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Liturgy and Sacraments

Why we have sacraments?

In accordance with the reading “Why we have sacraments?” by Leonard Foley

that the Catholic Church has 7 big “S” symbols and thousand small ones. The Catholic
Church is pertaining to the Seven Sacraments which are the Sacraments of: Baptism,
Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession, Anointing of the sick, Marriage and
Priesthood. Whereas, these sacraments are legitimately utilized by every Catholic
Church as well as it is considered as a symbolism of one’s religion. However, it is not
just a private symbol nevertheless it is the actions represent by a whole Catholic
community. Thus, it is not solely an obligation but it is a devotion to show your faith to
our Lord. Nevertheless, faith without action is dead. So if you say you love God
and you have Faith with the Lord, that Love should always be accompanied with
actions; the 7 big Sacraments. Nonetheless, do not treat the Sacraments as a free
ticket to heaven but do it unconditionally and wholeheartedly to let yourself
deepen your relationship to God.

In accordance with the text, Making the sign of the cross with holy water,
kneeling, folding hands in prayer, watching incense rise and enjoying its aroma, singing
the Our Father together: these are all symbols like the yellow ribbons—signs of a
feeling that we share.. Whereas, in the text it depicts that the yellow ribbons is a symbol
that many are showing to the world to show support in a matter. As well as in a Catholic
Church there are actions that portrays and depicts our Catholicism. I suppose one
example of that is when a Catholic human being got passed by a church while riding a
jeep, they are automatically doing the sign of the cross. Hence, those who are not
Catholics may conclude that a person who did that gesture is a Catholic. Yes, I agree
that it is the sign of feeling that we share because we get used to it. When we do
it, we have this feeling of showing of respect and faith to our Lord. However, let
us be honest that these actions are sometimes considered only as a routine. “eh
Catholic ako, kailangan ko.”
Second, these seven sacraments are not just private symbols—they’re like the
yellow ribbons that people publicly displayed for the hostages. The sacraments are
actions of the whole Church community. Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation,
Confession, Anointing of the sick, Marriage and Priesthood. These are the Big 7
Sacraments. As well as, it represents how we do things in faith. However, God does
not do magic. Faith does not work like that. It does not mean when you attend the
Holy Eucharist is that you are saved. Nevertheless, as an individual you must
know the purpose of the Sacraments; and they don’t affect your life automatically
it is not a magic. Devoted and true heart of worship would be the best way to
connect with God.
Liturgy and Sacraments
Third, Faith and feeling are not the same. Faith is stronger than feeling. I, myself
as a person I know I am not perfect, I am a sinner nevertheless I have faith in God.
Sometimes our feelings deflates our faith. When there are times we get frustrated to
something we forget that we have a God that will strengthens us in every trials in life.
Just like when as Christians and Catholics are committed in those sacraments but there
are problems and it is possible that sometimes we are questioning why God is allowing
us experience those things even if we are committed to Him. Thus, ask yourself, on
what is your belief is desires and deepest feelings in utilizing these things? Is it just a
mandatory belief as a religious? Or you really believe that God is guiding us? And in a
form of commitment through the Sacraments we could connect and show our love to

In dénouement, you cannot claim that you love God, without obeying Him. Faith
and Love should goes hand in hand. Love is an action word and not an idea alone. Love
is should not be Lip Service. Meaning it should be shown and exercise. So if you say
you love God and you have Faith with the Lord, that Love should always be
accompanied with actions; the 7 Big Sacraments. However, it should be done whole-
heartedly and unconditionally because these Sacraments is not a show off to the public
it is a symbol of our faith. Nonetheless, do not treat the Sacraments as a free ticket
to heaven but do it unconditionally and wholeheartedly to let yourself deepen
your relationship to God. Lastly, Faith without action is dead.

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