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“ I AM”
P art I



Unveiled M ysteries......................Volume I
The Magic Presence......................Volume II
The “I AM” Discourses. . . . Volume III

Post Office Box 1133
SAINT GERMAIN PRESS This series of books is dedicated in Eternal

, ,, ,
Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Masters,
All rights reserved Saint Germain Jesus The Great Divine
includingforeign translation Director and also to the Great White
Brotherhood the Brotherhood at the Royal
Teton the Brotherhood at Mount Shasta
the Great Ones from Venus, and those other
Ascended Masters Whose loving help has
been direct and without limit

A T the request of many students, this book
of “ ‘I AM’ Adorations and Affirma-
^ ^ tions” is given to the public. They are
sent out with the decree that: “All who read
or use these commands shall be held, by the
Love of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence/ in con­
stant conscious communion with that ‘Master
Presence of Light’ within themselves.”
If the student will read these decrees slowly
and with deep, deep feeling in each word, as
he comes to it, he will have instantaneous
manifestations when he can feel the meaning
in each word deeply enough.
The word “human,” throughout this series
of books is always used to mean discordant.
When the word, “annihilate,” is used it always
means the annihilation of discord or imper­
fection, for no one can annihilate God, Good,
[ vii ]
The (T Am” Affirmations and Adorations
who is Life and the annihilation of discord can CONTENTS
only bring happiness and Perfection as a result
to all. A ck now led gm ent . . . . 3

T he D ia m o n d H eart . . . 9

This book is charged with and carries to its

A d o r a t i o n s ............................................ 11

readers the Rays of Light and Love from the In v o c a t io n s ............................................ 1 7

Ascended Masters, Saint Germain, Jesus and

the Other Ascended Masters who are pouring
A f f ir m a t io n s ............................................ 5 5

their Radiance through this Activity, to which Sa l u t a t io n s ............................................ 99

Godfre Ray King, Lotus Ray King and Donald

Ray King add the Triple Activity of Light
and Love from the “Mighty I AM Presence”
for the illumination, freedom, Mastery and
Perfection of all who read or contact it, for
America and the world.
C hanera

[ viii i
The first duty of the outer-self is to turn
to the “Presence” and ask for orders.
The “Mighty I AM Presence” is within this
book! let all of earth keep silent before It and
be at peace, in loving, adoring obedience unto
that Blazing Light—our Supreme Source.
Keep us Oh “Mighty I AM Presence,”
humble before Thee, positive to the world
and forever in the service of the Ascended
Host of Light.
All I Am or have or ever hope to be or have
is Thine, Oh “Mighty I AM Presence”! come
forth, in the fulness of Thy Power! control
and manifest this body and brain, mind and
will and pour forth Thy full Glory on earth
as Thou art in heaven! do Thou so illumine
me by Thy Light that there is none of me but
all of Thee.
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
There is a “Presence” in man and the Light loving, adoring obedience unto That Supreme
from That Presence is his Understanding. Source.
That Presence, That Light, and That Under­
standing is “I AM” and I AM That I AM. Oh Presence of the Diamond Heart! come
forth in the fulness of Thy Power! release Thy
I call unto Thee, Oh “Mighty I AM Pres­ Victory everywhere and seal all within Thy
ence,” Thou Great Central Sun, Thou Heart Heart—forever.
of Infinity! pour forth Thy Mighty Flame
of Divine Love throughout humanity and the This class is a “Temple of Light”;
earth! set the feet of mankind once again se­ The “Heart of Divine Love”;
curely upon the Pathway of Light and anchor The “Secret Breath of God”;
their attention forever upon Thee—the Great The “Altar of Eternal Peace”;
Love Star in the heart of each one! lift their The “Ocean of Limitless Power”;
hearts unto the heights whence cometh all The “Treasure-chest of the Almighty”;
help and bring them back into the happiness, The “Sun of Everlasting Freedom”;
freedom and Perfection which is their birth­ The “Throne-room of Infinite Life”;
right. The “Gift of the Mighty I AM Presence”—
The “Mighty I AM Presence” is within this
Holy Temple; let all of earth keep silent be­
fore That Blazing Glory, and be at peace; in
[4] [5]
In the fulness of the “Presence” are the
things that you desire.
Oh! Presence of the Diamond Heart!
In Victory now I come,
Bearing the “Cup of Liquid Light,”
All earth’s battles won.
I raise my sword and now step through;
Within the Flame, I bow to You,
And You, the Heart of Light in all,
Reveal to me the great, the small.
Upon my shoulders, blazing bright,
You place my Cape of dazzling Light;
And I, at last, all blest and free,
Know only Love—Myself as Thee.
Oh! Presence of the Diamond Heart,
All Ecstasy Supreme,
Thy joy, now all-encompassing,
My own Life’s radiant stream,
Is ever pouring out its L ight-
All—All Perfection too,
I AM Thy Presence—Lord of Life,
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Oh Great Love-Flame—just You. ADORATI ONS
In Love, in peace, in glorious power,
In all realms and all space,
I hold Thy Hand, Thou Source of All, T he L o v e S t a r —“ T he Sec r et”
I AM Thy own Bright Face. Love Star, Love Star, Love Star bright,
Love Star, Love Star, blaze through us Thy
Love Star, Love Star, our own hearts’ Light,
Love Star, Love Star, enfold us to-night.
T he G r a il
We, as One, offer ourselves as a Grail, a
Crystal Cup of Thy Mighty Presence, Oh Be­
loved “I AM”! Keep It filled full to over­
flowing with Thy Glorious Life! Pour out
through us Thy Mighty Love and Light, let­
ting It flow forth, as an ocean of Thy Blazing
Essence, raising all into Thy Limitless Per­
fection forever.
I wear pure golden sandals
With ribbons of Light
[ 10] r 11 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “1 Am” Adorations and Affirmations
A crown made of Sun Rays We feel Thee and see Thee,
A cloak of God’s Might The work Thou hast done
I carry a Scepter, my Focus of And the Cup Thou dost carry
Power O’erflows from the “One.”
I pour forth the Pure Christ
Each moment, each hour. We praise Thee and greet Thee,
Thou Great Lord of Light,
In Love and adoration to our Beloved As­ We raise now the Scepter
cended Master, Saint Germain! for whom we To Thy glorious height.
call forth the Infinite Eternal Light and Love
from the “Mighty I AM Presence,” to bless We wield all Love’s Power
him with Its Eternal Victory for the wonder­ Love’s wisdom and might;
ful Gift of Himself to the Children of Light Blaze through us forever
that they too may manifest the same Perfec­ Thy Flame—dazzling bright.
tion and Freedom which He is.
Let all my Love flow back to Thee,
T h e A sc e n d ed M a st e r , S a in t G e r m a in Thou Holy, Great, God Flame of me,
Oh blest Saint Germain, Dear, Expand Thy Light and set me free
Thou Holy Great One, Let me Thy Self forever Be.
We love Thee and bless Thee
Thou God from the Sun. Thou adorable Supreme “I AM”! expand,
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
expand, and again expand Thy Light in
eternal glory through me.
Beloved “I AM Presence”! I offer my service
to Thee in the capacity for which I am best
fitted. You have the opulence of the Universe to
draw from.
Oh “Mighty I AM Presence”! I love Thee,
I bless Thee for the joy of Thy Glorious Light
that lifts me beyond my outer self.

[ *4]
wAV\ w///-
T he L ove S t a r —T he C all
Oh Love Star! we call Thee,
Thou Jewel from the Sun,
Oh Heart of Creation,
Thou Glorious One!
Come now in Thy Splendor,
Flash forth Thy Great Flame,
Burst all bonds asunder—
Speak forth the Great Name!
Declare now Thy Victory
And set this earth free;
Reveal Thy Dominion,
Thyself let all see.
From Thy Blazing Altar,
Light’s greeting first came,
The Voice of God’s Presence-
All Mighty “I AM.”

[ l7 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Open, Oh Thou World-sustaining Sun the And set us ever free.
entrance unto Truth! hidden by the bars of Raise us! Raise us! Raise us!
dazzling Light, soften the Radiation of Thy To Thy Great Heights Divine,
illuminating Splendor that we may behold Raise us! Raise us! Raise us!
Thy True Being. From the unreal lead us on We are forever Thine.
to the Real, and unveil the human creation of
the physical world, that we may know the “Mighty I AM Presence!” project into this
Victory of the Ascension. condition Thy Mighty Ascended Master
miracle-working Lightning of Divine Love.
My “Mighty I AM Presence”! Let me hear Blast everything human, its cause and effect
Thee and see Thee and feel Thee, and let into annihilation forever and see that only
me hold Thy Hand. Come! walk with me and Thy miracles of eternal Peace, Love, Har­
talk with me. Oh let me understand, know and mony, Illumination, Protection and Perfec­
remember all Reality. Let me forget all un­ tion ever come out of it to all concerned.
reality and know myself as Thee and Thyself
in me, as all of God’s Great Blazing Light, for “Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth this
all eternity. instant and charge this entire condition (per­
son, place or thing) with Thyself! Project
Raise us! Raise us! Raise us! into it Thy miracle-working Lightning of
Oh Great “I AM” to Thee, Divine Love forever and compel only As­
Raise us! Raise us! Raise us! cended Master miracles of Perfection to come
[ is ] [ 19 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
out of it to everyone and keep them forever rity, Protection and Perfection of the youth of
self-sustained. America and the world.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come through “Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth and
me, do this thing perfectly! and see that I ever project Thy Lightning of Divine Love in Its
expand Thy Perfection—forever. most powerful and dynamic activity into every
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take me into educational channel on earth! annihilate for­
your Heart to-night while my body sleeps, ever all teaching that is not the fulness of the
instruct me in the fulness of the Ascended Ascended Masters’ Truth and Consciousness
Masters’ understanding of the “I AM Pres­ and fill the minds and hearts of all mankind
ence,” see that I bring back that instruction with the “Light of God that never fails,”
clearly into all my outer activity when I compelling Perfection to come forth every­
awaken in the morning, and make me always where—to bless all forever with the power of
a thousand suns.
express Thy full Perfection forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” descend into this
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth in the place and do Thy perfect work and hold Thy
full dominion of the combined Ascended full Dominion here forever.
Host, and make every educational activity a
crystal-clear channel through which the As­ “Mighty I AM Presence!” sweep into this
cended Masters can always work for the Pu- ------! annihilate everything human within it!
[ 20 ] r 211
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The eT Am” Adorations and Affirmations
release Thy mighty Power! compel a mighty in my Being and world into the heart of Thy
miracle of Perfection to come out of it to all Secret Love Star and see that I abide in Thy
concerned, and keep it forever self-sustained Great Peace and Self-control forever.
by Thy mighty Presence which “I AM.”
“Mighty I AM Presence!” lock me within
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge me and Thy Perfect Self-control and hold me there
my atmosphere with that Consuming Flame of forever.
Divine Love that consumes all within me and
my world that is undesirable and keep me “The Mighty I AM Presence” is always the
clothed forever with Thy Almighty Perfection. governing Intelligence here.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take out of me “Mighty I AM Presence!” turn me from
all doubt and fear, and charge me with Thy that human experience, take it into oblivion
Eternal Love, Protection, and ever-expanding and make me forget it forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” seize possession
“Mighty I AM Presence!” sweep in here and control of my attention! keep it upon
and make all things new instantly. Hold Thy Thee and Thy Perfection forever, and do not
Full Dominion forever! let it ever wander again.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” raise everything “Mighty I AM Presence!” see that I never
[ 22 ] [ 23 ]
The (T Am Adorations and Affinnations
” The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
miss a direction from Thee! see that I do only Golden Temple of Light to-night while my
that which expands Thy Perfection every­ body sleeps! Charge my Being and world with
where forever. Its Light, energy and Perfection, and see that
I bring back Its full Perfection into my phys­
“Mighty I AM Presence!” make and keep ical body and outer activity.
me infinitely sensitive to Thee and Thy Per­
fection, forever in the Heart of Thy Love, “Mighty I AM Presence!” put me into my
and absolutely non-recordant to everything Perfect Work—now—and make me do it per­
else. fectly.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take this doubt “Mighty I AM Presence!” show me what
out of me, and make me see, feel and BE the you want me to do—now—and make me do it
fulness of this Truth and Thy Perfection for­ perfectly.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” consume in me
“Mighty I AM Presence!” protect forever and my world all doubt, fear, jealousy, pride,
every student in this group, and all under irritation, condemnation and judgment—
this radiation, and hold each one steady in their cause and effect forever, replacing them
his effort to reach Perfection. by the fulness of the Perfection which Thou
art keeping It Self-sustained in the ever-
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take me to the expanding Light of Thy Glorious Presence.
[ *4 ] [ 25 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “1 Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” shatter and con­ “Mighty I AM Presence!” seize control and
sume forever this discordant condition in and take possession of my mind, body, Being and
with ---------! annihilate its cause and effect world forever. Lock them against the recogni­
throughout the earth forever and see that it tion of all human creation, fasten my atten­
never touches our lives or world again. tion entirely upon Thee and Thy Perfection.
Cut me free forever from the magnetic pull
“Mighty I AM Presence!” seize possession of earth, the things of earth and all human
of that (or this) mind and body! enter in! creation. Fill me with Thyself, Thy Full As­
hold Your Dominion! and compel the atten­ cended Master Consciousness and Mastery and
tion to be anchored forever upon Thee and hold Thy Full Eternal Dominion.
Thy Eternal Perfection.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take complete
“Mighty I AM Presence!” seize possession control of my Being, world, and activity! and
of these eyes! look through them perfectly! see that I make my Ascension in this embodi­
make them see and visualize only Perfection ment; for I AM the resurrection and the Life;
forever self-sustained. I AM the Ascension in the Light.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take possession Use once an hour: “Mighty I AM Presence!”
and command me forever; see that nothing come forth, charge my Being and world with
ever gets my attention again but Thee and the Light and Love from the Secret Love Star
Thy Perfection. and keep it eternally Self-sustained.
[ 26 ] [ 27 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I here, now, and “Mighty I AM Presence!” lock my mind
forever give you all power. I give you all and feeling forever against everything but
obedience. Take charge of this mind and Thy full Presence and Its Perfect activity, in­
body; prepare it to become the Ascended stantly and eternally manifest.
Master and see that I make my Ascension now.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” descend into this
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge me with Thy mind and body. Take full conscious con­
the Ascended Masters’ feeling and Victory of trol this instant of all its activities and hold
the Ascension. Thy eternal Dominion and Victory here for­
“Mighty I AM Presence!” see that I make
my Ascension now. “Mighty I AM Presence!” draw me within
the most Blazing Light of your Heart and
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take me into seal me there forever, that only your fullest
your Heart and reveal to me and through me Perfection may express.
the fulness of Thyself, instantly and eternally
manifest. “Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth!
charge my Being and world with that Light
“Mighty I AM Intelligence!” bring this and Love as of a thousand suns, and crowd
eternal Victory of Light and Love to pass now, my path with showers and showers of bless­
in all Thy Blazing Glory. ings.
[ 28 ] [ ^9 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The (<I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Come forth, “Mighty I AM Presence”! “Mighty I AM Presence!” take complete
manifest Thy mighty miracles of Perfection command of my attention and my feelings and
instantly, and see that only the greatest most fill them entirely with Thyself.
transcendent good comes out of this occur­
rence forever. “Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth and
manifest Thy Supreme Authority of Divine
For mistakes in others: Love, in my being and world forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” forgive them for
they know not what they do, and do Thou, “Mighty I AM Presence!” show me Your
my own God-Flame, see that I do not do it Perfect channel for this activity. Open it to
too. me harmoniously, and put me to work within
it at once, producing Your Perfection—forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” forgive my mis­
takes, come forth in Thy Infinite Power and Make me a new heart Oh God, the “Mighty
transmute that energy into a mighty Ascended I AM Presence,” and let me feel the fulness
Master miracle of Perfection made manifest of Thyself within me.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge me full
“Mighty I AM Presence!” henceforth, You to over-flowing forever with:
are the Doer! come forth and take command Inexhaustible strength and energy,
here forever. Indestructible health,
[ 30 ] [3 i ]
The “I Am Adorations and Affirmations
” The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Invincible protection, “Mighty I AM Presence!” charge my entire
Irresistible Divine Love, mind and body with Thy Ascended Master
Unescapable prosperity, Consciousness and keep it eternally Self­
Ascended Master Consciousness, sustained.
Freedom, and “Mighty I AM Presence!” see that the flesh
Use of the “Mighty I AM Presence/’ instantly of this body never again records any human
and eternally manifest. quality and keep it forever filled only with
Thyself and express Thy Glorious Perfection.
For business dealings:
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I want the Per­ “Mighty I AM Presence!” these are your
fection of Your world brought into mine. hands. Pour forth through them always Thy
Take command here and produce Your Vic­ healing miracles and full Perfection.
tory forever!
“Mighty I AM Presence!” this is Your
“Mighty I AM Presence!” you are the only brain; these are Your hands; play with Your
Presence, Power and Intelligence acting in my Mighty Perfection and produce Your Mighty
business. Protect and take it forward to Your Glory and Music of the Spheres.
complete success and Perfection forever Self­
sustained in Blazing Glorious Light, mani­ “Mighty I AM Presence!” illumine this for
festing Mighty Miracles of Perfection—now. me and tell me Your full Truth concerning it*
[ 32] [ 33]
The “I Am Adorations and Affirmations
” The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” make me fully “Mighty I AM Presence!” I thank Thee
comprehend this which I wish to know and for all the money that comes into my hands
understand right now. and use or that touches my world! I accept
it as Thy Messenger of Love and Balance!
Come forth, “Thou Mighty I AM Pres­ Charge it with Thy Purity, Love and Blessing
ence!” and blaze through me now and forever without limit! and see that it brings only Thy
“The Light of God that never fails.” Freedom and Perfection everywhere in the
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take me deep
within the Heart of the Great Central Sun, “Mighty I AM Presence!” move everywhere
charge my consciousness with that Light, teach before me to-day and do all for me and
me the full Ascended Masters’ knowledge of through me perfectly.
the Flame, and see that I awaken with that
knowledge in my brain consciousness. “Mighty I AM Presence!” protect me from
the human suggestions of the outer world,
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I call unto Thee that I may go forth only accepting Thy
as never before! Answer Thou me with the Mighty Self and Thy Perfection forever.
full Freedom of Thyself.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” surround Amer­
“Mighty I AM Presence!” put me in my ica forever by Thy Circle of the Consuming
harmonious place and sustain me there. Flame of Divine Love which never admits
[ 34 ] [ 35 ]
The (T Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
anything unlike Thee or Thy Perfection. In the Name of the “Mighty I AM Pres­
ence” I charge the minds and feelings of
“Mighty Ascended Masters!” come forth in everybody in America with Saint Germain’s
all outer activity. Seize control of America, Ascended Master Consciousness and Perfec­
the government, her people, and her resources! tion. God Bless, illumine, perfect and set
hold them forever in the Heart of Thy Per­ them free in the service of the Light forever.
fection! and bless all with Thy Happiness and
transcendent Light. “Mighty I AM Presence!” shatter and con­
sume all activity of the sinister force in Amer­
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come into this ica and its cause and effect, replacing it
condition and solve it perfectly. forever by the Eternal Perfection of the As­
cended Masters—the “Light of God that never
Do not use your energy to condemn poli­ fails.”
ticians, but say many times a day for America:
“In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ “Mighty Ascended Masters” and entire
I call the Light and Love of the Ascended Legion of Light! fill America with that Light
Masters into the White House; into the Na­ and Love, Protection and Power as of a thou­
tional Capital and that of every State in the sand suns, and keep her forever invincible to
Union and into the hearts and minds of all all but Thy Mighty Perfection.
politicians to produce Perfection now and
bring everything into the Victory of Love.” “Mighty I AM Presence!” you are the
[36] [ 37]
The (T Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Power; you are the Intelligence acting here, “Mighty I AM Presence!” qualify every
come forth and manage this outer activity now thought and feeling about this with the As­
and forever with Ascended Master Manage­ cended Masters’ accomplishment, victory and
ment. Perfection.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth and My “Mighty I AM Presence”! Thou art my
annihilate this discordant action with its way, my protection, my defense and my de­
cause and effect, and put Thy Divine Perfec­ liverance, from every disturbing condition
tion in its place forever. and the instantaneous annihilation of its
“Mighty I AM Presence!” seize that energy! cause: Thou my God-victorious “Presence”
requalify it by your Divine Love and Per­ come forth and manifest with full power
fection! and anchor it in my world, maintain­ through this mind and body forever.
ing Perfection for me. Raise your hands to the “Mighty I AM
“Mighty I AM Presence!” either silence Presence" and say: “Mighty I AM Presence”
these discordant people, or put them where come forth here! Silence that human non­
they belong and bless them with Divine Love. sense, mentally and physically, forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth, man­ “Mighty I AM Presence!” come into my
age this thing! seize my attention and my feel­ mind and body this day, manage me and hold
ings and hold them upon Thee forever. Thy Supreme Dominion—forever.
[38 ] [ 39 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth, right human creation, and see that I make the As­
this condition and seal it in Thy heart for­ cension now as quickly as possible.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” release your Love
“Mighty I AM Presence!” produce your and Light as of a thousand suns and maintain
Divine Love here and sustain It forever. your Perfection here forever.
I call Saint Germain’s Ascended Master “Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth!
Consciousness to come forth and solve this charge my Being and world every second of
--------- for me forever. this day and forever with Ascended Master
Perfection, instantly and eternally manifest.
God in me, the “Mighty I AM Presence”!
come forth, govern and solve this situation “Mighty I AM Presence!” sweep my intel­
harmoniously forever. lect clear from everything but Thee and Thy
Perfection and keep it so forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” shut the door
of my Being and world forever against all “Mighty I AM Presence!” charge my mind
human creation and instantly annihilate all and body with your mighty Perfection for­
that attempts to open it. ever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” take care of my “Mighty I AM Presence!” lock my mind
[ 40] [41 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The rfI Am” Adorations and Affirmations
and feelings forever against everything but Make me a new heart “Mighty I AM Pres­
Thy full Perfection and Its eternal Activity. ence”! and keep the feeling of Thy Presence,
Thy Love and Victory within me forever.
---------1, the “Mighty I AM Presence” speak
to Thee; awaken Thou in the Perfection of “Mighty I AM Presence!” show me the full
Life. Ascended Master knowledge of everything
concerning “The Seven Elohim.”
“Divine Love!” come forth through me to­
day and forever pour out Thy Full Dominion. “Mighty I AM Presence!” make me Thy
Supreme Inbreathing and Outpouring of the
“Mighty I AM Presence!” command Divine Love from the Great Central Sun—forever.
Love to take full command of all my activity
and bring everything into Divine Order “Mighty I AM Presence!” charge me with
through Divine Love. all the Perfection there is, everywhere present,
visible and invisible.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge me so full
of Divine Love that everything and everybody “Mighty I AM Presence!” take me to the
are instantly harmonious and obedient to the “Great Central Sun” and charge my brain,
“I AM Presence” wherever I AM and to all body and world with such tremendous Divine
my thought rests upon and hold Thy full Love that it sweeps everything else before it
Dominion forever. and make me express Thy full Dominion.
[42 ] [43 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “1 Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” make me always everything into Divine Order through Divine
your most dynamic action of Divine Love Love instantly, and keep it forever Self­
in full Ascended Master Dominion through sustained. Take complete control of my Being
this brain and body—forever Self-sustained. and world. Manage my every activity with
Ascended Master management and compel
“Mighty I AM Presence!” raise the Liquid all to manifest Thy Perfection forever Self­
Light in my body, take it back into Thyself sustained.
and produce Perfection in me forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge me so
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge my body full of Divine Love that everything and every­
with Thy Light, until my face becomes body is instantly harmonious and obedient to
radiant. the “I AM Presence”—wherever I AM and to
all my thought contacts.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” seize possession
of these eyes. Look through them perfectly, “Mighty I AM Presence!” qualify all with
and see that they visualize only Perfection Thy Perfection and charge this work with
forever Self-sustained. Saint Germain’s complete Ascended Master
Consciousness, Protection and Perfection, for­
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I call unto Thee! ever. I call unto Thee to come forth in the
answer Thou me! blaze through my Being fulness of Thy Power and produce limitless
and world forever Thy Full Dominion! bring Miracles and Victories of Thy Light forever.
[44] [45 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” you take charge “Mighty I AM Presence!” take me within
of my attention and anchor it into the Heart Thyself and there instruct me, and cause me
of your LIG HT and keep it there eternally. to retain the full memory of these Inner in­
“Mighty I AM Presence!” show me your
way. It seems to be my duty to do this thing, “Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth, lock
so show me your way. my Being and world, forever against all human
creation and keep my attention anchored
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth and upon the Ascended Master Consciousness and
illumine this thing for me and show me the Perfection of the “I AM”—the “Light of God
Ascended Master way. that never fails”—“I AM” that Light.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” lock me in Thy “Mighty I AM Presence!” God in me, is my
eternal, Perfect, Self-control that always con­ certain victory and I cannot fail.
sumes all human qualities and habits. This
instant and forevermore manage all activities “Mighty I AM Presence!” clothe me in the
for me and my work with Ascended Master Ascended Masters’ Consciousness of Divine
Perfection. Release into my hands and outer Love forever.
use all Thy stored-up treasures, keep all for­
ever Self-sustained through Love and express “Mighty I AM Presence!” take me into
the fulness of Thy Victory. your Ascended Master Body and teach me the
[46] [ 47 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
use of the Light Rays that Thy Perfection may this brain and body forever Self-sustained.
set me free and reign forever upon earth.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” come forth and
“Mighty I AM Presence!” charge my aura charge this house (home or activity) with the
with instantaneous healing to everybody that combined Love, peace and protection of the
comes into my presence, and set all free in the Ascended Host and hold it there forever.
service of the “Light.”
“Mighty I AM Presence!” see that this
“Mighty I AM Presence!” stand guard and home, this environment, and all connected
prevent any dis-embodied individual from with it are governed harmoniously and that
coming into my aura at any time. Let nothing all who enter into it manifest only the Christ
touch my consciousness but the Ascended activity.
Masters and Angelic Host.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I wash my hands
“Mighty Majestic Supreme I AM Presence!” of all things human.
in Thy calm serene Dominion I rest, yielding
not to any human thing. “Mighty I AM Presence!” insulate my
mind, body, Being and world forever against
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I AM always all human creation.
your mightiest dynamic action of Divine Love,
in full Ascended Master Dominion through A t least three times a day, stand on the
t48] [49]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
floor with hands upraised and say: “Mighty “Mighty I AM Presence!” give me the time
I AM Presence!” fill me with your LOVE, to do this thing (loving Thee) and make me
“Mighty I AM Presence!” give me this
If Confused, simply say: “Mighty I AM Perfect-------- (thing or condition) through
Presence!” Light, Light, Light. Let there be Divine Love.
more Light—“the Light of God that never
fails.” Visualize America as a Great Heart of
Golden Flame, the outer radiance violet sur­
All Activity in Colleges, etc. “Mighty I AM rounded by a wall of steely White Light. Make
Presence!” blaze Thy Violet lightning of the call: “Mighty Divine Director and Legion
Divine Love through all educational chan­ of Light!” fill America with that Light, Love,
nels! annihilate all wrong teaching concern­ Protection, and Power as of a thousand suns
ing these things, its cause and effect through­ that never fail, and keep her forever invincible
out the earth! Take possession of the brains to all but Thy Mighty Perfection.
and bodies of all students! produce Thy Pu­
rity, Thy Perfection, Thy protection, illumine “Mighty I AM Presence” awaken all man­
all by the Light of Thy T ruth and keep It kind! open all channels! and see that everyone
forever Self-sustained in the eternal Glory and accepts the fulness of Thy Mighty Presence—
Victory of Thy Love. now—and receives Thy eternal Freedom.
[ 50 ] [5i ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“Mighty I AM Presence!” make me feel
Thy Rays of Divine Love every minute.
“Mighty I AM Presence!” I thank you for
your Life, Your Energy and all You are con­
stantly giving to me.
If you want freedom you must give it—first.
“Mighty I AM Presence” raise and use all
my Life Energy in Thy Limitless Intelligent
Action forever.

[52 ]
7,\vW\ ///T

T he L o v e S t a r —“T he P resence”

The Love Star—His Presence-

All silent, serene,
In glory transcendent
While blessing the scene,
Stands radiant with power
Its Rays pulsing bright,
Chaste ribbons of silver
Adorning the night,
Caressing, encircling,
Enfolding the sod,
Light! tying the earth to the
Feet of her God—
The Master Christ Presence
Incarnate in man,
The Source of all Freedom—
The Blest Word “I AM.”
[ 55]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “1 Am” Adorations and Affirmations
I n v o c a t io n to t h e F lam e “I AM always the Majestic Presence and
“I AM” the Eternal Flame of Life, a White miracle-working Power of Divine Love that
Fire Being from the Heart of God. Inbreath­ transcends every human concept, blazing
ing the Great Love-Breath of the Almighty, through me and to me forever all the Perfec­
I dwell within my Golden Ray from the Great tion from within Its Heart, with the Power of
Central Sun. Crowned with the Diamond a thousand suns.
Rays of Attainment, I abide upon my Sacred
Lotus-Throne of Light, letting my Love flow “I AM” the eternal ceaseless flow of the
out unto all creation. “I AM” a Sun in the Blazing Light from my “I AM Presence”
Palace of Infinite Light, My world the Altar through my mind and body.
of Infinite Space, My Radiance the Peace of
the Great Solar Quiet. I AM the Undying “I AM” forever God-commanded.
Flame of Life everywhere—the Great Eternal
Joy and Glory and Perfection of existence. I Make your outer-mind continually acknowl­
AM! I AM! I AM! Three times three I AM. edge: “I AM” through the veil now.
I AM Elohim, Elohim, Elohim, Elohim,
Elohim, Elohim, Elohim. Seven times seven I “I AM” the Ascended Master Presence I
AM E—LO—HIM. desire to be, and “I AM” the Ascended Master
consciousness of this victory.
(NOTE: Students affirm: “I AM” the As­
cended Masters’ eternal acceptance of this.) (Then be sure the personality does not think,
[56] [ 57]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
say, feel, see, hear, or do anything unlike the “I AM” the Presence qualifying all my feel­
Perfection of the Ascended Masters.) ing with the full Perfection and expansion of
the Ascended Master Consciousness.
“I AM” the Presence raising the atomic
structure of this body to the Ascended “I AM” the Ascended Master control of
Master’s full illumination and liberation. that habit in you----.
“I AM” the Mighty Flame of Life raising “I AM” the pure Electronic Body of Light,
all in my Being and world into the Diamond illuming every person, place, condition and
Heart, and holding it there forever. thing wherever I AM or pass by and of all my
thought rests upon.
“I AM” the Ascended Master Consciousness
everywhere that does all things perfectly “I AM” the positive, rich, full, clear, Perfect
to-day. loving voice of God and I speak only as God
speaks—now and forever.
“I AM” the Ascended Master Control of
all my energy forever. “I AM” all the vigor and resilience of
Eternal youth and beauty and all the wisdom,
“I AM” Christ—God in Action—the “Light strength, courage, power and self-control of
of God that never fails,” in the fulness of Its my “I AM Presence,” expressing only full
Eternal Victory and Dominion. Ascended Master Perfection—forever.
[ 58] [ 59]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
To help others: Whenever you think of what you want say:
“I AM” the Presence qualifying every thought
Here Pal:—“I AM” the strength in you that and feeling about this with the Ascended Mas­
conquers that. ter’s Accomplishment and Victory.
Here Pal: “I AM” a mountain of Light, I do know the Ascended Master thing to
Love and strength in you that never fails. do in this situation and “I AM” the Presence
doing it now, instantly and eternally victori­
“I AM” always the limitless peace of the ous.
To human creation say: No! now you get
“The Light of God never fails” and “I out. The “Mighty I AM Presence” is in con­
AM” that Light—God in Action—for God in trol here and I know it.
me is always my certain eternal Victory.
Know: The “Mighty I AM Presence” is
“I AM” the instant, the hour and the day in and all about this person, place, condition
of fulfillment. or thing and only God in action acts back to
it or me.
“I AM” the Presence qualifying this with
a Mountain of Light that casts no shadow and Say to all disturbing persons, conditions or
in which are all good things. human creation: “I AM” the Presence com-
[ 60] [ 61 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
manding silence, peace and obedience to the “I AM” the Presence of Divine Love and
“Mighty I AM Presence” forever. Intelligence acting in all these classes and the
Ascended Masters’ Victory of Light eternally
Mighty Majestic Supreme “I AM Presence,” Self-sustained.
in Thy calm serene dominion I rest, yielding
not to any human thing. I awake; I arise, I shine, for my Light is
come and the glory of the “Mighty I AM
“Mighty I AM Presence” come into my Presence” is blazing and invincible within me.
mind and body this day and manage me.
“I AM” the Ascended Master management
“I AM” the Presence that never doubts, of everything in my world forever.
fears, questions, nor is uncertain concern­
ing the instantaneous manifestation of my “I AM” always the Ascended Masters’ rev­
“Mighty I AM Presence” to every conscious elation, acceptance and use of all the Powers
command. of the Being which I AM.
“I AM” the Ascended Master’s eternal “I AM” always the unyielding, joyous de­
Divine Memory. termination of the “Great I AM” releasing
Perfection everywhere.
“I AM” the Guard, Self-sustained, forever
that gives out only Truth and Perfection. “I AM ” the Presence of the Great Silence!
[ 62] [ 63 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” the Presence, Love and Power in tion, Security, Love, Wisdom, Power, Supply
you that conquers that. and Freedom of the “Light of God that never
“I AM” now the full confidence of the
“Mighty I AM Presence” forever. “I AM” the Almightiness of the Great
“I AM” the feeling of the Great I AM.
“I AM” the Ascended Master Consciousness
“I AM” the Presence that forgives and for­ and ever-present Victory of all I desire to do—
gets all human Mistakes forever and replaces forever.
them with the infinite I AM Perfection
eternally Self-sustained in Blazing Glory. Before going to sleep:
I do know the Ascended Master thing to Through the Presence, Power and Intelli­
do every second every day and I do it always. gence which I AM, I go forth while my body
sleeps: feel and experience the fulness of my­
There is no personality in my world to-day. self as the Infinite “I AM Presence”: and when
There is only “God in Action—the Mighty I my body awakens, charging it full to over­
AM Presence.” flowing with the feeling of that Presence.
“I AM” sealed forever in the Peace, Protec- “I AM” the Freedom of the Great I AM.
[ 64 ] 1 65 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” eternally God-controlled every AM Presence,” accept only Its Truth and
moment, every day in everything and every hear only the Music of the Spheres perfectly
way. forever.
Because “I AM” Thee and Thou art me, The Light of the “I AM” is mighty and does
“I AM” protected, illumined, supplied and prevail, and I feel its victorious majestic
free. Presence controlling at all times within me.
What is that to me? I follow Thee, Thou “I AM” the Pure, Crystal Clear Mind of
Infinite Almighty “I AM Presence” forever. God—the “Mighty I AM Presence” in that
(or this) brain and body maintaining As­
Peace, Peace, Peace be still; “I AM” Perfect cended Master Consciousness and Dominion
obedience to my Inner Will. there forever.
My eyes are the eyes of the “Mighty I AM “I AM” the Pure Sight of God, the “Mighty
Presence”: I see all things and through all I AM Presence” and I see Perfection every­
things perfectly: and I see Perfection every­ where.
“I AM” the Presence that does not take on
My ears are the ears of the “Mighty I AM suggestions from anybody or anything about
Presence”: I listen only to the voice of my “I me, but God—Good.
[ 66 ] [ 67]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” the Presence that can and does clear “I AM” the Presence who is never disturbed
all human concepts of mankind permanently or off guard.
everywhere I go, because “I AM” God in
Action. Acknowledge often: “I AM” the Presence,
commanding a gigantic Ascended Miracle of
“I AM” the Presence refusing all human Perfection to come out of every situation
interference forever with this work and Light through Divine Love.
of the “I AM Presence” in ourselves, the stu­
dents or anything under this radiation and “I AM” the Pure Mind of God,
in America and the world. the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
“I AM” the Pure Love of God,
“I AM” always the Miracle-working Pres­ the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
ence in everything I desire to have done. “I AM” the Pure Feeling of God,
the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
“I AM” always Perfect Poise that con­ “I AM” the Pure Speech of God,
trols everything instantly and harmoniously the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
through Divine Love. “I AM” the Pure Sight of God,
the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
“I AM” the Presence that is always proof “I AM” the Pure Hearing of God,
against any and every sudden disturbance for­ the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
ever. Forever—forever—and forever.
[ 68 ] [ 69 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am Adorations and Affirmations

“I AM” the resurrection, the Life, the “I AM” come within the Stillness of Thy
health, and the Light of my body made mani­ Heart—my “Mighty Majestic I AM Pres­
fest in and through my flesh to-day. ence!” keep me sealed in It forever that only
Thy full Perfection shall always express.
LIGHT: This is the Master Record upon “I AM” the Ascended Master control and
which humanity was modeled in the begin­ qualification of all the energy of my Being
ning, the Image and Likeness of God, “THE and world, forever manifest in full power
MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE.” with the speed of thought.
“I AM” the positive, poised, peaceful, lov­ I go forth this day with the tread of a
ing control of this whole situation forever. mighty conqueror—Lord of Life and Victor
over death and hell—glorious, supreme in the
“I AM” the conquering Presence; I com­ Great God-Flame of Life, and “I AM” free
mand this Presence to take control of all my forever free.
affairs and produce Perfection always.
“I AM” the Ascended Master payment of
“I AM” the controlling, harmonizing Pres­ this (of every) bill or obligation, instantly
ence everywhere I move and of everything to and eternally manifest through Divine Love.
which my thought is directed, bringing all
into Divine Order through Divine Love. “I AM ” the unescapable, inexhaustible,
[ 70] [71 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
riches of God flowing into my hands and use ing of the Flame of Divine Love from the
to-day, manifest with full Power, as a glad Lords of the Flame from Venus, and keeping
free gift of Divine Love. it forever manifest in Supreme Victory.
I refuse everything but the fulness of God’s “I AM” the Majesty of Divine Love and
supply to me—-now. the Ascended Master Victory in my Being
and world forever Self-sustained.
“I AM” the Ascended Master’s fulfillment
of the Divine Law—the Law of Love—concern­ “I AM” here and “I AM” there, “I AM”
ing this money in the handling of these----. Divine Love blessing everywhere.
The Love that “I AM” greets the Love in Oh Masters of the Diamond Heart!
you and the God-Flame of “I AM” comes I call now unto Thee!
instantly through and releases Its Perfection— Pour out Thy Flame forevermore,
forever. Thy Great Love-Power through me.
“I AM” the Fire-Breath of Divine Love “I AM” the Heart-beat of Divine Love—
from the Great Secret Love Star. the great Secret Love-Breath of the “Mighty
I AM Presence.”
“I AM” the Presence charging my Being and
world forever with the Pure Power and Feel­ “I AM ” always the majestic Power of Pure
[ 72] [ 73 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Love, that transcends every human concept “I AM” the Presence to whom there is no
and opens the door to me to the Light within interference and no delay.
its heart.
“I AM” the ever-present Ascended Master
“I AM” the Great Love-Flame of the Al­ Protection in my Being and world, that no
mighty, manifest with full power through this, human creation can ever break through.
my mind and body forever.
“I AM” the Ascended Masters’ annihila­
I invoke the full “I AM” power and ac­ tion of this—and its cause and effect forever.
tivity of Divine Love in my Being and world
to-day and forever manifest with the speed of “I AM” always the MASTER PRESENCE
thought. and eternal Victory of the “LIG H T” of God
that never fails.
Silence! Peace! and obedience to the
“Mighty I AM Presence.” “I AM” always surrounded by that Circle
of Consuming Fire which does not admit any­
“I AM” the Presence thinking through this thing unlike the Christ.
mind and body forever.
Through the “Presence” which “I AM”—
“I AM” the Presence that nothing ever op­ this thing shall cease now and forever and is
poses. replaced by Saint Germain’s Perfection.
[7 4 ] [ 75 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and A ffirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
I do accept the full Dominion of my In the name of the “Mighty I AM,” which
“Mighty I AM Presence” in my Being and “I AM,” I silence, shatter, and consume this
world forever. human creation and its cause forever.
Remember again and again that as you When necessary to discuss some discordant
grow into the full acceptance of your “Mighty condition, say: “I AM” the Presence with­
I AM Presence” your outer problems will drawing all energy from the words and feel­
disappear, for “I AM the Presence dissolv­ ings expressed, and I requalify it with Thy
ing all problems permanently.” Then, visual­ Purity and Love and hold it in my world main­
ize the mantle of invisibility enfolding you. taining Perfection for me.
“I AM” the Mighty Presence on guard. “I AM” the Presence refusing acceptance
of this discordant outer thing. I shut my door
“I AM” the invincible guard, established, and it stays out.
sustained and maintained over my mind, my
body, my home, my world and my affairs for­ The “Mighty I AM Presence” is my way,
ever. my protection, my defense and my deliverance
from every disturbing condition, and the re­
“I AM” the Ascended Master annihilation lease of the full Dominion of the Ascended
of all human creation in my mind, body and Masters’ Light, Love and Victory in all my
world now and forever. activities now and forever.
[ 76 ] [ 77 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” the ever-present Ascended Master I place all my problems within the Heart
Protection that no human creation can ever of the “Great I AM” and “I AM” at peace in
break through. the “Light of God that never fails.”
The Love that “I AM” greets the Love in “I AM” the Mighty Ascended Master solu­
you, and this Pure Liquid Light comes in­ tion of this problem, now and forever.
stantly through and heals you forever.
“I AM” the Ascended Masters' instantane­
“I AM” the Ascended Master release of this ous solution and miraculous victory in this
perfect activity—Precipitation—instantly mani­ problem and the feeling of God-control fills
fest with full power. me forever.
“I AM” the All-knowing Mind of God, I “I AM” the Presence and Power in you that
do know the right solution of this problem conquers this problem, for “I AM” your
and I solve it now through Divine Love. Supreme Victory over this human nonsense.
“I AM” the Presence and Power in my “I AM” the Supreme Victory over all hu­
world this day that conquers every problem man consciousness forever.
by the “Light and Love of God that never
fail” and that holds Its Eternal Victory and I now cast all this human creation, its cause
Freedom. and effect into the Sea of Consuming Fire and
[ 78] [ 79]
The (T Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
eternal forgetfulness, replacing it by the “I AM” the Ascended Masters’ Freedom of
Presence and eternal Perfection of the “Great Divine Love in full control at all times.
I AM.”
“I AM” the Presence and limitless Focus
God the “Mighty I AM Presence” is alive of such Divine Love in this------ as has never
within me; I do not allow that “Glorious Be­ been experienced before on earth, and “I
ing” to be silenced by the doubts and fears AM” the Presence keeping It forever Self­
of my human self. sustained in full power.
“I AM” the Ascended Masters’ Attainment “I AM” the All-controlling Presence of
of Divine Love forever. Divine Love at all times. “I AM” the Hercu­
“I AM” a Mountain of Divine Love that lean Love of the “Mighty I AM Presence”
brings all miracles to pass instantly at my com­ controlling and acting in Full Ascended
mand—forever. Master Consciousness through this mind and
body forever.
“I AM” the Love and the strength in you
that conquers, and through the “I AM” you The Love that “I AM” greets the Love in
are victorious now. you, and this miracle of “I AM” comes in­
stantly through, and blesses you with Per­
“I AM” always the Love of the “Great fection forever for in the fulness of that Love
I AM” forever. is the Victory you desire.
[ 80] [81 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
Peace—Peace—Peace be Still! “I AM” this ing, Ascended Master Precipitation, and the
miracle of Love’s Great Will. Eternal Dominion of Divine Love.
“I AM” this Mighty Ascended Master “I AM” the Ascended Masters’ instantane­
Miracle performed to-day with the speed of ous Precipitation and visible Presence of
thought and made manifest with full power. everything I desire and no human conscious­
I thank Thee, “Great I AM.” ness can interfere with It.
“I AM” the Presence of Divine Love bless­ “I AM” the combined Presence and Power
ing every atom into Peace and Perfection. of the Ascended Host, standing like a Wall of
Light, instantly annihilating everything that
“I AM” the Presence of Divine Love per­ attempts disturbance or interference with any­
fecting everything there. body or anything under this Radiation.
“I AM” the Supreme! inbreathing and Students are to feel this for each other:
out-pouring of the Great Love-Breath of the “I AM” the Presence that loves you into your
“Mighty I AM Presence”—forever. perfect Ascended Master Activity: “I AM” the
Presence that loves you into your conscious
“I AM” the Presence entering into, reveal­ ability to do this.
ing and charging all my outer activity with
the Music of the Spheres, instantaneous heal- “I AM” the Ascended Master Conscious-
[ 82] [ 83 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
ness of boundless Divine Love flooding all uplifted, feeling that peace and harmony at
everywhere. all times of the glorious Presence which “I
“I AM” the Great Love-Flame of the Al­
mighty manifest with full Power through this, “I AM” always enfolded in the mantle of
my mind and body forever. the Master Christ, therefore, I maintain my
thoughts, feelings and words free from all
“I AM” sealed within the Love-Flame from criticism and judgment.
the Secret Heart of God. “I AM” the Presence
sealing you in the Love-Flame from the Secret Illumination of Body, Mind and atmos­
Heart of God. phere: “I AM” the Presence illumining this
mind, body and room with the Blazing Light
“I AM” the Over-flowing Presence of Di­ of the Ascended Master and keeping It for­
vine Love ruling everywhere. ever Self-sustained in full power through
“I AM” the Presence and Power of God’s
Love here which never fails. “I AM” Jesus Christ’s Ascended Master
Consciousness of my attainment of the As­
“I AM” the strength, courage, and power to cension.
move forward steadily through all experiences
whatever they may be, and remain joyous and “I AM” the commanding Presence. Use this
[ 84 ] [ 85]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
often, for it stills the outer activity, so you be­ Say to the body: “I AM” the Presence com­
come centered in the activity of Love. manding you to be strong and take on the
beauty of form and expression of the “Mighty
“I AM” Ascended! “I AM” Ascended! “I I AM Presence”—forever.
AM” Ascended! “I AM” Ascended! in the
Mighty strength of my dauntless “Mighty I For Heart Trouble say: My breath is the
AM Presence” which is forever unconquer­ great Love-Breath from out the Great Central
able, unquenchable, unalterable, in Its ever­ Sun. My Heart is God’s Heart, the very center
lasting Perfection, Mastery, Victory, and Maj­ of Divine Love.
esty expressed through this mind and body
now, which is no longer human but Divine. “I AM” the “Light of God that never fails”
All earthly activity shall bow before me! be now made permanently manifest in my flesh
silent! and obey the Christ in me forever in as Self-luminosity.
the Service of the Light.
“I AM” the mighty electronic energy flow­
The most permanent, perfect way to illu­ ing through, filling and renewing every cell
mine the physical body is to take the conscious­ of my mind and body right now.
ness that: “I AM” expressing and radiating
the brilliant LIGHT OF GOD, the “I AM “I AM” the cleansing process, always active
Presence” in me and illumining this body for in my mind and body consuming all imper­
me. fection and revealing the Purity “I AM.”
[86] [ 87]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am ” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” the resurrection and Life of my body completely and compels it into obedi­
business, my understanding and whatever I ence.
wish to center my attention upon.
“I AM” the Presence qualifying this mind
“I AM” the resurrection, the Life and the and body with absolute Perfection, and refus­
health of my body made manifest in my flesh ing acceptance to anything else.
Whatever there is of imperfection in me
Hands and feet: These are God’s hands and has got to get out for I qualify everything in
feet and I charge them with the Power of the my Being and world this day with Perfection,
“I AM” Perfection and Perfect Love. because “I AM” Perfection.
“I AM” the Mighty Electronic Energy flow­ Meditation: “I AM” come within the still­
ing through, filling and renewing every cell of ness of Thy heart—my “Mighty Majestic I
my mind and body—right now. AM Presence,” keep me sealed in It forever,
that only Thy full Perfection shall always ex­
“I AM” the Presence breathing Perfection press.
in and through this physical flesh body for­
ever. Whatever is under the whole heaven is
mine to love and to bless forever with the Per­
The “I AM Presence” governs this physical fection of the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
[ 88 ] [ 89 ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” the Presence commanding the vis­ “I AM,” “I AM,” I Know “I AM” free from
ible and tangible Presence of the Ascended this thing forever—no matter what it is.
Host with us now to physical sense conscious­
ness. Go on and accept this and stick to it. “I AM” the Ascended Master Conscious­
ness Self-sustained that does not permit me
“I AM” the Master within, governing and to give out anything but that which is Perfect.
controlling all my thought processes in full
Christ Perfection, as I wish them to be. “I AM” no longer the “Babe of Christ,” but
the “Master Presence” grown to full stature,
“I AM” the Presence arranging my time in and I speak and command with authority.
Perfect Divine Order.
“I AM” the Law of Forgiveness and Con­
“I AM” the Presence, producing the Perfect suming Flame of the Ascended Master, free­
business I desire. ing me forever from all but the Perfection of
the “I AM.”
“I AM” the Mighty Light, Divine Justice
and Protection acting in the minds and hearts “I AM” the Ascended Masters’ eternal, com­
of individuals everywhere. plete and unconditional Forgiveness and For­
getfulness of all human creation, past, present
“I AM” always loving obedience to the and future, and the replacement of it by the
Light. full Perfection of the Ascended Masters.
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The “1 Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
“I AM” always proof against any sudden “I AM” the Presence of enough Love to re­
disturbance. lease and reveal the Almightiness of the Great
God-Self, “I AM”—forever.
“I AM” inexhaustible energy;
“I AM” irresistible Divine Love; “I AM” the one eternal Self-sustained Life
“I AM” indestructible health; in Action.
“I AM” unescapable prosperity.
“I AM” the Presence producing abundance
“I AM” the Mighty Presence on guard every wherever I choose to use it in the service of
second this day, instantly annihilating all that Perfection—the “Light.”
seeks to disturb and holding my full God Do­
minion in this place forever. In the name of the “Mighty I AM Presence,”
the Ascended Masters and “The Light of God
“I AM” superior to discord; I can’t afford that never fails,” all discordant activity within
to be bothered. America shall cease now and forever.
“I AM” the commanding Presence; The Presence that “I AM” clothes these, my
“I AM” the conquering Presence; Beloved Ones, in their Eternal Transcendent
“I AM” the Victorious Presence; Garments of Light.
“I AM” the Majestic Presence;
“I AM” the Ascended Presence; The Presence that I AM clothes me now in
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The “I Am Adorations and Affirmations
” The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
my Eternal Transcendent Garment of Light. ing everybody and everything in this business
into Perfection, instantly and eternally mani­
Oh Blessed Flame of Divine Love! “I AM” fest with full power.
Thy Pure Presence forever.
“I AM” every deal closed that brings Per­
I AM the All-knowing, Dazzling, fection to those buying these----.
Fathomless Mind of God, the “Mighty
I AM Presence”: “I AM” the Ascended Master ease, peace,
Its Almighty Intelligence; comfort, purity, control, and conservation of
Its Boundless Knowledge, all the energy in my Being and world—for­
Its Limitless Wisdom, ever.
Its Infinite Inspiration;
Its Eternal Truth, Every Day—Speak to your body, command
Its Full Illumination, it to be strong, receptive only to the Ascended
Its Complete Perfection Master Consciousness; to be a perfect expres­
releasing through me now—Transcendent sion of the Divine Presence of the “Mighty 1
ideas of Perfection from the Secret Heart of AM” and to take on Its beauty of form and
God, that have never come forth before any­ expression: “I AM” the “Light of God that
where in the Universe. never fails” now made permanently mani­
fest in my flesh as self-luminosity in Blazing
“I AM” the Presence of Divine Love bless­ Glory.
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
The “Mighty I AM Presence” is the only
healing Presence, and through It I have the
right to command all outer activity to be silent
and obey my command.
“Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve ”
People are bound because they bind others.
A n O de to H u m a n C r e a t io n
’Tis a wave on the ocean of hu­
man emotion,
It’s nothing, it’s nothing at all:
It comes like a flicker
And goes away quicker
When I on my God-Self do call:
It is only a cloud
But I say aloud:
“I AM” the Sun: don’t you see?
I blaze the “Light”:
You fade from sight:
And all things now obey me.
(Or “The Light” yields all things to me.)
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V fff-
// V\v

T he L o v e S t a r —“T he A ll”

The Love Star, the Flame-breath,

The Great Heart in all
Comes forth in Its Splendor
To answer each call;
Reveals now Its Victory,
In all realms Its Light,
Clothes us in Its Glory
And Radiance bright;
Let all then surrender
Their might and their power,
Through loving obedience
Be raised now this hour—
For evermore Master
Eternally free,
The Blest “I AM Presence”
The Great Cosmic Key.
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
T h e G r e a t C o sm ic B e in g , S u r y a T h e S il e n t W a t c h e r
Surya, Surya, Surya, (Sung to the Melody of Absent—by Metcalf)
Thou Great Blessed God from the Sun! O Silent Watcher of Infinity
Surya, Surya, Surya, Great Brooding Presence,
Blaze forth Thy Great Light—make all One! All dwell within Thee,
Surya, Surya, Surya, Boundless Thy Love
Make us like Thyself—all Divine! In earth, and sky, and sea;
Surya, Surya, Surya, O Silent Watcher,
Come through! we are evermore thine. Thy Great God-Self, we see.

T L ord, M a h a -C h o h a n
0 Silent Watcher,
he the
Great God from the Sun,
Maha-Chohan! Maha-Chohan! Maha-Cho­ 1 feel Thy Love
han! raise us all into Thy dazzling Jesus Christ For Thou and I are One.
illumination, that we may become that Blaz­ Shed forth Thy Light,
ing White Light that draws all mankind up­ Let all Thy Love now be,
ward until they become that Great Light also. O Silent Watcher,
Through all Eternity.
* O Silent Watcher,
Blessed Self of me,
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
O Love Divine, I love Thee, I bless Thee,
Thy Light in all I see; Thou God of Great Might!
Thou Great God Presence, Blaze through me, blaze through me,
Evermore just Thee; Blaze through me Thy Light!
O Silent Watcher, Illumine, Perfect me—
O Love, now speak to me. Raise me to Thy height,
Thou Archangel, Michael,
O Silent Watcher, Lord of the Sun.
Lord of Love Supreme,
From Thy great Heart The “I A m ” P r e s e n c e S p eak s
In one unending stream, I come on the wings of the Great God-Flame
Thy Great Light flows Into the seeming night:
From Thee, Great Sun above; I wend my way through infinite space
O Silent Watcher, Raised high on my pinions bright:
Thou art the Self of Love. I bless, I heal, I illumine all things
With the radiance of God’s own Might:
T h e A r c h a n g e l, M ic h a e l, L o rd o f t h e Sun I blaze, I shine, I call, I sing—
T h o u A rch a n gel, M ich ael, L ord o f th e “I AM” the “Diamond Heart of Light.”
I hold my hand high to Thee, I breathe the perfume of Life Supreme,
Thou Holy Great One! The glory of God’s delight:
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am Adorations and Affirmations

I build, I mold, I guide Life’s stream, A cknow ledgm ent

All beauty I bring to sight: Beloved Great God-Self
I dance, I play, I give to all Come! blaze Thou through me
Great jewels from the far, far height: That on earth may express
I come, I go, I answer each call Thy full Mastery.
That looks in Love toward the Light. Pour through me Thy Love-Flame
T h e P r e se n c e
My Light Self Supreme
In Victory transcendent
“I AM” the Presence! the Great Eternal One, Thou Mighty “I AM.”
“I AM” the Presence! from the Great, Great Oh My Divinity, blend Thou with me
Central Sun: That I may blaze forth Thy Full Victory.
“I AM” the Presence! the Secret Heart of Pour through me Thy Flame—Thou my God-
Light, self Supreme
“I AM” the Presence! the Love-Flame blazing In Glory Transcendent—Thou “Mighty I
bright. AM.”
L ig h t A cceptance
“I AM” all Light—all Light am I “I AM” the deepest Love of God
In earth and air and sea and sky. In Thee, Oh Holy Blessed One,
“I AM” the Light of Christ held high “I AM” the Love within Thy Ray,
“I AM” all Light—all Light am I. Thou Golden, Blazing Central Sun.
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
I feel Thy breath, Thy Love, Thy Power, The Love that “I AM” greets the Love in you,
Thy Light enfolds me every hour, And all Love, Light and Perfection come
I lift my wings, my victory won Instantly through and bless you forever.
And rise now free—Life’s journey done.
“I AM” the Presence—the Great Eternal One,
I fly with Thee throughout all space, “I AM” the Power—the Blazing Central Sun:
I gaze upon Thee face to face, “I AM” the Splendor—the Dazzling Rays of
I know Thy Love is all of me, Light,
Thou art Myself and “I AM” Thee. “I AM” the Victory—through Love’s All-
glorious Might.
I come with Love in the heart of me,
I thank you, “I AM,” the way is clear My Love flows out like a great calm sea,
Thy Love Divine stands ever near My Love protects setting all now free:
“I AM” in Thee, Thou “Great I AM,” For Love “I AM” and “I AM” is Thee.
“I AM” just Love, my own God-Flame.
B l essin g for F o od
Steadfast I stand now facing Thee
And naught can interfere, “Mighty I AM Presence” accept this food:
Thy blazing glorious Love in me make it pure and holy: transmute it into Thy
Keeps all forever clear. Golden Flame of Divine Love and see that It
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
perfects all our bodies with the speed of I Am P r e s e n c e ”
“ M ig h t y
thought forever Self-sustained. Charge, charge, charge!
M ir a c les The Lightning of Thy Love
“I AM” these Mighty Miracles Charge, charge, charge!
performed through me to-day: Raise all in Light above;
“I AM” these Mighty Miracles Charge, charge, charge!
from within my own God-Ray: Let all Thy Presence prove;
“I AM” these Mighty Miracles Charge, charge, charge!
come forth in Love to stay: Thy Love wher’ere I move.
“I AM” these Mighty Miracles
the Ascended Masters’ Way. Take your full authority, as a Child of
Light—a Son of God—a Being of Living Fire,
P eace and rebuke every human creation by the com­
I rest serene in Thy embrace mand:
I hold Thy hand Peace, peace, peace—be still!
I see Thy face. “I AM” all Love—
I know each day “I AM” all Light-
Is under grace, All doeth now MY will.
“I AM” at one with Thee.
* Melody: “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”
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The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations
I love Thee, I love Thee, I love Thee!
I love Thee, My Dear Self, that’s true; T h e A sc e n d ed H o sts ’ D e c r ee fo r A m e r ic a
My Holy, Great Glorious, Real Self, In the name and by the Power of the As­
This old human veil I’ve stepped through. cended Host and the Ascended Master, Saint
Germain, I voice Their decree for the blessing
Thy Self—My Self and protection of our beloved America. Amer­
I come now—I come now to you—to you; ica has been brought into being by the As­
My Self—Thy Self cended Hosts as a radiating center to all the
Blaze through me—blaze through me, blaze world for the “Light of God that never fails,”
through. in the age which has now begun.
I love you, I love you, I love you! Unto this end, there has been brought into
My Real Self, My God-Self I do; existence a Sacred Document upon which the
My Holy Great Glorious, Light Self, Government of the United States of America
Blaze through me—blaze through me, blaze has been founded. This is the Sacred Consti­
through. tution of the United States of America, and
therefore, it is the decree of the Ascended Host
Thy Self—My Self that every official in our Government shall up­
I love you—I love you—I do—I do; hold and defend the Constitution of the
Myself—Thyself United States of America unto the best of his
There’s now only One—that One—You. ability “so help him God.”
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[ in ]
The “I Am” Adorations and Affirmations THE S A I N T GERMAIN SERIES
UNVEILED M YSTERIES, Volume I. By Godfre Ray King.
Thus America shall go forward unto greater Containing the first group of the author’s experiences.
Price $2.50. Postpaid $2.75.
glory than has ever been known before on the THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II. By Godfre Ray King.
earth. The Ascended Host, who are all-power­ Containing the second group of the author’s experiences.
Price $2.75. Postpaid $3.00.
ful throughout the Universe, have decreed THE “I AM” DISCOURSES, Volume III. By The Ascended
that America shall remain at peace with the Master, Saint Germain. Contains thirty-three discourses
explaining the Ascended Masters’ application of the “I
world, and to those who have sought to draw AM ,” with three color plates. Price $2.75. Postpaid $3.00.
America into the destruction unto which the THE “I AM” ADORATIONS AND AFFIRMATIONS,
rest of the Nations of the earth seem deter­ Volume V. By Chanera. A selection of powerful adora­
tions and affirmations of the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
mined to open themselves, the Ascended Host Price $1.00. Postpaid $1.20.
have issued the all-powerful command, that: A PICTURE OF “THE MAGIC PRESENCE.” A color
chart of “The Magic Presence” beautifully lithographed,
“America and her people, those Beloved Chil­ suitable for framing, meditation, and class instruction.
Size 12 x 20. Price $1.00. Postpaid $1.20.
dren of God who have sought the Light, shall A PICTURE OF THE MASTER, JESUS. A hand colored
be protected and that glory which they have steel engraving of an etching by Charles Sindelar, to whom
Jesus had personally appeared. It is an exact likeness of
earned shall go forth into manifestation. Him as He stood in consultation with Saint Germain and
the Tall Master from Venus at the Retreat in the Royal
Teton, New Year’s Eve of 1935. Price $2.00 (size 12 x 16).
Thus speaketh the Ascended Host unto the Postpaid $2.25. Price $ .50 (size 5 x 7 ) . Postpaid $ .65.
children of earth and Their decree goes forth A NEW PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT
GERMAIN. A hand colored steel engraving of an etching
unchallenged into manifestation from now by Charles Sindelar. An exact likeness, as he has appeared
on many occasions in the Retreat. A companion piece to
on, henceforth and forevermore. In Their that of Jesus and meant for the students’ meditation.
Price $2.00 (size 12 x 16). Postpaid $2.25. Price $ .50
Name I have spoken. (size 5 x 7). Postpaid $ .65.
FIN IS SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, P.O. Box 1133, Chicago, 111 .
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