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/t 7o~nj S 1orJ ~~Ha dreo.m~J ob tree.

do"' to,,
h.~s col0ni2.e,c\ no.:t:or). 14,c, h;s o"'a:z.;"j too)
h e,\n~rt)e1.. to do.~-ile, pecr'e. w'irh ~·,~ '>tor:e.5

w'-'de. Cft"oJ;nj · o.. "cJ:o.,e..J ;dMt',tJ <1nd

SerHe o\ ft: de.. . 14 ~tl"I become.s ~(. t; r.s1 rerSol')
'" "-'~ {O~f"\tr1 to t'T)o.ke_ o. teo.t'<..t(€.. til"', ii"\ ,r,T~
o~ o.J\ Socia..\ 01"\ci bi"' onc;cy hurd le5 .

.'.ba.d~soheb f'-'a.\ke, hr:nj_s ~" \"1:"•'o..rri~o11 C'.otn.ero..

to 1nd~o. 1'0 shoot Rajo. Ha.r:s~chondra., or, eJiC.. b;\"",
PGrlrJ'"j th, to\\, !>ue.o.t" ond tears beh;nd Ma.\<inj
Such ~roo"'dhre_~~j mo\i,e. .

Th~ t'Y'lofc, ob'" mo'V;nj it'r\o..~es \:\ls h;"" <..:> ;'1-,

~l"'jCw\\Qt objec,ive. o\ ( 1
l~tt1 t'\',"j
br\nfnj QI'\~

;t to na.t,•~ O<.J.d, fl'\ce5, !~tClr~ \o"j he, \eo.'tf5 ~:_s

j •b, s e\h o\ o. h-\ ctjo, ;)J o\ h;s he,\ o "f "j5 al'\~ aj a. -
·,n st the .SOci d'~ s t',j l'l"\O.. o t cross;l'\j sea.._, Ls
6 ,... ~i.!) c.>O.j 'o Londo11 to') ""~ (l"~Dt ot
C.recJ'i "j Cl ii\ n, • t·~ "'j •,n l e.ndol'), fh~ k~ che.s rHt

\oJe s\jht o\ his obj'cchv~ and'1~ tru.~

to '1;s roofJ . t~e. re.tra'•n.s brG"°\ bret.uinJ tk.f
arrojonre.. and ejc .,;th·," hi~s~lt. ~ha.\\<.~ r~f'\'\o.~11)

'°'ct 01 b)e. '"" h~.

The ~c"ie projcc.ts ~e. in;ti~ ttnw;,1;'jf'E?SS 0 ~
th, re •pk t (\(,.rt OJ ti,; "J h.c.t ls "'"" c,nd

d ;\\ue"t \rof'f) the t_on\/el"\ t,on~ fh;"J5. ih'-6 1 f~o.lke'-5

,; :t; (\_-t "~ 1o sh o t h i 5 t :\ 5 i s rre a.,\' ~d 11, °"
0 IT)

lot ot cior-, <:ll"\d host;lit)' , 50 l"l'\c.l('.h SC """'~r

he Ls ..soor--i te,,nc_ef ns o. 'r'r\o.dmanf. r("oy\~ hod
a.~~oc_i°'e.. hi.5 Crq'le. tor Sh~~tin_J (..)1~ ~e_ i"'ro.c.t
&t i,:t;Jl-, ;.,th,en,e.. o.., 11-,._ f'"rle.
0 '"'j oi nj pro ch, c. ti o~ et "'~ k; 1 , Th al k t rt q to
{'Ol"\Y;nce.. h'i..s (.,li\e__ to ~Cf\c.. Q_s CU'\ (\Ctress tn h;_j hi't'\"\'
"""H-lch to her dls ""~ thel'I r 0 QY't'I ~rout'\_d br O fh~ls to
b:~ o. 'o.dJ I a.~tcr ,~~tusc,_\, h~ SfQr~_s ihe YY\o~;~ <.u•~
cu, rrial~ c.~t , t~a.<:h~"J t°hel""\ ~tc.l"'r\ hasic5 to aJ~aJJ
'"",erj a.sf-t'~ o~ 11'~ til'l'rl .

.I', c,_ t t \\ "-' Sod o.l st,· '.I "'- Q. ' h~""J e 'l. ,,. r"''"t' ".'l
'w o,\,:

;,., br., ru1. .!o.J I I jht ' har_,h ,t

":'J" t; j~t..., e.,;~ q, rJ..t; "J
fttsonoj \lnan,c:_s ond J;;} ba ...·,I,'~ £n;\J-i ;.., h\o-, ,
.D a <lits .J...e.h 61 n cJ I; bin; shes \I,;~ ~ro"" qbrl'<>-\<i"
i;,.it " ~dh-\ , to,;"J ...ti the.... •~o.l\e} .,,,:5
dh~ C"ltet<•Plij 11,e") <,,\\-1,. h\~ ro.ssf o., tGt
,,; '"'''"' , Vi cl~rroj ,

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