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Objetivo III.

Uso de los tiempos simples afirmativos.

Presente simple - I write well.

Pasado simple - He wrote well.

Futuro simple - He will write well.

Condicional simple - They would write well.

Analicen bien los ejemplos y haga dos oraciones en cada tiempo usando estos Verbos.

Presente simple:

1. You work very hard

2. He studies for his English class

Pasado simple:

1. She went to the clothing store

2. They spoke to her every week

Futuro simple:

1. they will go to the movies next weekend

2. She have left the door open. She will go and shut it

Condicional simple:

1. It would be good to open the store at eight in the morning

2. I would like to see you tomorrow

Speak, go, study, work, Open, see. Use estos pronombres.

He, she, you, they, it.

Nota. Los verbos en presente tercera persona se les agrega una S, excepto goes, studies.

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