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National Public School

Indiranagar, Bangalore
Class 11 Subject – English

1.Answer any 4 of the following

 i.What was the age of the poet's mother when the photograph was taken?
A. eleven years old
B. thirteen years old
C. twelve years old
D. fourteen year old   
ii.When did her mother die ?
A. two years ago
B. five years ago
C. thirteen years ago
D. twelve years ago
iii.Which material was the frame of the photograph made of?
A. Cardboard
B. Wood
C. Steels
D. Plastic
iv.What are the three of them doing in the photograph?
A. playing
B. standing beside house
C. holding hands
D. holding hands and went for paddling
v.After how many years did her mother laugh on seeing the photograph?
A. twenty-one
B. twenty-three
C. twelve
D. twenty-five
vi.What was the favourite memory of the poet?
A. her mother's memories
B. her mother's laughter
C. her own vacation memories
D. her childhood memories   
 vii.What Oxymoron literary device was used in the poem?      
A. Terribly transient
B. Through their
C. Both wry
D. Laboured ease
2.Answer any two of the following
i.The poet talks about a particular cardboard. How is it special to her?
ii.The sea ‘appears to have changed less’ in comparison to the three girls who enjoyed the sea
holiday. Comment.
iii.How does the poet react to her past? Why has she not mentioned anything about her
mother’s death?

3.Answer any one of the following

i.“Its silence silences,” writes Shirley Toulson. The loss of her mother has silenced her. Do
you think that this attitude of the poet is the right attitude to live life? Why/ why not?
ii.Happy moments are short-lived but provide a lifetime memory. They provide a cushion to
bear the difficulties which the future has in store for you. Comment in the light of the poem
‘A Photograph’ by Shirley Toulson.

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