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I feel Streak SRM should not be considered a support weapon and if anything deserve

their own topic.

But while we are at it, I'd like to clear up some misconceptions that I feel are
inherent in this post:

View PostKhobai, on 30 June 2021 - 01:22 AM, said:

-reduce the ecm lockon time penalty from +50% to +25%
-possibly also reduce the global lockon time by .25 seconds
-increase the size of the lockon area back to the size of the red targeting box
-revert the nerfs to clan streaks
-change the streak hit table to hit legs less and CT more (hitting legs 30% of the
time is way too high vs lights)

The biggest issue with streaks and also an issue for homing missiles in general
right now is that it takes way too long to lock-on especially in the presence of
ecm. And the lock-on area is so small now its not intuitive for new players
anymore. Clan streaks also do miserable damage currently which needs to be fixed.
And lastly streaks hit legs too often which screws light mechs more than it should.

ECM and lock-on time penalty only applies when not in LOS, so Streak SRM are in
most cases completely unaffected by ECM lock-on time increase. (see Mar 2019 Patch
Streak Hit table already has the heaviest weight on the CT (see Jan 2019 Patch

#4 MechNexus

The Guide
The Guide
103 posts

Posted 30 June 2021 - 02:38 AM

Two quick things, bearing in mind I'm on mobile so I don't have easy access to all
the sources:

First, going off Aidan's post, that means the main way ecm can counter streaks is
with stealth armour - and if someone's committed to that and all the downsides
involved, then yeah, they should be able to shut down streaks. If that's a problem
to you, bring a tag and/or BAP.

Secondly, streaks are due a buff back to a midpoint between their pre and post 4/20

#5 Pillowseller

Ace Of Spades
Ace Of Spades
18 posts

Posted 30 June 2021 - 02:44 AM

View PostDogstar, on 30 June 2021 - 12:58 AM, said:

Currently they are often used in trick builds or as a follow up to primary weapons.

Isn't that good enough? As you said, these are support weapons. And I heard SSRM
will be buffed in the next patch.

Having said that, I wouldn't complain if IS MGs become a little stronger.


Moderate Giver
57 posts

Posted 30 June 2021 - 03:12 AM

MG works well with small lasers for PD or knifefights just pair 2 mgs together with
2 or more small lasers or small pulse

most mechs won´t allow you to boat more then four MGs anyway ..

Tag doesn´t need a rangebuff, it´s range IMHO is good ... there also should be a
reason even for a LMRer to get to direct LoS at a range were he risks retaliation
for that quick lock ...

NARC generally is something either LRM Boats equip or mid to low-heavy mechs with a
spotting supportrole,
for its slow velocity it has a homing ability and again is meant to require you
getting somewhat close to target or mark static targets ... not something you can
just throw out and have a LRM lance get free reign on the marked target ..

so personally only thing i agree on is to take a propper look on flamers and

streaks ...

Edited by MrTBSC, 30 June 2021 - 03:50 AM.

#7 MechNexus

The Guide
The Guide
103 posts

Posted 30 June 2021 - 04:51 AM

Back on PC, can now elaborate further.

IMO machine guns are in a good spot - they're for mechs with more ballistic
hardpoints than tonnage to use for autocannons, essentially the ballistic
equivalent of SPL boating. When you buff their base damage, do remember that the
resulting DPS will be multiplied by up to six or even eight depending on the mech.
If you want machine guns to be more useful in smaller numbers, quirks are the
solution - which I remind you, we're due for.

Tag and Narc absoloutely do not need a buff. TAG is already in a good spot, as it
breaks ECM and tightens missile spread - but Narc is already a total death sentence
as is. It doesn't need to be even easier to run.

#8 MechaGnome

The Guide
The Guide
2,580 posts


Posted 30 June 2021 - 04:59 AM

Buffing machine guns is the same as buffing lights mechs, just saying.

#9 Khobai

Elite Founder
Elite Founder
23,905 posts

Posted 30 June 2021 - 07:50 AM

View PostAidan Crenshaw, on 30 June 2021 - 02:16 AM, said:

I feel Streak SRM should not be considered a support weapon and if anything deserve
their own topic.
But while we are at it, I'd like to clear up some misconceptions that I feel are
inherent in this post:

ECM and lock-on time penalty only applies when not in LOS, so Streak SRM are in
most cases completely unaffected by ECM lock-on time increase. (see Mar 2019 Patch

If you actually read my post I specifically mentioned all homing missiles including
LRMs. The ECM lockon time penalty needs to be reduced because its oppressive.

And yes there are absolutely cases where ECM affects streak lockon as well. Have
you never prelocked a target thats out of LoS before jumpjetting or running around
a corner?

And I also suggested a 0.25s global reduction to lockon time.

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