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Calculate hydraulic conductivity of soil by using the following relation:

…… (1)

Here, initial void ratio is , final void ratio is and hydraulic conductivity is at a relative density of 80%.

Write the expression to compute the initial void ratio corresponding to the relative density of 80%

Here, the relative density of the soil is .

Substitute, 0.72 for , 0.46 for and 0.80 for .

Write the expression to compute the final void ratio corresponding to the relative density of 67%.

Substitute, 0.72 for , 0.46 for and 0.67 for .

Compute the hydraulic conductivity of soil at a relative density of 67% by using the equation (1).

Substitute for , 0.512 for and 0.545 for .

Therefore, the hydraulic conductivity is .

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