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TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 “ Dap an: 1 LK (M-Cn) Welcome to Sunlight House. My name is Stephen, and I'll be leading you on this afternoon's tour. “Despite its name, Sunlight House was designed by Edgar Thompson not as a residential home but as the office for his architectural business. It was here that he worked on many of the industrial buildings that he's so well-known for today. You'll see when you enter the building that it's simply one large room with cleverly designed modular work spaces for Thompson and each of his associates. ® That type of floor plan is quite common today, but it was revolutionary for Thompson's time. As we walk around, feel free to take photographs, but please ™ do not handle or lean against anything, as many of the items on display have become fragile with age. (M-Cn) Chao mimg ban dén véi Sunlight House. Tén cia tdi 1a Stephen, va tdi sé dan dat ban trong tour chiéu nay. ** Mie dit tén cia né nhu vay, nhung Sunlight House dug thiét ké boi Edgar Thompson khéng phai nhw 1 m@t ngdi nha & ma la van phong cho viéc doanh nghiép kién trae ctia Sng dy. Chinh tai noi day, éng ay da lam nu ta nha cong nghiép cai ma lam 6ng dy ndi tiéng nhu ngay nay. Ban sé thay khi ban bude vao tda nha ring chi cé mt phong 1én don gin véi Khong gian lam vige mé-dun duge thiét ké théng minh cho Thompson va mdi cOng sy. ® Logi ké hoach san nay kha phé bién ngay nay, nhung né lt mot cuge céch mang trong thdi dai cia Thompson. Khi ching ta di bo xung quanh, hay thoai mi dé chyp anh, nhung xin vui long ° ding cham hay dia vao bit ctr thir gi, béi vi rat nhiéu dd duge trung bay da tro nén dé v6 theo tudi cia né. 98. What will listeners take a tour of? (A) A writer's study (B) An artist's studio (©) An architect's office (D) An inventor's workshop 99. According to the speaker, what is unusual about the room? (A) It was once part of a factory. (B) It was not a typical design for its time. (C) All the light comes in through the ceiling. (D) The construction materials were purchased overseas. 100, What does the speaker ask listeners to avoid doing? (A) Taking photographs (B) Speaking loudly (C) Touching the furnishings (D) Eating on the premises 98. Nguoi nghe sé tham quan gi? (A) M6t nghién ciru cia nha van (B) M6t xuéng vé ciia mét nghé si (C) Mét van phong kién tric sw (D) H6i thao cia mgt nha phat minh 99. Theo ngudi ndi, diéu gi bit thuang vé cin phong? (A) N6 timg 1a mot phan ciia nha may. (B) Né khong phai la mot thiét ké dién hinh trong thi gian cia né. (C) Tat ca anh sng di qua tran nha. (D) Cée vat ligu xy dung da duge mua 6 nude ngodi 100, Ngudi ndi yeu (A) Chup anh (B) Néi to (C) Cham vao dé dac (D) An tai ché ngudi nghe trénh lam gi? TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 2. (W-Am) Good moming and welcome to this orientation session for new employees. My name's Marilyn Carter, and I'm the head of the human resources group. °* Our first topic today is the company's payroll process — and I'm sure you're all eager to know how and when you'll be paid Paychecks are issued weekly, and °* I'm going to be handing out forms with the information we'll need to get you set up in the payroll system. Make sure that you write clearly and that all the information is accurate before you give them back to me. ”” One thing you should be aware of is that it takes about a week to process this paperwork, so that means there'll be a delay before you receive your first paycheck. (W-Am) Chao budi séng va chao mimg dén jinh huéng cho nhan vién méi. Tén toi ilyn Carter va toi la ngudi dimg nhém nhan sy. ** Chii dé dau tién cia chang ta hom nay 1a quy trinh tra lwong ciia céng ty - va t6i chdc chin ring tat cd cdc ban déu mong muén biét céch thite va thoi diém ban sé duge than toan. Tién Iuong dugc phat hanh hang tuan va ° tdi sé phat cdc biéu miu véi théng tin ma ching téi cAn dé gidp ban thiét lap hé théng bang Ivong. Hay chic chin rang ban viét ro rang va tat ca cdc théng tin 1 chinh xéc trwéc khi ban giti lai cho tai. °’ Mot digu ban nén biét 1a n6 sé mit khoang mdt tuan é xir ly gidy ta may, vi vay didu dé c6 nghia la sé cé sy chim tré true khi ban nh§n duge tién hrong dau tién. 98. What is the speaker explaining? (A) A payroll process (B) A corporate travel policy (C) Job responsibilities (D) Interviewing procedures 96. What does the speaker emphasize that listeners should do? (A) Consult a manual (B) Complete forms carefully (C) Meet with supervisors weekly (D) Monitor expenses 97. What are listeners told to expect? (A) A change in a company policy (B) An upgrade of some software (C) A delay in a payment (D) A revision to a work schedule 95, Ngudvi néi dang giai thich diéu gi? (A) M6t quy trinh tra long (B) Chinh sdch du lich cia cng ty (©) Trach nhigm céng viée (D) Thu tuc phong van 96. Nguéi néi nhan manh diéu gi ma ngudi nghe nén lam gi? (A) Tham Khao huéng din (B) Hoan thanh céc biéu miu mit cach cin th: (C) Gap go véi gidm sdt vién hang tuan (D) Theo d6i chi phi 97. Ngudi nghe duge néi dé che dgi diéu gi? (A) Thay déi trong chinh séch cia céng ty (B) Nang cép mét sé phan mém (C) M6t sy chim tré trong thanh toén_ (D) Sita déi lich tinh Iam viée TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 3. (W-Br) Our meeting today is about updating the image of ” Margate kitchen appliances. Consumers have a lot of confidence in our stoves and refrigerators, and we've done a great job making Margate a familiar name. But now senior management has asked us to develop a marketing campaign that emphasizes the modern look of ourlatest appliances.”* Next week we'll need to present our plans for the new campaign to the executive team, so today ” Td like all of us to begin coming up with ideas for promoting our contemporary — looking product line. (W-Br) Cuge hop tia ching fa hom nay 1a vé vige cp nh§t hinh anh cia” thiét bj nha bép Margate. Nguoi tiéu ding rit tin turing vao bép 18 ching ta E trién mot chié in dich tiép thj nhdn manh vao c4i nhin hién dai ciia céc thiét bj cua ching ta. * Tiép theo tudn téi ching ta sé trinh bay ké hoach cia ching tdi cho chién djch méi cho nhém diéu hanh, vi vay hom nay ” Toi mudn tat ca ching ta bit dau dua ra nhiing ¥ twéng dé thiic day dong sin phim duong dai ciu ching ta. 77. What type of business is Margate? (A) An appliance manufacturer (B) A food distributor (C) An interior design firm (D) A real estate agency 78. What will happen next week? (A) An applicant will be interviewed. (B) A new product will be launched. (C) A plan will be presented. (D) A catalog will be released 79. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? (A) Redesign a product (B) Create a customer survey (C) Review some resumes (D) Brainstorm marketing ideas 77. Margate thudc loai hinh kinh doanh nao? i (A) M@t nha san xuat thiét bj nha phan phéi thyc phim (©) Mot t (D) Mét dai ly bat dong san 78. Diéu gi sé xay ra vao tuan téi? (A) M6t tmg vién sé duge phéng van. (B) Mét san pham méi sé duge tung ra. (C) Mot ké hoach sé duge trinh bay. (D) M6t danh myc sé duge phat hanh. 79. Neudi néi yéu clu nguisi nghe Lam gi? (A) Thiét ké Jai sin phdm (B) Tao ra mot khdo sét khdch hang (C) Xem lai mot sé hé so xin vige (D) Dua ra ¥ twéng tiép thi TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 4. Good morning and welcome to the first day of our personal finance workshop. “I'm honored to introduce Eugene Summers. * * Eugene is a financial planner at Metro Center Bank, and has eighteen years of experience in helping people like you put their money to work. Today, he will talk about investment products to help you plan for your future. But, before he begins, there's been a slight change to our schedule: "Iunch will be served in the Parker Building at twelve-thirty rather than atone o'clock. And now, please join me in welcoming Eugene Summers. Chao budi sang va chio mimg dén ngay dau tién ciia hOi thao tai chinh cé nhan cua chting toi. °Téi han hanh gidi thigu Eugene Summers. Eugene 14 mét nha ké hoach tai chinh tai Ngan hang Metro Center, va 6 mudi tam nim kinh nghiém trong viée gitip do nhing ngudi nhur ban ding tién higu 4. Hom nay, anh dy sé ni phim dau tu dé gitip ban lap ké hoach cho tuong lai ciia ban. Nhung, truéc khi bat dau, a c6 mOt clit thay déi nhé trong lich trinh cua chting tdi: "bira dn trua sé duge phyc vutrong toa nha Parker tai 12: 30 chir khong phai lA & 1:00, Va bay gid, hay cing tdi chio dén Eugene Summers. 89. What is the main purpose of the talk? (A) To review a project plan (B) To demonstrate a product (©) To introduce a speaker (D) To report a problem 90. What field does Eugene Summers work in? (A) Financial planning (B) Human resources (C) Hotel management (D) Food service 91. What change does the speaker announce? (A) The location of a workshop (B) The time of a luncheon (C) The deadline for a project (D) The cost of a product 89. Mue dich chinh cia budi néi chuyén Ia aie > (A) Dé xem xét mét ké hoach dy an (B) Dé trinh bay mot sin phdm (C) Dé gidi thigu m9t dién gid (D) Dé bio edo vin dé 90. Eugene Summers hoat dong trong linh vyc no? (A) Lap ké hoach tai chink (B) Nhan lye (C) Quan ly khéch san (D) Dich vy n uéng 91. Sy thay déi nao ma ngudi néi théng béo? (A) Dia diém cia mot hgi thao (B) Théi gian cia mét bira tige trua (©) Han chét cho mot dy én (D) Gid thanh cia mot san phim TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 5. Iknow it's unusual to have such a large group of job applicants meet at the same time. But since we're hiring several new people who'll likely be working on the same team, we've decided to use a different process to select our future advertising staff. Before Swe interview you, “we'll be splitting you into groups to develop an adv campaign for a product we assign to you. We know that you won't have a lot of time — we really just want to see what you can produce, and how you work with others. “Your group and product assignments are in the folders that I'll distribute now. Toi bidt ™ 1a kh6 a tim duge mot nhém img vién dap tng nhu ciu cing mot hic. Nhung béi vi chting t6i dang cdn thué mét nguéi méi, nhiing ngudi cé kha nang sé lam vigc theo nhém , ching toi da quyét dinh sir dung mét quy trinh khéc nhau dé lya chon nhin vién quing c4o trong twong lai cita ching ta. Trude khi “phéng van ban, °Sching tdi sé chia thanh cac nhém dé phat trién mot chién dich quing c4o cho mét sin pham ching ta giao cho ban. Chiing t6i biét ring ban sé kh6ng c6 nhiéu théi gian - chiing t6i thye sy chi mudn xem nhiing gi ban c6 thé lam vige va Jam thé ndo ban lam ge voi nhing ngudi khéc. "Nhém cia ban m cia ban nim trong céc tai ligu ma toi sé phan phat bay gid. 95, Who is the talk intended for? (A) Hiring managers (B) Staff trainers (C) Job applicants (D) New clients 96, What will listeners do in groups? (A) Respond to interview questions (B) Tour a facility (C) Complete an evaluation form (D) Create an advertising plan 97.What does the speaker say he will do next? (A) Hand out assignments (B) Review a policy manual (C) Display a slide show presentation (D) Schedule interviews 95. Bai ndi dink cho ai? (A) Neudi é (B) Nhan vi (C) Newai xin vige (D) Khach hang méi 96. Nguéi nghe sé lam gi trong nhém? (A) Tra Idi cée cfu hoi phong van (B) Tham quan mét co sé (C) Hoan than miu dinh gid (D) Tao mot ké hoach quang céo 97. Ngudsi néi sé lam gi tiép theo? (A) Phan phat nhigm vy (B) Xem lai huéng din chinh séch (C) Trinh bay bai tinh bay slide (D) Lén lich phéng vin TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 6. (M-Cn) Thank you for coming to this afternoon's press conference. We're happy to announce that "Meadowbrook Hospital has completed the first phase of a 50-million- dollar expansion project. We've doubled the number of our patient rooms, which ‘means that we're now equipped to provide medical care to significantly more people. But our work is only half completed. Construction is already underway on a state- of- the-art medical training facility, the second phase of our expansion project. °* When that facility opens next year, we'll be able to offer cutting-edge training programs for all types of medical | professionals. (M-Cn) Cam on cdc ban da dén budi hop bao chiéu nay. Ching téi vui mig théng bao ring bénh vién “Meadowbrook da hoan thanh giai doan dau tién cia dy 4n mo rong 50 trigu dé-la.”°Ching tdi tang gap 446i sé lrgng cc phong bénh nhan , cé nghia lA bay gid ching ta dang dugc trang bj dé cung cép sy chim séc y té cho nhiéu ngudi dan hon, Nhung céng vige ciia ching tdi chi méi hoan thank mét mira. Viée xay dumg dang duge tién hanh trén mét co s6 dao tao y té hién dai, giai doan hai cua dy én mo rong ctia ching t6i. ""Khi co sé mot mo vao nam t6i, ching t6i sé c6 thé cung clip cae chuong trinh dao tao tién tién cho tat ca céc chnyén gia y té. ‘98. What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To recognize a staff member (B) To discuss a construction project (©) To welcome professionals to a training seminar (D) To request funding for medical equipment 99. According to the speaker, what has changed at Meadowbrook Hospital? (A) The duties of medical staff (B) The budget for a research project (C) The admissions procedure (D) The number of patient rooms 100. What does the hospital plan to do next year (A) Open a training center (B) Start a fund-raising campaign (©) Expand a parking area (D) Hire more physicians 98. Mue dich cia budi néi chuyén [a gi? (A) Dé céng nhan mét nhan vién (B) Dé thao lun vé mét dy 4n x4y dung (C) Dé chao dén cdc chuyén gia dén mot hoi thao dao tg0 (D) Yéu cu tai trg cho thiét bi y & 99. Theo ngudsi néi, digu gi da thay déi tai Bénh vién Meadowbrook? (A) Nhiém vu ctia nhan vién y té (B) Ngan sch cho mot dy 4n nghién ci (C) Thi tye nh§p hoc (D) Sé phong bénh nhan 100. Bénh vién dy dinh lam gi trong nam téi? (A) Mé mot trung tam dio tao (B) Bat dau chién dich gay quy (C) Me rong khu vue dé xe (D) Thué thém bac si TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 7. Today we're going to visit the town of. Cedarton. “We'll be starting in the oldest part of town. The area was once residential, but now it’s the town's commercial district. You'll have the morning to look at the historic buildings and do some shopping. Then, “after lunch, we'll head over to Cedarton University. As you're strolling around the campus, don’t be surprised if you feel like you've been there before. Because it's so beautiful, this campus has been used as the setting for a number of famous movies. ‘Hom nay ching ta sé dén thim thj tran Cedarton. “Ching ta sé bit dau & phan cd nhit ciia thj tran. Khu vue nay da timg cé ngudi 6, nhung bay gid né 1a khu thuong mai cia thanh phd. Ban sé c6 ca budi sing dé xem céc toa nha lich sir va mua sim. Sau d6, “sau khi dn trua, ching ta sé di qua Dai hoc Cedarton. Khi ban dang di dgo quanh khuén vién trudng, dimg ngac nhién néu ban cam thay nhw ban da timg 6 day truée day. B6i vi né qué dep, khuén vién nay da duge sit dung nhu phim trudng cho mét sé phim ndi tiéng. 83. Who most likely is the speaker? (A) A professor (B) A shop owner (©) A tour guide (D) A film director 84, What does the speaker say about Cedarton's shopping district? (A) Itis the largest in the region, (B) It is in the oldest part of town. (C) It has reasonable prices. (D) Itis popular with students 85. What will listeners do in the afternoon? (A) Walk around university (B) Watch a film (C) Attend a short lecture (D) Visit a historic home 83. Ai c6 kha nang nhat [a ngudi néi? (A) Mét gido sur chii ctra hang (C) Mét huéng dan vién du lich (D) Mét dao dién phim 84, Ngudi néi néi gi vé khu mua sim ctia Cedarton? (A) N6 18 16n nhat trong khu vyc, (B) Dé nam & phan lau doi nhat ciia thi tran. (C) N6 6 gid ca hop ly. (D) N6 pho bién véi sinh vien. 85, Ngudi nghe sé Lim gi vao budi chiéu? (A) Bi bd xung quanh truvng dai hoc (B) Xem phim (C) Tham dy m6t bai giang ngin (D) Ghé thm mét ngoi nha lich sir TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 8. Hello everyone, and welcome. On behalf of Trap Industries, I'd like to say how delighted % we are to be here at this year's civil engineering conference. It's our first time attending, and we're looking forward to a “showing you one of the applications we'vebeen developing specifically for civil engineers. I'll be demonstrating our newest software for designing bridges. As I go through the presentation, "*you'll be able to practice using the program's features on the computersin front of you. But first, *everyone will have to enter a password to access the system. All you need to do is type in the word "Trap" — with a capital T —in the password box. Let me know if you have any problems logging in, and I'll come around to help you Xin chao tt cd moi ngudi, va chao mimng. Thay mat Trap Industries, ti muén. ni vui mimg nhu thé nao vi ching ta cé mat day tai *hOi nghj ky thuat nam nay. Dé Ja an dau tién ching t6i tham dy, va chting t6i dang mong cho **chi cho ban ban mdt trong nhimg img dung ma ching ti di duge phat trién dc biét cho céc ky su xay dung. Téi sé trinh bay phan mém méi nhat clia ching t6i vé thiét ké céc cay cau. Khi t6i trinh bay, *ban_cé thé thye hanh sir dung c4c tinh ning ciia chong trinh trén cdc may tinh true mat ban. Nhung truéc tién, "moi nguoi sé phai nhap mat khdu dé truy cap vao hé théng. TAt ca ban can lam [A go vao tir "Trap" - voi mét chit T viét hoa - trong 6 mit khdu. Hay cho t6i biét néu ban C6 bat ky vn dé nao véi viéc ding nhap, va tdi sé di xung quanh dé giup d& ban. 95, Who is the conference for? (A) Interior designers (B) Civil engineers (©) Safety professionals (D) Computer programmers 96, What will the audience be using computers to do? (A) Try a program's features (B) Register for workshops (C) Compare competitors’ Web sites. (D) Take notes on a presentation 97,.What does the speaker ask listeners to do first? (A) Adjust a monitor (B) Enter a password (C) Put on headphones (D) Install a program 95. Hi nghi dink cho ai? (A) Nha thiét ké ngi that (B) Kj su xay dung (©) Chuyén gia an toan (D) Lép trinh vién may tinh 96. Khén gia sé str dung my tinh dé lam gi? (A) Thir ede tinh nang cia chong trink (B) Ding ky hgi thio (C) So sinh céc trang web ciia déi thi canh_ tranh, (D) Ghi chi mOt bai thuyét tinh 97. Nguéi néi yéu cau ngudi nghe lam gi truéc? (A) Digu chinh man hinh (B) Nh§p mit khéu (C) Deo tai nghe (D) Cai dat chuong trinh TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 a *Thank you for inviting me to your directors’ meeting. Mr. Shin has asked me to report on the construction project I'm supervising in the West Tower building. At my last review session with this board, “you asked that we include an employee cafeteria in the plans, and you can see here in the blueprints that we've done that. The cafeteria will be on the first floor, along with the two conference rooms and auditorium. However, "with that change, the construction firm we're using says the project will take a month longer than originally expected. ‘Cam on Ong vi di mii toi dén cuge hop gidm déc cita ban. Ong Shin da yéu cdu ti gidm sat 6 ta nha West Tower. Tai cudc hop v6i ban gidm déc Lin truéc, “ban c6 hi rdng ching ta cé nén xay thém quan an cho nhan vign trong bin ké hoa ching t6i da lam diéu dé. Cac quan an sé nim trén ting mét, cing véi hai phong hdi nghj va thinh phong. Tuy nbién, ”véi sw thay déi dé, cée cbng ty xy dung ma ching ti dang lam vige cing cho biét dy 4n sé kéo dai thém mit thang so véi dr kién ban dau. 95. Who most likely are the listeners? (A) Maintenance workers (B) Conference planners (C) Cafeteria employees (D) Company directors 96, What change has been made to the construction plans? (A) An auditorium has been redesigned. (B) A parking area has been expanded, (©) A cafeteria has been added. (D) A storage area has been enlarged 97. According to the speaker, what does the construction firm require as a result of the change? (A) A larger deposit (B) Additional time (C) New blueprints (D) A revised contract 95. Ai c6 Kha nang 1a ngudi nghe nhat? (A) Nhan vign bao ti (B) Céc nha lén ké hoach hdi nghi (C) Nhin vién quan ca phé (D) Giam dic céng ty 96, Nhtig thay déi da duge thye hign cho céc ké hogch xay dung? (A) MGt khan phong d& duge thiét ké Iai (©) Mat quan in di duge thém vao. (D) Mét khu vue hu trit da durge mé réng. 97. Theo ngudi ndi, céng ty xay dung yéu cdu gi khi c6 sy thay d6i? (A) M6t khoan tién giti lon hon (B) Thoi gian bé sung (©) Ban thiét ké méi (D) Hop dng sita déi TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 10. Tm so glad you could all join me this evening in honoring Ms. Aviva Rozen. After twenty- five years of working with us at Crown 2 Software, Aviva is retiring from her position as chief software developer. As ” you know, our healthcare applications group was established by Aviva. Under her strong leadership, that division has become one of our most profitable areas. We're sorry to lose her, but we know she'll enjoy the years ahead. In fact, “she says she'll be found in her home studio, where she'll finally have the time she wants to devote to her watercolor painting. Toi rat vui vi tt ca cde ban c6 thé tham gia cing téi t6i nay dé tén vinh ba’ Aviva Rozen. Sau hai mui Lim nim lam vige véi chuing téi tai Crown phin mém, **Aviva sé nghi hwu tir yj tri cia minh 1a truéng nhém phat trién phan mém. Nhu ban da biét, *nhém cée ing dung y té cia ching t6i duge thanh lip béi Aviva. Doi su linh dao manh mé cia cé, b phan 46 da tré thinh mit trong nhimg linh vue c6 Ii nhugin nhit ctia ching toi. Chuing tdi rét tiéc vi khéng cé cé dy lam viée nita, nhung chiing tdi biét cé dy sé tan hudng nhing nam nghi huu tdi. Trong thyc té, “c6 néi cé sé séng trong phong thu gia dinh cia cé, noi ma cudi cing c6 Ay eding cé thi gian cng hién cho bire tranh mau nude cua minh. 92. What is Aviva Rozen’s position? (A) Software executive (B) Financial advisor (C) Marketing director (D) Chief scientist 93. According to the speaker, what did Ms. Rozen accomplish? (A) She negotiated a complicated merger. (B) She implemented a global sales strategy. (C) She developed the company's training plan. (D) She started a successful division. 94, What will Ms. Rozen do after she retires? (A) Volunteer at a museum (B) Start a new business (C) Pursue a hobby (D) Consult for the company 92. Vii (A) Ngi (B) Co van tai chinh (C) Giam déc tiép thj (D) Nha khoa hoc hang dau 93. Theo ngudi néi, ba Rozen da lam gi? (A) C6 dy da dam phan m6t vy sép nhap phic tap. (B) Cé ay da thyc hign mét chién luge bin hang toan cau. (©) Cé ay da phat trién ké hoach dao tao cia cong ty. (D) Cé dy bat diu mt nhém thanh cong. 94. Ba Rozen sé lam gi sau khi nghi huu? (A) Tinh nguyén tai mot bao ng (B) Bat diu mét doanh nghiép moi (C) Theo dudi m9t sé thich (D) Tu van cho céng ty TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 il. Tam very pleased to announce we've been recognized by the industry's most important publication. °**Tech Trade Magazine has just named our latest data security software the product of the year! It was released in April, and since then, our company's revenue has increased significantly. "We couldn't have done any of this without the dedication of Mr. Koji Aoki, who led the team of engineers that created this outstanding software package. In more good news, “the company plans to open an office abroad next year. Having an international presence will allow us to provide even more customers with this innovative product. Toi rat vui khi thong b4o ring ching t0i da duge cOng nhén 1a én phim quan trong nhat cia nganh. ’Tap chi Thuong mai Cong nghé vira dat tén cho phan mém bao mat dir ligu méi nhat ciia ching ta 1a san p! cia nim! Né da duge phat hanh vao thing Tu, va ké tir d6, doanh thu cia cng ty ching ta da tng ding ké. *Chiing ta khdng thé lam didu nay ma khéng cé sy céng hién cia dng Koji Aoki, ngudi da inh dao nga ky sw da tao ra géi phan mém ndi bat aay. Thém vao dé, “céng ty c6 ké hoach m@é vin phing ra nuée ngoai trong nim ot sy é sé cho phép ching t6i cung cdp cho thim chi nhiéu khéch hang hon véi sin phdm sang tao n 92. What product is being discussed ? (A) A stereo system (B) A laptop computer. (©) A color printer (D) A software program, 93, What is said about KoJi Aoki ? (A) He work for an industry magazine (B) He created an influential advertising campaign (C) He led a successful project team (D) He is on the board of directors 94, What does the company plan to do next year? (A) Hire a consultant (B) Open an international office (C) Change its logo (D) Reorganize a division 92. Sin phim nao dang duge thio lujn? (A) Mét hé théng 4m thanh néi (B) Mét may tinh xéch tay (©) Mot may in mau (D) Mét chwong trinh phan mém. 93. Ngudi ta néi gi vé Koli Aoki? (A) Ong dy 1am viéc cho mét tap chi céng nghig (B) Ong da tao ra mot chién dich quang céo 6 anh huéng (C) Ong da lanh dao mét nhém dy an thanh céng (D) Ong dy nim trong ban giém déc 94, Cong ty dy dinh lam gi trong nim t6i? (A) Thué mét nha tu van (B) Mé van phang quéc té (C) Thay déi logo cia né (D) Sap xép lai mét bd phan TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 12. ‘Thank you for the opportunity to speak at this month's meeting of the Penndale Civic Association. On behalf of my company, Marino Builders, I'm happy to announce that we've broken ground on a new 10- story building in the city center. It will be known as Highpoint Tower, and construction will be complete before the end of next year. We know that the civic association has dedicated itself to revitalizing Penndale's business district, and we believe our project will help to attract new businesses and customers to the area. To show how it will do that.!"I'd like to present a short video that will take you on a virtual tour of some of the building's most notable features. Cam on ban di dén néi chuyén tai cudc hop thang nay cua Hiép hoi Civic Penndale. Thay mit cong ty téi, Marino Builders, tdi rat vui mig théng bdo ring ching ti dang x4y dyng mit toa nha 10 tang miéi tai trung tam thanh pl (6 durge biét dén nhu 1a Highpoint Tower, dug sé ho’n thinh tru tiép theo. °*Chung tdi biét ring cac té chite & day da céng hién dé dem lai sire séng méi cho khu vyc kinh doanh Penndale va ching téi tin ring dy 4n cua chiing t6i sé giip thu hut céc doanh nghigp moi va Khaeh hang dén khu ve. Dé trink bay cach Lim diéu dé, Tai mudn trinh bay mét doan video ngin cai ma dua ban vao mét chuyén tham quan 4o vé mét sé dic diém cia toa nh 98. What is the subject of the announcement? (A) A construction project (B) A charitable donation (©) Acity landmark (D) A corporate merger 99, According to the speaker, what is a goal of the Penndale Civic Association? (A) To sponsor community events (B) To improve the business district (C) To restore historic neighborhoods (D) To support local schools 100. What will the speaker most likely do next? (A) Hand out brochures (B) Answer questions (©) Review a timeline (D) Show a video 98. Chii dé cia thong bao 1 gi? (A) M@t dy an xay dung (B) Mét khoan déng gép tir thign (C) Mot dia danh cua thanh phd (D) Vige sap nhap cong ty 99. Theo ngudsi néi, myc tiéu cua Hiép hoi Din sy Penndale 18 gi? {i trg cho cée sy kign cng dong thign khu kinh doanh (C) Dé khéi phy céc khu phé lich sit (D) Dé hé trg cdc trudmg hoe dia phuong 100, Ngudi néi nhiéu kha nang sé lam gi tiép theo? (A) Phat t roi (B) Tra li cau hoi (©) Xem lai thai gian (D) Trinh bay video TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 13. o Good morning! "It’s great to see such a large crowd at today’s workshop. I'll be providing instructions for using our electronic record- keeping system, which each of you has already purchased for your ‘own medical office or clinic. After the training, you'll have all the skills you need to set up the software system at your office, and teach the rest of your staff how to use it. Now, you should have received a binder of training materials at the door 100 when you arrived. — We'll begin on page five and go through the first few sections before we stop for coffee at ten o'clock. Are there questions? a Chao budi sing! Thit tuy@t vai khi thay m9t dm dong lén tai h@i thio ngay hom Ly huéng dan str dung h¢ théng luu gitt hd so dign tir, ¢4i a tai ban da mua cho vin phong hoac phdng khém y tériéng cua ban, it ca nhiing ky ip cdc hé thong 'm tai van phong ciia ban, va day cho céc nhan vién con lai cua ban lam thé ” nao dé sir dung n6. Bay gis, ban sé nhin duge mot tip cae tai ligu dao tgo tai cira khi ban dén. Ching ta sé bit dau véi trang sé nam va di hét phan dau tién truéc khi ching ta nghi uéng ca phé lic 10:00, Ban c6 cau hoi nto khéng nia? ‘98. What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To describe a workshop (B) To go over a travel itinerary (C) To announce a schedule change (D) To report on a new clinic 99, What were listeners given at the door? (A) Free product samples (B) Travel brochures (C) Feedback forms (D) Training materials 100. What does the speaker say the group will do at 10 A.M.? (A) Assemble some binders (B) Watch a video (C) Have a question-and-answer session (D) Take a break 98. Myc dich cia budi néi chuygn Ia gi? (A) Dé mé ta mGt hai thao (B) Xem qua lich trinh du lich (C) Dé thong bao thay dé (D) Dé bao co vé mét phong kham méi 99, Neuéi nghe duge nhan & ctta 1a gi? (A) Mau sin phdm mién phi (B) Ta roi du lich (C) Mau don phan héi (D) Tai ligu dio tao 100. Ngudi néi néi nhém sé lam gi vao lic 10 gid sang? (A) Lap rap mét sé chat két dinh (B) Xem video (C) Cé phién hoi dap (D) Nghi ngoi TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 14. 75 Td like to thank everyone for coming to today’s workshop on professional writing %s skills. Ihope that you’ve found it informative and useful. I’d also like to thank Village Cafe for providing such a % wonderful lunch for us today. Now, 96 before you leave, I’m going to pass out a participant survey. The object of the survey is to find out what you thought about today’s workshop and to give you an opportunity to write comments. When youre finished filling it out, please leave it ” in the envelope on the back table. You'll also find a stack of schedules on the back table that list all of the workshops that we'll be offering here next month, Please feel free to take one on your way out. Again, thank you for coming and have a nice evening. muén cam on tat ca moi ngwai dén véi hdi thao vé ky nang viét chuyén nghiép ngayhém nay. Ti hy vong rang ban thay né cung c4p nhidu thong tin va how ich. T6i cing muén cam on Village Cafe vé vige cung cap mot bia an trua tuyét voi cho ching ta hom nay. Bay gid, truée khi ban rai di, tdi sé phat mgt ban khao sat ngwoi tham gia. Myc dich cla cugc Khao sat 1a tim hiéu nhiing gi ban nghi vé hGi thao ngay hom nay va la, dé cho ban c6 dip viét ra nhimg nhan xét. Khi ban dién xong né, xin hay dé n6 trong phong bi trén ban phi Ban ciing sé tim thay tAp lich trinh tai ban phia sau c4i ma I ké danh sch tat ca cdc cugc hdi thio chting ti sé cung cap 6 day vao thang tdi. Xin cit ty nhién lay 1 ban. M6t lan nita, cam on céc ban da dén va chic ban budi t6i t6t anh, sau. 95. When does the talk most likely take place? (A) After a tour (B) During registration (C) Before a lunch break (D) At the end of a workshop 96. What does the speaker ask participants to do? (A) Wait to ask questions (B) Fill out a survey (C) Put payment in an envelope (D) Sign up for a dinner 97. What is on the table in the back of the room? (A) Books (B) Menus (C) Schedules (D) Application forms 95. Khi nio cuge ni chuyén 6 kha ning dién ra nhat? (A) Sau chuyén tham quan (B) Trong qua trinh dang ky (C) Trude gig nghi trua (D) Vao cudi cita mot h9i thio 96. Ngudi néi yéu cdu ngudi tham gia lam a? (A) Chis dé dat cau hoi (B) Dién vao mot ban khao sat (C) Dat thanh toan trong mét phong bi (D) Ding ky cho mot bita an t6i 97. Céi gi & trén ban & cudi phong? (A) Séch (B) Thy don (© Lich tinh (D) Don dang ky TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 15. 7 Hello, and Welcome to the Silva Sculpture Museum, My name is Nina and I will be your tour guide. Today we will visit two very different but equally impressive exhibits. We'll begin the tour on the first floor with the Susan Willis collection. This exhibit features life -size statues made of glass. After a fifteen - minute break, we will proceed to the second floor, where the Karina exhibit is housed. This contains the largest collection of modern sculptures in the world, When our tour is over, we encourage you to visit the museum gift shop on the third floor, just across from the cafeteria, where you can purchase coffee and snacks. If you have any questions during our tour, please don’t hesitate to ask. 7 Xin chao, va Chao mig dén véi Bio tang Diéu khic Silva. Tén t6i 1A Nina va tdi sé huéng din tour du lich ctia ban. Hém. nay chting ta sé dén thm hai trién lam rt khdc nhau nhung 4n tugng khong ké: Ching ta sé bat dau tour du lich tai ting 1 6i cdc bd suu tap Susan Willis. tang hai, noi ma trién lam Karina dugc dat. Noi nay cé chita b6 suu tap 1én nhat céc tac phim diéu khdc hign dai trén thé gidi. Khi tour du lich cia ching ta ki thiic, cing ti Khuyén Khich cde ban dén cira hang qua ting bao tang 6 ting ba, 46i dign quan An nhanh, noi ban cé thé mua ca phé va dé an nhe. Néu ban cé bat ky cu héi nao trong chuyén di, xin dimg ngan ngai hdi. 92. What are on display at the museum? (A) Photographs (B) Sculptures (C) Paintings (D) Machines 93. What is unusual about the Susan Willis exhibit? (A) It includes objects that move. (B) It features life-size statues. (C) Ithas many antique items. (D) Itis the only exhibit of its kind 94. Where is the gift shop located? (A) On the first floor (B) Next to the Karina exhibit (C) Across from the cafeteria (D) By the Susan Willis exhibit 92. Nhing gi dang duge trmg bay tai bao tang? (A) Anh. (B) Tac phim diéu khic (© Tranh (D) May méc 93. Di Willis? (A) N6 bao gdm céc vat thé di chuyé (B) Né 6 turgng kich thuée thyc. (©) Né6 6 nhiéu dé 6. (D) Day 1a trién lam duy nt cia loai hinh nay gi bat thudng vé trién lam Susan 94. Ctra hang qua ting nam 6 dau? (A) Trén tang dau tién (B) Bén canh trién lam Karina (©) Déi dign quan an ty phue vu (D) Gan trién lam Susan Willis

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