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1. Read the text and mark the following sentences as T (true) or F (false). 5 X 0, 50 = 2,5 P

Automobiles have helped the growth of the suburbs in the United States. During this century, a
large part of the US population has moved to areas outside the big cities. However, the invention of the
elevator has helped to keep many people working in tall city buildings. Therefore, many Americans work in
the city but live in the suburbs. These people are called commuters. They sometimes travel for one or two
hours in order to get home at night.

a. The suburbs have appeared as the result of the invention of automobiles.

b. During the 19th century, a great part of the US population moved outside the big cities.
c. The invention of the elevator has helped people to work in skyscrapers.
d. Many Americans work in suburbs but live in the cities.
e. The commuters travel all day long.

2. Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences. 5 X 0, 50 = 2,5 P

1. He seems a bit rude when you first meet him, but when you………to know him better, he’s really very
A. do B. go C. get D. make
2. ………………… holidays, I like to take things easy and relax.
A While B. at C. with D. during
3. We spent a ………………………………more money than we had intended.
A. lot B. much C. far D great
4. He is afraid to…………………………….. with you.
A. talk B. wish C. sing D. speak
5. This computer costs $850. It’s only a…………cheaper than the one you brought last week.
A. little B.less C. much D. slightly

3. Match the two halves. 6 X 0, 50 = 3 P

1. The player looked a) as if my legs were stuck to the ground.

2. The child was crying b) as though he had lost any hope of winning.
3. When the whistle was blown I felt c) as if in pain.
4. She was shivering d) as if she were cold.
5. He laid both his hands on his chest e) as though to demonstrate his sincerity.
6. You are already acting f) as if you were a star.


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