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1-Discuss the distinctive characteristics of African American cultures.

2-Compare the Asian Americans of “yesteryear” with those immigrating to the United States
more recently.

3-Discuss why there is a positive correlation between ethnic and racial diversity in an
organization and African American employee trust in that organization.

4-Rates of psychopathology are approximately the same across ethnic groups so this cannot
account for the disproportionately high rate of violence in certain African American
communities. Discuss some factors that may account for this higher than average rate.

5-What are the negative consequences of stereotypes of Asian Americans as academic


6-Traditional American Indian values are at odds with many of those of the mainstream U.S.
population. Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages for American Indians of
being raised in a traditional, assimilated, and bicultural family.

7-Discuss the “one-drop rule” (hypodescent) and how it might impact cultural identity and

8-The U.S. government took American Indian children from their families to live in, and be
educated at, boarding schools. Discuss the pros and cons, if any, of this practice.

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