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NAME: Diego Alejandro Quintero Guerrero GRADE: 902


1. Read the text on page number 16 and write the correct people. (5 points)
1. Marco had a bad experience on his or her birthday.
2. Keira ‘s dad didn´t want to go home at the end of the party.
3. Ruby was shocked about something after his or her
4. keira was embarrassed by someone.
5. Ruby ‘s parents paid for some lessons.
6. Marco Has different interests from his or her brother.

2. Choose the right answer for the question. (6 points)

1. Why did Ruby do her audition early?
a. Because the other student was late
b. Because the other student wasn´t ready for the audition.
c. Because the other student stared immediately.
2. How long was Ruby´s audition?
a. A week
b. 3 hours
c. 15 minutes
3. Why didn’t Marco´s parents give him the same present at his brother?
a. Because they are twins.
b. Because Alex was so jealous.
c. Because he had different hobbies.
4. What didn’t Marco´s parents give him?
a. He can´t remember
b. He didn’t receive any present.
c. The same as his twin brother.
5. What was special for Keira about the party?
a. It was her 15th birthday party.
b. It was her first party without adults.
c. It was her first party with her parents.
6. How did Keira know her dad was at the party?
a. She saw his car.
b. He spoke to her.
c. She heard his voice.
7. They told their stories for…
a. being relaxed
b. winning a prize
c. fun

3. Write a short definition about Phobia. (4 points)

Phobia is …

Write 3 examples:

4. Record a video telling your answers about activity 7 on page 15 Metro book, and
share it by seesaw app. (10 points)

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