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In a time when the assessment pendulum has swung to the extreme right once again, and
standardized tests have become the norm in every school district, I strive to assess my students’ learning
using authenticity.

As you will see in my lesson plans, I favor self-evaluations completed by the students
themselves. I believe that it is a teachable moment in itself to have children evaluate their own work
and not judge their work’s value solely on my comments.

I also favor rubrics because I believe it is extremely beneficial for students to have clear
guidelines and goals to achieve successful completion of the assignment using my criteria.
Consequently, when they receive their grade, they will be held accountable for the work and will feel
great about reaching those said goals.

Finally, I believe in assessing a student’s progress from the beginning of the school year to the
end of the same school year, not from one year to the next. In my experiences, children and parents
alike desire instant gratification and clear feedback on progress. The best way to show this is by
collecting documents in a portfolio assessment to ensure both the child and the parents that they will be
able to lucidly see the success that has been achieved or the improvement that needs to continue.

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