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Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30

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Monitoring and controlling follicular activity in camelids

Ahmed Tibary
Comparative Theriogenology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Center for Reproductive Biology, Washington State
University, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reviews that state of our knowledge concerning follicular wave dynamics, monitoring and
Received 1 December 2017 manipulation. All camelids have overlapping follicular waves in absence of ovulation which is induced by
Accepted 1 December 2017 a seminal plasma factor (bNGF). The interval between follicular waves varies. The size of the ovulatory
Available online 8 December 2017
follicle varies between 11 and 25 mm in camels and between in 6 and 13 mm in South American
Camelids. The interval between induction of ovulation and next ovulatory follicle is 15 ± 1 day for all
camelids. Follicular activity is best monitored by transrectal ultrasonography. Progesterone therapy for 7
e15 days seems to suppress follicular dominance but does not completely inhibit follicular recruitment.
Ovarian activity
Combination of estradiol and progesterone seems to provide better control of follicular activity. Both
Artificial breeding methods have provided variable results in the synchronization of follicular waves. Combination of in-
duction of ovulation with GnRH and luteolysis at predetermined times shows some promise in syn-
chronization of follicular dominance. These synchronization protocols require further investigation in
order to provide practical approaches for fixed-time breeding. Ovarian superstimulation with FSH and
eCG alone or in combination is somewhat successful. The best results are obtained when treatment is
initiated at the emergence of a new follicular wave after induction of ovulation or following treatment
with progesterone for 7e14 days. However, response remains extremely variable particularly in terms of
ovulation rate and number of recovered embryos. Sources of this variability need to be studied including
the effects of season, nutrition, doses and frequency of administration of gonadotropin.
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction biotechnologies, such as artificial insemination (AI) and embryo

transfer (ET), require a thorough understanding of follicular dy-
The camelidae family includes 6 major species traditionally namics and factors governing ovarian activity. Prior to 1990's, most
subdivided into Old-world camelids (OWC) or camels (Camelus studies on ovarian activity in camelids relied on behavioral and
dromedarius and Camelus bactrianus) and New-world camelids hormonal observation [3]. Effort to characterize follicular wave
(NWC) (Lama glama, Lama guanicoe, Vicugna pacos and Vicugna dynamics was mostly driven by the desire to develop AI and ET
vicugna). Domestic camelids (camels, llamas and alpacas) are technologies. The widespread use of ultrasonography allowed in
important livestock in several parts of the word. It is predicted that situ observation of ovarian follicular activity and better character-
these species will be increasingly important for animal production ization of follicular dynamics, ovulation and monitoring of re-
in harsh environments due to their adaptive characteristics to sponses to treatments [4]. The present paper discusses the state of
desert (camelids) or altiplano (llamas and alpacas). Wild camelids our knowledge on ovarian follicular dynamics in camelids, factors
(vicugna, guanaco and some Bactrian camels) are important re- governing it, and its monitoring and manipulation.
sources that are increasingly threatened due to habitat degrada-
tion. Reproductive management and multiplication of wild
camelids through the use of interspecies embryo transfer has been 2. Follicular dynamics in camelids
investigated as a mean for the preservation of these species [1,2].
Efficient reproductive management and use of reproductive 2.1. Follicular dynamics in absence of ovulation

Ultrasonographic and hormonal studies in the mid to late 1990's

helped define follicular dynamics in several domestic camelids
E-mail address: species [5e8]. Field and experimental observations demonstrated
0093-691X/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Tibary / Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30 23

that ovarian activity in the female camelid is not seasonal under

optimal nutritional condition [9]. However, under some conditions,
female camels may display seasonal variation in follicular activity
that may be partly regulated by photoperiod. All camelid species
are induced ovulators, thus in absence of ovulatory stimulus
(mating or hormonal induction), follicular waves occur in an
overlapping manner [6,10]. Follicular waves present the typical
phases of recruitment, growth, maturation and regression. The
duration of each of these stages of the follicular waves is variable
(Table 1).
Follicles that surpass a certain diameter (25 mm in camels,
12 mm in alpacas, 13 mm llama) have decreased ovulatory
response. Some of these follicles may continue to grow and develop
into large anovulatory follicles that may become hemorrhagic or
luteinized (Fig. 1). Anovulatory hemorrhagic follicles (AHF) seems
to be more frequent in camels [4,6] and llamas [11] than in other
camelids species. The tendency for development of AHF seems to
be dependent on individual female. The pathophysiology of AHF is
poorly understood [6]. Clinical observations suggest that some of
these AHF may be triggered by metabolic disorders in the female as
well as adverse climatic conditions. Presence of AHF does not seem
to disturb follicular wave patterns.
Follicular dynamic is dependent on FSH and LH stimulation
[12e14]. Presence of 2 or more co-dominant follicles is not un-
common in camelids and may occur in up to 40% of follicular wave
(Camels [4,15,16], NWC [17]). Behavioral changes during the
follicular wave are not strongly correlated to size of the follicle and
readiness for ovulation (Camels [4,18]; NWC [19e22]). Therefore
the best method for monitoring follicular dynamics is transrectal
ultrasonography. At peak follicular development (pre-ovulatory
stage), the uterus is toned and present characteristic edema pattern
on ultrasonography (Fig. 2). Color-Doppler ultrasonography can be Fig. 1. Ultrasonographic appearance of anovulatory follicles in the dromedary. A)
used to monitor blood flow to the follicle during various stages of 48.6 mm thin-walled anovulatory follicle with anechoic fluid, b) 80 mm thick-walled
development. Blood flow to the dominant follicle increased with anovulatory follicle with echogenic fluid, c) 42 mm anovulatory follicle showing
follicular growth [23]. some hemorrhage and intralumunal fibrin, d) 83.3 mm anovulatory hemorrhagic fol-
licle (AHF) with characteristic multiloculated appearance, e) and f) AHF with varying
degrees of luteinization.
2.2. Ovulation

following mating in presence of a mature follicle in OWC [31,32]

The induced nature of ovulation in camelids has long been
and NWC [12,13]. The second group of studies led to the hypothe-
suspected based on clinical and hormonal studies [30]. However,
sis of the presence of an ovulation-inducing factor (OIF) within the
the major breakthroughs in defining the mechanisms of induction
seminal plasma [33]. Recent studies identified the OIF as b nerve
of ovulation came in two main groups of studies. The first
growth factor (bNGF) in llamas and alpacas [34,35] and in camels
demonstrated the hypothalamo-pituitary response to mating rep-
[36]. Both bNGF and endometrial inflammation are required to
resented by a sharp increase in luteinizing hormone within minutes

Table 1
Characteristics of follicular dynamics and corpus luteum development in camelids Dromedary [4,5,24,25]; Alpaca and llama [7,26]; Bactrian camel [27,28]; Vicuna [17];
Guanoco [29].

Parameter C. dromedarius C. bactrianus V. pacos L. glama V. vicugna L. guanacoe

Follicular wave phases duration
Growth (days) 10.5 ± 0.5 10.9 ± 3 3e9 3e9 3.0 ± 0.2 7.0 ± 2.4
Maturation (days) 7.6 ± 0.8 7 ± 4.2 2e8 2e8 1.4 ± 0.1 3.0 ± 1.2
Regression (days) 11.9 ± 0.8 11.9 ± 4.2 3e8 3e8 2.0 ± 0.3 5.2 ± 2.1
Ovulatory follicle characteristica
Minimum size (mm) 9 9 6 7 6.2 7.2
Growth rate (mm/day) 1.8 0.7e1.8 0.43 0.5e0.9 1.8 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.3
Average size (mm) 10e18 10e18 8e10 9e12 8.4 ± 0.9 10.2 ± 2.1
Maximum size (mm) 25 25 12 13 11.2 16.1
Incidence of anovulatory follicles (%) 40e50 ? 5 10e40 ? ?
Anovulatory follicle regression (days) 8e45 ? ? 4e22 ? ?
Corpus luteum characteristics
Interval from mating to ovulation (hours) 32 to 40 30 to 48 28 to 30 27e36 e e
Size (mm) 15e25 15e25 11e15 11e18 e e
Day at CL maximum size 7.2 ± 1.7 7.3 7e8 8 e e
Days post-ovulation to complete luteolysis 10 ± 1.2 10.5 10e12 10e12 e e
Extreme variation in onset of postpartum ovarian follicular activity is primarily due to nutritional condition and effect on lactation anestrus and seasonality.
24 A. Tibary / Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30

frequently but not systematically [6]. Double ovulations are com-

mon in most domestic camelids in good health and nutritional
status [15]. Triple and quadruple ovulations have also been docu-
mented in the dromedary camel [4,16]. Spontaneous ovulation has
been described in up to 5% of the follicular wave in llamas and
camels [45]. This phenomenon seems to be more common in
lactating animals [25].
Follicular recruitment in mated females start 2e4 days
following ovulation and results in an available mature follicle
within 2e4 days of completion of luteolysis which occurs around
day 10 post-ovulation. This short luteal phase results in a single
follicular wave per cycle in the majority of the females. Preliminary
data in our laboratory show that 90% of the female (camels and
alpacas) have only one follicular wave per ovulatory cycle. Thus
after a sterile mating or hormonal induction of ovulation, the
average interval between two consecutive ovulatory follicles is 14
days in all camelids [6,46].

Fig. 2. Maximum uterine edema and ontrcation at the peak follicular growth (arrow 2.3. Factors affecting follicular dynamics
indicated cranial aspect of the uterus).
The major factors influencing follicular dynamics are puberty,
season, postpartum, lactation and nutrition. Studies on age at pu-
maximize ovulation rate [34]. Mating in absence of seminal plasma berty in the female camelids are very scarce and limited to field
(urethrotomized males) does not induce ovulation [37]. Adminis- observation. In well fed animals, follicular wave start as early as 4
tration of bNGF by various routes (IV, IM or intrauterine) induced months in alpacas, 6 months in llamas and 18 months in camels.
LH surge however the dose required is higher with the intrauterine However, under traditional management, puberty may be delayed
route [38]. The bNGF seems to have a luteotrophic effect on the until 3 or 4 years in camels [6,47].
corpus luteum in llamas [39e41]. However, this effect was not Seasonal variation of ovarian activity of female camelids has
observed after intrauterine administration [42]. been described in both OWC [6] and NWC [48]. However, the
In absence of copulation, ovulation can be reliably induced by control of this apparent seasonality of reproduction in camelids
GnRH (Buserelin 8 mg NWC, 20 mg camels; GnRH 20e50 mg NWC, remains poorly studied. In camels, slaughterhouse studies show a
100 mg camels) or hCG (NWC 500e750 IU IV, Camels 1500e3000 IU significantly lower follicular activity (number and size) and oocyte
IV) as long as a growing or mature follicle is present (Fig. 3). In quality during the non-breeding season [49]. However, some fe-
llamas, there is no difference in ovulation rate, interval to ovulation males continue to have normal follicular activity outside of the
and luteal development whether ovulation is induced by copula- defined breeding season [50]. Although some studies in camels
tion, im administration of LH or GnRH [43]. In camels, optimal have shown some degree of control of ovarian follicular activity by
ovulation rate is achieved when the dominant follicle is at least photoperiod [51], several aspects of the interaction between
11 mm in diameter [44]. photoperiod, temperature and nutrition remain to be elucidated
Ovulation occurs on average 30 h after mating. Both ovaries are [52,53]. In the dromedary, seasonal variation in follicular activity
equally active and alternation of ovulation between ovaries occurs may be exacerbated by lactation. In one study, lactating dromedary

Fig. 3. Effect of follicular size on ovulatory response after GnRH intramuscular GnRH injection in camels (100 mg) and alpacas (50 mg) (12e25 females per group) (Tibary A,
A. Tibary / Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30 25

females had smaller dominant follicles at the beginning of the aspiration or LH treatment are effective in inducing follicular wave
breeding season than non-lactating females [54]. synchronization [57].
Postpartum resumption of follicular activity occurs in NWC Ovulation synchronization using a combination of GnRH and
within 5 days of delivery and good conception rates are obtained by PGF2a was investigated in camels. Timed breeding on day 22
2e3 weeks postpartum [55,56]. There seem to be an interaction following a series of treatment (GnRH on Day 0, PGF2a on day 7,
between lactation and ovarian activity. In llamas, lactation was GnRH on Day 10, PGF2a on day 17) resulted in pregnancy rates of
associated with decreased diameter of the dominant follicle [57] 46e60%. However, this study lacked a control group [76]. In Bac-
and CL size and pregnancy rate following embryo transfer were trian camels, two injections of GnRH at 14 days interval provided a
lower in lactating female alpacas [58]. OWC have a slightly delayed better synchronization of follicular waves and response to super-
postpartum resumption of ovarian activity and adequate concep- stimualtion with eCG and FSH [77].
tion rate which occurs between 30 and 45 days postpartum A study in our laboratory did not show any advantage any
[3,59,60]. However, prolonged lactational anestrus is frequent in advantage in terms of synchronization of follicular wave, ovulation
camels reared under desert conditions and may last several rate and pregnancy rate with a treatment consisting of 2 injection
months. This long lactational anestrus is one of the reason why of GnRH at one week interval followed by PGF2a at 14 days (Fig. 4)
MOET has a great impact on the generation interval and genetic [78].
improvement in camels [6,47]. Early weaning in camels hastens
postpartum follicular activity and shorten the inter-calving in- 3.2. Progesterone treatment
tervals in intensive camel production systems [47,61].
Clinical and experimental observations show a pronounced ef- Progestogen treatments that have been tested in camelids
fect of nutrition on ovarian activity. In llamas, females under include daily progesterone injection (50e100 mg in SAC and
nutritional restriction (BCS ¼ 2.5) experience follicular suppression, 100e150 mg in camels), intravaginal devices PRIDs or CIDRs with
lower CL development and lower concentration of progesterone 1.38 g or 1.9 g progesterone in camels, CIDRs 0.3 g progesterone and
after ovulation than females averaging a BCS of 3.9 [62]. In alpacas, Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) sponges in llamas and alpacas
administration of leptin prior to induction of ovulation improved CL or subcutaneous implants of norgestomet (3 mg) in llamas and
size and progesterone levels [63]. These studies as well as the ef- alpacas. The length of treatment varies generally from 7 to 14 days
fects of lactation on ovarian follicular dynamics confirm the effect (OWC [30,64,68]; camels [14,30,79]).
of negative energy balance on follicular dynamics and CL quality. A 9 day treatment with MAP vaginal sponges (60 mg) was
shown to synchronize follicular activity in llamas and produce a
3. Synchronization of follicular waves preovulatory follicle 6 days after treatment [80]. In llamas, CIDRs
(0.33 mg progesterone) treatment for 16 days reduced follicular
Synchronization of follicular waves is important for develop- diameter from day 5 [81]. Similar results were obtained in our
ment of fixed time artificial insemination and embryo transfer laboratory in llamas and alpacas with a 14 day treatment
programs [14,64]. Methods used in ruminant species have been (Figs. 5e7). In vicunas, treatment with CIDRs for 5 days exerted a
adapted to camelids with varying degrees of success. Several ap- negative effect on follicular development and allowed a better
proaches have been used to control ovarian follicular dynamics and superstimulation response to eCG [82].
eliminate dominant follicles prior to gonadotropin treatment. In llamas, intravaginal devices containing 0.5 mg of progester-
These include manual ablation, ultrasound guided aspiration of the one seem to provide better control of follicular activity and provide
dominant follicles or initiation of treatment following a period better response to superovulation with eCG. The shape and area of
progestogen treatment [65e69]. There are limited observations on contact of the vaginal device for progesterone delivery may affect
hormonal inhibition of follicular activity. In one study on alpacas, absorption of progesterone [83]. Vaginal devices containing 0.78 g
daily administration of Buserelin (50 mg/female SQ) for 10 days progesterone (Cue-mate®) inserted for 7 days reduced follicular
results in suppression of follicular activity starting on the 6th day of development. A new dominant follicle was available in all females 6
treatment [70]. days after removal of the device [84].
In camels, there are conflicting reports on the efficacy of PRIDs
3.1. Follicular ablation

Dominant follicles can be eliminated by follicular aspiration or

induction of ovulation. Removal of the dominant follicle by
ultrasound-guided aspiration provides consistent results for
ovarian superstimulation 48 h after [64]. Studies in llamas and al-
pacas, show improved embryo recovery rates when gonadotropin
treatment is started after administration of LH to synchronize
follicular wave emergence [71,72]. Initiation of gonadotropin
treatment at a specific time (2e4 days) following induction of
ovulation has been shown to be more reliable in Bactrian [1] and
dromedary camels [73,74]. In camels, follicular wave emergence
occur about 70.6 ± 1.4 h (range 60e84 h) after GnRH injection to
induce ovulation and follicular deviation occurs 58.6 ± 2.7 h (range
36e84 h) from emergence [16]. In one study on dromedary camels,
there was not difference in the percentage of females that ovulated
14 days (47% vs 40%) after follicular ablation by ultrasound-guided
transvaginal aspiration or control (saline injection), whereas 80 and Fig. 4. Proportion of female llamas that were mated, ovulated and their pregnancy rate
at 45 days. Treatment: Females (n ¼ 31) received a synchronization treatment protocol
87% of females that received receptively GnRH or GnRH followed by consisting of 2 GnRH injections at 7 days interval followed by an injection of clo-
a luteolytic dose of cloprostenol a week later ovulated after GnRH prostenol 7 days after the second injection and mated on day 25 (Day 0 ¼ First GnRH
treatment 14 days later [75]. In llamas, follicular ablation by injection). Control: females (n ¼ 10) mated based on receptivity on the same day [78].
26 A. Tibary / Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30

Fig. 5. Serum progesterone level in alpacas (n ¼ 7) and llamas (n ¼ 7) during and following a 14 day treatment with vaginal CIDR (0.33 mg progesterone) [78].

[85] and CIDRs [9] in synchronization of follicular waves. In addi- In summary, progesterone therapy in camelid suppresses the
tion, these devices have been associated with increased sponta- growth of large follicles but does not completely suppress follicular
neous ovulation in some studies. Treatment with PRIDs containing activity and therefore is not efficient in synchronizing follicular
1.55 g of progesterone for 7 days did not synchronize follicular wave emergence and fixed time breeding [6,69,79,86].
waves [85,86]. However camels treated for 17 days with PRIDs The combination of estradiol and progesterone has been shown
containing 1.9 g progesterone and receiving a large dose of eCG to be more effective in the control of follicular wave in OWC in some
(3000 IU) had a better synchrony of follicular growth [87]. Treat- studies [91] but not others [68]. In llamas, daily pretreatment with
ment with CIDRs containing 1.38 g of progesterone for 10 days did 100 or 150 mg progesterone for 5 days after a single injection of
not synchronize follicular waves in the non-breeding season [9]. In estradiol benzoate (1 mg) resulted in a higher embryo recovery rate
a recent study, 70 and 75% of camels had a preovulatory follicle on following superstimulation in some trials [92]. In our laboratory,
days 16 and 18 respectively after treatment with CIDRs containing daily administration of estradiol and progesterone for 7e10 days to
1.9 g of progesterone for 14 days [88]. However in there was no alpacas produced a more uniform response however the ovulatory
control (untreated) group in this study. Nogestomet implant were response was poor [93].
not efficacious in synchronizing follicular wave in Bactrian camels In llamas, a single injection of combined estradiol-17b (1 mg)
[77]. and progesterone (25 mg) provided some synchronization of
Daily injection of progesterone (50 mg, IM) for 12 days induced follicular wave but not as good as induction of ovulation or follicle
reduction follicular diameter on day 7 in llamas [89]. In camels, aspiration [57]. In camels, a single injection of estradiol benzoate
daily injections of progesterone (100 mg/day) for 10e16 days pro- (5 mg) and progesterone (100 mg) was not effective in synchroni-
vided promising results in MOET programs [66]. A recent study in zation of follicular wave [75].
our laboratory showed that long-acting progesterone injection can
be used in camels and may be more advantageous then daily in- 4. Ovarian superstimulation
jections (Fig. 8) [90].
4.1. Induction of follicular activity in anestrous females

Induction of follicular activity with eCG or FSH in prepubertal

animals and during lactational and seasonal anestrus is possible
and was demonstrated in dromedaries [94]. However, this is not a
viable management option for natural mating and may only be
useful for in vitro or in vitro (follicular aspiration) embryo

4.2. Superstimulation for MOET programs

Approaches to ovarian superstimulation in camelids have been

largely adapted from protocols used in ruminants. The primary
hormones used are FSH and eCG alone or in combination. As for
other species, response to these hormones depends on timing of
initiation of treatment in relationship to follicular dynamics, dose
and schedule on administration, and individual variation. Response
Fig. 6. Serum estradiol 17b levels in alpacas and llamas with and without a 14 day
to gonadotropin treatment is largely affected by the stage of
treatment with CIDRs (Group 1 ¼ 7 treated llamas, Group 2 ¼ 7 treated alpacas, Group follicular wave recruitment and the presence of a dominant folli-
3 ¼ 7 untreated llamas, Group 4 ¼ 9 untreated alpacas) [78]. cles. Although FSH and eCG treatments have been initiated during
A. Tibary / Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30 27

Fig. 7. Proportion of females with ovulatory follicles (9e12 mm in llamas; 8e11 mm in alpacas) following a 14 days CIDR (0.33 mg progesterone). Group 1 ¼ 7 treated llamas, Group
2 ¼ 7 treated alpacas, Group 3: 7 untreated llamas, Group 4: 9 untreated alpacas [78].

the receptive or luteal phase of the cycle with some success, better Single subcutaneous dose of oFSH has been tested with variable
results are obtained when the treatment is initiated in absence of results.
any follicles greater than 2 mm [14]. Porcine FSH given twice daily in decreasing doses over 3, 5, or 7
days after a 10e15 day progesterone treatment resulted also in
4.2.1. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) superstimulation of dromedary female [14,66]. The interval from
Both ovine (oFSH) and porcine (pFSH) FSH, have been for pFSH treatment to development of a mature follicle (10e16 mm in
ovarian superstimulation with variable success [6]. The manner of diameter) varies between 6 and 8 days [6,69]. Similar protocols
administration of FSH (dose, frequency and timing during the cycle) have been used for superstimulation of Bactrian camels [1,77].
has been investigated to some degree. Unfortunately detailed In llamas and alpacas, FSH alone or in combination with eCG, has
description of the treatment protocol is often not clearly presented been used following a 12 day progesterone treatment [95,96]. The
in publications. best superovulation and embryo collection results were obtained
In the dromedary, a total dose of 20e30 mg units of oFSH is following administration of pFSH twice a day for 5 days in
given over 6 days (two injections daily) starting 2 days before and decreasing doses (32, 27, 22, 17 and 12 mg, im) [68,96]. The number
up to 1 day after completion of a 7-day course of progesterone of embryos obtained after pFSH stimulation is generally low. Al-
treatment by intravaginal device (PRID) [85]. FSH was also given in pacas reportedly produce a more variable response to super-
a single small dose (3.3 units) followed by an injection of 3500 IU of stimulation protocols than llamas [68].
eCG, resulting in an average of 7 embryos recovered per treated
female [86]. In another study, oFSH was given twice a day (1e3 mg 4.2.2. Equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG)
per injection) during 3e5 days following a 10e15 day course of Superstimulation with eCG has been extensively used in cam-
progesterone treatment (100 mg per day during 10e15 days) [66]. elids. In general, a single dose is administered intramuscularly one

Fig. 8. Mean (±SEM) serum progesterone concentration in female camels (n ¼ 12) following intramuscular injection of 5 mL of BioRelease P4 LA 300 containing 300 mg or
progesterone/ml on day 0 [90].
28 A. Tibary / Theriogenology 109 (2018) 22e30

day before or on the day of completion of a 5e15 days progesterone effects of various factors on ovarian activity. This technique has
regime. The dose of eCG used vary from 1500 to 6000 in camels, replaced the need for laborious endocrine assays. Factors affecting
500e2000 IU in the llama and 500 to 750 in alpaca and vicun ~ as follicular dynamics and in particular season and nutrition need
[30]. more investigation. Multiple approaches to synchronize follicular
In the dromedary, eCG given as a single injection of 2000 IU, wave have been adapted from other species but met with variable
2500 IU or 4000 IU, one day before or one day after PRID removal, results. Progesterone therapy alone or in combination with estra-
resulted in ovulation in 40% of treated animals. Only 42% of ovu- diol shows some efficacy for superstimulation in MOET programs
lating females yielded one or more embryos. The interval from PRID but is not sufficient for fixed time mating or artificial insemination.
removal to mating was 5 and 4.5 days respectively for females Ovulation synchronization protocol may be more suitable for timed
receiving 2500 IU and 4000 IU of eCG. This interval was one day breeding and artificial insemination.
shorter in females treated with eCG one day before removal of PRID
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