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Most Essential Learning Content:

Analyze the nature, dimensions/types, and consequences of power


In the study of politics and governance, it is important to note the forces that
cause the people to act, behave in a certain way, and follow a certain direction toward a
particular goal. In this lesson we will discuss the concept of power, who welds the power,
what influence is, and the different types of power used to influence the people to act in
a certain way.


“According to Weber, power is the chance of a man or of a number of men to

order a group to act even against the will of its participating members. Whereas authority
exists when there is a belief in the legitimacy of that power (Gerth & Mills, 1946; Pomida
2019). This is further explained by French and Raven when they said that legitimate
form of power gives the ability to link some sense of “responsibility to the management”.
Certain degree of reward and punishment can be seen as part of a legitimate leadership
role. People usually conform to the group and traditionally obey whoever is granted with
power based on position or title (French & Raven; Pomida, 2019). Steven Lukes, said on
his book: “Power: A Radical View”, “power is at its most effective when least observable”
(McCabe, 2013).

“Lane (2005) said that the basic hypothesis in Weber’s theory of authority is that
modern states tend to be based on legal authority. All systems of authority require
legitimacy and the modern state derives its legitimacy from the notion of legality. Legal
rules creating a framework for political authority may be enacted in a formally written-
down constitution, which requires an enactment” (Pomida, 2019).

“A key principle in public administration is the notion of legality or rule by law,
meaning the requirement that government action is based upon rules empowering
governments to act. Legitimacy was to Weber simply a moral feeling that things move
according to the rules that are binding. To Weber: Political authority must be based upon
rules; Governance rules will only direct behavior if they are considered binding. i.e.
legitimate; Legitimacy of governance norms could only have three possible sources:
tradition, charismatic belief, legislation”, (Lane, 2005; Pomida 2019).


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According to Merriam-Webster, influence is the power or capacity that which

causes effect. In this manner we could say that power is the cause and that influence is
the binding force. To put an analogy, the power is the magnet while the influence is the
attracting force which led the people or a piece of iron to move.

Types of Power

 Legitimate
A power that makes the follower to act because of the position or
the rule that makes that position requires it. For example, a
supervisor, or a president must be followed because there is a
rule that they should command people.
 Reward
A power that influences the follower because of some expected
return. Students follow teacher’s instruction is one good example
because students are expecting grades in return.
 Expert
It is a power that is based from one’s higher levels of skills, talents
or knowledge. For instance, we send only lawyers to defend us in
the court. Or we believe to what the professionals say about their
 Referent
It is an indirect influence that comes from the power of another
person you know. One good example of this is our use of the term
“according to”. We use the term to make others believe that our
command came from someone who possesses that power.
 Coercive
It is the very opposite of reward power, which uses threat of
punishment to influence others to act. This is similar to reward
power but uses punishment to influence a person to act. For
example, I will give you a failing grade if you do not follow.
 Information
This type of power gets its authority from being the only person
who has the knowledge. This is similar to expert power except that
there is no expertise involve, just the information. For example,
the listeners would only listen to the person who experienced or
has the information.
 Charismatic
It is the kind of power that comes from the ability to communicate
eloquently, persuasion, and personality. A good example of this is
that many people believe a person can do amazing things in spite
of there are also other viable opinions.
 Moral

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This type of power comes from exhibiting good moral character or

leadership. One example is the power exhibited by the church to
influence the Filipino people in spite of the clear statement in the
constitution that state is separate from the church.


A. Introduction to Research

1. Research 101

a. Find other online sources that define the following

 Legitimate  Coercive

 Reward  Information

 Expert  Charismatic

 Referent  Moral

b. Compare and contrast the findings and make a synthesis about the
meaning of such political ideologies.

2. Analyzing Results

a. Based from your experience, what could be the result of such powers if
followed or not followed







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3. Examples

a. Based from your experience, give your own example for each power:

1. Legitimate

2. Reward

3. Expert

4. Referent

5. Coercive

6. Information

7. Charismatic

8. Moral

B. Choose your Powers

a. As a person which power will you use in the following roles?

_______________1. Student or a Group Leader in classroom

_______________2. Among friends

_______________3. Manager of a company

_______________4. Captain of a cruise ship

_______________5. President of the Philippines

C. Internalization

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1. What is the your most preferred leadership style. Explain why in a minimum
of 5 sentences.


D. What is the importance of analyzing the nature, dimensions/types, and

consequences of power for students of Humanities and Social Sciences? State
your answer in sentences (Minimum of 5 sentences).



French and Raven's Five Forms of Power. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

French, J. R. & Raven, B. (n.d.). The Bases of Social Power)

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French, J. R., & Raven, B. H. (n.d.). Five Forms of Power (French & Raven). Retrieved

Pomida, R. T. (2019). Department of Education Principal Empowerment in Relation to

Shared Governance in Six Secondary Schools of Caloocan: A Comparative
Study. (Master’s Thesis).

Scouts. (2014, 9 May). Eight Types of Leadership Power. Retrieved from:

What is Charismatic Leadership? (n.d.).


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