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 É utilizado para indicar que algo pertence ou está associado a alguém ou a

alguma coisa.
 É formado pelo uso de 's ou ' após o possuidor.

Ex: The book of John --> John’s book.

The brother of Ana -->
The sister of Tom -->
The sister of Jane -->

 Quando o possuidor não for um nome próprio e estiver no plural s, usa-se apenas
o apóstrofo (‘), sem o s.

Ex: The books of boys --> The boys’ books.

The car of the brothers -->
The cat of the kids -->


1) Complete with the Possessive case

a) This is _______________ cell phone. (Peter)

b) The _______________ bedroom is very big. (boys)

c) _______________ sister is 25 years old. (John)

d) The _______________ food finished. (dog)

e) My _______________ house is yellow and green (cousins)

2) Create Possessive case sentences

a) camera / Tom

b) money / my friends

c) birthday / my father

d) car / Jane

e) ball / the girls

f) grandmother / Bill

g) office / the doctors


Read the text:

Hello! My name is Ben and my last name is Shaw. I am twenty-five years old. I am
from France but I live in Berlin, Germany. I live in a big apartment with my family. My
mother is Suzan and my father is Mike. I have one brother and one sister. My sister’s
name is Maria; she is fifteen years old. My brother’s name is Paul; he’s twelve years
old. My mother is from England and my father is from Canada. I am a lawyer and I'm
single. My mother is a teacher and my father is an engineer. I love my family.

Answer the questions:

1) What's his name?

2) What's his last name?

3) How old is he?

4) Where is he from?

5) What's his nationality?

6) What's his mother's name?

7) What's her nationality?

6) What's his father's name?

7) What's his nationality?

8) How old are his brother and sister?

Listening activity


Complete with: my, your, his, her, its, our, their:

1. I don't know where  _________ book is.

2. _________name is Ben Scott.
3. Debbie has a cat. _________ cat is nice.
4. The dog is very cute. _________ name is Ben.
5. We are at school. _________ school is very nice.
6. I have a new laptop. _________ laptop is black.
7. I'm from Seattle. _________ family is from Seattle, too.
8. The cat is white. _________ house is in the garden.
9. Sandra and Jenny are friends. _________ school is big.
10. Suzy has a new car. _________ car is blue.
11. _________ name is Paul.
12. _________ names are Debbie and Louise.
13. _________ name is Joana.
15. What’s _________ name?
Write 1 paragraph about you. Include: name, last name, age, country, nationality, telephone
number, profession and marital status.

Write 1 paragraph about a family member. Include: name, last name, age, country,
nationality, telephone number, profession and marital status.

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