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Flotildes, Elah Joie B.

Explain the difference between explicit and implicit “social contract”. Cite related
examples and discuss your answer in at least 6 sentences.
- The social contract has two ways it is an explicit and implicit agreement. The explicit
agreement shows a formal contract between the two parties, and it is a legal agreement
where an organization should be detailed. For example, The CEO plans a meeting for
the investors where investors will sign a contract depends on their concurrence to the
flow of the business. In implicit agreement, shows a long-term contract that the
government-controlled each society or business between employer and owner, depends
on how they agree with both parties through actions. It is voluntary where the people
agree on something according to the policies implemented by the government or
business for a better future. For instance, Peter owns the land for sale to Josh, and they
have an agreement for paying it within one year to settle the money then Peter did not
say that the original certificate of land and Josh should get it until he would pay it.

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