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Contact : Alma Ayu N.


Cell phone : 082245264022
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Teenangers try to be more prettier by hurting themselves

There are many diseases and health problems that people deal with every day. The
most common health problems in around us as teenagers are excessive weight.
Excessive weight often occurs without knowing the caused.

The teenagers often complain about their unbalanced body shape with their weight.
They usually make the principle that a “beautiful woman” is a person who has a good
body shape. But they are forget that beautiful does not have only to be seen from a
slim body, a good health is more important than too thin body.

A good health is an important for our body and the greatest blessing of life. A person
who has a good health can be through a large number of jobs in a short time, and also
a student who is in good health can get maximum value in their lesson. If we have a
health body, we also have healthy mind, all problems can be solved and all diseases
can be avoid from our body. Someone in good healthy enjoys all the good things in
their life and more happier than people who aren’t health.

At this time many people are lazy to do sport activities or exercise when they are
alone. Therefore, we invite all students, staff, and lectures majoring in English
Department to come and join us to do gymnastics and healthy walk together on
Sunday, 25 March 2018 at 6 am gathered in front of Faculty of Humanity.


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