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Concerns for Old Students: for orientation:

1. Academic resources needed by students

a. As an IT and CS student, one must have their own computer (desktop or laptop)
b. Cellphone are discouraged especially for lab courses
c. There are activities that needs installations, configurations and the like that students
should know and be able to apply
d. Of course, the program course modules
2. Taking Courses…
a. prerequisite courses must be taken prior to enrollment of a new course
b. No one is allowed to take more than six units as overload…
c. Overloading courses is only given once until you graduate
d. Students are only allowed to stay in a program for a maximum of 5 years…
e. If you are more than 5 years and have not graduated from the program you will be
advised to take another school
3. PE, ROTC and CWTC
a. Should be finished within the first two years of your program
b. You will not be allowed to enter 3 rd year if you are not cleared from the said courses
4. Modules
a. Modules are to be accessed by student themselves, accession is to be monitored
b. Students are only allowed to access, either download or printing, two times, a request
shall be made if it is over two times
c. Students should consider modules as the first line and tools for learning
d. Get all information and knowledge through modules
e. They must not forget to answer and doo activities needed and stipulated in the module
f. Student must understand that grades will come from their responses to the assessment
g. Supplementary activities are needed but they serve as monitoring and communication
tools in between student and teacher
h. Teacher are free to choose whatever flatform they wish in the conduct of
supplementary activities
i. Attendance is not a part of student grades
j. Recitations and quizzes taken or done during the supplementary meeting are not
included in the computation of grades
5. Exams
a. As planned, exams are to be conducted f2f
b. In the event that f2f is not allowed an online exam is given
c. Submission is through the MIS@ LU.EDU.PH
d. None submission of exam means no grade
e. On time submission

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