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Mark Steven M.

Grade 12 – ABM Jobs
Business Enterprise Simulation
Reaction Paper 2 (Rights, Privileges, and Benefits of Employees)


This webinar discusses the employee's rights, privileges, and benefits. A salary is the
remuneration that employees receive for working for a company for a set period of time. Salaries are
calculated always on the basis of the working time. This is usually done hourly, with pay and fees being
two other types of pay. Because of the high cost of health care and prescriptions, benefit has been
important in the way people look for jobs. It should be the responsibility of the government to protect
labor, to promote full jobs, to ensure fair employment for all persons irrespective of gender, race or
belief and to regulate employee-employer relations. Risky jobs require at least 18 years, while non-risky
jobs require at least 15 years of age.
Our resource speaker Ms Mariko has thought us that employees have a right not to be
unjustifiably fired. When an employee resigns due to a contract infringement by his or her worker, a
constructive dismissal occurs. Government contributions such as SSS, PhilHealth and PAG-IBIG are also
available to support employees through disability/life insurance, rice allowance, meal subsidies,
protracted health benefits and an education support project.
As I listen to the webinar, I've learned a few things that I should think about when I become an
employee or employer someday. I want to be a good employee who has a good label and I also want to
learn from my future colleagues.

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