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Even with the new maps...

Anytime I drop in solo Q I get some shots off and then all of a sudden its 8 vs 1
and im dead. I just don't understand it. 12 vs 12 is terrible. I dropped like 8
matches in a row tonight and match after match after match was just a horrible game

You know what, im not going to offer any suggestions anymore on how to fix this
game. I already have. Im not going to waste time in this game anymore or take it
seriously ever again.

This game is a joke, and because of that, im going to treat it like a joke.
Congrats on your ****** 12vs12 domination game mode where you all go to the same
spot every game and drop like flies, I am sick and tired of it. Its the same
******** over and over and over again. Forget about it! Time to move on!

12vs12 and Domination game mode are the worst idea's ever conceived in a
mechwarrior video game, I hope you all enjoy the random ******** scrubfest! Im
playing other games! Cya!

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