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Wuen You NEED ANSWERS ABOUT ABUNDANCE ‘veryone has an equal opportunity to receive the ever- flowing bounty Heaven continuously provides. Yet a “lack mentality” may hamper our natural abundance. If money worries are blocking you from the path of greater well-being and happiness, the Angels of Abundance can help! This companion guidebook to the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and rant Virtue offers instructions on how to conduct a card reading and get specific insights and angelic messages to identify, heal, and remove blocks to manifesting support for your earthly needs, life purpose, and charitable giving. You can enjoy the blessings that are your Divine birthright! Doreen Virtue is abest-lling spiritual book author who hls three university degrees in counseling psycho a ree eee ny America, CNN, and other programs, and she presents Cent state ate] feretees ers Perera ane Peering eccete epee poor P| me reese eer ee ee eee ea Ce oa eee teeny jrpetaatierar corer Frap Eee STAONW owt Brel etaneme thy fe) a (een setae) TOLAIA LNVAD ANLALA NAAOa a Oe Oracle Cards (hited ANGELS @ ABUNDANCE Oracle Cards GUIDEBOOK > <> DOREEN VIRTUE & GRANT VIRTUE nh We HAY HOUSE, INC. Carlsbad, Californi ve London Sy Johannesburg, ‘ew Delhi Copyright © 2017 by Doreen Virtue and Grant Virwe Published and distributed tn the United States by: Hay House, Inc: * Published and dis- tributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pv. Utd, ‘® Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House Uk, Ltd: ww: hay «Published and distributed in the Repub: Tc of South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pry), Lids www * Distributed int Canada by: Raiicoast iooks: + Published in India By: Hay House Publishers India: Cover 8 interior design: Bryn Stare Best All rights reserved. No part of this guidebook may be re- produced by any mechanical, photographic, or eletron- ec process, or in the form of a phonographic recording: nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—othet than for "fair use” as brief quotations embodied in ar ticles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher. The intent of the authors is only to offer Information of general natute to help You in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this guidebook for yourself, ‘the authors and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions Printed ethically in China Oruer Carp Decks BY DorEEN VIRTUE SCACV BO Crystal Anges race Cands Anil aot Cans Butterfly Onate Cards for Life Changes Loving Wonds from Jesus Archangel Gabriel One Cards Fairy Tart Cant ath Radeigh Valentine) Angel Answers Oracle Canis (ovith Radleigh Valentine) Past Life Oracle Cards (with Brian Weiss, M.D.) Guardian Angel Tarot Canis (with Radleigh Valentine) (Cherub Angel Cands for Children Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards (ovith James Van Praagh) Archangel Power Tarot Cards, (ovith Radleigh Valentine) Flower Therapy Oracle Cards (with Robert Reeves) Indigo Angel Oracle Cards (with Charles Virtue) Angel Dreams Oracle Cards (with Melissa Virtue) Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards Angel Tarot® Cards (with Radleigh Valentine and Steve A. Roberts) The Romance Angels Oracle Cards Life Purpose Oracle Cards Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards Archangel Michael Oracle Cards Angel Therapy Oracle Cards Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards Ascended Masters Oracle Cards Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Caras Saints & Angels Oracle Cards Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards Goddess Guidance Oracle Carts Archangel Oracle Cards Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards Heating with the Angels Oracle Cards tte Allof the above are available at your local bookstore, or may bbe ordered fom: Hay House USA: wie hayhouse com: Hay House Australas Hay House UK: ‘wiewhayhouse coatk; Hay House South Arnica: www hhayhousecoza Hay House Indi: wws¢ Doreen’s website: ww. Angel Grants website: CONTENTS Cer) How to Work with the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards... 1 THE MEANINGS OF THE CARDS 0013 Abundance Mindset . Ask for Your Needs to Be Met Attracting, Not Chasing Block Out Distractions... Bountiful Nature, 24 Clean-Energy FOOd nn 27 Clearing Debts... . ee 30 Conscious Consumer. nnnn 33 Cooperation Instead of Competition ......36 Declutter 38. Deservingness ove 40 Detox Your Friendships ..c.ncnnnnnnnn A Donations, Tithing, and Charitable Work 46 Do the Work 49 Dreams of Abundance. 52 Employment Change. 54 Exercise to Increase Your Energy and Manifestation Abilities. Face Your Financial Fears Focus on Your Priorities... God Is Your Source .. Gratitude List Have Courage to Ask for and Accept Help... It Is Safe for You to Receive, Let Go of Guilt Moonlighting.. No More Complaining Obstacles and Blocks Are Lifted .. Organize for Success Partnership... Pay Yourself Fist Positivity, Faith, and Optimism Power of Praye Quiet Retreat .. 94 Raise or Promotion 96 Release Jealousy .. 98 Release Resentments about Money... 101 Savings.. Sever Vows of Poverty. Successful Funding Take a Divinely Guided Chance. Unlimited Ideas . “ Visualize Abundance in All Forms. Windfall of Abundance «0. Words of Abundance... About the Artists, About the Authors.. How to Work with the ANGELS OF ABUNDANCE Orace Carbs Praewr ex angels have specialties, just like people. The Angels of Abundance are those members of Heaven’s team who help us overcome “lack mentality,” which means beliefs, thoughts, and habits impeding our natural abundance. The Angels of Abun- dance can give us the strength to heal harm- ful patterns such as debt and worry so that we can enjoy the steady flow of support that the Divine is continuously sending our way. In our travels around the world to give spiritual workshops, we've met hundreds of talented people with important life pur- poses. Many of them were working long hours at jobs just to pay their bills, and they didn’t have much time or energy left to fulfill their missions. They longed for more meaningful work but worried whether their passion could support them. We envision positive-energy people having enough money to start their own radio stations and other media outlets, ‘open healing centers, run schools for sen- sitive children, and so forth. That’s why we wrote the Angels of Abundance book, filmed an online video course by that name with, and now offer you these oracle cards and companion guidebook. ‘We are passionate about helping others get onto their Divine path by manifesting the earthly resources that they need. When you step into the flow of abun- dance, you have more resources available, which you can use to help your loved ones and your favorite charities. Abundance truly is unlimited, so there are no dimin- ishing returns, only exponentially increas- ing rewards! Usine Your Angels of Abundance OREO Step 1: Clear Your Card Deck Your cards are sensitive instruments, so they'll need to be cleared of any energy they may have absorbed from the manu- facturing process. Steps 1 and 2 only need repeating after another person touches your cards, or if your readings lack clarity because the deck has become clogged with too much energy. To clear your cards, first hold the deck in your nondominant hand (the one you normally don't write with), as this is the hand that receives energy. Then, say a prayer over the cards, asking that they be cleared of any energy they may have absorbed, such as: “Dear God, thank You for lifting away anything from these cards that is not of Divine love.” This clears out the old energy so that the cards are now a blank slate and ready to be imbued with your own vibration. Step 2: Consecrate the Cards Briefly touch the cards to infuse them with your personal energy. You can simply touch one of the corners of each to accom- plish this. Then, fan the deck out with the artwork facing you. Hold the fanned cards to your heart and think about any prayers or intentions you'd like to bestow upon them, Your cards are attuned to your thoughts and feelings, so any intentions or prayers you think or say will be absorbed into the cards’ energies. Ask and pray for whatever help you'd like while working with the deck, such as confidence, clarity, compas- sion, and so forth. Your cards now carry your personal vibration and intentions. Step 3: Ask a Question Think of a question you'd like to have answered. If you're pulling cards for some- one else, ask him or her to either think of or verbalize a question. Heaven hears your thoughts, so you needn’t say your inquiry aloud. Step 4: Shuffle the Cards While Thinking of the Question Think of the question as you shuffle, and ask Heaven to help you with answers and guidance. We often say this prayer, similar to the one in Step 2, while shuffling: “Dear God, I ask that You watch over this experience, making certain that only true Divine guidance comes through. Please help me release my ¢go fears so that I can clearly see, hear, feel, and know the mes- sages that You have for me. Task that this oracle-card reading bring blessings to everyone involved.” If one or more cards “jump” out of the deck while you're shuffling, place them to the side, They'll be part of your reading As you're shuffling, you'll likely notice feelings, thoughts, words, or visions. This Divine guidance will help you further understand the cards you draw, so pay attention to these impressions as they come to you. When your cards begin to clump into two distinct sections, it’s time to stop shuffling. You may also receive a feeling, thought, or vision to cease—or you may even hear the words Stop shuffling now. ‘Trust and honor these Divine messages that are helping you with the reading. You can’t make a mistake and stop shuffling too soon, as the Divine Law of Attraction ensures that you'll always choose the cards meant for you. Step 5: Choose a Card There's no single “correct” way to draw a card, as your inner guidance will lead you to the right one for you. You may feel most comfortable pulling from the top of the deck, or looking for a card that sticks out of the pack. Whatever way you draw the card is perfect for you and your read- ing. Again, you can't make a mistake and choose wrongly. If you set aside a card or cards that “jumped” out of the deck while you were shuffling, carefully examine them, too, Jumping cards carry additional information for you, much like a footnote in a book that adds to your understanding. consult This Guidebook Step Turn to the corresponding page within this guidebook for each card. As you read the words, notice any thoughts or feelings that come to you, as they're once again a personalized part of the answer. Heaven will give you specific guidance to help walk you through any life changes, or to encour- age you to take appropriate action, Turee-Carp Messaces After completing Steps 3 and 4, pick three cards from the top of the deck. With the images and words facing up, lay the first card to your left, the second one in the middle, and the third to the right. Past Present Furure ‘The card to your left speaks about the event that triggered the situation you're inquiring about. The middle card reveals your question’s current status and what you need to know or work on right now. And the card to the right shows your immedi- ate future, if you continue on your present path and follow the guidance of the middle card. You can always improve your future path by holding a positive outlook and lis- tening to your inner wisdom. Because these cards are specific to your evolving relationship with abundance, you may need to meditate upon them to dis- cover the deeper meaning. You can also use this deck in conjunction with another oracle deck to get more details from the Angels of Abundance. ‘The cards will “speak” to you through your thoughts, feelings, signs, and dreams, very often reporting changes before you're even consciously aware of them. Every time, these changes offer opportunities for blessings and important life lessons. Trust the first impression you receive when look- ing at the cards. This message is always lov- ing and accurate. tee 10 In the next section of this guidebook, you'll find specific meanings for each card. Always remember that you have freewill choices about life. You can also improve the outcome of any situation through prayer, visualization, and positive affirmations. Heaven can help alter your future for the better if you'll ask for, and be open to, Divine assistance. u THE MEANINGS OF THE CARDS CFOO™QD his guidebook explains the meanings for all the cards in the Angels of Abun- dance Oracle Cards deck. The card names are listed alphabetically, according to the first word of each. Every entry lists multiple meanings for you to meditate upon, as the particular meaning can shift according to the question asked. When you'te ready to look up a card's meaning, find the corresponding page and contemplate the interpretation and symbol- ism for the entry. Your intuition will offer you even more personalized guidance, so 13 as you read, simultaneously pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Your body will also react when you're reading about an inner truth, recognizing it as such with physical signals—for instance, shudders or sighs, or chills or goose bumps. Goer) 14 Renn ABUNDANCE MINDSET PIED This card comes to you because the angels have heard your prayers about abun- dance. They are helping you elevate your thought processes and beliefs to an abun- dance mindset, which is a powerful way to manifest. 15 This card signals that you may have harbored some worries, pessimism, or resentment about your finances. Usu- ally this also involves complaining about money, an unconscious habit that can block your abundance flow. An “abundance mindset” means that you choose words affirming what you desite, instead of affirming what you don’t want. You speak, think, and feel abundance as if it were already here for you. Once you affirm a current state of abundance with your words, then physical abundance rapidly appears: that is, first abundance occurs as thoughts, words, and feelings, and then this energy manifests into recog- nizable form for you. So this card is a strong reminder to use only positive words in your discussions about finances and other sources of support and supply. tte 16 Te) ASK FOR YOUR NEEDS TO BE MET OOD Have you asked for help with this sit- uation? This card is a gentle reminder that Heaven can come to your aid only if you make a freewill choice to request help, and then accept it when it is offered to you. 7 Of the countless wonderful gifts that God has bestowed upon us, free will is the most powerful. So, remember that in order for God and the angels to help you manifest the abundance you desire in your life, you need to ask. Don't worry that you'll ask for the “wrong” thing. As long as you're sincere in your prayers, Heaven will bring you every- thing for your highest and best good. Tell God whatever is in your heart that has been worrying you, ask for help, and then be open to receiving. God and the angels know that you have earthly needs, and they are happy to help you fulfill them . . . as long as you ask! It doesn’t matter how you ask, but only that you do ask. This card is urging you to do so right now. Asking is a sign that you are willing to work as a co-creator with God and that you freely accept Divine intervention into 18 your life. God and the angels want you to be happy and to be able to achieve your life purpose. By asking for help, you are coming into alignment with your mission on this planet. the 19 ATTRACTING, NOT CHASING Fae Dear One, this card indicates that per- haps you've been chasing money or some other object of desire. The Angels of Abun- dance remind you that whatever you run after runs the other way, The underlying 20 fears that compel chasing behavior are the very same ones that result in lack and dis- appointment. Instead of chasing, attracting can bring your desires to fruition. Attraction happens when you speak positively and hold posi- tive thoughts and visions about your man- ifestations. You “love” them into reality! Every day, send gratitude and love to whatever you're dreaming about. Welcome it into your life. Thank it for being a part of your experience. And take love-based action steps as you're guided . .. to rapidly bring about this manifestation. tte 2 ‘Block Ovr Disreactions BLOCK OUT DISTRACTIONS This card comes to you as a sign of being distracted, which is preventing you from completing actions necessary for your abundance flow. The distraction that 22 immediately comes to mind is the first one your angels are guiding you to block out. When your attention is fragmented, you have difficulty focusing on—and put- ting time into—your priorities. The angels are asking you to examine these distrac- tions to see which ones can be eliminated. ‘They will help you let go of anything pull- ing you off your path, such as cravings for addictive substances, drama-flled relation- ships, worries, or activities that hold little meaning for you. Most distractions represent a diversion so that you don’t have to face fears of fail- ure . . . or fears of success. Now it’s time to put consistent daily effort into your priori- ties so that you can relieve these fears as you make steady progress toward your goals. ate 23 ‘This card is coming to you to remind you of the importance of spending time in nature. We are natural beings, and we instinctively change in accordance with the rhythms of our environment. When we spend time in nature, we recharge our 24 physical bodies and reconnect with all the other creatures we share this planet with. This connection with nature helps calm our often-frazzied minds so we are able to focus more clearly on the abundance we are bringing into our lives. Try having a picnic on a sunny day. See how the simple act of eating out of doors makes you feel like a part of the natural world. So much of modern life revolves around screens and machines—to the point that we tend to lose our connections with ‘other people and nature. By spending more time outside, we come into contact with ‘our neighbors, as well as grow more aware of our surroundings. Notice if you start to feel more cen- tered and grounded when you spend more time in nature. See if your priorities shift. You may even find yourself cleaning up after others and collecting litter, as people 25 who are particularly connected with nature often do. Nature has invaluable lessons to teach about abundance. When you're outside, notice how incredibly varied the world is, with a profusion of life and natural splen- dor that defies categorization. Observe how the animals you see scurrying about are abundantly provided for by God, and know that you too are abundantly provided for. the 26 GLEAN-ENFRGY Foo pK a ‘The Angels of Abundance have shown you this card to remind you of the impor- tance of fueling your mind and body with “clean-energy food,” which means unpro- cessed, chemical-free nutrition that’s nat- ural and organic. When we eat cleanly, it 27 allows our thoughts and muscles to react with speed, precision, and vigor. Clean food helps us sleep well, learn well, and live well! You may believe that you need to have more abundance before you can afford clean food. However, the opposite is true: first you take good care of yourself with health- ful eating, then your energy and focus are raised to a higher vibration, and then you become more productive, have better ideas, and grow masterful at manifesting your needs. Clean food also helps protect our nat- ural environment. The pesticides and arti- ficial fertilizers used in modern farming have been shown to have negative effects on people’s thought patterns and emo- tional well-being. When we protect our- selves from these toxins, we ensure that we manifest only those things that are for our highest good. 28 When you choose to invest in clean food, it will directly add to your abun- dance, because your health, productivity, and problem-solving will improve. You will spend fewer days ill, experience a shorter recovery period from exercise, and be able to think through any obstacles you encoun- ter with your work. tHe 29 uranic Diets This is a card of both acknowledgment and guidance. The Angels of Abundance can see how debt is causing you worry and pulling your energy down, So, they are guiding you to consistently pay off your financial obligations, Even if this takes a 30 Jong time, you will at least feel better know- ing that you're making progress. When we asked the Angels of Abun- dance for an easy and effective method by which to pay off debt, they passed on the following technique: Calculate the total amount you are paying per month for all your debts. Continue paying this amount to your credit card, immediately stop increasing your credit-card balance, and soon you will have paid off at least one of your debts. Once you have done so, take the monthly amount you were paying toward that obligation and spread it among the other debts you are paying off. This will pay them off faster. The secret is that you never pay less per month than you are tight now, and you pay that same amount to a smaller and smaller pool of lenders. This will enable you to incrementally get out of debt! 31 Working with a debt consolidator or a free in-person or online support group like Debtors Anonymous (which lists meetings on may also help you to get a handle on your finances (and help with any compulsive-shopping issues). This card can also refer to an emotional debt, where you feel beholden to someone out of guilt. This energy has been dragging you down and affecting your moods, moti- vation levels, and abundance flow. Let’s now call upon Archangel Michael and the Angels of Abundance to release the cords connected to guilt, fear, or shame that have been controlling you. You are now free to choose actions, career goals, and relation- ships based upon love, not fear. In some cases, this card comes to you with the good news that your debt is now clearing up! In this instance, the angels congratulate you on taking excellent care of yourself. 32 Coxscious Coxsuwee This card acknowledges the world- healing power that you exert with your spending decisions. As you shop con- sciously for products that are good for the world, you single-handedly make it a better 33 place. This would include buying fair-trade and ethically made products, where the workers were paid a living wage in safe and kind conditions. Organic, non-GMO, and chemical-free products support the health of the environment and all beings who work with or consume them. Being a conscious consumer also means shopping at locally owned farms and stores whenever possible to reduce the carbon footprint of transporting items and to sup- port families in your community. When you give money to companies that have values you believe in, your purchases lead toa kinder, gentler world. ‘This card can also signal a need for you to be creative in reducing your expenses. Question whether an item is really a neces- sity or is an emotionally impulsive pur- chase to fill an emptiness that can only be addressed spiritually. 34 You are to be congratulated for being a conscious consumer who is aware of the connection between your purchases and planetary abundance and well-being, the 35, COOPERATION INSTEAD OF COMPETITION > o ‘The energy of competition is blocking your abundance, so the angels sent you this card to bring you awareness and help. Com- petition is based upon a “lack mentality,” 36 which is an old energy believing that there's not enough to go around. With lack mentality, you put a message out to the universe that you must struggle to receive your “portion of the pie.” And so that struggle is what comes true for you. ‘The angels are guiding you to release beliefs in lack or competition. What's yours is yours, and no one can take it from you or beat you to it. Leave competitive energy for football games, and focus upon cooper ating with potential partners to collectively create projects and offer services to help the world. With a focus upon service and coop- eration, instead of competition, abundance will naturally flow to you. the 37 DECLUTTER PIED ‘This card is a strong message to clear away the “excess” from your home, work environment, and calendar. A cluttered space or schedule translates to a cluttered mind, and can prevent you from focusing. All too often, we accumulate excess possessions. How much of your energy and 38 attention is directed toward looking after your material belongings? The Angels of Abundance encourage you to clear away the clutter in your life Only keep those items that actively serve you or make you happy in some way. If you are holding on to an item out of guilt, obligation, or habit, now is the time to get tid of it. This is especially true if the item reminds you of painful experiences. Clutter can go beyond possessions as well, such as having false friends in your life who drain your resources or saying yes to too many appointments. If your surroundings or schedule is cluttered to the point where you cannot focus effectively, please ask God and your angels for inspiration on how to clean out the excess. . . and then follow their guid- ance without hesitation or delay. ote 39 DESERVINGNESS Ono— The Angels of Abundance present you with this card as a reminder that you—like everyone—deserve abundance in your life. You may feel discouraged or believe that those who have abundance are different or better than you. The angels want you to 40 know that you are a Divinely perfect child of God, and just as you would not want to see your children go without, so too will you be provided for. God and the angels do not want to pro- vide us with this bounty simply so that it can be hoarded in a bank account, however. They want us to use it to support the great work of ethical charities, to support our- selves while we work on our life purpose, and to do all we can to make the world a better place. The Angels of Abundance know that too many of those who want to do good are not able to because they feel trapped in energy-draining jobs. By provid- ing for them, the angels are helping every one of God’s creatures, It’s helpful to affirm that you deserve to receive abundance, because it will be invested in good causes! That includes pay- ing for your education, buying supplies to a serve your life purpose, reducing your stress levels with self-care, and giving to charities. Reaffirming the fact that you are wor- thy of the same goodness and opportuni- ties as everyone else helps dissipate old feel- ings of undeservingness, Acknowledging the abundance that you have, and actively asking for that which you need, will realign your energy with respect to receiving bless- ings in your current life and situation. ote 42 DETOX YOUR FRIENDSHIPS ‘This card reminds you that your abun- dance is being affected by your relation- ships. The people in your life can influence your energy, outlook, and manifestation abilities. The first individuals who come to 43 mind are those who are influencing your cur- rent situation. Trust your intuition on this. Pethaps it’s not the people themselves but your feelings about them that are dis- tracting you. It seems that you are getting hooked into some drama, which is pulling you away from your path. This can include inner turmoil, such as having arguments in your mind, feeling afraid of or angry at someone, and other draining processes. I’s time to take an honest inventory of how you feel about the people in your life, including your social-media friends. If someone is impacting your self-esteem or ability to focus, it’s time to question whether the relationship is toxic. Open dis- cussions or counseling can improve toxic relationships. Sometimes, taking a break is also the answer, Allow your heart to tell you the truth. When you release an unhealthy rela- tionship, you make room in your heart and 44 schedule to welcome new healthy relation- ships. And, of course, your positive relation- ship with yourself and with God is essential to health, happiness, and abundance. the 45 apis DONATIONS, TITHING, AND CHARITABLE WORK ‘This card reminds you that giving and receiving are two sides of the same energy. If you've felt stuck lately, as if your efforts aren't being rewarded, then it’s time to reverse the energy flow 46 We often become blocked when our focus is solely upon receiving and “What can I get?” To turn this around, focus upon “How can I serve?” One way to open up the flow of abundance is to give away what you'd like to receive. So, in order to have more time, volunteer for a worthy cause. To get more love, offer it to others. To mani- fest material items, donate some articles to charity. To receive money, make a financial gift as you are Divinely guided Tithing is the practice of giving 10 per- cent of your income either to a spiritual or religious organization that you are a mem- ber of or to a charity that you feel is bene- fiting the planet. hing is essentially a recognition that all forms of abundance come from God. By returning a percentage of your money back toward God through support of spiritual organizations, you are declaring that your Source is not your job, your government, 47 the economy, or your family but rather the Creator. When you acknowledge this spir- itual truth, you unlock barriers to abun- dance and allow the infinite flow that is intended for us all. The key is to give with a joyful heart, without expecting anything in return. God and the universe will ensure that the ener- getic output is balanced in the best way, so you needn't worry about reciprocity. ‘The more you're open to giving and receiv- ing, the steadier your flow of all forms of abundance. tte 48 DO THE WORK Praen If you see this card, please don’t think of it as a chastisement. Nobody is doubting your work ethic or suggesting that you're not carrying your weight when it comes to your life purpose. Instead, this card reminds you to avoid the “manifestation 49 trap” of doing visualizations, saying affir- mations, offering up prayers, and so on, while ignoring inner guidance that advises you to take action, It is up to us to act upon the guidance we've asked for. The majority of ma tations occur when we listen to our inner urge to: fes- © Make positive changes © Learn something new © Do research © Make connections with others Life is a collaboration, from the moment we are born until the moment we transition, We are forever working with other people, our angels, and God. With- ‘out doing our part, we often don’t get the results we would expect. What guidance have you been receiv- ing that you've been ignoring? Perhaps 50 you feel intimidated, confused, doubtful, or unprepared to act on it. Yet, God doesn’t give us guidance unless we have the ability to follow it. Today, take one action step in the direction of your inner guidance. If you're unsure what to do, take a moment right now to pray for clarity. Then take another action tomorrow, and another the next day, and you'll soon manifest support in ways that exceed your dreams. the sl DREAMS OF ABUNDANCE Pr ‘This card signals that the Angels of Abundance have been sending you inspi- ration and guidance through your dreams. When you are asleep, your ego is “offline” and you are more open to receiving 82 guidance. It is important to analyze what your dreams are trying to impart. Sometimes on the surface they may not even make a great deal of sense, as their content is often symbolic. However, when you spend time deciphering the imagery and the symbolism present, dreams lay out a very comprehensible message. If you find you are not remembering your dreams or feel that they are too complex for you to fig- ure out, ask your angels to send you clearer messages that you are more likely to retain, Each of us dreams every night, and with practice we can start remembering mote and more of our dreams. This practice ‘comes in the form of writing down what we recall upon awakening; asking for dreams of guidance; and analyzing the messages we receive either on our own, with a partner, or with a professional dream interpreter. tte 33 peeranes EMPLOYMENT CHANGE ‘This card heralds a positive change in your career path. You are headed in a much better direction, aligned with your true beliefs and passions. No more suffering just to earn a paycheck. You will now be working from inner truth 54 This change requires a lot of faith and trust. This card is your assurance that as long as you consistently take action as you're Divinely guided, you will continue to be supported. ‘When you adjust your life to be more heart centered, there’s a positive effect upon your finances: * Your expenses decrease because you are no longer buying things in an attempt to feel happy. © Asa happier person, you attract more people who want to work with you as a customer, client, partner, investor, and so on. * Your business is successful because it’s built upon passion. God and the angels are guiding your career transition, and there’s no need to tush, push, or try to control this process. 55 Your role is to keep your mind quiet and sober so that you can clearly hear your Divine guidance . . . and then follow it without hesitation or delay. ++ 56 EXERCISE TO INCREASE YOUR ENERGY AND MANIFESTATION ABILITIES The Angels of Abundance bring you this card to remind you of an important 7 truth: The higher your physical energy levels, the faster your physical manifestations will appear. One of the best ways to increase your physical energy is through healthful exercise. Exercise, much like meditation, allows messages and guidance from the Angels of Abundance to come through more clearly. People who incorporate exercise into their daily lives generally have much more positive thoughts and take more positive actions. This infusion of positivity can have a ripple effect into every part of your life. Choose the type of exercise that makes your heart sing with joy as another way of increasing your energy and ensuring you'll be motivated to do it regularly. Or, pair your workout with something pleasant— listen to uplifting music or podcasts while running, for example, or watch an inspira- tional movie while jogging on a treadmill. 58 Make exercise a nonoptional activity, just like brushing your teeth or hair. When your energy and optimism stay high, you'll be rewarded with increased abundance as well. the 59 FACE YOUR FINANCIAL FEARS Dear One, this card comes to you because the angels see how your uncon- scious anxieties have pushed away abun- dance. Deep down, you worry whether you deserve to receive abundance. In addition, 60 you've been struggling with fear—both of failure and of success—which has kept you stuck in indecision and inaction. Fortunately, once you admit these fears to yourself, they lose their power to uncon- sciously control you. Pethaps it’s helpful for you to hear that every person struggles with self-doubts, The human ego is designed to keep people afraid and prevent them from fulfilling their Divine destiny. Thankfully, you are blessed with the gift of self-awareness. You can take an hon- est inventory of your thought processes, and admit that you have sometimes sabo- taged your own success. These realizations are ensuring that you no longer allow your- self to be intimidated. Your decisions are guided by love, not fear. + 6 Peet FOCUS ON YOUR PRIORITIES ‘The angels bring you this card as a teaching tool to increase your flow of abun- dance. Affirmations are phrases that you can repeat to yourself in order to achieve a desired outcome. In truth, everything you say is an affirmation of your reality. If you affirm that you're having money 120 difficulties, that's what you will receive. The angels urge you to affirm only abundance. For example, you can post a note with the positive affirmation “I am filled with abundance. Every aspect of my life is pro- vided for.” This helps brings your true, abundant nature into reality and replaces doubt with security and faith. You start to believe that you are abun- dant through affirming the positive, and very soon your life is abundant! When we believe that we are abundant, it shifts our mindset toward more positivity, and the universe responds in kind. Throughout your day, listen to yourself. If you are using any negative affirmations out of habit, try finding a positive slant on what you are saying. Even if you feel silly, try it anyway. We have heard from people all over the world who have changed little other than this one small aspect of their lives and have experienced much more pos- itive and abundant outcomes. +e 121 ABOUT THE ARTISTS. med You can order prints of many of the images in the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards deck. The prints come in different sizes, without the border or words that appear on the cards. To purchase a print, please contact the artist directly through his or her website. Neither Hay House, Inc Doreen Virtue, LLC; nor Doreen Virtue or Grant Virtue assumes responsibility for any sales conducted between you and the indi- vidual artists. the 123

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