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1-A-O Harmonious Movement Meditation I (ee) = Stand in a comfortable upright position, feet slightly apart, arms loose by your sides. Imagine you are in your own column of light that connects the highest source of cosmic love in the heavens & the deepest source of cosmic life in the core of the Earth. Keep your feet on the ground & gently shift your weight to the balls of your feet. As above so below, we are standing upright between the heavens & the core of the Earth = I (ee) A (ah) = Gently shift the weight onto your heels while keeping the whole foot on the ground. Lean back slightly, touching the back of your column of light with the back of your head, allowing the angels to support you & take off any burdens you may be carrying. We lean back in awe of creation & trust the forces of light, love & life to support us = A (ah) O (oh) = Slowly & gently shift the weight onto your toes, while still keeping the whole foot on the ground. Lean slightly forward, touching the front of your column of light with the top of your forehead. The angels are embracing you from behind, while you soften your chest & heart, imagining your soul embracing you inside. We stand in the circle of humanity, together embracing the planet Earth, each other, nature around us, all there is = O (oh) easel rosea Ce Gently return to your neutral upright position, weight evenly distributed through your whole foot. You are standing as a human being on Earth, connected to your highest self who protects & guides you always. Breathe, let go, relax. Repeat 3x. At the end, cross your arms across the chest in reverence, to seal in & protect the benefits of the exercise.

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