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Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner In all cases, you can use both positive and negative values. There is a special-case with positioned elements: when the parent element does not have a height, then percentage values are processed as auto" instead. All this can be a bit confusing, but one just needs to remember that when using percentages with "padding" and "margin" it will be relative to the "width" of the parent node, while positioning a non-static element percentages will be applied relative to the "height" of the parent node.” | did most of my research today, on, a great resource for answering your CSS related questions. Here are the links to each of the properties mentioned above, in-case you want to learn more: Margin-Top Margin-Right Margin-Bottom Margin-Left Padding-Top Padding-Right Padding-Bottom Padding-Left Top Right Bottom Left Scanned with CamScanner Block-level Elements Ablckievelelament way tars ann ne ‘Abloctcivel element always takes up the ful with available (tetches out tothe lft and rghit as fora it car. [Abiock level element has 2 top and a bottom margin, whereas an inne element does not ‘The
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