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Two years ago I spent a month in the great Brazil, the capital, Brasilia, it
has many fantastic places, such as the import fair, where you can buy
clothes, glasses, electronic items such as cell phones and other things.
One day, I was looking at some glasses in one of the shops at the fair
and I wanted to try on how it fit. the seller spoke only Portuguese and, of
course, I do not speak any Portuguese. I indicated to him that I was
interested in glasses and wanted to try me, but he said no. At that
moment, the owner of the store arrived and told me if I could try the
glasses on. After buying the glasses we talked a little more with the
owner of the store and it turned out that he is also Peruvian and that is
why we got on well. that was a great coincidence, but that's not all. It also
came that he also owns the hotel where I was staying. After that day, I
had the opportunity to get to know more places in Brazil.

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