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Life, one of, if not the most beautiful manifestation of the universe, can have
different shapes and sizes. If we were to perceive it with a scientific eye it would be said
as: "The quality that distinguishes a functional and vital being from a non-living body or
pure and simple chemical matter", but for me it means much more than that. It is the
chance for you and only you to change the world and the people around you, touching
them in a way that is uniquely and exclusively yours, with your experiences and ways of
being, it is to live the crazy and miraculous experiences already created by human
beings throughout history. It is contemplating the sunrise, the changing phases of the
moon, every animal and plant that is present on Earth, it is a long and long journey, but,
at the same time, a quick and small one, where you have the chance to witness the love
of a divine being called God, it can be ended in a small and simple sudden event. In it
you can witness the saddest of losses and also the most beautiful of joys, to feel pain
and soon after be smiling, it is to allow yourself to feel all these emotions together. It is
to love people as they are, regardless of race, color, religion, or gender. It's about
knowing that you are not alone under the surface of this big rock we call home, that you
are hovering around this infinite universe. It's about making your mark on the world by
doing what you do best, live.

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