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-I learned that the auxiliary to have accompanies it and the verbs are modified, being regular
or irregular

2.-   Write others “Free time activities”?

.read some books

.study languages

.play an instrument

.to meditate

.do exercise

3.-showing you English audios or books, practicing speaking, and struggling to think in English

4.-shows us that he is the only God

5.- oration:

 i have lived in thre citys.

 She has played tennis in the mornings.
 They finished their homework after nine at night.
 They finished their homework after nine at night.
 We have cleaned the table for dinner.
 she has been in Peru to do tourism.
 I have become a circus acrobat.
 she has broken her teacher's pone.
 she got a perfect grade in math.
 We have left for a walk to the park.
 He has walked the ice without shoes.

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