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© Nature’s Wonderland © Seeing Southern California @ The Art of Al in © Browsing at Disneyland "Toke many unique “firsts” that have put Disneyland at the top of vacationers’ list from all over America added a new dimension this past summer when Walt Disney unveiled his newest attraction, “Nature's Wonderland.” To visitors familiar with the famed Disney set of True Life Adventure films of recent years, enter- ing Nature's Wonderland is an opportunity to get re-acquainted with some old friends. The area, a seven-acre parcel of Frontierland, has been re-created in the image of wilderness North America. eae oe ‘Walt has “‘stocked” his preserve with more than 200 animated animals, birds and reptiles, each brought to startling and life-like realism through an animation process known as “Audio Anima- tronics,” invented and perfected through the com- bined talents of Disney artists, technicians and naturalists. Beaver Valley, Bear Country, Old Unfaithful Geyser, the Living Desert and many more are the sights and spectacles of Nature's Wonderland. Here Nature herself is the dramatist, filling the view with scenes of high adventure, suspense and even smiles. The real life struggle for survival is the theme of Nature's Wonderland and the animal life of the North American Continent are the actors. Nature's Wonderland is reached via western mine train, boarded at the quaint and picturesque “Ghost Town” of Rainbow Ridge in Frontierland. The train's right o' way is the only sign that civilization and man have intruded into this region of primeval forests, lofty mountains, ancient mesas and powder- dry desert. Hardier pioneers may find a tour of the new area via sturdy pack mules to their liking—either way, the “show” is unequalled short of an actual journey through virtually inaccessible portions of the west- ern United States. Spectacular finale to the western Mine Train's passage is the trip, seemingly deep underground, through Rainbow Caverns, a symphony of color in cascading falls, stalagmites and stalactites and a source of pleasure to all who view its wonders. VACATIONLAND VACATIONLAND Magazine is published four times each year by Disneyland, Ine. and distributed, through motels, hotels, airlines, railroads and steamship lines as a service to visitors to the Southwest. IN THIS ISSUE Browsing Through the Magic Kingdom. The Art of Animation... Disneyland’s Color Folio... Information for Your Visit to Disneyland. Seeing Southern California MAIN STREET IS A PICTURE OF HAPPY LEISURE DURING AUTUMN, PERFECT TIME OF YEAR FOR A DISNEYLAND VISIT. Anvtine is 2 good time to visit Disneyland, but the best time depends on you. During the Fall-Winter season, when the children are back in their classrooms, Disney- landyis a special treat for grownups. This is the time of year when folks who visit Walt Disney's Anaheim Magic Kingdom take their fun at an unhurried leisurely pace. ‘The pace of Disneyland during Fall is dif- ferent. Visitors are able to pick and choose at their pleasure from among the Park’s doz- ens of major adventures. They also find it easy to browse through Disneyland’s more than 50 retail shops, many stocking iter that are unique in Southern California. VACATIONLAND All the special shows and exhibits—includ- ing the great assortment of live talent and entertainment such as the Frontierland Gold- en Horseshoe Revue, presented free of charge by Pepsi Cola—operate for the pleasure of winter season guests. ‘The famed Disneyland Band presents daily concerts while smaller musical groups per- form at intervals in each of the lands, includ- ing a Dixieland group for Frontierland and the unique Saxophone Quartet, playing old favorites on Main Street. Another “special” feature during fall that has a strong appeal to many Disneyland guests—particularly “first time” visitors—is Continued pooe 12 1 Browsing Through Disneyland SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE MAGIC KINGDOM THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! The Disneyland “show” is much more than the dozens of adventures and attractions that have won the Park national and international acclaim. Disneyland is hundreds of individual shows that appeal to visitors of every age and interest, from every walk of life, Browse with us through the five lands of the Magic Kingdom, and stop now and then to sample a live show or investigate a shop stocked with unusual items or spend a few moments at an exhibit sponsored by American industry. Enter the Park at Main Street, U.S.A. and notice immediately that here is a new world—actually an old world charmingly re-created, kept immaculately fresh and up to date through the painstaking care and attention given to each brick, stone and clapboard, Authentic gas lamps, hitching posts and park benches of an earlier era complement the late- of Main Street. Victorian period architecture GounEN wonstsHor atvue na rood out he ot fis Se ro ante preterm Along its two-block length Main Street bustles with the activity of shops, restaurants and stores. Drop into Swift's Market House and “listen in” on party line wall telephones right out of the past or browse through the exquisitely re-created Upjohn Pharmacy, an apothecary shop right out of the McKinley era. Yale & Towne Company presents an informative display of the locksmith’s art from earliest time to the present at its Main Street exhibit. Relax for a few moments at one of the daily organ concerts presented in the Wurlitzer Music Hall and inspect the collection of historical pianos kept there. Or wander through any of more than a dozen fine shops offering wares far out-of-the-ordinary. ‘At the Plaza, at the end of Main Street, you're in the geographic heart of Disneyland. Here the Park's particular beauty in the landscaper’s art is most apparent and appreciated. Only on the grounds of a few private country estates could the visitor find such a magnificent collection of floral displays and examples of the land- scaper’s craft. Now, pause for a few moments before beginning your tour of the four “lands”: if it is mid afternoon you'll probably see the Disneyland Band in its Plaza Gardens band shell performing in con- cert. Here is a refreshing lift as the melodies of favorites, old and new, fill the warm autumn afternoon, Now, take your pick among the lands: If the world of the future intrigues you, tour Tomorrowland first, Homemakers will find a walk through the unique Monsanto House of the Future a fas- cinating foretaste of things to come. If the world of science excites your imagination spend a few moments at the Monsanto Hall of Chemistry. Close by, the Bell Telephone System's presentation of “America the Beautiful” in Circarama is a 20- minute cross-country excursion of our nation that will appeal to every visitor. The Dutch Boy Color Gallery, the Tomorrowland Art Corner and gift shops all provide interesting diversion. Re-tracing your steps to enter Adventureland you'll find a browsers’ paradise in the exotic, unusual Adventureland Bazaar. The “natives” are friendly— and always willing to chat or trade depending on your mood at the moment. Only paces away in distance, but worlds away from Adventureland in mood, is Frontierland with its roaring, rollicking Golden Horseshoe Revue, pre- sented several times daily by Pepsi Cola. This live- action variety show, complete with singing stars and comic, beautiful Can-Can girls and lovely music, is a long-run, long-time Disneyland favorite and one of the real Disiteyland highlights. Be sure it's on your list of browsers’ musts. VACATIONLAND ing design of this remerkcble of furnishing and construction, THE MUSIC MEN of Disneylond, un ly i day eee fond re hear If you should be visiting Disneyland on a weekend be sure also to look in at the Park's authentic Indian Village, another Frontierland fixture. Ceremonial dances are performed every Saturday and Sunday and “resident” Indians ply traditional Indian handi- crafts for your inspection. Also a weekend special show is the demonstration, of peppy model airplanes and boats in the Tomorrow- land Flight Circle as well as a host of live talent performers in the various lands. ‘Whatever your taste or interest, look for it as you browse through Disneyland. Somewhere within the Park's 160 acres you're sure to find it IUCN Teta Scone] Chi > aoe POZE te Oa rac VACATIONLAND 3 The Art of Animation—giving life and movement to a still picture or series of pictures—is an art device that has been known and attempted since Stone Age man decorated the walls of his caves. However it has only been in our generation—the past thirty years or so—that the techniques of animation have been perfected to the point where it ranks well up among the commercial art forms. From the first crude renderings of Stone Age Man to the art’s finest flowering in Walt Disney's feature length all-cartoon “Sleeping Beauty,” is the story told by one of Disneyland’s newest attractions, a Tomorrowland show titled “The Art of Animation.” Each step in the development of the art is chronicled via story board and film with sound. The early motion picture efforts are described in the exhibit, then the de- velopment of the art since Walt Disney first began to make cartoons in Kansas City in 1921. The show reveals that the animated cartoon came into its own on Septem- ber 19, 1928 when “Steamboat Willie,” the first Mickey Mouse with sound, opened in New York City. Innovations followed introduction of new techniques and, by 1937, when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was presented to the world, the art of animation was accepted by all as a major art form in its own right. The exhibit on view at Disneyland has been presented throughout the world by Walt Disney, playing to hun- dreds of thousands of persons in cities such as Tokyo, London and others. Now it is another feature of the Park's fall-winter show. THE PLANTATION HOU: SE Steamboat comin’ round the and a platter full of taste-temptia SWIFT'S Southern Fried Chickent That's what awaits you at the Plan- tation Hous, Ean brown fried chicken hile you rlax amid the delghtal French Provincial decor averlooking the beautiful Rivers of America, Complete SWIFT'S ATTEN Premium Chicken dinners $1.75, children $1.00. For fine feod and tracious Southern Hospitality visit ‘The Plantation House, VACATIONLAND Sueh snecs things héppen wich Sprackals Sugar Eth nny fn pint Funto make! Funtoeat! An all-time Heat Lup Spreckels Granulated Sugr. Stic favorite with the youngsters that’s ip het wt at strut suerassonen. |, SPREGKELS ready in no time at all. Just com- _Aéd cup Spreckels Usht Brown Sugar. bine popcorn with a candy coating revit. Pour oer 2 qual ppcn made with sparkly-white Spreckels med wih cap sated peanuts Ts vt Granulated Sugar and the delicate _elcsed and frm ino deed shoes flavor of Spreckels Light Brown __ frascts.wit So's Toudersd Sigar ‘Sugar. It's as easy as this: pa sin TOMO) t WESTERNERS ARE SWEET ON SPRECKELS 51 ( i A” DISNEYLAND USES SPRECKELS SUGAR EXCLUSIVELY. WHY NOT USE IT AT YOUR HOUSE TOO? (tecpe’s on back of the bor. Use hats for holders. No sticky fingers! of your v ‘An shicemodern iain of the Dioneylon long itr concrete "highway in the sky Matterhorn Mountain VACATIONLAND sit to .. Disneyland VACATIONLAND 7 KNOTT’S BERRY FARM AND GHOST TOWN. BAN Os REAL GOLD EHOW HE FEATURING 3 OUTSTANDING RESTAURANTS Mrs. Knott's Famous E Chicken Dinner Restaurant oe Tuesday Steak = Open Dail 12,008:3 Ghost Town tril “Open Daily: 9:00 44-800 pa 9:00-11:00 VACATIONLAND WwW t NFORMATION hig your Visit to Disneyland Disneyland is located within the city of Ancheim, California, abou! 435 minutos by outomobily from downtown Lor Angeles To reach Disneyland by automobile from Lor Angeles, tobe the Santa, Ano eeway uct fo Harbor Sula i Anchen, To ach Disneyland. from other lca the map of the erea oppecring on poger TO ond TT of TIONLAND, WHAT HOURS 16 DISNEYLAND OPEN? Until September 25 Disneylond is open very day of the week fective September 26 Disneyland returns to ite Fall Winter schedule ond wil be desed Mondey ond Tuesday of each work. ‘he Pork i open dering the Fell Winter season 10 AMM. to 6 PM. Wednesday through Sundoy. WOW LONG SHOULD YOU PLAN To STAY? ned so that you can enjoy @ complate visit to ‘hove, 8 ‘oficial hotel ct Disney tend, Is Tocated divecly cron the street from the Park's Main Ext, There's sito a complete Cofes Shop, Resiourant and shop fing rea ‘at the Hotel Far Infermoton write directly tothe Bieneyland Hotel, Anche. WHATS. THE BEST WAY TO VISIT DISNEYLAND? IF you are @ “frst tme” visitor to Disneyland we recommend the Guided Tour, evaileble ofler mid-September. The Guided Tour hot bean especilly designed for thore who eppreciote. the con enience of an extort With an officiel Dizneylond Tour ‘Guide Sr your host you will join a. smell group of other vistors 10 txplore the Pork five mojo londs and somple some of is mor Famous adventures. The guised parton of the tur fais mately two huts Fallowing the Tour you ore invited to tnd enjoy Dineyland's many other ettactions, Including the fe the fine shops nd restourents. Cast oF the Tour i $4.00 for adults end $2.50 for hildren VACATIONLAND, 3 t’RED WAGON 1 your group includes children or if you are with “repeat” vistors to the Mogie Kingdom we recommend ‘Two Plans are available: Ifyou hove a ful day to enjoy Tend, we suggest the, "Jumbo 15" book, which inioder od Provider an excllert introduction Yo the Magic Kingdom Prices for Oisnoylond Ticket Books ore or follows: The “Jumbo 15° Book! Children (340 11) $375; Juniors (12 4017) $425 ond Adults, ig Ten" Book: Children, $275; Juniors, $3.25; Adults, $375 Ganeral Admission to Diinayland ls ole i Single admision $150; Adults, $1.60, found’ within Disneyland, plus the. Gourmet Disneyland Hote, reached by few passenger trom the Disneylond Main Enirance. The visitor will finde food service ‘US-Reguor schedules from variovs Southern California loca: Mion via Tonner Groy Une Motor Tour, Souhlond. Bus Lines, "Pocfe” Greyhound’ Liner ond the Matopotiton Transit Authority, UMOUSINE™Airport Cooch Service. ond Tanner Gray. Unes porate inoue servis to, Dlnaylond HEUCOPTER"Lor Angeles Airways operates doily” Helicopter fights direc to Dineylond own, Helper. \WHERE CAN YOU OET FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT DISNEYLAND? For further information contact the Director of Customer Relations, Disneyland, “Ancheim. Telephone ‘Keystone 3-445 Note Prices and hours of operation subject fo RESTAURANT Your visit te Disneyland is not complete without @ delightlul dining experience at the famous ‘RED WAGON RESTAURANT Discriminating diners will find the authen- tic plush Victorian decor offers the perfect setting for a delicious meal, graciously. Served. Breakfast, complete luncheons and inners. also @. Special Children's Menu. Steaks and chops from the broiler. Located on Disneyland's Main Streot, U.S.A. ‘Swirr's QUALITY MEATS SERVED EXCLUSIVELY KNOTT'S BERRY FARM. Re-created Ghost Town, replica of 1849 Gold Rush Days. Fine chicken and steok dinners. Noted for berry preserves, Six miles from Disneyland in Buena Park, on State Highway 39. La 2-1131. Open daily, 10-10. SANTA'S VILLAGE, Reindeer-drawn Candy Cane Sleigh rides, Santa's Home, Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen, others. In San Bernardino Mountains, near Lake Arrowhead. Lake Arrowhead 781. Open 11-5, Sunday 10:5, SAN DIEGO ZOO. Nation's largest. Rare and Unusual 200 cnimals, also hippos, tigers, bears gorillas, ete. Only z00 with guided bus tours In Balboa Perk, San Diego. Also new Children’s Zoo, featuring direct contact with harmless ani- mals, BE 4-515, Open daily, 9-dusk. MARINELAND OF THE PACIFIC. Three-ring sea circus featuring the only two trained whales in the world, performing porpoises and seals in continuous shows every day of the year. On the ocean shore 25 miles south of Los Angeles, FR 7-1571. Open 10-sunset, FARMER'S MARKET. Famous shopping and din ing location. Diversified stall stands with fresh foods, produce in outdoor setting. At 3rd St. and Fairfax, Los Angeles. WE 3-9211. Open 9-7, closed Sundays, HANCOCK PARK. On Wilshire Blyd.’s famed "Miracle Mile,” about ten miles west of Civic Center near La Brea Ave. Site of Rancho La Brea Fossil Deposits. Preserved skeletons of extinct Ice Age animals and life-size sculptures of the onimals. Free permanent exhibition, open daily. WE 1-8082. 10-5 except Mondoy, HUNTINGTON LIBRARY AND ART GALLERY. Home of Gainsborough’s “Blue Boy.” and many other famed paintings. Also collectors’ items in books, decorative arts. In San Merino, near Paso: dena. Open 1-4:30, closed Monday. MU 1-6601. LOS ANGELES CIVIC CENTER. Downtown Los Angeles, adjacent to the “Stock,” @ four-level interchange where four major freeways intersect. The Civie Center is dominated by the Los Angeles City Hell, 2 25-story structure ond the tollest building in Southern California. A free observa: tion deck in the building's tower provides a panoramic view of the city, from 10-4. MA 4.5211 OLVERA STREET. Glimpse of old (18th Century) Mexico in downtown Los Angeles. Preservation of one of city’s earliest streets. Souvenirs, res- tourants, CHINATOWN, In downtown Los Angeles, on North Broadway. Restaurants, Oriental ort and sculpture, souvenirs. SEEINESSOU THERNICADIFORNIA (On these, and the two pages following, VACATIONLAND, Magazine presents en introduction to a few of the Southland’s traveler attractions. Places and points of terest are keyed to the Southern California mop | below. Note: Hours and days of operation may vary, 20 it's best to confirm these by telephone before making final plans. anim ane Werifand seater elt cis eetoel eee een Meese Se le ies ere oe eee one de Cas oa HESane gear San weston Son Diop. Se acetate oe Sore Seale rere om Bee ee asa er Sescussy ay Se ee tear areca Ona eat ere Hee teas: eine orsy unatigury o ee Naa eae Tene aie a ee ceo ALISEaTEL RG Gre cee Tee Nera ata eae ieee er a nieina Ce ol Clea allan ee ae rh : reve t navaton ena cence peer ma Parra von es Ceo cal eal sie erased em pee See eae tee ae Near one roneht WAWN. MEMORIALPARK. Fomed_ for Pecos stupor teen ay reenna Ce Sea cenae oc Se srar ease! 30.50 Clam saat er tes onset 1 ae eet cur were a ea emer fe ea NEARER SAESOA AROSE rmed for sin, or peace aie on eT GLANS! ted 22 tin te eee rar MAIN HIGHWAYS INTO : SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Foe ae Oe ae ete bottom boat rides, off-shore fishing, bird sanc- tuary, fine swimming HEARST SAN SIMEON STATE HISTORICAL MONU- MENT, The “Hearst Castle” ct San Simeon, 42 miles north of San Luis Obispo, on Highway 1 Magnificent 100-room structure now open to public tours. Complete tour information from Supervisor, Hearst Son Simeon State Historical Monument. San Simeon, Calif. 66 6 6 Dive. oS te Fal Continued the Guided Tour, offered from October 3 and continuing through the winter until the end of May, except during the week after Christmas. The Guided Tour gives visitors an opportu- nity to see Disneyland in company with a small companiable group and led by a person- able and informative Disneyland host or host- ess. Tracing a path through the Park, each tour visits the Five Lands of the Magic King- dom pausing en route to sample some of the famous Disneyland attractions. Following the Tour, which lasts about two hours, guests are invited to re-trace their steps to browse through the Park’s shops or enjoy a snack or complete meal at one of the many fine restau- rants or refreshment centers. This is your invitation to join in the unhur- ried, leisurely fun of Disneyland during Fall, when the golden days of Autumn in Southern California beckon you to discover worlds of enchantment at Disneyland. Truly, the hap- piest place on earth for “the young in heart” of every age. VACATIONLAND Published quarterly by Disnyl California VoL. IV Ne. 3 Fell 1960 Inc. 1313 Horbor Blvd, Anchsim, Honorary Editorin-Chiet © Walt Disney Elitor © Lee W. Coke ‘Advevising Monoger © Jomes T. Fah [An Director © Chorles Boyer Cevleion Menoger © Fronk Forsyth Photography © Charles Nichols/Carl Frith All vights reservd. Reprint of material only ypon writen of Disneylnd, Ine LocaTED aT THE DISNEYLAND HOTEL RESTAURANT BREAKFAST ¢ LUNCHEON DINNER » COCKTAILS FREE TRAM SERVICE BETWEEN HOTEL AND PARK SPORTFISHING = HARBOR TES Soe c a -Fiespuint lending Landin /ng| PORT OF LONG BEACH shee 5.2381 rd PARKING 2 VACATIONLAND ‘ Fantasyland’ Fan-fare! Dolly Madison Cakes. Fresh at your grocer’s! MEET ME AT DISNEYLAND! Hi! I'm a Disneyland tour guide. | enjoy meeting and getting acquainted with the folks like yourself who visit Disneyland during the fall and winter months. You're invited to join me... and a small group of other visitors who like the convenience of a guide . . . for a personally conducted tour through all of Disneyland. My tour lasts about two hours and during this time you'll enjoy some of Disneyland’s world- famous adventures, including several that especially appeal to “grown-ups.” Adventures such as the exciting Jungle River Cruise, the beautiful mine train trip through Nature's Wonderland, the super-smooth ride aboard Disneyland’s unique Monorail plus several others. Between adventures I'll bring you up to date on Disneyland . .. tell you about how it gtew from an idea of Walt Disney's to be- come the $32 million entertainment cen- ter that you are seeing during your visit. Our guided tour has been a fall and winter season “extra” at Disneyland for the past three years. We've learned that many thousands of visitors at this time of the year really enjoy the opportunity to see Disneyland this special way. We believe you will enjoy it too. Il look forward to seeing you on one of my guided tours of Disneyland. isneyland’s GUIDED TOUR ib:iten,

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