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Program :

struct node
                int data;
                struct node *link;
typedef struct node * NODE;

NODE getnode()
                NODE x;
                x = (NODE)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
                                printf("\nInsufficient memory");
                x->link = NULL;
                return x;

NODE insert(NODE first)

                int val;
                NODE temp, cur;
                temp = getnode();

                printf("\nEnter the value: ");

                scanf("%d", &val);
                temp->data = val;

                                return temp;

                cur = first;
                                cur = cur->link;
                cur->link = temp;
                return first;

NODE concat(NODE first, NODE second)

                NODE cur;
                                return second;
                                return first;
                cur =first;
                        cur = cur->link;
                cur->link = second;
                return first;

void display(NODE first)

                NODE cur;
                cur = first;
                printf("\nContents are:\n");
                if(cur == NULL)
                                printf("\nList is empty. Nothing to display.");
                            printf("| %d | %d | => ", cur->data,cur->link);
                            printf("| %d | %d |", cur->data, cur->link);
                            cur = cur->link;

void main()
                int ch, i , n1,n2;
                NODE first = NULL;
                NODE second =NULL;

                printf("\nEnter number of nodes for list1: ");

                scanf("%d", &n1);
                                first = insert(first);
                printf("\nEnter number of nodes for list2: ");
                scanf("%d", &n2);
                                second = insert(second);
                printf("\nAfter Concatenation");
                first = concat(first, second);
Output :

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