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The diagram illustrates the key stages in the process of milk as well as the manufacture of other dairy

products. The process of milk production begins with raw milk from the dairy and ends with packaging
milk for sale.

In the first stage, raw milk from the dairy is collected in to the holding tank and its content is has
analyzed through testing. Milk meeting quality standards are sent through a separator, which separates
the butterfat or cream, from the milk, and skims. Milk for cheese and butter are separated from raw
milk. A standardizer recombines the cream and skim milk in the precise amounts necessary to achieve
the desired fat content.

In the subsequent stage, a pasteurizer treats the milk at high temperature through a medium of a hot
water heating system, then it will go for the cooling process. The next stage is homogenization, which
maintains the uniform consistency of the processed milk. Finally, the fluid milk is then packaged for sale
in bottles, cans and plastic jugs and also diverted for additional processing for dried, evaporated, or
condensed milk products.

177 words

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