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mm ===> Multi Media

NSD ===> Network Shared Disk
mmfsd (1191 is default port) ===> GPFS daemon
Daemon will do I/O and buffer management.

Location of files:

/var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest ===> gpfs log file

/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin ===> GPFS command location
/var/mmfs/gen/mmsdrfs ===> Configuration file

mmlscluster ===> to list the cluster
mmgetstate -aLs ===> to view the status of the GPFS cluster
mmlsconfig ===> Basic configuration information of the GPFS
including no.of Filesystems
lsof -i :1191 -P ===> to check the daemon port listen state.
mmlsmgr -c ===> to view the GPFS manager
mmlsnfd -f -m ===> To check the
mmlsfs all ===> To check all GPFS file ssytems (lower
alphabets are current values)
mmdf ===> To check the gpfs file system size
mmdsh ===> To configure trust
relation between cluster nodes
mmlsnsd ===> To check disk info
mmlsdisk -d ===> To view the disk information
mmaddnode ===> to add client node
mmchnode ===> To change client node
mmcrcluster ===> To create gpfs cluster
/usr/lpp/mmfs/samples ===> location of same files created
by installing base filesets
mmlslicense ===> To view the GPFS license
mmlsmgr ===> To check the cluster
Manager and File Manager
mmfsadm dump version ===> shows the Version and no.of days
cluster is up.
mmshutdown -a ===> shutdown the GPFS cluser in
all nodes.
mmstartup -a ===> Starts the cluster in all
mmfsadm dump config ===> GPFS attributes information
mmchcluster ===> To change the cluster
mmlsnsd ===> will show NSD disks
mmlsnsd -M ===> Show the detailed NSD
mmdf ===> Show GPFS filesystem details
mmlsdisk ===> Will shows the disks for that file system
To remove GPFS file system:
mmumount -a ===> To unmount
mmdelfs ===> To remove gpfs filesystem
mmdelnsd , ===> To delete the NSD disk

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mmcrnsd -F /tmp/disk.list ===> To create a nsd disk (/tmp/disk.

list file with entries)
mmcrfs -F
-A yes -T ===>To create File systemmmadddisk -F
===> To add new disk to File systemtouch /var/mmfs/
etc/ignoreStartupMount ===> To ignore any GPFS filesystem while
system is rebooting.
touch /var/mmfs/etc/ignoreStartupMount. ===> to do not mount this
FS while system boot
mmadddisk -F
===> To add new disk to File systemtouch /var/mmfs/
etc/ignoreStartupMount ===>To ignore any GPFS filesystem while
system is rebooting.
touch /var/mmfs/etc/ignoreStartupMount. ===>to do not mount this FS
while system boot

11/07/2013 23:26:45 commands_gpfs_swat.txt

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