the temperature has -

2 The locals need to – people who want to do logging.

3 The company wanted to have a meeting with the local people but it had
been – at the last minute.

4 The locals would need all our support to – their ‘Save Our Trees’ campaign.

5 Parts of the roads had been as many people gathered to show their support.

6 Some people wanted to – from the place to avoid inconvenience.

7 The management could not – with the problem easily.

8 Logging would – some animals from their natural habitat.

9 People might not be able to – the animals which destroyed their plants.

10 People must plant more trees as there is also the need to – them - .

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