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Ans1- option 2- 20% of the current year profit is transferred to the reserve fund.

Ans2- option 3 - It is subtracted from schedule no. 13 which is Interest earned

Ans3- option 2- Schedule 15 is Interest expended and commission, exchange & brokerage are
included under 'Other Income' because they all are additional income.

Ans4- option 4- It is schedule no. 12 under this all of the above things are included

Ans5- option3- 20% of the profit to be transferred into the reserve fund.

Ans6- option 2- We always include sliver in other assets because we never invest sliver anywhere.

Ans7- option 3- Schedule no. 6 which is cash and balance with RBI

Ans8- option 1- Yes, all bank is governed by Banking Regulation Act 1949

Ans9 – option 2- Schedule no. 16 which is operating expenses

Ans 10 – option 4- The last item under 'capital & liabilities is Other liabilities and provisions.

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