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Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MariaDB connection id is 115

Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| db_akademik |
| information_schema |
| movieindustry051 |
| movieindustry0514 |
| movieindustry11a |
| movieindustry11b |
| movieindustry12 |
| movieindustry13mj |
| mysql |
| pegawai |
| performance_schema |
| phpmyadmin |
| politeknik negeri batam |
| test |
15 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use movieindustry13mj

Database changed
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> show tables;
| Tables_in_movieindustry13mj |
| movie |
| moviestar |
| starsin |
| studio |
4 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from starsin;

| movieTitle | movieYear | starName |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Gary Sinise |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Kevin Bacon |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Tom Hanks |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Humphrey Bogart |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Ingrid Bergman |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Paul Henreid |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Gary Sinise |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Robin Wright |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Tom Hanks |
| Inception | 2010 | Cillian Murphy |
| Inception | 2010 | Ellen Page |
| Inception | 2010 | Joseph Gordon-Levitt |
| Inception | 2010 | Ken Watanabe |
| Inception | 2010 | Leonardo DiCaprio |
| Inception | 2010 | Tom Hardy |
| Milk | 2008 | Emile Hirsch |
| Milk | 2008 | James Franco |
| Milk | 2008 | Sean Penn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Kevin Bacon |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Laurence Fishburne |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Sean Penn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Tim Robbins |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Bruce Willis |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | John Travolta |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Samuel L. Jackson |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Tim Roth |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ben Kingsley |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Liam Neeson |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ralph Fiennes |
| Se7en | 1995 | Brad Pitt |
| Se7en | 1995 | Gwyneth Paltrow |
| Se7en | 1995 | Morgan Freeman |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Al Pacino |
| The Godfather | 1972 | James Caan |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Marlon Brando |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Richard S. Castellano |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Robert Duvall |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Al Pacino |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Diane Keaton |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert De Niro |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert Duvall |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Clint Eastwood |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Eli Wallach |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Lee Van Cleef |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Bonnie Hunt |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | James Cromwell |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Michael Clark Duncan |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Tom Hanks |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Gladys George |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Humphrey Bogart |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Mary Astor |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Peter Lorre |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Bob Gunton |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Clancy Brown |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Morgan Freeman |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Tim Robbins |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | William Sadler |
57 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from moviestar;

| name | birthplace | gender |
birthdate |
| Al Pacino | New York City, New York, USA | M | 1940-
04-25 |
| Ben Kingsley | Scarborough, Yorkshire, England | M | 1943-
12-31 |
| Bob Gunton | Santa Monica, California, USA | M | 1945-
11-15 |
| Bonnie Hunt | Chicago, Illinois, USA | F | 1961-
09-22 |
| Brad Pitt | Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA | M | 1963-
12-18 |
| Bruce Willis | Idar-Oberstein, West Germany | M | 1955-
05-19 |
| Cillian Murphy | Douglas, Cork, Ireland | M | 1976-
05-25 |
| Clancy Brown | Urbanio, Ohio, USA | M | 1959-
01-05 |
| Clint Eastwood | San Fransisco, California, USA | M | 1930-
05-31 |
| Diane Keaton | Los Angeles, California, USA | F | 1946-
01-05 |
| Eli Wallach | Brooklyn, New York, USA | M | 1915-
12-07 |
| Ellen Page | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | F | 1987-
02-21 |
| Emile Hirsch | Palms, California, USA | M | 1985-
03-13 |
| Gary Sinise | Blue Island, Illinois, USA | M | 1955-
03-17 |
| Gladys George | Patten, Maine, USA | F | 1900-
09-13 |
| Gwyneth Paltrow | Los Angeles, California, USA | F | 1972-
09-27 |
| Humphrey Bogart | New York City, New York, USA | M | 1899-
12-25 |
| Ingrid Bergman | Stockholm, Sweden | F | 1915-
08-29 |
| James Caan | The Bronx, New York, USA | M | 1940-
03-26 |
| James Cromwell | Los Angeles, California, USA | M | 1940-
01-27 |
| James Franco | Palo Alto, California, USA | M | 1978-
04-19 |
| John Travolta | Englewood, New Jersey, USA | M | 1954-
02-18 |
| Joseph Gordon-Levitt | Los Angeles, California, USA | M | 1981-
02-17 |
| Josh Brolin | Los Angeles, California, USA | M | 1968-
02-12 |
| Kevin Bacon | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | M | 1958-
07-08 |
| Laurence Fishburne | Augusta, Georgia, USA | M | 1961-
07-30 |
| Lee Van Cleef | Somerville, New Jersey, USA | M | 1925-
01-09 |
| Leonardo DiCaprio | Hollywood, California, USA | M | 1974-
11-11 |
| Liam Neeson | Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland | M | 1952-
06-07 |
| Marlon Brando | Omaha, Nebraska, USA | M | 1924-
04-03 |
| Mary Astor | Quincy, Illinois, USA | F | 1906-
05-03 |
| Michael Clark Duncan | Chicago, Illinois, USA | M | 1957-
12-10 |
| Morgan Freeman | Memphis, Tennessee, USA | M | 1937-
06-01 |
| Paul Henreid | Trieste, Austria-Hungary | M | 1905-
01-10 |
| Peter Lorre | Rozsahegy, Hungary, Austria-Hungary | M | 1904-
06-26 |
| Ralph Fiennes | Ipswich, Suffolk, England | M | 1962-
12-22 |
| Richard S. Castellano | The Bronx, New York, USA | M | 1933-
12-04 |
| Robert De Niro | New York City, New York, USA | M | 1943-
08-17 |
| Robert Duvall | San Diego, California, USA | M | 1931-
01-05 |
| Robin Wright | Dallas, Texas, USA | F | 1966-
04-08 |
| Samuel L. Jackson | Washington, District of Columbia, USA | M | 1948-
12-21 |
| Sean Penn | Santa Monica, California, USA | M | 1960-
08-17 |
| Tim Robbins | West Covina, California, USA | M | 1958-
10-16 |
| Tom Hanks | Concord, California, USA | M | 1956-
07-09 |
| Tom Hardy | Hammersmith, London, England | M | 1977-
09-17 |
| William Sadler | Buffalo, New York, USA | M | 1950-
04-13 |
46 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> CREATE VIEW StarBirthday AS SELECT

-> -> starsin.movieTitle, starsin.movieYear, starsin.starName,
moviestar.birthPlace, moviestar.birthDate FROM starsin,moviestar
-> -> WHERE;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '>
starsin.movieTitle, starsin.movieYear, starsin.starName, moviestar.birthPla...' at
line 2
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> CREATE VIEW StarBirthday AS SELECT
-> starsin.movieTitle, starsin.movieYear, starsin.starName,
moviestar.birthPlace, moviestar.birthDate FROM starsin,moviestar
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.071 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from StarBirthday;

| movieTitle | movieYear | starName | birthPlace
| birthDate |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Gary Sinise | Blue Island,
Illinois, USA | 1955-03-17 |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Kevin Bacon |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | 1958-07-08 |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Tom Hanks | Concord,
California, USA | 1956-07-09 |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Humphrey Bogart | New York
City, New York, USA | 1899-12-25 |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Ingrid Bergman | Stockholm,
Sweden | 1915-08-29 |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Paul Henreid | Trieste,
Austria-Hungary | 1905-01-10 |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Gary Sinise | Blue Island,
Illinois, USA | 1955-03-17 |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Robin Wright | Dallas,
Texas, USA | 1966-04-08 |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Tom Hanks | Concord,
California, USA | 1956-07-09 |
| Inception | 2010 | Cillian Murphy | Douglas,
Cork, Ireland | 1976-05-25 |
| Inception | 2010 | Ellen Page | Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada | 1987-02-21 |
| Inception | 2010 | Joseph Gordon-Levitt | Los Angeles,
California, USA | 1981-02-17 |
| Inception | 2010 | Leonardo DiCaprio | Hollywood,
California, USA | 1974-11-11 |
| Inception | 2010 | Tom Hardy | Hammersmith,
London, England | 1977-09-17 |
| Milk | 2008 | Emile Hirsch | Palms,
California, USA | 1985-03-13 |
| Milk | 2008 | James Franco | Palo Alto,
California, USA | 1978-04-19 |
| Milk | 2008 | Sean Penn | Santa
Monica, California, USA | 1960-08-17 |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Kevin Bacon |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | 1958-07-08 |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Laurence Fishburne | Augusta,
Georgia, USA | 1961-07-30 |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Sean Penn | Santa
Monica, California, USA | 1960-08-17 |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Tim Robbins | West Covina,
California, USA | 1958-10-16 |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Bruce Willis | Idar-
Oberstein, West Germany | 1955-05-19 |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | John Travolta | Englewood,
New Jersey, USA | 1954-02-18 |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Samuel L. Jackson | Washington,
District of Columbia, USA | 1948-12-21 |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ben Kingsley | Scarborough,
Yorkshire, England | 1943-12-31 |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Liam Neeson | Ballymena,
Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland | 1952-06-07 |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ralph Fiennes | Ipswich,
Suffolk, England | 1962-12-22 |
| Se7en | 1995 | Brad Pitt | Shawnee,
Oklahoma, USA | 1963-12-18 |
| Se7en | 1995 | Gwyneth Paltrow | Los Angeles,
California, USA | 1972-09-27 |
| Se7en | 1995 | Morgan Freeman | Memphis,
Tennessee, USA | 1937-06-01 |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Al Pacino | New York
City, New York, USA | 1940-04-25 |
| The Godfather | 1972 | James Caan | The Bronx,
New York, USA | 1940-03-26 |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Marlon Brando | Omaha,
Nebraska, USA | 1924-04-03 |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Richard S. Castellano | The Bronx,
New York, USA | 1933-12-04 |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Robert Duvall | San Diego,
California, USA | 1931-01-05 |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Al Pacino | New York
City, New York, USA | 1940-04-25 |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Diane Keaton | Los Angeles,
California, USA | 1946-01-05 |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert De Niro | New York
City, New York, USA | 1943-08-17 |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert Duvall | San Diego,
California, USA | 1931-01-05 |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Clint Eastwood | San
Fransisco, California, USA | 1930-05-31 |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Eli Wallach | Brooklyn,
New York, USA | 1915-12-07 |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Lee Van Cleef | Somerville,
New Jersey, USA | 1925-01-09 |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Bonnie Hunt | Chicago,
Illinois, USA | 1961-09-22 |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | James Cromwell | Los Angeles,
California, USA | 1940-01-27 |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Michael Clark Duncan | Chicago,
Illinois, USA | 1957-12-10 |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Tom Hanks | Concord,
California, USA | 1956-07-09 |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Gladys George | Patten,
Maine, USA | 1900-09-13 |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Humphrey Bogart | New York
City, New York, USA | 1899-12-25 |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Mary Astor | Quincy,
Illinois, USA | 1906-05-03 |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Peter Lorre | Rozsahegy,
Hungary, Austria-Hungary | 1904-06-26 |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Bob Gunton | Santa
Monica, California, USA | 1945-11-15 |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Clancy Brown | Urbanio,
Ohio, USA | 1959-01-05 |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Morgan Freeman | Memphis,
Tennessee, USA | 1937-06-01 |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Tim Robbins | West Covina,
California, USA | 1958-10-16 |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | William Sadler | Buffalo, New
York, USA | 1950-04-13 |
55 rows in set (0.043 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from movie;

| title | year | length | inColor | studioName
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | 140 | Y | Universal Pictures
| Casablanca | 1942 | 102 | N | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | 142 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| Inception | 2010 | 148 | Y | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Milk | 2008 | 128 | Y | Focus Features
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | 138 | Y | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | 154 | Y | Miramax Films
| Schindler List | 1993 | 195 | N | Universal Pictures
| Se7en | 1995 | 127 | Y | New Line Cinema
| The Godfather | 1972 | 175 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | 200 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | 161 | Y | Arturo Gonzales
Producciones |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | 189 | Y | Castle Rock
Entertainment |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | 101 | N | Warner Bros. Pictures
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | 142 | Y | Castle Rock
Entertainment |
15 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from studio;

| name | address |
pres |
| Arturo Gonzales Producciones | Spain |
Alfredo Fraile |
| Castle Rock Entertainment | Burbank, California, USA |
Alan F. Horn |
| Focus Features | Oxford House, London, United Kingdom |
Ronald Meyer |
| Miramax Films | Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA | Bob
Weinstein |
| New Line Cinema | Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, California, USA |
Toby Emmerich |
| Paramount Pictures | Hollywood, California, USA |
Brad Grey |
| Universal Pictures | Universal City, California, USA |
Ronald Meyer |
| Warner Bros. Pictures | Burbank, California, USA |
Alan F. Horn |
8 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> CREATE VIEW MovieStudio AS SELECT

-> movie.title, movie.year, movie.length, movie.studioName, studio.address,
studio.pres FROM movie, studio
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.042 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from MovieStudio;

| title | year | length | studioName |
address | pres |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | 161 | Arturo Gonzales Producciones |
Spain | Alfredo Fraile |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | 189 | Castle Rock Entertainment |
Burbank, California, USA | Alan F. Horn |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | 142 | Castle Rock Entertainment |
Burbank, California, USA | Alan F. Horn |
| Milk | 2008 | 128 | Focus Features |
Oxford House, London, United Kingdom | Ronald Meyer |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | 154 | Miramax Films |
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA | Bob Weinstein |
| Se7en | 1995 | 127 | New Line Cinema |
Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, California, USA | Toby Emmerich |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | 142 | Paramount Pictures |
Hollywood, California, USA | Brad Grey |
| The Godfather | 1972 | 175 | Paramount Pictures |
Hollywood, California, USA | Brad Grey |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | 200 | Paramount Pictures |
Hollywood, California, USA | Brad Grey |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | 140 | Universal Pictures |
Universal City, California, USA | Ronald Meyer |
| Schindler List | 1993 | 195 | Universal Pictures |
Universal City, California, USA | Ronald Meyer |
| Casablanca | 1942 | 102 | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Burbank, California, USA | Alan F. Horn |
| Inception | 2010 | 148 | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Burbank, California, USA | Alan F. Horn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | 138 | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Burbank, California, USA | Alan F. Horn |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | 101 | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Burbank, California, USA | Alan F. Horn |
15 rows in set (0.035 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> CREATE VIEW StarGender AS SELECT

->, moviestar.gender FROM moviestar;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.044 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from StarGender;

| name | gender |
| Al Pacino | M |
| Ben Kingsley | M |
| Bob Gunton | M |
| Bonnie Hunt | F |
| Brad Pitt | M |
| Bruce Willis | M |
| Cillian Murphy | M |
| Clancy Brown | M |
| Clint Eastwood | M |
| Diane Keaton | F |
| Eli Wallach | M |
| Ellen Page | F |
| Emile Hirsch | M |
| Gary Sinise | M |
| Gladys George | F |
| Gwyneth Paltrow | F |
| Humphrey Bogart | M |
| Ingrid Bergman | F |
| James Caan | M |
| James Cromwell | M |
| James Franco | M |
| John Travolta | M |
| Joseph Gordon-Levitt | M |
| Josh Brolin | M |
| Kevin Bacon | M |
| Laurence Fishburne | M |
| Lee Van Cleef | M |
| Leonardo DiCaprio | M |
| Liam Neeson | M |
| Marlon Brando | M |
| Mary Astor | F |
| Michael Clark Duncan | M |
| Morgan Freeman | M |
| Paul Henreid | M |
| Peter Lorre | M |
| Ralph Fiennes | M |
| Richard S. Castellano | M |
| Robert De Niro | M |
| Robert Duvall | M |
| Robin Wright | F |
| Samuel L. Jackson | M |
| Sean Penn | M |
| Tim Robbins | M |
| Tom Hanks | M |
| Tom Hardy | M |
| William Sadler | M |
46 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> insert into StarGender VALUES ('Dian Sastro','F');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.046 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from StarGender;

| name | gender |
| Al Pacino | M |
| Ben Kingsley | M |
| Bob Gunton | M |
| Bonnie Hunt | F |
| Brad Pitt | M |
| Bruce Willis | M |
| Cillian Murphy | M |
| Clancy Brown | M |
| Clint Eastwood | M |
| Dian Sastro | F |
| Diane Keaton | F |
| Eli Wallach | M |
| Ellen Page | F |
| Emile Hirsch | M |
| Gary Sinise | M |
| Gladys George | F |
| Gwyneth Paltrow | F |
| Humphrey Bogart | M |
| Ingrid Bergman | F |
| James Caan | M |
| James Cromwell | M |
| James Franco | M |
| John Travolta | M |
| Joseph Gordon-Levitt | M |
| Josh Brolin | M |
| Kevin Bacon | M |
| Laurence Fishburne | M |
| Lee Van Cleef | M |
| Leonardo DiCaprio | M |
| Liam Neeson | M |
| Marlon Brando | M |
| Mary Astor | F |
| Michael Clark Duncan | M |
| Morgan Freeman | M |
| Paul Henreid | M |
| Peter Lorre | M |
| Ralph Fiennes | M |
| Richard S. Castellano | M |
| Robert De Niro | M |
| Robert Duvall | M |
| Robin Wright | F |
| Samuel L. Jackson | M |
| Sean Penn | M |
| Tim Robbins | M |
| Tom Hanks | M |
| Tom Hardy | M |
| William Sadler | M |
47 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> INSERT INTO MovieStudio values

('Madagascar3','2012','93','Paramount Pictures','Hollywood, California, USA','Brad
ERROR 1394 (HY000): Can not insert into join view 'movieindustry13mj.moviestudio'
without fields list
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> CREATE USER guest@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'guest';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.176 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> CREATE USER ticket@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ticket';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.021 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> exit

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 118
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 119
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| test |
2 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 120
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| test |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 121
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| db_akademik |
| information_schema |
| movieindustry051 |
| movieindustry0514 |
| movieindustry11a |
| movieindustry11b |
| movieindustry12 |
| movieindustry13mj |
| mysql |
| pegawai |
| performance_schema |
| phpmyadmin |
| politeknik negeri batam |
| test |
15 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use movieindustry13mj;

Database changed
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> GRANT insert
-> ON starGender
-> TO guest@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'guest';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.055 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> show tables;

| Tables_in_movieindustry13mj |
| movie |
| moviestar |
| moviestudio |
| starbirthday |
| stargender |
| starsin |
| studio |
7 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> repair table mysql.tables_priv;

| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| mysql.tables_priv | repair | status | OK |
1 row in set (0.297 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> GRANT insert

-> ON starGender
-> TO guest@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'guest';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.041 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> GRANT select

-> ON starBirthday
-> TO guest@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'guest';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.032 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> GRANT select

-> ON movie
-> TO ticket@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ticket';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.027 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> GRANT select

-> GRANT select
-> wadawd
-> ;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'GRANT
wadawd' at line 2
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> GRANT select
-> ON starsin
-> TO ticket@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ticket';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.012 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> exit

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 124
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| movieindustry13mj |
| test |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use movieindustry13mj

Database changed
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> show tables;
| Tables_in_movieindustry13mj |
| movie |
| starsin |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from movie;

| title | year | length | inColor | studioName
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | 140 | Y | Universal Pictures
| Casablanca | 1942 | 102 | N | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | 142 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| Inception | 2010 | 148 | Y | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Milk | 2008 | 128 | Y | Focus Features
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | 138 | Y | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | 154 | Y | Miramax Films
| Schindler List | 1993 | 195 | N | Universal Pictures
| Se7en | 1995 | 127 | Y | New Line Cinema
| The Godfather | 1972 | 175 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | 200 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | 161 | Y | Arturo Gonzales
Producciones |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | 189 | Y | Castle Rock
Entertainment |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | 101 | N | Warner Bros. Pictures
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | 142 | Y | Castle Rock
Entertainment |
15 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from starsin;

| movieTitle | movieYear | starName |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Gary Sinise |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Kevin Bacon |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Tom Hanks |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Humphrey Bogart |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Ingrid Bergman |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Paul Henreid |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Gary Sinise |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Robin Wright |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Tom Hanks |
| Inception | 2010 | Cillian Murphy |
| Inception | 2010 | Ellen Page |
| Inception | 2010 | Joseph Gordon-Levitt |
| Inception | 2010 | Ken Watanabe |
| Inception | 2010 | Leonardo DiCaprio |
| Inception | 2010 | Tom Hardy |
| Milk | 2008 | Emile Hirsch |
| Milk | 2008 | James Franco |
| Milk | 2008 | Sean Penn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Kevin Bacon |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Laurence Fishburne |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Sean Penn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Tim Robbins |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Bruce Willis |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | John Travolta |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Samuel L. Jackson |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Tim Roth |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ben Kingsley |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Liam Neeson |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ralph Fiennes |
| Se7en | 1995 | Brad Pitt |
| Se7en | 1995 | Gwyneth Paltrow |
| Se7en | 1995 | Morgan Freeman |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Al Pacino |
| The Godfather | 1972 | James Caan |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Marlon Brando |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Richard S. Castellano |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Robert Duvall |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Al Pacino |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Diane Keaton |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert De Niro |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert Duvall |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Clint Eastwood |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Eli Wallach |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Lee Van Cleef |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Bonnie Hunt |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | James Cromwell |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Michael Clark Duncan |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Tom Hanks |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Gladys George |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Humphrey Bogart |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Mary Astor |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Peter Lorre |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Bob Gunton |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Clancy Brown |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Morgan Freeman |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Tim Robbins |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | William Sadler |
57 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> INSERT INTO movie VALUES

-> ('Madagascar 3','2012','93','Paramount Pictures');
ERROR 1142 (42000): INSERT command denied to user 'ticket'@'localhost' for table
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> INSERT INTO movie VALUES
-> (title,year,length,inColor,studioname)
-> VALUES('Madagascar3,'2012','Y','ParamountPictures');
'> VALUES('Madagascar3','2012','Y','ParamountPictures');
'> ;
'> Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 127
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| movieindustry13mj |
| test |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use movieindustry13mj;

Database changed
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> show tables;
| Tables_in_movieindustry13mj |
| movie |
| starsin |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ;

or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 128
Server version: 10.4.16-MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| movieindustry13mj |
| test |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use movieindustry13mj;

Database changed
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> show tables;
| Tables_in_movieindustry13mj |
| movie |
| starsin |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from movie;

| title | year | length | inColor | studioName
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | 140 | Y | Universal Pictures
| Casablanca | 1942 | 102 | N | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | 142 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| Inception | 2010 | 148 | Y | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Milk | 2008 | 128 | Y | Focus Features
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | 138 | Y | Warner Bros. Pictures
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | 154 | Y | Miramax Films
| Schindler List | 1993 | 195 | N | Universal Pictures
| Se7en | 1995 | 127 | Y | New Line Cinema
| The Godfather | 1972 | 175 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | 200 | Y | Paramount Pictures
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | 161 | Y | Arturo Gonzales
Producciones |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | 189 | Y | Castle Rock
Entertainment |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | 101 | N | Warner Bros. Pictures
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | 142 | Y | Castle Rock
Entertainment |
15 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> select*from starsin;

| movieTitle | movieYear | starName |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Gary Sinise |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Kevin Bacon |
| Apollo 13 | 1995 | Tom Hanks |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Humphrey Bogart |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Ingrid Bergman |
| Casablanca | 1942 | Paul Henreid |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Gary Sinise |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Robin Wright |
| Forrest Gump | 1994 | Tom Hanks |
| Inception | 2010 | Cillian Murphy |
| Inception | 2010 | Ellen Page |
| Inception | 2010 | Joseph Gordon-Levitt |
| Inception | 2010 | Ken Watanabe |
| Inception | 2010 | Leonardo DiCaprio |
| Inception | 2010 | Tom Hardy |
| Milk | 2008 | Emile Hirsch |
| Milk | 2008 | James Franco |
| Milk | 2008 | Sean Penn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Kevin Bacon |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Laurence Fishburne |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Sean Penn |
| Mystic Rivers | 2003 | Tim Robbins |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Bruce Willis |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | John Travolta |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Samuel L. Jackson |
| Pulp Fiction | 1994 | Tim Roth |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ben Kingsley |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Liam Neeson |
| Schindler List | 1993 | Ralph Fiennes |
| Se7en | 1995 | Brad Pitt |
| Se7en | 1995 | Gwyneth Paltrow |
| Se7en | 1995 | Morgan Freeman |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Al Pacino |
| The Godfather | 1972 | James Caan |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Marlon Brando |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Richard S. Castellano |
| The Godfather | 1972 | Robert Duvall |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Al Pacino |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Diane Keaton |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert De Niro |
| The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | Robert Duvall |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Clint Eastwood |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Eli Wallach |
| The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | 1966 | Lee Van Cleef |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Bonnie Hunt |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | James Cromwell |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Michael Clark Duncan |
| The Green Mile | 1999 | Tom Hanks |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Gladys George |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Humphrey Bogart |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Mary Astor |
| The Maltese Falcon | 1941 | Peter Lorre |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Bob Gunton |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Clancy Brown |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Morgan Freeman |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | Tim Robbins |
| The Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | William Sadler |
57 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> INSERT INTO movie

-> (title,year,length,inColor,studioname)
-> ('Madagascar 3','2012','93','Y','Paramount Pictures');
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near
''Madagascar 3','2012','93','Y','Paramount Pictures')' at line 3
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> INSERT INTO movie VALUES
-> ('Madagascar 3',2012,93,'Y','Paramount Pictures');
ERROR 1142 (42000): INSERT command denied to user 'ticket'@'localhost' for table
MariaDB [movieindustry13mj]> insert into values('madagascar 3', 2012, 93,
'paramount pictures');
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near
'values('madagascar 3', 2012, 93, 'paramount pictures')' at line 1

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