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Conflict happens when there is disagreement or disorder. Most stories have some kind of conflict in
them. Without conflict and the process of resolving it, your story will be flat and dull. Let us take a
look at four main types of conflicts:

1) Person VS Person

This is the most commonly seen conflict. Usually, two people may get into verbal or physical
‘fighting’ over something they disagree about. Sometimes, the ‘fight’ can even be silent.

The bully grabbed my collar and bellowed into my ear, “That’s what you get for ratting on me!”

My spectacles dropped to the ground as I tried to hold back my tears.

2) Person vs Self

In this case, your character is having a ‘battle’ in his or her mind. Perhaps he or she is hesitating
to do something. Or he or she is forced to make a difficult decision.

Carefully, I unzipped the purse. It was overflowing with notes.

Should I hand it over to the police? After all, no one saw me picking up the purse.

3) Person vs Nature

Nature can be the weather, animals, plants, wild places, and even diseases. Our character is
faced with something unexpected and unstoppable that Nature has created.

The lion snarled menacingly at me. I could see saliva dripping from its knife-sharp teeth.

I retreated cautiously, trying to look for a way to get away. I soon realised there was no escape.

4) Person vs Society

Society is the people around us, be it your family, friends, or even strangers. In your story, the
community may believe in different ideas from your character. Your character has to work extra
hard to change other people’s opinions or to succeed.

“I want to be a talented pianist when I grow up,” the blind girl said, her voice full of

The class broke into laughter.

“I think you should just give up,” her neighbour snickered, “You can’t even see the piano keys!”

The rest of her classmates nodded in agreement.

Practice Time:

Think of possible plots for each of the four conflict types and write a short passage for each of them.

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