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- - THE - -

limber Press
Portland, Oregon
l'llbli"'o:tI l"N.. lh~by
T....". !'r.... l""
Tho Ilastlli ... llui1&l\J
lJJS.Ws.c-lA.... ~.s..,tt 4 50
1..... tbnd,Or<1l .. !I12()I.U.SA

TnI<OI'J"iPlClltG •", 19'.11
1'hoIornIIhs....,.;c~lCl........-WiklliXilndphMocnplwncnddtd .. P.224

Alf1j!h1J~' '''parl ... lhitbook_bt~'''

tIetIr_",,,,.d'lIIlita1.iIIttWiov~~ ..
..,. ............ o/lIJtjtt:iInd..-.lsyskm.

~':.:::~~I!l'JlbyU""odiord ••,"pnnl


~l'II blinl","llat.o .. ~IoWllh

lII. utnr10I CGoij:...

We are uterly indebted to all those people - some of whom lien.: complete
SlrJ ngers when we first made contact with them conceming this project - who
ha\'cmadcfrcclya\'aila bl cto ustheir caCli ,thei r expcrti~and atsothcirhospitality.
Without 3CCCSS to Ihcirspecialist coliwions, which mainiyconsistof fuliydocu-
mcntcd material, this book would not have been a practical proposition. Our
special thanks therefore go to the folloll'ing - this book is as much theirs as ours:
Elisabeth and Graham Charles, John Donald, Len Evans, Roger Ferryman, Peter
Gavin, Graham Iiolc, llcinz Klein, i\Iike Muse, Dal'id Parker, Chris I)ugh, 'Pip'
Smm, Nigel Taylor and Sidney Woolcock.
We must further thank Graham Charles who, in addition to making his
collection lvailablc to us, also took for us many excellent photographs. Indeed, on
occasions his enthusiasm for the project seemed nen greater than our own and
this isrdlectcd in the numocr of his pictures which lI'ehal·ebcenpleascdtoILsc.
Furthcr than ks go to Roger Fcrryman and 'Pip' Sman for prmiding us with extra
photographic material, Rene Geissler for lending us all his copies of the Gemlan
cactus journal, KuaS, and John Donald for mILch advice.
We must also thank th e long·sufTering~i\·esof someor theab<)I"c, who had to
put up with the loss of their spouscs during the many hours spent discussing the
ins and oUlSofcaclUs taxonomy!
Fin~ lIy, special thanks go to RI>·r-,rs wife, Jean, for her assistance in the
preparation of the manuscripr.
We ha\'cset out in this\'olume 10 auempt the impossible, that iS lo ill USlmlC all of the
globu!3r cacti popularly collCClcd by enthusiasts and to girt them their correct
Our concept oflhe term 'globular' has had (0 be expanded somewhat 10 al'oid
excluding the increasingly popular gtnus /;(hiluxtrrtls, which contains only a few truly
globularmcmbersbutll'ithoutwhichlhebookwould bcofgreatlyreduceduscwthe
al'crage enthusiast. On the other hand, to al'oid including the fairly large genus
TrichQ(trrUj, which mainly oomains large columnar plants "ith rcryrcsuittcd appeal,
wchaveadoptcdanarrowgenericconcept.Thishas~nableduslOinci llde'hcglobular
plantS orlhe genus Eckinopsis in ils old, restricted sense without also including
Trich()(trM, which is now gencral~' united "ith Echill(J/Jsis but which is seldom scell as
such in seed and plant lists.
We ha\"calsotaken the difficult decision to maimain familiar, long-used genera such
as Lobiria (now included in Echin(J/JsiJ), and No/ocactus (now included in ParoJia).
l1owever, we should point om that not all profcssional and amateur botanists working
on the Cactaceae accept the current conser,ati"e trend towa rds unitinggencra in this
The abo\"e remarks also apply to current thi nking on the thorny problem of how to
define a species within the Cactaceae, a subjcct which hasprm'oked - and continues
to prm'oh - more heated argument amongsl intnested scientists and enthusiasts than
any other topic. It seems to us that this is an argument which isunlikcly cyertohavca
conclusil"csolutionthatisacceptablctoallbotaniststhroughoultheworld. The crux of
th~ problem lies in the incredible variabilit)" 10 be observed both lIithin and betwcen
individual populations of cacli in the lIild. This is because the Caclaceae appear to
be in a state of"eryactivc cmlution compared with othcr plants.
In many cases an indiliduaJ popuJation will haWl wdl-dcfincd and unique set of
characlcrswhich continually breed true both in the wild and in cultivation, enabling
instant rcrognition of the speciesconccmed. Wherc this is a specie"~ such as Mam-
millorioplumoso, which shows litdc I"3riation owrits fairly narrow range and has no
close relationship with or tcndency to intergrade into an~' other species, the re is no
!-Iowewr, lIith a species such as Sulroftblliia g[ommpiqa or S. lirlllJurmis the situation
is much more complex and difficuhtoresoke.l3oth are obl'iously c10scly related 10
what was in earlier timcsdescribed asS. slrinlJluhiiand could indeed be Ttg;Irdedas
\;lrieties of the latter. To understand their relationship more fully requires a study of
the plants in their natural habitat. S. glomrrispina, for example, grows lIithin a fel\' miles
of a very I'ariable S. Slrinbalhii population. S. glomrrispina, hOll"e\"er, maintains a
rclati\'Cl}' limited and well-defined s~t of characteristics, which originally led to its
being described as a separate species from S. suinbolhii. S. glomtrispina remains
8 t''HMOIlLCTlO'':
distinct in cuhiv:ation ;md is ..... orth acquiring on this ~ccount, but in pure~' ootanial
tenns it is \"ery doubtful if it should be treated as ~ sep~r.lte species :although it is
maintained:!Ssuchin the present worl.
In fact the whole situation conccming a complex 'core' species such ass. sirinbathi;
is \"crydillicult to rcsoll'Cs:l1isfactorily, especially where plantsarcsufficic01lydistilKt
to be of interest 10 collectors. For example the gr'Jdation from S. ,Irinh/uni; 10
S.lirrl<jllr1lsU seems to be \'ia a series of plants currcntly enjoying 5pffifie OT l"2rictal
status hut which perhaps could be more properly regarded as fonning a ootanicl dine
(Lr., thegradualchangtincharacrcristicsofaspcciesalongagcographicalline,\\ith
the result that plants at eilher end of this line ma)' supcrficiallyappear to be quite
distinl1spccies), lI'ithin a single species, i.e., S, slrinbathii.
Since thissituationoccurscommonlythroughoutthc Cactaceac the decision :!SIO
whether or nut these distinctil'c, self-maintaining l>Opulations should be considered as
species in Iheir 0\111 right (as most now are), or n'duccd 10 I'arieties ofa single,
widespread and e_\'Iremcl~' l"3fiable species (as is the currenl mnd), is basically a
Subjeclil-e onc. One ootanist's species may therefore Ix: aOOl.her, equall)' wtll-qualified,
In response 10 this ltC~er-ending problem we haw dffided to adopt a middle-of-
the-road approach, which we hope combines common-sense \lith the necd to satisfy
the inlerestsof thc reader who will be familiar \lith the numeTOusspccifie names
currently in use. The nOles prol'ided beneath the illustrations rna}' heir in undcr-
standing our decisions in this COnte.\l as well as the rclationships bet ween plants.
Thc situation is further complic:ated ~. the extreme l"ari~tion C\~n lIithin a singlc
accepted species. Somctimes, within a discrete popubtion, plants groI\ing nel.1 to each
other and oftcn from the same seed pod c:an be of a surprisingly different ap~ar.lnce_
Body colour and shapc, spine number, length and eolour,:\S well as the colour of the
f]owcrand petal sh;\pc, can l-aryso \lidely that the plants mayat first sight appcar to be
a mixture ofsel'erJI different species, and consequcmly maybc dcscribed a.~such.ltis
mistakes like this which hal'c tended togi~e rise toma n)' ofthesupernuousspccific
names which aTesho",n in italics in the index.
C:trefulstu~' ofsucha'"2riablepopubrionmayoftenrt\-ealthalinrealitythere is
no such thing as the 'I}pical'planl,which a collcclOrmay hal"C come 10 expect from his
familiarity with the species in cultil"2tion. This restricted conctpt of ~ specks'
characteristics has often be~n due to the small amount ofliling material oribtinaJIy
importcd which was frequently selected by the field coll~cror for its uniform appearance.
In "iew of the above lI"e han! had some difficulty with certain species in illus\rJt-
ingar1antll'hichadequ3tclysumsupthegenel'3.Ichal'3.cteristicsofthespccics:as it
occurs in the \\ild. In some instances we hal'e Q\'ercomc this by sholling two
markedly different fomlS in the same plate_Where this is not possible, the reader is
referred 10 the notes for information regarding the \'3.riabilil}-of the species_Where
a species shows easily recognized named varieties and/or forms, these are also
illuSlmted where space pcmlits.
The large number of plants we have photob'Taphed in order to illustl'3.te this
volume hal'e come both from our o\\'n collection and Ihose of other helpful and
enthusi:astic colleclors. As far as ~iblc we have photographed material oHnown
origin, either field-collected plants or plants grown from field-collffted seed.
Where possible we hal'e taken advantage of access to well-grOl\TI I'egetatil'e propa-
gations (or clones), from the original I)lJe plant. There are, howevcr, a good
number of species which show l'(1)' little I'3riation and for which mal~rUJ with field
data is nOt I!asily al'ailable. Forthescwchal·c uscd a picture ofaplanlaslypically
The fact that we hal'econsidernbl}' reduced Ihenumbcrofspccicsdocs nOi in
itself necessarily affect the numbcTSofcollectablc cacti. Prel;ously, for example,
the reader might hal"c colleCled three different so-called species, based upondif-
fcrcnccsinflowcrcolouralonc.Theprcscmsituationmighlbelh31 he or she noll'
obtains the same number of plants. each wilh a different flower colour, with long
and short spines and with a hookcd orstrnighl ccntrnl spinc in ordcrto hal·ca Irnc
representation of a single spt'Cies in th~ collcction.
The I>ook isdilidcd into \Wo scctions: tht first comprises a large number 0fplates
wim accompanying notes, SCI out in alphabetical order; the second is 3 cross-
referencing index containing most of the names which ha"c been in common use
during the last 20 years.
When requiring infonnation about a panicular spcdes, for example a name
taken from a seed list, the reader should first search for it in the illustrated main
section. If the name is nOl10 be found there, it should then be sought in the
index, where hopefully the equivalent, as illustrated in the book, will be found.
[n b01h se<:tjon.~ names may he found in bold l)'pe for species which we accept
and in 1I0nnai ilalies for those names which we regard as invalid s)'non}'ffiS. (We
accept thaI some readers \\;11 disagree with some of our deeisions, although these
are based upon KGP-lIl's wide experience of the extreme variability of cacti in
Some of the names thai we accept appear in im'trttd commas, which are used
for three reasons. Firstly they indicate plants which we consider sufficicntly
distinct for inclusion in the book but which currently lack a valid description.
Sccontlly, they indieatt plants whieh ha\"elx:enl'alidlydescribed bUl no t in the way
in which we feci they should be used, forin.mnee in the \nong'genus or at
specific T"Jther than \"arietal rank, or "ia rma. Thirdly, some names in common
use are invalid, that is to say, some mistake has been made in tht original
dcscription,ormaterial of theoriginalplanthasnotbeendepositedinahcrbarium
Umil suchtimeastheseplantsarel-alidlydcscribcd, thcir namcswillhave to bc
maintained as in our opinion there are no viable altematil·es. The new'combi-
nations' tllUS seen in inl'erted commas arc purely for our own usc tOSCTW as
indications of our own ideas and are NOT intended tobcconsideredasv alidly
We anticipate that man)' people will use this book as a method of deciding which
species from a plethora of many, perhaps unfamiliar names, would be worth
purchasing from seed and plant lists.
j\lany lists contain numtrous rtdundant or inl'alid names: for example, the
reader may sec a species listed as Echillo{(frlls carspiloS/ls. On looking this up in the
index you will be referred to Echinocereus reichcnbachii, which is noll' accepted
asthc corrcct name fOT this species. Your plant list may also include uhino{(f(us
btlilqiwhich the index will gil'e as a I'ariet)' of E. reiehenbachii.
Some names in the index will be followed by the epithct 'status doubtfuI' and it
is imlKlrtant to cactus collecling that these names arc cl"entuallytaken ou tofuse.
In many instances they refer to speci~'S whose original descriptions were scant,
habitats were I'ague or no matcrial was deposited from which later collections
could positively be identified. Some recent collections are reckoned to be redis-

covcrics of some of these 'lost'species, but to us it scems that much of this is

lI"ishful thinking and in mosl instances it 1I"0uld be bettCT 10 describe a ncwspecies
or variety rather than maintain a doubtful old name. We hal·c tracked down as
many of these spurious names as possible but the true identity of some of them has
continued to elude us.


We have included in code, in square brackets, as much infonnationas isal'ailable to us
with regard 10 the origin, nature and OIlTIcrship ofthc plant. In a few cases II"C do not
hal·c this infonnation. First, if known, comes the collector's code and riumber as

1)= Frau i\·luhr L= Lau

SB= S. Brad jl..= j. Lamben
Card.= M.Cardenas FO= F. Otero
)0= ). Donald P= j. Piltz
OF= O. Ferrari I'j\ \= PreslOn-Mafham
RMF= R. Femman WR== \V. Rausch
1·1= D. Hu~t Repp= \V. Rcpptnhagen
DH = D. Herzog FR= F. Riner
IIU= Horst-Vebelmann Schl= H. Schlosser
K= H. Klein !-IS= II. Swoboda
FK = F. Katlennan NPT= N. Ta\"lor
HK = H. Kuentzler DV= D. \"a~ '~ict
KK= K. Knile i\\LV= M. Vereb
KR= w. Krahn

Second is the origin of the pbnt: H = a plant photographed in habitat;

IP == a pbnt imponcd from the "ild or a vcgetative Propab'ation from
such a planl; HS = a plant grown from seed collected in habitat; CS = a
plantgrollTl from oommcrcialsced.
Third is the collection from II"hich the plant w3S photographed:

EC= E. Charles K= 1-1. Klein

GC= G. Charles M= i\I. ,\ luse
ERC= Echinocereu, p= C. Pugh
Reference Collection PM= Prcston-i\-lafham
E= L. hans RM= R. Mottram
01-15 = DonaldIHole/5man K= A. Kollason
F= R. Ferryman W= 5.Wookod.:.
G= P.Galin


It rna)' not be obl;OUS II'hy some cntriescomain linuall)' a full description oft heplam
II"hile olhers mention only thebriefcst details. Within the space milableforeachentry
we hal·e given as much infonnation as possible for the newer, lessct-knollTl species
and forthoscwhichsholl'alargeamountof l·ariation. I·lolI"e,·cr, with less variable or
12 USlo\GTHE I)IC T IOi\,IRl'

more familiar species we arc letting the illUSIr;ttions of the plants spc ak for themsclws,
on the basis Ihal a clear picture is wonh a thousand words.
For those of you who are not fully versed in the naming of cactus sp«ies, Ihe
following diagram shoold hdp you understand more easily the infonnation contained
in Ihetc.\l. Whcrcwchal'c problems \lith spacc, sp«ies names hal'c 0Ce nabbreliated,
but onl}' after they h~1"e been mentioned in full at least once somewhere within the
entry'. Again, due to limited space, anypanicularly lengthy entry has been e~lended
Sizes gil'cn are onl)' rough guides, fore~"pcrience hassho\lll us Ihaltheel'entual size
ofaplam will often I"ary from collection to collection, depcnding upon how 'hard'the
plants afe grown, meaning how much food and water they are supplied \lith. Again,
planTsincultil'ationoftenshowalesscrdcwlopmcmofspincslhanthosc tobc found
in the wild.
1-1 \CI'IIIOClllt.lLII

Ac-.mlhocaJycium spiniflorum .o\ rn nth ocalycium spinWorum Al.""dnthocal)ciumlh;onanlhum

(Sch.)llkbg. ra.,·;olact:um (\\erd.)[)on (Speg.)llLbg
5<>hW; • .,f:,O"",hop,b) ISc,,",'P ... H -lIl npinl """oJr""" .... IpcCIOSb)·iabt.'Mul,>OIt'
11.. nI<diIF... SoIitJI}.tol2"",lup,bj61O""".t.n:.i>p'""",(R.. )
I.lIinlp<lunum (lI rnI . .!.I\<idI.)I.l..... (IIIuo.) • ., IO<m roIoumlfl,ICS/P\11 n....,;to50twlbj6""'._.d>r\tr •.-.I,hon"11
b)' I~<m. """'"' h~, tl ~ ~'" I''' Culdobo) IIIJ/III 1.1lotr(c.f'I~") ·" m;"""',hwn {SI"I-J 11""", ,,,,,.iI,,
''''I., .. ·,~''',.{'l''n'' .... '~' Cor_<~I·c.chip.~) ICS/PI!)

''''''....'.",... ". lI'nlpc l'.num. ,( I/'.qt/I# ..... ,~

pt>"'*-..... IMr.I#',. .. & ,', ow. m,... ",,,,. __ """'.
~ '~,#IS<>I,"'./M.NoI: .... ,
...,.•..,..., .~ . ......... ,.~ di_.I.... 101_. r. ;""11, I.

Al':lnlhocalyciumth;on anlhulIl Acanthocalyci um thionanth um 'Acanthocal)cium thiom<rllhum

\.,mranliacum (R.3usch) Don,cx Rausch ,·. glaucum (Rin.) DOn. ex. R3usch v.\'arii norum' (lJkbg,jlJon
So!iI.1t\,IO;twlhop,b),Q<m."";-l.lO;cmlorls;,,,,1 SoIiW). '" I;cm lligb II> 1 em. P'<)-I!Iu<. ~16<111 ac ..... (ik;Jbulor, to 10 "" 0< ...... ~1 )cliuo 0< ....... 10 ltd
~1; "" bru.o.l, "', k ... rii', puhl.J.:.l •• I /«r.m R.""h; JC_~/~I II ,.nI"";I.·,pul>bshod .. IM",./i ... r ....... R•..rn,
"'1!<."cf_;""Q.,,,,l-hll""'k>n~ 11 It<I 1'01' "'D<'<k>n~r.rod",,,,Denl H"",llor((Lrru/"'""')
:t:I:~tl.", IfJI""" ... c.U,",,,, •. ho1>.ff n ll.lonmd
"."II,IU)I(,q ICS/Plll
'"".""'~" \""",,",.u",",m,I\,,,,~lh ..' """. ,,"h ~ .cI<..~... r..,""Nt!»." ... I."w :a:;'l'"~:~'~"" \""",, ..,'1"""""'0.\\"""" Ibro
"'11'.'\\'" 1. ....01. fA •..,..,."••,., 1........ ,._ " .... r.t:/-_
, ....", "',k,,·.,m/. rII... ',)mO"' ","'.''',..,f.I."IjIo ..... IAIo" .. '.... ,.04.
~\(: IS T k(I( :\cTL~_ IR](II:IR~ US 15

Anci~'l"\'.lCacnIS crassihamalUS AncistrocaCIUS schttri (S-D) R & R AncistrocaclUS un cinatus (G~tL) Henson
(\reh.) fle nson to IO<'lllh"" I» ~ ....., ~11.2J<III1ooc.rrnnoJo·
<;'tiUt), Soli",}, I. 20 .... tup,b) 7 <III. Cop "~, "'~ on IofIc. fl
SoIiW}.tolU'........ h,pbjlO-IS'm.fl ... uprn;n! )ditrol ill 1.5<111Ionc."""'"ah.,."nptii iF.npn.~""""".<4' I.
.>dt~.l ..... lofIg, ""rpIr II ~/ ~ I 1lO'n,lII\"T1O'. T.... an.J r.. II,,,,,,,, "'1,"".HlOlJ ...... ""'!'i<(Tnouo>\l'I«iro,
Chih ... h.. ), (PIl55IHS/~111
1J<5llJ.nM" II<Uto,Q!><rruro ,mu ... ~'u.s,.f. .......o-n.... i._~ ......

0111t,/l; ... ~"'",.Ct.. .I_.""..,... \."riptii:C••.,..

Al\'q uipa hcmpdiana (Guerke) Ckhmc Ariocarpusuga"oides (Culan,):\nder.;on Ariocarrus fis.~u r.otus (Englm.) Sch
UIoI!ub' .. donplcd.'I" .. I.... <>Ir<1Dt~-'~rubIt."' ... F.lfkmyfrom....J.It..:l>tsfltroon"'sil<;n ...rn)<I". f:,........ ~ ,~....w.;"bW) ....", tubrn:k oiup<ond
muchd<""" 1Io""n ''''rto...
~t...rn .. d, (kllf.llliIP/ft ID/GC[ ~.ln'.lIo) dii (R, ...)~n<k ...... Ih.rubt'<I<f1ll'JUOO'
,H',.'.Lloo.. \\.om, T.......1(to<. .. onh.t.o.J'half llltkn¢!" .... rubt ..... IIP/PI
01HU"'~"'-'. ~1I"""fII«>«o(.1"l'<,M;&w-"""'" OTH....... \\\I..' \...... "'~.
"'''I.,IIVIW'',S\\T.... an.J~II<Uro.
ltot,iotf... .,.IJ. .....,a. .. ~ "I!S:~}oI.,.,
OTHIJl ...
,f.,.""""' ... ,f.¥'.R.,.onoW.......'.IIo)-d;;.
If, IRIIJC IRI'l ~_ \~TROI'!Il-1 L \1

\,.£~",p , ... (S-I»11Lbt! ~othkong<,tub«<lnhasbe<n

~.I IP IC;q

'H,1lIlBlllO'o. \\"", ... \ .. ,.I.<OO

~STROPlnTLII- 17TF l Il,;II 17

ASln'l'h),tum c31'ncomc ", ni ,'cum J\sITOl'hylUm ctrJhuilcnsc (\Jud!.) Kal~' J\~Iro\lh) lIl1n m ) n OSligma Lem
(K1}");.)Ol 1l"""""r<hcd!rumlh<~rfo:u,l)", ... l.or \.nllric> l\anl,,""""'formodncnh<Jfor,hlS'I'<"i<>""'Iud'"
In<fIIIk~ 11< .... " """.N,· th< """" t..~""l ul'" .II.~ III< ".".'" hi II> ","". ~'rtKr 1Io<1...o!hr ,od "''', .... 10 III< th< coIu",,,,, '. roIumn .... (S<h.) T,IIiLo, Ill< ~ .., riIII><d'" f... nd,nth<II<"U" l,l rop/l) fUIIl, ll I41/WI ~ 0... .. 1(~VI'I\1 ,. qu>< (.IIO<II.) th<!IotI·\ru,.
~) f""~II. I~"'" lin"" " ..11m'" "udum (M II ... ) 111.".10./1' 111
1""'IIIII~"·C,,'\h.tthbnd.~.,(II ..iru
1""'1'«"' .. _"""'''' ......11<,

J\slrtlp h)'tufll omalliffi (DC ) 11 th J\ slroph) lUm so:nil.., I'ric AZle kiuffi rillen (Bocd.) Bocd.
\ •• ~I,,""'<>Iho: .... " ' h<'. nl;rb<lii ll.<m.)(H..~"h 1,,' .••"'"m(ll.. I.) .... ,""..,""''''' ..... ''''It'<1Ioo \I<'l<""'''''''~ ......·f''''''''"'''~nlrom.<t<d.
poldo.lI..,.."",.nd".."'lbl.• OO Ih<·f.~bb", .....,,, 1Q,/FCj IIV/f)
(\\<101 HI,,!::. d"lPl'"'~"h h"k'~fI"II". L. )CV(;q I~'I.'H' , ..... II"k'~ r>."",o I~
'''''"' , ..... \1.·,,,,,lbd.I~)"'Ilu<'r<1""
18 IIIO.~snll)t\-[OPI\ I' O\

Blossfcl dia lilipolana \\~rd ('~'piap"3 b"ti,-iana (]>(eilT,) RitL Colliapoa brid).'Csii (1'!rilT.) mbg
T<".h'"btdiflirull.,~",,,••• ,,,,'",,,,,,,,.nd,, ..... a., 1...... / WI (~1 n ...·k .-.;b',dh.Cnu",,,." ]I'IIMIIIII
f"und -1>. ~.f',..j pl.", in roIh"""'_lltl '.".'~l ,~". Chllt. hdb "' .... an'a '""''''' '''01 ....., ,.',.,," ,~'" ( hi". hdh" .... (: ... ".,,11 \"I><id
I>'-".'"t'." " \'~n'''''''''''lloIni.l
IJI"'.k~\\II' R.""",";u.fI'''''''.>fI-.Rf~'m.

Copiapo:lcaldcrJna Rin. Copi:lpoo cincl":lScrns (S-D) IJ. &. R. Copia,)o;l cincn::1 (I'hi!.) II. &. R
I'Lon",nluboUl df, ...... . rrrJ .... bloorn"'" r..."""" r".....k ,.~.t>Io"'h.ho .., ohm >I """,n nUfl1<f<lll' 1'110; rrrJ,"'·.i,,',bIooon,., .... 1ub1'" plan' ,.....,,'0;<1
......!W".. pIa ... .,'ul"'''..... lllj ......~ ~ n'II ... popul.lK1rI$d>ll<n~ ...... numb<r "roIr"hi<'1I«>";,j,,...",,,""~~,", .... d'~."",,,,,n
,~" ..1Il I~"" Chi ... "'""" J (:'Id<.-. .1'I<l""oI"br"'.. rokMoI"<f'Odtm'.. ..-.lIf'''''.kn~h, '"~".IWII rp\!1~/lrl
,hu.....nwnI><,.nolrulou,_IPIIlIOiltl '.,'"m ,."O"....M,ndT.I.. t
C(Hll1'OI 19

Copi~pooa ci "~n:3 I. l~, l unll",-alba COl'ial'OO cinerea \". hascilOnian:, Copiaroa dealbala Rill
(Rill.) l!k~ (Illbg.) N.!'. T~llor ~""'" hup' ",.hiIK...kd mwnobm lut:.UI.[ HI
I),,,,,,,, ,.",·~""h ""1...~....,,,,,I...... ," ....h,,,, I. hobo" '<I") '·'n.obl"," 011 ,of os clur.K1<'" ""l" "'.' ,.".,"',.,",' [hile. C."",lll>;o
,IitT,nn! "'"'rl .... ~ on ",'n< k'n~h .nJ".... " ...1 on"'oI) "'''.''·I I·\I!(121111 "''''.1 """, C ,.~lmu& C ~"(fflI". Ja./N,.
... p.1,11.~1021111'1(;(:1 '""."n.~" Ui ... w"'nol I.... ""
"l".'"' 1.",_t:M"."""l1"n l'.(J. J< 110..·" \" .. ,,,1
P.ol. \,.-I.I"I "'III.I'\'''''r:.~., ... C~.!<W.CO'''''''·
'"111_'''"'_ C,oI........1Jo. 6. r:. ..,.!O... ~,,~

Copiapo'J dc ..... nun'1ll Rill. Copi3roa durn Rill C."pi3pt>:l cchi""1a Rin .
a.."'I'W'I',_to~<",Iu,;h" 6 10"" 1l .. 1~", hl"JII<~""""'i"""""' . ...:hP'-'f'Id.J,... ""h." .. " ,.b", K,n rrom \l- . 1mo'l"'""1) J"""",,"
IR\IH'.l/[PI1'I J,"'...,n< .... ur,Iu'.......,I I·\ltlOl1 ll pb .. uhm,",h",,,,tt~ru" .. 1P\12ZOIHI
IH'nl"'T.".CtIl... ~.ur(:.I.nd.o.C..p...I"" '"".""111 ..... \Chi ... """nolT-...J.nolCmv.1lILI,o., ,."., ... ·,.".I:hilt. ",nol.\uH:"Mllll>"
h"nlillr><"""R," rmmlh«:'m,II<rn IIIo.\,~ ''''ItI"",_,.Cohw.. I<''.C"",,,.. """."11,, , t..:.'ralh (,"_.1"><4
f ...... ,.I.,b,"'"', ..... bo .'...." '.'~~'JI«I<'
20 (UI'III'O\

("lli;!I"';! tosrn"r:Jlllan3 ~;n . CopiallU'Jliclll"mna {Sch.) l!lhg-. Copiapoa gmnllinora ~il!.

I,..., ,n luho".", , ..... .all>! "" ~ i rt.·"I,.., IRW'18J/II'/rl U'",,,,,n~ IHI II IHII',q
~nd, """<><1 ,.1",,«.1 plInb ~udl> ~'"'" "hnd,~~1
,.".'"''' .... 0,10.11 ...... "'"." '''"' Uulo.h",...IJ.
• od",b<r<~"«I.I(SI'\l1
~~' ::l~:; <~;~Io:::~ .hoI. ,,,,,,,,I dil > ~ht..

Copiapoahumilis (l'hiL)Jlmch. C,"p;a"""hYpog1Ica Kin. Copiapoa krninziana Rilt

Ilo<oi ,"" .... , ,~rublt", . n<"><1i in il>l>o") ,nd """" 1"'l .. ,.,bltm'(>in . ..... ''''',I>a''l";''''',.. Rinfn.. ln1uhlJt'""""""'"""h,bnd .... rm.~"hC.,; ........
<h...,"I<".llI'/r;q 1\,o"l",,,,Iu'i"~~"""t.nd ,hinFl<f<pi"'" ICs'Gq , ..... v/'r..... llU)bt>rrninru"'·"... blodbl
I.,,"''' 'M"" C,,,,, "" Chilo:.•. ~. p........ , IH""""."".Chilo.~I ....."",,,,oiCIu.IW'.r. Clr... ' .. ,..holtht"'''''.hotd<plll<> .. 'hcr ..... n'hc
""......,., .... ,-hk."....."I"<".aloid><I.m«"",on
""""'~",,,C"'-1,,,,,,,,,c,.,..... .. ",.".,\\"_,C...uoaJ..c_,. ... ("'•."" .. l1'II:!Of.... 11
'.bo.uqu;' .... ;"."CIoo,f"u... 'b
,.".,""."CIUIo."". . . I......".. ' ' T,1uJ
CUPI\P()~ 21

CUfli~fI()a I~uii Diers COfliafl'lIl kmgistaminca Kin. Copiapoo marginata (S-O) ll. & R.
,.. ... ~ ..... oIlh< ... """" ..... hh"".hl<....llw1 l, .... h...,.. l.olJ<.lund>omc .... II).hndc.l~ .. '"'bo'" I)""",,,,~"" "Ionr.d<mt."""l >p"""""d,,.. h
d... _n. .. <r, ....... r""'k, .. "" .. nn • .,IR\lIltolllltl "l.ol,d",c ~"ilr\lllq·H I

:~:L. I."" Ch,Ir. ~._"kI.o 1."OJ.I·IM" 0..1.. F...... "1d.. 1.".I.. I."CIuI..Sll ofC.Idt", II".... ,C,"""'"

Cofli~lKJ;I ItIcgllrhiza II s.. K ( .. )I)i~JlImolil1ma Kitt. r",piaJll"1pcndulina Kin .

R...-It ",'ft,.,uIrII_. IK\WIl'<dP'1'1 {,IuI>od.o''''7 .... b<otd·IRIIF I$(Il rfl \, .., ......... .<pe<><'·11I1
'"" .... , . .... (:w..( _ _ _ ,~ ,."OJ.. ,." n.1.. 'ofT...... ,.',., ... I..... Chlr •• ......,j c....""""".u>d ~ 10~'"
""""'" f·_~,_ ....:.R'" Jo<J< 0I0d~. '" 1.. !.ct<N
""".'~""C_' .....
_ ,.... & ...... c ........&r ...e"'~(·"'"'
22 ('()I'I~I'O\

Colliapoo ropcSlris lI.il1. CUP;"I'0" sc'1l"nlisu k-Jla 11.111. Copial'oa :oolaris (RilL) Rin
n ,.-1100 Thor,-", .. m<d ., (~ "'btiflo .... RIft. "'<"" ~"'l """",,,,,< •..J ..,,,,,,,,<p!ont ~".,,"" \'1'0<1><111..." _"sp<O<><iJIo<>JI ..."\olI,,,.... It.
1I<.ub\.nd"prub.olol)t<"'.,,-..J·lho.mI'~n."t """<IOkn._ 1-1,0:110>0 [r'm!"'1 t.....ho.·"d,,,, ....1<·Jf...... > ... "'"'~t..., 11><",
IR.I!!' BV II'TI 1""_'., ,~,,·(IIII<. \ "(et"",,,1 IRI,. , LII',I,
,."."""",UoI•. fl('"","
""". ",,, (" p.o, p,J"of..,....I.~·

<':"I'i"p"" Ic nLli.,~inl" II.m. (Ol'i;ll'oo locopillana Kin O'lli"l»<m'"lt llcnurensis Kin .

\"....,r"" ...... of .... C. hu"';);. ~\ .... I<" IRIIF l ' !rll'· .·, (~""kf<"'rd",("po:nd,,~" •• ""( .. finll<"""'1111
"',"""M '""",,""""'" IRIlI'jI8lW'q "1"_'"'1"" cw•. \ ofToo:opiIlo.ndS,,,,,,,,.. ,."".. n" till"'. I""'''''''''''''' II..,."
n" '''"''"''U..... <w<tII __ '',.lnout.p.... \......""01., ...............<1) .......... 01""'_
Cori'l[>l.a '·arii'pin3!u R;I!. COT)"l'hantha antl~ac l'urpus & BII.:tI COI")"ph:Lntha ocrgcri:m~ Buetl.
IK ln jJ/fP/I"i tl).I ....·.;-6'm .......... ICSl\ll fl)cI ....·.7<m"'''''''·I '' 10l1IPI''1
,H"."I\,.""'CM.:.\oI ," I""" n'''.'I<I'M,,:IIn>ro.lmUw JlL'U"II'TM".\\.....v,\,..."I.-

Cor}phantha oc m alcnsis Bremer. Cof)·phantha bumamma COI")"ph3ntha caJ ilJoCnsi. H. Ilm ll

IIoJ, 10 HI em 1ud>.oJ ~ "" .......' fll, ,..., .. n", (Ehrenbg_) A. So R. 1P\1I!l11SIP\~
I""~''" '"" 11<,~".(2u<r.""'. \ oIll<nul on,,", 11)<I ...·.5-6<m""""'_IC\I\I] '",,'U"n"", \l..xo.l'u<bb, .... c.blW'
n....J III l,~,nu" ""'.'~l'"" 11.<1<0. \1"",100 and (jur,,,,'" Su, ...
H U)k\~II\\ T II\

t11<nu., ~rm btuod I . rJ(i;r... ris>i ...... """"pb.I4' n"lm"'i,mJ( ....... ·I{:.~· I·\11
_Uh. A",,~ lj""''''''''''·1 J...1 8/W ~ I '~,'."j'- ' M"" II<uro, Chih",h"", (;c.,.h""..<h" 1"1.1"'I""\I...".,I"""iIe,,,,"ulcm
1"'1111<1 I~" 11,;",,, 11"",,,.oJ I.... >j'It<Odo", ,., .. Ih •
•d).K'<'1l,,,u'<,>"'(ln<'ruru . oJ\I"i<o III'
.,.,,,,.. ,,,,,,r,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,.. hl),,nuIMbu,.,,h
......... nunt""" .. C,lo,. Wk.f.1 l.rm. I""" 1l.,L,!J"

C.or),phan lh a cOnlifcn (DC) Lcm Co'1phanlha dd~"'li~na (Quehl) lk~, Co'1'phantha duranl(Cnsis (lI.gc.) lI. & II.
~1",5,m ........ ~)d"'.{ J... 1811'J...1 ~l)dmpl.o .. <''''n"lI)forrn'''I\Im.nsln'''bru, I(S;PIII
'.""Ol'." II<'>CO,II"'I1fO~u",,,",,.JluniquiJr.on. l~lIS/[r/"l 10".,.. 0"'. II''''(l,IJouro~SI;l"
'~"""'1.'" \lcUro, (whui!.. St."
Cor)'phon ~h:l « hinus (I·.nglm.) II. 5. II.. r.ur),phan tha dephantidens (urn.) L('m. Coryphantha erecla ( Lfm
Ill'." '''2J1/I~Jt.1 ICS.I'111 ~l"".,B"",",,, .... tip:).lMo 1(;!;IP\11
'.... '.un ,"". L~\. II T."" ., \I.""".u..h",t.~",. 'O"OJ",,",,' IINCo, II",hoor.n.'>u", IH".'"L'Xl/<. II.""" IlodiJ"
"'It'.'''"'·r:_'P., . . . ,."

C"'1I, hamhagl:uJiisllina (BocJ.) Ikrg. C:orYl'ha"lh~ gr~ci lis IlrCOle. & uu COf)'phamha greenwoodi i II. Ilr~\o
ri! .... I"lnll'''' ""'1U1 ....
"........t~""""""'lOionn .....
"oc-8''''''''b)JJ-....... ""I!-18."",O,n
II."""'" 1l~""'brood..)_·.,"'.Iin<"""'n"" .."""
''''-~lOdKonpnol''''''''JI'<... r\ ..... ''''''
'''''OJ"' ,." \""""(,...."'1o.~.IT.. ~-, .....x.poI<rdo-lO""IIILII.6l;·IP '" .. rIibaI_"",""~ ............ "'if,,.,., ......
,." ...... ,.",\l.......,r... bj" .. hilkrul' I"I!IP"I
1l... hoIJ'T"", '''''l*-..''llc.ico,l<nCnu.\~\'''.
26 U)R11' III\TIII

Cur}pl>aml>a !;\lcr~cana (f~t1.) II. & R. Corypl>arl\ha jall'allcllsis Iluchcn~u Cor)'pl>aml>al:luii Iln:mtr
n~~,,, l" JOt lr'."] flpok"nc..-rtrttnup .. Urm ........ 1Qi11Il !;oI.un. ~.""'" '" <Io<>!;ol<.'; till "" ...... " " 18 In.
,.' ..,"".'" 11.ucu. ..... ,ht<.. ofl)""..... ,M".,.n." llnioo.(tu<r,wo,h~h...,.ndJ.\"=
9 .. 1.1 mm~.<'t' I.•, Ibmmblp: n~jrm ... ~~~
'"".,.' '"" 11""", ( ... huol" ~I ..I<> \,,1 fJ Ibn,_

Cor)'phanthalongioornis 1k>t-t1. r~}'1l'hanth3 macrnm~ris Englm. C"'1'phantha mai~-Iabla~n_,is IIUIg

l"hcj\Lonlill"""mt"""'"l'",,;;Il.&'R .hochh.,r..... II \<I~ .. "", l" lI,I,W"1
"'nllIl 1.",IInio.'Oo \ ()uW,,"' :::':,':k;.::'~~ ~~~~(~::~\It\""'" tht \ ""Ill"" (~". II.", .. \.&n I ... 1'<11..... CrudW II..,
~~-:IC'f,,),uI<.I"''''',"lhtS.,.run)'''';;T< ...... R",

mIUJIH"''''~I''_~ ,.run) ....,j

/.. ......'<
C(l',),phantlla mdlcospina IIr.. 'o C"''1phant h;\ Jl'.. lIid~ II. S, R. C,,'1·ph~ntha palm~ri n. 6. R.
1)"",.,,,,),.,, fII< ........ """"'~, .... ,th L ""''''. ~, 1!t:h,I<U..... ;~7r .. broad 1C:S1\\1 \nnlr'""",, "rwhIc:!p«"It"I. •.ocII"""uLl""" ""h,n.'
1"1l8 "t~/ll ",,"'"1 1M'" II ...,., Purl>b. or""u.... n """"J<d,l1,n"ll'nboAA •• ,..nd.,.............. ,,,...
,.".,., "" Ilnotu.O...... . . Hu.llu.opino!< I .... ., llul!h<r ... probob/) ,., .... 10 !h,n. '" '~ro<.I1' pIonl
II ~ "I
::n':.::::.:::,,=-I)ur...... I ........u.,(~'"hu .... ond

( .. ,'1·phanthall(l!ocl~ri;\Ila r.ur)"ph:mtha ll()sclgcriana,·.'lIlida COf)"pha nlhapOlosian"

(llJw)Bs'R (PUrpUS) Jlcinf. UK.)GIJss&' hlSl(r
ItSII'111 liP/ I.I
'''''OJII.''·\....... op<ci«. ''''n'.'~''' 11............ 1.... 1',.....
28 (ORII'Il\\1111

C.uryp liantllaJIs." u.Jut,cllinu s Boxd COr') vllani lia [lSCudonicLdsac BlIIg Curwhamlla pullcincana (IlUIjI:.j (jl~,~
n••".·pd..)'''''''''''IU>·P\1 1 ~lli ..... irIr. p.oI< )..... I1<.l60tlP. 1<.1 It.~ 1'111
,.".,.".'" \I" ..., ""'....... Lt P.oIoL IM".,.,I .... \\"""'U.r.""'!>t.I.
III III.""".t',..,IfI""",

Cur') pll,mlll,) 1')'COII.',,,,llIa (\bTl.) 1.~'11 (:"l1 pll.IIII IIII ...~di:lns (DC) II. & II. Cu!,)pllmu llaramillosa (:ut
fl... ,·" I ;,... "".. 01,1<.,",·«""".1 " 1.1;]1' 1<.1 11~ ....·,,-IIr"''''M,7'1II''''.. J 11<.1ii,II' " I 111,,, Lt""...., or ""'riol 11<.1.11,11'. ~I
''''lIll11l.''II<U<'<I,(l......\.w< ,.,,~ I~" em".1 \1n~",ILJ.<I,., \,.""",
",, .,,,n, >/ ,.." .. ~,I.I>o"".,"".••

COf,-phan!h~ m:urlTua (I:n~~m,) II. & R. C~)I)lIhan!ha n:duncisp;n~ Bt~d. Cm)llhanlh~ n:!usa (PfeifT.) II. 6. R.
fllr .......,IIo. ....,"" ...... "k>ru.. ,,, ~ in ,ul,""... n 1<Il00 ."".mIdt",,~~-s< .. brood. l'kwdb", (IV 1..1
1~IOI/I" 1..1
:i::rtsi ""~ "'" olndop..,.., J oIooon •• nI> potnhI\4C '~".'"' 1M" II""" 0.\1,. ~"'"
I~"."" ,"" II<U<\>.T.........

C"I)'l'h:"uh~ salm·d~c~ ialla Col)'llhanlha sch«ri (Io.UIltJ.C) Ik,t'lOn COI)"phalltha SOOlpllfJidCS

(Sch",·r) II.&.R 1l),n... ,h.....""f""lll..lll,IPl..j (Scheidw.) lkrg.
I~'!II" 1..1 ""... , • •, S \"""",.,\ lin..... Il.,,,,.~ ..... brood. ..... Uh • ...t ..... ,01 I~ '(,JII· 1..1
""•• '\'.,.I...."....,~
30 (OK \ I' II \YI' II\

Col')ph am h~ spcciosa ~d. Co.) phamha sulola (EnElm,) II &. R Col')"I'hanlha §ulrolanala (I~m_) l.\'m
~"'",~u ....... -.p>IdnIl<!.du\.motrt (l,~ht"" .. l~""It""""" l l H "'1'0"_ l~llHP'~1
1~16J. n' ~ I (o'''''''')'''''II~';I''''''''f<dJ'h<"'<' ... I.,,,,,",''''''tt ,."."",."11"..',11...1.... 1\,,,.1.10;111,.".
,,"'nloo....d.ll .. "'.. 5""'.lik."n.... 'lhml
,.,,""' ,.,' II".". ( ~ .. h~1i ~l.<'" II '" ", ....". ,.,' ...... ]('~.- I'\l 1

O Ol'lph,,,uha , ill3 ",n ~;~ m hg Cor),llh amha 'og hlhcmona C"l)phamha weroemmn nii 1I<1fil
11),.... 0&, 1""',,10"'1( ... 11 1 \\ crd . &. lI< oed. ~l"uIo. mI 'h",,' l~lW II" ~I
'"',." ,~" 110-. 'wi 1 ... "",- 1( " ·~ll l ,." 11<"",- ~.....-• .Io;" I'''''"
,", .. ,0\
,.',." 'w"IINco.~L ... """'"
I~L\!\K!'d\-IJ!S{'O(.\{.IL~ 31

C:umarinia "dnr;lIa (I~ >o'd.) lIux!>. iknmozarhodacantha

1(:>'1 (S~lm·.s"L) H &. R
~"~.'" ....... \,,,~.,~ 1."""I"", .nol ~." '"~ I\ •• ~, .....""',"", ...,.. '''''',,. «>I"""""" .10,..... ,,~, 11
1 '"'~ .. , IC~ I.\\I
''''''.'I''''.\<''IIlo!>I,"","".," u",.""'.,'.IIJ<fII.....><I«pt<oJ .. Iht ......" ..
,,,.,,.,,'u,/) ............,.w..

I);"·he~eh'~ harlll Htnuii (Srll.) IJ . &. R I)iSCOl'OClushq)l:l('anthus [)i~clocac'us hursl;i Buin. &. IJrcd
11n.,.l~ -rh<.... ~I. """', 11 .~,'" IWIIlI II"J, C"III (Roor.)IJ.t. R. ~.~I< .. ."..... Il ~'m.,.k .• kl~ Ilq
::.:~:" , ..... 1'...,..... I'mp!.ln."<I !!.-,,~. ~ II, •• ..... "".oJcrr<-d~... lol~ .... .,.""'n':«d1..,,. ''''l~''' ,.". Ilq"lC,,'''' II,,,~
._I>I< .. ""....... andrib~Il·~.. IC·...c~·1 ulI.. "'u,.IJ_...... _
""u",n, /)~,_ ..... /) _ ......~
/J,.,w.IoI, ... '''''''I'.'.D.w.-><./).,_...
/) ........ /} ,"'""*"v....D...... _D.............
I) ......-.II,..._./).,.,... ,./)~
/ ) _ D . , . ••,....,"-IJ.,......... /) .......
.n IlI~C()( IfTt ~_f{ HI'()/:\Cn~

Bnood!) n. ....... ~ .1 ,,~o.: 1111 "'....n"" . . .".~do:_~"M....., ....r"""f1 """

IK"lm, I.", Ilrvt~ I"...,(io........ (;'10 llopoI 111\1.11" " ",.. IIc",,~ \' ..... (io,..."VId ~ Iloh .. .1 "" ~ .. ~, .h". 1(",,(,( I
"" .... '''11' n.IIMto,.D. Io.",.... {) {,.....
1),',.".{J_ •..:... I)~, •• .,''"'". "r'n~'\.."'.Il~it" ... IJ_ .,."'.,,....
n .w.,,,,,\f'I>no' Il ....... , ..

t:chin"CIICIUS![I'U_o;olnii IILldm. t:CiliuO('.I(:IUS hori~onlhalonius Lrm t:Chin"CllCIU~ "lal),aC-.lI1lilus r.ilL~ So. Ono
\ .~""",.,.....J h.m<'ll ltu<>P<t..... D ..... ",,,,I,,,,..,,, \n(\In-... ~ ... mI>I<"".. 'nto.htl".pruhohh ,<1",-.1.,,,, '>010,.." .. .1 .. II¢< II> 1 ... 11 I..... ~~,.,. pl,." .. ""
1(,1'1'1 ''''''''''............ '"',,"',.... ;,,"""" ,( .. ~lorM. •.w Iool q.... unbl ..... ....tb.. oIIu..,,,<~
_lroph...J"',ibilt~""'_""""llponl, 1I'1'*,'IL~,I'\l1
'''''~"''.''\k,,,'' .....'''",,I'uto<r .. II~';t...-.. "id,,~ii I ,,..,.... ,,......t, 10>;0"" ..... ,/,*, I...." ..... 0 ..".,..,. ....·... ( ....t'(.IIo-..... ,
",,,,\,,,,,,,,Ilnmf 1111
,11\,., ... , ..... \In""....,"'~s.-- ...... l"\ "' ... ""',f,.-.,..."....,/~I " ..
( _ ,1Nto

t:chinoclICfuS JHII}~""I,h~lus ~.nglm. & Big. }:ChonOC'.u:1us 'c~('ns;s flopft'. tchinOttreusaduSlos Englm.
.. "".oohIl".... ','<r." ,h.nooitl<'C... lttr(" ..... ).
1"'''''.. ' ' ' 'n ..
I>otI; .. p.ul~~'\'''''''''''''f_'''''''''
I""",n".. (,,, .. '''!' to I; ,on h"" h) ](I,,", Il0>0.,, ~"'"
\hplanutu,. ......... .."...Iolrl ...." I _
~oI .. n ,w"",,,n(h """'1'".",10<",,,.,,..
,1.0, ,n "'''''' 11I~,1'1i1 ,~"., .. , .... , I\"",,~ Ch;fo!Uilu.
'I'fl<U.. ~". (\,,,,\In ' .......·rtl·P!!
,"', ... ' ...... L\I.\I ..... ,.... ' l<o.<n
'~"'II" '"" T,,,,,and~1 " . 11,,,,,,10'1 \1«>." ",In. "'II'. rA, ... ,.",,_",I.•r/o<
",,,,.,,,~, , .....n''"''''......... r ..-t.""-'"

t::chmoccn:u, uduslUs'. M; h"ar;;; t:ch;noc('n: u ~ b~nhdowanus B. & R. Echinuccreusberland;",;
(\.I'.lalh'f 1,.......,...., • .mS IOfi,,>nil'I""J'I<ft.l 7,.. ( linn. FA. IlJ~ge
(.., .." ,,,",, I ",). "' .. ,"'" """.'" b<Jn' ..... """" ......., lb..... ,""""• ....,~ ".... .. "'''''"... ~_",_Ij-),.""''l.Il ..h.dorl.''''''''
"'''''''",11111'';,(\ PIli II" IM(I III' IRq
"11<,,,,,.11,...... '''''ItI.".''\k_IIo"LoliIono..~\LoruIU\ '''''ou.>.,.'' S T"",\r \1""""'01 .........

~:chin"ccrcos brdlldcj:"lOCi (Couh~r) Sch Echinoccrcushri,wli i \\.T..\lar;h Echinoccrcusbrislolii
\ pb",.n ..>ih , '" ", ,~",d·hL<,,,,,'r2l )"A"v;or""n"",,,",nrh<.!.,,,19<m",,,,""\'..n."1"· \.llSCudoIXClillaIU~ \'.1', T311,'r
~"'" ~1pi<1L"'I"l<l"'rrI<.ith."",,,"m,..... 'hn .. ' 20 f1 II> II ("III lur>!: urrllJ '"'" "n~ ... h"" ... ~"" .~h ".0.1
1 p.b,.' 1'1'1(1 !'rOO' ",,~.~., I. 1""U<krp<C1,"""'
~"' ".,u"",.,," ,",,,,;"""·I(~VPIII d.rt.<lmod<ll'"(><>.lIrItRq 1'1' T.)ior)\I'·r" ... .... A...'. "1' 12 1\ 111'"
~~.:;::~".'" llruco,II... uhfum ... r.l"'~",n"ll ""'.'111 'M" \I .. "".!>ooor•. S<M..... C~'I'III
I.".,,,,.,.,,,: lInK", \f ......... In" ...

~:~~':';~,,::~,,~~::,,:;':,:";:.:::: ."

Echin"ccrcus ch i~n s i s \\.T. \lar<h Ec hinuccrc us chlornnlhus ~:ch in"t:crcus chlomnl hus \. nl~sanlhus
'wIi'''ll1i '''' .. ...,..,.fM nL;..h...,.. .... ,h....'.h,', (l'.nglm.) lion. 1'...\. Ibagc (\\~nig.) 1.3mll CI (j, II.,,\\I~,
,.~ob<>n",((l<h"",)' T"'.r'lhI~).dumpi.~"""'"
M,L" fl. I'
d,f""""d ,nd "I'~ ."h '!<I".,..."t.""" ... ,rfS\\
'.oh,..,",hu,of><n"",uf<'.<)Ii"d';""lbrpm.)\.I' ,"".,"""" IlnK".Uuhwh... ndll To",
Cuohu;l.r.ndlDu,,·,,'JIIlUllllCS/I'111 1''''.IOIu\.);rlr.bnJur>l1<dlromr.ohlo,wllhu,br<:l(l
,,'"",H''.''' T<"... U;"~\lQIJ"''' .... II,,lknd 01· .l1.IIIS/~111 n"".",,,,-/jr..,,·,I .. ,,,.,..
"P. IM"~'~, I~". U 110,.. ~ \." 11........ nd II T.....

m,u''''''./,_''MItn/<w,h"",h,,.,,.,,,,r,fOO./, "''''''"".,r",JI/Ot''''''''''''''''AoJr.~I;ndriru>
,....... r"nJJ/f..."."",oJrin"
Ethinottn:lIscinl'r.'SIX' ns (DC) Lcm. t"l'hin<)Ccn:uSl'np:lm~nnji [llill'. abo<~) Ech;n"ccrt:us~n~ lmann;i '. nicholii
\,,'l,,"-"'k·.<iWl"f',")l ..... "'''''... ;iO cmtoro....i.... ( I'am e~ I',ngim.j I.em. Ikll><JII
• 1 t.~,,)..,."",.'""'''I",II,j .. k'' .... "'h< .. <m 1«" " tuhk>p«><>.I'Ii'm'o .... mbo;.ul" .....,."',. Lpd .... 19'I(J""".!I<><'<I'fI'<... I, ."'hoI;' lIknIoo)
d~m.. " 1·11'I'",k~"h' h¢"<r'hr"'~ ,<r><J,h>bt Iouk , ....i<u ......... mun,ii.'."ichohi.I .• m' .. .... 1'.rTonTIK_d.. ''''''''.... J'<P.r.''h, .....
"'-.""uhn""".'h.. nbc.pill'f,oIl)lllk",,· 11 ,,"h'l''':':"''''', I. ho ...... I •• ~r""J""' (,II",. """d .~lm.nnu'~ .•"",.. dI ...<kn........ ' .... "'"
1u,1"'(f"""nd ..""."",..... ho""d,,_," , •. po"... ..... Ik><d<lI"IIWftI) .. d,"il,,~ "'....,,""""-1 ...... """ one! .... 11..." ",k'l"n~ Il00. ..
."rnlnlho .... ,~ I11I '1"'''' .... 1111 IIh 1'111
""m ,." \\1 \loi<u.nd ,II l ~\ :;-':;:.::" \loU<.. \1\ .....". """ .. L~1.
"''''.''''' ..... <'''''.bc".il .. ~,

Echin' ...."t:rt: lIScnnl·"c:omhus J·.nglm. I'.chin"c<:rcu~ fcnllk,; ( En,,~m, ) llurm p1cr t:chin""'cn:u, f,·ntlkri,. bunJ.cmc
""""" 11, ....... "" .• 'I' '' ,H.·m k"~ "hr<.;"pi'"'' h" Il h ,I'111 nl,,,rroocr& lilH,l~r)lk'n-"'n
' ...n.l ......,,"".,i,"'IL' ,,,,,.,111 'k" (. ,ooI~. ~"".... ~ £.oI<noIo. '''' 1111
Ik\.", II I"•• -.I\k->-~""""", ... Uuh"""~"k ... ,. ,,,' em.! ~I \""""
,"'"... "'" \ Ik,.",.,J.Jo,...· ......... 01 .... l~\
""".,"/~'I", .....
I _n,
""""",~I JJ..,.I ...._~'Ib..., ftJoo."
I .. " ......., " looTt''I''_u, I ... _ .....,
J6 FUII\OOkrL .'>

t:ehinoceI"Cltsrc}ct< Echinocrrcusrcndlcri I'. fasciculatus F.chin"....,n-'Usr~ndlcril.kucmJcri

rhomr>sonii (Orcun) IknS(ln ( I;nglm .c~
BD.JJel,on) \iJ'.TJllnr (Ca!.!cncrc! 31) Ikn""ll
1111 1111 ~l .. on ,"" opmn III ... ry,)"II~"'\' 1
',..".'k\IW" II,ndC IIII<lIIJ.ndS\\\ ... lk>i<.". '~".'"'.''' ~'"" 11<>.."
"''',.'''''' r"~M""",,,,.r.l,,,,ul.,,,,, \I" ...., \ mJC.""",,, SI>t<
"1I1I."'''.,r,.,.i'''J.''''.f}<oJl''',·. ..,I"u...

Echinocercusfcndlcril.lcdingii Echilloct:I"Cusrcndlcril.n..-elisllinus t:chinllccrcu.rcrn:irianus 1I(j3!~

(l'eeblcs) Xl'. TJ}lor (I'cebb)lknson O""''''''" ....... 'a-lll<mh,p, ... S''"','I'...wI)l.l-l
f~~~ ""-Y"~«I"l j" IutoJ.doNn-ruf\cdttn, ..1 \('''''' • 1111 .~hr>'leP"ttn ,•• h,tNo "J!(nu'
•ht"".TI fl .." .... oIi,"'"" .. ,-w... "..... S!,n,......ioktcJ ,",,.,,,, IH!" ~f In"","" SII \"'. l\roro. II or"., '"-"01'" ,~'" II"""," iu"C.brun·"
"'ounllObe,di""K,,{,<,K>·IIIS. I'\11 .nd ..... p:hboo~ngr>''''''s..-..llr\K(l

\ J,n.... ~ ,!,«,<>Olft m<vln>~ ..... 11...uw .,"'.. 01 fl'... h<.h .... l"kj ......... ""l< PI.I 1(;.~,r\11
SoJ"",", 1.1 ,m hlP. '"
IO(m.moch......,"n"~h j ·j"""'.IC~,'I'\11 ,.".,.' I.'V 1>4nd1,..... (,ull.,fLlI,'_.
~''I' -I 1 \'~.dc"<r~~'" 1~,Hq 1~"lllM'"" \'n"1I,~eo.hUlk
1... '.'""""\I.... ".I,.I'I.,lIl,'"'II. ..... ''''L.''' ... '''I''.'\'.. ,,':~r,~
""" ........ ("""',.

t:ch i mll-~n: II.' kn i l'l'cI;~ nu s Litlmt'r t:ChintM.ocn:us hi,,;; Fn"'~ E~h i n"~cn:" s 1e"~.,.n l h us '\J.I'. Ta~lur
\\Ioc. ... ""'~JI<,,"""""h,onrk·h<>d<d.,"""'''(''''' 11.1I11H,\ 1'\11 \,... I-i,mmlh .. l. ~l.h ... -IC1IIbruod, 1~I~J5/t~!q
~ ...." .. "''"'''''''''.dI<'~"...,..ri t.lm&.f""""
.......a. .............. uhd.., ...... ""'nr"'<1"h<""'•
... ~ \ P\fl
,,,,'., , ..... II""", f: Sonon ..... \.«t..
~..:~':;~~~.nd\~ . . . . u....~
'""""""" \1", ..,,\1 , ......... ..w!> , ..... I""" f_lp-rif ...... r.-ST._' (~,\ ... ~
""n" ", ., ~ ""J'<" I h...,m..." "'" l""'.lldT........... "",',.......""' .........,I,,_
•..J.I""I.l .. ~ ................
38 HII I\O(l Kll \

EchirlllCcn: ... , lon~s<:IU' (Lnglrn. ) t ern t..:hinll..:cn:us IunJri<;clus \. ddactii Ech;noc~n:u s 111:1.";1;111 ... ,
t1 JlUrrI",,·,."l ."h I ..... Ih"",. b 1'10 I<~ .., II~ ~I ((ju~rL.c) 1\.1' T~)k!r (\11 . Jun~...) Seh
'''''K'""." \1""u,c...huol.J'u.. f~h ...·,,,,,,,<dt..."'Ioot,<.t-.",,,,,,,,,I,,ft ... n"«k~d .. ,uIIn ....... 'lklkl "''"~'"''
.,u, n. unh "" ... "" I"", old pU""'"
,Ill""".. Jf\"m..lo·"a".. '",.... "" , h'II((I(~ ,i II),~ .,1 \ I'
I(.~ 1'\11 r"k~". """" ",."h h'''h rLonl .,Ib .. ", .nd ~"",.,
1.".'H\I""·\I,"""~C... h,,b """,,11" 1' \'1
","',,' , ..... \h~... llal'(~ht, ....... II \ ....nd
.d,..,.", "nd..l,,1I«.

Ech;I1 (~n: "s n;ms us (lldSS & h l'>lcr t:ch i n'I\....,n:u~ palme"; II. /I. H t:(h;fl{II." cn:u, Ilam3nc~iorum I.~u
l'h~'i'«""'·."",~ ...... lul m'Ik<k"",,oflh<'I'''''''''' I"""""" . ,n"'''<n''.luvl>r<'>'" III' 1'1 Ikl:__ ~ .. ,blJ<."h_""!o.l,,,"h.,,;.t...~."'
IIJ<M .,,,,, • .In n...<f<'f in,""" .Iion.IL~.·~1
' .... ,OJ I." \In,..,.Ullh",hw~, ~.wl rI,'" Ikta.. I<r<h m,U",,".... II IH;, t., ~\II

,., .. 'Bll~'" \In>..... 'f 1:."b..lI \.::""' I." \k"". II I~,..,.. ... \\ K., II"
,,,"•• ,,,(1,, .....>., ...........,, ...."'.
f(lIl\()nUL~ 39

t:Chinocercus [l3[lil~IS US t:chinOCi:n:us p~rLcri 1\.1'. T~\IOf Echin(loOXn:uspttlill3!lIS

~ . I.ill~c n Rucmpkr Ciu ....... ,,'m... 6 .... .....,.,'lI.6""""""'-""l<ftI' (Schcid .. ) I·;ngim.
'11><,. In"",;'.. !'>{( ,.",1 II T II,""{,II",'~ ....... ro "''''' pAl. "' ....... hll. ,. J<'""It,ii , I' T\~k~ R'I'12 .1Il""''''<rlo<nl.llu<pml,''''wl... ·n.k,,"
""""""0 "olin ..... '0",,,,,,,,"1' 1•.1 '01 "~""""'r (.Ih>o.).\I<.,.51tmm<f • .."."".,..h",,,,,(Sf.',,,,,,, .......... ,'b.m. n... rodu .. Ihn'" , .••",""rilk ......
TI><~p.·hl,"""""P I,m),"" • .,"""."""U>il ....., 1_.~I\TIftU""S."I .....
II .. m'll"I'\l1
I"",,,,) ,..I<"", .. TNL"1w f<"On ",,(). 111). 1 1 1j,,112~ .. lb
.... d"mr.," .... ~·I(·~ 1'1 (,(j
~~:~ •• " 1... !'Ow_"',.~T<I........,.oJI" ... '~".'" ..... \lcuro.S' \ ...... 1".. ::.1~'~..:. ... \\lC\.... "'.......p'r_--..."'"
,," • • ~'"'' , ...... "K<"I" I .......070

t:Chirn..:r,."" s I'<' :I1"~ '. da'}1ll~~n!h,,~ Echi m..:crcus l>ClIsilis t:Chinoccn:uspentalophus (DClLcm.
(t.nglm.)1\ I'. l~)I"r (KBrandcgt"c)l'urp~ U"';.>JI'I'<"Jj.\.Ir<OI<""'(ll.llf1","'I\"
1..,11 !'. ..m.."'I1""'O',..... ""',,...-. ._"... ......,u... l f.",","2; r.bN..J.~"'It'> T.. ,",f_ \F\InroIu.~8rib,.md"" .. q~
.kol..II. __ .pnl",,,,,I'\'WI!I,j,,IIHII,t'<.1 In... ""l. IU' rill ............ n....".q,., .. >f'<1.... l r\l.lVll~ 1'\11
1... , ..,"' .... I~R.oJll:.oJ""""".(.'''.. ..-pooo

II ... " I .. . . - . . l ....' _

'''I''~\\II '"""_",,,lit.
.wl,..- . . -
El'h inIK.'1:nUS IHIIY:ll,mlhus Lnglm. [chinuc.'l'reuspolpl'amhusI'. densus Echinoccreu'primolanatlls
~IO",,; 100 11 ~ .)"'" ""'-'" J. l ,., "''''''', rt«· (Regel) N.P. T~)l()f I . S~h,,~tI. e., '1.P. T~II(rr
iIao,m.,-oncu/b"IlOn, ,.p>o<ilku. (~.n!:lm,) \.1' T"Ior; Ou,,,,,,,,ot<d tn . ,,,,,... ,,,,b,h LI"", fi .h.h .. "" kJ ~,... f1105"",'nJ .. "",,,.~,,,,,,l.rth.~.p'h"'fkf
1II' .. ,j()(j\l ..... P<.<Iu~ 113-;,,,,100-.,-,1·3,,,,_><1< ",dU""k'....J I~"" .. 1o"lClh'''''''''"'''''..!¢uh ",,.j·'tnpclll"""'pc.INt.Rq
(\I!"'I· C>· )I(S-I'II) "~orlll~!'\1 1
:~:.:~'''' I~" II"" ... S(~ .. h""', ~ td~ .. Som-.Jc b

,u"'. ''''', f' •• """""~ ,. p;oo.-;fu"" r """'", '>1111. '''11,. /.. .",(f," Itt...,

Echint",'crcuspukhcllu, (\lar1.)Sch t:chintlCt'rcus pukhcllus \. :lnlOcnu~ t:chintlCt'rcus pukhcllusI , "cinocrgii

-"«m25-5 "'" In ~'''''<1''. ""II<'> ",Ullh <Ioon..row>ol (Dktr.)Sch. (\\gt.) N.J'. T~lllJr
~ mm,"lon!"h.ILV rl ll Sltm 3--15 "'" broo~.1f'V'<S """lh'.n>W1d ~ mm 100,
~I<m(, Ucmloruo.!."""' ......... LrfIk> 10 mm
' ' Ii
'""0'"' II,,,,,, ,O"uc•. I'tJ.-bI.o.I I....Ip:> .....
~t.(~".. "'>t,,.. ;:;;':;::>I:~" \I,w. 511 S,nl,u" I'<ooo<r.r>r,!S\UOl"
t:Chinoc:cn:u~ r,,~uncsc:nsi~ N.!'. T~)lor t:ChinOI.c n:us n:ic:hcnbxh ii r.c:hinoc:en:us rdchcnbxhii,.b:li1c~i
1l~"P\II (f~rs,;ho:d n \\ all'.) Hon . I'.:\. 11a3gt (R(ISC)NJ '. Ta)lor
'~".'II\'. " \ I.. ~". ,,,,,,, I ...... \ .n.) "n.)""", C"'.t.·"'ahKn'.""'8-J(lor ....... up •• 6"''''Ioni!:. Rsp"P"'~,_iI}lII' .. ll"""(""'<f"I'>I'>lhlS""")
'JI,u"""/"""w1<fll",,,,,,, \\,,d """'IIf..... """", ... h... , ."""",... (I'... Ir<rJ'p 1onJ;""I-J.III' .. J"""Ion,:,.th<r momb'"''''
T.. tor(... f'I!th') """P .. 23.108_otk..p..r<fI ....J..1s. Spn<tt>t.OK ... ~>k 1l1 t.. 1H8/)IS/P \ 11
............ ".prnrnt. .. :ro ... .,.., ......... b..dll ~~IIt.'~'" S()l.bkouIDll~"'."
oltnoluJ<,pmI. ...... "..... ......
I'''''''' .....
OIl •• 'I'lI_'f""""'I.Ioo.!trt,. ....,..... 1'
,.,'_' .. "T.Ul,~ ... '}·\ln..... ~',",,-,
"'HI.'II<"1',.".,.....I.,..,. ...... 1._"-'

t:Chinoct're us rt'ichcnbachii v. fiIChii t:.chin",,,crt'us reicbcnbachii,·. pcmeliu < Efhinoccreus rigi dissimu s
(11, &. R.) Ikn<,Otl (B. &. R.)lknson (I:.nglrn_l Hon.I'.:\ . Haag.:
R>t ..... n ...... 7.5_ ........... ,..,
·,.. ~,.I."" .. drqo'_""-;. 0.'
I 7 ..... ~ ...

..·.,.II<.III ... I!7l""~L(.t,

.. n,....u.a.;,,""""I.'"
Rop ..... ,6(~lO) .... 1D6 ...
Sonot .. l1"';"""""""'''4'1)-lJ,'-IO ... iokftct~
1'1-...piol .................. ' 9 ... hRIoI;I
11U, 118J'lb·P\IJ
U.'l . . ' .... ST.... ..,"""'... "
~::.~: f,n",f "" ....... ,-
I~ I dtm.~
,"'I . . 'M ... SCAIor..... " ...... \Icu..... 'II!d( ~,:,'=."'\Ino<a,'~S\\"""\k"""""

"II"~ ~""' ~ ".0.«... "''''''~\''',fl«'l_ •. ~.ol


f;(himocrn:usril:idissirnus,.nlbispinus Echi"'~n:usschccri (S-D)St"he.·r Echinoct:rcus.chccri' .l!"c nU)'i

("nnl) 1\.1'. Ta)lor Thm .. ~no;u.:hlhltlJ"."",,"'L.m.... ri ( KI'. h,lor
"",. ~ .~ ",,!>rood. "".1Il .I, "I'",.;"on~ . . \,"'«1 11"" Ib .......... ll"""tI<1 .... """"'.nI>.,,'" 'n..
1-10. ""T'... ~ O.1hWilI I booI""".,
"' ~ '"'"
L_III~ ... S.nlolonlboo,n''\Ik" .."",nu\h",''I'IO;
"' .... dt<p .... lufmc-,"""1"''''''·n......... '!'<' 11 1 08liC.~P\11
IIfmSi(SP\11 ,.,,.,", ,~" 1\""" j 'i< .. ~ ...d II (:hih ......
I.,,_,,~ ,~" \1<,,,,,. II Ch, ~ u.o~ ... S.. rrJ ~~:,~I« I." II"",,,. '1< ...... Ch,h".h ...'" Dllr.",.,

"""JI",",I."""_""''',,,o,,,·I ...,,..,,, """.""',·r"'I,.·J-;.h. ••"I ...I......,.I..,,''fI''. '"'~JI''''' I. , ... ", .. 1 .1'"",..,-,

E("hinoc~rt'usschmollii Echinoc:crcusSC"iurus Echinocc",usscillOlS I. non"ii

(\\ eingJn.) 1\.1'. Ta~l"r (K.l!rnndcgce) l)ams (lllbg.)K P. TOllor
~horo,hnlt'"", ............................ ", ...... """ \1"rI)"""""'~'~"""M","'~''"'"'''''''' Ilolfo .. nlUl<'df""" .... np< ............... « .. r1I""""
'nho.U>CqlllbltIOQ".... <n"?!.IU,·P\11 .... ,b,,,,,,,,,,b" 01 tbo.rnn,f""" """1"'' ' ' ' SI<1n ........ ~IOHt>t""''''o ....... III''to.lIo,II~·P\\1
,""""".",\\"",-,Sf.\lu<t<"'" ."'bIa~ ... IfI(~~, I·\I J
,a"~"'1 ,." \1""" •. ~, ..Ioo
"""JI"""II,L"'.....JI;, SOOth<mc..JoIl .... C:'lof"",,, 110"1""
"""~'''I'-' I: fo", ..

t:chilloc<:n: uSSCoIIUJorurn Il.& R Echilloccn:usspinigemmalus EchinOC<:I"Cusstolonifcrus \\.T..\larsh

\,.,..n, """.,,_10 ~O,m hl):h bI 10,,",,11 hmnd''''''' T"~ """"" n.;..,,, r.. ", ......tit. in '"~"..... "" m,hI.. Clu""",,~ ,,*h ". Un.kopwnd 0I<0I0n<; '"'''' <!hn.!"".1
...r>.<>"h,w.. ' rd,lO,m'nd~m<'<r.pu!l.."h •• h,,< ..., .... r.." " .. ....wch '<CuFJ'imlbl ,h«"'''""",,,,,m ~..,.lOrnlh.pb)5<m·ICSIV II I
"'n..'llntnllc,.,,'(n.. 'r.. ...."",<ltILV tlbuoJ".h~·hr..'<I(""""'I .. Ih>f'Ul\ (",""('10"""",.,,,-
'M" ..... '"'' l\n;"'. SF S<.not-.
PIli 'k .... "r"'.IO'mbltr:.II.IZ~" .. c~, rl
,.". ,," '"" \h~",S, .. ~.\",< ~.~,~'"' ,." II,,,,,,. II I ....·"", .... , 00 \\1 j ..... "
",,,,.,,,,,,1,.,,,••,.,, ..,..,

hhinoccrcu sSIOI"nifcrus'·. I;lYOpc: llsi s Echin()('CI"Cusstramincus t:chiIlOCCn:ussubinennis S·lJcxSch~er

(\\.T ..\lmh)NJ', ·h)lnr ( En!.~m.) Ruempler 1"""' ...... II<OII\fIO<I'Iu~of(.. IIn<b.(:.rO· l.
Cluml"n~ 'n"" , .... ~<m h.t", In.! ~"" .• "",.. I."", ,h.n I ....... b,." r...........",., .... '" h<ftt~ Ipinrd ~<"""r n. .. <"IIf"<b .... d.ICSII'111
Ih<npt.'S'.,""....r.ndli,mh,v. 11.7J'l/CV i'\11 'o~5rn1 kw'Ojc.nJB'm .. d....,"'nn' ,he ha", n r..rv
"12.I,·mar",,,.l r\\ >6/IIS. P\l1
"""111'"' ,.". \I""". \ S'''~IO_ S SonorJ.n.! SII
Chihwh.. !>u,.,
,.',.,"' '"" \I",,,, f. " .." •• nd 1\ Cl"hwh,,,
'''''''''''''.,1,.,.",., I~'I~,"' ,~". SII L~\ ,nJ \ lin ... ~':!Z;~If.'/.I." .. f.,M...".u,·Io,(OJ.r.J .._ .
""".. ~\I"'.I.....""•• ~., ,. ,"" ........
t:chinoccn: u~suhin"m,is\.f)(hOicrenac Ec hilMocrn:us m glochidialu s Lnglm ':c hinOlXrtusniglochidiafUS
(Oncp) Lngcr ' .... (blllll'·IIJ"" .. .J(I"'"InnJb<;;"'".~·I·."' \ . mcian:l(:'".l.nlh us {t.nglrn.} Hcnson
""",,1hII..,....... dun,htN"_ "" """''l'lftdnc-., U .... ~IrUIIJIIIar .. _ " " O - I.,p.o_- f'~OI<MJIl ... _H(-I>I''''''''''''''hln
ht.wk.«I'r"""''''' .... ,ll1 .,/'''"'''''''''" ll771 pinu. (f.lIJbo) II T II""" ...... Ii'booI.,. ..... . ~, ~<III._6- 14 ". bKh l ·.I"""""~"""'"""'''I·
L~/ I' III J- · .... Ion,.'""UlJUIu.rnortclooel)orrI"dlOm.bod\ 'f•. in<m,i,'".>,,"I<,..., ..... I~.t...u1lonn'n ..
IlIo. l+lUlIS/ PIII
'"" OJ., ,~" II.""" S ''',...... ,"' ,.,IIl·'M" '\... I' ......" ,F \"" ... lJIdS{,...>J",
.... n" "".nl .. h •...,C,..·.Jo'IIl .. , 1IH. '!I', .. p'lI
'''111''''111''..- , . p.o..n.". .... ST<U>
"" 'f.,~'u,./._.,.,,..,,,'f .. .....""',. 1
.,.,..,.L"'"""".r~ ... " ........

El·h i n"ccn:u.~ Iri)(l"chidialu ~ ':ChillOCen:us m g]ochidiatus t:ChinOttrt us,icrec\;ii \\ erd

l. nmj3wnsis (tnglnL.& lJig.)Benson. '. neo mc,ica nus (Sundl~)lkn son <,knK>d .... "",""'1.9.".to<nw.. ...·,.p".",,..,.h.nl1
h""""'<"""'1fWI"6· IO""",7cmlonJi: o,do ' ·1 CIumpinJ, "".... II 22 .... hdo l .... "'" "'l "" ~"'11 •ooIn "Jll nl."'ll,..."""""'llmIc......
"'. n.........'Mi
""",,'''q.ndtol>lfl1 ,.,.,......nthu. (bop.'!' n ...rIt~ ..,..,.,.rot'~ "'.hlk , . .,;,""..... (K... '" (Rohol'\rT.\"",.l ....." ......... "".~ ..· ...-.1
"",,1""'-' ' 1)n ............ 6-~."'f'flH ' (-!.l1O o...-...) ltno-.-.,_ .. r...~" doo:\,"' ........ l\""""1 .""""..-..... ..... ,........ ",dlu'lu.,....k. ......
l . '.IuIIJ;I .. f,;".,.....,( ...... II"""" ' r l _ 'JU-,; RMw._r... ...,.. IG"~ • . •""hducht.... -.:I .... " " _....II""nc.I
~ c.,..,....... III) I 2"",,,'.-(!.1\ LSI. ,\1\ '''''''''I I I ~ 1'\11 pIooo. 11I.. l;~lIS·,.,11
~;'= ..'.'" \,.....Dn<n ••p ...H:.\ond "......... '."';1 1,."..,5.-111""".......
\\T.... \~'~
""l.. I."·\'"",.~I\·r ........ .-I ......, ..
' ..... 1. -
u, ....... ~""I~ ..... .
1 _...,.....
,........nItI... ~':::...~~~" f _ . , _ _ , ~_.~ uu",,'_ " ....,1.............

t:Chi","-..,r~us,;riditlurus hglm. Echino«n:us\'iriditlorus t:chino«n:uswebs!cri:mus l.indsa~

Sr->ml.hmoo~h.p'I<~' ",~h" •. r.odI,ll"Q~j mm \.da'isii (lioughlOn)\\.T. \\arsh \\nhou!rw<ntnctllOl ..osd!d .... OJI1's/Iodf"""
!ons. ,. ......,.,lIiilk....... frum.>m..III.f<'. 'n T"....... t~ ,.--t;" ,"",."'n .. &O' .....-III(h .. lheprtOtnl
)<i~ ... nh.JI'«"'od ,off·.k ...· ",II<'>" tK•."..". 1"'od<..
.... J>d,.Io.'4'."lmm~ .. ~ Il'...,.." ...."._..c<"'ro
\ ..)pI."'........ dJ"'~U Z""' """1I)09 Ill.....
JI'O""'IIIo'l<".nd ... _~d""",,"cu"I\~
ICSiPl 1l
. opttirsis'"'~- J- ~"",,"dUno<1"
.00" .6«pe, .... "
ISH'I_l1/(_~, ~\11
l ... t~ll<Il." ~Jlb",''''''' T .... ~"!t='II)'o_I'ruoo.('"lfofC.hf........ I.... s.nP"'ro
, ... ,.,.' ,"" I mm_~I).l"".od~I_\\\"""!:IOT.,,,,
u'''' . ' ''''". <1"",lIii ·r .. mi1u

Echinot11aSlusd\lran~nsis (Rg\'.) B.&R. EchinornaSluStn:<:loct:nlru s t:ChinumaSlus inlertulus

(,V.""I.,k.... ,<d •• 'Z\<mhipb) 10,.. tllllUl~ (Couh.)n, & R. {l::nglm.)B.&R.
"""'''''''·mlIL~111 O."id.,"""'-<)'in<I...,.Wnnh""~10'm,t'J·+r .. St<m.,1!.!i<mh.ghb)-5-7"•. 11 ZS""'!ont<:.[1l1
I... ,. '"" IIn"...,I)"""!:",R."..,,,, _'Uo.rmlICSIIIl ,"".,Illr.i'>- IrVono.\,.\I"",,, Tru.
U1111~'''''.'' 1 """'''W;'tI~&~_''''"",.,,,,
""" ... "'''''- ltoIW,Ji..-.-.. ..
[chinomaSlus mui!H)~MiS Ilc<;(er f.l,hin"'n:a,~luS unguispinus t~hin()m;r."lus ,,":amoc~ii (jl1.", &. h"lcr
\1<111~""''',~ IO"nk-. ... ~ ~rnI nkl~C'III .. """ (lnglm.) II. & R. "'......... II'."""t.B .... fllj, ..... 1'IHIj,
1""1((,\11 "'.1.ur',"'III,rnhljllo~I<1111l2_;0\\ ....kl{'(,(1 1'\\1
;~~!:Jj( (~" 11<\~·",C... h",t.,nd I ,,,,,,,~\\ Ik"""" I""."" ,~" \\"k'" o,ihu>hw. Z..",," ~~::=::" ,. . . I',,,,,,,, (J"I""h u,. I".. ,lid ''"''
,,, .... ,,'''', ... ,, .......-,,110.''.
ul"I.""".I .......J.. _ .......""" "'.".',,",'~rJ ..........t'

[cbinOII~i~ :mci~lroph"m Sl"'g. f.chinup,i.nn:b"loi \.3rJ. Echinol'Sis9)opayana Kin. &. K3u...:h

\ "",n. II..~,-",d '!><':k~ "1'.' ~ ,rn!on..J 1112- 1(. ". m,.,., hop. ,lid h.....J,fll~ .... ~"".
I,..k "II .. " ... ,,, I~"" • tnt p ..... t.r, ... ,,~ ~'""~ <~"'I(>1 ....t 11 III
Ion,;, ...... ''''''~ IPlIl I' ~I'I • h... I~~-!(,~ II' \11 12 "" ~.." .h", IN' «n IooJ< I 11011; .......
R.u .... h .,..010.1 .." .... t.: .... ,,~ • "n,,·tn.. .• . ,.
''''.'''''.''\"....... I'''_~,1u 1""1I1 I~" I~ "Of, u...-.. 1h~"" .. "~... h"'f'~.. '~I .. ",',,I"".11I~7\ IP III
.. " •• ,,,,, , .. _"' .....,1.. ......""'......

.... ..... -.........,".,... ""'"

I"""""".'"",'_,.w.~."f,.t "', ... ,."IItno ..... lod..~"..,I ... ,,'I\".
)"..,' , I~"" ... , 01 1j<jl . .........
,....~ , I•• '• .... _ _ .,. ••
HHI\( WS1S 47

Echinopsi_, h3Idiana Speg. Echinul"isbo)"uiocnsis Kil! . t::Chinop,i,briu!(,:,ii S-D

U.... If\· ~'".'l.t. ,.WI,m h'!do"' I',-m 1-1"", "'r~'n<l Rob< 1010 J:!.r'Pl-~. 7-!Omm .",~. ,hc ~,u> II, .. IJ-Ih<tt""' ...<mI010, .. t>n ..... «"'"I'f'.. ~n l ;-
......... 'I ..... pt. .. I"<',",,'J ",,'m, ,,, ,~"",' ~, II ~l ' h Ilk, ~"h. hool",j tip; "4' uwoIh lor"'", b".h<n pm.<'" lH<"II'I"""'S.m,!.,""'much ....... <~""d ... j()'m
mpul oh.·",,; ,"'~''''''''''''~~ 1I'1I~,f\ 11 ""rnhool",j.2-~,"",k.,~ ~120'"m""'~h"<·III· ·\1 1 1o~.and."hm"'h .... "",'P<II<>" L''''''''''''''''bt~,l,
,,,,, . ,,. ' ," ,, \'1""1",... 1.."""", '~".'tI\ '"" 1I.....,..h........ II.".ibt BU'I', t"""(:..:_...... W1l1 .... illl
I." ..'", ,"" la.... h,"'... fIIh'rwt>dI~r"
"''''.''''', f:."~ ....*.;C"d. '~ lbi",,l<h.l.
(:"n! .• t· poj.....<i. C"d ,001 F. , ... l<,....~dtn,.;.c. rd

t:l·hirlOpsisc:,luch lu,.>l Sch ' t::Chinop~i sc:mknasiana' t:chinOllSischacoana Schucll.

R.""·"""II.I'!ih' ","·n.~ q,mh",.d.m-. l l lll1',m puhlishcd.lS l.iJbil"lll(l1rdmasia"" Ibu,,'h 1k<,.",np;,,,,...... llndri<.¥>,,,lk ... "".p-"" l1¥hn,·
h'l'llil ~~."tlk,tUtI,nnl,"lOnllhrwJ 11,,,... ,ht,...k. II'l;I/C~' P\1I
'""""' , ••, Ik",I.I;."",'" Hill"" k..,. I, l<m Ion...!. """,,,,,,~,,.rko '", .. "" ,~" r.<>p'''" LI!
I(~~' PIli
~8 HltI\()I'~1\

Echjnol",j~ dchrcnbcrgii Fric t:Chinopsisc)ric5ii (Turp.)Zucc. t:Chinupsi5Iding!criana Card

~oOur)."""",,,.1 n.h•• IQ,·111 ~ ....... n"''''''f...k''~","",,,'''''''''fl ~""I'k. Il I~ ,m """ b) 1.1,,,,- 11 h
17-2;tmu.,.o'""I\lj loll¥- oho, Il..lI>2i l~1 1I
'~".'"' '"'~ I'm",.)
1~,nlkL ,." ~ Il",d '" 1fJ<"'"'" ~-"'''' N." L.".'~ll"" I~""'" 0."1' ""
"""""''', I'~'OJOO/I"f/<"
("IO.''''''I,.~_...JI._ ...,. ... m''~\Iik
..h"',,""'. . .

t:Chinopsis lclicanlha (Gill.)\\alp. t:Chinop,iN rn :un illclS;l Gucrl.c Echinopsismclanopolamka SJ1'C1t

~.I."",""~um ..... _, 1\""'II<,, .... ~1~1011, .. ~LI",.,,1C"lllt.,p .... IOrm:!1p;·,O .. mlollJ.<>I'CI> lin,....... ,,'on<I....1'" 'ilh.. k'I!h'" Ii ,11\ ~ll1"m
...... h",11l!'!, II''II IO mm Illl 18,.1on!:i') Scm. ..... I. ,.IIt,j~, kon ••• h''''"''II'''tI;.,,(S.\11
1~""11j( I." \"'''' .... \\\ I'fO'WICt"<- M.,..hlhr"" ...... "....,('\{"'nbrIlj., ,... ,ll '""\"'"""'.... It.\"""...tM,,,(.,''''*
h) ""d.,,..... (IUo) R.O>d abo .... 1'*'1 ft( ..........
""•• ,""',.,.".41,,,.... 1............ c:q"".\,, ~ ........... (" """II ........... h.... " _
' ........... ,r"..,..,.. ... I>'J t.~\11

""- •.....'".~'''''''''''I--~
......... , '.............
r~hinnp~is mimmn~ Spt:g. Echinopsis r1lole.,\a Spt'g. t:ehinol's ;s obrt'pand:l (S-]))Sch.
s.a;u~ .• ,IIO<m~.p. b\ Ii em Ilu"":.,,,,·d.1U ..... 00,. "'>h"I}.~I~",20< .. bruoJ~lf""~f'<rl"mod. r"'.di" ......,."of·~,,·~'puur«<lrr',,'d,,1
.hokWl..i 5/111 20 H'mlcq-.• tu" IRIl~!CV\IJ ILVPlll
I"".,,, '"" \,~"'in.o.E,,'n·R"~ '", .. ,"""".\''''u.... u...u..
ow •. , ~\\'" f ....,..,...

Echinupsisubrt'pand" ,'. ealunabrd t:chinopsis ubrepamb Edlin opsi.' oX) gon:1 (LinL)Zu<-c.
(Card.) Rausch '. mi/.quensis (R~usch) Rausch "'""I},_ulf",",,,,,.~",25em .... _tlJllOlj,,,,.,,,,
f ...... I.o'l'".fI.on""'d<l"..".."""!dn-.du.I ..nuk~w IIodo...,h"'H'm......".ll.......,."'l.5 ......""... d. ~ .... , ~l Zl emJo.-.. 1'"""""
ml. r. "",,i'pill. R,n
H 'mac""".rwj.,(.I.p.I''''''>o.kol~n''''",n'''h<' ,.>l(Ujl>ri(\~",)R."'"'h"<lmill,bon~'hb"",.oo '!'i"",J.c>n.. I<;rn!Ir/\1I
J'<IrIUI . .... ~
,"",."', 'k" (
1115{mlcq-.pmU!.h·",d.ICV~\1 1

1I,~n ••. t., I".ilo

mor ........ h ""md Inda,k •.
\loI ...... )IC~.I'\\1
"""'"''I'''''' I!~.;'i.o. IM"~I~' '"" S IIf:11~. l"""".nd "r 1'Jtf'II'I.I.
'"IU-''~\\It,.J..''..I1_i'&F_h''''' r"",,i.pi ...
I~".,"( I.". 1101"". bt""rrn \.Lr \, •• nd R.. C.nK In ••''''r""'''''''''.l.I"~..,,
"11II.~\lII'INr. ....~, \,.r;u;l>nl~·",

EchinopsismllS("hii Fried. t:chinOJlsisrhodotrich3 Sdl t:chinoJlsLsscmidcnudata Card

Lr"' ~ "" ;.:_~ f""h~" On cuIoo, 11 ...""'.... d. olT"",,"!. beNm",?: "bnd~,., 81)"" hi;th In 9<m 11 11«om.., OIh..:l""I . ..,.".., .. <h..n .. ,.""" '" "I'P'"
6,",lonj: 1.r;r-,nd;I!<.,..R,.",h(f""" 111Iq""~.1" 10 <m 15 ""1onJ. . ....... , IllS/III .t...n\.fhh"",Ih.Io.,"~.,..,.n .. lu,"", 1t.t.llnl~.'111

~~~~ ~J~-=:,:,d.~~O~"'",~:~""':~ '"".,"' ,.. ". ~1f'''P',) • ..:I '11 \'lI<""~'" '""OJ.' '""'. I~~nu, T.n... \~Lo \I"."n.
I(S/rlll ""II."'''''/,...,.,'''''''.·/,. . .,.u,·
''''''.''''''.I...... ''*'''''''~!./ .. ~n'
p."Jifl, ... IiI<,...,w •.a-.,,,,,,,,,o.,.,.,.,,w,.!.
,..... p • .;,fI- .!. _~J.

EchinOllsissharcri U.& R Echinopsissihcslrii Speg. t:chin"psi~ .,"I)(knldala Card

S.... 'l'_".......""I1)"IT><'''"jt.up .. l ;mh~b) \'h"'p,bui:o, ....... Iorop'w'. IO""h')(hb\8'm. '>ob,,~ up,u8'm""'''' 12<m.flh,lIJ,.",k"'ll.• h",
18 em ~1 20"" Iont: .• h, .. I111 'Il"'<' ,nf.,<l)"""'."d"'IT... 12 .... u.,.~,.u.,... 11 •• 11' ''\11
1~' .. I"IIN'" l'l'o"", Tocu""o. T,.",",,~ ~d'",r:m fllO .... k"'!'-.h"".I.d"'ll ,,,,un'.'""'.lloInu, I"", ".o.k\dLo""",,,~
l'<1"f"...,IIU6/ II'\1 1
'"'I.'"' ,~" \'l'mlo .... hurd"""fT""um.n.nd'ill ..

t.(h,""I'~'~ ~Ul~n~'~ (..mJ E(hin!)flSi~ lapo:CU:in:l Rin. '[ChinopsiSlonisl'i n:l'

.,...",,1. lot« ....... c-.0nJ", ' .."",n· 1I'J1f ,~."'I" 1 1i00i)' 12 ". bnoJoJ. fl ~ "" ",",".hoot (lttropo>~.... "«f~.",,'''<I'''l<I<d!-l.Io ..
N,m ..... 1II, ..... M .... h,,, I'J",~'~tl bnd~i, IH717,(S'1I1 Il-IOOiWl\lJ
,,,,,,,*,11'111/-1 III
'''''K'.''"''. 1~"'1I. 1''1'«0' '"-"0"" ,"". \ '1<"" .... b"r< ~""
':':::':;,:'::'::; l~oIn... ~,.~" ,"<I '''~''I'f\.,~ '" Ilk·

t:chin"ll~i, lub;nor~ (I'ft'ift,) i'.lICl". EI,;lhd3U1113 'H,~d lknson F:IJitlu:l:mlh'l lIIi(I'tl1ll(ris (Englm.) Web.
........... ,J,...·",........, ll,mJ("f'''''............. ~. . . ~, .... tnoll><l>.I(..' . . PI'1 S.......... oIFoc"""'' '.... '''Z''''''lotif:. , ......,;''''"•
'f/k....llllO .... """'· .... I... hIIPIII (llmoJ11lt.,: ......... IOI ... "'Iht"""'" •. ,....",;
''''" .. ,." \~ ... 1... _~Iu.'" ""U~,, / ...---..c.JWn IFJIfIa'nor,; ..... _or(CoohuiUjv.
(;0 ......... u~ tllotdl l'""' (Ioo"<r)b""'<d,dat\<t
""""'''''' ...... t' .....''I.-I-fCS!\ll

(""'.~"'''/~f~ ........,.,.pI.
fko",. .. . unr""J'Ii...·f. .,.......
j2 H'lIlIfI \\ I II~ t~(OI!IRI\

flonp',J,..-.,_I..-." .... _.""._..-.l
pa",hyrhi/.a ( \b ..... h.) Illbg.

...........n" ul'oI"""".'nrt..._n.IL'·\\1
Erios)«mc,-JC':Irpa Rin.
........".pftll•. 10 H,.... _ ..,,"'tlr, I ...
• ok,I"''f'I·....·'''d.1111
F.ri,,,)cc:s.1ndillon (R ~m)) Ph,l
........,'.." ........ ...,..o.o.l_,.... .....J~'"
.f1>UIId.fll .... h<do .ndbruod Il!.' .I ...... ~ ....
..".,"".,,\I<U<\>,(""'mll :~,~:~;~ ,." 1 h,k·.(]U.,.f"1l.u-.l ''','''' \ wJ., .~ ....
p"""'. . ·rn/·IIII
'""""'M'''\\ki<>pr'<..J tn \C(h,r,.
~'::~.~lI'N".Jo_ ..,../ . . . .,..."" ,,""."'''.1 ....14,1 .......,.. 1 ___1....
/,.,""''''.anol,..~,I~ .... ,r " .......

t:se<ohari:, ag"im::m:1 .:~l~ohari:, chilllmhucnsis n. &. R. };SCo\).lria dasracanlha ( l.n!(lm.) B. &. II..
{Gl.s.~&. rOllcr)N.l'. Ta}lur ~t<m"" 1I)COI h<do to. 7"",. n 1 em ..'"""IYk 1""1 '" 1"7 .... ",.",, H~,l..\CIO Ionrc 11.,,'1'\11

'O\'.'IIIII,,,\I.._(.,,oh'" ~~~.~P~:!....a.{ CIIibw/ttu :"...:,::~~.~~I<U, •. \\'ln.. iOol\l,oo,

,,"n~"u,{;,.. _ _ ........
[S(;(lllllll\ 53

EsroIrJri~ emskocltcriana (QueM) 1k>Q: Esrobaria hcnric~S(mii Glm I\. l'OSlcr

\"'ft>I.,; ..... hipbl ~<WI,ptuiIk·,I~""""""""", ~,,~ndn ... ' .............. ,kooop.. ~l ... U""
,1 .... 1o!ot! 1 11~ I.1l1iH~, ~1 ......... ~'"w.·rooo""" ICSI\\I
1M"."" I." \1 \1,, ~u." J~\\ ·1".... I>..',.,H, t.", \I"~,,, S(lJ"'u,h"" and 'I 1)..-,.",

"I IU .. "II_" .. ooilN.",. ... I.... ,..",f....."....l.

~""'-(' ........,

t:)(lIbaria hesleri (~ \\ ri~hl) Il mh brob.lri.II:II'1:doi Est.waria I~ei IJoo.·d.

........ ,,, ~ <... h .... , "'' A. II ~ III (Glass &' I'oslcr) t\J'. Ta~lor S,<m"'mn'lt1 ....... ,hc'<I.mll:'n.':tl;i uh~h h
""-U... b<il_"'~ ......... '''''rbm-J

,... " ""Tn..,lk",~,',{_ \"""'p.............~~.,~" ... " .... 11 O(' ..........
........... I( ~ PI SpiDn.--,: ... "do_II\btllt_tldol
"llQ'" I ..............,,., ........"""_III'l lIbl
I. I. . . . " I .......... ~I Coa.b
I.... ""... '."\.-.\k_{;.....t.o\up<"....
""g ... l,,..... f~... " ........ l, ..... .",...... "",f.................
~:"~Jba,;a minim a (ILlinl) D.R. lllln! ~:..scubaria missouncnsis t:.o.roboI ria mis,;ouriensis •..~imiJi .
"1<fII .. l ,*hopt.2''''~· I(.:)/{iLl (S~fC!) Il l!, Jh'n! ( ~.ngtm.) 1\. 1' hJlor
.......... \ .O'·m ..'n"'.d"......,""~ 10. n .. l",.... ~_., I!I<tIII>fuod,'Ic""' .... ~l"'b,m .. r .......
.Kn""'JI'"<""".' • .,.. ' . '"'J'<I"i>fr'n'llh'dl , ..... .,P"~ J11"'ll~ni ll .. ,(,q
"'W.,,,,,,f....,-.,....,.,""'.C!ltlht.t.lttrlJ.,.. ~ ,pru.

~ ~:·;~~~'H;;": ,~.\~~~1~;::, 'i':;:'~'i;:,1((~I"'f :~~~"~"I~:"""'""'" ,II In,.,"" II I",,',...... I

~"~'h.~~ ~~~~;!::".: ~~~.nd" \ ........
"" '''.,\'"'''''......
... _..-.

Escobarino~ncnsis t:scobari:lrubbin sorum t:~,"Ubari" n...l·ana

(Zimmcrm~n) C,NtUrr 1/ a/. {hrlc) D.R. llum (Bocd,) Sch moU n IJU\
s..... .,U,.. ~ ,.t. t. J""," ~l",U""," l""tr.I.
......... ndhodl. l'I""1."'uIn.
~::.:~'::::':"~!~';'':'':~ \......'"
1~'I .... IM"....... \ IN<O,Orpll \l'" ""'IJ~' '"" .. ~. In""" "_"';II"';'<~"""IC". I'III
;:.:..ft<ll.,,\k. . . . .r_'_
" " • • '\'n,C........ ....,;. "n".,,,,r..iM.r,... ~t{,.'"" .... and •

"""''I'~ r, _ _ _
FSCOU\ R l~ 55

[ sctJbarias nccdii 1I. &.1l f:~mharia struhilirormis .sdl"~r u Iklnl. ': ••:obaria "iII3rdii CaSI~n~r r1 al
Slnnw 15.m h,p. b! B,,".okn"'~ c1 ... terin~ ~1 t"""'....~ 10"...... ,-11<", h,;'b) Z5-7"", tll.'- au..."n,. tloo B <fI'\ ........<. ~h,,< ~l"" ~p. """'" w
llmmK""'"r·k·pnl .''''!<,"n'''''''';' J5<m 1<""'...... p"L ",~hJ""'_IC~/PIIJ ponl mid>I""". 1"""""'01 ,"" t~ """";; fI'WI'.
Br.od & I~, ' i,,;mwrh", ""'JlI~ ~Aiu'}.,,, m<m hiVo'"
5cm. 1-1 ... k)d~ ...·.,·"~,,, ,.. ront ""h piol "''-'''''f'<'
'~""IIl'." \,~ II""".",.
liT."" 11,,_ indudi"ll t_ ...... db<<Jii .",. t_ lIlbi<"Olumn ...ia.dnf
. hidl"o,.;m;I".~ .. L,"~pbnl>!>« IPI"",.j"~J.IC.V\11
(T".... (, ...41.p,.. \I" )IL~/t:1
:~'~:'~\I'" r~.F"""",r.,'".-r40" ~':'~~'""'"" . \ .., \'0000. II r><ooflhos.rn. ... nto
,""Uti ,~,~ , . . . \I"K·U.IJUN In.C,...,,, , ,,,.
T, .. f.I P, .. ,( ..,,,,,,


t:scOOaria\';"i)lara (;>\ un, ) I'. ilu,b F..srobarial;\'iparal·. ari1.Onica Escob'lriali>i)lara,.bisoccana

( ...... ".,~.,.,.mt""""J n h,6."m~-..k ,. I..ib,,,,,"," (Engjm.) D.Il.llunt (Orcunj D.Il. HUn!
(P I ,.....) \ I' T,, ~ .. , """Ih '""'''.'}. >pn;',. 11 ~"h Oumpm~."_"'Y.5",,,h,p.b!1cm.C>J'1-6 Ch""I"'ns.A; Icmnk,pnl.\.btM,lbm.(P ri>/><,)
p.l1"hn",(\\""onoI\_r.J.,.. (f:r.glm.) llRll un, ' . ....,..,.,;."".(f...ynl.) "'"""m"".C>J'~-11. n \;PT"ko";c"''''fIO''II-ft"",U.p<rlool.p.'pinL
rubo"' ....... 'P', ..."".Ioop',.OIlp.k'.pO<t,p...1s1ooj: "",.Ih~'I\ ... \I ..",,\\T,,",, \ Oo,hu.h .. j (~rUon .... "I! .,.,.dJ_ ',doottti (f.n~,)I)R.Hunt.
.0Il ..rn ... (SII OI.J.t..... \(; T,,,,, ~F "'~ \kuoo) \.""".(C.... t"))IlK II"'"," ..... b'l".,'""''',orl<, lImiJ.. 00 ,. buof,"'" "'Y,~$I!I.ID. t-onish(LSI.
I"S/ P\'I (S""~.u~roo.;.,)1 1I1 \'op,.n"""j,[hZJ8I1PJ
"''''''''.'' ~G!UIl.,OOh''''''k,T.", ~\7"':' ,~~.~: LI>h. S\I Co....... , ltv"""' '''''.'"l'lO~ SII LSI.OIl \ ,. \Iouoo
"''''.~\I''' (:...",...,.. ,"', \. laib.ob. , (.:..r,ft;, e. "I'II.,\",_y~ .... ~,..f.JtW.""qlI(m ••
..,'"",...,j.,.,(.,-./...... ", OIIll.'I'""c.,..".u• • '-"·"_.",.... &_,,..... ...... i<dnl'"")_C"".r.W.C"'·rt..{.\. otr.."' ,
t4J0<..... ""~,.fJ<"J.v•.,... r¥.~""
56 ~~C.llll\RI\-n ROLII:TL,

t: s<:olr~ ";alj l /j3rl3 (Bo..>d,)BL~. FCI"OC"JCiUSchl)sacamhus Fcru'::lcluS~) lind"'Jl"'C uS (blglm.)Ol"l:un

)'<mIOIO .... h,"')"3 .. m.du""",..11.1rn.."""".I',,),, (Ol"l:un) U.S I{ L... lh"'h .. I).,",lmh,td>I>I.I(I,.... I1~ ... ldk .. ,
~tlk ... '''''''J''"<" '" ~h,""'. r>tU1. ~"h [Nnt moJ~np< S<oIiul).'f"""'""'"'1i) )dk .. , ~'m."''''''mI.''''''.' 1 m 1r"",'ci(f,..,;Iml 11. Ik"... I!... .... ,~ooJ ,"",(lI<""""l
11(1.1 .1W IIS( ;{"j hop. r.. .I(1,m 11'...... ,~ot."".. ((:~·1'\11 \ I' '1',,"'" ,.......ul;,p;..... «(,.".,.111 B....... II.~dlo:'
,.' .. "" ,.". \1<,""C>~h", ..
",,,,,I\,,,,,,,,,,tion.L;otw.<,,,,",,,,,, II.!.R "",,,,.. t>t..
:~~~~~~::.r: II ....", B.. iJ, C..Id....., ... (" •..t "'" "".. I,.t...t,.«.llIs .. r\11
"".,., ,." SII l~\
• ..t \"\\ \\<»."
"rm.~"",·r "'."...... , ,.... f ...,,,

1"""n.ahlc.,15-80<mh",,I>I!O-,IO<ml1 lH.oI'Ut)''''';mlut<hl>l Im,<>pl.~ IOcm""" I-lml Sk1n>IO·I(I(mh'!dtb>!O(",,,,,,,,,,,,,,nd>Zmbrood

<>«>'" .. ,lh .. d.SmI·".....spl.n" ...,......n'" ,M 1<110'. , ......'"pin... (t.. ~lm \ \ I' r'llo<, '" 1.5 m 11m11C'"P\1I
<ulo""""ILS .I'\lI h'ldtb) f i,m!j"",A"lk .. (1I.1,.C.lilumiJ.,\.o"
Ipuo."',"SoIl'K<I01 WHoIIi.I.II',PIII
,.,,.,",,.,,.\1<1,, ,~f l'lKtob.,\O., ...
'""."u.,.,v ll odr-prnJ'nrLII" ....
"''''''''''''./'. ••;.&.,u.r ........,h,·,f,i._·,.,.,;, ""~"'L'." SII \"""".\1....... ~..."., ... \S'n.....
""".''''',r ...,I/n , .....' .. r''''''''•• J

I'crtX'acIIIsrordii (Orcun) II.SI{ FCl"OC"dcIIIsglaucc:sccns (DQIJ.&' R. Fcrocactusgracilis II. Gales

SoIi" I). """,,,.-.1
• ,'m ~..~. po",.' 1"1
h,"''''' "Ii,.)"". h' 12 <m """" ~, ~"m""~'1I) or 00"1"""
hi., 111 .... hoct< II) SO ..... ~l
rn-lU«.! on "I) old rio"" '" "',,;..,""" rf«
SoIiu'l.IOJ .. hoct< II) JO<m. ~1 n,J, , . NIon ,u, (,",,)
(j 1"n<b.)ri'h><.Ji"..,""".nJ 'ho<l<t(S' .... C.lifi ..... )
'lI>'lJ"'C'~" Itruro. II ",..,"rUJ.,,(.. hfom~ .....!<)I{SIPI ff.l"'''(;'J'''''',''''lbt''''k.n!>bndf''''''''
::~~::,~~" I,<,oru H"br"", (./:u<rrtI",.md ~.n
r .j;r.O<ili··IHI
Ill"JIIU'I~'''; 11.,,,,,.r:,,.,,,1 \ I",. (:.I,f.......
"'lll .. ~""'... toIon'U>.f,...".I:ru.._~.
r,...., ..oIorr.'".-,

FCrllcaclUS hacmamc"~l1th \ls FCl"OC"dCIUS hamala('3nthus Fcro.:act ll s hi~lri~ (IX :) G, Undsa}

(s ·(» II. IJ rM-11. (\ luehJpf,) IJ. & I{ S<oh"",lI' 'lO .... h,p.b.IIO<m ~11<1 ..... WI\3jIH~1
Sl<m.!O-120, .. h'l'hh)161(o,'mll""rpI,<h·r '"' l,".i1)"""-'I),I060(m ..... II)JO<m.rih> .... nJ<d.f1 rIll
IHI ~"k... '"n...'~""mI. kJ /.5<m .Ok. '-.• in",,'u, ""~'"LlM": IIMl<sp.-....J .. C IblN
u. .-""fl,"lv'''P,.nJI\,h ,..,..
1 1,""w. ~L><"'.'\' (nu.f .....~ •• ". 1\.I>io",Jllm<oo:""'.II<'.nb>""""l<'IIk......<'~ 'H''''''''"'.'FdtrI,...",.",'
''', ...i>kJ.nJllonmtdrSfT._,Flkuco).jPllf;
'''-''lJlll~lI''. ~t: \,-.11<""" II ,nJ ST.... ~ C\
\l.<inl.S.'s"nl.u" .........
'''H'... ~\'\I-''I/._"''., ...... 'II.''''PN_I.,'.
f4.-."·(Mw"_'· ... nu.tu>.lIu ....... '/:,,, ..""·
58 1I M()(IUL'

r~I'UI.'JCIUS bl i~p; n us (ilJ"') n, & R. r(I'()(';I('1I1S lindsa}i H. UrJI"O-II FCnIC"JClu,macrodiscu~ (,\lJn.)11 & R
...............IO ...'h~"'.f(I'm,Il~'ml< ...... l"'I'hJo ......""".klro .... """ ..Id.f(l ..... idoc.lll_,HI ............ !I.o"....... "'.II)CIIII<_m.I.1 11111 ~CIII
"U." I >Pi""" I"'''' .,I'f",A.)\P.r........ ..". t"".t"'I~". \1 ...."\ld',,...... ofM .. lloh.. ~ ... " ....... ""'l'''-io-p'''l.,'''.hu<P<ul''''lJI'I'\j".... ''''
~:~::.ill~'··hUt>lo."hf"olt>lomol>tnp<>(1' ,I,~ 1f'W"'Po t<.,r,..".""""",,,,'" ""'I.... ('.''''j ...", " .. rt>oIr
•..,"""'''''' ......... ll>o,,, •• U.. '''hn'''onlll . •
,."U"""" '"".ok,rr<.ooJ.,C\kuro 1I...... 1
,,""~ '''''' , '1~ ..I" I ..... ~ •. ,•• ,.,""",, '1""".0....."

Fc nll-"a~1 us I'c n;u,ul;.c (Weber) n.& K Fel"OCllelu5 11ilosus (Gal. ex S-[)) \\crd. I'CI'()(';IC!IIS poliS;; (s-!)) B~hjl:
.... rliu"_"'Bmh,po ... 5(l<m ,.,......... oduntr. 11l & ''''''"rlu''fl''''.kI.lmh.p.'''lO .... ,Il'''''•. ,..... ......,"'>, .. 1 m h,p. '" 10<01.<"1''''''''''
1-1 ~dL.
~. ~~-'!'~'(~"M/~~~ ;~':l~ ~~~;::~ I"'j.,~< 'M" ,\~ in \(. ",,"" , ............. In&R_)(;{ ... r... '·"'''''II<mhiP
"'lO ...,'P"'.... d.....,.I~.. \ ....... '~_)
.. 1J)""~..:k....-._!rtt.""""",,(l""\t.,:.uImo ""u",,,_,ru..,,,,.&,,,..,., I(VPI'I
&.ooJ""'CIII ..... bndl)('r'll
~"'.:.::.."" \lnioa.~\\(:w-iHd.'I.~ ... oooI
'"" . . ,.,,\ku<o.( .... IIIaj.o~
f~,.''''''.· /':':':':'-" 'I._~.\_.a--,
........ 1_,_...
"I1 . . ' ' ' " ' _ ....
H KOCI(;TLS_ lk l llll 59

Frl'Onl'It" ~PJlfn h a"cnii Un~r fcrocaclus robUStU5 (Pfrilf.) IJ. &. 11.. FCnK."~CluSschwartii Und say
,~.p""" ,,"," 'ollll,,,,, h"" "'U<,,, ,!.ml._ " ~_I~·lO .... bro""""""'''IId_ ."5''''M~ .1 SoIiIat). OI8(\<m tup b) >0, ... no..<fWlJ olorn . fIIOlIId
ra..., IIo-orr .,11 ,n ,·.'..." .... IL\/P\II J .. ~ ........ "Ifoo.'. W\l1 ~mS/V \ \I IG "",,,,,,,,,,ICS/PI
1H>"' aI I~" \\""... w ,.... , \\,,"'....." ..... 1\,,;1<" '~".'H' IV, \\<>"'" 1'l><bL1 "".'11\'"" \\curo.~ .......

I'~ rornrtus \"irillcsccns Fcrocaclus lIisli zcni ([ ngl m.) B. & I/. Fr:lik.lC".lstanca Ulbg.
rrmT~) & (i I'J\) U .1I. 1/. S.~.",\.b"hoJIo",8(\ ..... I1 """"IOmI Solo ..... ~ 4 .... htood.II Pk \l1
....". .,.IO, .. ~ .ndhtood.,.n1J.15,l>rJ<>I''''' ,lKnnwij(; (In<pJ'J' "1'1)100; •• 1"11) 45, .. '~""" ,..... s I/tvilO ' Loup>\
......... . l ~<.ul.. , h" ...... (; I .........,.......... .... '4""11'> ~., \ s ... ~ ... \\ 1l...... '~'. Ia... ••
)O<JObo \ 8<",.""~",,,2 1 J4.""""" ... IIII1<""" \ ....... ,fl)d ..... froooT..... _\.bBd 11l1 "" •• ,,"'.,1'--.0...
U,•• _IIIaoo..'."....... _ ....... s.\-*- .... ,"' ,... ,." "I L~\,nd'\\ \\nom
\I_~_ \ -.....I(~. V\II ""..... I'n' ....... r .......... r ..... ~
:='."t.......... ~\\,,_<;'Ioro.,, \\\11oo>
60 H\II~\

l' railca(olombi:ma (\\ml.) Blbg. Frdi1ca graldiana (1I:t:11(e jr.) Il. & 11.. Fr~ilca borstii Rill
c"mp",~. ft!.l ,m !onf:.IQ,/P\ll (.1"""4'ln1."em,'o~,"'"·"",, ~l~CftI.oJ<. ICStr\11 Skodr,,,bndRC.W IO,m,nd ........ h~ tl I· ..........
'~"~'!<\ I." -;"oJlOb< (rom l<oIomn...(i). ,.oa) ""I 1"".,",I.,,_r"'I""'.R.. r"'~n.nd'~" .... tl',m><f<»>I(SP\11
"",,,«J,,,,,,,,f«I dt<f"t<oonsiok ...... "",,·hn'lI \1;,;""., . .';..... 1,.. ,~'r.,.t,~ .. B""'.R.,(".,..,olo.>s"~(~"

""If" ""', 'I" '."""'~I" oll".n"".?F"...,.".JtI..... 'f..dllilld:....

I'r:lilca "hal"Otlis(a Sprg. Frdika l)urnib (urn.) Il . & R. Frailca [lygm aca (S1"'g.) Il. &. R
:-..l.u".tbll.... d·':I"bulH.U, .1(mbruod.I1~(m C"'mpo",.I!'h<n<.il.I1Zem.IScht;lUII'K\11 ",.m.'l ,.. "'.. n.",.
10.1 .... """,Modo....J n.I,",
I>rw<l, ",II"., I(~/~I 1~". f"l'1"" ~m"",) .0<1 .... """"' \'l<"'m.I ... n~"'I<Jboo.IL\·WI

I~""'" "". L", ...". T;I<'''''"",,-, "'Hll"'II.' f "lOw"""'''. r .•"""'1/0...."".... '"".n"'"'"'Lf1I~'.""\IJI<""'"

u""."""i"tpMJ..i"fJ1"IMWr,.."""", Fpwr. •• i< o""_""".r.,/'I""'.. ,r ......-,/" ..."...,..
r ...",".... iJ.J.j,r./'/>h,~,f~_
'''''rrWntKfltlU! """'umu'n~m ,II.,;, • \ ,,,I1',)',fiu G) mnOC"Jctusboidsdorfia nus fiymno..... clus h"ni l'ilu ~ (I.em.) IIlhg,
Jm,lh" (\Iu~hlpr.) t..IJdi\O;I& Fiuhu {\\ crJ.)lJlbg. t.:Iuso.".,. md"Jd••I ........ IOmI ~,Ith '" b,5 ... 11
s.~"." ,IOI{I, .. h,p,IrIH,", 11 ""JI'""."hIop.!<, \oI,W}wt'i.,,"'n"ll.; 7m1hlJ'h1>l4.J ;mI fl~(m 15 .IS ' .......... I(..~ 1'111
po:ul ...,!:'", ll_Vl'lIl Kf\"'·IC~·\l1 ,"".,.""" II.-oco, lIw1.I,,.II.vnd.n
"... ,. ,"' "" \I."",~ C, .... ,,,LI ...." ~.It,I~,.od 'M"."" "'" 1I<\i<u.T,,,,,ulipu...")'".u,, ,,,,,,."""I~ .. ,,,,",,,1."',,,,,,,.,,,,,,
\ ...,.1""'.'_0. ...
"1""""",,, l)'Il,-"-'"u~.\..u.rJ,.~.. IlM."",,~.
""R' '"'' ,. 1;1<....... ,.,.,,&, ...J,,&, ,.. ~." r.........,.,JOtIJ,

G) rnn()(~ICh' S ~nulhi~nu < ( IIUt'IL) IlllIg. GymmI{"JClus .'iaUcri {Ilo.:d.)mbg. Gj lllllOCllCiUSs uhlcrrn ncu <
l ..... 1I} ,,~,"". ",(,,'11\ """ ... 7,m, 11 2.5".0<" .... SoIl .." • ..,;mI hop. 1>1 6<m . n 2S 'mo<.... I(~~· \11 (lJlbg.)lIlllg.
~"::;:'" I." ",""'" T."".""", ......... ... "••"1."
~, 1 ,IB hop. '" ~ mi. ~1 __ 1ItI
:~~,".::''' \I".,~ ,,,,I",, I~~,...,...., ,,'.... J'_I(jb"&IO<Offllrumll'\m1\u~.
"","1\Ah·l,'I~ .. 110 .. « 11.\--) , ... oIdl
''''~''\I'''' ,,.a,,J.. -.... 7Io,;., ..-rw.-"' ......
1 ....... ?CJ"'..,
',.,.,.J.. I...,... /lIdo.-..,." ...... r ........,.., ....... '"".'''''.''\I<''''''.\.....ol ....... \~m
.. "u~"",,'~,.,..''"~ 'tWI ...... ~.
(.2 (,\ll\lI(\(n~ (;\II\lI("III(ltll

G)nlnO("~CI\I~ ,icn:cLii (\hrd.) Blhg. G)mnoc.-~J)cillmachirascnsc G~mIlOCll.Jyc1um alboan:obtum ItJu'i\.h

11<.... "' _I , ..... ~'" IrI ~ ' .... <IoN",... fl nur;mu.
, ""'~ .. l(,t;"A ),."". \n<kN ... ~"" ..... '"1< .. ",p
Till ~ s.:h~~J n.rI,....J-p ..... b'
"* \Ole"'' ' ' .......
~l ~b"' .•
pt;no"!,",b,mh,p.t.,7"", .."",wlr-"",,mlon m&:I ......... ,""""",
IrI ~, •. " n~~""(\ ..",, I.«.,.u>ollwl L." P",,,,,I
II ~ 1'111
..,....... n fu"'''·.h.op<d. i , .. "·",,,.oIF.~h,', ftoMt.l
."" .. nll""""w ...... ,·moc.I .. ,.h<••"'. 'M','"'' '"" \".,....... ,.. R.""...."~•...,.,,.
;::~;:~:" \I<>~". 1'...... ..,...)...... «1.11..,. (0 "''''''I''rO"unl.nd ... """,,;IIt; II'IM·IIs·f)IISI
'''''''"'",,'. I,,,,",,... 1'Min...... "'0 I. .... ""'".,
""".. '"I1'.I,.,.,,1.. ,""' .... r.....,,•.,....,.d

GYI1l'HI(1,l}ciu'namballl';USC l'iIQ. G}mmocal}cium andre3c (Huttl.) 11~hg-. G)mnocuJ}c1Um 3ni~iisii (!'II:h) II & It
",...... """" ... b<,w..ot;'.ur •. 'Il<m""'.... ' HI,," ilr>t."""b"n.... n... <ml ..."'b... "''''''''...... ~ .... " ..... "IO,.. ~.b(·~ 11~,· .. "",,.• h...
h.,... H"!' OJ ~ l ,,"~ ....I ~ ,.......,.,., .~iI< ."h ot'''''h" ",h .... I~m...:' !PI»!ISI I(,C]
'l"""""""""'rw>L ("""~ .d..,d., ,.".,.. ' ..... """"".... ConIobo ,.".,........ P"_,R.. T_, ...
I ................, IPZ'I 11~ I)II~I
""u',,,,, (; __ ,.,....".,...
,.".,... ' .... """""... ,I:.u-n.S""'.I........
(,\\I\OC\11CII..\I 63

Gymnocalycium b'Lltli,mum (SJlcg.) Spcg. Gymnocal}cium ba),ri anum Till G ) IIHl(lcal~'cium biculor SChU~ll
L·>wI~ ~)hu~ ,,, 7 em "" ....1 11 ,,(!(~ bnttfl ' I'< d ",-" Un Illul$h.~'" 1IOf1D.lII)· ","III}. 11 ~ em~. ".,.m, S..... no;oJ."p'ol;<lII.lCf(I\$.~1U'mltn..w •• h,..
1><l'ml ,~'"'''''~~''' WIIlICS/pIII "h,".,.... p,nl th"",.II..f.I7IIP/DllSl 111.f.I/IPf[)II~1

'"',.,"' "." \~·n" .... (:".",,"-' ,"".""',.,, ''J''''uru, T\l<U."...." \1.d ... "''''"L,""I.,.""... Co<dob.!
'''''''''\l'''(;, ",,"n" ..."

Gymu()calyciumoorlhii 1\ (>01' G}nuux .... I)cium b()lSin~anum SchUfl!. Gp nllo(.':lI),c ;urn bruch;; (Sl'cg.) Hc~s.
c.,..~ ..
b,ed ., G. ~ b""" m. 110.11 fun,,,,," Itn: .... m~ 1·' f"nL.'''' ... d'h''''~I'... I."."h'''.m''n 'h,,,u'~do.· r"nDi..,Lo'l'd""1",,[,",,U.d< ... ~ """"d ... '<1,.,,.,
.1onp, ed.~"'"I","I'",IO'mh,~hll)9, .... I1;' ... IP20SlIrllJflSI "hi« Ro..,.", ~o;hcd bPOL '" d<qo ",01 I, b<i,.lIi; Pill>
"""''' .h'I<~"h. ",nl'h~"L.IC )1 19-!IO/IIS/[)IISI h.. r",-. ... "',... """"..,' ... bod,h<n<llh.ooltnpor
'.".'101.'"'' ''''''''"'. I" R..,..Ou"" ,"',.. I'",LRo.,n-.IP.!OOllr/1)ItSj
,~"., ... '",' \'l.""... s..n 1u"."'lu''''''
"",,.. ~\\" .,. (;, afj,,' '''.... !; "'-"'lim<
G}I1l"U('J.I}(";Unlbuc~ll'ri SmJlrs Gynlnu~;al )(iu m I:alochJorum (Bocd.) 110 G) nmocal)cillnl l:apill:iense
O,,"'P"',.'""" ... JIo ..... ft ....IIc... ·r\lI 1,......... ~ .. " ....... """lft.n<nr<I"'....... ~nn (S,hKl.)l!lbg
'M""", "'" Ilw".K•• (".nJ<.lJ'"l~ .. I"""'w " . - fl~'"'~"'~.l'd'J'IOI'l ,.p<oIj(,,,,m IlI.hoo: Iuo. ru~".hodo ,11<1 hr..J.,~kc""'II 11 ... "" -'I' I, i,",""
"'I,,,, dllM' ....... ....J .... IJ<,ft.,IIo brooru<h·.k~ •. 1""1 or ,,'" ~ , ..... n .... "' .... 1< . . . ",1Il (~"<~ "''','''.,
pu",.h"'p<I.b..II'IO'lb,U'IilI ISj I; .."' .IIH~:IV.IlII~1
'"".'~II''''' \ \'~"hrI.I '"".""' ..... \"..,,,"'.( .."'....

G)·nmuc:II).,juIII ~\Inll'nasianum KUI , G) rnnocal}l'illnl rnnninamhunl G)mn'K"~J~(ium l'lL\\CU;mll!<ii lI~bg

\""~ b",konJ. ""'"'1''''''' 11 ~inl .. oh" ,·..'''"
~ .... ~,"~.m or"",.""", l"h"~'''I.'' f"''1''''''
II"nll& "" .'1' 1t...k"mpI<.nun blu"".rn<".~'"I;""htJio,,'"
'f'H'<' ""..,. ,on ... No.1 '11<' ot.. ...... ~"'''' bOO'. "I' 10 ,m """"" ""on """'" !l ~ \ '"' t.tu.d, hrU.,hortd.
""'· ..... uI,ht~,II~.!'I,II'.l}\bl ....IJ.., Inn.lp·llIhl
u...... n. .tuoo ••Ih'I""UhIhtwlIUl\II'I)II\1
'''''.,Ul'"'' IU" ... lx",,, 1,,,,,,.C.rvil I.".'"', ..... \""'"... c..w...rn."rr..... \........
,.".,"" ..,\_(.>1\10 ...
,." ,,,,, (; ...........
(j\\\\ UCII\ UU II 65

G)'nmoco.lyciumchiquilanum wrd GynllllH.':tl)ciumdamsii (Sch.) B.&.R. G) llIllocalyciullIdclludallllll

1101lt..rl 'fl>< ..... l. b'',uIf,,,I1'''l'n'''..J 'h<N!,<.6 'I, m S""pIc,I~,.;h"·l,....nuf' ... f\u..ho:~""', ~ll.lJl"''''' (Link &. Uno) I'fdfl"
.._ . ".,h"'<1<"" _,J,""<," I""1 ',J,·~",,,,","," ~ ""'~.,.j S "" .. ""'" . ·hlt< .,m. ",d ttfll« I Iod)n.n mcd·~.ur k ,8rmbrood. '4"n<>II!iW III ;
ttdI"" '" "n ",~ "'"'~ ' ~l ,,~ ", 6 em ~'"~. lill. r 'o\.
,1U.. , ....... ""n""'d,rr.""' .. proltlicbr.nth,,'II Nho'
~h,,.,l>d'h:'lt .. """" "1I<"..r ....... " .........
1l"J'"'7l'''''''''''''~ ~;''' JP. """W/(;q
;:~;~'III Ik". (),,, . uk Of" ,,( \1 l'J'<fV'lI> . nd ~II
,,,,,.'"1 ," )~ I~ "'\ ... ~' " J.u", ........I•• &r.w....'rl;!f<r,.II<I\oC1Utic."" ..)f.....
"""",,~I ""-WJJ {S I '\1 1
01"'''''''','. '(;. u ....",.It....." ' .... ,.""'"" 'I'm~) " ' ......"K"n ..... IW,,,•. ~." ,"II'"""". (;,"'"I""r<W>'.

G) mmlC'dlycium crinacculll l.~ mbc rl G}I1IIHH,:al)ciull1 Cllr)'pl~u ru m Riu . G) mnocalrciurnrcmnii R.uso:h

SoIioan·. ,loloo>< IO S r mht#tb. ;j <m. IlIU Sj <"" . ~ • . ur"7"" ........ fl +5-;""bro"dlQ,il 'LI ~ "",I<.It.n <n<d.p"'"t.,>.J ~ "" ~, ,,. to) q,m ~ "' .
d"""".,. • h~< ]JI -IO/ IIS/ IUI!>1 sm· ~l ~ ; ,.,. Irq . nd Jj <m """,,, ~h"""'1""1 ~.Ih
'"" •• "'"'' 1'".1""',(:,.'n' I..", p,nl modynpr, lh"", pmlI Il'IIlIISI
~;'~,~~~' I'J'<"" "" (~II"<lo """. ~"'".. rl< Tulum....
, .... ,.I.,'I.". IW·" ... C......"'. ..."s.... n.. .....
6tJ (,\\I\OCll1/1l \\

G)mo'IC'.Il)ciUIU neischerianum ULbg G)mnocal)cium rriedrichii f';>.I<>u\ G)O'''Ol''~J~eillm ~bI:Io-."m (111\\,) f'ledl
~rl>rn<..I", .."",..........~.""",I~ .oIf><...., ~l ... '" I~"" mIJ"" ....... n.'rh>lt.orr".,.Ied riM..-l.,d."" \ \en.1RIhIr ~,,~ ""'" """,,,,I.>,J..,,..,,'J, lIP'"
~ ,... ~ .ho.. 'OM. J"IfIl ,h, .... , ifS,'(;q d"" ..,~, """,,..,I 1>.001<1.., I...,,, pnl. It \' {,tI ~ <til ho"" '" l\ <111. """'11'._
r,m •. hI .. l, '1"""
,~".'''' '"" I'... ~'J ,.', . .. ,' '"" P..-."".". CAIro 'h," 1 1","'~;nn " - .h,,"" 11'1111, II' 1l11~1
(,;... Io_I••. I, ......... t.
" ....,r'

G)l1IlltlC".d )cium jt"laucum Kin ·c,) n1"u..:al)ciurn griscopatlidnm' IIlbg G)'1Il0'1I."aI)dumhaul.IIU11I Kill
~ ....,.... ,,,. "!' OJ I! nn .r<n"" 11"" "'~; em an"',- I~"" lUI< ,......... ,....n "r"'~ ;,,,,,,,,",,.,01<1 ,I ,.... hl!<ll Itw. ",h '!'I><n"l,,'W"" """'n, 'I"""'~k" to... ..~
.h"".,rh oWl" m"",'l" IP,II"IP" I)Il~1 1M" "'"""'II oil...", n oil·.""". ~",ibr .. ,I,,,., ,J ."'",h""lr.JIlI,'m~.• h.I('(,(1

,""'J'" '"" " I"'....... ~I .. T........ (, .urn",; Ie ,'(,(1

, •• ,".. " .... I~"' .. ,""A ... ".(".. D ..
,•• ,.,"''','''I!c6\ ........ '''''''''_ ..... j<''''
(;l\l"OC~I\Ul" 67

Gymn~lCII lyci"m ll"nidispinu llI Fr:ml (j) 1lI1}(K"~J}ci\lm hon;,ii Buin. G) mnocalycium h}boplcunlm
To ljh... ,~ ..... ~", ... ~ ,.... <fIOkm,,, d.n ,... n n l~., 7 <m ~,..., lP. II em. pa..'.Io<yh' Jh',n n"~", (Sd!.) Illbg .
• ~i1,. uh ,..",," «l,,"! ,,, ,I".. J'<"h Of ~hoIk p,nl. 6 (m II rIO ~"',.ntI hro.od .• k". li P RI llc.h I>rwJk ",h<n.-.l. '1"" ...... \tIl"rub!< ~'m ""'"
"',,~, I(VI"'I I>~"'.,", ,~" U"';I.M., (, .. nd<do,~"~ ..."C.. "".. ~""t.<;"'<"r<1I1<~""""""' .. d. I' ( (1f1ionJ1; .• ~ ..
'"',.,," ,." " ',,.,nb ru.{,If<luIu.. ~\\ "r~.I"''-'1<

Il><"''''',.,........'''''.d II) Ilod.t.<1Jk.,.. ..."
..,"''''"oI..;p-.;Ioronc,orwdo ..."..... ......
l ' l~LI ~ '(;q

'''''Ult~.''. ~"""",,""Cer<Iob>
\l1I ... ~'''I ... (; ..... -

.. __ fI'''' "Crn.6 ....... G

"G)'nuuK~,l) ri"l11 imcrlCXlu l11' mll~. r.YlllnlM.·JJyd"lllkic~Jinb-ii Fermn <i)lllnucalyciullliccanulll

Tltrr<wd """,,,u1 w, 11,", " .... " .. ~l.~., 1('S/l lIt'l ~I""" "'....... dtrrt>o<d. P't}-p«n. ~~."'. ~ q ..... (1I{lul.)B.& R
bn...Jan.ll,",~n5-6 ... hrn.d.~h,"
"""""'''',Mn'''''fJ<_.... ,."",,,k II!IoJ··WI(,cl
I." ..", I....
:.:~~='~ I!d""·" ... ,,"""" ...........'" ,., ..... ,. ~ '1J'1IIl .... 1.. kq,.
t ......... >Mod"",,, ...,.. oI~'J"'DU
68 (,\I!\()C\U(:lll!

Gymmll-·:d)ciunll1l;l7.aucllS(! IlU,g G)mnoculp.-ium nK'sopotam icum GymnOClllyciummiham"ichii

\1ars< ........ n<.j""""<. .... ""~ • ..J~~~l "inlin!!" (Iri(-& (jrn:rll')ll& R
B.dcbr", !"""Ih< .. mr,,,... r.d.rt.l!jl0/!pml!~1
.". ~krn"' ... "(w:"""~"Iu~;"nd"'.,' • .,!~., l ,m
""1Od. dot\.. I,,," pu..) p;=n. I' 7em !onto: t.. ~ .• ,"III
1I,,1OId. """""aI. brrurr"~~ ..... 1.k~.MId "1'.' ~ ,m
""..,I."'n<IIIt).""'....bIopl..... h<:dI""...... ..-.I
J><uh ..... oJ I.ifl, '."r .;,• • pint,"'."'.... m.J~"I'<
,.".'''' ' ..... I'f<''I .... I' ....... II'Nli(,I'I'1 ~:.~~'~t'~"J'=..:~r:=;,:~:~::~rr;'~ I,
_m"'...-d ........... J'I"_I.,,~I"""'" •• no:oI
''''"" ~"'" r; .....-.D",(; P"''''""'''''' ''''''""'"''\'F""
... (>ro."""ult.<Jm<_ """;...... ,IfMII81!(.t1

G)m nOOllycilll1l mom'ille; (I~m.) II. & R. G} ,nnoci,l)ciurnrnuscri:lI1 um &huetJ. G) nUlOC"llI)ci um mostii ((jueri.c) II & It
Ihl)"~.>;>htnt.l.",,I011'mK"""-oI. I k,.....\(~"""nt.d.up"'(;<m"'..,...nd 'Qrmhop ~, ~,mpIr.hkn"' ........ up.,!.l,... Iuf:h .oJ."' ..., fill".
, .....,,,"''''..,..) """'-k ... Iof;h.Jrt<n.nupI08""''''''' .!uI<.,Ih,rtdrtIllrtIF«Itw-tlp·IlIISI "~"'8, .... n~,,""'lln'.lun'j .. 'u'" (t .... 'k)11lh,:
.oJ bnlOld •• ~ik. oIoCft 1I..Jwd ..... prnI..lI P 01!.'>1 ,.".'.. ' ..... I'f"" .... '-Conlob....... :.. ....,... 11 lh,n".h"".oCh""'''''''''III'l'II'I>I''1
'''''J.lWI ,~" P......' '"""B" ~ ",IIooh, ... ~L,""''''''
""u",,u,GJ.d..."'... ""."'''I",l"",_,{;h,,· ...
(;\ \\\()C~1l CIl'! 69

Gymnocal)'cium multinorurn (j, mntK.'.dyci urn nidubns Illhg. G,'mmlC"~ lyci um nigrian:obtum lI~bg.
{I look.) II. & It ""'w) t. .. 'rlo ......... uproJOCOIhq;lr I') \~<111 Ilroa.Jh '!'f!<'nul, ~"","."1' 10 I),....... fl
1 1<","-'I~ftrm '''lI.hHnr:<..",''''hc'''''''1' la~''' h'p.
W ... ~<. '" II ,m, hnJr~; >1" ...... WI) ,~",t>k..
""n . ...... n .. "'blcP_""""""bo;~" ..
(i. no..,.,,,,",,, ~ (i. ~.i""",,urn f""" tho .. m< 1:<"",,1
""...... ""IIpomb.. ·.h., f"Jnrlotr ............
....... bI>d ..
,Q\l~ ... tll1'.. rd .... n.. IIP/(j(1
k ...... n"1" O ~'m '""I.r"nLk> .Irno ....·""".Thc ... ""'J .m I(S·I·III Iw,r.,.II."\""""... C...."",,..
'_'.lI."h,ntho>p<O<'IBI7I1I'/1)11~1 ".".'''''~'' \~, ... \w....
I....... '." \~ ...... C....... "".nd~nl .. ~

G)'mnoc;rl)'ciurnoccultllrn G) rnnCM.'II.lycium I':lcdi ol'hilum G) nm'M,::d)ciumpnan7ii (\·pl.) \\ erd

Frk~\ So:h",·IJ. Min. r\ Sch u~tl. I~d\ .." blJ<.ro5(tCnlIC ...... """ Jm"I. I'""" j , ..
........ ,II"'(''''-.J111.1II k'''Jbll .. bcaoul'r· . ....
IHIU'II' nll~J
""'hn.r,.. bo«.turr
"""""h ......" ns.;".broad,ctnm\ ............
(I~II,~.I" I I
""".nd"""".• bir<lo.m...1""L .........UI........ '
rioJnndt"""(Urdj lJm. . . . OII/j>up<'fo:lII
1... ,._,.,,\IJ<"l.... \(~...:tSI .. R.... ,''', ..,, 1~" P....... C<n9I.- d,A ......... f_"",."ao.(I 938'IP'DI ISI
.... ........_
_ _ C _ _ •• ,G .............. ..
70 (,\ \\\OC II\ClL I\

Gymnoc:,.I)'..,;u m pR3nz;i\'. hI~,";U"sc nsc (,ymm"-,,l}ciUIll I,;ltliurum Shu~lf G}rnncR-alyc; urn 'luell!;,,"um
(C>.rJ.) l)on. S, ...... II,"'·r><Il~""'L".IQ,·mh"".ndI6,m~,1l ( H J~g" jT.) Ikrg
nIl',,''''' """,!I «......',,"'" ... onb<."f ..... iC"'<'I'
J ,m~ ~,nd ("... br....t.rinL..h. W!8, II' ,IlHS] 1 \On .. rUb" """,'",,, plo .. , I""" ••• h.~ "'" ~OkII
1"Il'<" ....)I ...... l'JZ/IP/ ll1l.'I.'."·~... ((;.rJ,II~ ... '"".,," ,~,~ \",""" ... I ~ RIO\O, ~1<1"1" 1,1>."" ....~, .. d pur><ot. ...., "ft," d.llrn"~ '" ""m<~ ... <I<w!..
11uo... ;II...>I>,o"h."",·"",..p;""·'"II'NIliIl' IIHSI !1oo,k,.., .. u."'J,"'''''..J·,. ..... ''''M .... t<ddo..h1l
11~"'u. r...,.IJ.i"'.,....d) ."h ........., ,,*,,, "" "("m """" ~b", _odo, ..okh..h
'h"'" ILSPIWdJII~1
'", .. '.. ' ..... 1"',"""•. 0><""""
"lI"R~"'" c .~''''Q''.' /I.;,.,,,...
, "' ... ""' ... b~ _~h., 'he ""' .... ,

GymnOC".d rci urn mgune';; C.,rdllnos G J"mncR~dyciu m ri1tcri~num R3usch Gym nocalyci um sajdionc (Cds) U. 8.. R
Smll1 """'nb/) ll>.n<r><Il. ~rni;h-bruo" 11 "" .. 1 ,m
' .. ,.Cf<>"'I ... h;Ic •• m. d"I«d' h ~,,' II.SJt,Lj
Simplcurr"nni""""-'n!fOOP'.hor, ..... ,.opi"lloli..... /< ""
,h<uJ'!'<'J'I"'.of,,,,, .. oJ) 1l6.'i ... 1ooti:~75l'm.""'''
~ ....... , "" .. ,10 .... ""'-'d tl(onI)
Ii"l':"d ."h ,"nl IIPl)lI~1
J, . . !.onc.• bn,

lIl".'"l '""'. ~1J<f''''''' c...m..<. . h",. ith'l"k,ioId.po"llh""'I"~ IP/])IISI

I.".,", '"" \r~n,," •. I~ b"".ncllr.nuo",
';::::':::~I.", l'l<"""' ... 1"'C:....,."... nd

",,,t.~,,,,,, R..,.~.IJ",,,,J.,,,,,,,,
(;\\\\f)(II\tIL\l il

G}mnCl.:"I)(;u"'~hal~l;anuJU G)'Illnoca l)d ll mschich ndantzii Gynul ocalycium schrocdcrianllnl

Slrij,~ & \\ Till (\\ei'l,)ll.o1 K '~11 Ost«n
1~""n.","'·J·I(Io ... ,to'.,I.o"'~Jr,,",flj ~<m
........ , j,,""'i--b..... d, .b", ."b • Jr'<'<"t>h •• Iu" ,b n~'
....,'I"'''''... ,~,.'''bk ~l""".)",,~...,.h,""' or t~"" ""'pit.d<1'f"'><1l,"P '" h"".
t.',m bruW ,nd ~ ....
riIoo II 18 1-1 "" '" 7 ,'m lon~ .uwl.I.1 em br",J •• b,n'"
Il"Il'l ~,(,( I I"ol"" ,"<I.. ,ji(Io...S<·h.) llll!f,"''''''''''"«r-Lo.- , boj<n"" Io..><'~"'I!: ... ,,,,,,I""'l<m.. """", """,j"m
..1o ....... nJO>n<'nd>loJn<''f"'''-"'
:;;:':. 't:~'lh"''''''''', I'n....~'~ u...." I,.... IIlil-{~ 1"11
lorwd,oolA"""f '<"IIIkq: , "" ......... to,>Ion/::
.... """Qll,.n . npbo<ri(oo.",J ...... l'1""'"' ..
, '... ""'"\rrrnmo.c...w...,T"'..... 'lI"" 7'" """"'" ""'''''-II ~ rIl l
''''•• '''''(;,.~,' .........,,( .... Iocta ,~" •• '."l_I......"'''''''I'''''\'JI<'"'IIU
I,....... """ ..... )

Gynmuo:alydllm s.:huctzianulll GynI11 0C"~I}O:;ul1l sigdi;,nul1l G) mnOCllydum SJl!'ga7,7,;n;; IJ. & K.

Till &.SchJl/.1
lu_d ·""""l.o f.~
Ile"' ........ ,,,klr-Lo"" "" .,I I<"M
.... ..w17".hroH.oIF.. n.... fll, Ie-
(Schicl) Berg-
Il.olI<lItII"'''' .. J .... M....tfl(lirll t lo ....... ",Io!<d.,
~unpIr.~·p .........

I>nood.Sj>inahon\<n\:uu'*'j.""""h. ~_n ...... olo'{'l"ll
.... Il ... IO ; e-1un(Iond
""1C __ .... _ , . , . .... . fWIlIInJ<

w...I Rf"'"'''' (., ....... \~ ..; IrHIO/oll" nJl< ,"',.... , .... \".... .... LonJ.oIto
..... tHt~1 111,1O,lrIHISI
,1l'>, •• '."~li>nIuho ....... LRlloI<Il"
II".-I ... M....I
~= 'k" \'P"" ....... t:..-.-.I
i2 (,\\1\11(11\(11.\1

Gymm ...~II~ciul11 Stel lalu", (Speg.) Speg G~ml)Ucalrl'iurn strigli3I1U", Jegglc G} mnoc."at)ciUlIls uncria nUI1I
O... uf d....."', ...... hlo:'f'«l<' l "th'~""",I!uJ, IIW) "",,*.blu""-1'<' 101>r..... n."I',,,_;,,,,h,p..oo (S~hid) Ikrg.
!b",.......,10rmbn..d,p"<)o.h, I>roon""<~b!.oo.l"""· 8,,,, .... ,,,,, 11 ~'mbfw.J, ).'" ."".<"""" .•1,,, ~""_II,n,..."j-<oph<f>..lfll.rj:< .• h.",,..,..nI.
~""".,!<,,,,,l>ntan'.I>I."'.. ,,rUhk,n,,"ml..,,.oo ,uffU«J ~nh ,"ol.I\1 R)~~ /II" lJfI~1 pm.lI'lIIlsl
Io:n~f16","""".~h"""_"""""" ''' hl>~;,h;"'k ,.,"'HI,M,,: \rgm' .... \I.,.Jo; .....
"",-if>, 11~7'l / W/ I )IISI ,"-" ..""'"".I<J<1'''.... C,..okoI>.
","'.,,,,,,,(;. .,""... . 00,,,,,,,(; .. ,,,,"""', .00
;;':;;;.•~,"~...... Cllo:</,.,.. ....'(,·""""".

'G)'1n llt)c3Iyciu"'t,mingacn_",,' G)mn.",al)'ciul1l li1li3nu", It.useh G)mnocalycillm IIIII;\c Ito

U ...... " ..... ~"I~dHl.botIi<-d_lI'll2;W, IJ IISI ~"npk, "I' '" 10,,,, h'l'h ,00 IS nn .. n"... ~""-~"''I- FJ..u.""d''('I><rril. U~." ~,.", hrp, ,00 11 rno "'~~~
Flj'm.....,.n,"'bn...,J.' ... I{S-~111 ~<),"' .~'''"''.''I'~,J,'"''' ..... ''' FII,·m."'II'od""-"'J..
''''''''''-'"" \'l"'"'"''~''''' \......w ~h"" I{~V I)II~I

", "'. ,,,,,,.UJ,,,....... C;I.,..,.J ........

(; ....,......... U. ...,r......... <. ..IJ<I"... (, .. ,.......,....,
(; ...."'...? ... /;"." • .J.... (;""'.,..

'Gpunul'1ll}cium Iud,,,, \ . izowgsii ' 'G)'mnoca.lycium 1udal' Gymnocilycium uebelm:llmi:mulII

s-dk."'""'h"".... on.uh .."""""""'_«.".ol ,'.~ udonml acocatpu s' (Ilkbg.)Don R ~uS(:h
'fio<. IIV(,q fl.II<nCO.p.bJI,o •• J,mbruod.ncI.lrnlhrp. . ..II>tn"", !"mf!Ir.A. II<I'I<d-p;.bui>,.I ,mh'(dI>fI<Iurt»l""
I"'I~'H' I~" I~~'\J>. ~'" .. e"". 1/"~ 1I "-,,,.. u""lh ,nl<J"".~,n, '1""" 1 .\ WV(,q "<11Il6, .~h .h"~ur>""".lI'rtII.l\h > ..., bIo:M:Mo
""u"""(;i~".(;""o;,·,,·~,,_ 1""lJ"~M".I!uIo' ... <alIdo."",na.,"""Jo.< 1· 1J.5"",m, ... 'rh'l"nll""""
1~,nl __ '~"~So< ...... \.1oIc-o.

G)lnnocal)'ci um unlgllayc nsc GYlIlnocalycium nllnicckianum Jaiu Gr mnocalycium\"attl'ri lIu in.

(Ar«h.) I!. & 11.. Iln>&dhlf>h<<on>o"ll.Ionp.. dllP .. J(J, .. hch~,r. ~ "'" h;po. 9 rn'I b,,,.d. nun '~~<'r«'" '1""'"
O''''''''''",h... _.,h<MI<J ........... 'wo, ...... uf,t.!lJOOI)·pna. Il S ... b<uod, .......h • ",,",~....I)I ] ~15<W1kq.od l ,'"IIouo4 .• hll<~ilh
..rl-rr< .... fbol< .. d.p.,hWrt.r..l.. ll ~<,.Ioo\f.'<..... mIol.... dI""l IJII~IIP/GCI • ff'IIob>IIIhnOlIQ,/tiCl
, .... ,.po<>I.IIIR.1\()jr'/IHI.~1 '.".... I...... ~Cordob.o ~1II,"[~".\~~~","t.,.ndor._
""'01"'." L_ "1!.l'~'''vC __
""•• ,,"'_, (, ....... C; _ _ _.C ~"'-
74 (,\ll\IJCIfIUlll_10111111

G)nlnu........ )ciutn "ci~,iantJm IJ~~. l..tuchtcnbi:rp3principis IlooL.. Lobi,';a acanthoplcgma ( 1J~hK".) nl~.
llnooJkp.t..", .... "'~{,.h~Jnd H ......".,..lNn
'''''''' .•,..... 1l''''~< .. ln>1r.. ~.1rMro ......
~"""". ",o/F.. """.od! .,.. """')"U""' .... .1 ""'"
8 ,,. IooIf. ~<..", ,. root ID/PIII
1I,....., P< I-"..~.LI«IlI.<"Lr .. I'I6;p l";ml'IO ~.
lUo'cno.-.I.t<IobulM.up",I)''''O<nM. <>pO fl ;".
~h"""'p'nL"'h . rLo,I."Ih",,~ l'rub'bI)·""""",tIrr."h O<nM."d ....'<n.,'h.I"''l'k''''''nICVPlll
tj. ....,.......... "l<it, oidul.n' .II ~>IIF, .. t;q
'""0""'." (",\lk'MI.

'~''''"' , ..... Ik~" ... """
\."'''''"",,10< """'0" "'" R..
", ~"''''¥1-,'-''''''
.."",-I.•,.uN.U";" .......,.,..,.... n. ___

L(lbi,i~ ~(1l mhoplcpn" '", .,lig:olrich" Lolli"iI, u~~"uh()I,I"gm:I'. l'all1l" K~u'>l:h L"hi,';:,acmllholllcgnml'. rusciflorn
(CIr,J.) lh'lo;ch ', ..... H.",n«i-JloJllulat.ilr1pr,,.-.")-v«",up'" I;,.. Rapso:h
~"""'. I~"""'f", ~ __ h" 010'",.:.1 ...... 10 em ........ " ...., .l J-.I""'"h .... bIoo.l •..,J .. ",.,.<,.""'.. \,,,.:.obI) ...... lI.rnrnnlrlund><pm ..... ,hI«.--.

""",!lr" ,~"""" .. 010:""" ... ,...... "'doo:popubflrrll "",,*, ~ .. ~ I~\\I'IO, III .~ ... n .......... , ...l,.., ...."rroM. w_" ....."".
1""".hd,tIr< ....... ""_~ ,nJ·3.5<111bnrer1. 1."I111\I."IWn"'a..,.. ......""""""""''''' • .. ""' ......... (U/~\l 1
...t.---..... ,..Icr.",., I\\Bjl~-J,J~llIl~1
""· ... "" ....,.,J.rnd·...... fanuotr .... ~ ...
....IrmI .... ~uI'....,'......... ...-.
IJ.'I.,.. 'k" 1I....... ..-dTi<oqut
' ..... '\,y .• ,.,,"""'.1. WWI . . . . . n ...
''''.... '\\S_,.I..,.."._.... ..., ... ~

. ..-.,.r-'-q.,.n.1.
1..,......,.....".... ( ....."-,......--
1.011111\ 75

lobi,'i~arachn3camha lJu in.& Rill Lobh'iaarac hn3(".I.Oth3".densist ta Lobi,;aaurC3 {u'& R.) Ukbg.
O/fIctI".,.b<.dsw~< .. hro.Id n",~nn~ Rausch s;;od<d.bod)~I'"dong.'cdur"'IO ....
•. ..",....; ILo ....... (C.uJ.)IILbf;.(f"""C""'... p.o. f)''''nru''''''dhj, .. d<..,."",."",,,o,,.,,.ru,h·mlopin<> h¢! .•;'hH Jjl<u!<.R.p ..ti'..h._1~10,........J
Roinil)"I"n ..... <k""".I\u..,,,mI.,· .• ulphu,<a\"'l" "p'"20 .... Ionc.&nd;"n:d ..... <,,1S""'~.IL.. /(;q 1.... ~ .. J."'1'd.rl"."""'lI) t _wn"' 'II''o •. th"L".
lr....p_.. f'I,B"J,I).)~'<rP'«n,I< ..."H'<I(.,~ up,u3<miontt, ~1 9,mkonJ,8< .. b<v.od.I.""",.).IIo~
..... I"HW/ IP/( ,(:I IPI8S/fPIflIfSI
'''IIII .. '"u_,.fa,..,.~·,,,,",,,,,",,,~,.-.JIw~
r."""...... sJy............... ,·,J/ftJ"".&r.
on ...
,.",., ........ ..
H"'" IAr..,,,, . ,........'A •• J.: ."""...,....
, ,w/Jq<.-.ItoJiJ.

Lobi" ia m' rea ". fallu (Oe hme) R.u,.:h Lobi"ia aUTca ". qui nese nsis Lobi,; aaUTc a ... shafcri (u'& R.) Rausch
SinP··r.'""'n8 .....118fW1".'4' .. -IO<"'h,~bl8'm. (RauSl:h) RauSl:h S.... Io2.'i nnh.v.b)' . 'm;"I';""iontt",· InoromaII.
~'I" ...,dW1J1/c:S/PIII Srngk.",""-<")I..-.J",,,I. ""'"lZ .... hogh hj 6"". (11 .....,)R.""hfro..,s", I."" . ...,..f).lOllnnh,p,iI)
6cm.dms<lj,<"'.... d.,1h.httishbnsd),opi ...... IJP/(;C1
Mm •. S ""ndr l!>Io",.n dt ....""'... d.~""lo6nn"'"'"fll"-k).no-.
"''''·~''''''Ai-'''·foU&>,~ " ",,·[JI.<l.
1I~"""".,..tfO"Io,."...,,, ~':.~:~":'M" \IJ<DI ..... s", I .. ~ bcromo QI,,,••,,,nd "TIl'" '.~''')I. JMi:;'gliu.."".I. '''''1'''-
1.lturom.tIa; Ln.-...a...·J. Jnui..'.-..e.n.--u.·.
m'u.H"'"IA, ........... c.,. ,,',."". . I..;'-"_u",~
i6 10nll il

l...h;,;;1 bar~('hI:"ti; (\\erd.) Illbg. Lobi,;abruchii 1l3. R. t ohi,';:ll':t;nl-.m:l C:lrd .

~~r:~'!~:~..~:~~:::~~.i..,"':!.~".p.... "'.Ib?ll .... "" ...... ..,""'-1"I ~tftI...,.,., .,.,.,,,,,. UJlIb?ll , ...'!'h...J ~ , .. ,'~l 117 , .. ~"'II
""'pr,.!IR\11 IIPlrHI~1
hn(!l"'JI'<,n f1 "'d~, ...m'I",, .,.h .~h,,< 'h"'" l"'I.INII""'\\rIl""IInl.T.Ii ...II .... ,.,'"'" '",' I!,~,\\•. R" (~ ........ , "I..",.. "
,.,'.,,~ '"'" 1\01",.. ~'#ol."", ..... Oil I.. I'" ~~:".;;::';:.~:''"'W ~". r J-o, ~.h

!..ob;";:lchrys;,m ha (\\crd.)lllbg. Lobi";a chl')sochctc \\trd l.ohi" iacinnaharin a (l lool,)U. 3. II..

S, ..... "p ~,""'..,,, ....."h.L.rp.,,,.. 11>3"" ....... ILodjllrn(',...!·p ......... ",?ll ....."""''''''.... .I0.•• '1""" "'~"'''.tbnrn<d.~I"."p'"I ;'M .. 't<,,, '1
"n.... odI."'dth .... ' ',hjJHK')n.R ..... h ..... , ..... 10 .... n~ .....;,x.,'""fI<.m:ltoml, 11 ~ ' 1I1 6 ~ 'M """".I t..t.. Z!8/Q,/rlll
ft"'rp«lm:lI(S I'111 "....n. ... IR.u.:Io)K-'o(loo.n .... I.""""'><llo
''''llJlII,",'Itp"'''............ ........rI'unuT.w 1<a. ..... h-...~,. .... I\.I,:...rl(Srlll _, .... klIuo.., ........""
1"' 11'111 ,",,_lkIIo.u.• olt>r"'..r.nound "'~"'. ,......
'lnICoi ...... IRlllr.I<ltdo......... ZO ... 9r-. ......n
","'.''''',I .... ,._.I,II4<o''-'-H. ...,.".
. .... t -
.,bId,fl ...... ., ....... II"*"•• S.. I_1o "''''.. """,'... ,''''''~IW,f.-,..-.,_.,..........
1. ~~/
1.... "'Iot) 1.."• ..A..... ,.IIm,..ta.(. ....,..,..-"""
1. . .-.-,..I. ..... ,._~ft.I,...- ... /.".~

''''''•• '.'' ................ \0.-.. ,~-
""."','\11",.--'0. ..._1__ ...... , '.......... 1
1.011111\ 77

Lubi,·ia l'illnat.:lnna ' . d n~~ knan;1 Lob;,;a f.1marimcnsis (Spt"g.) U. 8. R. I....hil'ia fcrox B. 8. II.
(R3usch) Rau>ch :..,I'''''."r'',Jj"""~.,,",,h.thh) "P.",,0.1"I !>OOun . .IO·1O<mh.,:hh>JI.I<m."I'''I',"IS<mton,:.1l
SoIIUt).""IOI;""x~~ ' fl7 ........"f<M levl'lll .1 .;,,.,,.:r,,,,,", ... ni"anrn,;>~,"><h;,,,,,,,lO<mh"" 9-11,,.,~6 B<mbn.,.J."h~" .. "h.''''_l"'nl.
,,.ji,",,,,",,, ~1"r,,,9<m .._(fh .. S.nJ",n) IL~/rl\1
''''"'''' '"" I~j" ... \1~";10 ,. jodl.I.,..;, K,.""':,""*""""" .""",.~"",IIt, (...-., '~."""l '"". I,,, .Ml........ .,J. r"on ~ltuh' m\ l!o1~u
,,,II'. ,''",.I. J,.. ~.", .. J,d"III\\Rll7llP i IH(SI 'ol'tlntunu ...... I'l', .. i...
~~:.:.::~:,.:"" \'lC""''"'. I.. K.",. ,n ,t.. t ",,"'" "''''''''''.,
,,....,"".I. ' ' ' ' ' fr'»
t. ,.... ",.,,~,.I.. """
... M,..,~p....
"'" •• , " ' " "'",""",."""> """'*""'".... rk.."lJ"~.I.,..,.,... I.,,,,L, ... ~p.,.

Lohi"ia f"rn~ ,. longispina Lobh;a ~'Tandinom B. & R Lobhi3 grJndillorJ \. cmssic;;IlI1i s

(B. & R.) Rausch Sho:<1-<")hndric.indJlMl",I<I.".,'olOcmh,pblIO"",- (Uk~.) Kausch
11'0'01> "",Ik,. ~_"''''<' ."'"1LI"<ntd.<. )<n.",. "omfli"1· 1"18 mun ton,:. 1(;5/1'111 s" ... Ii "" h,~ ,nol11.\ em .........,. ,off""",,. ~l
pm! or 'n!.of", .... n<h "1><mn,,"': """ ,,( .i!d I"'I~"'I ,." \'1<"1"". I;"" ... n·" ... "'''''' \,.j>lpl, 6 8 "" ~"'~ [1_VI'\11
...... """. [P\l1 g~1II1 .,.j(~'""1''''' ,",""'1 I.". \'~n""".C.un"'ffi&.I~ I""",,,
'''''.'~''",' \ \fJ<n"","~l~~,,,,. ",,,,.,,'1'-' ~"', .... i,,",*,,.l .. ,,,,,,.,...,"""nt. ""nX"ILI.,.IIm".,~t".~ ••""'.I'"
(111110 ,,,,., I,aM"~""", I. •••,./il..,... 1I<Iw.,.......... "."ifoo"',.II~,."...-",.,.. •...~~B. &. R. _ It~-.I.. ''''''u••,~. 7~oi.7mI'
/.. ~ ..... I. J.. ~,."',".,.n,jI.,..I_u,"J"". IMi';"~,,oJ" J.kjou;"
/............ /.pKlif/-• . I'onJoM.r ..
i."1-',,, ... P ..II<w
7M 10111111

I.uhi\'i:lhatmalnnlha (Speg.) H.& R. hacnmlantlla '. ambJa,'cnsis Lobll'is hacmalllnills I. dcnsispinll
!.oIn,,,.I-IOcm "'1" h< b-7<m 115-7 <mlon~....J (Rausch) R~ usch (1Iml,) Rau""h
brood. ",d~'" . ~hrt<th"'''.I I\K1 5l1L~. I'\\1 '''''''I'''''i"
\, ,,,,,,11) ..,(;"" lcm h'''' It) 3cm«ol"'.... S-o.u".8cm high ..d 1,m><"",,- ~16-8<111t.-o...l
,.".,t<\,." '0
1'J<1'""..Sllu.11 of (:..-t., I"!t'''''''' 'U~"·""",.Rd bm>mi"ll mU<h mot< b' ..... <\ongII<oJ). ~l 1(::S/~\ (1
,_cl",.,.;\Io..ft""'IR,,,,,h) k."",h (iIl"'-); Iood) ~'m 6 IO,m .....,...I~n.".-"'on.""'·IIS6~/C;/PIII '''''~"\ I.,",. IlJ<IInno.)ul\ll ...... T....o.\"><
><""" «obi." or """""11"1<1 ~1'" otI< or ... off,.., ~l 1""kl.,I.":IIJ:<"II"no,lmbb,, U",u'\\II"/", ... '/.fo-"_·""
",-,"o:<-«d .. «d. ~ ·Scm K......
,"-"""'-"." 1""'""... \lol<h<l.bdcIT'~o.
, ...~
... ~,....ulr,.a."",,,,I."""
h.tA ... A,in .....1£
",,,,.~,,,,,. , . .... .m1.; ... mn",...."

Lobi"i" h'lcmal:1I1lha ,.dong:lIa"ia hacmalanlha,·.hualfincnsis 1.,>hil·i:1I",,,malanllla" . L:ud1l1ri chii

(lllbg.) R3usch (Rausch) Rausch (I'ri() Rau",h
"'oIi"~.k' lO ..... high '" h,", fl ,-6 .............. ..... ,~,l .... ><_.,Ih.-.pur"'~ClIIlon'l1 ~.Iita" I<lumpll'l' ,. <ul"\~ ,,,,,,) ~ -h,m "'''''''. 11 «~,
1\\R!l/e,· I'\ll ;jcm>m",-,•• ,,!:<.ml",ml~"h ,.11", Ill.,., ml"""~f<oJ.j,m"""'·I \\RBIIIC;I I'\11
~~~''::.'~D,~'l''"''''' S.~ •. I~.. I.I',,,,.,
,,,,,.1111 I.". IIJ<II""" c...nurr., oc.,. 11 .... I"n
'HHU"\\',.I·"...·uiJI·"""&··{tt*'m "II""""'" 1.J>r. .. 1P.n(/iu, I. Jnfl""'''&''''''
/"tn<" ... I.",I"O ,..,
I (lHI\I~ 79

l ,oh;,i~ ltucm.:I1~nlha ,'. n:bUliuitk1l Lobi";a henrichiana Blbg Lob;';a hcnrichian~ '. simplc~
(!Illig.) R~uSl;It ......."I .. 'n'·h<aikd<~...m ....... ha.J,""I08 .... (Kau>ch) Kausch
l"hhOOl ~J"''lhu, d",.,..""",,,,, .......... h<'''' .......,. 'flO"'' ' ' "'1 , froon'fN"",I'MI""'", to Soh"". ZO""''''JI!t., 1 ~"';<>I'<I""" ""10.' .. .....,
J-5cm><M>. 116 8,'""" ...... ~hn •. ,.!.,..·.Ot'n,l< ok .... ,nd .... 1'" 6 ...... I. ~.,,,,,), ~l bn"" Itd~,
n I ''" .......... I<'d ....h. ~... "< 010 ....' (II M ~2.11U;/~\11
M.p... ,...... 101'111 !!(IIIPIIl.ISI c,''''''''' oti"" ...... . ...... ohrull 1~\1!;8/1IS/~1I1
:=:"\"..<V. . J""".'~btw. .... '"',.,"' t." ~..... 1"'1
'''Ht.'''''"I..., .. .&.;....... I.Iro.'''''':t:t,."". ......
""U'I"".I.-m,,,.,M.JIro. .............., .....
'-'.I_~_ ... I.I ...... I_~.II.~_.J...' ..IO.
"" .. """, ...... ..1>0,,....," ..".'-,011-11....
'-~.I ......... t .........1U1J--_,·,
I. 1M""" I............. 1..,..... I. ""~.I.1m;
I. .... r lMui,\.....w.. ...........:..\,..,r-..

Lobi,i~ jajoiana I!lllg Luh;,ia jajui'Ina ' . ni~.TislOm't 1.llIti,i"jaj,,;ana,. paucimSlala

lIoIil.ln. ,~tbolor. ""~, ~'1n ,,~~ ... ,..." "" h' J ,In ...... (lluin.) Ulbg (Kamch ) K~uo;.:h
- . " '. ... ol«l11""k'6j,"'bn""'.'...,....,mI ..h. SoIo ..... ..-.""<blpocd""IO'<-.""""''''' "'"P'1......u..".n..p.oI&t""" .. "d.".lJOtI).ol.
......, .. "'I··, ....... h, ........ <"' «I_IC~/ I'\ 11 ""I06<.............. ~ .. bIIcL.~l108<-._ '''''''''1<rb<lcillld<oI .... ,.....''''.~" 11 S ...........
... ,.,.. '."1"'....... 1......... , ...... _ ... ...,Ju:lt.bIo<; ~ ;, ..... In..... mI ..... bIo<lln ___ IC'>· P\lI

"' ... ,"M,.I_,.",.,_.I~ _ _ .. (llt~'I':-, rill "", .... ' .... ..",."......Sol ..............
,... ,.... ,."I1Jnto_Qoorbra<b .... l l _ . ''''•• ,~'''' ,In.. ~,,,. .. __.
, ...... _,r, ..... J ......'..
,,".... \'d'<'Jn .. :'~_.I_",,-1o.-._
MO Ulnll!l

I... ..,i,·i~ lil'~ l in~ i J(~usch' ia larae urd tobi \'; abl"riti~ (GutrLr) 11& J(
.,.,."".p......1If~"'1)<nI"'_•. 119<...,.-""". 'i<oIoun."I'.,IO, .. , . _ ..... .ond ....... ~~."" !>oolio",}•• ,'iOcmh"""'lO,... _!,>k-Il'",,k ...
"'_.m! .....""""'. ID. 1'111 oul;,· .. k""l<rnlf.I.,6"" .. o.....)f16""""" .m"'''Ih'''''.... ;n'·'oI. .. '<'',· •• ''hm •• "'''''
101-".'"' ,~" IIJ;<,," ..... TlI£um.J"i"' ... ~ ....... II!' nllsi "''1'<011..... h~,. ","t !'...... , ,~ .. .,.,. ".J • .-I'nm~ ..
(}u,Im<, '~".'"' ,." I'"h"o. Tu...·R.. e.. "'" . .-1 flU) "",,01>~ ;"" mI<'<I'''<...... '"''..''''''" .. ~''
,rlk..... h·r'nl."""u,·II'11I7.111 11
""no""" '... 10<-, hn/,oqrti '''~''.;'\\\f'.I'*no,..'lnJlif,. ..... I.. .Ioo.I~,
I~"II""~.' 1~~ ... ~""'r>«><J ........ lh<ml>f'.... tJ
""'''''''''1...... *1,...''''
"" •• '''''''..I."." ..'''''''.I.~,...
I.. ~.II~"" .......... I.,.,.,...,,-

I"'Jh il i~ I:nc ril;;! kUPlJoCriana L"bi"j'lnlarsoncri (\I erd.) m bg I... ,b;'·i:.nmxirn ili:m" ( 11~J "cr) B1hg.
""""''1. "" "'8<.. ..,......,,~.""'" l.lphJ<",<'I''''' I.
I .
(!ILlig.) lC ~u...:h \1"IJ"".ullu"'.,"' ....'u"u'I ..."'" ""., IOn.........
';oI, .."."I'0l1O,.. """"'8nn.'I"........ rI.."""'l"" 7 ..... """ ~'"P 1116 , .. """". I t.... III .. d .,'" 0 on! 115 """"" ..""l". I<OM.< •• ",,'. I. 1;"j.".. (R •...n1
<.-'" .. ".. ..
~ htt· ....... . fIIbnll",o(IUt.,.1 "'",",.".-.Iln,.i~m(mbt:.)K""'·h~, .... R." ..~i_\"'_~"hn, .......'"I ...... ft."" .....
"'" 11
Ro_""'~.rI.~ ..
,<.. Ion!:Md.-...mI
...... IO_~lll,'"'bto><J(1'...
r....... "') II ~7fI,'C';'r"l
c.w...\"" 'PM' 11.l5!1(,~"'\l1
"'.. "Ilk....... \1.1 Il~
'~'l.'.'"'" ~""""""I ..u·r",,...
''''•• ''''','..... ~,.tuhrilono:
II~ ..

h" •• '''.' ,............. 1.""""&'.'"

I ......_.I.,.,.........-... .
•• '\I".,'..,v......,../~, .. ".~

.. .. -
''''''''' ...... ' ..........,'..........
1I._... 1~,_ I ... _."'...., .... ", .......... ,.~
101111111 81

Lobhiamaximilian3v.cacspil"'3 Lobhiamaxim;iiana,·.chal'llZ:lncnsis L"b;,;a ma;<imiliana'·.corbul ...

(Purp.) Rausch (Card.) Rau>c:1I (lIcm'I'3}R.usch
, .. """",- ... -.j'uph,lOcmhothh) ~cm;"",,, 7cm (.'IurnponJ.hnd>m,uh",.toonbt<om",,, '''',Ion,:,r>d Sr,onnmOlI"'"'''''......... ''P'oSrmKfO<O. ....... h.....''.
.,... Hl -~'mb~ ~-~'''' .. n"... ''.. n~ "~""",,,I;..,.... ..... )~""""" 11 j<lbo ,. b<-rrn..niato • ""O.~lS·hmk"'1!.ndfrm .."""JIlId.n)"...,>
'.mini.,if\on I R'".IR."><h;"'m'"~em hip, h:o I ,m. (1I1 ...)R .....h,'n ... '1oi'IAI'v.r.rm.. b rJ<chu"p.."" .-.d, .. ," .... ' .... wnkn,,;, (R.""""JR.""'hfrom
<'l''' 5 em. ~l bem ''''!l. ~ em 00.1<. C;, (h..~,,"';,i. m""'~,opinnanol.lrmlon,: .... b<mbrood s""'........ ,ni)diff"""'J-f""'~".
(!u"".II\R5711rllJll~1 ,..... ,,-<'<IIout<.IH 1($/1'\11 111;.1/1:."1'\11
.... '.'IOI' .... _II•• "u.iromC, ......... ndCh.II.,,, '"".'.... '""1101"'•. 0..,."...
(4u<h" ...... 1>,"'.,,,",'-.... ...'"'"''''",... /....,,..., ,n"" ~\"".I";r:v"'.,•••". '. '.:",n;'""""
"''''.''''''., ...·.. ,.'',._.I.~,.
,·. mini";fI,,,,. I.•,.,,,<JW'
~,,.. ... ' ......... nn'>n.I. ........"'... .
/,-.,.,_P_" ...."""""'u.I._.•.J.<',..",. ........
I. ...............

Lobi";arna.ximitimm v.>I'CS lii Lobhia oxyalabaslTa Card. &. Ra~sch Lobi\'ia panll,an:t ll.& R.
(1Iutcb.) Ra uscb 4)f1""intr: ~,," t.:odo Uf' ,,, b "" ........... ~15 "'" """ S,np.or"'l~<lu"""..,.~ .. ,lO ...........
S(ut1.-.,;h"/T"''',nl,h<.,J'''I' k,Zllrmh'!(hh)J,·m,,,,",, 1\\R1OO/Q;/~\(1 "!'in«"!,",Jrmlontr:btot""",~-"",,,,, n7"""",""
",-" . n"n 1n,.... 1l J '),·mk"".~ ~(ml{"""~'If'''''' '"".,"' ".,..IIuI" ... T."....,..
...... """di. (R."",hl R.",,·h (dl",...).f".. t:.... lhu, .....
.. .."nlj d... ,"fIl ..... d'" ",mJ II. H"m k"'ll 0, t .·m """.""".I.~,r. .. ,.w.~.. lM"""I~"" 1\oIi".,I'_dol .......... lobn
brood, I(~~/I'III
"''''.N''''_,.I..; ..... •i"....'u& IW"'. /. .•• """"~~.
"",.,", ,,,,,.IkJ,, ... \ndd,""b~ I.';'",,,,,,,,,
m,I..0.'''"' 1";,.,• ..,,,,.1. ,...,.•.".,..••
::::::.::ti .. I, ...", .."'... I ..... , """'''''''

1...,.1:1;,';a l)Cn ~lan d;; (H 'Kft) B. &. R 1..ob;,'i3 pugion3l"OIIUha Lob;,;" I'u b';"na~.. nth:o \. c ull';ncn.,;s
f'1T<M<~ ",,,,,,,,,, .. ~,h<·.ct. to 12"", ""n.''' ....... (Rose&. Ltoed.J llkbg. (Riu,) Ra u>e h
<honO<UJI,.IO<m.f15cm .,....,..,'·.lro..,'...
,1OIr' ... mI , .d~"II.~h,k'h ....,.I I·\IIH.. 111
""'.I""•. S'np<. uplu1<m"""" "''''''''''!J".I1I< ""hhrwJ S'n~,"' ..h i l"'m":',~,,,,!,2 I"",.",!( I'l~nn
N...... ....J;o).; 7.,2 "" ~"".and ~'" 1'ootir<",..1'.. ttl< .on"". \<1~", •• "."!""~ "'d II'IUIGI/III
,",,.,,,, ,." I~>I" ... S lifT""'.... ,., ~,.,~, "' ... flh"'bt...d,).lk .. ',,)cI .......... ~"""'" 1 . « ...... ".
""'''" I." I~.n"",,",od ( ,"'pon.
''''''.''''''I..J,'r.. .,.j",''.I...~,,..r .•,,•• ,..... (R,"",h) R....·h'lIbbn...k •. tLn<,ti>,
:"~::..~:~:' 1"""; .. ,.tp,....",.r.,. ..~,.t.J.I.. P<4
I. /ooI~."",~./. "" •.,.•.....-.r .."", ...,io.
1.'""-..;,"""..... I,~'.l1'.,..... I ..
1.1".,,,'•. rh..,· ....·.... / ......,....
,._w. . .............. ~">tI"".... "'ICSiP\IJ
'M".'"' I..... IkOilu/ I""",, .. botol<,...p..n. •. ~
\,1""" ,nd I.. q. ......
'- """""""",1
/.~ . ... .i"""",,,",.f. '~""'J~.r. "'''''.. &. 1J,,,,,,,,".,.I..Jm .. ~.'''',.ft.r.,~...
1."""","./. ,....,,,,,... /. . -

1..ob;,ia I)ug;onacamha \ , salil n:ns;s L"bil';a ;; Zecher I...,bh';a rus"ri",m" Ib"'lCh
(Raus.:h) Rau>eh 1)1T","",~",I",",m."\· ... ..s.d"",""d,bodI~toll<m '-<,hu". ~""'I" up h, 10 em "', ,~, H ~,,; "m ~ ..~ '"
Sro""",dum~h<odo ' 6emJ<""" h"""'5mLl'I~'m,,,ro;o.'cd·I\IR6.1;fl1'·{.q "m l\\ RI2'11I1I1 .... 1
I"RM6/L.<;{1'1I1 '~'I.I.ll~ .... lkjn ... yuq", .....wCul"' .. ,.',.,"',.,' II}:<'""". \~." ' .m,"",
"'''''H' ,.",lkj"".S.I;,,,,.nd '"~"".. "" " .~'''',I ...... ~,_,...,''''.·I~.....
1!lln. '''II'''.i4 .. ",,,,,,~&.,.ftt>_ "."'JI""
Lon l\l ~ 83

Lobi-'ian,,;,i; 11."...1. Lubi,'ias:dlens;s (Spcg.)B. & R Lob;"iasangu;nifloro Bkbg

s.,p,1i>ut 'l"nop. ' ~I"'R'"' ," ,.h""...,. "" ,,, 1,'m Sonp:. In; ..... """." <PO'" 'h,"_~1 '" 3 ..... ..,_ s.""''1·.lI.olWl«lupOJ8 .............. <$p$(llll< ...... W«I
.... "" ""..., up" ~ ,m ~''''' ••~I·,I"I"J. hh,""'oJ,· , .......... ".....""..;.(lIlbJ,)R,"""';bod........ U. ~,; (111 brood. rod """. whR' do",..,. rCS/PIII
ftIIo .. Hi ~,," ... ,,~ >.oJ, .. b'~\<'i.,,,,,,,,'I~ .. ·
.... "P'.I(\ '·\ll
duml""~._d<""~ .... ncdth'.'IIc<f><Ot ••
I l'J<"n .... ~...", 1" Rli7/DHSI
'""."".11'' >"<' ~"".n... ,",,,ndS,".. I·"'....
"''''~N.''U.... ,IMnV .. '\(I<'.!IIo«r.,....;.I.IITi'...
"'".,.. ",' I~"\ ... I\ •• ~ •. ",,,,II,,mllwn ,",,.,", r." \~",,,,,."""',,,"~.Iu.ndTOC\IIII'" thn"...&r..."_io ... I..M.,"""".I. . .,,...,...
""n."""'-,.....,,"".... Jo., ...... IP"P""'.•.,h. ~:'::.:.;:. "", ,_ I""udococllc ...;" '-- ,......"'". &. ,.... &I,.~t._

l..ob;\'i:ls.:lliciiana IIU'l!'"iasthidian:l •. lc(HaCallllla sclln: itcri C<lsrdl

\loihllc,doI.IIc .... ,'" ;,n'I •• "~>. ... ,!.P"«"' "" ...... '" (HauS('h) HaUS('h llod)' 2- ~ .m 1<",.., '"""","S, .1 J em om&, Of' "", 10
JrlIl'''''IIc", "".... d. ,h,'ho.lI '·1 i .m ...... "" roo,~ (.,u""""".I;,,,,hophjl..-m,'I"n.p..offi<""!:''P'''' dul.rtd ... h.bI.ddo""'·IC,<;/P.III
! ....... , ~"i"b,)',,",i, IR.u"h) K. u",h, ",."", ~ <m 1 1 ,'m ... ,. <lim. "u-..... ~l, j ,... """'" , ......... rtd .. ,,,,n'"\!TIO)'. ,A'l"'''.'' T""''''''n. T,~d<I\oIi<,
.. "".,,,.,,,,,,;,m,ll...-. ,,,,,,/ml.,'''
, ....,IIIRlllill'IIIISI
"tlu~""' · IMnitr,.hno,u"."*"",,,,

'"" ""' '"" I~~" ... "I~, ,~ ,.... R.. I~ .. ",,, ","'.,,,,,.,/. ...,.. It/>u. •• Ilw.I....lII.J.... .-.,
""".""',.I ...,·.....'.w..-, ..;..'"h>£l.._ ,.~~,.",..

""";,h.),,.,;, /. , ......."...,.1 /. .... ,,~il.... .oJ>"
84 1.011 1\1\

Lobil'ia schrcitcn I. sti lowi,m~ Lobi"iasikestrii (Speg.) Rowle) IAmi\';"lcgcicri,ma Blbg

(lJlhg.) Rau>ch r ..... ""<kns< .......... .,(h. .,.IiI.<"...... l1lcm .......... t""'li) lUIi,,,, . "1' . ' lOem .,:,"" ~, I ,m """ . ....
It..d,"!' .. 7<m "'""" <p.Innp! offKm"". ~1~ '"'" .......·mI ... mI·IIM)IISJ 15'm ...-"'".",I ~"'.' ... n!' ", mI, ' . ;n",;"n,;, (R, uh&
brood .......... ~.rm" ....".........
bLo<l dl .... ' '.'n""'I ..... \'l<"" .... """' .... T1>l"WIIoInmds..h, HL"".J i> t>w<, fll ,",,,,,... .1. ".I , . • l,,,;;
,.riot. ....... R,"""" .. ...c.,f}."I'0l12cm..:n"".'m.n (R ._·h)~ .."'";. "" " in,·"' .. M,,11 1<m ...~'''..
"'Ilia '\"'~. C.u.........,..."t."m "" npo· ICS!I)lt SI
.... npofll\'F""MoCauou ..... . R1O}1..,.ljCS/P\11
'.,It,,,,·,",,· IIJ<""MoT........... U"'tl<lnknllllo
OTIII.I~\\II"I..;.m."Jo_ ... I.<m.,.U....... " "".. ' "",I...,•..Jo.\n.,""'"""... I.... _"""*......,,.
l . iII""., ..... ,I.. I4llo', { ••• Ilr.,""'" .•l.,,;;, .I.
• """. I_ . ....... I, . .-A"",...,u.

Lohi\,;3 ricgciiana Wessn. Lobh·ja ticgcli'lIla ,'. cinn;,banna Lnbi"ia licgcli al13 \" ['\1$;113 (Rill.) R ~ usc h
Si"po.up,o>7cm .. m«,lLIn,n«I·p,bubt IlS';C1I\ (Frie) R Oll lc~ 11~.,j,"" "' lfmlm", r""',,,,,m,,ln· ,,,,..Jc-.jf"'''I''. 1l
.......... ""rpIo oo ' ...... ml. ' . rub<mm. R.ou.rn.tbtpb .. IlodInomul~ .. nP<(ctu_ .. <lJItrI ..... )."'.. ~ cm .. "-">. "fl..;IIo"..I R,n ) R,...,hd'ikNm"nh"'ob
~I","'''d.diff<" ...i''''·b) .,,,,,<tml n ..... ~t~ Ito. 7<11'1""""", 1111 <11'1...-. ttd .lI" ,JOIn""" lo:",,",.)~I.,.. n· lc.vrll )
d''''''>t"'''''''.IC.Vl'\\1 IIl' RS I)/Qi/P\11 t""_, ~, '.~. I' j;,,,,. ~, { T.""
, ..,·,.,8I'I1"' .)IOO,... ,,""T.n.... ,."""'-1~" 1~"'inl.s..It..MoJroOl'''HCIIO "'HI" ' '-''' ,./..;." .. ,."It.. U................ ,,''''''' ....
'''I11.1''-''''·,...... ,m.,'''''''' O1"'.I~"".,./.... 1"'O/.A,,".~N ••. /.}Mll 1.. '><;f"""""'''' ' . 11.. iIl<>N,I.,.."II.!'''''II-
I.",.." "}",,,.

Lobi,in "crsirolor Ra~sch Lobi,in wnghtiana Bkbg Lohi,;:\,,';ghriana,'.wimcnana

SoiIIH).,Iobu'.. ,,, .h"n.<)~n"';':. 5 7 em """"'. ''I' Slnj:1t(oft.nfvmuflJlb,,"~mps,"cuI""''''''').\"fIII.''' (Rin.) R~usch
''''"''''.11,,110 .....1 ~,... ",·n". ]"1" 68/" ] J<m """-",,,,cJ. 115<m OfrtJO$.jCSJP\l] Soli",),. 7cno "'rl.bmom'''1~"''<dooptcJ'n
111""'"' '"". 1~,lh u. Cuchu I"".".. 1~'nla\l1<>' .................. 11,..,....... "'" ",,",,~Iion. 118"".,:1,,,,, ""U.... f"ol • ..J<nns<.l"n~
O""",\"". /,.;",.~,. ..,.... ~r,".,,,",,,, """."""I..,·;."U"',;,ll.....~·,""",
"ltn... ~"".>-/A#rno ...""".. l/_~" ...,.

1-"h;"ia ~.c(hcri R ,us~h LophophoradifTusa (CroiL) Bn'o Lophollhonlwilliamsii

Sol"" or •.,.m"", "1f",,,,"II, hn',"",n~"""".Iu.' ]CS/P\I] (Lem.exS- D)CouJlcr
.. ~II<h.. I.b-7rm,hd.<>r0 1... 8<m ~..,. ll ~"'" rll.\!OJ"''llC)"o, \lcUrn.():ucrcum.
"""" ] ~~1 5-16/11'/ \1I
'nlUJ.'\III.,,/.. di.'If,./!/fi44
.." .,",,,,,I'ol'lJ,I><,,,,.\I,<,... ,,,,.n<llIu,nu
"'I11.'''",/...II .. :L<Iwo"·ft·,,"'''',/.. ... ~,
86 \I 1.\1 \1 11 I \ RI ~

Mamm illaria ~ Iam('nsis Cl1Iig \l3mmili:'riaalbat a Rcpp .\ \am mi llariaalbicans (1.1.& R.)lkrg-
~11l>ouP,""lud<dhttt ... «PO'''<>('Oriesits'.,.. ...... 1O r...... b",""1uI ~h"< d" ""," ofht.w. ~ .-g em """'00 1'Ll"'<i"~"I!."' ... !Ucm~"'I!.ool,'m""...t.
.11. . h.tklonii "'~'l ot..;.",.,,pp. 56'hfCSl\ll ;-g ......""".•. Iodll'-pin. N<1'I' (d .... ,) .. ""~" 1 ~·~IHI' ~ 1
.inrI<.~. I O,,,,,,,,,,,",h"'(B,,,,,,,,,",.SI.P)
,...""BlJl."'\I........ s.:...... Ab..... , . ..... i'" R<1'I'. fi.otn><"",lI''''""""C'fI'''''''n,,,hUck
,.,'Olln,." \k",u.oJ.nd>,II,.nLlLnv • ..J\.n
(';lou"," "I P)·I ~!&OIW/~I

''''''-''''"'-,11.....,'1.,.. ,/",,'',.
'.,'UHl'.'" \I<UCO. .... nl."""""'- \"",,,(:',,,,,1

Mammillariaa lbiooma l~d. .\\;mllniU"riaalbin"l"J (\Irrd, ) lllbg. ,\ Im nm ill"riaal hiianam Illhg.

C1w,..... hn ... 5 '''' ........ ICS/ P\\I h<nnW1l <"'''ron~f'''''' "" b,o" I I~h"" .I,m ""n ...... '''mup'ul5<m h"",,,, ~,'m;n7"'''''''~.'hr'·'''"'''
"",.,11\1,."" "<»<0. T"",ul;p.s."'''rj.>"""",~ ond 1\\1 ",".",~,dl\ t,,,,,,,,," <uh".,.", IW!~I

Ib'luihlWll '.""Ill, ••,II<\"",q..,,«am ""'''" , •• , \h~", ("l<rnOl. (",,"~.

" ,,,,~, \\11.' \I 11=,,,,,,..•Ii<//.,.

Mamm illaria anj::c1cnsis Cr.l ig \ lammiliaria angdcns isl·.cS lcbancnsis ,\Iamrnillariaa nniana GI3SSs.. FOSI~r
"..... h.o,h..""~_,', .. ,""''",~'''l><od<"''',,~ 'h .. (Lind,a)l R ~P!' Off.. tIJ~I><.,j.",toJ""J""""r,n""'6""",,,,,,,,,
"""" 00' in ..."",<0.1 ~ ' rio", ,,~1«1''tl fnon ,I>< ,,,,~,,... I l"h<pbntill,,"r.. tdi<<Io<.d,~ oflhtl.LtS,n ILVPll j
nl"'~I<.I;n I') II ~ k1" I k~)lIl p r ~ 1 ~:".b.ln ,. Iht vulr ofC.~r.n"•. Up brooon. 11 2 '"'" ~'r~·II"""T''''UbJ''',f,oft;Udodll''''''
:~~~"I:." lle\, ....... 1..,..l dcb ""'..... I<n.,.,lkJO<lIlP/kl
1", lo,.l t~).... licuco. H.",C.~fum ... ht<llon.

Mammili ari a:'ll:Ullcnsis Repp. Mamm illari:t:tptlzolcn sis ReP!'. Marn m il1ariaarida Roscu Que hl
SoIi"fJ.",q,",h , ~bl l !,",.~ll
<>p1-2.7 1O",",~I1I ~ 16mm ...""",'·.mI,....
I~.l 5 .. ",~,,~ lot'n'I""I ..... d\l"'l"~i'h "'Ids '" 'u IZ em hip ....
g,... oc ....... ..,..... "',·r<'j,R·W·i> · )..'),
!>oI;"'}.lt.n"""d·pobub,.• 'b'''''''''''''' ....I>OI>m.r«l
""I.t.."....n. b<J!.lIh""""""' .... . <liif."'nI
U .... hf<bt«l •• ll. diM" ko'IR.,WQIO/II'/M.1'I'1 "nP<.hrodcd up to Ilcmh,p. .... hmod,"'i... J~11oo ''''''''sl Iklql JIIr/~1
111001< ~:..c..b.Iw, 7.... ,) II 11)l5/I P/ kl
'"'t.t~, '"" \I",~".II"'."". ~.n l.o«n~' ""'''' ''fin,,,,-,.'"'' IIniro, II.oj.l Ulif.."'"....., I .. 1'0,
,",TIt••" ...... I\"iro./.x>t«><,.d.qR.,J.m'l'ib,
88 \\ \\\\\\T\\R\\

.\lammillaria annillac3 K. llrn ndcgtt ,\ lammill ari a a ur~ ibn~ca fllbg . .\ lamrnillari a uu...,ispin a (
!i?>...rk"""'I'III!'."P ... .IOrmh"'.5cmK....... lll,m ","1"\.'lJlIOHcmh'rk.""'''II""on~ho<rur'''n~f''k: C'lindri<:duplOll<mhl(doblhm.n"''''';tI<
k"'tl.ond ",,,.d •• h", 'Q ponL I "' Z~ 5 III~ "I ..1.,..."h.,•. ,hc,.olb.onU'!t .,.." ......... "'k IUO;YCSII'II]
""...... I(~VI'II] '"'r.''''-' .... ll<U<o.(>.. ....... (~.nd\oIoL
;:;:".J""~".ll",ru.ll")lL'bl ..."'•. ~nJ'''''d<1
"""."",'·U.....II.... ...t.o·p..."'P'...

.\Iammillariaaurikamata I3oed. .\I:!mmillaria bad :.cocrgiana llU("hc!l~u .\1amrnillariabackcbcrgiana, . cmcscii

~ord""'P"I.","""lO l cm ...... ,n l.zcmoc""",, lk"""'''II,,,,",,kd.56<m1o.,,,d,<o .... oI'-.<n,''lI.':.Jc.d (Fiu. ) GIJ'<S & h"l,·'
,1IS"'DII-"llI ... ·Fi"'r«mItdl'nm l IOOl.Gonfo>,
,.,"'"' ,,, ..... \1ni<>,t.onk'.r<"o/(,,,,,,,,",
lM""f"""''''''fl«."...''' . ,d ... h~,.","t.,.I,.ndf<.''
,h.·L'·' 'f'",', I(·SIf'll l
G..... l.. lO.l l,,;..,.but..,.,.mrIh""'''"nil)' I l ~n.nd\l<\I<I",DF .•. ,.tI<"I"·run ,"" • .." '""_ II "",,,. r, .. ,,~ ..
rmoII«1ed f..... th;.loc;l i., ,,,"'.,,,,,'u.....N.r... jm, ","'"""" U.....II.".....,,'.
\\\\I\ U \\\RI\ 89

Mammillaria bambusiphila ~epp \I~mrnillarialy.. rly,ua Ellg!m. \! .. mmillariabaumii Boed.

L)hflll",'.1 "",,, ll)"m h""hJ 8'm.",,1"-lO.J-~mm '><do",., """'''"'''''II.••..t.up .. S .... brood;~l(1n ..
t "."'iI"'''''''I''<1.~ ~1fIol~id'''''h<<d,,,,106,,,,
~....,.~,., II """~..,..I M ., ., , i~ ULV \\ 1 "' ..... I"lJ7I II'· " 1 om",. nt" .1,", I<"to ..,. h;o:h~ ""rf,mrd ICSI I'\l i
'H"."" ',. . 11."~".I I~ ~ ... r.,,, 'I,..,.~'" ::,'::;;:;" IkoiC\>, Oo;~"h ... (~"'h",,,,,,loi ,oJ ,."lJ"'·'""'. \I.""'.T"'... ul....'nu' ..."I,«n".noJ
'.'t'~:~~'.':.:. u••• JJm.1I''''';;. II ......1" :::::.,:;"',_Ooboto.Atlt.l....,_'II.....uJ....

.\Iammill:.riabaxicriana (Gaicsj lko.:tl. \ l ummillariaheisdii Die rs Mammi lbriabc lla Ilkbg.

Soh'",.n,......-J.p.... "'.""~, l0,'""""" n""""... hnd• ...".-IO"",Iup.,.,JIl,m .. " .., s.,L1"""'"O«....""'... _I;,"'h;p.,noJ~.·m ...""'.
" ..... l'\h..oni. ... (('.k')ll<o<d."""..,.;n",) I L\I~I1D. II~ "I d"""",."",,,, ILVII'
rr- ..... <'.. II''''''b"""","",,"'''''ptoohohI) .:.~:\~: lku<\It" ....\lx ......... u"nu"(~'" IIn><o,C...,nm' ....,·I .......
<II'u""'_.IC*io ......
1",10'", ' ..... II"...... 110,0 t..l* ...... ~I .. I~ Pit

,\ lamm illariaoc nl~kci I'.hrenh Mam mill"riabcrkiana Lau ,\ lamm ill3riaocrn;llcnsis I{rl'P.
O.""pu" ....... ""luIOcrnh,p.nJ1<.. t>ruod."'IdoHn
n...'r1 ,,,,,,,~,,~'ion. .in'" 1<nd<,.I(~\i(,q
"'.p '"
~,,",,' ... <kl"'l" -10 h<>J~ <..-10 ~ -6 em brwd
K",J5 38./, .... ~ .." ~h .... ,<>pS-8. .,110 !- ~ ho,"~<d.
SI,,,,,, ,. !{I,m 10"" b\ ~'m.d",,'I"np:, "I' I .1. I 3 >Om
10"11. ~hd"~ h""'"' "'I' I -~. ;-;'0 mm ,..". ,I>< k... ,,,,
:;::;~.. ,,,.... II,,,,, ......Jth d",..;i:o.,«i ,,,"" !"",Ioo '" 10 mm long. toru..n_ ~l 10 nvn ""n...s.ICS/rlll Ih,~~"<'),,,,,,,,dbr, .. n. l-l 1 '1,mhR...d.
"b'.'1<\ I~)" II<uro.j,!i.,.".s,,, Ind"", C",........ p>"l "'~""",i "" U..,h ,d".-d,., \ t ... ~npr."'"'
IM'1'I'7W/ lP/ R'-1'P1
1l""""".II,~.I(,""',,,".U.j.J,,,-... I.',., ,,, '"'' 11"l<". Iiu<rrun' ..... " P,bIo,II~,,,.1
11 .. 0ir>0.If ........... II.I!_,.~,b.II.,-I,..o".

\ lam miJl3ri a hl,,~~fc1d ian;1 Hoed. !\Iamm illaria00c3).all a l'usdgcr \lamrnillariaho4.'cnsis Cf:lig
l>-.I<,nlaholl,.,iu""""I<:'""""''''llOII. "l'1O~ ,m"""""," Q""",,,,~, h<>J, ~ -8 <1II.o<ro<>. ",rou, <Ill."" UIl"""",.","",IIa~.",d·p. ..... bt',"'H';'m"'""-l,'"'
,(o,"'..... t.,.J"" . •.•l>url;.".. I( ;.",,)II"".. (iII....);.
""0'1) ....... <')~ndno. ,,.J h" (»IIl« a.,.. ..... rCS/rlil
",<I, ...u"h ..i«1«ifMthc-u"d.......
-n.'."'" ~ ... h~rl,76!W"r

'M".'~l'~'" \\<"\oco • ......".. I... llocti

,.",.,~\lk" ·\" .. r_ ....'''''..." """ ..... "''''11 .....................
,..,. ...1
1\~I1\lI l .U RI~ 91

Mammillaria boccnsis ,.. rubida Rcpp \lammillari;\ bombJdna Quchl ,\ lam millaria boolii Lindsay
L""n. ".',",,!.>k,,,, ,,,~,m h"" ", Uen) SoIiW} ""'''H1!:1><lu'''f'..g,h<aobuplU lOe"'h'!:I>~' Spam~'d""'l"ng. h<aob "" 1O ~ <m hop h) jcm, fl
l ~l gfllP/~1 I,,,,,, ILS/~III l.S"",.i<k,IC.VPIII
: " : " ' " 11<",~. ~, ........ ~ .. ,u 11:0.1« .... , ~~~lJ"I~~'" II<"OC\>. onI)' r«'<1Ilh .. ·.Ii5r... mI 'n!he ;;::~.I""'IlY'>' ,II."",. Sonor., S>n P..Jru , nd S>oe.fIo<

Mammillaria br:mdcgcci .\1ammillaria bmuncana Hoed Mammillaria brc,·icrinita Repp

(("~'uhc r) K. Ilr.llldcgcc !;.o''''1.Ih''<n<d~~'."I',,,8'''''''''''''''M''''· r""""'Jonulrlump<,h<odsuplO~""'h~.oobrua~
(;_.'nll<>dnr.~'<rc1"mp'"'''''''''Ilh. h<>d,1O lft.n_leS/I'I I) IR'ppHSJ/CS/PIII
~ em ""OS>. n ~n"".),'I~ ... ' .II-'bbii le""I1,',) c"'~ 1"-"~'","T1I'" liniro. T..... ul~"· ,"".,."""_ \1",,-'6, S>n I..... .... O>i. I...... Ii<i>.
"",,,,,,Ik', n:JJ"" "110,,, II (\1o,,( ... I I I'~n ... S.n
IJI»OO)' l ~ lln/ll'/ ~ 1

'"',.,"' ,..... 11",.".11."1.,1,,,.",,,, ~."J,"lI<'

'Il 11\1\llIl\IRII

\lammill .. riabu ..... rdicnsi, C:r~ ig \bnnnili3riabu:<ba umerian:l. Rcrp \\l:Immi1t ariaead('re)1('n,i~ <'rJi~
1_.,..""...,."""'Iu,."'~, .... ,. "'ul,,fk>no foIZC1l'lh""'''';<1II ....... ~~''I'I~ZIl. ......... ". M. .. h"'ll ...,..... ..,.,..,.,"" pliol,....fIImI
R<1'fI. !I>.. ,,~lu,. tR 'I'J'.!5;.iL~ 1'1111,.",.... 001.." 7 11 .... k..., .• h.......... dbb.;L,"I' 1 f . I K _ ,,1m<> .~",,", III< ",'P"".Jn.:npo......J " .... I....,!U
,null.,. 'I1<".",o .,.~h" I(:'od.od II,,,. "'" 1.0. Po",,,,) ~t>t"" ••,M.d 1~,d.",d .. \1 drn,;"pinl. , III plio" '.""ih" " .. """',' I h~ "'... if"''''' ,,,,,,LI,
.. ... ",... Iil'" lI.'I'I'_. "~"~ for it, Io.>n!c. toO>lCll.I>lo<L '1""<'> IM<wlOJj, Il" R<wt 1" '),. 1
(0...... , P'''' 'I . ""ul .....) tt.S I'll t ,."."",."II",icu.I;UlrIIl",,". I><mIla .....
,~""", ,." 11,,"". ( , .. 0'l ....... 11oc.... ,

"".. ,,"" 1I1w-.,.

.\ Iammill:lri ll c~lal".. mha Ti~grl " l:mllnm.lri~ <";I111])totri.· ha [}JI1l' !\lmllmilla ria.-:lndi d.. S~hc i,j ,
'i.oI '''''.~''''h''~..J", O_hn:t.I.dlO lI ,NoLan.h. CIu"",""""no;k "".odo "1'''' 7"",,,,,,,,,,-! IC~·P\11 .......""" ...""","",'!'i..".h,"· ....' ,,.....,""' ••h.
1(" '1\) flint tW 'n ..... ' ..... n I' _~), "fI ", Ii ,M ,,"M
:~'= ~::_ Ik\..", I~,u", """ern 11"","... 1 1 'l ll" ·II~ 1' 1I1
'~""Hl"" Ik"'".(~ \._".... 0 .."'"
',',II:.:...',!:U'Iw"-t..4tIt,•.,......,,..IJ.....,.... ,... ,..~'." \ I_-u..*"~"'( .."h"'lo.
\ ... ~I"' ... ~nF_ r._"""- , ·.ftU....,...

='''''_'II'''''ootho-n.IF~ ... U'....;


I\bmm illarill ca nclcnsis Cr:lig "mumillaria rnpcnsis (G~ tes) Cr:lig \bmmilbria camlenac c.aSt(lled~
SoIiun,p ... .... ""'l- ~ ,j<1ll~ ""-¥·) • ..".. "" n.....""".",.. " ...... nc."" .. l.5"•• IuJ1Ib)J5,....'" C1" ........lIhh<.or,k; 8<1111oooJ.nd 1 ~'""''''
11 1;. S . 15 mOl '''J.•hu. ~, "" 1Ush.)<I~.. \0 ", ",..", •• ft pnl."" "' ....!Ii.h. n. ............ o/i.n ~ ........ "ft.hl... b"~dp .. t .. <t..m 11\.111
rio"'''''' "" t.t>I<.""k lH,h"<k><""",,.. TII• • t>o> , .".. ~ on>"'dl",,,,,"'~"'ilI.,,,,,..,, IC.~!\II '''''~'"l l.'' \\r<iro, T..... "~b<to ... 8(:...J.d
rIo",I",lu l"." i"'l"""" ,. ,""o.i<l>th,, >JI<C'" 1~"OI!ll •• " Iln""- Ilo"UlJ'<ln'''.. ..... od frIIm \~I"", .odJ." ..... ond,, .. ", h ·l~ N.,, ·
IQil t l ~"""" ok H.h .. do:~. II"""", Caho ...... t or..
I.""'" I.... \l<UC1\.CI..... hw.. ~ .. ,..,c.......
""Ita"""· U ......,.., U •• n,,. ..
11. ........ 11'-*'-'.... 11 ..""'''-'11. _

Mammi llaria ca rne:! ZlItt. ~x l)r~itT. ,\Ianllu ill aria carrell; KebU! ~.~ Sc h. \bmmillaria ca.wi 111":110
s....." '.~'""'''' ...... nd"'''''' ....... "'IO''''hoJh, I """"",,,,,,,,... uI fLI""t>nl·p.t.ubt h<""i-7,,,," ~phmtaI.d""""" d~~ .... ao..k .. l,ol«l ' o
( -5"".'''~ ........ koph , <f) "".trIt. f...-."h, m dLlIII('I<'r ]C:·~.P III \I .. ,.,.., l" I-Uo·l"IPI " 1
1ootI .....' ,.·, .. I "~I li l~I " 1 ,,,,,.'" ,~ ... \'<U<I!. \"" 0 I""", Inrrtmi ,." .... ,~" \,O»<O.o.uca.""" ... ~\.w....c.
I... ' ... I.... lin"" .......u,O."".rod(,"""'... " "DO'I"'." 1I,.foMo'- ::lIr::::~~::::::::.
94 \1\\1\ UIIIMII

\!ammill3ri3 ccnlrolifen R<'W. :\ b.rnmill~ria ttnl raliplunlO!>a linuu .\ bmmi1l3ria l'I!TrJlhna (11. &. R.J Orrun
"'_M,~""h"",....J""",,,,,,,OOOK"""'<Iumponfc, ......... "hnd........ lj,.. lup:Iobo _\('II ..... nIWI~ l>I< • • ~>npI..!"'.fOc.<lf ...... ~""''''b< ~· ...
""l '.1 Il ... .....,.,"'(I·)l.I-~""'..",1f'HI<' ,~"" \""-.",h<\I. "';.. ,\iW""'''.....' "A.1f) 1'o~."~bodti""',,( \I..rm;II., .. ,LVP\11
p.o.,.),",," 'N""'\) •• "'.. Iffo<\lIlUcl.~ll'.. 1(" P\II ,"-".,"' '"". I k"ro. Il."C.d;f....... (~·!f.ItN. I,
_ok."","",· O"'~J<Io",j'"\l. ron,PR'>.. ,.".,",C,"".llnk-",II'\KQIJI ..."C. kk,.on
,.".,", '"'~ II" .... l!urf<t.lro, \tro\o<;m.

\ lanllnill3rill chil"a R~rr. \ l lIm mill"ri :L Ch i"nolt~pha l:L l'uflluS Marnmillariac la\i ronni s RePr.
...... n. on "II"",... "',,"'""_ "~nd",, up to 8 , .. h'r:h '>ol".,-, up II> ro em h,fCh to. lZ "".1)0,.101·'11'.')0,.1 s.."" .,zn".,h,p.i'l7n•. <i""""""""ZO-2II.
• lI<Il"" ......,)(,'I·1 1.".I.,'."IInI<o.(;oohuilo.S........ P........ 2- ~ .... ~..,. Jloos);.." l f, -I 15",,,, k.... 1><, .....
I.".'.. '.... 11".... ( ......... \....... ''''U~\\~, IJ twtIJto
1o-o<>t1onp:.l...".oIk.IoooI.,.l. l1l j ,.. ""' .... , . _ .
IRI'f'f'H6U lr/RI'f'f'I
"lin"",' \1.''''' ••
'''''11''''~.''. 1k\K'n.,1'wbIo. T...W<Uj .....
\\\\\\\\\\.\R\\ 95

M~rnmin~ri~ coahuiknsis (ll<",d.) \lol":ln \I ~ rnrnillari a columbiana S D ' I ammitl"ri~ rornpacrica uli s IkPl'.
towl~,"".. n.~,~,. ..... n,... ~"h .hur:<.,......... I;&.<n.. ~ ...... ""-. U"""' ........ l,o ... 011"'«1"'11 Ihh ..... n. ~~...I}. ""~, 10<.. """ II) 71nn
f1 1 ... 1Itn.od •• h"<."h .p'nLNo m""'ript,I(_~'V\1 1 "ound,ho_ 11onu1Llwd~'l"<"rud"'lllhruup"'" IR<I'I'II)H!C~'P\II
'''',"'H'' '.'' I k,,,,,.(,~h ""'. """ S.. I'<dn, .ooI.l"nl .... ·mJ 10;'-\\1 ,.,'''"',." IlnOoo. 111<1><,..-.0, \ fUI!WI

,\I"tllluill3ria compress.. DC \lpmmillaria c.. nspicua I' urpus \I"mrnilbria crnigii l. inds:t)
1",.•",,"11 h..... ,·hc.ooktl d ........ .-Ini<hul ~,·m' " ' "."'''~''''', ,. -111<10 ond ....... hot:h ~ IU" .. \ <10"", """",,, n",rnctI-JIrAlolor "" HI 10 '''' .. n..~ It.~, III
.!O"....'.8'mam"'.il.. ,"'~'--Pl;" .. ""'n .'... ....""',"''''.hluJc ..lom.ofU ~ I~U~.-II' ~I I"I~IHI 'M" \\<"\11"0,\\' (1uInuh ... ~ .. ,u

,,,,,.,,,,,.,,"<'«"..~. II ..w,.,.--,

,"'. . ,,'.' II oopS.""U ""'1j<Io

'0"." ,." IIn><u. f'oodoI •• /""".L.on "1' .................... Il .......... <kl M.. l ' .... ""
% II\\\\III!\KII

,\ lamrnillariacrinila DC, ,ll3rnrnilbria crucigtra Ilan. Mammillaria dccipicns Scllrid" .

~rh<n<·.I,"r'"~''''k" .... _ ' ..... <I"mp''lt AI 6, .. CIu""""tn <pb",,,~~~, i><id, 'n ~'"'" 1<""'. OU"'l""~, "';;'>.1... 1
tw....1,. ~ 7"" ..'n",,-I. _VPIII
A;m.dI. ~pnlnh·ruorl<· \"".0<1 ~;""""M fum...aI ,.,"'"' , ..... ,1\""'0. ~.n 1..... 1'''''"''.od 'lu<r, .......
~r;,~~·=t.'!:'::~:-<;::~.~':"i>< "'~>P<"'" ",,,,,,,,,",k
bom,r.n.rt<J fnon .....
1r.J<~,".. \ .. """'i><pl.ln' ''''):IIIollk~·IC'\\1 1~1 1IIP/ ~1
100:.1..., " '111 """' n.t.It.I.,,,Jt•.,.....
""''''l'.'' \1<>...." ""''',nc') f.;rIj ~1<hpn."", .. th<
'","I," ..... ...,..«n......,.,..nJO."'·.
'''111 .• '''''.11 .... ''''''''.",
,l,bmmillariatkhrdtiana Fa r,.-ig \Iam millariadcnsispina (CoullfT)Orcuu MammiliariadioiCli K. llr:lndcgn
0....., ......""." .... ho:.o.I'''I'' . ' I .; ,.... ","..., C'fI ~,~".". "" •• 10 em hip.".j brood; n......11, pol< \<b (1Il ..... O\ICf" ... lhc:boIt .. r...... Ullln'tu..r<._ ..
O-.. J-l ....."'!(, n S' m.KM•. •. dnd""";;(U..".) ifS.II] H,1tIh~IIIIOCIIII t.!++/IP/t. 1
(i1a<o.1I.1"'N<'I'"",.I''I'.I - ;. I - !<mlon~I'''I'''",·.
0I!~IWll Il'1I11 1~1
,."."<, I." \\ .... ~ oh,Irihl,nI,nC \I .."" '~"_'.' I~" SCahf"""', ... ,nlond lu»
""".""t.'II"......, Cur..n....nd ....~,aI..u..Ji
M ..,"" . " I h~", lf.".·•.• roond "1'I"
<I1 'U",w", dod""';;. lI.J.J-...

M~ln m i nllri~ disculor II, .. . MllInmiliaria discolor ' . mll](;spin~ "'anlmill~riadinn l hocenl rnn
~Io<.o.I,,,,,"' I~ '"'hipt.IJ'1II.ft l ~''''.1Ik>
""n ZlI.,,,, 1 /, IDlIIi52;/lblll '".
(o< .... , ........... ""ftlhc:'f'«><Ij.,~H{ ..
lI~ hg.n 'lour:lm
~ ... 20<mllip.nd' ... """"'·I .. l.f01WI .. 1
~~;""'I ~." Ilnoru 1........ lb.Lo~.IIo'-"'.-.I ..... ". "" 10 1~.<1p~ 3(............. 1t.·III.tI' t.]1
•. ......,....Rrw (Iooo ....... 110.31~1P·t.D ..
d.....1<n.. 4"' ... (IOWnoC"!''''' .. I <1IIu.,.
II.........-.II ...... ....,..II~~- 1,..., ..... " ......I...,...r~... J......,.
1l....... "~'-\Ir;o.IlWlp.\I"..,,
98 II~II\\J\\ IRI I

'\1;lmmillariadL~ anlhocenlron Mamm illaria drtll'gcana .' lammillari3d"m(lOrum P"'JI'"

,·. f1a\·icemrn (I!lbg.) Krpp. Ilild.emend.Kepp. Uu .... "~h<"""""tu2.5,m a<""">f"''''~'',fI",.*'''1l
S,o/i"I).",IS""",,,,,,,,,h'PlII)9-IO'"'.II.H).IP,I. i c;'"""".~,,,I.,,'l '~o""~'''I!.''''.d.''I'''''W,",Ionr:''' lJoo,,~"!I>P«"" Il.S/(,L!
,"".'DI,." II.U<.\Vutbl./Oa.. ,.bonk, 6'"'."I'2~ n6 -~", ",1oog.<'I'8 -- 1! . 7·-12 .. ",
m"nI5ctOa< ....... pinl.I"Zi'J-lIW I. 1
''''l.'"l'~'' 1 \";'".~"I ,' bP"",,, . .,..,,\I..u;'"
'""'.'III",". ll.Oro.(~ .. "",,S'm.';'S.nlloun

,\ bmmillari3 d""fomlis Cl":I.ig & Da"'SOn Mammillari a du r:mgicohl Kepp. MammiliariaduriS[lina Hoed.
S,.-"" lOq< .. h,~b)-.l5cm,Lo",<""""'og.«p Sdo"I). 4-8 , .. !"rio b) 5-8 CIII, "" 10 16. ~ 15 mm SoIi"I).",,",lOrnoh;p.1I) 1!,.,...o.""h J<b"dlO
",..pu~hoolo:d.IR.pp8.S(I/CSl\\l ...,~."'" 1-3. 10 - 17mmm,.llB-l .... bruuJ II. po~)' ,t.o: k- II.U9/ I1'I "1
I.lo«Iortb,o:dlO l1.poothy<}'lil\drica. I" 3'/1l'/"1
llISn'BL'IQo.: lh_l'utbb, .... Tmoil ..... ~:~~;~7~\'~;,~~:,:';: ( ,w, .. jw",; <~U<r<"h' S~",
1~" ~I~I'~>:-' \In,,,o. nu,,"!". c.: ............,
I\U\\IIUUl\\ 99

I\lammilbri~ du"ci Roguzi nsli & Br~un \l llm rniliari u dunp ta IX:. \I arnmilbria .... n:ctac-Jntha c.F. F(l('fS1Cr
\_,'"""""",ru~"" .... "''a<b" p .,i,.",,,,,,,,"'I' ~ .. _"" .... "k>npkol.lpUU""",,,,,'uubi<.,,,,,,,,,1< 11«_"I""'h~"" .• "".l.1'1"Ibh)"",
o l.l r ,~ IIIII'/( ~1 ",,,m I" ""~ ",J,li..Jr· ........... ""a ; ,_ ..-IIi"""" (IK:) I(~' rll)
~~'ml ,." 11".." ('W'",''''," ''''''' ~." ("" .... 10 ilL"" ft. ,""',.. .to""
~l.1"' .ro.. , h" ("''' k.. '''' '"".'111 ,"" \I",,,,,. S.. ", II< (iu ....I"'" ....1
11oI"""ntb, 'Fo(\lnlOO( "'
1.".II'."\I<u...... It~
" .." ' ' ' ' " II .......".

.\ I ~mlni lhl ri~cri3mnth" \I anunillariacrylhrn Repp. \lammiliariacrJlhnlcalix Bltchcn3U

l.inl & Otl n'·l l'feitl. "''''"",h.~rmh;Pbo !tirm,,,,,O ~.t ,I .... by U" .... ~i...i..d.. lh<odo"flIOISCWIh;p ...... "'honl)
s..-'~ ......
r.I •• ~I, ....... """,,'. "'....'n~ .. ''<"'ud) '"'I'l.l 1II .... .".,,~lW Il .... hrood .........
o.""k "l.1~d" II. m)"~"IR<1'I'I.l>(lilli
.~ ..... I I. d.........." i>.IR'wPJSlCS/r lll
~ .. ,"'·""'",~ ... n<JI< .... I'f'.IUdinf;"",.... '.... ,"-" . . ,.",,\In>r<>, I'wbb,SO(O•• ul4
__ lrlll~II' r Ill
,... ,., .. ,."lk"",I«.(rot.J>bpI.dN""
:;'= ,...., lin>."" I'lotbb..'h .......... "'.dc"""'...
100 \\~.\I\II\ \ U\~

.\bmmillarin ~rJl hrosf"!nn a TIoal. Mammillaria ntrmanniana "',ullInilbria fdipens's ReP!' .

~·...... <Iu"'l" of ........ t..aJ. ""., 5 <WI hof;h"'. (B. & R.) Orcun 'ho'.)1 ..........·...... 6.... h.p .,..J ........ _.
~ ......................bI< ... ""'~
It""" iII>II ......1j l ....II)""""I)....... nnllO~j-7 ...... 00u."-<r
, S"'" ""'" l"....""-<...... ~lIh. pnW·.......
""01"' I.'" ~b"" (",,",,0"" ~." 1,1,1'<
'''''.'"''l~'' \\niro.Son L... f'oIoso. \h~ttl .."bu'!"<(t:s/\\I
tn "UN",,,\t~ 1>I'1.,..,'."II....... n... C>hfom".C<:"..IboI...""

.\bmmillarip fcra-rubra Schmoll t~ CUi, Mammillaria Iillhui Glass &. F~cr Mammillaria r,.rmnsa Gal. n Schdd~.
s..II~ .... '"16<mh,p...,9<m.n".~-.w.I.5<m Ou"""" •. II .... I6""'h.g..., .. -S<m ICS,PI1[ ~ or!) ,·• ...bI<rLar>l. u> .. I ~ ... ~jW). ok(lmS<d·p.oboot"
",... ..
o-~ 4otd II> \I, ""..u"d'''IC.';/PI I~'n.. 1~"" \I,<_J."-. I..... (bptla II> HI""'"........n.." _ "....... """f1l4lrl."
Iooc<'rd"" l'or"omI _I~><I),,oIwrfn .. 41r\.JI'~1U
,"'u).'TII" "niaI,(!u<......"
1.JM<'''''''·rn:<fI. I P.'t.UIH~/I'\l1
1""11"""". \1.~~1. ... """'"
\lH1\llI.I.UI~ 101

.\lammill ari" rrail ~3n~ (II. & It) I~ ",d. .\lammillaria rlTutknbng~ri Repp. 'Mammillaria fusc·"ham~ la' I!~bg.
Sor"""~ I'"·"r'''I',·mh~.I."·,d"'''r'''lI.~j,,,, ~u'l.JIobost."10""'><n&,,,,,4 1\.,6 IS",",~ ~~IIJI .. ~cmh,po.ndt.rood.IN<w7171(."'~\1I
... _ II ~ 1'1\1 <>pO ~ ......... 01' .... It M}um P'>"I' IIP/R<"PI'i '~".''''-1~'''' Ik ....... JoI .....
1"',."",""I"·'"'"U.... t..~r."" ... I"'h~r.t.,..J "'''.I"'l"'''I\tu<OI,l~''''"ib.\I"''''''
.w,.. ,,,,· ""lnt.o.J...,..~.,·

M:UII'lIillari~ gusscri~n~ 1I""d. Mal,,"il1~ri,.g;lStcramh,. RcW. J'o l3mmilbriaga lc-sii "'H.. Jones
I 1 ,oo hnooJ ~.~/"I
(lIoIo. .... \'h'" ouI.." buo_ ............... t.- .. 'l"""oobul}.IIJIIOIO"..~"", 1$"",lht~ .. 1oIo:d
'"'III....'"".\ltu<OI,v"".ilo.·r ........ "" ...... 1ono-w..1\r"".finop:.bulo•. Iao .... ll"...... ", \I.l>.o." md li. p< •...,.t.aa.It..lqS 2/ W/t..1
, .. _ .... odi><,.. R., ..... ""'.ofl>w.... "'B~._n ........ "-.>Jth '~'t"'l ...... \~lIa,ot.alolom ... htr&_(.obo
l_rw'IW,Q"PIII s..1 ...... '-J- ...
""' .... t." ,"-,v-...... \\ofIJWl.o
IOZ 1111111I11INII

,\\al1l1ni llari~ g'~umcri (n. & R. ) Orcuil \I ammillaria )[Cmini~pina ~IJ" Mammillaria I,';g:IIIIO::I J lildm. n S!;h.
r ........ ""'.,........ ,t'ld.od... lk..!'~.,l"... .,.n.... 1_nu;pul~""' .. ....J."".,2 .. hn..d ... 1uhc.o' '>oIiLl".~."""'nc.J."r·,III" .. hopo.ntI 17 ....
n 10 I~ .... ~ .. ~ 11.\ 1'1 11, .... ur'" IS,m 100,.8"10"''''''' ''f' 1 8,·.. ~"'" f1 .....-. "",.,' t.r. .. n .•• bI..~;n ~",n",'h' 11 I \ , ..
I~'I.'''( '"". \1n~" \"'" . .. ,", .. 1>11 do"", ''',,' 'I"', ..,k ",.,.1 ... «1. ",,.I~ " ..m."'" uno,,,,, "",,,. ",....!. ",dJ"" "'~"",,'Jp.... n_I t. 111IIP/t.1
l'ncn"" 1t.!ilillPt.1
I~'I.II" "'" 11, ...... llttlallU. _1Ik"",·.d' '.''''''I"n
""''''','''''' .. 'hcll.orr""".olrllcttml.oo
"'"'." ''',. II. •.-w,_.II.....,h_.....
1Iw.'rjN•. ll .....Jh.o.

'\\mnmillaria ,,';I~ns;s Bvcd. o\I\lInlllill;,ri~ !;bn:osa IkJed ,\ I:llnrnili;lriaglassii RAl'ost~r

u""-" k>"'' ' '1"'""""

C\loodn.. ~ III' 10 ~ COl ..........
"Il><l· ... '>I->flflJWlllI) .....rib<.I .. bn>oolll>ll·" ..'"
l .. n'fI<'1I ....... Th~"' ..
~,I I bt'ol>dt1lfci.It.201 H~t.1
"."""'+.,.""'... Uodlrt.."J U,," ... on,. hc .... ,.. 3 em .. .....-. A'''''. I"nl ,
__ ..,.,,,,j. Jkew ) ',I,,,&h,,,,,(>I,,,):ft I.H lle.
"", .. IhoI_""",ml.fnBlltoc.hmlrlhn", ,.".'.. , ..... 11"..... 110,,<..10......... bnood(\ ..." I ...... ''''_) •. • ''''" . .........,;.I .....
bIO<lo.Io·ml.IC",\\1 """",,,,Sc."'-I.d .. l.8cmo<""'I\ I .I)ukn
,.".'.. ,.....I1,,".~\~_ 'Yot"" ....... \, ..........) ....krirn"'I .u .. 1U,.......,(\ I .
~O;:::'. I ...... \kv<v, \"'G 1..-."".. 1- ........

" ". . . ~" .. ' •. >M'<'>I 11 .... -


M~lnrniliariagrdciJis I't"if}" 'I am m ilbri~ ~h:unii Englm. \lamm ill ari a grusonii ](ung~
C\IiIWn<, .... ,!O,"'h~"'~I'm.pMi,.,.!~,~T!.c .........
Of'<Ino;ribN .. IiJIII~,""ft,Il!.J".,~
~I""" ... lo!1 <11\"" ...Ja""'''''
~tH.. ...... nH,~,...,...,. ....
....... '''' !_.1•• ""
\."'j,j ... (~,"..U")
l""", ""'UI}.ophell<'lf",riotIpl<~.""",lS".", .....
,......,"' •• ~ ;" "I'll< d<11'><~' .h"""I"D<d Wrm """"'11)' fkn~ .. h""""<f.U" ...... «l<'4' It~I\\1
1~'I~I~IIl'" II."",. Co..huol •• S .. ,.. llola
.... ~.\uhn" · ' '''~h.l11'. 1I'1 ,.""'0\ I.", \ .......... , .., \\"""'ond~. T.......
1"'1"II,."\1cuco'H"""".roundll,,,,,b..nd 11lIu."'n'U __ .,..r.,...u.."' ....i,...
7.......... 11·.·..\0111 ....... .10 ...."... U ____ ... \I ...... H~_

.' Ilimmillaria ~d~.owi:ma Irrrtl. \ Iammillariagucm:ronis Mammill ari a gummifcro I·.nglm .

s...I<'.'Iu".n"!C.IK......... )7""'''''''',~~''.,.iIr (1Ir,l\oj!anrib.10 Boed.bJJ Blbg. & II.nuth SoI!Ut\.ur'" I Z"",....,\ II "'toip.I H~'P\1 1
tc-\lI'I\1 llodl \~hnJrit "" '" (00.-."., 6 .... "-'I............. ,." • • , "" IIrU<O, Ooihuah ... Co.tInt, .... ho.
~~;'.""~ \1 .."" llut•..,............"......',,{M., ,......,.t>fI ......«l ... "'"'*"-fl ..... mlIW ~ I
""I.~ \IeU<O,(, .......... t -.. dtl/. . .,
"".. ,,"' , J. ..oco,..,t-""'- ,."".U ......
IfH II ~ 111111.! IMI I

~bl1lmilJariaha.'l~ana I'ffif[ ,\bmmiIJaria h:dmiana Wen! Mamm illaria halci T.S. lI~nok~e
L....., """"". 101 IS ". "'_ "lIOo:m.lrI16,11~'r\1I tJ"... ,"'II.1oad.1IP1OI9 .... ~b>10<1ll.,,_rU"',"'" IlIt.krintc.>k."",0u50,.. Iuf;h"'B<II•. "Z~-5<.
,~,fJ:t"' ,.....
Ik "",,~I<k>p!<aoIln 1'ucbt..ndO. .....·• r" ..... h."'Ihon_ ..,ICSiP\l1 ~"" ..... ...... ~"", '''''''d.IC''l'lll
() 'I". ~\'ll_',\I..,..'~.II,d.J.J..\I""', ... I~>I~'""' ... \\" ...... ~ ...... ro.S"'lTIok.l.loro ,.".,"' ", .... 1I"..","mu. Ibj(\l ....... nd
IJ,,,"&J..,II,"",,.IJ qtu... 11 ho<4-". 't'r'=.:'"'',lIn. '_.\I....J./..... 'u,.''''''' ~,,'.. ll,,~m1.IJ'"d •• nd '''''.J''''<"' .. ''"t.''''
II .... p.~.II~... "",,. """. r:........... r.di,

,\ I ~ m n1ilbria hernandez;i (iIJ!>'~ &. 1'I";ltr

l<kn"~ "",,", hOI Mp«' 1M ... "", .. ",rn".~ . l1.od1a! SlIn"k ,w du>I",..,. ".m.,6 ... "'....... """, iUI'rntd ~ ..... IkJ'l<>"<\J ~~"",",.l.) ~ .I ''III''M~ 11 2 ""
.. lhcr/onlf'l'lIIIrd •• lldlit>lhc .. dl<rbn<foripnal I",VI or_ III"",. ndal r llll
"""""""",",,..11<'" IktJ'l">l;J,CSAll ,.,m""." \1noru.PumI •. \ "",...un.,.",.J '""""l '~'" Ik"\l<u.Ib.>a<a ....... T<lIIIlIhuM;.
1... ltI ... , .... \\noco.\'\I......... P""""
\\ \\\\11\ (\HI~ lOS

Mammillaria h"rro;f'd" \\'ml. .\lammillaria hcrtrichiana Cl'3ig Mammi llaria hqd"ri '\\uchlpf.
SoIiu~""Iu"<n"~f~..,d><bo""""o/IuI,,,,"t<Iont"ti"" IIcai1lb ...... d-p:.bulu . .,,10 llcm"" ...... d .."nnl.. lloo;Ollllnlr.orl) p.bubr.,o , t.c... II <rn ......... A
.... .,.\I('I '" ,lj<m ... M,.1l!5'm"""_l lItr~ 1 f..... du~l><V~ 1 m.,..... IUilP\11 1-15 "",,,,,,,,br\otInr;h.,,,,,t
:.:.~~~'~:.'~ ":~~:::,~lo"''''''''' '"''' uo<""" .... '" s.-. on do< R""b" fJ
'\";:=~;oI'~~ ~\'~::T~:r. \~ II"ito.nd.~ '" 1'""."..
U1m.,~"" 11 ....1<.11 1u]Jm'" ."to"".

Mamm illaria hq 'drri \'. hemisphacril'a Mammillariahuajuap"nsis Amll) Mammi llaria hut>.,n mulkri Repr.
Englm. !ioIi"~.10-ll""'indiam< .. r.n<n"n,fHUrI<.v"",,,,,, AIo.'"l~oolOlal} ...
fi", pobub,.I00< ...... mru. UPIOJOcm
Ilr!l<ncd, ~ 12 "" "'~ .." "',.., ",,".I~ ",""01 "'''' '"
\."",~ of \1.m)~l".I'\l'rs.c/111 h~.oo
10<111""''''. "" H -l2 w J mm
~,.\ - I.\mmlong.'''''I••mon<~
.• h,... <>I'
Ih< pb"I'~'"""'.~hi<h ~ f,...,. k><.11"""'1...., or \~.''''-'TIO' \k""O.01""'.h,I~I:oI'H"'I"",,"dc
'i\k\i<"lhlbl>- I / IP/ h l w!Jbol.lnJ.2!(:S/V\11
'",nllw,~".ST<\",.nd" \ k",," \1.".",lIort......oodnlMtn..,
Chuwnrt•. IJc.. ....
"''''..... '''',, 11 0....''..........,
1{Hi 111111111 I I~I I

\I:1nllnillJri~hu i~l'....,nsis K~I'P \ bmmilbriJ hui lJ.ikopoch lli U,K, Hunl Manllnill~ri~ i hu ilJ,ilopochlli I. LH'/5.
~ ... 1(I<fI>Inp:h"'li,... K'JI1-~.,I-I\_"" _......... <,.JWtuIh ................ 1.1 , .. ~.-,:II h<.J .... Id""""" ' pLo .. ... . ' t"''' '''''''_ IIH'KiC.' /\\1
('JIl.lllO_~llli ~1_."~l""l (-'JIII- I, ~ .... k""ll," ..J,j,,...w """ ..... .LotI. '>JI" "".. , ..." tk "_ I k\.,~ I 'I"' •. M., ("..n<k- ko, ~" ..
(~""h .. I.o"'J., II.~_ri." •. IR<1'I"J;;.C~ III ............. "".J,,·,d 1.o,,, .. ,!'· 11 ... ,'1"<"" I~ .....,.,
.od<h.,M,lII ,,,,,,,,,,,·llll, ll' I(,q
"".U' ,"". \ 1<w".I....·",~.., I~ II"'JI..,,,
,.',."" "., I!.·, ..". 0.", •. T"..,dl.. 1.1ln

\Imnmi lbri~ humbuldl ii nh \bmmillaria hulchi!>'- mi ana MJmm ill:iri:1 i~ut~ k epp
......." '~"uRIf'III~. ondtIod",1 ",".oJ, ~1nI"",·. "I' ,,, 7 ,..., ( iJI'''':) lIued. ~oIit""l ... ,'I".... "~. "",01> "" IV 7 COl "'~ ,,..1,hd K",
"'f·~'IIP.ILI Lowlh ............,Ik .... "" •• ZlI"" ... h<~ ~,".. 1I ltI- ltZ l .... ~ .h ...,. ,'fIZ ~. ~ 7"",, 1tq.
,.,.,.,.. ,." IIn>o". H..LoIpo,h"""' ....-. .1, .... " .... ,,<'... _pouh; ...,t""".... _~·),\11 . biI< ..hbn ... ~'IJII1U1,· ....· ll l lll11/ lt'I" 1
I~""'I~ '''', ... , ..... II. ",,..(:..t S II.."t..a....- ".' ,.,.. ,. " \1"~.... I)"u<>. T'-" (:-,,.
"".. ,,,.,,\t_~

.1 1 ~mmillari~ igu~lcnsis 11.<1'11. \bmm illaria insularis Gales \I:rmmillariaisolcnsis 11.(1'1'.

s.nn. ... 10 , .. ~mJb, .. ",..,....dUlllplI","""'" l..,.1h ",hu". Nlb.."d pbnl> """'" "~WIIIW.,.a.J ~'<1Il' ... 5",;!i'm.,~.""IO-IJ •
...,.. ..""""" "' lO-n. .l-5"""~~."I'1 ~.
5- 12 .... k.o" 1l~ - IOIIIIIIbru.k1.d.>.,L ... rnun.: (;~ .... k
rto ... ""n"", "rr"'IIlnJ'roond rh<....,.,
... n»>, ItS 1\1
.1 1!,... I-J .. mton,::"4'1.11 IJnun~ .
ho.rl.rd.I>rr .. " ,,,bbd 1-116 I~
.,..."'h...... noI
.... ","".. "urn...
«1.mI ... 'h< ~,I"".·~ ... 'n~ II.•1t';1."",.. I.,IOIH I." \1 ... ~... .-....oro I>k1 <>I ~111"" 1~>fI<l I(SI'III
IR<w"llil ~/ M<11'1 P"'"I' I'~ \"'"" U.,.11.j. L.w.",." I.'",,,,,.,, \1n_.II<"",nf,fJ '~",
"... ,.,.. ,." \kuc~. ('U<rn"'. 11""'1.o

M"mmill:1ria i"liscBna (II." 11..) lIu"ll. \l3mm illaria juhllslOnii (U. 1\. 11..) OrclIli \bmmillaria Imrwinsliana \!art
,*""". up"' ,.... bn", \"I...."."".,lOnnh,p,1I) 10 ... , 'I"IUI""''"'l ""....... ~.:.j . . . " ' ...
SrrIiut). ho""''''l'
1I111+11( ~ / I'I'1
, .... ,.,.. ,.,' l kuc" ......... ~ ..-.01.'" "J'w...noI ,.
'... ""'''.noI~'''''''r .. ~..,.u><I.. ' ' ' 'rtu......
~oI.<d, ......... 111 ... ,.,..ul """'" 1"181 1.·11' " I
~ ..()lh.'w"""'h,_hintldd
,..~, ~ ... •.•' ....
I<""'""" ".a."~uoI_",.,,
, ........ 11'I\Jilll>-'I'111
1D, ..

~_..... \il""'>l ......... ,~'''t ".-l .. I ... ,,,,,, " ... \1<-",'0._ ... , ...... ( ......,,110> , .... , .... , ..... \kun>.,...,...j .......... o."'.
(- , ."" • • 1I .... "'_,~_a. ..... '...... "U""'P' 1I ........ II~.U...", ...
"",,~,,~, u .... ""-,~ 11.*-'_. U,k4rn.U_•. U,.......,...,.
lUH \11\1111l.l1R11

\\ammillaria klciniQ""l1 .\ppcnzdlcr \1~mmillJri~ Hssinpana lion! Mamm illariakncbclialla IJo.:d.

~~,,, ... ,,,,.,1J,", ........ ,Al<.. ......,,;R<,o 1,lINpohulo,dom<b.p""J! .. ,6<J01l1op...:1Q ..... ..... '""""'~.,6""hoJh.~ ),.. ..-.-,<'I' .. Ii.....
l1,.,J....... J.It=-.........,.. I... ,9(llilP, ... 1 ""_,,,(1I/\I.I1l)orr.. tt ,,,~1<1l\hprn<l""'d.81M\ b ... S~l.otO< ...."" 15 fI'IfI'I,.."."'"",«l.mld""·bruo ...
'''''_II" ,~" II""". \,.·"'...-.... ,~uilpo" .. ·~ ..... r'k·rml 1'11270 .. ( S/P"I k"" 1O ~2) . ..1)0.... ~~~. 1115 .... ""...,. )·<I ~ .. 1'10..
,....'""d,~11l~. 'J'P<'1" '0h' otO<"'W",I<k""",,,,,,,
'H".'""",....I1'"'"',T....."~.. J."...."I,!In ISlllWQ,/l'lll
' ~" .'IIl'."" \k"",~ ........ dt !>.o. 1.... '''-

Mmnmin"ri~ lnil'lx:lialla Quchl ;\lwnll1lilbria km~henbu~hlii \'3"unillari~ lm"l<'l:l~ 1("1'1'

~1<m>""",a,"'h¢ltr\~<m."",",,,offi<n'lIJ;ft 10"". ...." ..". ,,, K ,m turh'" (I " . "" ,', '! ~",", •..,
bruod."'".,rbuhml,,,",wotO<pn.ok 10,·\\1
,." ... ,.,....Iku. ... "<A'<h.. ..... u...n...a
1><-~,'I""'I" ...
""'lII"' ......
( K rJill;() h.rJillL
"".,.U, ........
,.~~~~i.'I'.,~.~. ~"';~'7:.J ·;~~I~~~'~,i d,.~!:;..
""""". """'''' U.ndo d."d., II f'<~'"
1\\\I\IIl.IIKI\ 109

Mammillaria laniger.. R~pp. .\1ammillarialasiacanlha I.nglm. ,\Iammillarialaui D.R. llunl

s.o;.,ry."".,ll(mh'Jh~'~,"",><M' ~""' ...... 11, .............') 00' ...""""" cb.It"",," S. . . d""'P"II. ,,.j"ld .. I ........ "r.,~I .... ><~'"
1~'l'fl'Hl ICSII\1 '"hn"... I1~h"'.<I~bnN"""·..,J1 11 1 1of'Ineo",Il"IIII7I/IPIIlHSI
1lt'<1I1~1·1"" \\... _0.,.... ,s•• \\;r:ucl ~~' ~';~~:" liT"... \ .... 11<»<o.1Id , ..". .... <i 1""_1"".,, 1t.-.-l"1..........,i><t< .... u .... d
,\\......1...,.... 1..-., .... J.u .... ".I..M.....
"'m.. '''"'.I[.*''w.... IIJ.o ..,• .,.... oiAWo ...

Mammill;,ri~ Iclll:' K. Bl";lndeg« .\I:ulIrnilJaria Icplaca,uha (1..:111) Kcpp. M"mnlill:lri~ Icuc:mlha Hoed.
•·...... ~....ulIdu"'l""flbn<onI ..."" ' uj""""".... ( ...... nul.tD..:nu,..s 10 ra h.... , ~ ... ';oLo ..... d"""""'.or ... .\.5 , .. """"',ht ......
IJ~/rq II J.1IlIP(;q (I:~~\\I

"", ...... " 11 .... ""~ ( ...... uiIa. I,.",. ""'Curro ,"" ••• ,. " Ihinl,ll• ...,...-" I..,. ~ ..... ~ ;;;7.'"";:-, \1...... s.. I, _ r -. .-.. ~od

"""'" "" .. '". II ....... ""'"'"""

tlO 1\\11\lIIllkll

"'''mullil1ari:1 k"i~ian" l.irld"" .\\;unmilbri"limollcnsis Kepp .\ \:nnm i lbri " l in d,~ayi C:r:rig
,""'un, IlIn,,,,J., ~~""'II', "" k' II "'" .... n..' 11uoh1l,m'ig''''h""d"m,"","'''I'li-!1\~ 1mm Clu ....... ""'I>,-...l,..,.'''.l(hm'~'''I)(m.Tb.plU1l
Il~ PIli ~ .... ~h",·,,,,,l 1.1 18,"m~ .. ~.~"'''''Iun!X''".j p~'""d ~ 1iI<""" .,.,,~, ".001" 'h" '1'<'""1>,,, d"Tr"
,""."n ,.". 11",,,,,,1111' L,I,r" ""., \ I,,,,.,,.. ,,,>l,d, .lIhru-on ,,, 1rI",~ 1111 mm "~'~', ,""~ n""h 1",... ,1>,· ,~~",I",""n,"""", ""ml>,·,,,(~.,,

1><-<1'1, 7m;'·' \11 "I II""I"~,I R,,,,h ,d.u,a ,.. II. ~"~."; .IR'1'I'1follrilil ICS/ PII I
".".,," '"", 1I<\~",J.!i..".1.I1 ,.... ~~~;~', ,.'" 11<,,,,,,,, 0."'.,,",. 11,~,"", '" Sl<m

,\ Iammillaria llo)d ii (IJ. & R.)Ol\"ull M3rnmilbri31onginorn (11.& R.) lkrg .\ lammillari al"ng; mam n13 IX :.
I, h'" IlIn«ltd ~"n b", 1>«,... "11 '~"'P'n1 ..,. ., In (m I ,,,,Ill ~,I"""..,.", IO<lllxn .., (L ,<:.unp(.ri IRq'!'.) S,,/;ul},.. du~,,,!,. I""'~id ..I,,,"",,,'.. 12',,,~~
h,..,,,, 7"", 1" '*"""'~"'I'h,.~o<d'",,",~ n.R 11"",-I"""I'1S.Io:u.I)u''"''l\''''I''<1UmJ.t.M'hc I.........k I C~/ P \I I

01",,,,,, "rht,lII....'''"""""'""
'I'<'....... I'''''''~"~'"'Id'''' ... IC, 1'111
'''b< ...... '"''''''''1t 'H".,m, •.,
Il.uncin"'·I ... (N!ldl· ... 1 ('\1", ~" II.J.Ij:o ,q.n<" \"..oo..
,.,'X,"' '"", \In~'c/~., .., ....nd 'Un I"~ I\.,~, allil< .. nL
"'III'~\I"."f).I""iI<k"'t' ........,f) ./omJ-~,
HI""1 ,.Iw.,
'"",A""".A,.,,,,.. Ioq#'''' (•. ".ml,r,,.; II

,\bmmilbri~ luui~i:u: J .ind>:l~ Ilam millariamacdoupl ii R'I><: I b nuni llaria maga ll anii s.:lunoIlt~Cr,ig
L....... ".n. "~' ••"'" ","",,,I.....,,.... 'n,....."......, I'Ll.., A,nrnnJ-prt>rr .. , ",,!<I.!.5,.. b«>a<.! Ilh ~\II ~ .. """"~"< .....,,6<-..,~,p"'~;,m,,,,, U I
"\Wit> ""¢,..... b<,"",,,<d Prob..bk, .. ~ .k"",,~
:!;~~r~~,~~'·:'~t: '~'~~,I'~;~h~r~~~~:~:11 ,.,,"m, ,."'. ~I Inrono.r>J.J",,<n,St.oor•. \.<,~"
"1I1I,,,,,,,·\I~r~'i.\I.,. ....,,,,,,, It . l..i . ..... tIu. ICSIF.I
IL\.'11I '."OIIII'lM'" \l.-.iro. {~"~"i ....... ,, Pm'll'
';;I~:.;.,~_"", •. II'"«'M""""''',

Mam milhlri:l maJ,'llif' (,"J lJudlCnali \l nnllll ilbria m~gni1l1am1l1 a lb\\ . \lammillariamainiac K .IJr;I.MlI~gee
~.rndrl ..lrul ...... ",-I[l<.. ~ tPr·""I"">f''''''. \<11 "/UhIr:,t1"""...,.,,h ..... <b"" ... U'· .... n"',C'" lkl.. ~,,,,, ... 1! .... broorI"'IO l i,-..jlh· I"I I
I ............... ~ rr.,.. . W!"'.... P''I'......", n "",II", urd

_""~ ..Lh ......... ,L-""1

......,.o>rIf-'l"'•.,:turlrrorJpr"'lon,;.nd'......... '.. n rn
.. ,<O<dI1<1«pponl."''''It,.... I''!;..J,II' ''1
1"""8\'MfI !. ~"","".nd ,.<I.. ...............

::.::\~I~~;t~,=:dr \~-
..... Il."'n(;,n
............... """"
'''I.. ''''"J.:II.'''''''_.II,., .....''''.III1<J-.
11_, ....... 1."...,,"'11""""""

.\1:l.nllnillari~ mammilhlris (Ll "U,ltn ":I.mmirb.ri~ maritim~ Mammillaria marniana t...uiru.

l .... ".~.obun, ....,K""'''''''h\ i ..... . 1 ..... '" (I.ind'-'l) ) D.H.llulll 1~.JjhnPo pn1O."""5'm ..Il h\I"",,,,,,,~
I(,PI' I 1'''•.....,'~I .... du_.,_''',.,'''''h'''''' ]CS/ P\II
,~".M I..... I......... \""Iit;..-..:r>bnd.of,ht I 1,", '""-"J fl.I,", ~....n.I·IIPII\1 I~"""" ,.'" \\nl<" ~ ... ~ ... II ~"'"' 11.1<1"""., ..
\,lh<rI.on.t. \n"'''''.nJ~",,'f''''.od in I,n." .." ,.',,,1<1,." II,"""" 1""C."fom... """" ",...... 1>U" ... , .. ,n,hcl./u<"",,"""T,op<>
,,"".~"", 'II ,~.".II prJ..• . II ".fIt> "",,.. ,,''', (;~ ........ _rt:, ...

\I:nnn,ill:iria,nathildac \l nmmiliariamalUdac II.Bralo ,\ h,mmillariama7,atlanCllsis

t...rJciwniludll &. "r~lI1l ,><j, .. 'l·""cI""cm, frurn ""'_....... ".10,.. """""", Sc h. I'X Gurrle
~.".~.;, .. ,.,..., ' ....".n'if_i.,.,otLo.".. .........
CI...... ""'... , ... 16<W1ul1.nd'iono<"'"'"II,"'I\1 LhJ"'I""J. ..(.... ~I""' .... "".,'l'"'h.p"'I,.
,.".,.. ,."'k\otv.,Qu<."'", ..... ,.. c.....lI ... ,.I.I • .,..,<C .......""' .. ,-..I/L<;,PIlI IR<1'J'II",so/CSIIIl
"""""'."'\0_1.0)0'" 1"" .... ".,,'k\.,.., .......,.... ll""' ••.
•"'... "'w.,I1.,......".!!.............
\\\ ~\\1111 UII IIJ

Mammillaria rnci:«.·~n,h a Englm. M ~ n'millari~ mciss neri Ehn:nb. Mammillaria mdalcuC'II K.... .
SoIiut), ~ , """"'Lor. ",,"1 1 < .. om ..... ]l tS / ~\ 11 ~1<fM')kndnc. "" ~, l l.5crn h.., b) l.5 , ... uOXIl>rC
r.... rf>t...lo. Th< pbn' rM<t uml, I .61'1........ ,{.
u.....u, ......I).poo.Lrt. pooo) ....... ICS/FI
...",.,", ,. " ~~ ,In" .... 'l<o' \I "~,, T<"" . nd '"
"u _"",",. "d,;r, ~ .. ",;,. ....... ~"",",l .hdr .,,'
'"" .'""""'·'\\njro, T..... ulipaor. ..... rJ'u""'~
.11e"'.""" h.·, rJ""l...·,.,..., "" "."""_,,lloIdo/4tIt..n.lnwo.
m ,u ~,,~' 11 1:1'... """0.........,...11. ""'" ~ """~","rr«~"''''''''''''pbonb ' lIk",",, ... ~
1' .l.1'I/IP/ Io.I
'."_"M".(Irip>oII)p'..... '"" \k\rar.1.1r1'l~
1_1Ic1-o... ~I_""Labpa. ( "' __

"" ... '''"~_ It.... "_'''......

Mammillaria mclan".;cnlrd I'"seiger Mam millaria mC ll."aocnsis 1'310ni Manllnillaria mO:-),T".Inii 11!1l'"o
SoIiout."" .,lb .... """b) I1 , ... blu""'·rrcrn;np"" oo (,IobuW."" '.5 ............. ~ ...........<.... rru~ s _"~ ......... ",, . ,SS ... ~ ... t.,5 ..... rl.......n.s {n...
H .. Ilq:.II l.5" .. Iot....J.fI"II,. IKI M - I/l IS/l',\I1 ttd. , ,~llaum;w... (IIlbs-.) R<f'!'; ...... >lisl>r1) .... t - · IK<"fIP'I(oIIICS/ I'III
,.",. ... " ~ "'. \~ " ..,.,, I ...,.., ll_c..)<lII broodrt.r"",."""(fJs.Ioo,~]CS/ rlll ,"',.,."..,.." \l.uc..,nIIq"lh< K.,·,-",-.,..t
IOdrloc-o ..... _ II<>nI<ff<). ,"',I,110,!'."·\InI<o. I....... C<mo ' INt-. \l~-""'''''''''''''''San''''''''''-
O1 ..JlM'", It."' ..... ",..,... "" .. '''"'·11 ........... ,.,....,... 11 __ ...- '~' ~;':;;':: . , .. . . 0 _ _ _. "' ~

,\I ;ulHlli11~ria microhelia \\erd. \Iammillaria micn:l lhde \ \ uthlenpronh Mammillaria miCfiana I:.a rle
s....."".,IS""'lonfb!J; 15-.datlcri",f"",,"'" II...d>A.nno.d."" .. I .............. rnnW~, .......... ~ 50.0M"}·,"P .. 1 6'""' ~ iJhb) 10u".I t.. Z01lIPlt.. 1
1>0... .,111 "" 1l.~ .. 1II)...... ""·,............n-. pool ...., I" IIN WI"I nl'l~l~lfJ1<""; 1\,<><0>, Sonor.. ho ..·.." "'" MOl "'-.
10.11'\\1 ,.".,Bl, ....;IIcuru.T.... ul",".ndS •• l.u .. I'uIu.o. •nd K., I\""""u.... '"',/ tI"'"
1.'1""' I."· \k'..,~ IJ:o.!o.~, .. n, ~ .."" dt I" ...".... f "11001"""

,\ l:imm illariomicllc3na Tiegel Mammillari a mill cri «(1.& R.) BIXd. o\I3m mi11ariamodlcriaml Uocd.
CIu~,,,,,,,,,,",,up"lS .... """b! 5"""n IS .......... (lobo •...,. hc..b""", 15C111 k",t., 5 ..... nz;"", SoIl"'l .~II.>.t".. "'<)\;r.J""."I'~, ll< .. """ ....
"""I<I""'I...-""............ I1- .""',... .ood "-JIPIIl'JII!SI'III 10m btuod. n pok p;r.1 ... b••• "" 1,110" .... """'""".
11. ...,.,,"'.. 1\11 ~~;:::'. 10'" \ ........ r c.liionu.mol \ s.-.. ICS/r ll l
1.'lm.. tH"""""'Qoom: ..... ,"' , .,.. , .,,, l kU<o, llwo ... and ....... ,,....,.
''''*.,~,~, 11_",".1..." 1"""'........
.\I\\I\I II.I.UII 115

Marmnill3ria m"lI~ml"rffiana Shurl) Mammillaria montioola R<'P)l. Mammillariam0rt".miana Ticgel

SoIir."'''''~' I',," ~,rht. m.... IUlY U'I"1 1J...wt,d;ury, .. S ..... tup.b)6cm.""2(l21.25 ..... s.....8 ... bn>od,dir""""""'"' .. prudu<t<~<>r
=:.:."\\,,,. ,,.I I... IP,',,:.... "nL. ,"' ... ' . ...
1onf.""~"I' I-Z.Z-l .... "",,,bfnoo,,,,,
~rPtd bn>o.lI.~' 18 .... bfood. dlr!. ........ a...~ .iuI.'. .
~ -S,IO_ .• hiorbppt<lbfnoo":"".w-SO."""il:•.
"""'iIIusI'OI«!. I. m .......... fiodoeonp..!
,d""dto \l.<OMpi<ua.jR<rP8++/l!'/R'l'I'1 ~r..rty<lMr1y.I "11 2l IP/ KI

' ...l.IIllJT1Oyo,:\I<'O<O. ' 'utbb, ......... \b''' .... ,,,,,'a.IIUJOoo.: ~koC'O. Gw .... "'ro

Mammillarianmehl<'npfordlii Fuerst. Mammillaria muhidigit~la Mammillariamuhiseta Ehrenb.

GIoJout.".,I }" m~,,,o.I l ~I~'J 1I'~/I. 1 IR~dle}1 (X I.indsay (;1obu11r."rl"llcrnb.pb)8C11l.~
II ...JHI'I""""',20.,.IonJb)}C1Il.f.... i.. Ia'J«~ didlooom ... i,..Tkplo",m"""""',Rrpp9-lO,_ ...
::: ~".',~'yo,. \Io:""',t~ .."'... ('".".I"."' .... Ss.." .. mdoe'"",,"I~I<_blj·.d.
01111,~ ' \1\1'. IJ. ,mUM. ,\I .,.,..,.,,,. ~~III~I<J',\louro,l~C.ljf"'"i .. s..nP<dro
,""a.lIlm",", \lniro,unpulok><';"""'. "houI
IonIilj,tq><o'I.d b) 1Ir.. "", Mrpprnhap from 1'uriIlo,
1](. \1\1111111 UI~

.'t\ammillariamundlii Scll. .\lammillaria mY1ita~ ,\\an. Mammill arianagliana Ref'f' .

sp,.r><allOdoop,ed.\IfI",1cmbmadThcpL.nt SoIiU'l,IO.lO<m hip. b) 15 ...... , 1~216111'/ ~ 1 Tu9<mhiJhbj·3, ... du",,""r."I' S-l. ~ -11 "'..
,1I",""" .. dlu.<b«<Imr.-.k~·di<>ribu , <d .. d".>r"'cie>"'" ,It'.'J'"' ''"lr'o,.It.,,,,,,;I'u<,. ~.p·"ropp<d"'rl.",,1.~-lO .. m~"". Il.<')
don"",<ao:l~ '" """"JIII'l
bri<f"""nprion.nd btu.on IipptrJ bb,l. ~1 18 mm 11<'1' ' . "';P' )'d~,.
'mu.o~~\1'''; II.......... \! """"",.\I.-w.i~.
'''''011<1.-·'M''' II""".",",,"'~ ~"hooIlocalir:.. I'm.o: ..
11._".... Ik<ppIIl-lS/ll'/k<pp1
'''''_'IrlI'"J~ 11.\1(1), lid" ....... \1CI"~1b
pL. .... ~~ ....... from"'~do""T........ \1<"""DF

.\lammillaria nana lJ~bg. n R. \IOIlram J\\;lmmitlarianaf'ina I'UrplL~ Mammill aria nazascnsis

."'"U'}"'<""',n".""""IO ~ <mK __ ICSAII L!.UaII) .oou". ~-I><m brood. F1 ~ an oc-ross. ICS/fl (Gl."" & Fnslcr) Rcpp
FI<'<~ d.",n"'ll. hc->rb 2-~ rno """'" ICSti'111
:~";:;:':-I~::." San I."~ f'orooi.m>d1O lJI"~'"L'"'" II.""", l'Io.blo ...... Tdouoc,"
,~" .,",,,~,,, Ik\iro, 1.1tl,,"l"...." ,h. RIO '"''
,/II .... ~~""_ -11 . ..........".... ,...... \!. ,.~i, (fl IlU~ \"'.s;.II .,...n,._"u:.I"""'"
II \ I\\\\II~RI \ 117

Mammi llaria m:japcnsis Cr.l ig & In,..son .\bmmilJaria ncopalmcri (nig .\ lamm ilJaria ninJSa Linl cl I'(eiff,
"""l .. I ~<", h"'b) 7.)"•• offi<"""orbr.n<~'", 1I,,,,,,,,,,,,,9<.loipbjS_......p.<1wnpo/II!: looIiIor}'ordusl,,,,,,,p..buLor... 1rwoblwo! H 1$"",
"""""""""'lJ.~""".ntl)",,'.diso""".foonof 1c.~/r'll 1onJ.<mn,eICS/£C]
.'>1. ~ .... ;",.l;." •. I(:V~,11 1 ')l"~"n~~I'. ' ' ico, II.oI'Wbf_So. Ikn,.. I,lood '~"lJ"L'I~" ' um<roul r<I,od< m dlt lIN Iodin.
,"m... ~,,\,'· \I jWrNro," .~....

Mammili aria nourcddinClllla R~pl' .\lHHuniliuriauunclii (IJ.& R.)Orruu J\ hmlmillariaoOCollclla Schcidll.

SoIIut) . ""~, I';...., h.p bj' ~ <In. k,.. l5-zo.
..... :<>r ~
h.~ ~ ..",.hl'r •• h, "...'n""
l-~ m...
n 10 ....
L'...... ~."'I;'""' .. _1op.8"'""""".c..,
..... ~I .. """...,..lI)hooktd.l lo.l8I IIP/Io. I
.. .I(j"'""IIIUf<IuJh.ll""'l<_
""""-<._l"ru~"'l.llo.llJ/l~/1o. 1
'''''~,",''\Inn.&utrTt .... Ct"''dt '*'''''.... dt '''',lJ .... ,~" 11....... IboWp. Iklltllbn and ItNdoo..
,"' , .,.... ". 11c.oru,O."".. S. nl.a:>.oro. LIItRu...tT."" ~'::""''''''''''I~'''T'''''''(;_\\01
u"I."'.II...",.I ............
",,,,."\11_.'1................. 11._...
118 \\\\1\ II\\ \RI\

•\ b mm illaria ocritkont:ilis (B. &. R.) 11oW. Mammillariaorcuttii Botd . Mammillari a olc roi Gla'>S & Fu<;tn
Stt..<)irwlnr'" 15[t11~'" b< J .......... "'II\ ......... So:Ikarl.~"'~-<JIin<h<",20""'1'!12 ..... 1'n.iUKl),Io:Io~Iot-aoJ:,·,+.,., ..· ~ ..... I CS/~\1 1
""~ ~ . .... ~ ... """'rd"'"""op.lI!Sltm/IP/(.c1 '''''pUn'poctUtt<I. '·\IJO...... h.. \\ofS. ... c.u ...... '"".,.I"IIJN:.Il.uro,o.\_~ .... \It"..... "'''
'"".'HIIK"'\\"""'c..,U"........ \\""...1h 1~~I.lOIIIS/rl\1
..-d"'''''' .............
S.n I..... PoI<.o ............... n .....
1t"""'"..... I.Con<'""'' '
="" . . .". .
IH".'KlIK"' '''''ro,''''lIlrWl)'''''''''''r.... ''ucbIa.
pone"' <OII«tion< .rr r..,.. s.., I ....

I\bm mill ari a pnchycyl indrica BLbg. Mammi llaria pacifica Mammillaria papaM/uiarcnsis
S<JIi"~."I''''26cm k'th II) II <1II.1 ~1 8l/"'I"J (Gales) Uoed. ex flUJg. &. Knuth (IJ rJ\o) Repp.
I~, ' .'IR lK ... IlnKO,onpna!) ."houIloabn.1«"tftI n......... ....,"" ..
1~< .. I<rw. ..... ,""""'"" (iIQboLo'.,JO ... .>nd nn>rnM·I "l'I-I/ IPI" 1
<"<II«1_iftIIO ' ota>. DII""" Cbr~ «Lo<cJ 10 It. Jl<troploil" l ~l,,", ·I/WI"I 1>.".,.. ...-..: M",iro,~1<_IIIlnM, Sol'"''
~:::... 'w... \"'uro,Ro .. ~_'ofT..... UII •• ,~",.'. I' . ....,..........",..
'\\ \\I\HlI ARl.I 1I9

Mommillariararkin_o;,mii [hr,"nb. ,\Iallunillariaparraso:nsis Repp. Mammiliariar«Iinifer..

Ib,Io,l .1 <mhiJII.nd S cmbroWl:>r>",""",, lIodY'o6cmhigllt.. lll ...... bmKhinp""nold,.."S· 7. (Rucmp1er) \\'tb
d ~h<nomou>I) ,ulUlm 1ofJ< V<J<I!I<.I K81/IP/ Kj Z-lOmm~..,,1.5-7 .... ionB·~11""' ..... SoJIiW,.1I)7C1D h.p.t..· ~cm . ICS/P,\l1
d"""'.ptn/.'.Oos.ft·",u."'''' 'l. pu,,,"ii
~~.::~';;~~"' •. Ibd.I~. nur s"n O•..,r", in III< IR<JIII I08.llIP/R,I'P]
""'IlI"lJlk'" \ I <'ICO,1'u<blo, ...., T.hlU<ln.

uu" .~,\\'-" 1l ,.",,,",,,. 11 ..,;10-.-._.... 1"".'''''-'k''·\I.'''''.C"dhuilo.r........ (fl"',,-;'''','''').iw..,...,..u.

\I.,.p..,II~m. U.f.""" ....·. Il_mt1t!i",II.I~"',

Mammillariapcninsularis '\lammill ariapennispinosa Kninz MammillariapcrocUa lIildm.u Sch.

(B. & R.)Orcutl 1loch~<"ICI'O<S,,,u""t1)"<h"''''' .... ICS/r\1 1 11..... 106""''''''rw. bnlKh"'!dkhotornoud)'ofutm
F1v1 ...... globul..r.,., ;"" ......... IIlIISI l""I.I"L~1lf', \1....".S\\ Coohuillmd' Du> """1I~lfl
",su,",nx" \k' ;,,~ B. ~ C>/ifonn., c.oo Son I .II< '~ b< ...""lkm><j'Io . nd\laf>LMi ;:";:~:l().'.. 11,,,,u; Hod.Jr>. Toliman inil ~"W<I.
m",.. ~,,,,--,; II ,..•. r ........." .
(mtl"H\,,~. l' n>IIot>hll .• lji"""'"
120 II A.II\ III \' ~RrA

Mammil13ria IJoCluddarnsac Mammillaria IlClrnrhib K. Br:mdcgtc

Br.lIo & Schtin"ar nod ... Ij COl hfl/l....J btuo ... ,,;t,. "I') .wlh Globubr. IO.IOmI""_.U\ ..... ~· ... 'W}·. >fll1I< lel'¢!.,.j
Solit.lI)"IY(Iu'''nllJ. ht.,j,I01.!i<mlu;'b)UCl\'I jI.0521CS/\\1 <oIoor,~",l>Ic
II IS "I ... / GCI
II IS/R I "'>l~I"l'II1J'. Ilr<>eo. Ib)l Calif"",,,. Sot,uokb 1"'1.1 ....·,K)~ .•\I<tku
'lL".'lII'K .... I\,,"".J........ 1.>gu... nd$MIr .. ",i>'I""O_ <.l'"rG ......i..,<>;'-"'l:''''IIox.,iI) ... ''..n
'"11.Jl"''''':Pnibobljll, ........... II ,.tt.Ji<

iI\ammillariaph itauiana (IlilXter) "'crd Mamrnillariallict:1 ilkinshaWICIl Mammillariapilcayensis 31':1"1/

S..... "hnJ,;.,;.JIOl>""'hfl/l.... n' ..... hclu"'I""J He><h""".. ml.·.,~"<JlO l <lll.<r,""' .... lI\UJ.lII S"' ...... ;o mlhipohj 5cm, 'P'''''' . ,h";sh·),IIo,.,,
Ildll-IIIP/kl <hllllpi"l,ICS/FI """",.... n"""d ... ~, \ ""'.. ...,.o£lht 1I.• pin ... ;,.;",.
1"'1.,111 lK", II, .." ;."htlN.<idl"n,u'-'h<<<.. ", 1~'I.IBll.)'o.' \\<'OiI:<>. T.... "Iipo~ ROl lib ...." <ompbICS/ P.1I1
..... Jlh«:.,-.<,..,p .. "rI'*C.Iifumi>. UI1I1J."'".. :II.amM1<r.II. .n.llIw,... '""'''"',w" ,\I<\jc" , 'n .... lbr''''''....
1'il<-')•• (; ..lT<ro.ndlb .... ""'rl<
1I" "'h""""" II."," DF

Mammillari;. pili.pilla ]'urpus \bmmill;lria I'lumosa \\(b. ,\\ammillaria pol)cdr.l "~n .

Ik ...... lj <.. ..,..... f""","~ ...."clu"""', IC.II\1 h""' ... t.'lI' ................1> .. 7<no ..."""".tllp.l""'" S...... IO... h~ ...Jbrood, .. .,...... <1unoponf 1'1'
!JI>I~'." •.:-, \1,,"", ."~ I''''o.i, \lI ... tk~.n prodondl WPl 1- ~.UWtnJ- ~nun kq.lo.. '6 llmmkqlCSlIl1
lor,,1 ,~,'.'",'~'" II"iro. C.. huob, Ib ..... . nd.. '"".'"1' .....
llruro.O....... ,.J.T.... b.nd
,., ,,,,,,,",U ,.o1o,,,,,,•. II. ,oHdIJ. 'IIC'I" I ...... II""....... Can)nn 11"''''[>1"

,\I ammillari~ [101}1hdc \Im M:unmillaria pon dii Grl't'lic \ Iummillarin po~I!",; lIildm ,
Soiu~."IonJ .... ".W'·m"""'Ulon. \I<'l, ..... hI< S..... <)~ndno:IOJOCIII"'Pb< ~ <"''''''' ~k_""".ndolrnoln .. 2 .. """ ... ~ ,lea,
...... In).{Ii~Ic.I\ll ","""",. noarl) S ... """'''''.... If, I><> .. """r..... ""'''-...J ~ ........."" I" PIll
ulS, .... ,....,"."'..lloblf:u."""' ... l.-.nd ,.', .... ,..... \knn>. Il.o.. Coh ........ C..J"" IJond ,"', UM"T1O ..... \I<>i<o; .......... _.H_"J'O""
"..... II . . . . '\'"'r........ ,.... Il.o"CMIorNo
,.,.... "'"'\1.,..•. 11 ..........:100• 011 •• '\\11' ..... ......". .........
.1I...,.._\I ~ .., Ir. w....... I/.JJW.,."...
1I. ~ lr _
1Z2 1111111111 UI~

M:lmmillariapoltsii ScheerexS-D Mammiltariaflricssnirl.ii RePl' 'l:lmmillari;lpri nj(lci

~ ...... "hnd ...., to I! rm h.p II) ~ em., clumpnc SoIi .. ".IIau<n<d .~.J-9""' h""tr.; -llc .. ((:""lIer) .... Ilr:mdc~ct
\. mu l,;r.ul;" Rcpp..I<'l >trOOJll <ium","~."<'" R>r ~ -!. !-7 .... 100$. "to.. opptd IKo<>n. Up 1-2, ~1< .. 'to!IJcmht<ht.. "em.,"",,,,,, ",~",,,hrnl
>i,,'''r.,rll.<roo,r'''nn«llJ ' .A:o<R'1'I' ''''''''"'''u IonJ. 'Iu<l... !f<} orbronon~"" blatl~.~'
~ -15 mor d"ho",.,.""h ~ll"''l'k IUmmll"",,_IISi\\1
1; rm lorfi.nd 7". brnad 11..1 (..Inlo!u. 1"""«»1 16mm.,:"""I"!5S/II'/ "1
IH,,_,., " .... \\I'\""\'nl."~",~,,,,.q
I<:S/\II 1~,mNlIN"'.\1< __ Quet-C'WQ,J.lron.
~::::. !~l" S T,.,,,IIIn .. gt. \ Ik>~" ~~,

.\I'Ul1Illi11ari3flrulircr.. ( 'Eller) lIaw. Mammillariallscudocru.;gerJ CrJig ,\I'Ullmiltari:lflSeudol>crbclia Quchl

II ..d,~5""bn>od,c"'_ ~ , .•"",I\oo;dto Sob,." or d",",.nn~. h..d'109 <III ><M$·I~861W "I L""lh..oliL",.rom,mh.,totr.8,mIIP"1
I)Rllu ... I"""T..... oI"' .. &IIOhlgo" ,hoi .. n>;> 1"'I.IBlIK"'\i<U<'O.(lu<r<WQ.ll<mo] Ilhl_,"II~'" \1n~",~".lh."ho ... k.."".
, ,, li<hum.) Ikq (rum 1I"".nd \. '.~" .. I""""'~ ..) m,.nd\t<"f"'<',Jrrom'~'M.n~II'JU<rill»
IkIrJ("""T... >dIlT"'"",'~lnd<"il>of~nuion.oo
, .. m""'_I~IllI.llCS/P\11

OIHf~'\\ll_' II """'.~Il".,,,n.
II ~ II 11111 \RI'" 123

Mammillariapubcn,b Repp. Mammillariapullihamala R~pp. Mammillaria pygma~a (B. &. 11..) Ikrg.
s..t.'l ...."",,,,..... '"'I!'n.. 'hc:t.,,.. ',,.""' .... n
,Mnp<.5kml I 5,.,. h,~ b, I I".,.; "I' I~ I~.
lk>.1)""'IU), .. 6<"m~bj;tntIlP/t.:1 .u,"""'.n"" ..."" .. ,O,mh,p,bj·55ttn.
L ••
'~".''''''M'' 1',,,,,,.0.,,,,,. "<i>pa.".." ~1I<ti11o.
.-6 .... Iung: •...,,1 •. illmm~'hid.,, 'h."'hc 'H'Tlt'III.·lI("'-\ I "iro.S~rttoro
"!'- ell< ",.,,,"""'«1
~11; IS "'''' ..."""~ ~hi'.'u
'HIII.'\\ltsl!..LII1o.. "'.H~ ....
""",., '"'' 11'~K<' ~." 1.",. fl.,.... 'ioI»

Mammil1:lria rt."<:lisllina (Da"wn) Ikpp Manunillariardoi (lJ.& R.) \"aupel i\1ammi llariarcppen h:lgenii D.II..l1um
1l<.dsh""h,~,..j<""'.,"',"b",d·""''"~,ICV ... 1 ~"n ... 'l,mh;Pbj) 6cm_I..,.~,,,,,,hooI.«Ior U-,!}.oou'l."';'mh;Pbj'6<"m.ICSIrj
,,,,,.,",,,,,,_ 11<\1(0. U.. !" C..!if"",... G:d,,,, l~."d ...... ~~IFQ.(I22ICS/P"1 1>t>"TItlHL r~". Ilt<I<O, Cohm .. R.ncho Tmun,
I~" .. BI til": ",,,,,,O,un. 1\,,4 C<'rol .. '"P"' .. rol ....1i» ""C'mldtCorriiol
""","''''',''pJ-..",,,,,,,,,.. Ultl'~'~II'_"\I.IIIIf1tu'",",~·II.""""·
IN \\\\I\\I\.IIMl1

Manullilbri:1 ~u;~ana ~d. ,\ I Q nunill~ri~ rOOd~ntha l.,inl/\. Ouo .\ l arn miUari~ rillcriana Hoed
..,."".,."'""' • .oh.n l .......""flpalopinL. L....n...,.,..." .... ""IO.(j<1ll~oo:h\O'll< .. _R>r17·H, ~o1t1'l). pohuL.r. ~ ""'-""M n",k .. \.1,,01 ~
\ j , .. """'" It ~ III . -9 ..... ,I...)·.1ut:.IOpalo,cIbo."'.9, .. ZI""", II. ,h ....""ph.\.I ho, m...... """n,·,.oJ ."h ~"'J<"oJ
'''".,"' ,.'" II"." ,"", ••1 ~ ... 1,~ .... ,,, .... pilot> "U,,,,,JlIYmlJ""'.bn1on.I t.H8;IPt.1 h""'I""',It.W>·ldPt.1
1""''IJ 'lotd, ... :n'''.... h".bttncolk''''dm: ...h_«n ~~;:=~"l ,." \1.....",.. '0Ih< ~. •00 , 01 ,II< \ .n" {~ '"".,," '"" 11o,."·,...,Iot"'<rnl l•.,',m~.n.I"""''''
,lotntlol("""'J_, .oo l ~o1o"",I1HJ.1Ju ;" ( ;,"",..... \1" ... ,
,,,,,.. ,,,,,,1\.,...,-. """_,,,,,, Ha...,.,..Hjtto...

Mammill.,ri;[ru,,·oalb;1 Hoed. Mamm ill aria nlbrogrundis Repp. &. I""u Mammillaria ruesl;i fluehl
'KoL"".~d·p:1ub<o;< ... 13C1t1><TO!O>.6mth;P "o1o"".~ 1(1 .... hop'" 10-18"" ~1 ",,"·h pn..l.nJ. 'KoL"".w-lll<mlup, '" 7<".I(_~"\\1
NWI';.(\I'111 ::\k~~~ ,10< flriltJI 1..1<.).,.; "" "'''~'- tonp, "...... '~"'U. I,,, (,,,,,,mm,ll.-..j1ll..
~:= I~'" \1""u.T~"~P"",""~",,,
,~",,, I." \1",,,,,_ , ...." .... bot.... J.u •••".nd
C-.lo.J I ....... ,."",1 ....... l)ub-. ............
"I""I1IIR'1 125

,\bmmillaria~abuac Glass Mammillari a sacli~ra llotd. & T it! \lammi1l:u-ia sanorii Purpus
Oooop.., ~,m, I Z,",ull.odbroaol_1l 1 , .. _"'" S<>IIun.p.t.»<.101'",higI<.flZc-..ok,obo.o"" ~ ......
,.'Z ... uDbI 10 <fII. ,Ill"""", IL~· ~I
•. ,....,;;(1. 6. f 11.1a"6. I _',I .~ ",.~,,,,," "JII I""l rn>J~\pbnI'."""""',",,,.""""1h< 1"".'RLf." '\n iro.I ... I.NI. H.m"'.<ItT......,
o«.tr...., .., .. ,,,.l, .. ,,,,_l,"' 1'1 ,1,5,,..><1.('''''''>", Jkt",_"""" . lubn.. """""",oI'lh<pb.. ,,"" •• onI)
s..J f•. h."""... (I.u&'\\ >p". j\)lIu"" <iu"",,,,, .
... ,. 1 ,,..,,11 rll,i,-", ook 1\«<o<>,s.,.,,1 1'1'/ " 1
'n"""',....... ""'..-. IIII
,.".,"' 1~" II,,,,,,. ,!u<t<-Woand ~,. L.... """'"
""'lUIl1." "t ...".~\\ Uoi'""".","'"Trt"''''

,\1ammil1:rriu su.\ imh, Repp. \I ammillaria sc hic dcana Lhrtnb. \ ' un""il1uri~sch "nmnnii Il ildm
lI..d,h' 1I!".h",,"" ~'nl.lakt"",><,""".,~ .... "",11 "ud, ,.10,.. tupb) • <11\ <Iusor"",,<pfl<> ~o/i.ll .. Ilnoh .. I.I<011~ ... . _;.-1I1, .. """hdun~ I I.,"'
<~ M '4'~ K,l-\_~'''''''-.'''''''''"''I'I"':d ,ulIJ""'K~\\1 ..""'- '."'...... \\ oK;..~~,pol. ...... I,m.""",
<'"""'fl'•. !.1 ...1(1_~"".~
.. ",,..,..p.,,,·,~ ,,,
I1!1'_ .... IR<PI"'JWC\ 1'111
L"-" . . . . ". \'ooro. lI"""lJ:<>.""'''''<It n .... ..."
u..._ ....... \kttt>tIoA.
. " hobon<r~boB(<.:.obo\ •• I _)I(~·\\l

,." ... ,'" \..... ~.I~"'uro.J.or,.n FE~'~~=.~ ~~::7'.=:~t:.,

"n•• ""u ............._
126 111111\11 I I~I \

,\ lamm;lbriasch",U'L ;; Shurl) .\1ammillariasmppsiana (1l.&. Jt.)Orcuu "lamm il1arin sempcn'i,i IX ;

II<ld,2-.l'm ....,..,cI"""""lI.Sp.... ~,·.·h, ... oli<n s,';"1) ,.. """'1'''''.~' I~<III hop h! R5 em. "'" 6· 10. :O"jilU;I"",,"' uml"fiJ."'".d,'""''''7cmbtood.'J'h<ntoI
"1'I'al"'IJ;,h·bto'o.n.ICVI)\I~1 <>{\I 2.fl(>int,.JI'<utlo>oni""""no (IU.~,)~,1'I' ha, ,",1onp1,.,J C'l'1 1 11 Jirt) ~h;I ,~"h 1',"1 mod .. ,..,..
cr<.m n.-;,h n'dJOJo· """'" ,",,",Itl>< (\huoaIl"n. [L';/~.1
\")~riI) [h'JUIP/ h l ",,'II""'M". 11,,,,,,_ 11",,1~". lim .... n 10 I,nodos
'~'1I1111,",'" Ilai<u ">'um<nlU>loor.h""in}.II>CO.nd IIIIIIJI.,""',' II S<w!p, I' /(I,.to./iu, H "',., ......,.,
\~.n,.od fn ... MN' R"", ,n 7->C11","" II. _~ I. ,.,.,.",d
'''"IJI.~.\\''., .H._.II. .m,." •• ,,."''''''

Mnmmillariascnilis Mammillaria sclispinn M3mmillaria sheldoni; (8. & R.) lloed

[31mb. 10 Lodd. b)j S~[) (Coul!er) K. Ilrandrgee !;""'" '" 10 em h~ bI Je... clumpt<>jl 1~lIq;/c.:s/P\11
ll<*l>pJ>uI""",,,lindr>:,.p" I; cmhlPO bI 10(111 H".,J,.or!oJO(1IIh.,.,blf" .....""""du,",n",.I1 .. d, I~"""ll"'" 1k\"".Sor..-,. H,rm,~I1"',, \ s ........
fonn"'!btg<..,.,no.b.[C.VPIII )cmlonl,IC\/ PI\1 ",,,,.,,,,,.' '11. ..,..u-...••"'••. 'I1,!,,,"""""'...
1.,nmlIW'" ,11<""" fnm n,h.,h.. ",,,,,,gil "" high '~,TIIII<lI~'" II.V<O.ltI" c . W'"",.., ~JuboC="".
So<""11><l", S!oJ:d"'" "..r~n!!otp>
m"u'~",.> 1! ••"I1o!o~"",li, l'robobl) H '''''''' "'t"'.'~""'c..w,,,,,,~pt ..
1\\\IIIt1IIRI\ 1Z7

Mammillari" sil'"ti('"~ R,·pp. \lammillaria sin ist rohal1l3ta IJocd. .\Inmmillariasolisinidcs B~bg.
s..t. .. ~<>II h~ In h "". ,,,I,,.,, '" d""'P'~. "" 1'1 S"iun. (,..",.,... ,n c"~n~",,").I....b '" ~J em """"'. s.,ou" ",1I.obtu~clu>o''''''IC '" (Wb\ ...... ,,<"" .. /, .....
u.J!'""'~""!I.p.."'~h",·."",1;.1,20mmlurJtl. p,bo;<.o...:h"'Lllo:d .. \I.~";"'ICSf\\-1 hop. ""'S"",,,,,,,,. ICSiLCI
1Irooo1l111G 12mm .......!.mm''''' Imcm"".'~'1." l"'I.'I<I.,.",\I<UnI.\FZ..-"<"<",, '""lJ"\,.""I1<1_.1'u<bb,SofPctb~illJ"
11. 'f","",,,,;m.,,,,,,,,Ic-..IR<rI'lloill/IP/M'rrl
VI"""' ,." \1<""""-,,.I,~t<m""
,,,"'.,,,,,>: H·"",.rj< ""~ ......

Mammill"ri;, "",,,,,,"_is f:"'ig .\Iummillaria sphacdata .\111'"1. .\lammillariasphacrica DiCIT.

1"""~"","",.",8'm""""',,-ru ....,, RSfI~-II. S'''''''l')lin.lnolO20''''''''''b)J"".clom;>i''l-IU26-1I Ik.. I\,"....d·P>I«>o< ... 5<"'><roIIo.<ru.... "Ii,n~rnI
I-!Omm."" I ~.;. . ~; ...m.I"HIII1' "I 11'/"1 ........ ICS/ .. 111
11IlI1.11I\1.".I1""o.,nlh<'<J">n _I><n:Sonur. '"-'-,UHl""";\,IIrtIIUIdT.......nn. I'........ I~"k'", 10" S~. T.", inl<) T.",-,ulipt .. ",\iro
QWo".h"".ndS ... Io:omrn .ndSinI<J..Jj.cmoO",on

I\\ammi llllriasllin()sissinm Lern. .\iammillaria standlc)i (B. & It.) Orcuu .\lammillnria sllbducta (Ilun l) KePfl.
~." ..... '~.lO ....... """" IO.... ~-.lOlOcm""""~'''''''n<lIll\\J :-..j,'''l''' . ''.,''+du"'fN"' .....od, 'uh ....'h ..... ~
!{II"" '~I) ,·. .... Ilk In roIo.., from .~ms/Ilh ...... IM,lI ll11'TM", l leU<o.S. ....... n<.Il 110..,., h"d_IC~Vr\1 1
rtllo<o""·bruoo ... I""~ or mid""·broon '" ....d 'M"."'ll~" I I""", ·1.... ul.,..,. ...... ""nCI,.u.,i
IK'1'I'1721CSIl'\ IJ \ ."",,,.nd J'unu ..
1"'I.'~11M" \1«1"" 1I,,,,'u Ill', \~w<l, ... ndS In'" " ''''-''~''''_, It I,a."". ,....".
GII<ITtfQ .. "" n'l<d kahll<>ondi!fs.
"TI~"""'" I! • _ _.I! __~.I!

MammillariasuhdllcI3 Mammillaria supcnnla \ lan. u l'feilT. \\;ullmilbriasurCIII""" 11,,,,11

\·.dasrllCa,uha (Iluml ltcpp. ~."'IZ-S ... h.pb)9.5"". I"5JIP/" 1 11 .....,'"l ,m ..."".""",,,k ull"",n. I"'''''' ......
1t""' .. 5<m"soli.......II'I
~<h"rq"n~ .. 'uI"'..."" lJ"nlllu.".,I Iniro,t-o."",III>Il..J,...,"1'II<bI.o I(~ 1'1
"-"~,,,, " ", \k\~" T.m."I"",. 11"I,,,h.. ", '"" ""
Ultl•• ,\",,,,"Iaou.,u""',,-
I~".,~l I."'. "<»<0, T....u!ipo •• bm>ffn lu"I',.,,,..,,, .. ,,'nll,,,,.. ,Ik,nJ hw
\~"'I1I.nd J.U"''< "" ".,,,,,,I!<I.,"'!oN ...,,,j,,,,,
""I1.'~"II," II Inllfo ...,.......

Manlnliliari:l s"'ingJci ( II. & R.J H.."d. \ja",millari313}loriorum Glass & FOSler M,unmi lbri a Icgclbc.w3na
Socrn; .. JOcm hopblSrno.'I"""I'k, ..... 'nnp:ln ... "'" SI<m>pw ... ,6<)linJnrl<l25cmhopt.,l l ..... Gale5ex Lindsa)
It.o.. II.bOfiIC"VI'III .1<"'..I~'""""n"'. 1 1o, 2n/1l'/1o, 1 )o.Ut}(<lumpi"llin<1Jkn~I ...)"""""'9<mullt.,6cm
1lI:<,,, .. II, ....... s..""",.(''''\111.1~ 1M".'" I~"'. II..."" s......... b.b"'" ~"""1'o.oolo"",. I1r / lo, l
:'::::~~~~-n~-- Ill"",>. 1\ olUwoc,utb uol

.\ Iammil1'lri:l I"sopaccnsis I.Tlig Mammillaria IClrancistr.1 J~ngl m . Ma",millaria thcresac r:U1ak

SoIiIU).>('I><,~~I'''~I'' IK".hoghbll.l,m.1l ~" ... ",2Scmhoghb) JJ<""".ICS/EI S""'ro ~ <mhoghb)2, ... >r'U'ngI\C"iu>kn"J.I U'/(;q
~~':.:;:~~,I.',~1;t:~i~~') I'<b",") <1111,. ""'" 01 ~~~'~n.,,:::..~~fS;:\S': .S~"~·~~~i.':..~"';s. ~~kl"',",'" II......,. l-"'u"pI. ~....,.. "C-'"
1*''''''' I~" \h"~·""'""'.'.""'fT"""I"'u III""~""Y~""""""" " " ""~\\II'· \I ,.Jo",".I~

"Iammillari~ thombcri Orum \1:un",iU~ri tlaJ.ocii Repp \1a",millaria tonaknsis D.R. I tum
"""""~.,Jnc .•• IO,.,,....t,2.S .... ~ '>010 .." ... 10,", t..sIo 10)'1_ H_.,...... . . ok~. \ltoJa<l .......... IO IZ,"'''' ..... m,,,, ), .. fl Il _
, 8-10 ............. r..- [I.IIO'I/IP/I.[ "'~''"' ..... ~"mlinc~"".h .. '" m.I'J"". [11"111
,,,,,.,111 ,~" .. ~n",." • .,J 11<>><0. \ Sonon ,.,"'81'''-'' 11n><'O,O.""""l.orntltOl".... 1L '.".'""."'.\I,,,,,o,Uo,,,,,.I'11< ... &,-,,,,,,.

\Iammilbrililropica Repp. .\Inmmillariy uncinal:l Zuc.ex I'fciff. Mummillaria \'alknsis Rcpp.

~1<",IO I O'mh.p.b)8 ..... f""", .. ,.""""","" ~1""~·JIoI>o<.',"'Ocm ....,..,,,,,,_.'" CI""1"IIjC.bodjI06Cft1ruJhb)·""'."I'lJ.1 J_
~(·5~ Jbo.<) ,..,. iW«I bn1o ... tl J.......... 1 5 . . o/l><tUnfI('OM,:I}f_"""""'IP\lWIIS"PI\1 ~"I'I.I- ~.)Cft1kq:. , . b .....""" ... k<J<f'IIo ..... O ... ~ ,<1..«1 10 I I. ~~'l'I'<fi_ IR<1'fI/I77iIl] 'M>' ..... , ..... Ikoco,lI..t.1p>. ...... r......... w.,drh ..... IR<f!I11 11 9/ts/P.\I~ ...... ","" ~ r..~ ' .
'''''.''rI,I."\I",,o,jMI< ... T-.._ ~ .. ts\'C'QtO. 5·zo_...,(r...."Iipo~\bnLcIrJ·)
IM.",11 17/1P1 R<rr1
''''''0.-..,... II<""" s.. L_ "- Ibn" .....
MA~1.\mLARIA lJl

Mammillaria\'snabilis !l.err. ,\lammillaria\'llnl"aCulcala lluchen3u Mammillaria ntula ,\13ft

s.m",s ... h,p. bj'~ crn.<h""",,,,, '>P H - I~. S_,, ' lanb.pbj9<t11fonnq; b 'l"<1umpo..1 s ........ ~ ............ <Uo:rinc. tl 11 .. m ........ dony
'- IOmm ..... ~hi'<; <>r~ -9.7 IOmm~~""'~ ..<>I 17 - 18m"""-mld.... ·(IIJ'I*I t.H5 ·1m/ t.1 )'<'l10001010-< ...... 1111
bp:ltOOJho"lod.dp")' . h...,,..w;,.h-otd,,' lIIS" •• ,ovno" .M""""PwbIa,SofClWo< ".sn'8ll1'11lNCM"xo>' ll~ S. ft }ost,ldOro.
_,,~lll 1~"""hn .. d,.h"i>h. )<I~"-;\ho<l""l.M
"nll:"N~,,,.s;M. hn_..,.IL ~
IR'I'I'13~1 / 1~/R<f'!'1

~"J"'"'" \1"l(o,('IWUJ .. ' •• ~t..llon

Mammillaria \'icrccldi Bocd. Mammillaria \'ipcnna I'urpus Mammi llaria \'irgini~ I·;tthu & Kladiw3
5'01."0 i "",IIIp. ", ~ ..... ",,';nrIr<hompi"l_ R.b,<d kl s...... oIcnd<r"-1lindric, kll an am»>. 1111 .... Ione. lJsuaI~ ZS no. hiP. by 8 em. A "",mba- of"'"
,\t, ";"taleS/ PM] ti,,""'m'''><, ''''''¥"'''I!.><I<~"t<mt . . .. ,,(pbntHtnlftd ,.. \1. "p"";"';.... ICSI\11
''''''.'OUl"",- \I"""T",,,ul,,,,,.,,,,''Noop'''' I<lUd><mJnomof M.>riu«Ia, .. plS/P\11 ,"""',"""' .... \lrnto, {,utrf<ro. .... ,Anron.
".;11I""mo·,,\lcDoo.I'ucbb, Riodc7~bn

Mammillarip ~i ridinon. (B. & R,) lIocd. .\bmmil1aria ,ooumensis Sdltff \1ammillari a ... agrK'ri~ n~ Iklt'd
"--...II) ooIout)buI _ _ .......... Iot..J. ..
1...a.k .. 20 ... .,."'I_r.m,~nl"" "....,."~·~~,'O,,.,,"~,n
IOnahrpb)7.s_ICSI\\1 ...... )...... "" .....,,"",.,..,.. ......... ,.i<hl,omii I ; ... ~"ood.d,,,, . h,o< oMh """1"0'-.1"""",
l",llJHI'I~", ~1II<>I\a . . . ."lwod.o'l ''' 'u","" {QIo<IoIJR.pp".<'OI~""im &R)R'I'I'.001
,'_q ..."oIrooIIRtppd!lftt", • ..,".b.. ~"" .. "ilr ..,,,
I R 'PI'I\OII/C~I\\1
IH""IIH I~ I' ",,,«>.1... .. ,,,,
UIIH.l'''"'' II .u........ , U ....-.II. .. '/r. '''" 1<.S1I1l
n~•. I1~",.n~.
""'"llwlIK" (,u.ltC1nal. 11.""",(Iouca.T<fou.lnkJl«
(,...,nift ...).().'fCl,I\,....,uiII(, . ......,.).'~R ...
(,~ .. T.""'~,I'-.ri<IIll


.\l ammili ari a" ein~Rr1 ian a 30«1. .\laml11i11Hria ... ics ingcri 1l000d. \Imllmilbri" "' ilc()~ii T"ullI,·, ",Sch
~''''JIoIw''',~ J<1II ••",,"•• _II>...,..'}.,..rhapo
~ ........ f'I"J.P"-"<" ..... ,<I1.... illlponI.MI.
s....'l,~·poII<-M."'~ . . WI".8c.. ~"ftI """,,,,,I ,,,,Iooj:.l<d '" III"" h,~h '" i , .. ,~",...,
I"ZH.lI1P' ''1 , ~,Iu"~.".,, 11. , .... "~, II n~,(" 1'11 1
t.o.ft ........ lCS/fl ... \_,,.....
'~".'II\ lK" 1I<"1i<». Ilohlp. ..... IktI.j.....un ,.,,,,,,,",, ,,\\,,'. \I <,,,,,~\,,,,

1~~I.IIIlI .... I""""'..... I_~ ad,"""'(Juhu.h .... I ... 'K"

ClII •• "'M'U,,""_ """. ,,,,,,11",,,",,,,, ... 11 ...,,,-...
\\\\1\1Il1\llH 133

\hmmillari" \liMii \. [Mulch \I"mmilbri;l \limcr.u" l\()cd M~mm ill.aria " ... hlsthl;<gcri Rt]lp.
1,\u!IoI.o, ' .... R.I~,"I'"'' ... ''' 15 ,m """ ... 6,... SoIo""'~"'~"JIob<oo<, ",klJ(j<,"MfU'». ,"", ..".bod. fLlnen<d·""",,", onJ MI h.p.b) 6,,"
<\oImpn, [~III H C~ 1'1\1 [)" Z8'HP )" 1 ~2&-36, 2-6 .... ~ ~, IIOU""~ .,oe,,,,,,.
..".,," ,." \h~". II,J.,I"". 11."...·• l,j ,t.;. W" 1"'I.'~1 l~'" II" • .." CoWo .. b .round ... kilo.nd.. I~-ZO mm Ion!;, din}, ~~'k. 1)"2'<1 / 11'/ 1<1
lonook, I "/11,,,,,1\.. \".w I...,. "'" 11""'.rr<~ 1"',.,111. ,.", II.""" 7...,.,,...... 1 ~ I;''''''''
.. "IH""" II ........

Mammilla ria .... righti; Englm. & Iligdo\\ \I"nnnilhtri~ ultiangllcnsis \I,un millaria ~ ..chi pilli II.~Pfl.
U""II) "";i"'),pobul".''''''''-<uluml\l"kl8",,,1(~ San,·h~l-\ kior.ada .""01.1,). 1021)"" hop b) ~""'..-. ~ 6.1-ZOmm
I..... lS ""btt...J.dt<pptnl ,-. "oIIii[H~"')k<rr
1..... )ftuMs..... Uor. c..) ..., uw....h ....
~ ..... ..,ZO"""'b)8 .... ""'l"'''''''''''''''
"""",Iu' '......... n ..............ish ..... pwri< ...... ""....
~1I<oo1l~Ibbd.. nl l- 1 5 _ _ ..........
t1oo<l,'"'It'd .., 'tm"ll"imomma. lk<rr110'1i\11
,,,*,Il00..,, [C"If~ "''''jItUIo.[CSf\\l ,,,,, ..It'1""" 1\cUco,1l.wp.s.njoot"tlOoo
'''''OU.I"'' lkUn!' &w .........." \oIhoIIpo. ....
lIl,u""" •• oIIii U-.,It"',.. ...i,-Uoo<ro ,,10,,1....., \Iorhooca\. .... \piIiIb.ndhno. ....
IH \1~\lll1IIUI\

Marnmillaria Y:l(llK'f15iS Cl1Iig Mall1millMia)"Uc-.ll:mcnsis MamrniliariaL3nlCcasc:nsis Shurl)

joo..... l'.", 15 .... <Ioo--...tmh t'mbabI),
"......"'.1tWf) " 11. ,hu",b<ri. ICSlPlll
(1I.&. R.)Orcull ')<.""." Il","~"'1oj 1('IL IC"~1I1
s..... lOls .... htchbt6' ... llr/ l.l ~,!!~':T"" \1",..... "'''''','''... ,,'''' ''''''''I of
l>'s,.,H'·''' ... II.''''''s.::.... .. K.,\>quiondS..r
'H".'Il,,,... ,,,U«>,I""".".~~po«rbl)

Mamrnilbri31.cilrnunniana Jlocd. Marnrni llari azcllhyran lhoidcs Scheid.... .\ I,muuili;lri;, zc),criana Ila3!(t'clSch
'''''''''''''''''''..to1O Il<lllhlll>t,· SC1ll,whw)" !;.o.oliun.1D8 .... """""II .... f1~"'" ........ (C~rl :....I....., .... .,10"... ...,..."'....... tt..".lItd·~
clwr .... ILSt PI ,.... 'lJIIl'TJI ... IINra:(M..... I\dola;U-..,..wl IL~l r \l1

~OJIl!T" ... II ...... <.;u.n.,u..... lIt.s...II..,..t , •• ,,,,,,,,,,,, llcuco.<.o.h1<'4.I,<,...

"lI ..... '''"'.~~)'U'II....
\!\\!\!l!.!.H!~_~!nI.CA!\~ 135

.\Iarutlli lhlri;l/_ubkri Rq'll. '\iarutlliliaria'l.uC<.'"Jriniana .\!art. !\ialucanaau"'Jntiaca (\ ·p!.) Rin

a...h I" ; ,m ~,p. '" ~ ; ,·m. dump''''; "" .!(I- ~~. SoIiIM}'." 20<111 bogh b\-IOC1ll"''''''; ""J--I. LouaII!sd,w)".IOIS<mtugh . ndbtood.n..,9,,,,ioot_
l 7m"~"""~.<I'I'P<d"I~,..,,",,; ._;-qmmlonj:. 2-611'11'111onJ;«pl,th<_,2SIlUll,th<lou,>IiPth' ICS/P\II
~,,'''!I. ..
rill Ihmm ... ''''''MthI>eI .... ,U,,''''h Ion,:<-rl1l5_1onf: ....... ·polf!l.T... pUoldlusor....tis 1r;1.1...·,M" P.... · Cawnun ond
m.,<J I" II fOr .. 111' ~q'l'l m._.ho<h <w1<"""b<$ofit;"""onpIIl~
H .. Ip..-."'.llw"""boml>o,....'Soo.\o<
,,., '"" Ih~".T ..... "I,"',.(). ,Ir(I<) ICSl\\l
,,,,,.,,,,'M" II."",.llobIp>..-.port«!.,...,..n. from 1Il1ll.~\'''_~·Ror-.-,ru
Nmmu"~"",,,"i4nr, 'S,~"'>
•••• "'_.II,.},nmIf, \I
hm"lu,l",n;rt«II, rolk<"notosfrombmo'«nZi""!,,,n.nd 's.roIrvJo·,S ..Irnmn,·Sp4,.qt...·.'s. •• _'

M31u~.maau...,;nu ...J Rill. .\latucanacomattphaJa Mitt. ,\ btucanacnn ifcrn Rill.

l.... n<n<d.p.buLIr,lOiJ''''"''''''',ll lon'''''ionJ ScolilM}.berorno",co/umnor.IISUIiI)",1)cmhq;!lb) (ik>bub'b,.loopr<d.lOcmh""b)IO<1ll.~U-70;0a
IIIWIP/lol.l 8<m. Hpinl",a<min«I.IOJ. 1,18S)orpinl."" ......... bnJ,prtJbahl)onf)·If)<!,I< ........ ofth<""B"oilhe
'''''.'"1 IX" r,ru,l.~,"",·•. II!,.,.<kII"". (l17.l111IS;{TPII)IISI pm;.",s~l lpm
,""'.'''"'·S.....'.......orrjIM•. fIo6tww 1JC!;1.,Rl'T1l":1'<fII'1!IO<II>\<Riolw ......
from lI.y,,,, 1.b""li•• nd II...,; (If .... ~"""~ ... ~
Il1STlIIPlIMY'<, P..,.. l).pI. of II"""".
.. 'fI/IoI>,
hTIl... "~".,,.H...~.j.o.\I..,.u...
Ub \II TLC ' ' ' '

,\hWl'llnafnnnllsa Rit!. l\ hwcana haynci (Oun) 11.& R. .\ jalncana hua~':Ilc nsis

(ik"'"b,.""'"II{"'."'.... nq-Hl<nl~,·'nn' ... t,wllJ"~iu'l ",60{mhi~1l) I Sern.~l5-7{m~ (Don. I!.. L:IlI) IJrcgm~n (/ al
,«I.·,.b"',ifl, ...·(.U. ......jIo.. R."h.l.IUi'!I.) .. Suliu'l ."".....~lindri< fl""I"",I~ ""-'<rib<d "'p.k Jlm\
''''''.'.t 'M'' P.",. 1l<p.,JC.",m".... B."",.
",,,,.,,,,,,,S~ ...... ~.I10,.,,,,,,,~
IS ern ... lI.nd bruoJ: A... ~ ~ ern """ (II of I""" ..) bUl.n'"b<c<r",·n, "jh""'" ",,'m ',,"'·" ,11",,,..«1
IIP/GCj IL~ /P \I)

'''''.'.''l"" I'".... .. riou> ..lkj,numin,,"''ndlrom '"' , . II"·''''' I'<'fI"I I..:ltnd,II .... l ..... ' I.''''''''''''
""' ... .. l- l'''''''I.Ikj.F''''.k,.I.lkj ,h. R"CfNl<jo,.nd R"1\."",,"
tnll'.kN\\II_" .11. w. ....,. II. {moVn. II. ""WI'. ,,,,,,,,,',\L,.,.lIoo:••,,., .....".,.....
1I ......""!".... 't1"...:.;\l'II.... II... oJ'irfiII<.
IrJ~.II.TO""J.iiiJ.II.,.'ItO ... """.&r-"""..

\h!Ucan ai ntcrIC~"Ia Rill. .\ lalucana ;nlcn c:\ lat·.ct:icndincnsis .\Iatuca na lrohni i (Don.) Bregman
~W} ... j6cmh~l>!1IS,m.I17.l m.5cnolong, (Rin,) Bregman tlnl. 1k>,h5bcm".-r"""d-~ . ...r",,'fl ..
p<IIl'I"'<lc-n).lkro.bIuod·.. u""""<IJo..Jo../II'/(iq ~;""~"'S 1~~1>KIW/(,q
.)"IiUl).IOIl,mo<...... 11 1.;cm""".11P/(;Cj
,.". ,.,· '."I'<tu,I'''''... t: ..... ju. \ ofC.j.onu.-n L""lJ",~",", I',,,,.bc .. ,,,n Ctlond,".nd l!o!.a< ,"-"""'"","" r,-ru. I><pr or ~m'N"'~ f" .. oin.1o.>.
()LHUN"""lIoci •• ,.,i"".,\·rJ.u,...u,.,,,. ~"':;:'Nt\l'" 110""",.,., i.,,,,,,,", ". rtkrtJ:""",·,. 'fl"'-" ,''"-: U ",11".IM,Boo-..J(MI.,j.,Io.i,
\IITUC\\I\ 137

MahK'"Anam:idisoniorum 'Iatucana n1yriacantha (\[11.) ll ux. ,' Iatul'llna orfiKlo~a (Rin.) Slabl
{liutch .) Rol<lq l .. uaII)><oIi"'!.o...t.p,oo..., ...... C}Molnc.S<m n.ntn«lpl>o,,4r.IOH' ......-.d"'! 11~ 6"","", .
'iph<ncot.I""b<t,.. ,~< •.,!t"«I.',,7,m"M,.~1 ....-w,"I'~h"q,... )tO"'orioprbtvon;<>P""J"hl'" 1U;IVIlj
IIQ'm .... IItSf(,(1 d"l.Cf~ICS/Gq IH''''I11.~~'''. 1'<ru.lltpt. of \"....... R""u~
~:I~:.;:.." p,· ... tl<pI. ,ilnwo"'.'-"""'hc
1..,'.un~lI". V<ru.lOlm"~."IW.... (....,.
"'"... ,""" 1t~".""'.\1,""""""- OlHl.'''''--' s...-... """, ........<
011UJ."'"'_.\...."" .......t.. 1lo,-"',,,",, ...

,\IaruC'l\nap~lbrcnsis Rin " brumnapaocicosl919 Rin Matm:·.m a pol~ii Diers, Don. &. Z<..:her
GIo.ft,I,.'."' 10 ,m ",,,,,,.><>1,,,,,. VruWbk onh • f.... of ilod)kI I~< .. h~~«k<l'''''rin@:. ~16<mkonJ: S~oIf«lblljl:.h<ad>kli"""'ghb!8"".nI01'm
11. . "nn'j...... I(~~,I'111 j1.137.IIP/GCI IoIIjI:.rtdllPJI)IiSI
,... ,., .. "'" 1'.",.II<ro< ,il~ I.ihcrud. tJ V• ." "l""'"'~H". P<",.F:lopI.of \"."".iWlu"""..,.. Ilt>'.'~l [It)',: r'fU.>boo,!he Rio Ib",.,., In SI\ I" ~ of

''''".'',,', fIor.,xti,1.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,./1 mm. "w<" Boo-.n<fVI,...-,S........... ,...-. 'If. D,pI,ofllo" .....
~·.·\I"""'."..·.·H ........."·.H.,.I/rup' .. :
·1l""tIt:·U"",!u·,II_,• ..,.y.,."

J'limucanapujupatii .\blu~'an3rillcri Buin .\1atul":UMluOCrcul""1 Kill

(Do'l. /;. Lau) Brcpllall r)optt ... d~.lo H"" broad.<l,"'u,O) </umpI",. n ~"m, ~ I, em ',c'''''. tIIo.r..l.>. ,,, <~""I<J. du"'f""' f1
S,,,,,.,, KI \1. 1>Udi".. iorum 00' rib;..."., ,ubcmJl.>...
""'" Jf«1I<' . "",00; ,h.,), ~""'"' I. ~l. IP/!;(~
,"',oWl 1~'" [>.p," IlJIUOIU<. "...
109 .... """ liP/Gel
1~".'8\ ~ ~'" PUll. Ilqo' "I . I.ibcnod. UIUll"
< «mk",. III' I
'",' "'" ,"., P.-no. I).cf!' •• 1~ 1.....·«.oJ. f J Chotu>l

,,,,,,.,,,,1' S-"'.III"-.1".,..;"I"o.

,\talue-.Ina "cbcrb;r ucri (\[>1.) mllg .\\cloc:actus azureus Buill. & Bred \kl'I(:"('"'' (~Ic,iu . \\tn..!!
11od)"7""'h~t..15<m._ ..... off.. ~1l ~W},"17"",b~'" 1~<m.II~/II<n_1

~~~ ,t:~'..:~;'~;',I;:;:i:~"''''·u'' hoi onn~· ::~":J::':; 1!1UI1.l!lh". 5<"" do F.<puWco .1>0<. ~~":'I~:":~;';; ,~"~;<~<;::,:;"'" .h, ""',' "I \<1><,,0<\0
'''''''"l,"" .r<ru.lkl''',ol~_ .. IIaba<
u"'Ut'\,u;,s..-"'...... '~ ".IU""""",.c\1.
,tum \eTl' 13'1

"'clocactu~ ,;buCC'lCCns Buin. & Bred. .\Icloc:actus m~talU:lJIUS Leon ;\lclOC'actusorcas '\Ii'lu
Soko'l"' 1~ ""h,ct>.n.Jt..-.l1 11 1 T.8cmlllp.nd9cm ....... IIP, ' ''''.... I To IZ <III ......... hip. >f""'" """'........ ~ .. J
I"",,", '"'~ B'lI".( lJ.h ... mil Sm.. "" ' .... nh"" '""'OHI~M'" CIbo. Ib"nt.~
1I'11I 1,lilll
1~"'"I"""', HrJJi~
J<.iui<oo""'k"doCo.... .
'WO ... p '~ ~""'m ",.. _ .round
r1IlIIJ<"'II_', U"",,,,II... 11 toI",..."'.....
" ..,..,...,,1 - .

.\Ielocac!us "rcas ~ub,p. ~rn~slii ,\ IcIOC'dCluspenl\;an us \p! \1c1ocnctu ss,11vad""\,nsis \\ crd .

(\pI ,) Br:tun 1"I"I!\I""'\\~l<linP<ru SoIi"".~""'Pi><",""o I 2<m ........
Sr-o...,""rand-.: .. ,""" ...... "'d.. """""" 1I1","~"",·II"'",·.,U,._.\I~n 1." .....~""', 'InriI, I W. ..
....."""""..... ""' r\\13(H II 11 ........--.".11 ............. 11 "."......,...
n... ' . ."""'"......,II ...... R.. tIol.u...,,,.nr,
,"'.. ",.U..:oJ,-.U ........... I I _
HO 11I11_\torOKTfKII

\lila cac~l)iI0!i.1 lJ. & It NcoliordiD COf1(1id~ (UC.) I!. &H '\'coporteri~ ~~pill api (Soh •.) I!Lhjc
"'.-- ....
IO,.~"'.I, ..... -...\"",,"""" .. ~"-~,kN .... ~ .. '!i,.. h.p.",;,.. Il..... ",
~_.,'\"" ...~"""n..lI<oonI,_'..p.<oII"'''''''
"",- .... ~""" fl1 •• ",,,,,,,, Irll61 II) 11"\,.
II~ PIli
6, .. " ...... r_ ......... "' \ .ho..n.l.. n."••..,
1""lINI'""', I'''''''T........ "'' '"'pooo.II'' ' •...-.<J

"'r.I""~"'. I·tN.\n ....... lm .. \,.TItI, .•. J i!Jm.o<. IIJllll.I, II'1 1
I "nn.~.,"' .... ,."'" r .........".,I'oIw""It\.:".~'mnun,lo<oI ,.".llll'."'.t:h.Io. fI ........... r"' .....
,'l1nl'"II'. 1m OIi1rt llil....... ~ ....... ,.nkol.., ''''n.'''"'\''''....... ."rJl.. I'r<r......'''.~
1h.. '1'<''''~ '~'~:::\I" 1.!'ffIUt<.I,...oJ./lw•. I_.....h.

Ncoportcria~lro"iridis Ncuponcri~C"dldcrnna Ncupurlcriachilcnsb

(Hin.) H.\1. Ftll)m3n. (Hin.) I)"n. & Ho"I~) (Hildm.)o.Hl.& HO\\tc.
Soliwj, .. IO ... "'n.... Ioc.:oau"~"al.I1._S ... XoIoUf\.; · S,,"oc,,,"<"'."""".,,,,811l, ~""".clumpJn! .. 1(I""'h"".odllJ,"' .. h"'.f1
"'"""'-po:u!>r'tials<d"llo<o .JPll1HIlII I H<m"""-C>f'l-S.l- . ........ n.l\rtOloruod.. ","" ... ~"'. ;,mo<ft'" 11' 111111,111
.h"" .. "",l IRIII liI.IP'~l
'''''..... I~"'.cw.•..-...nd\·....... ,."., ... '",' ( ..... ~ "((l,,I<", \ . nd ~,~ 1'Io.Io0d0apL
""".. ... II...w-.. ......... "." ..",-,."\Chok.UIJ.,, .. {~1
,_ '~"'
.. ,.,......."..-
I..,.~ "lm.""I, \... ~"" ....'"-'.,.,."..................

_.I_ . . ....,,.,..'
. . . \. . ,...,,,..11""'
, _.... \ .... "',.• f'r-.Io_.I ... Pp.k,J.

1'1 .... ,-".-, . ......,.

""" ... \ ... .u,..,.....Pp.k,....
\ fO r ORTf RH HI

Ncoporlcri~ th"ruscn~is Neopone ri:! da.-a13 (Sohr.) \\ rrd . Ncoponcri~coi"':lSCnsis Rin.

(Rm. ) Ilon.:>. R" .. lc) ~. hntp,t,ular1h<t> .. l..l .. h""b, IS"", tl !".~.. Solo""', .. JO "'" it>d """" hip " 12 ...... ~' 5-75 , ..
SoO...,. llm ... d·"""",t.,. ",6"", om " , . 1"1 ~ , .. >frolO. '.1"""""'"'" RIIt. lias ....." no.. ... .......... '1''') 1orr~. ~ ""brtrod. ...... l)· .... _. , . """'>t. (M.n .) Mm..
(u.,..,..I R.\118U1P/ FD'rnd •• , "'.. ,hd " .... d.rl"
loP' ),..... I M\lIi/l ~1I"I IR\1Il 1111P1I"I
.narioft.B .. 8"",1orr~(t: ol ' Ionr<nrJ"'l. IM .\III 051
,.",.,"',."""".,·lraporh< 'M>!llll ' ~'" a.... f.lq .. 1'!Irr I P / ~l

........ ,,.,._ ... ,..,,....-, .......

"""~\'"' , .... ~w. .. ,...... , ..... «WoJJ-. ,_

'.>'l8l'~"" CWo. I... (:-'and_l ... u..I<oo ..

' "',..~~"'., ........ '.................

IheS .. ,\o/"ll..ap<l

Ncol'oOncria ronlini ~ Neopunc ria lTi~p~ (Rin.) J)(.II. &. Ro"le) NCoporll'ria cur.. ispin~
(lIert.) DOll. & Ro... [~
(Kin .l ])o" &. R"" k)
Solo"'. hod> ","" n ., NKL p,i>wl" I...-! '~"''''''.
SdoIJ.n.,........t ......."' .. 7Cf11 ........ .".......... h.".
bl<I1B"" ........ poIt,. ......· • .r. ..."""po1IlIIo
SoIIIJ.n.J1obub, .. .,...I; .... _>JIUU_ ..
.U\ObkflJ5<111 ....... w •• a>IoumrI{olI. ••
6-R ........ »d .1\,",,,,,,,,, IRIl l'l iJII P '1l
,., ..... , ..... CWo. .......... -.1 .......1 1k.\1rlll!lr~l

""•• '\'.' ..,......,..".,.."..,I~.... ....,. ,)h,,."""Ooc':rj
". . CWo 1 ..1) ......... " . . ..dnptt>d.
" "".~\"'.' "..".,..... rv.'OIf. II ........ l ... ~
1I ........,..&.,..,.{a ll."fIm ...... &'..
<"t, .. ) .... , . " . , _ . \ " ' .... r • .,J.' ... ~ It..
Ncoporlcria cur.'isl'ina ,<.gr~ndiOora Nwptlncriatchinus Nl'Uponcriacchinus".flocrosa
(Rin.) Dun. & Ro"lc) (Rin .) R..\1. FCrl)man. (Rin .) R..\\. hrl)111an

S<>h~,~101S"",brood.I1!01""''''''''' SoL~',~lOdong.«d.6-9(111o< ........ ",,8-H, .\I~d~""SIl>lhtdff<lmlh<'fI« ... bylh<il" .. r.u,
IP\1l9ZIIII C>f1-8t1IOJ"",,,,",,Zem.ldr•• Iuk,,,lhpinl br:gtr"".....,ofh.u. "'lOo:hC2tlbo<tu".......... tho
1~,nll'lfl<) vChilt.C.m>N'_. "''<fZOOOm mid<orip<._~fl"!h<d)d.,.(R,\lf.?IIP/"1 <r"''lI.b<JtllU).m.nbo.b.o," ",,,,,..-h >o,(CS/l'I I(
OIS'n ....TIOI'>,OW'.Crm>Coboondl:Jc.t....n<>r l.osn.lIl'""OIl..,,,o>WI ...... ,," ... l'Muf
~ .. tof'P'"
r."' .. ..,.\~r,;.-\ ... ~
'"H1.''''''\'''''.ko ..fooa.~..~,, \..
~(III.t>s) I )on&R.,..I<}.ronKIJorpIi<dh<n:
~"*' .... 1',~ ( ~ N<op,od .. ri.,. .... II<obta)

Ncoponcriacnglcri (Ritl .) I)oo.&' Ro,,(cj Ncoportcria crios)"~oidcs NC0I'"r1cri'l csmcm ld an~

S<>h"", .. JO,mhip,bj 18 <m.'¥'""-.h,,<.)dIo,,, .... (Rin .) Don. & Rowle) (Rin,) I)un.'\ f'(,,"I~)
broall.,thblo<l "'",nH""''''....''1<lh .. ''''''1I)~.III ~t"J.v«",JIOOubr ...I<>npt«l.9-1!(III.III.n .""" lOn ,~ "ib."",,,!:. n'II,,,'d, h.,.d>." ~ ,nl ... ~ .... 11.,
ponl m><l""P<!I P/I1 J<mbruod."""'''''''·)<II<ro.,III.,<tlili!.h.bruoo" 5 ,m k.. ~ I"k' ~'«'n"".,<u.,. lR\II'1)~/WlI'l

""TJJ8l<'~",<,moun"i"'bo .. rrn~"'''g'''''''' mobt"p<"._) lo<""i.(N .... )N~\II.rr) .... romb. ....., ""'(~"'~r .......... ,"R,n.I'I8O,
"'.L,inS ........ l9311,);"'.dj •• hbl.d;.),"nI>,"'i ..... ''' '',. ",1", \....J"' .. " ..,.., Y;J"/(Io"""u~,,,,,·.
"no,."'''""."....,.".pm'.~.,, 1"1<"""-",,,"1' HIarI<f(fl''''''Jl{)) (R\WI2J/IP/f'l 1~1",.,,",,,·


\fOPO RTf.RI\ 143

Nwponcriag-ar.l\"Cnlai Ncoponcriahci nrichiana NCIJPIJrlcri3 hunida

(Rill.) It\\. FCrf}mln (m bg.) R ~'l.l'c lT}man . (R~m) u Gal} D. Hum
SoIiun "''I''nnt<i- 'lwnrm~.hnJ, .. l;<mhl,t. bo. SoIi ...,.,.p:i>ubr, .. 6<mor ............. ~l ~ <mbrooJ l ..... IIII<11Wj ... IO, ....... mdbrooJ.but ....rf
Il<lll.n ~ <m"""",.poIol<lIoo."Il<".,Ih.ltolol"'" )dIa..ilhmlli~I R.\ W.!I\6IIPII.. ) ,""'entI!:fonmo<no-Srmo_"~ ..n>bIo .. fIIJ . . . .
~ 1R.IIF2J!lI PIiI I<ngth .nd,"",,,,d"mc1<tSotncJlOl"b_,,,,"""b,~,
l"'"l1tI",..".",OIiI<.Owu.rotIdt ~«IIUM\..
fonmo( \ • ."nispm • • lIltpn.ob.obklljlnkht"" ... <h<
Dl>IIJI<\ 1~,,·Chilt.Cmo l"'("O\f'lN
on... ''''',·II."'J"...._II'.,:- . ~'''J,.;,,"'."'
\."'""".. '11'''', .. \ .......
. """........... ,..,..... ....""""...
IJmu'~'Hsl~"""-.~""' •.. \"" "' ... IH, 2OIjIP/ fI
,~"., ,,, '"" 0. .. . . i<ltIf<. JCo.ik

""".,,"" ~\J'P<"IIo' ~

Ncop"rl~ria h"'ls<·cn.i~ Ncoponcria iquiqucn~i~ N{'Oponcria isla)cnsis

(Ril1 ,l J)"" I\. R,," \c) (Ril1 .) J)o n. & RO\< lc) (For rs1.) J)"n . & RO\< k )
!>doUI\. h,,,,..-r/1,tk.I", ,"'~'"'. ,,, ~ ,m "',M 11 ,,, [dobul.o' I•• Ioopl..!, 5-6 <m "'"""" "" 8-10.
0;.. ...1). SuIo .. n. j-7 Un brooil. """""" 11 Z <m '""'" I l r' ~l
~l ,m k",~ II ~· I'\II np Z -Il 6). t1 2 <ttl x""'.IR.IIF36I1P/i"I ''''''.'"l '"", S I" N. ,,1.0\

'0"'''''',' \ ('h,k,tk·" II" .... " ,,,,ul,,,--,,,,,\Otilt.lrnlOr...JW "'m.'\'II'/,u.,.,...,...,.ljJImJ;l.l.oIo-.....'u.
.. un.''''',',...,I'''"h.. ,,'''.I.....,..,.,f>.l•• ,. ",.U.l,,,,,_,.\,."lru-.,..,,,,,,,u, \tw.,,.'P"""'\" /.~."",.I ..."".... , ..".j(IO/.,./-""''''''
......"'. \,. ,mlllifo.",..,"'. ~",,~.
P........... P .... ,.~. .~ '~foN'
/. ..,..,.1po""'"""" \.., "/'''''J~r. iMp,nj.
m..,.,I";rw.j..f'OoJ&mr>.fo ,.,_.~ ~
1++ q()~O M TfMI\

~COIK)rtcria isbycnsis \. di\~lriC1ltinurn I\'cuportcriajussicui (;\ lon,.)B.& R. NCul"'rtcria jussicui \. "'L~cnk ll~'Chtii
(Rill .) I)o n. & Ro"lr~ S<>IIun ........""tw.J"" .. Jrmh~b!f.m fl.rm (Riu.) lluITnLan n
s."un.,.."""".IO),ml"n.d.Al.l,mbruad hn...JIRllI IHl IP/FI ~>b"n.p;t",. '''!I'''·JUlqu....",,~,_Il

l ..... lh
~·'d"'ormlJ"" · II PI{,(1 ''''''''"'1~'' Ch,It.IJ.r.>, '.I~ .•"'M\"".... I... )l 'm.i.J<."'...,. ....."I''''.....•• I<>"J.J~h , . d,morp/II
IR,n)llo"""" ....., ••• I"""''I''''''''''·I"''ftok·_ . od
,,,,,.,.' l~'" I'..... c........ M..;...l<
• "",m >Jub'l1,rm IR III .lOIl'II'~l
U''''"''\LI.,.IJ.,.d""_,,... "1IUJ<""I"'.....,h......... '_""'•. I"'";,,m,.
,.".,""""Ulllt.frum(,..",.....,h,' ......,,'"
" " (( .. "\(". '''''M...........,.twto~II1.~.. ,.,
N!tf'I. I ..... nllm ,. dim , .... ',,,,,,,,*.I't"'-

Ncoportcri akr:lin ziana Nwportcriakuo1,ci (lifll'fSt.) lllbg 1\c"jl<,rtl'rialimaricn,i,

(Rill.) l)on . & R()"I~) .'>oIiUl}!012<m""""",bca>mi","""'..,hoo.-.:.flo> (RiII.I R. \1.I lfl') ((] J Il
'io1il. n.hcwm'''!I-.I..o:I-<>hnd,,,,,",,,h,,,,,,,,,.rlJrm .1 ·lSrm",n~~ I'I.1n"po"",",",lObo'h~"""..,oIi<-n "~"",."",,",I,,",,",ru",,Jop"~<k~,<d.' )''''''
hnood.«,<",nlII P rj 'um,."I<>b< i\.mo.y' oidn. li P " k,nJ"1 ...·~M II I ;.' ;,·.. k",~ 1M III ,"VlI'/11
~~~~~:::"':k. 0111< ••u, 1'"""" h'l< <io>< II> th. '''''.'"llM'' U'I<. ........JCtJ>''I''>
"","". ''''-nikmoJ~ .. ho.'.(~"'",J",,,·.nd,h<
~ I~"';.:::~n 11.,:h" " .1-.0, In"" I ~~1Ir (,m,llt, lh"r\j
"'HI.""',',t. ....".= ... J ••p'~ ..
."",.~",,'I''''''' .. ,,,Jo'''''''''h.I';-.__ '

Nropvncria marLsi ana Ncoponcria mkrospcrma Rin. Ncoponcria napi na (I'hil.) Hlbg.
(R,U)D'-In.& Rnwl"", SoIiun... SO ... ~by l(l C'lll,_~ ., ~.~.103J< ....... ~io
n I , .. bhlOod.I<......
(*","u, • .. l~<III><N"" lj ......... !RIII'366/11'11-1 C1ilrro_. ~l ~ , .. ..,...... ~h ... 10 pd. ,,,,I0I0 Of
mid .....), .... CI.... l) f<t.o<d ,,,,,-. <"tIn;,~in. l>I\r.I.".",·(lIilr. fJquihlley """'...... IR~1I· 184IIr/·l
IPII1I IIIII ,.s-r.,,'."ION' CIMk. I),-pI.olt:.op.apo. ...., .... ""'''.
1>1\1 ... ' ..... OMlr.\ibl'no ..... " ~ .monoIo
"""'~'''''''''~Il~.\ ....- •. '"OII)""""""' ..... N .. LoNv.. I~llopt. ol l ......
""_u... ' ' '*' ' '...... a. Il ....... ......

'- ,.,.........._.h, .... . . . .

"" .. ~~"'.,.I1_ _ l •. ,......... I,. nll•• "~""'"
....e-, .......... ~'
, , . _.. ....../o.~
_ ' ... _ " ....
• .,....w,~ ~

...... T ... T~

Ncop4lnc ria napina v. fankhll U'lCri Ncopon cria nC(lhankc:IrID (Rin.) Ncnpnncrion it/ns (Sohr.) H. &. R.
(Rin.) II"ffm~n n. R.M. l"cnyman. SoIiw) ............ ~'ll ........... ""'M......,
l ..... ~~,n-.,..j . .. ]<III"N..... Il~<III""" SoIiur),,~ ....... 4-7" " _ ....... V- Il"" .... ~·7(110,...-~ ,.,"""'... .....
IR\1F1'I1II~/(.c.1 OfllbcLn15 ............. J<Io-ioh .. mIdioIo. uo, .. b-dt< .... CW\<d.CoIow ...... PJId.Iooon_
,,,,,,,,,'1."" ()oik......, IJo.r,.... [1.\1I'14WtP'/I'1 WotlI14-S ....... lItMt'l5IllPfll

" " •• ~''''''''.......,....~.' ..... ,

&.,...... 1>I5na..,.....OIiIr._...,-'I.fT...
onn.'_.' "'"""-......... , ..... ...,........
~\ow.......""", .. ,.."..'t:Woono ....... . . .
cm•• "",,~ , ........... \ ..... ~_ ........
146 q:OPORHRI \

NCOJIOncria nidus \', ~",ct:pha1a NCOJlOncria nidu s \. mullicolor NcoporICria nigrihorrida (mbg.) Ilkbg.
(1I0) Rill (Rill.) IIQlTmann s,;,un.1020<mhop,bllO<m, 11~ J<mkonJ
1)"'''lf'Jl\hcd fromlh< 'JI<C'on~' .. m\Kh ,null<rlV< So""'). I. W .... h""~ gcm R,"," 01''1'"'''''''''' IR\1I19211P/~1
.nd>Ollt,'P""'""',Spo..... h... !"'!o<bbcl . f,,,,hc<p«"'.116 8cm~IR\Wl4B.Io~.RIIFli'l. IH"."IlI."'n,I<.Ionj:Ih<<O.I>loobolh....,.,,(
IR.llIJOlIIP/PI "!kIIP/F] u.q.""""
'"".'"LI'''' O .io,tJq.,\·,IIt) 1M".'...,.", [hiio.~.ofS,d.!IWICO.nd .. 'h. "' "1"\\[1.'. I,., ,~<,,,,, \~ 'h<.....d
,,,,no',,,,., 1-.1""''''''1.J :::.~::\:,.~of~:~....... "r.rn.-r.II'1!h,"'hc~

Ncnponcria''':c llim (Seh.) 11.& R. Ncoponcriaooicri (Lem.) Ikrg .' \'coponcriaot(;cri\ . nlOniC-amargclIs;s
1~.Jlfu"<nN.".~; .... "'''''''' ..... d'''''''du_~ 11 SooliWj.futl<n<1iru6<m""""""I'6-IOH.I<mbntad. (Ilkhg.) R..\1. I'erl)man comb . nn\ . fkuJOw)'O/l
B .... """p'io)d.... ICS/~'II oh.""p .. l '. m;llk<oLu. IR;tt.) R.\I htf}nun"""'" .\,oo,ilnu" mO~I(·am"~tm'5I!kllg. 1963,
''',.-Tltlm •• ",,1'.ChiIo,T.luIIOP,poso. _(CJu"'...... 'iou,.,..,.Rin.I\I6J.T.""'lZ(J) (3{·1. NUl. III, 1I010l)pe Da, " ollccn
Ill)of","d... ~",, ~ 8,fil"lobruo.nOh'l,a..IOI"i<
0"".• 'L"'.''; \,",·IuI...,."",Iu.f':rdw«r"~'(IOb.,. (I!""JN.dICh."" .. ~ IR\ lnl3/ IP/~l
1M''''•.,.", ChiI<.'__ \.,.j~."Ct.piapo..
s,...., <kprt...o·'I'h<",oJ 1O'i,... ",,,,,,, 1P"" .. oho.
1onf;<,1h·· ""h<roUn,po<1lJml.o/T,("'''II'''funo .....
crump< I R.IlrJJ~, II·/FI

" , ".,''' '"'" (:b,~, \1 ...., \""'J"

<1"".• ""',1"" ..."..... '11""0·
'foPORTfRI\ 1<47

Nroponcri~ onl3scnsi5 NCopOrTcria l'aucit:osulla NwporTcria pll1chdla

(0s1ob1J 6: Mischler) ItM, I'CTTJTT1an. (Kill .) l..Ion. &. 11.",.11')' (Kill.) II..M. FClT}-m;ln.
SoIiW) , ",.MI"nh;Pb) II <rn.fIU"""""""I I~It;q ~ . ..,JO""h'-'''''8ma.bod)bIuo!I.-~Ot~n. SoWty.JIlobuIul>ott __ fw~101c-_
I1 S""",fUo!,. l~.\lI'j7/lr/n fll.S""....,....hiIt-.i!hI.-..Jdo,h~·111 1
""".... , .... I',,,, Om.. 1'>I!q·.'lOLno SoI"J .....
Pac<IOOlIIII'J"Oj>MI{o<q<>,l l..Iillu.("_OIOuncha l""I.IIOVI."'·Choit.lIotit:: lhc ........ obtN&Sol IJcn.IamOI<·Rm."oaam.d~froaoOf\lnc-ho
,'W.I,""""",,Ih<disri>ubonof~ ~lm
............ '- """"'~,....• ' .......n..,.w.
(/l11. .
~,"*,_& ...' .. "'IOr"ofohnt
(/mu; ....\IES,lo~,.mIttIk...,..,...... .......

Ncopclf1~ria n:l'(lndila Ncop"rT~ria rt."<.~lndi l:1 ". v.,nt~ Nl"OllOrTcriaro:;chci (Sch.) lJkbg.
(Kin.j [)on.&. lI.o"lc) (Kill.) Holl"mmn U......,.tohur}'.oforn~unouIU"II)<kqoI«l;" . .;..rf.n n ........... .,.I-2, I-U ... So.Iow}.ft.II<I\td~Iu ... j .... ("..-I) .. ; ....) ...... cw·"""'... IO ............ ....,t,'J B ..., fI B ....
.... tl.IS ............. hiO< .. ,..n...i>h., . .-..iduI(R.. ,) I-l J"IooJ.I R~II'-M)IIPIFJ ................,..,.,(ttol)R-\tf....,""" ..... _
1~ ....... 8'.~n:r!5(&I.I-j ... ~
t .............. T""'fIIIo1 [IPnRI •.
111>1 ... ·'." 0., _ _ ,"'\......opou
m ........"'\11.\....,........ .........
1"'IJ.1.. I .... OOIr.\IomIM ........ '"",,(
(~_.,.bt.-um.'6-l.I~.~ ...
1959J .. -..,. ......... lIIIIIhoo.LoI'J!<f .. _
((:.m..I\Io> .. T...-.Il-IR,\I.,761lrm

1lT. . . \ ......... ....-.""""'_.....J
.......: \......-.I')mIo. .......
'11 . . . ....,...., ....,(». \ ......... 11.....

Ncoportcriasctosillora 'ltoponcriasimulans NWIMlncnasoci3bi lis Rut.

(Rln.) Don. & RO<\ IC) (RilL) lAm. &. RO'AIe~ .......1) or '1'""""' .... _ k .... ., 1(1) un .......
Ro.Ijn.IO<n<d"pobulor,.,6cm","""",_~ ~.lOlOc"""-.l8 .. _ t l f .....""" 3c.. .c"""1l22-JlC1ll ..... puo~tR\U 2~7 1r .,
011"..",,,, Il iol f 6cm"' ........I\oo.'!hlObnd·t<d rR \II137I1Pil"l J"'ll l "II~"·C.)"". T,_.dII.o",",lI ..",,
Ck",",N. I~ .. i<~i.ndpooil:ll)"""'\""'1}oh.
(R \II'18/ I1' FI I~'I.''''-'M'' uu......,O>oroo " " """"'. \ ...."''''..,...
1~'lllIII. ,." ~ Ullnn ..... lUlt<JIOII. ::':'::'~"'I!' \1WII1h.~..Io ... P)nM .....
""." """\""'''''''''-.f6..~
...,......,.,. -.t 6. t - - - . .

N~OpOIT~ri3 subgibbosa (11a".) IJ. & It Ncop<lncriasubgibbosa.·.caslanea NcupolTcriatahaicnsis Jlul~h

L·..... ~ooItwj, .. IntPubub', .. '<f'o l m. nd .... d.,.. (Rin.) IL\I.FclT)"llUn. "",,,,,,,.'Il{m lup "~<"''''''' ....d.Np.... n
... IOc.. ll f cmlont:rR-\ lIl'1'1 d P r l SoIiPr),pobuIu ........... tIonpO<d1015cmOCftl>4; !S-Jc"O<""'l"oI.,Ih·p<J'l''' IR\lfll,I. II'·fl
,"',0J0,,"" a.1t.m.~s"",,,,,,,,­ """" ...... pt<rioh~~o<p....,~b!tM"1"').~l ~"'":':I'""CIuIt.rn...,,."'I'~"'\,J
''' .... H''''\..,''lpI.c_Jg.\/..... & 6.1 ..... IP\ L26OIIP/Fl
.,-....1... \..... /11. ....,... ,,,wIlJ
,,,,,,.,,,.... \,.,........ r.bJ,,.,,... ..
\... ..,.,w..,..,......,.\.., ..,.\.......
•• 1'\ .... _,
.... W PQ RTE RH 149

/I.·ct>fK.. ~ cria IOtor.dclIsis Ncol'ortcria ~ "~,,ralcn sis v. ~-Jrrilalensis NCQportcriatransicns

(ltin,) Don. & 1t""I~) {Rin.) R.;\l.l'm),m3n comb.nm. (ltin.) R.•\\. FCll)man
s.,I;"''}"'' ..... n''ll~, ~r,,· n '"~.II.a,,< ....,j",p'''"b, '''3,..., I'J" hlKlIlfUS(IIrri::Alnlsis RilL 1963, Taxon Sol..'). p,buI";-J .... """",, ~l2.5-J .... Ions
am"... "I,!,I.I;!U mm loroJ: ...... UI(,.."hZ .1J. 12(1):J3. IRI IHHIIPII'I
1 ,I<m~.,~. f1~,..., .. n.., IR I lrl'12/ W/FI
SoIiWj. lJ emhiJh '" j .... ; "'I' 12- 18.1~-15!Om UlSllUIJlIM)t<..Chil<. ' "f(:aJJ.:n..
1un!;COf' ~ !l. 2· f .... Ions, n~ 5-J<m """" UlII(R'l\l..,:t'ymI.._tn_
IR W lglllP/n
I"'HJBl'T1<,..,.ChiI< ...... ndCarrit~I II.a ....

N~ul'"rtcria l rJnsi ~cn sis Ncol'uncria'lIliclI3tcnsis Neuponeria villusa (.\1011', ) Berg

(lt in.) It.\I. Fcrryman (Rin.) I [olTmann SuhWj·. " Ii", Jlobul., ""'" <,)hnd""., I; '''' Iu-"b)
SoIrt.>n.'ofb,m~'" 11,..., ~lJ""""'M. Soh",}.p.ohul.I r ro.Io"P"dw 10 .... ....,.., ~l 8(111, 1'2,," kq-.I R.II ~185/IP/~·1
IR.IWJ5f IlM·1 J.5-S.5'mbro .... ).lkro.It'.. """·).llo>.·"''''••
~- 'M"IJ"l'I(>" Clulr ...... nd If .."" and 10 Lorri1'"
'","'''''K'',(lIilt.•n ..ndT".,,1O ,....,...ofi"".,""rrd"""'"~_ IK_\ !lU2lW/f' r~
nn""'l\l " \ ......,h.. ',.""I,..~.\ . . "'~.-"fH .. ' "''',".L,,,,,,Ch!l<.fJqu,\>lIt)>bo>~.ndbtkro """.'llt'-.. I,..,~. 1. ..,..s.,Iotrf.
,...",,,,u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,<t',,,,,, \UIIi \14."'1'.'\.~u.
r.alko.I')-....."".. rJIto.
150 \'W ~ Ollnlll\_'I.CIT()CIC:l'l~

Ncoponcriawagcnkncchlii Rin. Nr"pllrtcri~ " "lIgl!nkncc/11ii

SoIib,) ••• JO'.hopb) II ..... ~ll.l kIootl-
.... \'. \ll tlcnarcnsis (Rin.) ~Ioffm~nn
IRlit"lIIl /tPlf l !ooIiW) ... ~"'"'<~ro "" .. ~ ............. ,.".'.. '1.". "'u..... ..-i<cum.oc
,~',.," I ..... (:hilo. ' <Jil .. s.""".J""'o Sd.bdu R"" 11 12.nJ5<m~_ I R\ltl111IMI
"'III.~\\II'·II"~,,.. ",h'n
clll .... ~\'I •., \ ..... ,_.I..,.p.
,,,,,.ncnK ... Chilt.b<t~_\.bc.,.Jl'mnno . K
d.... JnIIIIII • ..ttramp!incbjl'_

"'"I.""'U_'\.......... ..sho~

'i\'l~.\\~rd~nnannb ehilensis ,'. plllrcn~i~' Ncl)wcrdcrm~nl1 i3 mrn-crkii hie N"h":Ul"luS buenclcri (Il uin.) Il,,~.
SoIob,).n'lInKd(bcc<n"'l!pobuI.oc-doop,,", ~"",'''."'\',"~'~''''~<"fII fl~,,"",,,,,,,,,,IIc ..
\llI(!Ib<J<f....t.,dI""""'""'!"... _""'4"""""'-~l <UkoI_Jllr .. t""'~l IKIII
1IuiIocJfld.-IItI1PU'.l ,."... , .... (Jo.«.IuJ< ..... oido.'uooIc.. '''''''Nt I." 10 I~ .. ~ H"nI. M•.("ondtJo,\o!
'''', ..... , .... CMlt.I'Il... \~"-\\ ..." ...... \/IoIrI ..
""".""'., ................. ,,...... . . . .
~~ .... 8""brood .. \ . ....." ............ ((,,\ ...

'''' ''''','~
'>r-n"' .... ~ _
.... ,.. ...
.. "'.bn-';hamanr.111 Il", JIIon.
"" .. ''''',B...n,I¥r-P.......
\OTOC\(;TL~ 151

\'OIOl.-Jl"IUS buinillgii Bu~ NOHK.-Jct lls l~I("Spil"SUS S[>Cg. NOlocactlisrorJ(."i nnus (:\lolI\.)lkrg.
SoIo ... ".k'H<mh,cfo . rMlI2cmK" .... n5 8"" .....'" O.mpo"J."'ScmhOJh..-.JJ ........... ~,~ ... l<>J SoIiu'l.IOcm .. ftM.rMl6<mll>Jh Sp' .... ' .... f.uh
fC,.1'\11 111'/Le) mublrfrornq.""""",.rMI ...",•• nbd).nd"",,w,,,,,
I.".,., ,." I "'P''' ...~, 1nnm<!ll". m, 'M".'I11~."'" BrUlI. RooC.,,1"IIk do S!J~ ..... n 7 ""'io"!'. calUn l~I"'" liJI'Ir</II'/(.1
''''''.''W' \ ",.,,,... \ ""'I<< 'n",.~,,"" \ -"".1 """,,', I. 101. .........
\~.I"""" ..... \."'_~I,.;w.,...

NmncaCIUScrJssi,," bbus Kiu. N""~acluscrinaceU" (1IJw.) K",inl Nm'~aclusfusclIs Kin

Soli ..". R.""lI<d. '" 10,"", "''''''. fI .. 10 <m Ion~ GIobulu.1O 15,"",htgh.rMI brood. fl<o7<mbroad. Sdiitl.l}. l -1, .. ",n..-. f l .J <m'" mo",~",
1(""1'111" l'u.:,.. ICS/P\I~ IH U9/1~VI'\1I

,"-".,""." 1I"..,I.R"(;,,nokoo~uJ.Lm .. 'M".'~lU»,. SIIro>il.L·n.Ip1')".j If}ltn"", ..

:':::::~'! \,~"I.R"'('nnokdtJSul.J5~m\\<I!uO
"".... ,,""\ •...-4-,,'" ''''''-". H'''"" 1J,,..,."...u".lI'fXJ",kl"",..
\... ....,.tI .... ,."".lI.""".".~.II,." .......
m...·.... c.",......
"',. I' ..."",.\ . . .
,.U·fi."',.lI.11 [r.",.
II ...... II!.otl'"...
U..a-.I!tI/.. IlIt1l..U""tf/otos.\IN..
U.,IIp1".". \.I!tl. II. I!tl. II = .. 11. "",,., •• Ilo ...
II/X.""'.. II ..."'..,... II ...,;.II_, ...... II,_.
1\'vtucocIUS~JnSncri (Sch.}lkrg. 1\'OIocaclu~hascl"'=rwii WIIg.:.)Jlcrg. 1\'uUIC3"lushcncri \\crd
l....-,>IIIoun ... IO' .. hopIbj·1S_'P'_.....JI) ~ ... IO<lll"""b) 15_ ............. ,~ ....... ~ .. ~ l )<III""'.''''''''''''''oOut)
IunI .FIII).~lIul ... It'...t ....... 'n.,............ ~l !\ """""1 1(;(1 r.. "",udoIItmri (11u .. ) II."" "")...... "
rm:"""",),lkI-o r,.. mkt'od ••,'PJ.lInunlw 'M"""' I.... 11r";~ K;"( do SuI l"'hll62/l.S/I' I\I
<\In"r"'~ ....... >p<n<i
,,,,,,.~~,,,,s...,,,,-~ IH".'"" .... L"""""(.<,,., I .."',
'~".'~ I .... 11r.,.~ R... {;.....wdos..~J"'l""'''' """.",,,_,r.. ,,,,,udoho:",n.l,,...,.,...,.,
IIIII..... ~'''_, 6r.""'-lN"'rtm.

NOIocaclu5honnii Kitt. NotoclICluslcni nghausi i (l 1~.jr.)lkrg. NUUICaclUS rna~.'l1 ificu§ (Rill .) f..rainl,
L;JWlI)ookon . .,IO""'hlJII'" II ""'. n"",. '" OU"'l""S- ""ado .. 1 mhlf:h b), 10,", ~15 ......... tJ.,~~boO)tu2(J"" .. "~,,~"'"I,,L""1Ict-.,
~1(~SPlq Md.. o:.I .. "nipi>.pio... (SctI.)U.ilI.,'~ .. -I(l'1Il ,~ ... ,,0:.1 11 1-6""' ......... 1'1
''''lll... ,.''llruol.R ... (;....... do\uI, .......
"""~ 16 ........... .u!~.~ ... d .. IItI<l/c-o. ..
I.' ....,l." ]I,ud, Mo,(,,,nd<"',~'" 'im-.
(O<f.t.J .... .....
"1I11.,\"',I.,..,...... \~
r." ... ,."lInDl,ItJoGr-.itdoSuL .. (J1I1. .""".J._"" .. ..,..~.
p...... ,C."""-n.o..saad Cmo """
"".'~\\II,'I .....""~
'-OTOc\CTI,;S 153

i\O!OCaclU< manullulosus (I .em.) Bel"]!: Notocacllls mucUcr-mclchtrsii l\'otocactus muricallls (01.10) Bel"]!:
Solo"".'" W, .. h¢t. bu".n~"" Iun~ ~"r"I.. t.u1 !Inc t l Bkbg.,.l>ud.wlO"••nd ..,...""". n J'm ....
''''''1><<.Il00,"'''',, .... oIh-ipho" \btd•• ~ (lnq;u>' SoIitM) ... a""hishb) ban. 11 5 <m......".. pakpkn j1l1l9/C'iiPIII
~;._. 1.11< \r. 1'I'.")·IK.i-!6III,1 ).n.... ISUII.151/1P/(il 1~'''UBII'''' S l!nri~ Kiolirand<ooSu~ ......
1""""II."\r~l1 .. >ndL"'1"" "'''"Il'I.''M"L·'''JII'II •.';i"".kt...u."""" T"'I<Wi<him

,,. ....
o",,~ ,~"" \
(I),~""",l,,. \ Jf«i;. ... f.
\ ...... ~"hf·. \.,. ..,.. •., \" ,,d.w,,,.,J...,,j,
'-,mopbn,hu, S<hl.lI.lIrtd.r""",hrun"n\\''''1 U'"''
:;.."!:.:.:::::: :,,~:::d"'. hot->,,,, '-

Notocactusncoan:chavlIlctai Notocacllls neohorstii (Ritt.) Theun Notocactusottonis (Lehm.) Berg.

(Sch.c~S~g.)Usncr S,,50''l.pobubrlo,lorIp..d. ~'JJcm~. I:""""nsil '~n.hIo)""'>I''''~ """-'F"'",*h<u"",'"
,.;'".o;l;fonn",R .. _~.hrnoJull.'i",'.nil<
SoIou" . .,....n..lw.~ .. ~<1I,"'I'darl.bro-on .. bb.;l
f15cmocfOlOlLS,P\l1 /"""oi,hr'1"'"'0« (c.c..'.) t'':';::!:c'::..~::=~'~<fi=.~~;''''
'>II1l.I .. ".",IlIVlI.Rio(i",nd<doSul,.\\"", ~lIh""'" >h.o",~ •• ~nb., (.,. \ _"'~I"),
1O" .."I'" .... Lru!IJ."..-.... \t.~ [c.'i,P\11
",111« '\"I_~_ 1I.J.o.",.'1'<' • ..r4r..ln.t1, U,o:t'"' .. . .....
1",,..,"'-'10' S lIr-ui~ LtlJJUI'. P"'JUI~> >nd '- F
t>llll.l~"n ... s... 'pp<nOO 1

NOH,caCillsOn oniS \.lOrluOSuS NOIO('aClU s rauschii \-:In''iCI NOIOCSl1 11S I"{'chrnsis lJ~in
( U nk &. Ouo) lk rg. Soli"". ,lot>ub.r hI 7 rm _
<loop".., ~""",h" to t' ....,.."""Udumr<-hc.J'h'7fM . . . h\;fMfl
1..."..~r'nu!k,.,l ~rm""" .... do:qo<'_·I.II.... th.on 10fM nj'6""KfO<>,l(~\/P\ll ,1 ,n em ..'" ... , II~' P\ll
.... >r«..... lHL!l/(;1 ElL'lll"'11O",L",p",ClK~II!.o\qn. ~".':!:"" (.", I.....", R",(,,,""""', In>
'''''''~l'~''. I!.."I. R"(.,,no.Iodo Sul
""n'~~"'" 8""1,,.,,,,.. ".",""

i\"Olocactu s roseitl orus Schl, &. Bred Notocaerusroscolll{CUS ,-:.o"iel r-, u,ncacru., ruri ia ns D.rn. &.l\r~illl.
·",I,,",!). OJ Il< .. h'J!oh)~.l ,"Ill. fl.1.5em IOCn .., '"-'b",,,._ "",""<.10 18fMh"".nJbrood 11..,8fM SoIo .. ",>l~I"h d""pl«l..,5fMh,p. '" -I,m ~1 ..
[(sTGI .ocr<M,lC.VPII) ~ em ..:"",,[(S'P\11
""llIHII.":Lrur:u-o).I'M, ..(ln!p>.(;.d,(4I ...",, (M'n(IilI~",LIUJII.I, ....... T... nq........ "'.'('(~L'." L~'.(:'m:rl.~

Notococ.u~ schlusser; \~n \lie! NOlocac1 ussc humannianus NOIOCactus5copa (5prcng.Jlkrg.

SoIiu~_''''.·H,hnd'''·I<>!K"",hif;hho.ll,·" Ill,.. (5ch.) Uerg. emend. Iluin &>!iUl). 10 2) <III >nd ..... h.pbo 10 ,Ill. Up btoon 10
""'" l~hU";I ' 1 !Iod) columnar. ml(J"",bruod. n ~nll<o<ro«>, p>k ~h1l< ~l ~ , .. .....,.. \1>11)' ' .... - ..... p«Jp<tl) I""

"",.,., I."t "''''~ ....." (,"'''' (IIlIdcn.;dk.. IRI r",... """,d"""" """'e'·· m.",bcsii ~bcu...m
1>t<n;lfllTI<". ......,...).c,rroS.""'·,onolC,ml .~d"..,."."".,J ... lO<OIIontI.~""''''..,..,c.r
.h1l< '" on .... ,. 11 ;""' .."'''(I)qI<_ofT,r''.... ' T..".
'rnll.~'\lII"I:""'"""' ..."'_."'.I:.~, 1.'UlfII'lM"SIIr.... ,I.ndt_
"' .. ,JI'I,,,_,.'\ ...............

NOI<~'"'tllss"cin~\l s Kilt NOlocactllsucbd manni:Ulus Buin NO.oca~1us \':Im-liNi i R~usch

.'ioIiu~.~.II",,,,~ ,> .1.. ),·m"""""_11.1-'",,, ...."'l.lall,mhighho.IJ<m.n""rn'""..... purpit SoIiurj ... 10 CfI\ h!Jh b) ~<m. ~l '" 55 <III ""'...
...,.I I Kli'l'ICVI'\\) "1<1bo·1t:~·I'1i1 '.p-.aciI;..,.R.uS<h ...III.lltr, ...... '""'!pOD<S.ndfua ....
"'".,"' ,",~ 11,.,,1. k."";,,.J<",~"I. S",( ..bnrl ""TltIHl'lI"~ "=1. R.. G'''i<l<do'iul ..... c..:.,. )" .... lOonn .. ,.I .... Ibr ... <rn \1"... d< Coc.In . nd

""".""".\ ..... ~ """.~""'. \ w/orI..... " jIn-iIIo""


i':Olot'llCtus ,'eenianus \ an'lie! warnsi; Rill. \Olot"ll"lus ner(knll:1nni:lnllS 1k ncr

......... W!. I. 20<m hlsfl b) 8,"", 11 ; ...... "'h .... I(;.-,/~\ 1] .\ooIit;o,.,. I. ~<nO '" l(I <nO "'"""" 116 ,m """, "j".n, '" 1.1 ,'m h",h '" 111,'", n '~<I i , ... MohM ~'I
''''nIH'........ l..rulWJ,Txw.r<mOO. tC~/P\l l "".,''' " ,,' lrur:w'. 1",",,,",1>,

Ob'",,!lJni3dcncgrii Fric Oroyaborchcl"Sii (Jloed .) Bkbg O",}:lI~ r",i'II1" (S. h.) IJ. & R
Soli .. ,."., I!cma<ro><. ~ll.j em x ....... lc~/rl SoInar) ... "'~, ZOcm h..... d ...... d.!pn« broo,,,,, ,>O,wn .... rn·''''d·,,.,.'''''.i.' .. I; , .... n''' 11 .. 11 ..
' ...... IlI<ml<f<\Sl,11 IHlIPI toru.>d. r,n\ ,Ikl "n".. , l"",·\<1~,,, I< ~ y, 'I'I/!.-.) ..
~.:."~::, \lniro, TI"'" ""',~ \~ ......." "''''11<.111' 11
'"~1IJ''' ~"" \
P<tu, Cordoo. .. llbrn on;! Cordd .....
'''III.'''\''I''...... ~koqn'.S,...u.. ...... J<.qrn '''''
ORTt:(iOCKTlS-~U{)IlI\ 157

Oncgo\:Bclu, m:lcdougallii ,\In. Parodi~ argcrichinna \\~k. !'orodia aurcicen,rn Blbg-.

lltaJ..p.buI", ,o.,m"""",dUSl.n." Ill;cm SoIi ..".6cm ........ FI5cm ~;,.Io.mI. 1Ioo"n"','I<.orcOl<d!U lScm ........ ""'.Ii)·d."'I"'ng.
""'""I(;q l[)llllll/CSiDIlSI .pin> .... ,~,>n>t>Io~l . cml>rotd.~publood·red

"",.JI" ,~,~ \ku"", 0""",., .... t~.n./<>« I ... h<pu... [1L''TUII ......' ' ' ' \~n" .... S.I", S.. ,.. <101 \1 .. % W25UCS/J)II SI
"'..,," H•...,.... .....tS.n" Nou ""ll,...... w,,\\'lI'"" ... ,S.I.. ,Co.:h"""""
Ul"' ..... ~"'''.P_ ••mr,'. .......',.'M.''..,
P.,.,.jom,P_,_/III,P, ..II,(JoO .., P_tln .....

Parodiaaurt'ispina IIkbg l>arodiaayopayana Card. l'anKli3l':lmpt'stl'"~C IJl":lndt

S<;.h"", ......, ",6.) cm ......... ~'.110 mI 1'lIn.. ~'"",,",8 ..... highb\ 9,m, pt<JIilinl!) dumpmJ: ~'l.1011<m h ighb)7<m.<Pn< ... "igh'ICS/P\11
<im>bkd .. I'......... ,~"t ,n"",bh th .. ."..... I(~s.' P\\I '~>n,"l'T1O'. \Wn" ......... nngP"'ruo(S.h.,
'~"~'~\ IN" 1loIn,.. Puen" 1'14roo. T"""lNn.ndS. . . . tIolt~"trul'roli""""""'"
,,,,nlal ,~" \ I'F """", ~"t. I)TH... 'm'''I'_"J<'I''',I'tl4a,I'_,...aJOllqJ.., IWdEol\nliJb.
m"'.~"".' -p ..n..... ,.·,P....,.;w,.P. .,.,
]58 P\RUDl~

]'arodiach'1sac-.. mhion (Si:h.) Jllbg. ]'arodia columnaris em!. PanJdia oonmr.. pana \.:trd
SoI.u".>p/I<fnIIl.m.dI.l<n...ICS/PIII Soliu'l.w_IO'''1u#II>I7crw..111,.. ",,,,,,,IIP' So5U<) • .,5cmh,p1ll8r... nlmm ...............
)<1"'" IllonoIdlP/I)lISI )eI"'" 1 ~~ HlilllP/Il1ISI
I,."I.I""""'\IJO"" ... J"IU\
~,:,~:;:,l JI<'" 11oIn... r:lop. Co<-IItb..... ~",..., '''''.'B',..-y.. n•..r..".Corn.o"",
1111... '"'''I,_P. . . .' P ~""
'JIll""""" P. I.,lil'"

l'arodia C'On>mUlans Kill. ']'llI'Odia dC~lrohamala' Ilkbg. ]'arodiadichrwcamha /lr.mtIl&\h"lll

~",'o_lO,mbjlb<m.n" • .I.5cmlonJ.)r... SoilW).105rmh""IIIl.5<m.lll<l1l_ ......· J~"""", .... donpkd.rI6cm ..... ",.hnIIi>N
' ....llJHl"T~ .... , lIol~ia ..... r 1__ U'+I./L\Jl)fISI ,<"'ormJ.lll!ilIP IJII::iI
;~::.,~\;'::"p~::';; ~.:~'~ ~.~ ..."';.... 'M,n'HllM'" ~~""'" .':n.,""",'ArJtf'OI\4. 'ofSWIIId
Rm. _h><h ".!OIiul).~Iir>dri<."'2l(1D h"" O'n~"',".~'''sl'npM.
,.,..J~hool<d,""~,""""'I<r4 .... ll~"'''''''''
119l8/I M JIIS]
P~ M OI)I~ 159

Pamdia ~'(:hinoJlsoidcs Brandl Parodi,\ faustian;! U~bg. 'Parodiafechseri'lIkbg.

Soib" .... .j(J<1II~~lrIIO<lll.""'''''2\~IJ H SoIi"'1·." 6 em ac.-. ~l ... <i<o ...,IicIt. pkIt<>-l·oll"", S"Ii"",", 8 <nil tup '" ~ <111. t1 ~ ............. l<1lao
J5 ~ em Ions. " .... ·IU,:UilSI ....x.IRl60/IPlIlllSI IIPnh"..... /I>IISI
:~"~~~~,~ IluIo1i, I'roI 11.000. CoIpm.o "" ~::::'BI""""\'J<T'_s.ha.(J:u<bnd.dtl IlI>UI ....."l1I)).. ' I'1'n......
OTl'U'l".VP .............
olin."", PJt1'<,.,".P,"*"""",,,,,, "lHII'lW" P. """-"I('ImII>IIU.

I'arud ia fonnosa Rin 'ParooiafuSC:IIO-,iridis' Bkbg. I'arodiagibbulosoidcs IJr;mdl

"""",JlobuI.o'lOolonpl<d,.,S<OI'IIIMS<.sp'''''''' SoIu"),!fIhmc'aIloH<1IIb<o.>d H15 6cmb<o.>d. BrooJ~sphcrinl,,,'O<1ll,,,,,, ... , .ll<",o< __
wh<, \In,'''' Il.,~ "'" ""~. ,"""",",.,,110_ I.JIoo, 1P13~ .. ts/r)JISI ]ts/PllS)
ItS,I)IIS] 'M""",-'M"" ,""nli... (~b,.d.I"' IItIt". """'Hl'k".Boolia.I)q>o,Co<h1Nmbo,"""
'"'I.'''''~''' \\oJ<\rr<"...t,"Cmd\IIo~~.. m...." ",. ' of ,h<R..,(;,."",
"",,,,,,,,,·P,~,.,.,,,,..,,P 1)1 .... 'I'''_,.p,,;..'-.
P...,~_ ..... P~*"".P.,.,,~t.,PJ1O'1"'"""""'
160 I'\ROIlI'

P:<rodiahauslciniana RallKh 1·:arotliahl'Tr.~i Rausch P"l"Odiahelerwanlha Rill. & \\01..

sa.u",""'"..,Iondnc... S . . .,.,.....f'10 .... "'""'-
,.no.. IC,PIII
"""u" ... ~ .. h... b<9 . .
....... 0}.9.S ....... b);s ... 11"'...,.,,·.....

'M".' III ,." 1\oIi"., """f II"""" '~""M' 1~" ~'J<"""'" S.I ... Eo/c.r., ... ,.".,,,,'1¥" \~ ...",,,"'''{'''h'

J'umdiahorrida Br.1nd( J'nl"Odiahummcliana I..3 U& \\r;;k. l'al"Odiakrahnii Wrsl

SoIOw} ....."bnd"" .. 9 . . "' ...... hor;hf'),...... S<*wj.6<t11h.pby7<111. R... "O .. Pmim>o,. ..... 'i<>Io ...................... lOlII .. """"'H .... fl" ..,.
1\luhr IP il)lbl II.SIo7lLS'I)lI~1 ILVIJH~I

IH'!l11IR.1~"''' ,,...-.5ill•. R,,,Lok-II,,,,,,

",,,, .. ,,,,,.p,.c--
1"".1"'1~"'~"""""'5.oIu."~" ~~'t::V""""' . . rm. hn... I.. I ....... ''''
P ARODt~ 161

Parodia tauii Bramh Parodi3 maas.~ii (I t~) tkrg. 1'3n)di3 macrnncisrrn (Sch.) Wcsl.
SoIiUl}.",7,mhi""b>q"",.f1to~{m_ .. lmonto 1.'1 ,,.,...bit......Ul} ... dump.."'bod) la'J< .......n. SoIiw).tog, .. hopbj·6.5."..""to3]<m"-'l:
rtd.tCS,F'111 Spn<olon~or .........,",broon",bIo<ll1 lrwloubml~'''-'I:'IptrK1lr"",,,,{ I'. m'''''''p........
".".'I<I'."lIoInu.ho....."I\I"I....n.,!ll"'" ,"""""''''''',,{' ... ·1111 11!lVll'/l}11SI
\..."",,-.too..,hoRioC.1II< ''''''.'~V'M'' O'.......... ofCondSIloIi"...... 1\ 'H".'"'-U..... \ '",,"IUU, T""'"""" ..... kooI,,{ .....
~IJ"""'" Si<rn'I.dl...
"TI".'\'u,"PItIh.r,..PJmo.tjonlu.P.UO!.O~u. " 't"-"'~"''':P''''''''

p..,. .
P_ ...... Pn·.......... P.""',........~.pfoJrop ....
P"""'.Pt...,..",... P"""""" ...
p...,.,. ... P.P<?Itu.P.'''m&'·'''''''"'u,P. ...".'"
'f<'JfU.P....w.,P,.".....P_,.......... P,..,..,.,i<.

ParodiamairJnana Card l'arodiamalJlIna Kau sch I'arodiamcrttdcsiana \\·csl .

IlnMilII<p/><ntII,"ow''''''"'''''''JI"O);,i,.pttn1O """u'! .... 6<mh;pbjS .... ,~ .. ,,~.~11O ~ 'm Sobl',!.", 5; rnI hiP b) 6..1 <III. ~16...., Of ...... rod or
p....dulF«" ~l'"H<m""""".'""P'..,JOId<ft. •,,,,.... )d ....... m.\, [CSIPHS) ,d .... IIlH1t6/CSlnHSr
\....... I'bnt.d"'n.... dun..!< ........""·p .... '...... 1~'U'Hl' ..... \'¥"" .... c... I11>"-~ ...... \nt'OiD. :~~~:.::":\ I""n ...... S.b. \'\1 of I... ,
,..... '... oI"nno<hin.",do,."",h.. '!'«""
'"'"'"'' . .... I!uln .... lb, ... '''
162 1'11(0 1l1\

J>"rll"iamicA>SllCnna (Wcb.)$peg. P"rodiamiguillcnsis Card. Parodiam inuscula Raul<h

SoLIU}.o>lO,.. h'r:fIbrIO"" . •l,·.lkro·tol'tdro ,j ,m SoL",). to 6 <m hOgh II)
1,lkrorl.lOOI/ IPIIJIISI
~ nn .l"'~ 7 .. m """d ....... ,u.""" '" ,m
~'''''''}> ~ htwd."'"11 lw.ol<oJ
",I",..! to 1'. nulJ~"'.IWRj5"C~/IlIL~1
",..,...PUi)/I PfI)U SI
''''111"'''~'''' "\~h ... T"""...". ''''TlII .. ,~ ... \\ ~,nm.,~'''C'r\obl .. ~:,:'~~" \~I"", wtalNl'tt..m~ d.. RIO
""U "",.>; P...... ,..,..~.P ""'.....,
1'.",.....,"";"P. .AImn.,../,.tlblIr_.,..P
~.,.::::..'.:.'.,.P"""I",P_.P ...".. """ .• '~II" P",,,,... R,u,,h_lI,,ndL
";'Ow ..... /' .. ..,...P"'''''''.p"..,... P.
,.......,A..I'~,., ...".P...,b,.,.. ...

p,uodia ni,'osa l'rk c~ lllbg l'aTO(l iaOC".lmpoi Card Parodia oc<:ulla Rill
~ .. ,,.I015,mhir:flh:08(m.1l5''''bfI...J.''..! ~"m "',mb,p;hbr 6<m.funru,..:MllIOfl> ",.II)"" Solo"". n.......d.... BI-;)"• •,...,.,. 11.,1-1,.
IIHI;IPIllISI arnJIiO. I1 J'"'IonJ.~")~lkroP,...""",RJ" """""'"ml,mIdB.b.....""' ..... I.... l1>< .... I"""""
I"".'.' I~" "' ' ' '"h. . S.ltI (iihD.)ow<"'to ... .......t).I'td·n.,..<m:I<.Iip;hm"".....
Ionn from ... ~ ..... milc<di>lin1.lllI
'~"_'"l,k" 11o.ob1t.l.""""nWm."..,.ndIA,'"
~,\WlllA 163

l'aTl)diaOluJcnsis Rill. l'arodiapen;ci ll al3 F('(hs.&,.d.Su.~g Parodiapluricenlrnlis Ukbg.& llrJndt

.... '''l.fLo' .... d·'. "II cm brood 1111 Soli"') .... 7tI em ~"'5 b) Il ""'- 'I""'" .... I~ lOll S...UI) .... 12cmh.p.b) s ..., f15cm"",,":')dkooo
C\J~~ ... d pL>nb) p.o.) "".'·ruIoo",J bur <.n br: h.i~""" 1 1 '11II/(~V lliISI
",,"Ot',",V 1loI~", ll<fio 1'."' .... ".., OMU.
nml.,·.,.;"... F....... r,'¥''''''''hdc<r.• h;..,~l_ 11."OJ"ln1l .... ' ~"'rIIJ"" Sall.! ..... ~rnbI.)."
"""'~"I!"P· ....~ ... /'·fmo..,_./,·fII_ . .... """ICSIl'\11
1''''''''.'''-.. ''''';'.1''''''"''''''/'''''''11'"'''''''- "",T.'S'·l1..... ,Nlrgrnu ... S.1b

Parodia prt'Slocnsi~ Brandt Par<odiupnK..,ra Rill. Parodia llunac Cud.

s.oJ;UI}.S,rnh",hb)IO'1II.fl.1cmbr...J.5"id<""1IoIo SoIi .."., • .lO"",h.prb)·;"",.tl.d"",loro,IW/IlliSI !i<JIi"'l.8{'1'l1h,gI1Ir)1"",fll<mbro.d.d.rI.""'~",
IIJS.1iIP/llIl~1 l""I.lo,'""llo.oIiru.l)qrc.Ch"'l"....... """""ofR .. ",d. IL,u Ir/l>1lSI
,. . .","l'I""lkoI" ... I'....., ebh",,,,,, '''''''~l'"''
~.><"' ..
IkoI"".,eoct..h.ornb.o.,.w \1 ...
"'m,~~""·l'ibJu ..."",,.P.~,,"

I'arodia riojcn sis Ritt & \\'es~ Parodiaroscoalba Rin I'arodiarubri_.tamin ca Ritt.
U" .... n,
~l ~ <m .J<I<.,doJo Wllllltt SI s..o."~"'t<>rminl~<hr"""OOrd,wlSOfIIo<n»S. 11
Jj rm Ion~ I'ruh.bI) ""~ •• h......... d ph1"rJ; r .
IJl"OJ"l"'l."\fJI<nn ... """",t>c1>. ...... C'l2m>rn.nd
I.. R.". ....,";i 1111 '''''RlBl"'lM'' IJ1<IIlI"'s.J ... ~\\ 01 \~m ....
'HlII"~\I""P~ .... ,~"-".
,"-"R'"'",":lkMi,l.r.llOOIn... Toron"' ...... Carn:orJu
mm .. ~"",.P."'P' ''''_''_'OJl ..liJ

I-'arodiasain t+picana Bkbg. Parodiasanguininorn FriccxBkbg. Parodia sa nguininor.!\ . mmata Kilt.

Chr""""I ...<m.",~rm""""".nu,,,,,,,,,.)r11cro Sob .. ~.gIoboIU, .. doopotd,"' ..... !rm"","", F-l f rm SoirW}, P"'- tl ~ <m bro:oJ. 1111 08JIP/IlHSI
"~fI''''"''~ rtd;,a,.~rtd '" III< ",10;1.1011><1 In .. PruINbI)
0Cf0IIS, 0Il~ • I""" or p. mi<n»pomu. '''''n'"l'TM'''\tJt...... T'''uIIIln.T. hd<ll.1It
oripruirulltcl"",W/1)11S1 ICSlP\11
'~"R'II\ 1M" '\'P'".",J"IU1 l.>r>,.,"'-'."·,I'l'fIIIN,s"Iu.
rlRQnl1 165

1>:lJ'odi~ M'h"-~bsiana (Ilerd.) Illbg:. ' I'arodia scttKa' 1I1bg. I'amdi~ spepnini~na IIr~ndt
SoIo"''',kIII ("hlJhbo7,,"_f1Z,· .. """'l_1II<kI ..,,, ~...", ... lS"'!urhbo IlC1'll.~lr<d,WIi1.'-C\,IJH~) ~<u"."'9'mh..tof» ian f)S ............ ,mI
.... ,) ~~I t>l.L, II' ·llll~) '."k,m ,~" l,.,...nN, T~mb,o,~ )I';I,L'.·IJII~)
IIoO,u, t..;h,lumlu.• ""h,.
:;;~"I':'~~' m"......

)Iomdi~ Mucm~ri (\Ien.!.) fIlbg. I>omdi~ subtcmmca Rin. I>prod i~ larntensis Card,
l,..",,,,,,,,,,, ... l0(1o!urhb\15 ..... np .. !!,d,,,,fl 1........"nuII • ..J Ran<ntd, .. """",..... """""""b""t In OlI,;,..... """"""'~("\IinJ"" •..Jdumpm~ n II ''''
.............,."' ...... , ...... , ..... 111.,.• """" •..J<bopc.l.6"'a<mI5:"'I' ioool<411f",,-.po ~1.. ......... 'cb 11979/IP,1)1IS)
.-f.""'lllltlmil.l·.; .... O<1U>'>(\\ .........1 _l .. bof: 1tS"P\I) ' ... '.1IIl1 ..... 1Joi,,,• ....Jfro.T...... .. d>rR .. c....
III'ILlP l lIl~)

'.... 'llll'."''''-'=_ ........_

... "\'".,."...... .. t>11 . . '\"'.',.~,.-u,

,-. I'-,.~
. . , ........ ' ........ 1'-""-".1'''''''''''-
1(,6 l'IMOIlII rFllllKI CTlS

Parodi" IUM~lIlala Cud. Parii'd;" ucbdrnanniana Rill. P..rud;a,,~Mri:rna Ilnndl

SoWrj ... I ..... "'P'" 7< .... ~l .. 1.8<110 ...... ).......""· ...Io>opl<d. .. 81."11""""" 11 .1\(111
SoI!urJ.~ob>:oo Sol. ........ 1"., ........ IO ... l1j·... IPH7.(\
",d I " UHIII'II JII~I ·.J<.~.J .... IPl.H lCSIl}lISI nll~1

::~::':"~:'" Ik'"".Orop., .. IL1< .. n<bR"", ... nd ,.,,"""."I'l'"""... S.J... I. . rnb<t.... ~::' .. '" .... "fJ"TIII.. ,,.n,,,,I,h<R,,,I,,.nd,dt
'"III."""I',.JJ1,..lUUllut...... I'~_
""It_'\'U,,, ............. ,, ...........

l'~d;U.:""l u.~ k11l," llu,,;; Ikno;on I'cdiocaclIISpap)rucanihus (Englm,) I'cd;..t,.clusJl<'cblcs;an,,~ (ewi/.) IIl'n<;()ll
s,..... llj " ... wl, 1·.I,• ....,..,clumJ'll"ll III Ut'lISOIl ~W\ ... b'mh,~M""" ,,,,n 1l.,li .... ~ ...
!I'·""...." .. 1 """.n, .. IO .... "'P ... U<lLFlUS .... _ ...., , ..... .,,'..... ·I{,(I

'. ,
••" .... '."'I""......."'«'nll,...,.....ndJo....
,." .... , ..... \.tM .... I.... P..... Rn.,"'Co!on<lo.nd 1111
' ... I " , - t " I",lli. I~"". ' " ' IIn>o:o and' u.-. .... 1.... , lid.,.. ,.;;lIllhrllk·""...........

""I1.'''u'''~~rn-lo. •. "1 ... ,,'u'T.. _~

lot-' • • , . " , u.-.,I"..... (~"' .....
""•• ,,\U_,.\ •. _~"' .. '.k~., ...... \
l' t [)I ()('\CT L~- PI RKIIIIC4 1: rLS 167

I'cdiocaclus sim psonii (Engl m.)11 & 1( I'dcrrphorn a~lIifonnis Ehrenbg I'clcq phoor.l slrobi lifomli s
1;u,..w. ..,. ••,,"' .. _ t l , .. """"',.........tI.I""~. Lp oo IO... h>dl"'5.5<ft1.<~ n j< ....""'" ( \\ ~ rd. )
p;o~ ' •• ~", II II Ill'/VCI ~ lll j<m~ IIMl
1.".""'"".\\........~.nd()."""'S I........ 1." .... "" lkuro, S.n l u" .... .'"
11,....,...,I\"......,{ ...... J<b,CoIon ....
\ \"""".1 ..... II ............ \ ... \I<.~ ..

'l'yrrhOCllC{us g nd""3c~nu s' (1Ilbg.) Kiu. I'Yl'1'hoca('lus bulbocalrx (\\trd.)m~. 1'),l'1'hOCal1 uS mc" liulii K~~scb
'>oW" ... I! ... ho~'"
,.. 1l.1- ~ <mhtood. ...... SoW" • 1O d""ptro.i
P «J.itMl
~, 10 ~ <WI .... .........,,> ~ ![1I'IIuJh .., l l[1l'l ll lJ[1I'I

l\\km· II'( ,q
.. _

l"'lll",,",,~ ... I~~r_"'\""'1 1""IJIAI." \ \'F""'" ,...,.,••• " 1<J<r'".... s.. J......... " ......
",,,,.,,~ I"".n..~I" "l"'.""'P _ _
168 P1RNIIOLH':TL~_ Rr!!L T1\

1'),rrn'lC'dctus ~trJUS;anUs (Sch.) Ikrg. P) rrhocactu s um'ldaen:: (Friel Blbg. Rcbufia albinora Rill. & lIuin
'i.oli"".~, Ib<m h'''' II) ~'''.IIPIFI ......... 'l . .., lOcm ho#! b) II rnI. ~l .. Hrm Ioq. ""I< 11.."',<') .....0, 1orm......... IP\11
'''''1.'"1 'M": ''Il'"'''' )~Ik"''bh IIPI~l 1",I~, .. IM" u... ,,", \~, Tu.... R.. Na»
''''''.'''''"P.,..."...... I ~ \.....,..,...,.~' f"-".J"'Tl"',\\IJ<1'"'" (J''''.H'''· il~~fI. ..

Rcbutiaa lbipilosa Rin. Rcbutiaalbopectinara Rausch Rcbotia archibuiningiana Rin

Sp.onnPl ,>If..."", ~ll <m "<1<><>, onOJ<, '" mI,lIl"I'1 Il.....) J '1""'1>'" ~"*"h,u ,.tubk,ICV~\11 I'",,"hull> ,d{",,,,'ll. 11 2.5 em "''''''' II -\(HICS/P.lli
I'NoJ"1 'k" [101..", \"'X', IM,r"'" I ..... n",n... , Lulpina. '~"~'''''.'' l~ji,,,.I'..Jc,,.

URlTI~ 169

Rrbuti~ bruncscc ns R~usch R(buti~ buiningiana Rausch Rcbutiademinuta (Web.) B. ~ R

n){1II"M'IIJIIJ IP'l>It~1 n.l{1ll ....... 1t.~860ilP d )HSI I""" ..... IP«">!>« lrr<ftIII.8j Inl bl
"".,.,I."IIuI"".r",N<O I~" ...,l." I""""",JUIUI."" I."" \ \'!<"'.... nd \IIoI~" .• ~
J.... I.""'""'
'''' ... "''',. 1''''''''' ....,••,.,11...........,,
II~'.R .."""" ... R ... _II ........
1I ............ /l,.......Jp,R. ..-.." ......1o.
1I~_It ............. It"""-

R ~blliia donl1ldiana l..:I u ~ Rmo.l<'l Rebutiac;nstcinii Fric 'Rcbutiadnstci nii ' ·.aun:i tl ora'
~lll , ....' ," 1(\ P\ll \, ... <!hoJ.... ""..... 2". .. _ _ "'.. k..p published as R. lIUT( ijlOTiI IJlbg.
1"'1.,',."I~".I'u.: .... "",-".UJ>bk f1 H<nIorn& 1\\ R I.I~/1P I)IIS) 11M p:.buL1"10 J". ><'- Il~ """ ~,,,,'rl"".
", •• ,." \ I".-, lobno.... 1 . .,"'fIUII .....""'.m/. It:!> 1'111

'''',.,111'.", ,""".......... Qu<hndodrlr......

'''" ... ''"I.' ........~ ,~ •• 't1/&'''~
....... _,,,"*'¥--U .......
·I(j.......... ·.~ ....... ·.f. . r.ot ..........
170 Hfllllll

"'('Ill' ""h I .",...,.,...• ."....,.,ho'" IWR!;;~"W.'IJII~I 'M"~'lI\ I~'" I,.,......, 1....n.1Id T",,*,,\~ Ik.d, ......... ~ 2rnoKro>O, ..... ,·,rtJ Ih,'"'''~'''''
'I~~~.~:H'·'~" IfJ<II" .... ~.I".froml'lJ"""""r<:I., ~'~~~'-"" 1~.... n'..JA, \f~, ........ tlo
, ... IIe" ,cl"""
Il00.,, IIIR"~~ IJ!II'<'. IIWM7k .. "iFI
::-.:..;:~:.':.:t..~ I,.,..."..,J","., "',.,," """ I......
,""'''''''', /{fI""J.... ,/'-"""""".!!"'1

Rrbulialicbrigii (GUfR.f) IJ.&. R. Rcbulinllal'isl)la Riu. Rrb"tiafukisNa Kausch

Scntpbnbiu ......... """',..,... Jfo:.. ,........ """'" ~1.1""1ort:,1a.,Plll Il«1)d,lIlt>U.I.""~1l2'''.'''_I(·VPIII
m-. .... onopo(1W<J·ICSiPlll ,""ull\'."IWn........,C. . ,., .....,"." lloIfiu.\n<,"'""P....".
,,"'UII<'.,'Ik*-....Jd.<pTod.nd.'"'l,·.nohk ""Da'''.. '.I........ ~
"'HI''''~' j.,.,...Jot*t&t........... ~"._ ...
., .",,,._'.' " ...... •. It ~ ~ ""'-.
RF. II LT H 171

n ..,,"P>' I!SP\II ~f""""",~,>nd .... ..-.. th.on"""'P«'f .. h<><b ~"""""uM . """'of R. fi<briJlj 1l ... ~ \<wI"' .....
l.i""'f~ ....... biqcfclu~ inC\l"" . ..... Il ..... ..... Illoll1018, 1l'/ DllSI
'''',.,"',.''' 1I.IM",ruod",""'"
ml II -ItllJ!:~" P\' 1 1",,0.).' r.", \1J<IlI........ r... nu, ~"n .. \,~""'"

Rc buliah uasicnsill Rausch R ebuti~ ilhy3cunlha (Card.)Ditrs Rcbuli3jujuyana Rausch

n ...l;,II ...... rIIR,lll•• II',IlIISI ~J'III<.ltnpf&lht. "rubIt Il HClOI ..... IIIR:!lfI/U;/P\I)
ILl'>!1 I r!l)ll~)
'.".' ,~" I~""u. nut I",,, II ....... ''''To')Wl"Tl<Y'o \ 'J<''llftI...~''' .. , ",.\""",-.
".,'_, I." ~1I."'.c-.r""
"'t•• '\~ I""","",""""'"
In KfBlTl\

Ncbutin licslin~i ~ ~ us.:h Rcbutiakrnimjalla Kes.;,d Ncbutinlup!X'ria na Hoed.

\"''''''' .... I_nl'''''''''''~lIdICS/l'lll fln ............ lcsF'111
,"".,,,,-,.,,I,,,,,,,... !>.olu.c...r.Lo '""OJ"l'." lIol",•. ne;,T.",.
<!1I11R"".'·,,..,"'• ..,,..,....

~cbutia Icurnnlbcma ~au sch Rchutia mamiUoSli ~ ausch RcbUlia ma rp "':Ihac Rausc h
fll.\"","""d,~hll<'~f"nl ,.~~i nor.H", h., ~ll'mKJOO 'l1><pbnrillu>lral<d"l'O»ibII.",lIl1.1t ~f"N"",
.. 'hrf,.n¥>l<.ln""',n.od""",, ....1>1
lo ....,.d< ..... ..,.....,.... """ ....rk1 """'.. ('01 •••'T.>ldpl.l"', ........ I~t..'<pw<on""'.mlf.,.,<'" _dk·bl. fl''-'""',,,n'JI I ;.!(lI II'I[lIISI
Co ...",,). III M.lO), II' 'IlH~J I[VPIII ,",n,,, I." I""""n,, ~I.. , "'-" ~.... h,.~"
1",llt'"'I""n'-'li"...... ,~""
"' .. '.'\'II,R.I'.. il~.&,."
MlHL "I'I\ 173

RebUlia nm l'l!i"n~ri II en!. Kebutia minuSC'U l" Sch, Rc:butia muscula Rill. & Thick
5011"<\,~ ,.. ~ 'I""""h '~T","", h<odo.,; on or.... nlO . , .. loot!:. 11)11.'.1 ......- 'on...r. ((S. P\l1
. - , II """Ih "n.... . "",,,.J IllIl)ol '.".'111 T~"" ,~ Turn..... '"" .'""'~" IkoIo,,,, ,,,,'O.
I"',""" "" \ I'1<"""'.J","' &1)00
f' ..
R.buriomi",p...tilloon (Hlt,:f flwn
b~ c- .....
''''''.'\IU' ..............".'"

RebUli~nam"unsis (Cud.IDan R~butia Iladn.l'c lisis>cb R~bulia l)Crplc~a Don.

II ..... h,d<"qoponl 1~~l\lK·IP"lIbl l1"l~on ... ~. 10.: r\l l 1l.w.oauI...,U ... """"'I.... llldtso""'-ml ..
,.".I"" ..... ",._,...... R.......--..;,.II .l!9.rr,ll
I _ .. ~. R..,._· ,'II" ,.'" II <I P..k..~
"fla.""11,.r".,.....,.. R,,~ ..
",,,~,,.,,IJoI,.,,,\ , . . I _
17-+ Hl!LTI\

n._. . . . . .
Rebutia IlKudodeminut:l lllbg.
II\c .. b., flml.lRb4!JIJll~1
'."0'''' '"'" \ l""n" ... ~.Iu.(.'>rt.1Io \r~"ch,81
Rebutia pulchdb Rausch
~d ....... ",<"""'·~ ... mbo:rof""fi.bnJI""'"
Rebutia puh';nosa Kin. &. lIu,n
f..-., ............Ihl-""" Illi{III"'~"'IIJI~1
'."0"" ,."· I~."u. ,." ...,
I"'I"~' '0" IluIo, ... \ '/ P.IOldb
""I.. """.r....""'~

Rcbu lia p)"gm~ca (l 'rirs) IJ. &: K. 'Kchul;a PllP'uaca I . c.. lurea' 'Kcbutia I)ygr" :lc~ \. dicn;i3I1a'
~l 2 \ cOl ..,..~ .. ""P' mI .. ob,~ ""rpI<·mI ~ I'ubli'hed iI!> Nt/1U1II1 ro/gml Kin. l'ublishcd as Nr/!lIliu ",m,un~ Ihu~h.
R.tNtrj III' IIIL~I 1)O"'......hodfroonrh<lp«XSbj ibdorlhodo , ....... lnd l"""I>nJhIJf'-~·P'", .. ~d"""n), ..... I ......
,•• ,., .. ,."'I""""""J""".I,,,
''''.. '''''.,....,.. J.prt/o.... '.I._.
1t,...>I,,,.... , ........ ·'.,......"""'... I,.,,,,.....

""•• ""''''...... _
iI<»·.... Und<\ ......
.. .......
bo>docdl"...,.I~, In .. I"'! ...... ~ rr....,d .. ~ ......... .
,,....r.'... rR."...
..... 1_ _ (_"""
h) ...... ~1

'-" '"'1l'1\'."'1~

"""."'u .• /~ ... hro..... I.... ,.. ,..-..,,. ... R.""""'..
RU!lTH l i5

'Rcbulia p~'J!lnac :l v. cos' 'RcbuliapygllmcOII . rricdrichiana' ' Rcbu tiapJ"gm acal. haagci'
published a'i Rr/tII/laM Rausch. I'ublishcd as Rriou/III frrrdrr(lrllm~ Rausch. publish.:d as RrioMru hnntri Fri<" & & hd k
~ • .....,........n>i"l"'b >\CRdww"-""",,u M.......... l~l""", ""'n.n) ..h<.mKI).",j<.. Nght.J,,•. ~' ~'~""b<oad.I K ~8-I ~/I PI
'..-...l~Nkn6<.I(c..TUCru,) I(Sr\11 .1"""'''...·lcs .. r\1j 'M".r","Tl("'~~l ... J\Ij\I)
""~'~' 1"" S 11oIn.. , Tali!!.! ,n<l '1'.1 ... 1.".,•.,K"lIooli>ia.I .. C...... u''''.l""".U...tJ..:oMv,_Bu,;/...... /tootn
""""'''"'I...,,.~,· .... R..,.Jj,fI'''J.R,''D'' OIIll.R'''''.'.I....... '>r:'''«"c'"rJ,;d,....,R.
\ ••,.., ....... on,;,.' I..r-,.;, ••• oJ.lOp<IJ..

'Rcbutia l') gnI9ca, . isca}'lchcnsis' RcbUliarillcri (\\ o:ssn.) DOlI. Rcbutiaschal7.1iana Rau>'.·h
l'ublishffi as Rrllll/lU 'j(Il"(tl("lr(flJlS Rausch ~l", j """"'..., 14... "'''"''''''''. Robutia .. ulij
IU",,'" (lll.o~ "btnl'" Rt buti. alOOpt<lin'" b,,, 1I'On<''''''
Ihh ""'-k,. "l""'''''oJ 1"'" P'"n IIwo .. nu, ~mib •.but blf;<T>I<m>, I"t'm""'" . nda sm.tlkt. b<;;d. IIII ISI
..,r;h""" ,. ",10..,.. ~1"'B" .rw.llrn P<M' "'II" On dlt rtdd" I\a." (R., 1l0l'ldal. S,miw, R. J llqu'ne .... '
R•.....,.tlh~<Pd<...u..nd"""'-,·mI ..... .,
1»"~I~ll~»,. fIoinu. '-<>rd (ina. I""'..a
bn.. IC~,P\11
,.",,,,, I~"'. I~""", 1.......Iot. Ibr • .l< ~ ....
,""'.""'-,.I..J.;"'>r:"'«"t ".. ~*"'," .... UI"''''''''-'.I''''""""""",,,,,.l!rJ.ooI-' ..
I"""rw.l" q to, (.dlt,,·.nttIt<
n-"m./i,.W"" ... ·R,....,..... iR...'II<"'u.R."'Am.
,...,... .,"";..... 1'.,..1"'1..,"".,.""","-
176 KIIIl'T I ~

Rebutia ~n il i~ II~ II!. Rehu(i:l. spepuini:m:l. IJllI!. Rebulia sleinmann;i

1k.l) .. 8.;.tupt.7<.. ,......'d..... kblf;<. fl l " • ..,..... , II '-4lfCS, P\11 (S(lil\'l$- I.... ub~ch)
'~", •• k", . • IH""""ruI>, \ . bro,-i>tt1·IIl'"
...dI", ....
"p"lUrnI ............ ."....."'. .... 1In0«
,"".,., I~" " ' 11"'"' ' . Sal" ""'" I ,m h..,t. • .,-23<"11\
Iontr;, rnI ~'ur ' ......... od>r,
" ~I 11-..
,h..,. ,".,,,,,,d
\f'!'<.,.)" lo,I Lpp<f rI 81.·u.· P\IIII....... c:;, .. 1I1 "'HI.'I'u'J ....'.... n.Rjos. •. R ..... ,Z...... \l'P"noI,,111111 1;JP" PI

R"'''P, ..... R./lttl .....''l<lu.R...Jo..,.",....RrJorm..-.


R.y. ... R..JJ" .. 1"'1.'''' I~'" I~ ..........."" ,Irwu.noI ',~haI>,o"""
•• ,"..........
" _ ......
_.RR.... .J<_.'R.-".,
.... -'" .,J._.....

' Rcbut;a ~'cin ll1anni i \. ch rhli nac' Rcbuli:l.nm:i}l1nU Ihusch Rchllli;, ~Ul)(hlliiana R ~ u, .. h
I'lIbli..hcd :l!o Rtbltlla Ihmlmat Riusch. H l.I,·m ..... '" IIIMJ,lH·IP.·UIISI IIh... ~ I\\R~N.II' ()II~I
lIodt ..... ,lIud,~'I'_ICSP'l1 '""."•• '"" 11oIA... ~ud(Jr(,,~"III'" I.". "."I1omll,\".. L""....... I... U...
''''''I'U, Roft/¥, ....,,_

Kebuli~ t~n'; lacnsis Kin K chuli~ Inlp~eolipiC1a Ril!. RcbUlia"iolaciOon lllbg.

1"".,~, ... oIlhtl.o".... .. 'htp""",,,;,,,,,~,,,,, 1l.1.5<mDttt.I('s/UtISI SoIItM}onlh<""""ltltrn..n,.."'J""""'·"""'ICSII'''1
....... WSII'\II 'M'I~'ijl'"'" IkoIrno,\wr..o.
I~"'I"' ,~ ... , l~oIi,;', 'I ""..
''''''.. ,,'-'''_, 'R. ..~ ......,R. ...."""Ioj. "'*"fI-

Rehlltia ,iolasccn~ Kin , R ebul i~ waiten 1M" KebllliB wessnenan~ Be....

~11 ~,,. .. n"~lt~\"I'\11 (lu..r~ .. l.ottd_,R.ho.oIf...... "" 1\IM78t1tJllsl CIw...... tV«It, ....,~"dom<.-'I'"'''.'' ~l UeRl
" .... ,~ ... 1~.' ... _~\IOIl.I!P' '''''.''~_'''' ~'J""'lIIO.""".io#Ib\iI,,,,,,,
............ ...nw.tho( ...... .)IJ<.o.h.o,.~ .....tL

"WI.'I'" 1_........ , ill.

178 RFIII,;TI{-sn'O(\(:TLS

RcbUliawcssncriana\·. bcrJlIioidcs Rcbulia ~anlhocarpa Bkbg Sclc r<tcltCtus pan-iflorlis Clo\'cr& )ot1tr
(Uuin. &. [)on.) I:fflIl. nonh2cmocrou.f......)-pllri ... (urd.)l!uin.&llooo. • Slnnid:w,·orZ .1.urr«,'I'1".. 11·1,,«..,....~ H ...
IkoljlUn<IK1i.p...,-vc=Il><arh ..... ~.AbIuo"'·t«<...(mbc,)IIoin.& ......... ,.in'.rm«li ... ll'«b.)II,..,1rulf&II"........ (..o,J;
IJon .. n .. I..... t«I, r.. ,ioIacifion(Hlbc)"uift.&D"... , "pp<r~.h"<.n" ... ~J'm ... "'''(hOJht,·I....J<
flbrilliwl'id<,.....;liflon( llvrL,BonI) fII"tp<I·",,,,,,,~OOilI.nd,"(~ob-.J,,,L,"'.nd\ 1M""
'''I<,.• ''-'u'·R.,.H".~I.,;M,.·R~I»rMI· U"""""",I;P,,,dt"'Jt<lld.,.;,,h ond \._ \",~tl·11I1
IIIRI / IPIIlHSI 1"".ml1~"I ..... "l"r1>oI\".~,,"ll<><n\_
t>ll>ntlll!~"'\ 1'l""h.... S.U.Qu<bnW.d,dT•."
O"U.JH,,,,,ra.ih» R..... ,.r.. vooiLR.,-JojI«o


Sclcn;lC:Iclus" hiplJlci Sclcrocactlls"righliac Benson Stcnoco,clusalbatus (Dirlr.) \ .\\.lhll

(lnglm. & ]Jig.) n. &. R. SoloW) n z , .. bn»i\, 1111 n..pb.. ""1Ut<d~C<IIlIIDOtIh,.",I.oItd"d"."",,,,-.
Sol".".",7.stmh.pb>9"", ~12!i-B"","''''''.1111 do<> .... ,. ""'onpnar ..... npoon ond .. ,J .. lno .....,w

IM".'."X"'"""p>mof\,,,,.,..r:t..rn.'""""'- 1"""0""'" ICSJI1

sn \ OC ~ CTlS 179

Slcnrl('~luSCOJllonogonus SicnOCllctusmspalus {OC)A.W. Hill StcnOCl!<:tusmspmus'Uoydii'

(l.crn.)\.\\.l lill SO,..,..blclhol .... .,.""~ ..u .. lpIo1<.of' .......... Ontof .... IIIOf<oIist>l'IMrI<fII<mbcnof .... comrI<,,"
fII<f!"Ib<."' .... I<""". ~Iuc~;" CN~...J q.d~ d''''''<f~,~ ........ hd..r<btII>«i.,rtdondc-t~ C"U .... ....". •• ~~""~.cun·.d,..,...TlKr4 .. ,i... ..-...-d.
1'11< .... ,
"'(,.......... 'J'<cih< Ok,..," C~."""""'~"" I.........· numb< ... "'"'.ot.." ........
(I.lln, nla 'J".putpk!).TlKpIanop.c"".d.I ... n8 ......
t. •• lOO8, ...utwII) ,..J"""ttIJ<i/l>bltr..,... .... 1~-.lji", "
·"."",·fonn.I1J38/C.VP Ill
'~".'"( '.'" \1 ..",~ 'Un I .• " I·..........It
,~,.... ,,,nu...ll."""f"""I'>o<t>lo •..JOo"",•
.."'h.v.h .. i\S."t.... l·"''''' • ..J7_«»
"''''....,,''''' Toounc.ruon ....... ,

Stcnoca<:lU§ cn§pan,s ·Hui~.;I(he form'. St(lloca<:lUS llIuiticoslatllS Strnucaelus muiticostatus

(In< of. no"', of"",,, (""" ~Ok~ ..nn,"") t..:.l~.., (iliidman ex Scll.) A.W. IlilI '7.~('\lh:t~lsc:nsis'
... «lfutth<_Ioo.p;"", ThDr ...... '",,>o,Io .. P\14'J.nd Rilt<nLUD<fllU>,IO 100 ... ......, .... """"",." I """.ldc SOO"'l .~""'"' 10,",,,,,,,,,,, " .I- ~ <mbruad
S1I417 Il'\lf'/lll<;fP\11 nH mI kq. .h,lt ."~ I'<''f'k" m""'"",," ISIJ7I IIS/~~ 1 1
11'288/CSlr\!1 '~""'81'."" '1<U<o. i\ 7...-.knS
~~~::;T,;::..:;:n~~~~...-_u..h.oI•. r-. ....Q 0"""'''''' fA-Jn.<.J.trvr.J=-n...-."","

Slcnocactusocholcrcn aus n~gd Sicnocaclu§ ph~lIac'dnthus Stcnocaclus'"aupclianus

(;U'O",i<mb""andIO ... "''''''''_,''''' .. 6<m (Dil·lt.&Ouo) A.\\.lIill (\\ erd.)-\.\lllill
~",~and2mmlrruod ~l~hr""'-ron~ I1II L"",Ik""""l. ~ IO(lll~~lIOZ(lllIorrc .• b•• 1O SoIiw).lbn.,...J.~.'"IO,"",...,."'~l,o!l ..
''''''k'I<l'~'' \1<""",5 ..... \bd .. O<nkntll r.Jrl.u.,.."""""",,·,h«1onm!llwrp< ....... 'mfl'l<).I~IHI
IP\I28/HS/P\1I 'M""tr\'l"".\b_rt.oroU"'I"""rtd~.,,,,,",,,,, ,
~':':':; ;:',:'''''' 1bd>lp; (;"'1\11""0; \.In I.u.. I... nDk> '01 'Jtl\ll"" Hod •.,

Slrombocactus discifomlis (OC.) B. & It Sulcon:bulia alba R~uso::h Subl('()n:bulia ~Ihis.~i ma (Br~ndl) I'ilbram
".... ""Jf'I"'' '. n ~ ern .......' !lPII)H~1 n. """ rtd.I\\R~1ZIIP,1lI1l>1 Spot <1110., and 'n"ilngt:"""1 'm " ... .a!>Io
'H"k'lil ,~". \I .._llod,1to ''''''kIH' I~". 1I0I0,... ro>d I""" S..... '" I .... \4_ Itppo' IIS!f·--IPiIliIS I..... " ~~1 511i.,I P ,IlII' 1
'H'''''8I'.''.lIoirIJ•. I'n:rr"",\llIqu<
"lmk,\,""II<'I'.lI''''''du.. "".S~ ••

SlIlwn.:llllliaarcnal'C3 (C:lrd.) Riu Sultorcblltia auguslinii G. II ~nl/S(lld SU k~ln.:bUlia brc,·iflor.l Ukbg.

Onh>f>Onn,J\uffi.<tt,,.._·leflJ\h,,NbIe 111~15Z,WIIJII'iI ~l w<.1>11,......, Irngth "",bI< ~1....aD) )<Ik!. boJ,.1>o
~"::.::~:~'" 11uIo"•• I'rol\oo, (.amptn,., I.", ~h"<. M<. p.nL . nd p"'\ uh . ~~ , ILppt' ur.!.
WIlH~ 1..... "IJIj/IP/DlISI
"'''~ ' .' I." [loin.... I......"". \, ........... T"l""""
"''''.. ''''''/1,.......... <4. ::-:~:'W" B"I"u.I'wI,,,,,<T,,.... I:.,h<k.. Gi,,,,.
<JII".R'~"" S. """", ... s. ksd""L

Sulcorcbuli9eamJi:lc Slllcon.:butiac-.migucralii Sulwrcbulial"Jlligucr:ilii,·.allplan:Ua

(Cud.) Bui~. $. Do~ (Card.) Buin. oS. Don. Don, oS. Krahn
\"n<.Ien~,<" ,~ruI* 1\\Rl~;iwml"l I" RlIJ.l!W,DlIS) ... ...... """,IL.",ned ........ ndoIe<p...,.nu·<t<Ift.
IM"klHl,"" 11oI~, •• I'M;,",,< \"'1", .. ".-"'1"",""",, "I.'I.'''' ·'~''' f~~n".SIK"f<

"'lH.~\'" RtI.tut, • ..;.... ,'\ "'.,....... '''''''''~''"' RiM,,. ••,,,

I~".'''' I~" IkoIo,,,. Sue... .., ,h<,.,..jftumth< RIO
Ch"",:1l ....
"I"'~ ,,,", S. "......-.!W••,.. I' ."u..,•.
182 Sli LO RI IILl'l I

Suicorebu!ia ("~ro("~rensis S('nsu Ib usch Sulcorebu!ia cardenasiana \asq. Suk"rchu!ia coch"h"mhin" Ko u\<;h
'u r«<",coIcnJum. hd,.« d<Im"'~"'~ pl.", hi" IllkW'lIW"IJHSI k ..... ',:aoobIr.'fIUI<'~,~ ....... <""""rm~p« ...
:::...~"R1!';j ~;~;:;~\~I:t..m··,,""'1" 0/" 111< 'JI".'W!~" II....... I. . . """ Umpc.... on, p"",,'I" boonl<. 11.10." ...." 1\\RI,II·7'1~ / 1J11~1
'~".'''''~''' 11oOI ... I)q'I! (>~hI"",""'. ",.,ndCl••,
'~'UII' IW" 11oIn... """".o. J"'. ",I'"",,,,,,, .nd \ .... i.nd""" I'q""
Zud.I"",.u,• .,.,.Hilb
",,,,.,,,,,,Rm,.. ,.,.,..ros;. ,,,,,,.,,,,,,·,\d~,,, .... I'f'"

Sulcoreburiamspa!a Rausch Suk-orcbu!;:! C)1;ndriea Don. & l.3u Sulcorcbutia fiso:hcriana \ugustin
Spntandflroloor"nobkl_illus,I[lJ'IOiIPillllSl TII<""p .. II~"<OIIe<uunir""".'edto....'''''''''"'ltndno.'' " 'SNIIPIDIISI
'1L".'"'1~" B'-""... !)opr.OuqoJ........ T""'".. """' Ofint<alsoO«"W".J .. '<t ("'m~I1~'.... I\uIoi ... n.1" Clo"'f' ...... c:m.>
pb,..,. ".h """,n" flo. ,.~_. ~_ "",,,,,~',,-,

IH".'"'·l~" )1"1,,... be........ lib I,,, ,nd en....

~1I COUHL-TI \ 183

Slllm....,bllt;~ na,;,,;ma hllso.:h S\l lmn·oo ti~ frdnl;3n~ Rausch Sll lcon:OOliaglvlllcrist:la (Cml.lRlI1.
I... " po"l.~ ~h,_ n., '!'<''''' ....... C<rtaJ'" • • (II))~, lI'·l>1I~1 1~~_.",""I".. _ " ......... b<,",,"h.
"I.",·~,,,,,·d ~"'" "'~. nl<m"••. IU.lSdP.Dlhl '"".,"' ,~" IloIi"•. ~um. mod '" I,,, II.""" 1,~","'< ......,iLlunJ, 1P1Il11~1

:::;~'~:~~~''''. t>< ....n \"I",1r ,nd \1"'1"" '"',.'""""lIol"... I'rnt,n<:<\),'I"l •. ".... , ... fIl""
""""'"'' Rm.n.t!-m><14
""u,,", \ "'I"h J . . . . . I j;:.J.

Suk~)n:bulia glomcrispinn S"lcun:bm;a innC~;""la (CarJ.) Don. Su icoreblilia ;oianlan" nom. n~J.
(CJ,J_l IIllin.I\. I)on
1)" ..hd"I~dt"'""I".,S.,,<i"b..,hii.d..,h .. oIi<ttdto
"'"IlINI '"" IIoI!>... rlop el",,,........

"" •• """~,,,...t........ 1"'!.IIIlI,,".I~ ... _ I ........

'."0l1Il' ..... I~""", I..........

""QO,,'. R~~ ...

S u1corclxniakrahnij Ihusch S uloorebutiakruc~ri (Card.) H:iu . SulroIThutiakmcgcriv. hoffmanniana

[IISJJ/I PII)I IS) ~"'",,,,)~""'ormld"' .ILanl5m/ ll·/DlISI (Illbg.) Don.
,~'r.,""" .. IloIoia, ' ,"",_S.nuL"".\oI"Coau""". ''''''RI.lJrM''. lIo1~"._c...ctubo ..... ~PO"'" 1<1) »n. Ok m<itn>it).wilwloo, .hOdl ""'"
from)dlao"" - .h",-~,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'hft,o"·II)I~1
!1~::'::~~I'1~" IluLu., C""h" ""0",, L. \,11. ,nd
'1111I .... ~\\lf'.IM""'/N.jf_ •• I4 ... $ "'......
S ... dood..,.I. l<U-"14W.

Suicorehuljalangcri SuiroIThutia Iosc:nid;yana Jt~usch SIIICQrt'hUliamariana S""boda

NCUllUnn& Fall~nburg nom."",:. ~t<""""'''.107C111ta1l,~dIlSkn~(d) ... h """"''''' (001) .I...... "(~. "'''",,"m,(lISI;/iP/IlI1SI
Il_WIDI!Sj ~~'!:.""..!.:<l~':;'~=I~\~~~~:r);I~ 'MmJ"L'1M", U"hIJ•. Il... U>< ............ II "(110,.,...
IM'UJKUM"IIob'.... n..p..s..uCIU7, ..... I'.ml"
(;"nd<, ....... k.,QII<., ~~~:H"IM'" H"I"'....., .... n>odfn ... S"""Ifl
"..o"""",,"S "","""i" "UU.I'"IL" S. '''''''''~ Rut,"-"-

Sulcoreburiarnarkusii Rausch 'Sulcoreh utiamarkusii •. cuJlrea' SulrorcbuliamcncSt:sii

s.-..... ~. ,~,;.bIt in toIoo, """ donoil) (... pt...) 11 Published as S. !"tTtirililUlInlha I'. lIlprtIJ (Grd.) IJuin. S. Don.
J5""IC1'OJ>Ikt-p .......... """rl<LI1..pp<f\\RI95/1r1 RJusch. llon'r>Lr... bb<Drd....,.,..'h· .. S. h_h..ui ..
DlI~ r....... IIS1>\/II'IDIISI nrII«tronsslrouklb< '.r.......rIr<.. IIPfI)IISI
S~Iorr~'dr .. 'n!h • .,... .... ~'~j""iI<n:a,...r.'dr
01\. .' .. '."'1100,,',"""'11"'1 ........ ,\,1.01,1.0 .. """S· ........ ·I\\lU76/IPf[)IISI ,>I>U,Bl'."'·H.,IiI.... Pr.,.- \'''''"" ...... ''lfmpoo

Su lrorebutiamcncsc:s i;,. muschii Sulron:huliamCRtosa Rin . Su lron:butiamizQucnsis Rausch

(\asqu.) Don. IIlSIOo\llPfI)llSI 11I'RI9+mmHSI
1\\R60IIIP·I)HSI 1lI"'.'II1."""" l\oIi.u. ~iq"il< ,M,"',"\.lIohlU. I.I<pI (:'d.t.rmlra . .. ,,\lv~1I<
"""mrl~~'V 11ob",. PM \""" ... Clr""",(il1odt
186 SllCOHlilTlI

Su lmrd)\Jli~oo:nanth~ R1usch Sulrorcbuli~ pampagrandensis R:.u.~h SuJCOr1'bUlia pcrpk~inurJ BrJndl

......... ,.,IOCftl"....... IH. II' 1)1l~1 ~.78"", .. "",.O<<WIboo.t... ...... froM"" u....""" ...,t.:""""I................. JU1' ... _, .......
" ... ,'nok" .... ,..., '''nlO><II S..... "'~ ... I"" ""<011)1
"'''_'"l'.'' 1I0I0,,•• 1,,,,,,. t:c.,holo.ombo. ~"T<JI"'-' pmc.J..,\f'<'I·"' ...,.""h ............ I\\M...,I"II', UIL\1
'"".,.. ,." 1101,...., Il<pI_ G",·h.t..mN_ ~ ," I....... 111~711~ml '~ 1
,"'I"""'' ' '
1I.00io...... '"".n~'.". IJoI,,,•• I~ ... >.I>.""",,
o,"'.. "",,'_\O<t'IJII.......

Sulrorcbllliapukhr.. (Cord.) Dun. Sulron:bllliaJlUlllurca Don. Sulrorehulia rJuschii I"r:ml

1'lo",,<UMI) ""~",, .. th<1Iri1lUUl dncnpaun .... " !.. ", 1 ....1I)wj,.." ... 9""' ... ..".,"'..,..,,,'l"rubk 1!c.l\p<"''''purrI<,'I''..... hI.d .. p ..... IL~P\1 1
.....Io<.t<dl'IaM'-.... .....""J""' ...... ..
............... _,.jj ... IU. ... h.. WI&.I'I'lI"".......
ILI'I"" II 'i1<7, 1 ~1)f1~ 1_ .. IJ.I6,'T "Il Il~1
,"'n' I." 1k~"u.I),1"t~""."'....lIl.w...
'''''.,.. , ..... ' ...... _flttoo~I .......,.,
11~;lJ&,lr 1l1!!>1 ~\~(~.:...L.oI~_ ..... ""'................. I.
(,::,=.!:;:"'I""".(~ """",,R.o .. '''' .......'"'.\ .._ _ II''''''''''"~

""II.~"U'("""" ... ~ ••,.",. .. J.,..t. .....

HICORllllTl\ 187

Suieorcbmia s3nlia~nK:nsis R~u<;ch SulcorebtuiaSlcinbuhii {\\ml.)lIlbg Sulrorcbuli a s!c; nbachi; \. JMII~ll"'lllha

\ .....I ·...... d _ ...... ,~ I"" 'i p"'p"rn--"" "' ............... ,.>«m>I"""'I«> .. \IfIhoIJ."'ofllot (C~rd.) l'ilbc:~m
UIl1 711&,11',DII'1 1U.......J ....... ""'n ...".,....~I\\.h ... "'"1fk
1'"'J'I'''''''flH",,, "n f""",.d.1or<ld ......IlI«.n.M<
I poro .. , ....''''""''''0 0.,. .. " ........ Ikpo.;I<d ,,,"'"
rI" ...nod ..,hct-lmh.p-<rnh..J.... ILf'I'<f ...... ~7)ill'
I~'I~II" '~" I~." .., \"IIP"
"""J<", null'"" CIt ..... rkl.,.. .... 10"" .... "'" "",hlUI<~' nl!~ 1"" <1 ""II6'J I W/l)II~1
""",.odd' g'<.·bl<ICanlI P,-"IIIISI
'~".'"'"''' 1I.>Ii,...........,.
'."~" ,~", Ik<Ii>io. "i<loj><nd---.t c...tut... .....
111I... "'",_I ... ,_m..cp..;J.... , ........
·.-.f.... ',\ ......
It,....... v, ...
'.,\~"""'.r ..

S"lcorthu!i~ ~""btod3e'\U~'lIstin Sulcon:hluialard bucocnsis Rausch ·S "looreb"t;a'3rahum.m~is , .~u r"iflorJ'

~1"'l<'1op' ... d.o,l {.k""h ",b,,'d'u"',m<"~"" ~j'IOIU""fI"..,lh""'" .. ~>nd",,h n .... 0....11 I'ublishfd ~s S. rminIlQ(QnI/J~ t', Qurtrjl~rQ
.odl"'........ bo:n .. 'ft"<d .... '''''''''''''mJ .... I..J"'~ ..... ,~ ..1ii IIJRl,IP,I)lbl Ibu5Ch.
I1I\1j,'IPIIII'1 1.'IIUIII.I'''I!..oInu.I)qo.C!oiquoiOn,''''''I .......... Ik"" ........ and-.'h>n'"""'>f'«""n«...
I.... " ..... " 1~"", ! lqIo (,~bohuoha. h<to... II.~ W-1)1I~ 1
' ......od'Luot- 1;:,::,,!"",IIoIn... flopLJC~ •. ""..

~:J':.:..'.:".:-!, u,.,11" ........... Jru,.


Sukon:bu tiat:trat cnsis (Card.) lJlhg. Sulron:butiatarijcnsis Riu. Sukun:bmia tiraquc nsis (Card.) Rin
r'po<olh .dorl boo.Io<~plUII.!\ ~"I<' IP .. "ra/lnlIlIISl IIod> c"'h< .."'hblocl.. lNn ...... rI-o .. ilhntn,,-J Sp....~.rI.·\~11o-o .. dorl.·I',.,.••. a pu'1'io: .,,,,J "\
,~"~,,,,,,,,, 11oIn...."",1\d T,,,,, !t..t.. SbfdrfDIlSl tNcoIori>pi ...·"IIIH_. po< .. (,lIu')"''''f<"''
'''''.'~l I." 11oIn... C...... d<~ ....
"""<1I ....

"11O.'\\"·,.II~~" ...on,.,.,....t, 01""."... ,~"~,,,, ,~ .... tloln ....... 1\,.. ", I'""",
1I"'(I<I_."'"}tItri> ",,,,.,,,,,,.,\,,_,:,,,...,,.,lIn.,,,,,...,""""'"
,.~"';'po" •. II~'I>I".. "",,,,.,\,, .... ,... ,,'..I·rol~

'S ukurcbutia tirnqucns;s Sulron:butia tiraqucnsis\'. longiscta Sulcon:bulialUrulOn:Il,is

\. dcrtrncanth;t' Blbg. (Card.) Don (Card.) fired. &. Don.
'l'UI<'_h".""cl.,..Hor"'p'.,ml ' .. rnll).J'I'od n....ri:><d .. \>nnilonto;· ....... bo,"hon"'flll'<'ll..n"..l.o 1"h<1,,~oI1hc ......{)fd>o~.',,' ;\· ..... ~~,
"n«)".~~mi\cd,".~h'hc'!'«'<' oocurl h,ImW/I)fI~1 1"" 1771' 11'.(;(.)
1""IIIOI.·'11',,!)II~) '~".".~Ir" 11oIi"•• (~dub>mba.0\0 ••1<tI "" ...."'" ,.".,"' '",' 1I........ I><pr. I·"'~I.I':" I",,~r_
"""~I'." l,r",1hc'4""'i<> ...,r l.""",\l<ndo/~ """.,~"', 11"."'".... _"' ...
~LICUNI UL TI\-TUri O(I(:TlS 189

Sulrorcbulialolorcnsis (Urd.) Riu Sulrorcbutialunaricnsis Suk..,rcbuli~\"S(lu cliana

lI..!)u.rl.""n.'~ 1 f',.,l,"~'~ ~ldorlt<JJ"" (C~rd.) lIuin. &. Don ~~rotwr"rubIr .... pLo .... oIbi>pin.M.""·hho<
f'l'1JI1t,ll, .. """, ',I<pid.oIRln)Pib=o.,I)... 11.971,WIJIISI .hu.>r"....... IL ppor
11~7l1trll)ll~ Ino .. \\RH~1
(...,,),"ol\' ...)dorl·~'\·"'''''''''''''''''''"'"'''''I'" .... lh Il'II lUSI
01 /11,1 ~",,,,~q 1l.wIr<d..l .. mm,.IIOlmt", '."11111 I~" not"", IklM. Ca"llob......, .nllHld 1."JJIl,.",rlul.'l&, rklM,Chuoq..-..S", ......"the
""no"'" R,..,,,,,,,,,,,;,.,;. rIIOII .. r•.u.....
,.".'", "" 1~"".IIrp.{~~""",,,,",
(~ ... h"",_~" ....d'I ......n., ""'.. ,~""., . .u.;''''''' S ",,,,,.·S "'''''''_,
J. '1"I.","~..u r . . - . -
m ••• ~\:a R...........""'" , I<pob:.\' /q.J.

Sulcorch'lIi~'cnicil1acamha Rin. Thdoc~ClUsbicolor Thd~.ICIUsbicolor'.bola~nsis

Ilpolt , .....-,·l"'rrIt." I<moibon."II .. ,....IfIrut'
, .....;.... I'iII<... <lN._hho,'''''_IIIIl .....
(j~L e~ PleiIT,) U. 5. R. (Runge) Knuth
"""",... "'''n>I*th.t,_"....... ~.".'''''I.'''''" \OO«Ir.,. . . .,OItiidde... "",,,,,,,urpolt..."'''''.
pW..~(""~ \~ ..... \o'okIol IlPdlHSI dIt'(l«"ln,a.,iodisp;" .. lIlbc_;·durfpi.olllonjrc1to! .""" ......... llloo;Uob<t<4com. ....... f<w.t.,j.,dIt
:'=;:.:~ !~"" •. llrfo·(''' \"1"" "'."""l... oooI,,"" .... \I.I....... T...... I~r\rl _1Qo'\\l
\\':=~." \\~ _ . S \ \ 1 .... ...r ,~".~I."\I._C..."nb.s.,'''II,,..

un•• """ F........ '""'~ ......

'm•• '''.''I:InIor-,~,__~., ........ &
......-... r_''-'''''''*
" ..Ml"""'''"'F........... J«iJT~
190 THEIO(;I<.:Tl<;

Thdoc9«UsbicoIQrl·.schll'nr,ji Thclocacnlsconolhc1os ThclocaClusconolhc1osI. argt:nlcus

(Bkbg.J .~ndcrson (Rcgt.'1 & Klein) m bg. & KrrUlh Gbos & Fosler
SOOun.A .... ~nu.purpl<"'.b" •. ' .• n.. n'UnJ.{jI... SoIiury.'I"""'r;l>m'';~'I)JfC\i5II .• h., IC~iPllj
'""OJ81'M'~ . 11<",,,- T ..... ul ....... S of lM" &, r"" .. fdIlllJ. ",~" ....ilof b." fl)rlIo. In_ ,M'I~II"'~" llllk.l".... """ I~ \ ................ \1/C'I"
popuLo"""'l""I. .od)·.,..dfutrrll!JO'"~.""r 1.<011,11"",,,
'''I1'''''\If"T'''"",,,,,,,F_.'~r.'''''''>:II. "'" ...., .... "".,.,..J ..""'·[\\>Owl ...........

'>1>,.'''''-,.'' 1\o""",\"""I.<OII,T.Il!\Iubp.u.ndSUI
1 ... 1'0<0$1
""u ..."""T_iM

TheJOC'JClushastircr ThclocaC!\Ishctcmchmmus ThclocaclU~ hCX:lctin'l'hurus

(\\erd,& llot:d.) KnUlh (\\eb.) '-an <">osten (I.em.) II.&. R
~...,....p. mtrnnc.l!Jk b. ...... T. biroIot.nd SpilllhOOondlKJohlorm.-.lh<,,,,,.bklhh",\. llo)oIii
T. hot~~ . r l.,IO<m"'r0!4.I¢",,,,,,,.,,h , IB&kl t. bd"'6. I.,I.,u"",,,"""""""-brood
'""~'"I"TII"· """", (!or"",," d..,.I." ..... ",.jWH'III/1 11 '...""',ond.pinI.O""... V.........""'.··1.. n."' .. m.IIIoj.
!Il",,,,,,",.im._,,",,,,,, ,,,,,.,II\.,.!' IInlM,Chih..h.. .,Coohu,Lo. ICV~\l1

"1f",.~\\II.,F""""","""""'_,, ,"-".,.' ,~"'. \t,,~u,.~.d,n~.n!."~rr......

r .......lipalond\"""I..,...
0''''.• '""'. T ,",,,,0,,,,, T itt." Jou- I. I~~~ii
Tm.1.0(:KTLS 191

Thclocacru, IcU~-~l'llnt hus Thd(OC3l1uS nmcd,," dlii Thchocacnls ri nconcnsis (l'oselg.jH.&R

(I.ucc. e~ I'fciff.) n, & R. (Rcbul Cl Quchl} Glass SuI,W} . ..,lOcmor....... """""'.uUbI<.,"'flJlh f, ....
f.......,.)~·doJfI1~ ~lf.;...... ..,...,.,..l<"'"'.,.j"!T\l .... • ~,....,ord""l""!:,O;(m"'""'"f',"llL.'lr lll • hon ,n·' ...."........Ioo·IO .. mUC'h .. 6<mm"\>. .,JwJ..'
,,,*,,,,...,,...... 1 n..J1,,&, "' ....,.........,.......,.
I~'''''n·'~'~ l1ni<t>: (~.~"'b..nJ \ .,..u I.......

Its' VIII """'"'It>, bt,....n \I""''''"l.nJ!..~dIo '~"."n 'WI' II<\ICO. Coo~u.a ill<! \ """ I......
"<""~'"' ,~" \I.,.oro: IloJ..Ip,.nd(:tu<,....... <nm .... '\''''.7:_.,wt,_ .... ''''''.'''l,-,r¥",~.&,·.JIoL,,,.r.,,.J..,,
,mU .... ,,! /i.... """,Inu.,•• lA ... ., ...,..."w' r ...

Thduocactussctisp;nus (I'oselger) 11.& R Thcl"ca~lus tulcnsis\'. matud3l·

( ~_nglm.) \nderson ~oIi .. ,,"'<I.mpin~clonpl<.flJ.s-UnnKnl<S •• ~.< (San£hcl-'\kj.&bu):\nd£Mn
fl.l Hrm ..... '" _" pnlm"b"ir>t1clluo ·fI<to<r«Jphnt<Lob<llcd
""'"."',"'uh" ..... '.........-!.;;I""'"')11>Ok,.,.,.,.bod>
Solo",). 10 15 ""
Ili-l-l/CS/Pll l
.n. . '. ~l Jj. 8 "" " .......
"><1,,",1, hJbo:,d<. p:>in!<d,,",,,,, 'I""l f'''"". Loon. <,~ 1~"lU"! I~)v \1<>Xo. \ ".,0 1-<",,- I . n., ofN.)ono.",
'"""HL,W" ST".,...Jllnll"'n(.oohu,l. l .. mb,:tn111P111l
\u .."I ...... nJ'I'.nuu,f'I' ,nlll-""\I"·T.~.
'"'tJl"'T1<" \ 1<u,u:T..... I....,"P......,.
'"'''.,'''''/""".,., .... 11...'''' ..'''''''
'HID"'''''." b..o<l.;;:7: "",*,;.
Turhinicarpus bui 11.: Fosr~r Turbinica'1lUs lophoJlhur'oidcs TurbinicarpllS pseudo m:ICrochelc
...... ~.pb>I<. I"l,S ... 11< ...... 11.1-3.5""'."'" (Wen!.) Bu\. & mhg. (lllhg,) llux. So. lIkbg
[LV~'II Sol".. n.I.JJ .... hop.od+.7 ... btuad ~lJ.5cmil(""'" l;ual~"""""."'+'mh;p.t..,l;'m l·l.1·1;,m'''''
IM"lJ""~" II, ...... Son I,WI 1'_ "..,\,I4Jwro ICS/Pll1 1(~~i ~\11
"I!IU~\\II" 1,../IoyoI,./n. ,... ".,""." 11._S,n I.............. I ... "">K'lIll.". \I,oro,lh~'ndllu<,,"'n

Turbinica'1'lls psclldumat·n:",hcle TurbinicarpuspseudOp«linalus Turbinicarplls <;Chrnicdie~canu~

\ . krainzianu s ( 1'r~ n1) Glass &: Fosler (llkbg.)Gbss&: l'osler (I3erg.) nux. & Bkbg

SoII ..n . ., 5 ClIO bop '" l-JJ ... ~' ..mfi-...... s..k>n . .,lJ ... b..... Mbo .... 111828""',,_
.mm m1di>!o·pmlIl.ICS/P'I) wM<"''''''I.M·.... hrth' ... ~ ... m.r·\<1".ltp}PI
.. IUf<f'i1\l.n. ...... rd .... r..,r«<nllI b<rnJWod on
1>t."l.'IIlI~"" II,,,,,,,, Tom>"Iifo>"od '"",0 l.con ,.".,."." 11._·I,... "bl"~ ......,.\\"I.. h\ll..
lI"bls-' IC~II'\l1
OTH".''''''·',..,.... ,..... O"u.,,,,,,I~ ......n
I ........... ,.....
""".,~""T ......·•.,.. ..6,....r._,....;.-
,· ...,<:..,SJ"'......... ~r.ffll ...

Turbinicarpus s.:hmicdichan us TurbiniC'drpus schmicdi(kcanus TurniniC'drpUS schmicdidcanus

v, didisoniac OllSS &'!'O$u·r \.na\·illurus (FflI lll&. Lu)GlJss&. !'OSln ,. !,'I"IIcilis Glass&. FOliicr
SoJj""',2,\{mhopb),1;cmnu""""""'ICS/Pj SoIitin ... J, .. h';' b)2cmI111.5"'1<_ Sol''''' "nl.SCfJlhopbj Jrm ,l) IS, .. I<""'- ICS/ P]
n""",,'lW" \\""''' \ .." .. 1,...... <><>, ~ .. m"' .... i ~"""'""m
~:;~ ;~:~ \.~t ,....... ",
J.t,. "T.....".",..
~~' .... I~'" \1"."" S.n I..... f\.oro<i.<><>, Sonl.l
""'''',.. I .... \1 "'.... 111 ... 0 I..............
",w., 'I.,,'" \ ,.&ph ....,.,..." p,,,,,w. 7' "",,1,,-

Turninit'llrpusschmicdiclcanus TurbinicaI"J10Sschrnicdkkcanus Turbinit"'I"J",ssch",icdichanus

\. klin~crianus(lllbg.&Jacobs.)Olass&. ,. macrochc1c (\\'crd .) Glass &. !'Olller ".s(hwanii (S hurly)Glass&FO!ilCr
F(J<;lcr S<oIiun ... Jrmlu;.b<irm .hd.2 C111 IC ...... jIP/GC] SuIiut) ... 3 "" h,p bj ~ em. tl2.;· J.2 rm "' .....
'>oIo ..... ,,.,,1,,"' ,IlIISI I>NlIKl"w ... \lrnoo.SOnr .... r.:-.\b'ch"'h IIP/DflSI
,"',.,", ",,' \1.uro,;""I ... ",~ .... ,,,,,,. . ,,,,,,,\to&,Iio,,,..d " , _ , T _ ,"',IJ...'II."' \1<>Xv. .'SanI ..... r.....
,Hlu_,,,,,,\,.,.,,.. <nI..,...,,,.Ir••,TH,oIm.r.... ......
Irl"'.~\''''' \ ~ ..........,.~
_. ,·,~A ... r .......
19~I' L. MI!I,I(;~NI' L~_UIII"I \1\,\1\

TurtJi niCll'1'US ,'llld('~ianus Uebc lmannia buiningii Don ljebclmannia na,ispina l1um &. 11m!
(\IIll'Il,)GI:lSs& FOSler SoIotar},""'"-q1oodn<108C111broai1,flIOZ'.. "' ......>oll.,..1l1_"'-I, ....
Solo"" ... 25 .... hlJh IC~/P\' I j.Ibw ICS/(.q "IIooI(;S/(,C1
1."'.'.'-."" \I....'o,C......Wb..s.1ti1io. 'M".'1It ,~,... BrUlI. \I'N< Gr,.... S<-rn 'OJ'"' 'H".'H, I." ",....1. \I .... , .. ,.... II ,~I)
.."". .",

Ulln.'''"-''(.... ..-'''"&· •. .ti'''''"',\tW/qh

,.JJ\ .....Uo<w,..JJ,~...u.n,.;,,-.,..,.

~~,I050C1IIhlJh~II, ... I1 V«"""." ....

''''''ud0pce60;~ IIutro." ....... ,.''',J'J'ft''t'.
I.... ' ... '~ .... IIr...... \I".... ' "...... s.m ............. 'JI\IUIl1M .... Itrv:oI.\I .... ~ ..... P..... \I, ...... """"''''''"'''''''' ...... ",.[(;q
'.".'KI' ..... U...... \I, .... I.."""""... J).._
", ..,... ,\\._,! . . . . - !...... t .. .m.-n.,
\IF. I~G\RTI~ 195

Wcing:mia buiningial1;l Riu. Wcing-.lniacim icnsis Grd W~inpnia fidai,ma (Bkhg".) \\'erd
SohIH\.51O ........ """bo:<,...."!I,Io>op"d IU ,7221IP/UlISI L· .... I~ri ..I}.IO I! .............. "'ross. n(l.\Jcmlong.
II'RHI6/(;q 'M". 'on',~", n,,.,... ,, Cinti j ...... IIP" I .. u/(OC 1
'M"~"j' I~'" 1101"",. (;.podoll .. ,he K.. f'ii<oOlls)u. <) ''''-''~''''., II jiMi4 .. ,.,j",tio,om;"
,",U,BlmI", S Bol'.~ T... ,~

\\ cing:,"i,.kargliana Ibu.«eh Wcinpniaianata Rill. Wcinga11iancocumingii Illbg

Soh ..". p,buU( . .,,5 em "'''''' n15 ........"",-,,,,,,,, l.iJUOllr~.P>buLB."' 17"" .""'. ~' '''1"", SoIi" OY.102Gcm hoghb)· lo ...... nonOF"'JIlI<I<"
I\\R~7J/IP/(,(1 ........ )',n-w . ........,.. .. ......t,- ...... U.hcadcd lquioc-n...
)-ci . . . . . . II>p . .... (; .
ehunp""wof ..... sp«i<s.II P/GCl .ooIIitt.'fH"<S ,,"nncr.n )-<loor· fl<.K1ZOIlIP/ C.c1
~':'~~~'" ... 1~"'u.'of111P"'''''1hc1'........
'T1Ir-. .I~u ..... ,Ch'''l'''''huq ... "11'1~11IlI1""" 1101.\ ... _..x.pItOil,ftNC o..r~",

'''''>~'~''''.l!~ U1,Ul",,", 1i.i",oorlo"" ....... u'.lt ........ {m".• /<'~"I.:" H """~IU. ... bsp.pu"'uin<
(f:. .... 1971). II ""..,pIN. ::=:'~:;I (==U. lt t.=,1i _ . ...
1'16 II ~I"(' INTI \

\\'cing:U1iancocumingiisubsp. Wcingania ncocum ingi i subsp. Weing-Jnia nculllann;ana (Dlbg.) lInd.

pulquincnsis,·. mairancnsis [)on. s ucn:nsis (Rin.) Don. OJ 1 <III bop '" 5 , .. n!S <III br",J. \d~,. ..
'r>"O<ul.orl}>ltrxto«fum, ... h'b .... ni«IDbruon SoIitl'\,<I<p ..... d.'J'b<nn1.IOIS'"'ocro<.<.IlJ'm Ilrl(,q
'I""".II·~;S/(j<..i broad,\ .....' ,'.lrOIla (OtonJI>OOO_OB ....),fl'tIIo • ., ''''n'e'TH .... '' ~'l!""" ... "oIlt""u1"w.•
,"-".'M' "..,_ll"h,u, ..., \\..,.....
""". . "",,,·II,,,m.,, 1"".'Hl'K',lloIilu.• <ls..: ... Qu.... dtll><>mt.odot
,,-",,-,,,,,",,111',,,,,",,,,'14.11 Wi'M04.
:1,.:;;:~:""::.;.~'"",,,,~rW'''''.11 '''''''''''

\\einganial,ikomaJ',.ensis Canl. \\'eing-J.niallcstii lIulch.

:-"oIiuf).",I3""'h,~"'12"",. I'~""'~I<lk"...
vb .. ,1I">lt"C\l ~tht-,""O·o....,mI fonnof!h~!p«>t<
"hc S%u,\.IOIO"",hopbl8nn!-1l\".broad.)<1IoIo
1\\<116.161. np< pI.ontlllliSI
from\I;n..rnl ..... n .. II ."'rtt-.It..t..819/1P/ GCI IH'mlA: 1K.... IIoIo".,Cud>ul '"C'""..,
~~~:~::.::; ('::'" Il<po. I""""" ,,",,«n ""'"f< """.• ~""_,. I, 1trMntW, H. rib}<'bl<.
Esrobaria sandbc-lJii Casttnn-tlal
APPENDIX I. Stem to 7 em :ICrO$S. l'1t" 2.5 em :across. lipl1 [link 10 flUf1'Ic:·
EdairltlpSill obrepanda(S-D) Sch. DtSTIUlIl"I"1()l\: ~"' Ilairo. San .-\ndra .\115.
Ito; "ide distribution through 1M highbmh of C and S lJoI"ia Jus
auscd IhisspccieslOSho.nI ~ perpk.\ingl)· broad nngeofl"ariJtion
.\, a Tt\uh, m.:Ill)' mdi'idu;l] poopulations lihmo ing th~ir 0"11 distioc-
IllC ChU1CI1.'nslics of bod, morph'~OK}.spinltion ami Howerrolour APPENDIX 3.
ha\~ betn narMd as di!l(Tett sp«its or ,.netie,,:\' number orlh~se
nam~s \\2.'1 bOl.<aI mainly 011 fluller colour, but as populations m: Lobi,in ourta is one vflhosc pl~nts which shows such ~ ht .. ild~ring
ntlll ~no"n "hefl' a full r~nge of colours - ("'m "hilt through pinL degree vf,.. riati"n from popublion 10 population (/"ICT it>; "ide r~ngt
~nd magenta to red ~nd SC"nlfl - llln bc r.runJ Oil ~Jj~cenl plants, thJl il ;s ,irtuaUl impossible !O dT3w ~ny firm ~nd distinct lint~ of
this Conn ofsrlining !lO'" SCtmSUlllenlb1c.OnlYllolw:rebOO,'and difl"crcnti;ltion bc:Tw«n them. When a plam from an) I"'rti<.:ul:u
~pi~ dtuiL. ditTer in a ronsistcm wa)' "'ithin a popuiJrion, which popul~tion'"llridfrom thalofa ndghbouringpopulalilln in deuils of
m:lJ ~Iso txhibit a single 1l0'00"tr colour, is I IUIM r"IOI\ ~uinal albeit ~· mnrpltoklgy,spination:mdf\ov,er,lnd thc~an:~cnsofsudt
ala,ancr;!] r:llhutlun.sp«ifick-od. popublions.iICllnsuTtI)·on~· bc:anarbitra!)~isionasto"·hichol
,"~lICralbriplionof tlw:~isil!irouo,.s.Hodydq>rts:std­ tMst- merit sptci&or '"llrktal SUIII'>. Nncrthc~, II pr~nllmllnd
~rical,gIos!.)dan..-lftt'n.AroundCochabambaandIIZudallCl (w;c"-.: '"ll ooiesan::ICCt' pttd,OOI it should bc: mr.lil.t'd thai I pi:ulIof
thoe Iw:atk rna) .exh a diameter 0( 30 em, al ...-hich point rm, bt-gin this species aCljuired ntl"Td) IS Lob;,ia 3urn ma~ differ a!i much
to form dumps. In some ofthesl' populations onl~ a sinclc flo.ret from the pbnt in thcoriginil description as do Il\J.n)· of'thc named
roloori'ifound,t.g.\\·hitturma~nl .... hilcinolhcrsthrfullnn~ ,·aricties.ln,iewofthi!;itis"ell lO"orthootainingpbntsfromd iffercn [
d~scribed ~IMJ\( '>CCUIl'. Rsp gcnenll)' 'J 1\ up 10 I em long. CSJI localities distingllished onl}' b) thediffcrcn[coUcctor's numbc:r.
1-.1 uptoScmlong,whitishlodarkbmwnofttnwirh Icsphoo~ed; .-\ bt"Yfde\!.:riptiml uf th.: named '":Irictics ot her Ihan th,osc illus-
1120(m long. AI Culpioa a giant form Oct:Uf"S "i1l1 more globular [roUtd is ~s f"llows:
bodlroi up 10 50 em or mon: :>cross and 30 em high; spinrs lon~r
th.n n"rm~l, .'In''""1:,~nu~d, 0 .. hite. ,'. albiflor~ R1U!il:h
onlHl M\\I<;: E aJI;ulholi!twwlI. f_ l"Ill/it/rTlllNl, F.. (1lft//lwNjlorll. fl7cm Iong,white.
E. (11 ....<11.. F.. mlllll", E fimwl. 1~It.mll fnN~n, OISTMlIIUTIO': .-\Tgt'ntin.t, S;"m. de Cor,\ob;l..
E. ...WII_IIt, /:". F.. ..nnt tk (.,.1111, E m;.sn. , '.....,olkochl)·K"~ (Rin.) Rausch.
f_ _ 1,ku1u & F.. to..u.jWM; £. ~ruIit I' ".rp~","
SoIiu~. C)iindrical, up 10 UI .... 20 em hiPt. with an II em Illng
j"d]o.,.· n.
AWENDIX 2. I)ISTIlIUlTfIlJ': A~ntinl, S:lha. ~br:lda de lu C'.ouchas, the
most nonhcrl! IoclIlil)' for this group.
t:''lCobariaalbirolumnaria Hesler OTlIt:R N,I.I\~S: lI""fllom-u[." Ilufta t·. (<l/tI)O'r]Jl"/L
S(~it'!"J til" 'Cf) sl'aringl)' bnnching; !"Sf! 25-30; ""p 11 - 15. [0
18 Fl to 1.8 em across, pinkish ' ......~t:ullarccnsis (Mitt.) R~ n >ch
Ilt~TMIBl ' IIOI\: II Te.~:l.~. Single or Sl'aringl)' d nmpin g, bod~' to 20 em high by 8 em. I"
6-'1l1TI long,jdln,,·.
Escobariaort:u llii Hoed I)ISIMIUlTft()" Argtntim. Ul.:lma rCll
Stem to 15 em high II) 6 em, solit.!) or dumping; !"Sf! 30-~ 1 ; CSJI OTItf:M' \.l lf.s: 1I""",om-ulI" Urtal'. {iltlllllll'{(J/I'$.
15-18; n 12 mm "ide, pin\.;ish, ,'. maCTllXillll Wlcner tI.1 and
'. ~ocnipi Castettcr (f II/; spine count hight-T, ~d~ la~r ,KMnoise ,'. tltlbc ana (Doell:) Ra\lS(b
~;maaT (S\\ /\~ ... \korol. Ouml'ing ~nd (h~r:octerizcd II) the bright n:d """cr.
m S rllttIlTIO....: SI. -\ri~.o1U and SII No.' ~Io:iro. I)ISTRIIIL'TIO': -\rgrnriru,SiemAncasri.
OIlU.M 'lIn.;,: rAryphutMllmrw,C.II,."ifontrut". tmlllii. OTI1UI qll~.s: I.."", J,Ha1U/..
198 un:\m CFS

\'. sielTllgrandcnsis R~USI;h pbnlS 3re l"()mplclciy alike ~nd a !kucn so-c:tllcd spe.:ics l'>ln be
SoIil~r), glollUlor, up 10 g em 3ero~, d~II.S<." needle-like spinllion. found in 3 §ingle I(K""Jlil),,,ith bees flyingal r:lndom from dlC flOl'cr
esp!Q 2.5 cm. FI )·tUo". ofone r03nothcr. I>rl!liou~wlle(\or.;donOl5Cem 10 h.'·e acccpled
n1STRIllUTION: MgcminJ. Sian. Gl'Jnd~ tk Cordoba. lb~1 ....Jcli CJ n silo" this dcgr~ of I'~riali"n ~nd seem !O hare drcled

\'. lortuosa R~usch inslcad 10 SClet:l a number of lhe mllSl ~imil3r looking plams fmm
the populalion 10 name 3sSfJl.'t:i!:s.
Simplr, up 10 8 em high b) 7 em; §pines hl~d, up 10 J em long,
,wi§led.l·l},'Uow. 11 sc,'ms almost cemin lbal R. fulviscla. R. kuppcriana, R.
p'"'ududcminula&R.spt..-g-.....7. iniana .lsof3I1wirhinlhisl'>lri.lion,
IJISTK!I! lJI"IOl':: Argemina, Samiago de! Es'ero, nur Ojo de Agua.
sirl(C plan ts CtlITcsl'0nding quile closd~ !o all IlitSc 'specics' IOcR
also pal1 oflhcsamc single porulalioll. Ilowc'cr.aslhesethrecaR
AI'I'ENDLX 4. di§linClh'e enough to be 'OIlued bj collectors, we 3fC keeping Ihem
Ncoponc ria Iwrri,h (Rcm)' ex G3) D. Hunt sq>ar:llchcre,lhough{he)·!"\·c cuiti'OIrst;l.{US
OTIIER NA.\ lF.s: lIorridIKlIlIu! iMlt/((lll'm,i!, II. horrid"l, II. lubm·
1,,/(aIUS, II. {hOO{imlil, Nrothilmio oJeriJlortl, ,\'roponmo moo{Jmlis.
Srop. IIdorif, Nrop. W/orri1, J'JrThl}("Q(fus (J(O~((lgr'(1Ilil, 1'. clwaprnsis,
P. horridul, I'. IIdorif P. luhn;1, Nrop. lubmlU/{Olii I'. ruprtmo, Rcbuliapygmacamn;;.
1'.robuIIO& :·"'t,(ilSQna;p).,n,,,.horridusl·.awtlCllgumlul&". robUIIUI, '\'.cr...~sa' published as Lobizld hUll![tlI·. mlJla Rausch
Horri,/q. n'JI,mlul &". rI'pJ/JlnMI, N((I(. ff!husla & I'. ''1'IIIInO, l'yrrllfJ. A sligh!l)' larger form wi!h mort lu bercu!31l' rihsand a larger, red-
roI!ullul & ". ,'t,(lwmus, ,\ 'rop. rnn';lpinll I'. 1Wlf/,llplfm;1 (wmrl gl)' orangefl
'pplied), .\'rop.hom·J,;,·.Omlllla,H.llmlllllll,Nrop.omrmo.N.w/tm- lJISnllllfI"lOt>.:Boli,iJ., lscayache.
lukala ,·.antlala,P.llmralul.
'v. cleganlula' published as l.«m;,,, hUllgn I'. ~k,.ulu'" Rauso:h
Smaller in all ofil~ pnts 3nd IHJled for ilS prolific dumping habit
APPENDIX 5. 1)ISTIUBlfI"lUr-.: Mgt nl in•• Rio Sanjuan JcOm.
Ncopomriaodicri (Lem.llkrg. " '. mudallensi§' pllhlishtJ asR(huIJa madan(1ll11 Rausch
OTl IU N ~.\\I:S: ,\ "rrxhilm'a imilom. ,\ .()«. oJim. Srot. 'Mil. & I'. Thc larg<..'S{ ",riel)", MCm.~!O.l em across and morc globular, spinaOOn
I(J/ilarill, "Nit}(". nllulii", Ntop. rrirhri,'. moll. &fo. i.,DUI,i&fo.,oJi/., "hilish-sih'cr, quilrdcnso:. l·llargc, rery pale salmon-pinl
Chilrorrl"'liaqJim,C.J:rami', C.tIlIIllrola/a&".soli/llria, Thrw«pIJalll DISTRlUlITI01'-: ArgenTina, Jujuy, Ccrro ,\Iudana.
oJim, T. Immlli. T. Ionp'rapa, T. mal/rolli/a & I'. smi/oria, Chiwmllulill ()TII~.M .... \\If-'i: l.iWir.'iohUlllri l'. mUMn(1llil.
ji.hoo. Nrot. foh'il, Thrll). foh"ll. Wrongl~ 3Plllied 10 N. Tt:ichci
\,.acrQCarpa"'>ls .\ "rrx.lJ(TfXllr(ll11·.foh'ilwhichbelongshert. 'v. naz.arenocllsis' publ ished:l.~RrhulwnllZll't1I/Jt1IlisRausch.
Similar 10 lh., 13S1 bul "'ith more UpsI3nding!;Jlinalion, "ith I esp
AI'I'ENIJIX 6. 1)ISTRilJUTIOr-:: N Argcnlin3, pear ,-,:.1,arcno
OTH~:R \ \\1~.s: [,iWj,';o hUllI'; I'. nllZllr(l{I!t1IJIS.
Nellporleriarciehci (Sch.JflkhK
OTII ER NUU:.s: ,\ '(fI(h i/mio ,rimri, '\"rot. Olr~' 771~/i,{("holll rri""~;, '~. orurensis' published as l.obiriu ororrTIli! Ilkhg.
ChilMrtlJu/w ,..;mri, ·S(fI(. I~mb.+n', TIr~w. kmll.. "Nrot. nrommri' Uody "irh ,i<lI~llinL~. FI rich or:lngc "ilh 1,.lcr thro;o1.
',\ '. ps~/J,/q,rimri', ,\"top. ,rifflri 1'. rri,hri fo. IrmlK/:ri,fa. nrortimri, lJISTRmLJI"IO\: N Holhi •. Oruw and I'ama.
fo. JllrifJulpa & fo· pjnj,/qrnmn; Chi/rortlJutia JllrifJlIl{Id. Nrot. Juri.. OTHtR J\~\lI.s: :l/rJiulolm:io on"(1II;!. ,1/(/1. pminilid I'. oro,mlil,
Thrw. Juri. ". acrocarpa: Chilror"ulio 1lmK., ,\"rot. I<troo"., '\"ro{!. Lobn-iohIlllKri,·.IIn<mlill.
rrithril·.rr;(hrifo·lJ(TfX· 'v. palMa' published as Rrbulilipa/liM Rausch.
Dody timw pink i sh-,iol~l, !;Jlinalion pin~i,h -hrullll . Fl ~m3I1er,

APPENIJIX 7. brighlOr:lnge-pink.
IJ\STKlBlITIO\: Boli,ia,Culpina, LaCue'3
No!ncac!us ollon is (l1h m.) Berg. OTmR \Am.s: lAJh,,,a hlllluT 1". pallida.
OTIIUI J\'\\I~_":.V. Qt/jfas. N. IlmhOIV'/izloi & ! ... /1.• N. u'mptslmuil.
,\". &WunnUi. ,\". Klol",lon'~ .\~ hDrtIlfJnianus. .\'. i/timit1ll;l. ~V. in- •.... pcl~liana' published as IAJhit,o hallpi 1'. prlzliona Rausch
romplll!" .\~ IMIh·i,....1 Rill.\". IIXJIOlla/ul,,\". wrorilubmllfalUl. :\thinncrspincd,·.cos"ithabrigfllonnge-reJfl"wtr
DlSTRIFlUT10\: Argenrin., JujU), Tafna

/\PPt::NIJIX 8.
Rcbuliademinula (Web.) llr. &. R.
KGI'·.\j"s obse!"\'>l!iollS of a JlOIlul~li<m of Ilowcring rcbu!i.Js nca r Rcbuliasenilis \'ars.
IS(3)"~{he in Boli.ia,alongllith Ihost'onpI3nts in CUllh·3tion. sc:em Numerous l'>lriehes of Rcbulia sc nilis h3"e oon deo;crikd 3nd a~
w indic3!e an inucdihle degree of ''>lriation "ilhin lbisspecies. incuhi,·ation.Thescallbrecdlrueand.reoflen"
Spinalion, OOd)-form and flower '";II) !O such an c~\~nt lbal no two wc art.' ~sting the more dislillctiw examples klo". This docs not
"""~n impl) anI ttruint) truot tMse arr II}()« than iu~t forms from ....·.a pplanata'
,\er) "riablepopul1uon. Bodylhid.cnedandn\h(orl1ancned.F1b~,rtd.
IJISTkIUl·l'!O....: HOOld, Rio ~Ionda.
\.iscliniana t-nill.l
onn:R M~lt:s: LMnv 1IlI1I_1I1I r . ."t.U/lI Rausch.
\.ltssdrin,;iana Ihg
AsnuU fonn "ithcurl) ,,-hiIC spincs and rtddish·onng.: lIuwm.
1'1 lell"". 'Rose oflori'lI:as ,,' nOWI'I'$.
1)ISTRlIll' no-.;: HoIi,u, C.uchulngcnio.
I.lilacin"·l"O!oC:a Blbg. OTFIt:R /<.\\IIS: N. all(lIl~IIi' Rau!il:h., LohmQ Siall. v. all(.
, . ...:hidiana lkw!! FrtSh'gr«n, n 3.5 em acJ'\J5S.OI'lIngt "im Cllrminecdgcs.
1-' 4 l'1J1 broad, outer petals crimson, inner on.n~·n:d. DlsrRlIIlmol': Holhu, I'Qtosi.
OTHER M'lrs; N, ttllQI. \\crd., I~ S/nll, I', lWl.
,. ~tI.ltllll'riUlbg
n "lIh I brKl·rrd th~l, pmJs ofie" bordered )clIuv.M. "',major'
TIll' b'Vll form, 5 em h.i~ and J cm amlSS "ith S«'nlccl mnXl"

[)t~TRlln:n():-;; A'l\"nuna. La Quixa. Tafna.
OTIiEk 1\\,\11:5: ~ I/(I~. f. ",.jer Rall$Ch.
Kebutia5teinmannii (SoIIll'l·Laub.) IUb@:.
\on~ 01 II\(- \anctics has )'tt betn p12ctd in \h(o g.onw; ',.!":Iuschii'
Rehutia,...-. "t' art' not qUOl:ing the aUlhool) aflcrthe cumbinJlion. 11tesm31lrsl form. nonl) 2cmlong,onnge.
lnslUd Ihis is quoted for II\(- originJI puhli~Jlion in the 'OTIII:.R ntSTR!IIlTIO/<': l!oIilia, l luari
N.\:\II$'Se1:rion f()rC1~h I';uiel). ()TIt~,K t\~\II"~; Nth. musrhll Zecher, Lob,no 'Ia". I'. ruu«hu.
4(~~lhMd/"';"", iJl1IlrtlJiU nllm ( lIkhg.) Don. '" l>yrrhroc3ctus 1s/roph)'llim nr.'fUni I\a)~. ,.. :\slrophylUm 11lprkun lC ,. ni,eum
andrcacanus (flkbg.) Rill. (K~~s.)m
A. u,,,anIIlU,,,,, Rausch = AC"J lllhocalyciulllllliona11lhulll
I'. 3ur:mtiaculll (Rausch) Don. -1)'IOl/fflI olbiflora (Ri u, & lIuin.) mbg. '" Kehmiaalhinora Rill, &
1. br(;:i5pinmn Rin . '" Amnthucalyciurn thion:mthulll Iluin
\', hn:lisll;num (Rill.) Don A. allnpi/osa(Rin.) Blbg. ,... Rcbuli a al hipilosa Rin .
. 1. (dlllmurr<'l1j( Riu . '" A~":1"th')('"d lll'iurn thiouanthum (Sprg.) A. dmlinula{Ww.) Blllg. = Rebutia deminuta (\Irb.) Ur. &. R.
Bkbg. A. jirhripi (Guerkt) Illbg. .. II.cburia licbrip; (Gucr\;c) II. 8. I{
A. (I/I~nan/lmm (Spcg.l Ilkbg. = :\ c:mthot':ll),cium thiunanthurn 1. Jidmjj; ". dn/J;lt/a Cullm. eo Rehut;:. ficbripi «(;ucr~c) II. &. R
I'. l-h;unanlhum (Spcg.) Ilos.<. A. /uh'llt/a Raust:h - Rebulia ruh'iscta R'll.\(Ch.
,I. !mdni ll. au'il'h = 'Acant hocalydum thionanthu lll I'. fCTnrii ' II. Ird,= Kau!il:h '" Rcbutia bdios:\ Rausch .
. l.g//Ji/(/lI1r Rin. = lk a nthoc:dJciurn thiunanthum \".gbu(·um A.jlijuya~a Rausch = Rcbmia ;u;uyana Rausch .
(Riu .) Don. ex Rausch. .f.bp{lniQ~Q{ lk",II.)mbg. '" Rehu t;a kUllllt:ri,uHIBoc,],
4, trillum IIkbg. '" ,h "'lIIl101cal,ci ulll Ih i"mlnthum (SI1<'II"') Bkhg. -I. r1111>rolu (Rin. & Thiele) IIU,!:, Rebutia mu s('ula Ri n. I\.
f. !dim/X!i,mllm (Weidl. & \\ eN.) Ilkbg. '" Al'"Jnthocalyciulll Thiele
spiniOufllnl (K. S~h.) Ilkhg. .t nur.'at«1lsis Grd. '" Rcburia n3rmc~..,n.';s (C.. rd.) Dun.
A. {Xi/ullmanl"'. lIlbg. = Al':Ulthocalyciurn sllinillonnn (K. Sell.) A. po;kayrnsis Rausch ., R('hut i" pall('ayensi, Rau>ch
Ukbg I. pltuJoiItminula (ilkbg.) IRbg. Rehu liapscullo"('minuta
.i. l'iJmj/on<HI ilkllg. = ,\c;lIu hot:,lIyeium thiunaruhum mbg
\. "ariiflorum (Ilkbg.) Dun A. frltlldIJmmusru{u (Speg.) Speg. ~ Rehut;:. deminuta (\leb.) Ilr. &.
.-I. l'wlaw,"1 (WI"rd.) Illbj!. = :\can thocal)ei om slliniflonun
fa. ,'iulaccu m (I\~rd.) I)"n.

A. pulmdlu Rausch '" Rehuti:ll'"lchclla Kausch .
• 1. pulrmow (Rin , & Buin.) Blhg. "" Rebut;a plIl\";nosa Rin. S.
-Iru",noiuloma IIInl!rnsis (R. 8. II.) K ~uh 8. mbg, Lobi'ia Buin.
Icgclcriana Il~bg. A. mbJpnol/J (Rin.) IIkhg. '" Rebutia deminut:I (\\cb.) Ur. S. R
.'/, /f/lflrna1/a (Ukbg.) Ukbg. = Lobi";;1 ICgdcria na BU>g ,,. sna::::::m,allil (mhg.) Illhg. Rebut;. ~peg",I~7.iJ\ian:. IIkbg
A. spmoSllsmw (mbg.) llkbg. '" Rebut ;a Ii('bri~; (Guerk~) II. & I{,
-lnnJ/roc<l(/Ul bm'ilwmiJllOJ (l:.ngdm .) B. 8. R ,lneistrocaclUS 'I. s/nlllrllmmi (Solms·Laub.) lJ~bg. '" Rchuria stc;n mmmii S"Im;·
schecri; (5-0) II. 8. II. l.auh.
-I. m«o,"i;III (Rose) JJ. & R. = Ancist rocac lUs schccrii (5-U)'llIO{Rin.)mbg. Rebut;arubcros-.. Riu.
Il. & It
JrllUllUlnnii (J liIdm.) IJ. &. It .. Mammillaria
A"q"jpu <rtiIuq/mJriru KJuh 8. Ukbg. i\rcq uipa hcmpcliana schumanni; lliidm
(Guerke) Oehme
A. (nlM/nm" (l' hil.) II. & K. is ~n OrcflCCTCUS. BIIIl$/ddiaatM:mJls Rin . )
A. "WgII (Quehl) o.,h,",' '" ,1n:(luipa hcmpdiana (Guerke) fl. (~m""mjloralJlbg
Oehme ·11./«,hsm"lJkh.. g. .. mO.,sfcld;:1 lil;pllt~ n a Irall.
A. spinOllmma Riu. = Arc(luipa hc mpdiana (Gucrtc) Oehme. H. mInima Rin
-/. II'rin.~/miDnD Illbg:. = ArC(IUipa hcmpc liana (Guerle) o.,hmc B. prdsrrllula Rm.

' Iri,.rarpwJ r/imKallll (S - D) :\1.11. Lee '" Ariocarpu s lrigollUS Bar-iratl"s a"ron/jams (rpl.) Kim. 8. Hutch. ,\ b rucann
(Wd)Cr)&h;ac;. (rpl.) Bu.\
I. Inlmnrtillls Bkbg. = l\ri(IC'I'llUS flssurnlus ,', IIDydii (Rose) n. uurnjb;n<1 (Rin.) DDn. '" :\Iatucanaaurcillorn Rilt
And. H. rah'(frrns Kim. S. Hutch. '" Malumna aU rJIIL1:l(lI (rill.) Bu.~ .
A.lloydir(ROSl'") Iltrg". = Ariocarpus fissul1ltus ,.. I/I»)lIii (Rose) H./ormOlus(Rirr.) Dun. = ,\ latul-:lna fonnus;( Rin
-\nd B. hayrtri (Ono) Kim. &. Hutch. .\btucana ha) nci (Ouo) H. & K.
HO~1IC\cTLS~COR HII "TlI.~ 201

B h...C"lnuiJ l lon. & tu ., \ lalUClllla hll~knsis (Dun. & Lau) Cstn4I'H .11~1/lI" Ritl. '"' Copi apoa du~ Rin.
Jlrqmln tl,l. e. "Pf'I4I141. lIJ.:bg. - r~'f'iapo'" cinCl'llSCCns (5 - 1)) IJ. & R,
B.•wlm""/lJ (Rm.) Don. .\lalUCllna inlennla Rin C,IMIl_IJ\liddkdill:h", Copiapoa boli,i:!na (Pfcilf.) Rill.
R. •~lmm/lJ 1'. (t/(ffJ."t'lllJ (Rin.) 000. ., .\!awcana inltnc.~111 'C. "'"MII(fffi,' Rin. w. ~. ,. Copia poa hypopea ". birTlluilcnsis
, . cclcnd iocnsis (Rin.) Urtgman tl,l. Rin.>on. = \1aluC:ln3 1;l':I.hnii (I)on.)lIregm;lIl. e. fllm:..I(fISil Rill, _ Copia poa dealoora Rill ,
R. IIUIJ'W"H1rnm HUlm. -= Malueana rnadisoniorurn (HuICh.) e. r~Qt/limlltluis Rill. = ?Copiapu3 cinel':l.sccns (S~J) II. & R.
Ru"le}. C. n'nt1'(/l!'. rJrr,1""IJ (Kin. ) IIkb]{, " C.ol'iapo'aUea lbala Rin,
n. rnuJ'W"lOn,m 1', Pl'jup.;11I Don. & Lau • ,\! oluclIna pujupalii C rolumW/l-illlla Min. " C.opiapol:l ci nerea ". "olunum -:r lb a (Rin,)
(Don. &. Bregman llkbg.
B.orffllloxl<s(Rill,)[)un. "'.\Ialul",lIIaon:OOou(Rill.)Slaba. e.rotIgillmtflllO( Phil.) l..cmbde =.,a!Usoollblful.
H. /ll'UfWll/Ulid (Rin.) Don. = .\ blUcaM p~ uciroslalll Mill. e. Wl(ui... J,;,nM (Ka .... , ( l Mucmp.) U. & R. ., nom, du... plJnl~
R nllm(ll uin,) Don. = .\ laweana n n en Jl uin . oblained 3\ (hi, arc uswll) forms of Copiapoa pendul irul..
n (R,uh &. mhg.) 110n. = M:.. ueana haynd (Ouo) e.lJIptrr Rill. = Copiapoadufll Kin.

B -...un
(\pI.) Don. = .\ b lucana ... cbt rbaucri (\ pl.) l.Il.hg.
C.lJItrf'lll' (Poscl[[ rll liidm.) lllbg. '" Sl3lUSdoublful.
C ~lil' " Copiapoa pendu li n~ Rin .
e. trl!iu;.kt (l..em. u S~ 1) B. &. K. = SUIUS doublfu1.
HrwIr"./Jnum IIi.Mmot (Ukbg.) Ulbg. G~'mnoclll)cium sagl iunc e. trtl'IQpllll4 Rill. Copi apua eincrea \'. h35C lloni ana (Ukbr.)
(Cds)lI/\. R N.P. T~Jlor.
e. /rrrn: l..cmbde (I,. lJ~bg. '" Copiapoa sulans (Rill .) Rin.
Bnur!mulus VUtJS"rn (Sch.) Bkbg. NOIO<:aclUs gr~cssncn Sch. C hlUflllmllln, flUlg .• C~'1,iupCl~ cine rea ". ha...... honian:l (lllbg.)
B. Jru~I"'rp. (Haagc) Bkbg. '" NOIOCllCluS hase lhergi i H aa~. N. P. T a)lor.
C gisanl'" Ukbg. _ Copi a poa cincl'('a ... ha~c l tnnian n ( 1 1~ hg,)
Hnlllhf'l' ...a,u u/um{ltln""" {Blbg, (I,. \ '011) Rin . - N()I(>C:I~1u.~ N.I'. Ta) lor.
:r.iacril'olanus (mbg. & \011) Llu~ . 'C. ;m~nitll~' . t"~u~'I!UC' n~mc '" iC~'l'iapc'3 durn Rin,
B ~,(Uh''''''11l (\\ . 11a.:r.~) Rill. = XuIUl."i.CluS bre\'ihamalus e. inlrrmd,u Rill. U . ., Copi~poa cinerasccns (5-]) II. (I,. R.
(\\. Ha.:r.gc) lIux. e.lnrrlNtti Illb!;. ~ Copiapoa ClIJderan:l Rin
H ~d,," (IIuln,) Rul. NOlot:lctus bucndcri (I~in.) Ilur. e. iftttuPi'" Rin. - Copiapoa hum ilis (Phil.) HUlm.
B. rfflr(fflll (Iluin.) Rin. = XOlocactuS rtthen~i~ Iluin. e. 1fJ4l1ttr..ur (1~m. ex S-O) Blbg. ., Sl11US doublful
C. rtItI4M1rJllru RIIl." Copiapoa cincrea \. columna-alba (Rin.)
c.........rm<t IIhnlnJ (Sper.) Il. &
R '" I..obh·ia siln:slrii (Sfl(r.) Ilk"'.
'e. ...iirulm' .. c:ru~ n~1IM' '" ?Copiapoa pend uli na Rill,
e.IlUllIt",ID Rill. - CA'piapor.a hl'pug'.lea Rin.
Chlifl/,tbuIIUutr/N"Q"/J'I Rill. = Ncopon cna reichei ,·.lICfUC>l rpa e. monr~n' Rin. - Co]liallUa hypog'.1Ca Rin.
(Kin.) K. \1. hrl)m.n 'C. ...ulilrolo,'hnn. ,. a na me ofnonl ue
'C rllrnroJlofa' - hUrl. hrllTid ·C. {ItI/XJSOt1ui,' Rin . • Copiapoa humi lis (Phil.) HUlc h
c. Jun(lu//'I' Rill. N~"()I)(Jncn a rcie hd (Sch.) Ilkbg C ~iniUIl ( I..em, lex 5 - 1))) Ilkbg. = slarus doubtful.
C, tlmrrlllJnnD Rill. Nl'Oponeria csmcnaJdana (Min.) 000. &. e. ~iwiaw~ I'. jirdlmu" (&h.) Bkbg. '" CopiajlO:l Iicd lcrJna
Ro.... lC) (&b.)lIkh"
C./~/:" Rin . n.n . ., 'l/copuncn~ odicri (Lem.) neTJ. e. psn.tI«of~;",N". Ritt. • Copiapoa pcndul ina Rin.
c. ~kY(fI' Rill. 'IIcoportma napin:a (Ph~.) Illbg. e. ",nUlmll Rin. = Cupia pclll hYp!If;l'IC3 Rin.
C. I'NMIII Rin . l\'ropon criaodicri ... malkolala (Rin.) R..\ I. C.rdn~ R in," ('.opiapo.:irupcstrisRil1.
hmlmn. e. ~fln. Rill. Copiapoa h a inziana Rin.
'C Imrlrlti· ClIra~~ name = Neupon cn a rcichd (Sch.) Illbg. e.lhf'llllu\"oIdan _ Copia pog. pendu li n" Rin ,
C "",lIro1M/M &. 1', s.lilllnD Rin. = Neupon eri" odieri •. malko lala e. ""1III(Il~," (HnnL.) '"1In <hlen = Copiapua llIarpnala (S I)
(Rrn.)R\1. l hl)man Il. & R.
C naplllll(l'hi1.) Rin. = Ncoporteri a napinll(I'hil.) Ilkttg, e. ,ul/u/t.uis (WeN.) Looser = Copiapoa humilis( l'hil.) Il urch.
C. "Jim (S Il) Kin ," Ncuponcria udicn (I.em.) llerx. e. 1(ff(~TII1a Rin. Copi;,po~ ci nerea (I'hil. ) II. & M

C ",rhrr Rin. N~... p.. rtcria r"i"h"i (S"h.) Illbg, C. IfJlOrQ/mllJ Ritl. ,. Copiupo,a e<:hin:n u v. b"rc:ll i.~ Kill.
'C ,,,,1/',11111' = C~ll'ial'oa pend ulirm Rin
('fdlmllfll h,,/rr (t.. . IJr~nd.) \lalr. ,. \bmmilbria holei e. I1'Ilgnhr«hlii Rin. n.n. • disUncti'c fonn of Copiapo;r
I-...I!nrnkg«. jl( nd ulina Rin. .
C .... nll_ I.lm) \Iamm illaria mari lima (I.intlSol») D. Il uni. Corl'phan lha cia.,. Wfdln l.nn. see under COl'lphaotha cla\':lla.
C. poMlI (G~I1(') \\alr. Mammillaria pondii Gr~lI(. C. aN~ml/llri, Lahman. F.soobaria ''''~p~ .... '" .... dilosa (t..ngtlm.)
C. posdf;f1i (ltildm.) II &. R. '" ,\ I:!.mm illaria posd~ri lIi1dm. D. R. l1uol.
C 111"(11'" «(:0011,) \\~II. = .\Iamm ill:!.n~ 5Clispina (Cooll.) e. JunrllW.i ( Hesl~r) Henson E.scobaria dasy~nlha ( I.lm.)
t..llnoocg.:c U.a.R,
202 (;(lK\ I'II\\I II \ - ~UII \ I)URl.L~

C hnlm Wrighl = Escub~ri~ hcslcri (\\'righl) l3u~ . ·0. panJnIl(ltJj!· IJ~bg. = Dis...,..."dl·IUS hepl:II::ntlhus (Rodr .)
C. mllllma Baird ESI."ubaria minima (Uaird) D. Iluni. Il.S-R
e mll(/,/ropjon/lii B. &. It '" COl")phanc ha .'<C heerii (.\ Iu( hl"f.) D. /JIl11l1ijOliHf [Juin . &. IIrrd. = Discocaclus hanmannii (Seh .)
L~m . 11. &. II.
C "d/"... r.ruv.. ~ Es~"b;Lri:L m iu i1LL~ (Baird) D.R. I [unl D. puf,ionfl{um/III' Iluin. & IIred. C~ fluin. ~ DiSl"tK'LeluS
C ol'IWlnlJlr Zimnl<"rm~n t:'l~,bari:l org:mensis (Zimmennan) Ilh.ccmi{unllis (Lem.) Sch.
U,ICII<"I(la/. Il. p"h·immpilalll, Buin. &. IIrcd. e.\ Buill. [)iSl~"'''clU~
C. ~(/m"I" ( I~ng[m .) I! & R. = ~C.'I)·phanth:l rad ians (IX) pbCf."n.ifonnis (Lcm.)&h
[I. & R n. rllpI~I.:II' \luin . & Bred. = Ilis ......."llc.u., hqu;lcanthus (R",Ir.)
C. (>,rrfn \l"nd . "" Escub'lri'l e ms~""lIcrian" (Quch[) [$org. B. & R.
c. (>I(III/''''''/''1NI (Bml·o) '" CoI")·llhanlha rad ians ( [K) II. & R D. I(InI("mp{mijl,mls Buin. So. Bred. l)iSl"Ul"llC\U< hqIl M.'amhu,
C. wdii (II. & R. ) [krg. = t:swb~ria sneed ii II. & R (Rodr.) IJ .& R.
C". l1fmiil t·. 1m (Ro,,-, t., [~ocd. ) [k·n . .on '" Es..'Ob"ria [eel Boed IJ. ,i/inmla Uu in . &. I\",d. - I)i,'-', ..."c.u., hq.m~anthus (Ro,Jr.)
C. ,·il"lparu (Nu ll.) I!. & R. '" t:seooaria \"i ll"r~ (1\ UI1.) Uu' Il.So.R .
D.llh·d/m" Buin. &. fired. C) lIui n. DiSl"OC"aClU' hept:l"~nlh"s
Drlarlia .v'lIImiam,· 1I~ 1og. '" Ne"I",ncria ne"h"n ~ean3 (Kill .) (Rodr.) II. & R
R.\l. Fcrl)tnan fl. Ipi'Mio. Ullin . &. Brc.\. ~) Buin. = DiM',"':tctu, hCJ"al~mlhu,
(R",lr.) B. & R.
O"WI= tryllmJ<"rpluliil (&h.) Ikfl:. '" Dcnnlu~a rhodal·:ulIh:l D. S~I'U""bu,(alll' Bu in . &. Bred. c.\ Buin. = l)i.'CIIC:ll·tuS
(S- D) II. So. R. hcp",eanlhus (ROOf.) 1J. &. I{
0. '"~If"an,."-p,,,/ijfflmi Die" & ,"-,t. ,... DiSl~'C3CiuS hqn:tl"nth u.,
f)1I(I/(il(lUS ~1~i5pInN' Buin. & IJ red. = Discocaelus lc hnlncri (Rodr.) B. &. R.
Il. &. R. D. l~"'·,nditm(UI L1u in. &. Iked. c.\ Buin. l)iSl·II....~C.u <
D. allro/nlJ Lcnl.(x Dietr. '" SlatuS do/lbiful placentir... mtis (L.·m.) Sch
D. arun';JpiNId lIuin. & Brcd. = I} lch ntncri 11. &. R. fl.lri(rmllJ .\ Ionl . t~ !'rei lT. = Di.' c'''':tCiusl,laccouifunni, (I.em .)
fl. /!.Jlit·imji, m bg. ~ Discoca,·' us hq lt;I(,"Jnthus (Rodr.) B. & R. &h.
D. bootlllumd lIuin. & Bred. '" Discoc;lCIUS 1.1·h nmeri B. & K. D. n'O"lfmll~m Bred. &. I.d. IJroc~ '" Dise<",,,clus horstii Buin. &
D. wl/:/l(l"i5 LJitrs 80 Es•. '" DiS<:()C;lctus hq'lacanthus (Rodr.) IIr~d. e.~ Buin
B. &. R.
O. winKlroio [Iu in. &. Bred. ~ Discoc:lClu~ hq)ta'':1r11hus (Rodr.) IJu/idwlh& il//I&rnJ (,n eg.) B~bg. l\bmmil\ :Lri:t '":LtIlI'tulri,·ha
11. .:1: R. D~ms
D. UP/'IlI"II1CH/<IIUi Buin. &. Bred. '" DiscocaclUs heplal"llnthus O. ballmil (Hoed.) I\erd. &. B\I~.
'" \Iammill3ria baumii [lned.
(Rodr.) B. & It /). balsawIJn(Crai)t:l Ilk bg. '" o\Iammi[bria bcnl...:~ei I.hrcnh
D.JIfI'/;IInllSb1. = [)iSl..."'aciushcp.amnlhus {Ro,Jr.) B.8o R. D. />ro(ri·" (I·;h",nh.) B~bg. = .\lammillaria h.;n,·dci Lh"'nh
IJ (l1n.·f)1I Die,," = Oiscoo.-.lelus hcpme:ulIhus (Rod r.) I\, & II. O. (Umplolri(~1J (Dams) T kg. '" l\lammil1ari<1 (,"Jmptolrich'l [)alllS.
O.frmrola Buin. •\.. 1I,,·d. '" ll i<><;,K.':1cIUS hcplll.l"llnlhus (Rodr.) n. dmpJro, (Scheid,...) Tieg. '" \Iammillaria deripiens S,·heid".
\I. &. R. D. lon.$mamma ([)(:) II. &. It. '" .\ I:nnmillaria lungimamma [x:
/).jlm·upi"lu lIuin . &: !lred. e ~ Bu in. ~ J)i.~"''''"JCluS hCpl;u."OInlhus Il ""llJlrlltlJ (Karn.) Craig ~ .\ 1ammillaria mdalcu<.'3 K~ ",
(Rodr.) II. & It O. nr/wnii (Il. &. 11..) mbg. - l\1ammillaria bcncdci Lhrenh
D./{"'UIIHf])iers& 1..51. '" l)iSCOC3ClUS hcp13l"llnlhus {Rodr. ) n. 5pllo,ri(II (Dielr.) U. So. R. = .\ lammilbria 'phaericn Hierr.
U. &R /). surroloU/ (Hoed .) lIu ~. '" .\la111t11i[blria sun:u[osa Hoed
/).!!.nuN! lIuin. &: IIrrd. = Disc''''OIclus hqllacal1lhus (Rodr.) D. ","nfort/IIS (Z ucc .) fl. &. R. '" .\lammiJ\aria longimamrna IX:.
B.&R 0. upl')"Tllnll,mdn (Scheid'll.) m bg. '" Mammillaria
D. /al"pm"5 lIuin. &. Bred. = Disrocacll1s is (I.em.) zcphyrnnlhoides Sch~id\\
/). IImlnillNN! l)j~rs & I·.~I. '" Disc, .....J,·lus hepl:ll"llmh us (R,tdr.)
E(hm(J(atlld t Mld'J Rose = Echin0C3clUs I)[at~"llcaouhu. [.'"~ &
B. & It Ono
D. mUJ!.'"mllmmlll lIuin . &. !lred. '" DiscucaCllls h,mman nii (Seh.)
f.: in!!."'J ZucCo = t:.·hino'.'aCluS plat~"L"ll mhu, Link &. Ol In
Il. & R. E. (Jd/mm Rose EchinuC"lIctus plat~·acamhus So. Ono.
0. m/lwillUlM \luin. & IIr('d. '" Discocacl us hanllla nuii (Sl·h.)
E. '1Ina~" llool. = Echinocaclns pla'Yllcanthus Link &. Ouo
II. &: It l:.xrr/lnliJ{flloiJn{Cou\t.) I·;ngd m. ,., Edi"' ..."c!us poIJ'""llha!lIs
D. mriunwit/vfflilluin. So.Brcd.c.~. Buin. - DiSl.'OCac\Us hept:lcamhus " . .n"mn t h"moid~s Cuu ll .
(Rodr.) B. & II.
O. mldll(olorilpmlll [luin. So. Bred. '" Dis<'~"'":lcIUS 111ac.:nlifurmis
( l~m.)Srh. l:"{hi~{J("rr"'1 illIfrr (011" ~~ S<11m-[)\d) Hnn. F. .\ . !bag.:
D. NI/!.nlMIQJI<I !luin. &. Bred. l·~
Buin. '" Diseocac\Us t:.chinoc~.. reus po!yaeamhu., \. dcnsus (Regel) t\. [' T~)lor.
hepl:I,,,u thus (Rod r.) B. & R. ·E. il/hI'M· Bkbg. '" Echi nocercus ni,·osus (.i[ass & Foster
"'_'''''''''''f{O\.I}'c'r.)~. t:Chiooc:CI'tUSllulchdlus 1:: 'r;uNTfiI (t..n~lm,) RUtTT1pkr ". EchiOOttrtus triPochidiatu5
•. am".:nu.{II:M!._)xh. I'. mdanat'll nthus{i:.n«t!m.) Bcn5on .
F.. 'n;B~1(1b KnilC: a OIUlU = EchillOCCl'tus !ripochidiafu!l E. 'IImr/Uhort. I form of t:chinOttrcustri~ochidiaIUS
\.~ril.onK-us{KO:SI'nOmJt[)lIl:nson. ,. mcbnKll.nlhus (t.n~[m.) Ikn.o;oo.
I-~ '''''''IIS(1'""dgtT) 1I1:1f. '" t:C:hinoc:el'tu~ l'tichcnll3chii f. bUppd"MI4 r, Tf]t'Ili - t:chinoccrtus ~nipp(,[i~nos
I. annatu"(PosdgcrlVP. TaJIor. I. J.:ruc~ ri G[lss&Fostc r.
f ~"lmKv<;C t:C:hinoccITus ITK-hcnbach ii I'. b:lilcyi (Kost) E. nmdm ul>!cttcr ,I .. t:chinoccITIIs fcndleri ,'. kucn/ leri

1\.1'. Ta,ltIr (CaslCllCrttllf) Benson.

'-. bland:1I (J'ost'lgt'r) Rucmpkr = t:C: hinocc rcu sc nncacanll"" E. kJin", P~~h[~s • t:ChinoccTt:us fcndl~ri \'. lc,Jill~i ( P.:t:h[c~)
,. brc,ispinu" (1\.0. \['~ore) lkllS/N,. 1\ .1'. TaJ[or.
I· bI~~(bl ,'. Iotromd,m (t_n~<e[m.) Dlbg. = EchinoaITu< E, {minUI (I look.) lAin. &hinoccrclls fIOlra~a",h us I '. dcnsus
ocrbndicri (Lngdm,) l ion. F..o\. [bagt. (Regd) N.J'. T aJIor.
E. III..,tlll ~(1I"I (\bl~<;On) Blhg . ., t:chinottITu" £. ImInuil .\lamsson • t:C:hinoccITus pc111~lophus \'. Ieoncnsis
pcnlalophusI. lroncnsis{.\lamsson) '.P. T 1) ...... (.\blhsson) '-J.J'. Tall .....
E """tfflU' Thomll. & [ ,... l:C:hilllH."C'ITu$ rcndlcri F.liniuJl.\lC}I":IIl . Ec:hiIlOttITUS fClRirianu. ,·. lind<:ryi
I. b.. n~c""" ( Ibomh.& Hom.) Iknson. (~\e)nn)N.P. TIJIor,
F /lertNII""'1JsfI1I (Oreun) = £Chirooan:~ rtndkri I. ho)ce- ·£.1Ni4.ur.lnts· [..O\\I') . t:C:hiIlOCCITusrtichcnbach ii l·. IiIc:hii
thllnl~,"i'{("l:Un)fk'nson (II. & R.) lIenson.
". fII('j~"<Jl"S (bll!'dm.) I'.ngdm. F..:hinoaITus rekhenba~hii /;: ",mm IIi[m. n ~h. ". t:C:hin"c:i:n:us cn n.....IClImhus
n ·tNhl"{ln\\a[p.)rrortF ..'\.rraa~. t.ngt'[m.
1:"_ tltfQropl,lhQ{"'U! (I fool.) I!. & R. = Echin,>c:c",us cinc "~~"ens E. IlUlJilI""'US (I~nKlm . & Big.) Ruempl. '" E..-hi nu.:cn: us
(1lC.) lriglochidiatlls v. nw;n,·cnsis( t:nglm. & Ilig.) Benson.
I:" (lJ(nnroll·.ngdm."" t:c hinoccITo s lriglochidi aws t:. Itlorrim/II . t:c hi,">c:cTt:u.' "icreeki; ,·. l1Ior riealii (lI. iha) N.J'
I.mcbnacimthus{Engdm.) [k'nson Tal[ur.
I:". """""'" lInd. &hi noareu< schC<'ri ,. ~nll') i (ClIIIW) I\'.r. E. «iIlI/fTtfI(It = Ec:hinoccrcIIs subiocnnis ... ,>c:hutcn'nac (I.G.
Talklr Onep) G. Unger.
f_. umll U). IIl1ughwn ,... FAhinoccrt us ,iridinorus I". dn isii 1-_ pmi1Ul/u$ 1"_ tt~mb1 (t.ogdm.) lIeniger 11<1111. Ion'• •
(lIoui,fu"n) liT \laM. t:Chinottn:us 1>C<'lin3!usI. dasyacant hus (t.ngt'[m.) I\.J'.
f .w.11II1l~lhIlJ h~lm t:c:hinOttrtlls p«1inalu~ T~)[or.
\-. da~)ll('llnrhos (tnge[m.) ,.I'. T~J~lr. F.. pm'lI,,114 r m,n" (I.nglm.) Iknson '= F..:hino.occITUS bristol;;
f JnbrM( t. n~lm,) Ruemplcr "" t:chi nlH."C'rco51:1l11Cae-.lnlhu s I.psc-uoopc<'linaru," '-J.I'. Ta!lor.
t.ngdm £. r_ 1U'IJ"'r.nIll~1IJ (J. Couher) Iknson '"
pm,,,,,IMJ t:C:hin'N:~reus
F..JI""n~mf'osc[gcrl:x Kucmpler .. t:chilMlC<''''''U'' IIUI):IC"~n1hus pt:C!inaluS I. dasya ....~ nthu s(ln~[m.)1\.I·. T3)[or.
I:ngdm /:.", pr(JJ~QIMJ t· ri"Jm""nl (t ngdm.) Rllempl~r ~ F.chinucl'rcus
Ii. "'r","'w, (f'fcilT.) K u~mpltr = Echilloccrtus ~i uc ..~.~cens rigidissim us ( I~ngt'[m.) [[ un. I'.A. Ibag!!
' . ch"'llbcfI,>ii (I'feitT.) I I. BI":I'·o-l1. F.. /JNIm~ I'1J ,'. ",~"'JO~I" I'r~ n~ "" r. . . hinoccreus rigidissimus
F.. "'~<'iI<Qn,hNll', JUmNI (Engelm.) HeJlson .:chinuccn:us ' . rubisllinus (l'r~nk) 1\ .1'. Ta}lor.
cIlJl~~rnn Il1lls i.ngt'[m. E.~IQ/O,JlNlt·, rhrrn/orrpi(pfeiff,) I!~hg. - Echinucc",us
I. jiun(ll/4II1J ([,ngdm. ~l B.I). JKlson) Iknson = t:t:hinoccrtus cinenrscI:nsl·.thrrnhl:rgii (PfejtT.)II.lIn,·o- lI .
f~nd[(ri ,. r....;(i~ubtus (Lngdm. <'l: U.U Ja~kson) 1\ 1'. T aJ'Ior. /;;. ~1./ophJis 1". ,'fN1fmMrJ (t.ngdm.) P. Foumio:r =
I:".foJlI<I.IilIUS;-, "".Imlt(I"hombc-r& Ilo00er) Ikns"n "" F..:hinfltt ..... usl>Clllalophusl·.pc nlalophu s( IX _) I.I'm.
t:~hirlOCCrtus rcnd leri \'. hunkcr.1C ( I"hum""'r& lk>n~er) £,m.tIIIIJD.& R. = E:c:hinflttITus ..... iochcnhachiiI. pcrbcUus
Jkno;on (D. & 11..) Ikoson.
f J-tn.1411l1 t·. _1J(-I~omps.~11 (OreuII) Iknson - t:Chinllcereus t:.pmclg.:ri I..:m. w:c under EchinOCCTeus Icucamhus.
rcndlc:ri •. boytt-thompsonii (Ort-un) Ikn~,., . E. pniro"'MU (Engdm.) Lem. - Echinoccrtus pcn!alOllhus
'f j,"~,,' (auloguc name - Echinu.,c",us ch lurmllhus '. IIColalophus (DC.) Lem.
,. OI""nlh ll '(\\rnig.) bmhex Ko\\lc). E.PUrpuT(IIItahmln = t.:chinoccITus ITichcnhachi; (I'cr;chcd
f. fiul", II. & K. t:C:hillu,;~rc us reic hc nh~~hi; \'. li lchi; (II. & n \\ 3[p) IIf1r1. 1'..'\. lIaagc
K,)H... ",.UI' E. I"(j,/'unr t.ngclm. - t:chim ....... n:us adusllIs ... ados1US Ln~dm.
/; jiomll BUlI/_ - t..... hinocc rcus scill o" \. n"ITsii (1Ikbg). N.I'. E. rnt1t(lfh.u~" " ulhm" Ilcl1wn ,.., EchinoccITus rckhenbach ii
'Ia,[or ,·. lilchii(U.& R.)B('nson.
"-jultan., (khmc t:C:hinottrcuschisoc:nsi, \'. fubcanus E. TritIt~lwI!ii ". • lloupinJiJ (uhman) Benson " t:~hillOCCrc"s
«khmo:) 'I' T a)lor. .....ichcnbachii I. b:r.ilcyi eRnst) '.I'. Tiltor.
F.. plm (]O'.. E:c:hiOOttrcus schttri I. ~ntrJi (Ck"n) N. r . t.. rridt~Mmli r. rllllllt1lsil (II.T. ~I:rrsh) Iknson _ F..:hiooc~",us
TaIlor l·hisoc:nsis\\'.T..\\IM.
fltflfl/'fluhlbtc,.." t:C:hinllc.:rcusfcndlcri\·. kucnzlcri (Cas!euer E. """'!M' ~I ort. FA lIu~ ", F..:hinocc",us IrigllJchid;~ws
(fJ) Ikn"'lII I. mc:i3naca nlhus(t:lII:dm.) Benson.
£. M<'I lloown & St3ndk~ - t:Chino\.'eITus tngl{H,'hit!iatus l'. IfI"/limJlJlijJ (J lildm. (~ &h.) II. &. R. ~ SI~noculu s
". ncun1c.:ic:onus (StJn.Jk~J lknSUII. mulricoslmu~ (l liklm. (l sm.) .\'\\_ II~1.
F..r>l/J..liMI - fA:hinO)('treuschlonmhus,. ntss.a.mhus E ....81'""""S (fif,.) \I'hlll1lOfe "'" SlenOt>leluS och"'~ITnau~
(\\rni~r) l..Jmb n G Rov.~·. TIt."!.
f. 1II1",·dwhuIIJ Scheer - t:Chinnccn:us schl-cn (5 DJ ScIM...:r. l. ""1~lUlh, (I.em.) II $. R ,.. )1;I1~ duulnful.
f, 1II1""oI~1I1 RllI'mpkr ~ ErhillllCrreus sclw:cri (S D) Schttr. l. "'~liMlI,,'~us (\bn.J l..:lllr. SICnlH,.-actus ph} Il=Jmhu~
'1:. Ul"'''''~''''HI' (I. Coulter) BLbg. Echin~reus bnllldcg.:ci (I. (\\an.) UI.II,U.
C.ouhcr)S1.·h, E. Innmpllul (5 I) tl Seh,) Oehme = M~IU' dorublrul
1:.'. j(h~wl'ZlI I.IIlI = t:Chinocrn:us mlustu ~ ". schwarJii ( 1.~1l) r.. .I'. E. Inros'IfWIUI (Scheid" .) II, & It " Slenu.:"cIU.~ l,h) II,"-~m lh"s
Tal '"r. (\ lm ').'\.\\.lIiU .
./:, IP'lfll>ilrbU' Jl un.I' ..'\. I[~agcJ«. mbg. t:ChinocrITus /:'. l"1i"{>I'Ir~~,,, (\\ crd.) \\lmmore '" S .~noca"IUS ,'au]l"li:mus
cincr:,sc.' ns , . d'ITnbc~i {l'ft'itl) II , UIOl'O. 1 1. (\\'crd.)\.\\.l lill
E. II""JI.." IJ, 8. It = t:Chinocrrcus ,iridilllll':l~ I~ngdm , E. ""/~(lfo"" (Quc hl) II. ,$. R, r SIC",""-ac'U ' cri~l'alUS lompb,
H i/NmV Ck,,~r .." F.chimN,:cn:us """ rinatus ' . da~ya""~nlhus t. /t"'{>I'ntIIIH~ir (\lllI'hll,r.) B. 8. R. SUtu, doubtful
( ~,n~lm.)l\ .I', T3Jlor, E. lTP~lWl/lkllJ (\11<1.) IlLbg "" sealus doubtful.
£. iI"'''''If(llt 1-. (t}1f1t-m.IIII (l'OC'fSl(r (:\ Sch.) 11.11111,.,·11. '" F..::4aIlmlU'lfl" R &. R. 5lcnocactusm ull;coslalus
Echillllftn:us strnmin .... us ("ng.olm.) RllI'mllkr. "J:OCII ICCIIS('n~is·.
f. tWlN"",is r ""'WIlli G. Ungo:r ~ f.(himK'CITUS subill\'nn;s
S- U c.\' ScIM...: •. fN,~.If(."'IISil"'Ii#"",,(\ltrd.) lkrg. - i'rlct)l'horJ
/:; sd'".."",J I'. IHltill CU. & R. ) BLbg. "'" t:""hinoccn:us subinemlis slmhitifimnis (\h.d.) I\ .rUl..
S~lm. l»cL l'X Sche..·r.
'I:'. sub/(mm(IIJ· Il~I>g. - t:chi n. N,:c rcus scil'n'~ (K. IlrJmlrgec) E(h"'OPIIIIlU"'~IIIl'U I riedr. .s. Ro"lc) = Ikanlhl)lbJI~'eium
I)JIl\~. Ihion anthum Y. :",r~nti:rcu m (R,u>ch) D"n.
E. I~)'O"""JIJ \1 .'1', .\Iarsh = t:Chinoccn:lIs F..l1rllliht'l/llsFrk-cx l'Jwut t:Chinopsiso.:y~na (l.inl)I.llCc.
' . t,,) u[lCnsis (II .T. \1Jrsh) \ 1.1'. h~lor. E. {lIilrunlhddIW"~ GIrd. _ t:Chinupsis obn:panda (5 D) Sdl.
E, nnJijio",s 1'. rllltJ"'MiJu, (hgdm.) mbg . ... t:ChinocrITus E. rtllfl(hrowwCard. - t:C hinops;sobIT" anda (S I) Sch
ch lnmn lhus ( t.n~lm.) 1100. 1'.,\. 11l3g~. f~ rD>"'J,,,, urd . ... t:Chinupsi' "h",p.and~ ,. nlontbr.t (Cud.)
E rmJljlt.fIIJ 1'. rrlmJn(lll (Ln~lm.) Rucmple . .. t~hiooccn:us R~u'iCh.
chlorJ lllhusI. q lindric:us (bgt"lm.) l\.1' T~}lur, E.(I'''''JiwulJ..l'feifT nooR \IC'\.= t~hinllpsislrOCllmha
£. """d..'Jf, \1~in!"Jn = t:Chinoc.:ITu~ Jluk hdlu , I . .. ci nbc-rgii (Gil'.)\\aJ"
(\hinpn) \ .1'. TJ!~>r. E(lI"",~ .. ' " t..chinol'si~obITp;1nda(5 [)),Xh
E trTJau Cud. " L..bivu rcl'l>.~ Il. $. R
/:"("K..pmu/ll(wIIIJ ~/HIMS (Dielr.) B. & It - Slcnu(-~n,s ",lh;r.lus £.(WIIJ,aIt/I>ntI/JIlLbg.s« t:Chil1opsisbrid~sii ,
(Ui,·lr.) \.\1. Hill. E. UmUMl1/j Sj1('g. _ Er hin opis l~uCll.nlha«(i;II.) \\alp.
/:. ~~!'lJtI"OjNj (\b n .) b"r. '" S'C110C·J ,·tus l-risl)'UUS CUmpiCl. f.wrrmataClfd . .. t:chinupsisub"'l'anda {5 [)S1.'h
f. amp'll (Link n LJi~tr.) 11. 8. R. = Sicnocaelll~ crisllmus E.wl<lfajl'llr.ard. Edlinul,sisbridl,'Csii S - D.
l"umplc,. E. ,,'nnii I'. tmndiflQr~ It '\k~ lIOn Linl - t:Chin llp~is u.\)lC<l na
f.. IooIr/:mQlIul(Berg.)Crnil..= SIJltlsdnublful. h hn:,·iSllin"R in.
I.. bUSIIJ"'(fIln (Br,,") C",i/, ,., SlenlH,."",l"'U S crisl,alllscomplex, t. folllll' (OehmfJI litdr, .., L..b;'i~ " urca ,. r9H9.~ (O.,.hmc)
t.: r/l.fl/l1/8111SIlLbg. ,tJtusdoublful. R~u'><.·h.
/:". (~.!.iIIJ n 5. R.'" stalusdoubtful. f. firm!.', Gucrk~ l:""hinopsis obn:parK13 (S - D) S!.h
f~ ""8Mf!U~"S (i..l'm.) 1.:111'.. .. SI .... n.M.':lCIU~ cuptunU!'-'nus (Lem.) £.t:ktll(l"" Friedr. 8. ROWIIlt'I '" .o\c:tnlhocaJ}cillm Ihion an thum
U\ . lIilI. \", gbucum (Rill.) D.,n, u R~U!iCh.
f. trn/'I'I./ (DC) I ..." •. '" SlenIX'aCIUS cn.JI3lus (IX:) "'.\\. Ilill. E IYlflalMll"IIY II1b!. " F..chinopsisancislrophor:r ~prJ
E. J"hm.w"lb, (\ Iln. ex I'fdtr.) B. & R. ... SIJIUS OOtlbtrul £. IIrrHslI Cud. = Echinup~is mamillos:< (jlll'nc
'f: fTl'(ltJ"'fI'nos'lIkh!!. _ ~wDsdoubtful. £ "Jllnm",Jn Rilt. • t:Chinopsis mamillt>S:l ,_ h)~t richuidcs
f.. pIlJ/Ul1IS ( Oltu) t a" r. - stJtusdoublful. (Rill.) R ~II:;ch,
Ie f:N"J,(,,,,,,.(I.l:m.) II, & R. ~ slltust\oublful E ,biroDIt'lUls CJrd. .. Echi nupsis bridgesii ~ - U
r tllmmamlf IlLbg. .. SICnOC\U'tus crispalliS oom pb. I:'. mtnl"lllll>llnD SllCg. = EchinoJlsis Icuc mrha ((iill,) \I,lp.
f:. "uj/~IUf ( lI upl1". ~x Sch.) l!. & R. ~ ~tJIUS doubtful. ·E.1't""l'IiwQ· _ cau]oglle ".me '" t:Chinup~is m:lIl1i llosa
f~ htlrrtKunll,., (\ llIch lp1. ) B. & R. = SUtu, doubtful ' ". ~cm",.~ina (I\.r~i,") Fried.
I:. Mkl'lJ~ul (DicI •• ) II. 5. R. '" ?5 'CI10C'~C1US criSI);UU5 complu E. I;n.lrodn·ili~NII I!Lbg, t:Chinopsis anristrophofil Sprlf
I:.'. "'mtl/oslil (I)jetr.) B..s. R. " 5tenocaclus cri spallls comple.\. £ Imtnt'lll" un!. Lobi,';" rcro~ B & R.
E. "'II(1!" (I:>iell'.) Il. 5. R. = 5 1cnocaclus crispalus oompln. l'.1(//{IIr1I1I11"",h" BLbg- .. Echinupsis ancislmphur:rSpq:
£' (BrJI'O) emil. '" SlenOC:l.ClUS l'nsp~lu, compkx. £ "',I1"""ntl" Card. t:ChiuuIlSis obrep;1l1d~ (S IJ) Seh
1-_ IleyJu II, & R• .., Stcnuc'~1Wi muh;COSt~ IUS ·U~d;i ·. £. ",~lliph (l'f(ifT) Zucco Echi nopsis o~)pma (Unl) Zun
E ,,,,,In.rnJ.lus( llrJlu) ''' S lcnoca(1usf:ris p~ l uscomplu. E. "".;:,ow"" Rill. Echi nopsis m:ll1lillosa (juenf
fCHI-':O I'SIS_ I' R\1I ~\ 205

E """'f'Il""z" Card. Echinopsisso:midcnudata Ca rd. I'mxD(/USIl(<lnlhodrssenslt B. & R. " Fcr...t;lctuscylindracr: us

·EfH1rQJ!IlaftTlsir·Kne~1 '" £.ch inopsis dchfi.'nbergii l'ric. {Engdm.) On:utt.
f.". pdrqmarhis Bkbg. = t.:c: hinopsis ancistrophora Speg. f arllnlhotirsl'. ((lllll'tJOliiMik n.';on = FCTOC"Jetus c)lin draecus
E. f'O)MIJil Card. '" £.chinopsis bridgesii S- I). , .. cllstwoodiac;, (Ilenson) NJ'. T3)"lor.
E.fHtIya,u'J,ra Ilkhg. '" ':c hi nopsis pncisfrophora 5""g f: artmlhlllln I'. Immlri ( I~ngelm .) G. Lindsa)" : Fcrocacn,s
E. ""Iorlna Werd. '" Lob"·ia fcrux B. & R cylindl':lecus , .. keontci (Engcl m.) II. llram- H
E. pJ"uu,mumilllJ$uCard. ~ Echinopsis oofi.'panda (S-D) Sch F. IWnlhoJrs I~ lortulilpin~s (H. Gates) G. Linds3) '" t"Croc;ICtuS
l:.: ril."im-M-taralliiCard. '" £.chinopsis obl"l'panda (S - I» Sch C)·lindraceus (Engelm.) Orcutt .
f.". mhrnJonrona lIen!. '" Echin"psi.~ minuana 5peg. F. alamrlllmlll (Il. & R.) B. & K. = Fcrocaclus JXlllsii
E. rojaw Card. "" Echinopsis obrcllanda (S - O) 5ch. , .. alamusa nu s (ll. & R.} G. Unge r.
E ruJro-liIarrna Card. t.:c:hinopsis obn:pand~ {S-D} Sch. F. bi((';q, (Gal. C~ Pfciff.) N. P. Ta~ lor : 1111:10<'~lelus bicolor (Gal
·E. $(t//inudd· '" Echinopsis scmidenudata Card. tx I' f~iff.) ll. & R.
I.".r~inl&naB.& R . = t:chinopsi"lcuc antha (Gil l.}\\a l p F. lriw!or i". /IoIJwi1;1 (Kunge) N.I'. TaIlor '" Thclocactus bicolor
E. lOra/~lJ/ma Card. : El·hinopsis obn:ll:mda (S - O) Sch. \.. bolacnsis (Ryng~) Ik rg
Eiu,binOia (I'fciff.) ZUC(;. '" Echinopsis cyricsii (Turp.) Zucco I'. birol~, \·.jil11'Jispi"us ( U~bg.) 1\'.1'. Ta~ los '" ThdtX-Jl·tus hienLnr
E.ra/lfp1l1ldnrsil Card. '" t.:c:hinopsis bridgesi; 5-0. (Gal. ex I'fd lT.) 11. $. R.
E. IIVTJmtll1nnJl I'rit; ex I·leischn = f..c hinopsis o.~rgona (Lin k) F birol., I'. sdllrorzii (Bkbg.) N.I'. T3)lor '" Thclocactu s biroLor
Zucco \.. schwar~i i (Ill bg.) L F. I\ mlnson.
F. ro!OrtJlUI H. Gates = Fcmcactus gracilis , .. COIOI':lIIlS (II. Gales)
ErioautUlriI111(tps Rin. '" Notocactus se humannia nu s (Sch.) Hc rg G. LindS3~.
emend Buin ,.: (",:illri U. &. R. '" FcrocaclUs cmoT)·i {Engelm.} Orcutt.
E. pwlri (Sch.) Bkbg. : Noto.::lctusschumanni,mus (Sch.) llc.g. f: uhiJ"(l".l1ttorimlil{ Rose) G. LindS3} "" F~rocRCluS crhidne
emend. Buin. ir (DC) Il. & R
E. lnrinj!halOlii( llaage ir.) Bkbg. '" Notoc:lleh,s lcninghausii l laagc 'F. Ilttl'iKIlnlhlOl· hon. : fcroc:aclus hislri~ (DC) G. UndS3).
iT. 'f:XUi,(}«}/tmI;I'F.Schwan n.n. = FCl"OCictuS potlsii (Salm-J):,ck)
E. mal'll/iml Ritt. = NOIocaetus magnificus (Rin.) Krainz. IJU'g.
f: hamdlll(anlhuJ t·. tTdJjisplnus( t:ngelm.} Be","n = Fcnocaclus
ErwlJualj!llrroMtl'l Kitt. '" Erios)"ce sand illon (Rem)") Phil hamataC.""Jnthus(.\l llehlcl1pf.) 8. & R.
E. u'''ala IIkhg. "" Erin"ycc sandillon (Kcm}) I'hil. I·: h~lliftT (Werd. & Hoed.) K P. TaIlor '" Thclocaetus h:lSlifcr
E. ausstf,a1lD Kill. '1.'1. '" Enos)"ec sandillon (Rem) Phil (\\'cTd.& I~d.) Kn uth.
E. eVlliillrs II. &. It '" Eriosyeesandillon (Rem)") Phil F. hrlnomromus{\\"ebtr) r-,'I'. Ta} lor : ThclOC"oIClUs
E. ihot:i:JanM Rin. = Eriosyt'e sandillon (Remy) Phil. hC lcrochromus {\\"eber) I"a n Dosten.
1.". la/",mptmlsis Rin. : t;riOSYl"e sandillon (R ~m)) I'hil. f /=tulmlhus (Zucc. ex I'feiff.) N. P. Ta)ior = ThclOC"dCtUS
E. rodml'oph,la Ritl. = Eriosycc meg"JC.""Jrpa Ri lt. leuC;lrnnthus (ZIlCC.fX I'fdff.) B. & K.
t.".lpml/",,.,s Kin. " t:riosycc sandillon (Rem)") l' hil. F. I1!IJlhwmii = !\nciSlnIC"Jct us cr,l-,si hanMus (Web.) Iknson.
f: &rrull;i (Engelm.) IJ. & R. = Fcrocaclus ,·irides~'Cns n·orre) &.
ErroJ",na<l!X'f"Uilt' ~ a name mis-applied to F.scubaria ,;\"ipara A. Gra) IJ. &. K
E. al~""in~ (Bo.:d.) D. Hunt ..,. E"cob"Jriu mi,,,,,,ri',,"si, F. pi"Ili"su/ut l~ 1"j${~inmlil (II . Gates) G. Lindsoty '" I'Crt.ICM."IuS
,·.as~ris pina (lIocd.) t\' J'. Ta) Ior. gracil is\". colol':lluS (II. Gates) G. Lindsa)
£. btliD II. & R. = slatusdouhtfui. /.: rafotltlll;S (I'UrpIlS) Borg = feroc.-aclus echidne (DC) II. & R.
E. eh<lJ!fJ' B. & R. '" Escotlana dasyac;mtha ,.. ch~rre~; (Il. & R.) f: mt;,p;"'" (Eogclm.) IJ. & R. .. J'crocactlls cnloT)·i
N.P. Ta~lor. '·. n:c1isl)inus (Engelm. ) N.I'. Taylor
E. J,m(Onll ( lI emr) mbg. = t:SCOb~ ria dOlsyat;lntha (Engel m.) F rmm·IIS llorg = fCTOC"Jctus macrodiscus ,.. sp ir:lIis {Karw. ~x
B. & R. I'feiff.)N. P. TaIlor.
E. gu3d31upcnsis Sl"C ulld~r Escub~na snccdii. f . ltfispinllS (l::ngcJ ~.) Ikn!iOll '" ThcJocactlls setispi nu s (Engd m.)
E.I/oydll il. $. R. ~ statusdouhtful E.I'. Anderson.
E. murM""urri4~a(l~d.) Knuth '" Escobariaelllskocttcnana ·F. slai"lSiI· " fcrocactus pilosus (Gal. uS-D) Werd.
(Quehl) HOTg. f IOQ"IltIIJianus ll . & R. '" fcrocactus pe ni nsulae
1.". nrllw<l (Croit.) Illbg. '" Escubaria minima (Haird) D. Il unt. ". lOwnscndi~n \lS (Il. &. R.) 1\.1'. T~)Jor.
E. ol"l'uttii & \"ars sec under Esrob~ria ,illardii. f: tOll'rlltllJianlllt·. $IInla - man·d (Il. & R.) G. UndS3)" " FcrocaCtUs
"E.npdd·lllbg. '" Esrobaria lan::doi (Glass&. Fostcr) I\".P. Tajlor. peninsulac ". santa-maria (II. & R.) N.I'. Ta) lor.
E nmJfJn;i II. & R. '" Escobaria cmskoc ttcrialla (Quehl) Borg. 1'.1';(/on(1lsil (Ros<:) B1bg. '" I'CTIII.:ltCIUS cchidnc (DC) B. & R
E. sandbc: rgi i under Escoban a ,illardii. f". 1';${Din(tlJ;s !l. Gates '"' I'crocaclusgrncilis,·.colomtus
E. In«J" t·. '((I
(Itutd.) D. Hum = Ese<,baria leci Botd. ( 1 I. Ga te:o;)G. l.ind~y
E. l~bmullJSQ (Engelm.) B. &. R. '" Escobllna strobilifomtis Frailm alhidrro!dld Buin. &. Bred . '" fraiica I",mi la (I .., m.) Il. & R
{ I'oselg.) I ~d. F. rlSlm·oidrs Werd. "" frnilc aeasta n c~ llkbg.
r l"tm;mJ&, ·n~g. = t:s~ob;lri;l strobilifonnis (l'oselg.) I~d I'. (IInn(tlifiwmtlll6Yl Kili3n '" frJiica pumi la (l..- m.) B. & K
206 rkII Lf.I_ I IORM II JI){:\CfLS

f [rin/ndlll Ruin. oS. .\Ioser. J:rnika pumi la (Lem.) II. oS. It G. INI rfUeUl Card. = G)mnocal)cium pnanzii (\ pl.) \1 mI
f ,mnlit Pmlk '" Fl"lIika phxodisca Srwg. C. _ _ w Uuin. oS. " G~'mOOl;;lI)cium IUdac Ito.
r ~ t. phlMtldiJa (S~g.) leu · Fr.lilca phacodisca 5~g. G. • I~MJ (5f:ocl e) II. & R. 51:1lus doublful.
C'lM1l"lu(hu Gymnocalyri llrn tudac Ito.
G/unJ,,(,Ctl(/US rTllmhumarus (Wcb.) Ukbg. - AnCiSlTOC"oICIUS G. mllllnWllrp"," (Ar.) II. So. R. = Gymnuc:lIl)"ci llm urugua)"ct1Stc
crdss ihmnatus (Web.) lknson. (Arech.) U. 1\. R.
G. UJI("In~I"l (GaL) Illhg. - Ancislmcactus undnatus (GaL) C. m""'~ (l'ric) It" '" G)mllOC'Jlrium $cbiclcndantzii (\I tb.)
I..lknson. II. &. R.
G. /fllh._"I(./lI'. jrWrim/l \\crd. " Gym",IC'~J~cium {ricdri("hii
C""~JiIU'" ....mI~~", l..amI:N:n _ Gymnoc:;r.iycium ]>UQUI.
taStcllanosiiUkbg. G. JIIlllitm" Canl. Gymnocal)rium pnam:ii ... miil:!.n:~ii
G. aiM/pinw", IIkllg. '" Gym nu,""1Ilyd um bro<:hii (5pcg.) I loss. (C• •d.j U"n.
C. ~r1IX1l1 Hen. '" Gym nOl."ld~d um unlguaycnsc: (Ared.) II. & 11.. G. mudJ"", Ckhmc = GymnOC'.llycium m;ll.ane:nsc: Ukbg.
C. IISlmllm Itu '" Gymllocalyd llm sid iatum Sfl"g. G. n(/rrt.Qn~m (.\ll)m.) fl. So R. ,., Gymnocalycium lccanum
G. />t!Jt'f'1I1 n.n. '" G)'nmocalrcium schrocdcrianurn I'. baycn~ (I look.) IJ. & R.
Kksling. G. OOws(T("ltJlI IlLhg. _ Gymnocalycillm SIcllatum Spell"
C. ~M.Jmuum (lIoss.) !kll!. '" Gymnocalyciu m sidiatu m C.W11I1/1I~("ItIUIII Ukbg. "' SI:lI~doubt(ul.
51""1· G. "JI'/u(IlII~UIII Ito .., G)mnOOl1yriulII Iud"" ho.
C. ~"~lbJII (G~nc) II. So. R. ., Gymoocalycium nl{)l1\'illci 'C. IIIrJdgllll/ll· · G)mnocal)c1Um multiflorom (flool..) II. & R.
(urn.) 11.& R. C. "flIP'#IJr'fSt (Scb.) Scblll'tl ~ Gymnocalycium den"dalum
C. brul"JPtIIl/"", Speg. .. GymnocaJycium gibbosllm (111... ) (Link & Ono) Pfeiff.
PfdfT. G. fi'r:ru/~m (Srel.) Sl""g. '" GymnOl."1Il)ciurn qllc hlianurn
G. r/mhill("ltl( (Sreg.) Speg. .. GyrnnOl.' dlydulll gibbosurn (Ila ... ) (Jbag.: jr.) Ikrg
I'f~itr. G.1f/U;;11 t'. i~1! (Card.) Don. ., Gymnocaly<:ium tudac
G. m/lfUll(t(lInUIII Ca rd . " Gymnocal~'cium pnanzii (\pI.) \Ierd ,'. 'izomgsii'.
G. r.m."'pniW Ulbg. M.M • • G)mnocal)"cium pn:m~.ii ,'. zcpmoc: G. fIitIt'IIlI:{Spc,.) u. & R."" !>Iatusd<lUbtfuL
(Cud.) Uon. "G. pn~tpIlS' lllbg. ,", 'G)"lIInocal)ciunl lud:l('
C Jm:...n~JII I)o,,11Z '" status doubtrul. ". pst-udomalawca'l'us' (Ul lIs·) Uon.
G. JdM/" - Gymnocal~dllm sc:hid.cndanlzii '. ddactii (Seh.) 'C. pn~I(· " ClI• • 1U1M.
Ilkbg. C. pnMrtJ!:'I'Im, N. N. '" Gym"'IC~Jyc1 um obdUCIum n.n.
'(J. rlulrillUn· .. c:ltJlogue name: .. Gym n(Jcalyci u1l\ h}oopkllrurn G. pUf{llJl!4fII~lhum Blbg. = Gymnocalyciu m h)ooplcurum (Sch.)
(Sch.) lIkbg. IIlbg.
·C.rsJlmI",·"'clua]ugue •• JlUc. G. , 1'1d Sl:her .. GpnnOl"lllyli um Stchidc ndantzii (\\rb.)
G. twirl"",,,, Ukbg. _. pTft·. .. Gym nuc:dyciu m h)bllplcunun u. & R.
(Sch.) lIkbg. G. rJIItNll4nlwC.:ud. "' G)mnocal)c:iulllpilanzii I.riograndcnx
(;. l'J1in~", c.. rd. '" G}mnOl".lI}ciurn pnanlii (\pl,) \\ CTd. (Card.) Don,
C.jnnlllluJll Plesnil - Gymnocalyri umlooae ho. C. ""1"'11: Fric eJ Paz(lU! '" Gymnocal,.cium 51dlalum SpcJ.
'C. fPl'rJ,,· .. (".l~ n:lmt .. GymnocaJydllm ~blxlsum G. IIWkmrr (Spq:.) B. & R. '" !ila.usdoutxru1.
(Ibw.) I" eiff "G. IMfuX'l' hort . ., G) mnocalyd um tudac Ito.
G. f!~ndifto",,,, Bkbg. '" status duubtrul G. IriQ((l~lhum IIl bg. '" G)"mn')CIliyd um Spo.:g.
G. K/umdllnmw Schucu - G)'mnocalycium mazancn~ Ilkbg. C. rrlllun~nu'" h ie = G)'mnOC'Jl)'dunt b"ldianum (Spo.:g) Sptg.
C. pwJ.·(tmu", {I Ices<:") B. & 11.. - Gymnocalycium urugua~cns<: G. ~rrtll Cm!. ., Gl"'"ntlC'~i)du ln pnan",ii ". ",cgan"1le (Card.)
(Ar«h.) II. & R. 1)00.
'C. /u",~",iJ;;· lIlbg . ., Gymnocal)cium chiquilanum Gud.
'C . • t'II/lIJil· '" bon. b~·brid. 1I.IIfIIlKlllf~J /u",Q//IQI/llhltS (\lufhknp'.) "'nuth ~ Fcrocat1u$
C. ~VfJI" 1". nMffl lIuin. '" Gymnocalydum hucnde:ri Sm:lks. hamalaeamhu5 (.\Iuehknpf.) B. & R,
C. hI/un ( 1Iaa~ jr.) IklJ . • sta lu s doublful. II. srlil!1"llS ( t..n~lm.) II. & R. ~ Thdoc:aclus sclispinus
G. hJflIJlif/lnihum (I.em.) II. So. R. ., !ilJlusooubiful. (t.ugelm.) LF. Anderson.
G. 1=11" C.rd. '" GymnOC'Jlj"riurn ludac l/. 'iZ01,Ogsii'. If. Itnu~1IiS (DiCIT.) Orcutt "" I'cr'lCIIctus bam ataC'~ nthIlS
G.jOOlIt1lIU/nUIII (!krg.) U. 1\. R, " sialUsdoubtful. ".sinuDIlls( Dic:a.)lIcnson
G. ~I,ry.num Schlll'tl • G)mn'JC:ll)"l;um Stellalun) SIX1.
C. hI1ZU1"u", (Gucnc) B, &. R. w Gymoocalyrium I"IImtii Hri>ulir«rm<l musitnlil Ulbg. '" I..ob"·ia pandinora
(C uene) II.&. R. \', crassicaulis (lIlbg.) RauSl:h.
G. I.folJnty \ 'pl. = Gymnocal)cium bnlchii {S~V HO'iS. II. truJ.j1gnl1 Jllbz". ., Lobili~ pandinora U. & R.
G. I.KI'wrlmw GIrd. '" Gymnocai)cillm pnanzii
I. lagunillasc:ns.: (C.. rd.) Don. H(NJIJ«I/(/~IIKWll'PIl"IIl(Rin.) IIkbg Ncoponcria bllrrida
G. kpl/lnlhum (Spi'g.) SM{. "" St~tuS doublfuL (Rem) cx G:I)") I). Hunt.

1I.I"tin/1tS Rin. ) I . .u.J"l1J Woel"Sl.) I.Ilbg. = Nwponcrill islaycnsis (1'01:...1.) D"n.

1/ ."J1(f/1IJ 1". Jnmuk"J Rin. '" Neoponeria cUI""I·ispina & RO\OIq·.
1/ "u/'UNM,,'.lIWIlnlJil Ri lt. (Ikn.) I)on. &: Rll'!Itc,· /. m.ill:lllJloll Rin . .. Ncuponcria lr.linziaruJI (Rill.) Don. &
1I,,,Jl(f/llI ttllbtuIIlS Rilt. RIl'!Ik).
II ilnrr.1I1J (Rin.) Bkbs. = Ncoponcri~ horrid~ (Rcm)" eA Ga») ·1. •lIrpi1' = Nwponcria is1a~·cnsis (Foe ..... ) I.)on. & R,."dc,·.
D. llum. I. Rin.lI.w." Nl"t'I","cria islaJcnsis (Foers!.) Don. &.
II fiIM·mJ~s (Rin.) Blbg. = Nl'Oponeria alru\"iridi~ (Rin .) R..\! Ro ... le) .
Ferryman. I. mj1fo.llkbg-. • N(oporl(ria isiaycnsis (" Of"'!.) UOn. & Ko\\ I~.
II. mmZlllnlJis (Rin.) Ilkbg. '" Neuponeri,. IOlOrnlcnsis I. mmusrola Riu. 1f.W. = Ncoportc ri a islawnsis (Fnersl.) DOll. &
,..l"ni"t~lcnsis (Rin .) R..'\. FCT1)ma n. Rowley. .
I/. dr"",~jij (Rill.) Ilkbtt. == Ncoponcria hl/lTidn (Rem) e~ G~») I. JJWi/rndnuil(\ 'pI .) Blbg. " N""Jl0 rteriais layc nsis(FotrsT.)[)on.
D. ll um &. Ro....JCj.
1/ rrispus (Rill.) Illbs. = Ncoportcri~ (Tisp~ (Rin.) Don. &. I. 611UJlnflJl Oslola~ &: .\lischler = Neoportc ria omaSl'nsis
Ru... k:) (OslQlua &: Mi)i{hk r) R. \1. FCTryTmn.
II tIIrrupllfllJ (Ben.) Ulbg. == Neoportcria cunispi na (Ik".) Don. I. PilWlSp!U R ~uh &. Il~bg . .. Ncoporlcria isla)cnsis (1'oml.)
&. RO<lIC"l Don. &. Rov.1Cj·.
II tIi'IIMJ (Rin .) Hlbs... Neoponeria echinlls (Rin .) R..\ \. I. ".udlp!_ Rauh &. BlbK. _ NC<)poncria islaycnsis (h>r"rst.j
hrryl!l;lll. Don. & Ko.... Ic)·.
lI.mflpIlkl Rin.- Neoponeriaeriosyzoides(Rilt.j UOn.&:
R(l\\ic, Krill";" KUrl:;o ...U. (Werd.) Ukbg. = "'anl/nillaria ~d7.0... iana
1I.[n>tht.m,uIIJ(St:h.)lIkbg. =s!a!ustlollhlful. Werd.
iI.,«!'ill"<"J@, Rin.- Neoponcriagllr.lvc nTai (Rin.) R..\1. K.lonf,if/Drn (II.&. K.) IIlllg. " .\ lall1l11illaria tonginofll (lI. & R.)
II. plSln (1'1l'l.) DOc:i1... >tatus doubTful.
il.XTlmdifW",s(Ri U.) Illbg. '" ,,'coportcria cul""lispina
Lrpii/ixorypha",JrD JIUUTOmmJ (Englm.) Ilkhg. = Co ..yJlhantha
,.. V--ndiBon (Kin.) Don. &: Ro...·ley. macrumeris t:ngdm.
1/ hnnnthlilwMs llkbg. • Nl'Oponcriaheinrichiana (m bz:.) R..\1. L. "'11)"011/1 (11. & R.) Illbg. .. CoryphanTha mael"Olllcris
FCTT)ma n. ,·. runyonii(U. & lqlknson.
1/ Hm8MJ (Rem)· ~ loa) IlLhg. -= Nc<'~,"eria honitla (Rem)· ex
Ga!)llllunt. lMnw ""lnl. IIlIin . • Lobi\;a penll:mdii (lIook.) II. &. R.
II lmdnllpUIlS DoelL '" STaTUS doubtful. L ..JprmiJp'IUl Rill . .. Lubh·ia puponacantha , . romUI.
II 1iu«tlrpI4J &. r. pwilu (Rin.) Bkhg. .. Ncoportcria cUI""I·ispina (Rausch) Rausch.
(Ikrt.) Dun.&. R(l\\ k). /.. Il"ifl, n\"asq. EchinOJlSisobn:panda.·. aguilari (\asq.}
if. IIIlIrblllwul&:I'. ""'nrsis(Rin.) BLbg... Ncoportcriamarksiana R3usch.
(Rill.) Don. &: Ro"ic). /.. Dl:m," Rausch • I.~)h;'·ia tcgdcriana \.. 3kcrsii (R~usch)
II. mQirllw/ (DiCIT.) lI~hg. & DOell '" ~T1TU~ douhTful. Rlusc h.
II. (HIUti(llSIDIIIS& , •• midi/(Rin.) '" Ncoporltria IlauciCQSlllla L. a/ltgrlliQ~Q IIk bg. - l .ob;\";a hcrtrichiana Ilkbg.
(R111.) Don. & Ro\\k). I.. DmbUtJflf!lt & I'. DIj.,spillD Rausch = Lobi\'ia hacmatantha
1/ SlIJ/Yn", ~.~. Rin ... Ncopontria o::>lOcmna (Rin.) Don. & \'. amblarcnsis (R. u$Ch) Rausch.
Rov.·lc,·. /.. III1U/l"!nrSi$ B. ~ R. _ \Icb. = Lob;';. Jr.Indiflora
II. IIJmsM/(-'1IJ (J~c.) 110. ,., Ncoportcria horritla (Rt m) c~ Ga)") ~. crassio::>ulis (Ilkbg.) Rausch.
D. ll unl. I .. • W"'" tll.hg. .. L"bhi:! pentland'i (11001.:..) B. & R.
II. 1".Ikw.rrwsiJ (Ri tt.) ULbg. = Nroponcria ' 1I1Icnarensis (Rin.) I•. • 'M1MU I'. rI~I" (Rau.sdl) R.u:sch = Rebulia r.lulii Rausch.
11off1Tt1l1n. /.. ..SNrlMU r. nllm (\\ CWI.) Rausch'" Rcbuli. rilleri (lI m n.)
11UtJ. lll.t.m/j/j Rill. n.n. '" Neoport(ri~ islaJcnsis (Fotm.) Don I.. DlfI1I.-iml! r.JfUluillnrm (R.usch) Raus.:h '" Rcbulia )"ulluinCllsis
& Ro ... 1e). Rausch.
I. lIIp,ufXJ/dn Rauh &: Ukbg. '" Ncoportcri a isla)c n.~ is (Fuerst.) L. DJI'411I'(J(Q Ilkbg. " Lobi,·ia pentlandii (I look.) Il. & R.
DUll. & Ru"lcy. L. aurroljI4lliwDC:ard. _ Lobi,·ia fcro:<,·. longispi na (II. & R.)
I. dn"lml~lIp~rQ Riu. '" NCQIIIJrtcri~ islll)"c llsis .'. di,·~rieati nora R.u)i{ h.
(Kin.) Don. &. R(l\\ le). 1•. llllrtWnljIJl KniJ.... .. J..lIl)h·ia pam paoa II. & R.
I. jlm."iilll Rill u . • NC<.lJl"'rt~ria isbJc llsis (l'ot ... T.) Don. & /.. 11)-*""'"" ho '" Lobi.;a legdcriana lIlbg.
R" ... lc) 1•. ~I,lIlnp. rrnf}Jli"'.. ( II~bg.)Rausch · L"bi,ia
I. ptI~'if'!.nrl R~uh & m,bg. = :-.Icoponeria islaycnsis (l'otrsL) wrightiana lllbg.
Don. &: RO\Olc). L ~'$u..,. ~m (Rausch) Rausch .. Lobi,·i. l.ccheri
I puJ,s S. T'. ~lSPI"" Rauh & m,bg-. '" Ncoportcria isb)cnsis Rausch.
' . vand is (Rauh & B\bg.) Don. &. RO\O·It}. L. NiMtw, I'. ta_ (Cud.) Rausch = Lobi,;. larat Card.
208 10111111

t•. M{(-/W1.11 ,'. I1ITai,IMslm (Cud. S. Kausch) K ~lIsch '" Lolwia t .. dlm's~IIIiFric = IA,b;,;afcrmll. &R.
"~)'alab"'lra eml. I'>. K~II'<Ch. L dun, pal/Ii ". ",hrip~rQ Schuru Lubi';'l fcru~ ". IOl1~..i'pil1a
t.. J,,,,ghamwTln Bkbg. '" L"bi\"ll h~rlrichiana Bkhg. (Il. &. R.) I{ausch
f.. holii'lr1uil IJ. & R. Lubi,·iapCllllandii (I·I()Ok)Il.& K I.. d"'lf'illll1;I1Ha Hkbg. '" Lobh'ia s,1np,iniU"r.l Blhg,
1.. br"',."ijiora Ilkhg. - Lobi,;" ~ngu init1()ra L1kbg. t .. «hma/II Rau>eb = Lub;,;n hcrtrich;,m:L Ilkhg.
I .. bfJIlIlI(!HI}j(11 mbg. _ I.A,h;,·;a pcmbmli; (I h,L) H. .s. R L. nnJlnmi L·. ~urtlJlor~ (Illbg.) Rausch 'Rebuli:l cinslcinii
1.. b"'mn,.i~nl1 Kill. = l.ob;";:1 jajuiana Blhg. 1·. aun:it1orn'.
1.. rotspllW4 (PUll).) B. & R. Lobi"ia ma.\ imili;ma '. c'lcspilOsa L. nWjlnnl; l·_t'mji"",' (Kies.) l)on. = ' l{ cblH ia ci nsldni i
(I'u rp.) Kausch \". gon;ianii'
I.. altspi/Mu r. n~aJl!adnll;j Rilt. - I A,b;"ia ma~illl;liana ,'. t .. (/OlftilM IIkhg. = Lub;";3 ha"rn"l,uuha ,. don,,'1lI'l ( m~ .)
h"rnlunni:m:l (1IlIlg.) Rau",:h Rau'-l"h.
·/..{ullodlr)"lta· Lubh;aalln:a, .C".dlocIH)sca (Rill.) Rausch L. ntl1m"nn~ Ukbg. =' 'Rcbmi'l cuanlhcma'.
L {UII"'/I"I"inlJls Card. '" Lobi,';:1 lawriti:l (Guerkc) B. S. K. L. follu O~hme = 1.A,bi,·ia ann:a ,. rallax (fkhmc) Kau,;ch.
f.. rl1mpirola Kin. = Lobi';a pu)(ionacantha \'.cu lpincns;s (Kin,) ·t.. fomMimnlli,·hun. = l~.h;,';a hacrn:Lt:mtha I. dl'ns;sl'ina
Rau'll'h (\rcrd.) Rausch.
t.. {an<ll/lIIm,is urtl. Lobi\'i:1 rna.ximil;mm (1 I t~J"r) Ilkbg l..[umll"'''(IIjisl(llj'' Ilkhg. = Lobi,ia ha~rn:Ltanlha \. n:huti"itk~
L. (IIn"'nll~I"n Ulbg. '" Lobi"i" !'Cnt]"ndii (llool.) L1. & K (mbg.) KllIsch
t.. rdpinolnll;s K ~lIsch ~.n. = Lobi";a pcnll,mdii ( II (I()~.) II. & I{ L fomalilnnlsis 1'. /n,mln"//Il (1Ie"n.) IIlbg. ~ Lobi,·i. aore"
I..ra,Jmos;ana l{ allsch = '.:Chinnps;scarocnsiana' '. 1cuoonml],1 (\h-ssn.) Rallsch
t .. (atsp,loS/l 1'. ,mrlJlIQdrn!l$ Kill. '" I.obhia l11a.\ imili:um I.. [~rmlJl/l 1'. b",(hii (n. (I.. I{_) Rausch =, l..ob;,;n hmehii II. S. R.
,. hemlanni:1na (L1kbg.) Kou>eh. LformlJl/l 1'. j'its/inKli(lbll'>Cb) Rausch = I),bi,';" kicsl;n,,';;
1.. cillirflUilll1 Card . '" Lobi"ia cinnabarina ( lI ook.) II. & I{ Rau-"Ch
t .. cillinllls "ni,x n.n. = l~.b;,';" wrigbriana llk bg L[_IJSIJI". nlSllnlNln(l (Rausch) Rausch '",;arosarioana
L. driO"'fP1I1l \\~s.~n. ~,';a h :L~rn:lt:lruha \'. rebulioidcs 1{~L1SCh
(llkbg.) Rausch. L [ririi I{ ausch '" Lubi-'i a l;egclia"'L ,'. dn nab3rina (i'rk) K,mlc}
/..dwrri!/qj",j;J Rauscl! '" Lob;\iahacmatanthal.chorrilloscns;s Lpal/fl1&. \'. {JIll/cUmrul" Kausch,;a jajoian3
(Rausch) Rau»(h '"' paucioostata (Rausch) Rausch
/ .. mlln'nnllll John,. n.n. = Lob;"ia ll'gdcrian a ,. a~crsi; (Rausch) l.. plll'(Nml Rin, = Lohi"ia pam pana 1I. .s. I{
Kausch. 'f.. I,nmJis 1'. lIurriJlora' '" calalogue naml' = L,m;,;" n",,,rinana
/.. rimirl/j;j Card, = Lobi,.i:L lalcritia (Guerke) II. .\ K Kausch
I.. dlU')lianQ lJ~bg, = I.,,,bi"ia fl'TUX ,', lun)(isl,in" (11_ &. I{_ ) L t.,ul/limiil·.nnllllN;nnlll'ric ", Lobi-·i" ticgcl;ana ,.cinm,ba rina
Rau>eh (Frie) Rowlc}.
t .. wrh"la (llerrera) 11. & It = Lobi,';a maximili;ma ,'. corbula L hall?llllllllkbg. '" ,;a marsoncri (I\erd.) I!~hg
(Herrera) Rausch, t .. IIM;rt (!'ric &. Schclk) \\"(,,~n, '" Rebut i" I'JI."I11"ca , . h:1:Lgci
/.. rorhulalJ . .\ I{ . (non Ikrn'rJl '" Lobi';;1 rna~imilliana ( \lt~Jer) Fri~.s. S... hdlc.
Ilkhg l .. h"'(tril·.(lIn~,i~(R.usch)Kausch = ' l{ ebutiapyglllaea
L wnw/a RJ usch = Lobi"j:l l'ugional'anlh:l '"' cornum (Rausch) \'.ca nacnlz(ns;s'.
Ra usch L. illl/ltti 1". enm.. K~useh "" ' Rcbmia 1'~'g1)1aca ". ~r...~''''
/..{M.irIJldu llk bg. '" l..obh·i'lgrnnd in"rJ ' .. ~rnssio:au l;s (mbg.) L. hll/lpir. ros (Rausch) Rausch .., 'I{chutia pygm " ... " I. ros'
Ra" so;h I,. h""l,n I '. (/W'nlu/a I{ausch - 'RcbLllia prgTll:lca ,. cicpmrnl a'
I.. mltrllum.pmll Knill' - Lobi,';:! ma.~imi1iana '"' wcslii (li uleh,) l.. hQ/l¥i I'. mll/ia"m,is (Rausch) Kausch = ' ltcbu'i" py~naca
Rau >eh ,'. mudanl'n_~is'.
I.. rulplnnrsjs Kill. '" Lnbi\1:Lpugionacanlha\·.l~llp;nensis (RilL) l.. hill/pi!". naUlf(IIIIt'1IS;S (Rausch) Rausch = ' l{cbuli3 I'y,,'ln:Lea
Kausch. ,'. na~."n.:nn~n ,i,'
"_lJ"",tra(~l1llkl>g. = I."b;,;" aurc a ,. sharl'ri (Il..\ R.) Kausch. l.. hlll1geil·. pa//ido (Rausch) Rausch '" ' I{ eh",;. pypnaea
1.. rylmJnrn lI~bg. = Lobi\';a aurca (11. & R.) Blbg ' ·. pallid:l'.
/..dnlsisplnl1 \\ rrd.= I.ohi,';a bacmatanth a I'. dcnsispina (\\ trd.) L. hU<l;rtI·. (If/;;j,ulfa Rausch ~ ' ltc but;:1 pygl1LUl'a " ...elz!;"n,,'
K~u>eh. L". "IoWstnrs (Kin.) Rausch '" Rcbmi'l ';OlaSl'l'llS I{in.
t. dnmJpina 1"_ /mWlnD!/Il' ~ Lobi,-;" nurca ,.lcuromall:! (Wes,n.) /.. hllJli[m;\\erd, =,-i"rCTUX,·.lonpspina{H.&R.) Kau<;<:h.
Rausch. l.. hmllQnniant/ Bkhg. "" I.~,bi,;a ma.~irnili an" I. benna"nia"a
I.. Jiplifo"";s IJlbg. '" Rl'but;a pygmacs (Fries) II. & I{ . (Bkbg.) Rausch
l.. MM/na ]Jodz =\"i'L aurca ,'. dobt:ana (Doell) Rausch. f..l"rxinsi"nll Blbg. - Lobi,';" rellliandi; (1 1001:.) IJ. &. R.
t,. J'UlQ( Fric n,~. '" ""bi,ia chl)san tha (\rerd,) Illbg. I.. horrida Rin. = Lobi"i" feros ,·. longisp;ua (II. (I.. R.) I{au<;ch
I,. JrmlmnllD I{ausch - Lobh';a ciunabarin:! ,', dr.l~leri:lOa L h""/jin"",, So t·. [«huri I{au<;ch = I ~,b;,;a hal'mat anth a
(Rausch) Rausch \.h ualfincnsis{Rausch)R3usch
'",,1)_ B~ bg. = I A.b;,;a hae matanlha
l.. drijt-nimll1 &. L. hu"(~lfOI~ I{auh & Blbg. '" Lobh'ia hcrtrichi"l1a Illbg
\". ~uchnriehi; (Frie) Kausch. L. imjJ<Jfllna Rin. n,n. '" Lobi,i~ laterit;a (Gunke) IJ . So R.
I•. " .....'ar Bibg... Lobi.ia hcrtrK-hiansllkbg. I~1",40,,1;; r, /tll'lft (Cud.) lI.ausch ",ia 1a1"ltt' Clrd.
L'IIilrI","os R:auh&: lIkbg.",iatc~lcrianav. incuiC'nsis L 1"114"J,; ~. "';,fl//i."/l (Ho:)oo) Ra usch '" I..oo;I·;a
(Rauh &: ULbg.) Rausc:h. ma.,imiliana (lIo:)·dtr) lllbg.
L I~I~UJ Rauso;;h ,... m:l.\imiJiana ,. imcnncdia L titt~ Rin. - Lobi"ia rcrux ,·.Ion~srina (II &. It.) Rausch.
(Rau~h) Rau~h. /.. p/4ni«ps mbg. .. Lohivia hertrichiana I!lbg.
L. ;riJmr"s JJkbs. - Lobi"ia mal"5Oncri ,'. iridesc."t'ns(l/l.:bg.) J.. ""jenll;' Rausch ,.., f.c hinollSis rauschii Fn~dm .
R~II ~h L. pq/4shull Ulbg. _ Lobi,',a chT)'sanlha (\\'(rd.) Ulbg.
I~ jamnllDnQ lI~hjr. Lobh'ia chT)santha (Wcrd.) lllbg L. ~/,.."hQ/.llkbS. - Lnbil',asa nguininorn lIkbg.
l..)fJhnsumn"u Bkbg. '" Lobi ,ia pentlandii (I loot ) U. &: R 'I .. f'O'iIj;nn' - Lobil;n fcru~ l.I. &: R
L k/u$lUtf" Fric _ Lobi"a chT)'su mha (Wml.) lI~ bg. J.. ,m/I/{ma Card. = J.Amil'ia cinn~barin;1 (Ilrd.) II. &. R,
I,. i:!<rlrnri,./li; Frie '"' Lubi"ia baematanth" •. kuc hnrichii (Frie) L. ,stl<J«ildlnrns Ulbg. _ Lobi" ia sah cnsis I , I'se udo~:achcns;s
R ~us.:h (lIkbg.) lI.ausch.
L. n.fPtmIns Ilkbg. '" Lob,,;' blcntia , . I.:.uppcriana (U~bg.) 1•. ~nquinnrl;JCa rd. _ ..ia m ..." im iliana (Il",lkr) Bl~
Rau~h. L ~nn"'''/Ul Olbs:... Lohil'ia acanthop1egma
I.. hlf'"Y'" I'. ".~nj1.fll IA;~ '" Lob,,';a Latcnt;s • . ruhriHon ,'. olitotTK-ha(Card.) Rausch.
(I/1.:bg.) Rau.~ . 1..,.,~"t14trrtmi/(IJoni.) Ra usrn"' I..obil;aro<>siilJonJ
L. Infll'Ulfs Rauh &: Bkbg. '" Lobi,;a muimi lisns ". corbu la IA p~plfUWn/"" r. rmr'llWr(Rausch) Rausch _ 1)1bi"ia I"rr<;cuju.
( H cl'Ttf1l) kausch. Rausch,
/.. Lou" Don. - Lohi"a hcrtric hiana Blbg. L. puJ,l/a Rill. Lobi,ia ti~sclia na \, llusilt~ (RIll.) RaUS(h
I•. 1q/"'D~tA. hus.:h Lobh'ia sch ic1 i~lla v. Icptnrnntha L.pwji/40fo.fomjl~((1Rill. '" Lohil·iaticge1inna,·. fla,·iflor.l (RI!l .)
(Rau'iCh) kausch. lI.ausch.
/•. /tMronlnl/a \\c~!n. - Lubil'ia aurea ,'. Ic uc~m,allll (\hs$n.) J..PJX1II_{Frilos)lJlbg. ,... Rcbutia Jlygm:Lnl (Fril'S) 11.& JI..
Rawieh. L. ')tm(I(IJ I'. a//~rrQ (Ritt .) Rausch = 'Rcbu!;;l p,I"gm:lt':I
1../n.rorh. llkbg. Lobi,·iapcntlandii(l looL:.)Il.&R. '·.culo~a'.
L /II',.sno/arrs llkbg . .: Lobilia pcntlHlldij (I loot .) It &- R. L. p),f.IlIlJ(fl {" J,miull (lhus.:h) lI..ou!iCh = 'Kchutia r Y)(1lI:K'D
I .. /tlnf,lfl~fll Ito .. I ~mi,;a ma."imiliana \'. C'.M:spiulSa (l'uflI.) ,·. dicniJna'.
k~usch. I~ 1JX1II- ". /ntI""',,uII (Rausch) lI..ousch ~ 'Rchuti~ p)~n~o:a
L. In(ls,. ... B. & R. Lobhia rerox ' . Ion~spina (D. & R.) I. f,wdrichiDnD'.
kauscch. L. PJlIIIMI t'. IW)..nnrllt (lI.ausdl) Ihusc:h " ' Reburia pr~mllCa
I .. "",mol;; Rau!iCh = l ..>bi"a ehT)"liI)(:~tc ' . mari;usii (Rausch) ,·. iSCllyachensis'.
R ~u!iCh. L ,uUlHJmSI1 R~usch -,ia schicliana I'. II U;Jba~l'l,",is
L. t/Ift4ls"" Rill. n.n. I'.ehinopsis ayopar:ma (Riu .) Rausch. (R ausch)
I.. mlnl4/lftorll Rm. '",;a ma.~intili9nD v. min ialiflora (Rill.) l~ nzpJrulllt"nlha IJlbg . .. Lobi"ia pentland,i ( lI on~ .) II. & 11..
lI.ausch L. ",bur;MMs &: ,..m. IIkbg.• l.Amili a hacmala"tha ". rcbUlinidcs
I.. mlnl'ia lI.ill. Ltohil'iahcnrichiRnambg. (llkbg.) Rausch
L nI;lt,nrm lIlbg. _ Lobh'ia pampao~ 11. & R. I•. rubmm, Illbg. - i ..... hi,·;:L nml'!;!)neri (Werd.) Blbg.
J.. m;~un",s ll.ausch = t.:c:h inopsisoon:pantlnv. mi1.'IUCnsis L. J/l/;lrnlJll Rausch _ Lobi..ia l'ugionaC'~olha \'. s,11i Ircn_is
( Raus.:h. (Rauscch) k a u~h .
L. mwwrnor mb~ . .. Lobilia marsoncn I. indeS<'('ns (Ulbg.) L. J/l/,nrJlS t'. SIIIml>tQ1/4 (mb,.) RaUSl:h ~ Lobilia schn:itcri
Rausch \·.stilow;:ma (Illbg.) Rau'idt.
'L ••"".' I'uoul '" Lobi,;a hatmatanth~ " . rebutiuides (IlLbg.) L sd:~rllltrn'". Illb&'. - Lobi,i. pentlandii (llool..) 1l. & R
Rau"h L Jll/fI<II"" IIkb£ . ..\ia lateritia (G~rlt) II. &: R.
L ~...... '~_n ... mil@:. - Lobilia :K".Inthopl~Pl~ ' . olipricha L JM[m II. & 11.. = l.Ami';a aul"Ca ' . sharcri (lI. &. R.)
(Urd.) R~usch. I.. Jintllnrms/, Kausch . Lob;,ia ma.~imiliana ,. sieuanicnsis
I~ ~,,,n,,n. lI~bg. = l..obil·ia hat'"matan tha •. lue hnrichii (Frie) (Rausch) R~ usch,
kau",h L. J;lIIp/a Rausch .,;a hen richia n~ ... simple.~ (lI. aus<h)
l.. nl.f,ITslom,, 1!uin . -,;ajajoian3'·. ni~st"ma ( l!uin.)lIkbg. Ka usch.
/.. oI'X'I/nfhllc'ml. - Lohiliaacanthupll')rTIlav.o li glllricha I.. spinrj/ora (Sch .) Rausch . i\l"mh.)(al)ei ulll Slli lliflorum (Sdl.)
(c'ard.) R~u",h llkbg
I.. ~"'aSUl"an4 Card. - Lobi"ia pentland,i (lIook.) ll. &. 11.. L. spinifl~r~ ". i:linlpt/;anu (\I~iJI. & lInd.)<h ~
/.. ~"iaI ·Ut'f$ ft.~. _,·ia t~t~lc.iana ' . akersii (lI. ~usch) Al"nthucalyciulll "Ilin iflunu" I', UilllllClianulIl (\\cidl. &
Kausch . Wcrd.) Dun.
I .. ptrt.rJl.~' Kr,UlI. '" Lobhia l~liallll \\ OS/I. L. lP'",jlafll {" 11fli~tfl (\ltrd .) R.usch - Ae:mthocafnill'"
I.. 1'frfl"rjfflf Wnsn Lobi,'ia hatmalamha v. rebutioidcs spininofumr•. lioral"eum (\ltrd.) 1)on •
(lIlbg.) Rausch. ,~ JIIljfm,; ['rio: =- I .. lhi.ia ehT)santha (\\erd.) 1I1h!;.
1•. prvs,...,.llIoof N.•. ",ia h;w,m~tan l ha,·. kuthnrichii L,lnulllullr.•"J."llls .. ' Rcbut iastcinrnamlii
(Iric)Rau~h. \'. allrlan~t.'.
210 IOIlI\I~ - \I~\I~IIIIUI~

I•.If(i~mannll I'. nnrmnma (Rausch) Rlusch 0; 'Rebulia ..Ilammillarili Q(artlhopkp/ra Lern. '" sraru~ dOllblfll1
Slcinmannii ' ·.cincinnala'. ,II. fiJ/inis [X ., .\ lammillaria fHJI)1hdc ,\ 1m
L.lf(inmannnl·. ros/a/a (\\'.rd.) Rausch'" 'Rehulia sleinmannii .II. alWnl1 Ticgd '" .\ l3mmillaria dccilliens Scheid..... ilh .. hilC
... msl"ta'. SI'Ules
.1I . .,lbiarnll1ll1lkK-d. = Mammil1ariacoahuilcnsis (lIoed,)\ lumn
~: :;~.:;::::: ;: :~;~{~S;~:)= R'~~~t~ ~~~i:l::n:ti~i:~:::jn~~'· ,1I.alltldo llaagt:txl'feiff. = i\lammillariadisculorlla...
I '. Tausch ii'. .,11. alhidula' Ilkbg, '" M:Llllmillaria m nspicua Purpu~.
L.SliIQnmla lllbg." Lobil'iasc:hrcilcri".sriluwiana (llkbg.) ' II. alJibrmi,' '" ralalugu~ \lame = ~~ bnllilillaria pcrbelb lIildrn .
RauS(h. cxSi:h.
L. suhlimiJlora IlLbg. '""i:) hacmala nlha ". rcbuli(lides .1[, anrislroidN Lem. '" SlailiS dnuhlful
(JJk bg.) RauS(h ' II. alpina' ho". = l"3!alugue nlme '" ,\ bmmill:lri:1
L. tarn/nlS;S Card. = Lohil'iaacanlhoplcgma (Bkbg.) IIkbg. krachcnblich lii {KT;lillz) Kminz.
I•. tnwispma Rin . .. j ~,bi,·ia chrysochctc I'. IClIlIisjlina (Rill.) .Il. DmMld Hopfer ex S - D M:lmmil1aria discolor Ila\\".
Raus.: h ,II. DnK~lan's Link & (}IIO = Mammillaria Cllmpn:ssa IX:.
I•. thwnuntkal", aMuntiara (R.usch) Rausch = ,\canlhocalycium II. npplanQIU E~plm, '" Mammillaria heyderi ,1I1,rIIl.
Ihi"n:mthum ,·.aurantiacum (Rausch)!)"n . ,\I. armalij1;ma Croig '" Mammillari;! gigmuca lIildm . ex Sch
I•. thifmamhu 1~ bm'ispina (Rilt .) Rausch'" ,kanthocalycium .1[, af("I$IO~if Repp. = Mamm ill ari" glassii ,'. a."cn_,illl1 is
thiun:mthum ". bn:"isllinum (Rin.) Don GIJss& Fosler.
I•. thifl1lantka 1~ fIIIUmllf(rnsif (Rin.) RaUSl:h '" .o\conlhocalycium ..II. QlrojlQrtnS llkbl!". '" ,\l:immill"ria mySI:t." .\ brl.
thiou"uthurn (Speg.)l1kbg. .I!. allrri(t(JS I.. em. = Mammillaria rhodantha & Duo
L.thib1lontkal",rllionantha(Speg.) Rau,."h = :\canthOl.-Jlycium . Il. aurro... mdis ll tinr. "" taiUsdoublful.
Ihinnanthurn 1'. chiun:nuh um (Sl'"g,) Boss .II. allriarrolis riegel = .\lamm il!.lria parkinsonii I',hrenb
I•. thifl1lumka 1~ flrmni (Raus.:h) Rausch'" 'Acanthocalycium Il. auri{Qnlha Cmig = ~\ammil1aria caflc1cn,is CrJig.
,hi(lnanthum I·.rcrrnrii' III. a"ri(~1tI« Diel •. ~ .\ bmmillaria spinus issi ma urn .
I•. thionamha I'. glall((J (Rill .) Rausch '" !\canthocalyciul11 .11. "unSUI" lllbg. '" :'<lammillaria picla .\leins.
Ihiflanlhum 1'. glaul'um (Rin.) Don. .11. fill,ilri(h" Cnig '" .\l ammillariacanc1cnsisCT;lig
L. thionllmnlll'.l'anijfo'a {I3Lbg.} RauS(h '" Al.'anlhucalycilim II'Ea~~:-~amQ(hQi Shurl~ n.n, = .\lammillaria l':Irk;nsonii
th ionant hu m \'. "ariinonlm (mbg.) DOll
L. litgtlitllUlI'.fn'ri; Ihusch = I ~"'i,; a ticgcl iana 1". cinnaharin:1 ,II. a),IOS/ffll \\(.d. = Mammil13riabcncclci Ehrenb.
(l'rk) Rnwl~). .11. hdrllltl«nnlllkK-d. '" status doublful
I.. /,li{(U"t,ui, Cud. '" Lobil'ia JH.'IHI;mdii {I [ool.) 11. & 11.. .II. ba/sasnlm Boed. ,. Mammillaria ""ncclei ~.hrcnh
L. uil(ll'aa/(I1na U~in. '" Lobi" i~ lTIarsoncri ,'. iridesccns (Bkbg_} .\1. balSJ/widl'$ Cmig '" ~Imnmillaria I>cncclci ~.hrcnb.
R a~S(h. .11. hdrj'mShurl)" n.n. ... Mmnmillarial>cncelei Lhrcnb
I•. l'lmam IIlbg. =,·ia lken tlandii (liool.) B. & R .11. btllaronlk" CrJig '" .\[:unmillaria canc1cn sis Cr~ig
L. !"I1rii,pm~ Rin. = Lobilia fCr(l~ 1·.longispina (11. & 11..) RauS(h .11. btll,SIana Craig = Mammillari a s()norensis Craig.
L.l"~lIm KT;linl '" Lobi"i!. jajuiana v. nigrislUma (lJuin .) Ukhg ,\I, bilTmlula Tiegt:1 n.n. = ,\lammillaria bucareliensis
L. rNtktiana Ukbg. '",;a pcmbudii (I-I ool.) n. & R. CT;lig
'1.. D~nml1nl1' Grun~n & Klueg\. ,. Lobil;n hcnrichiana I.Ilbg ·11. botdthriana (,tuthl = SUM doubtful
I .. D'<1snman<l Frill. = Lobil·iahcmat:[fllhal·. rrbutioidcs ,II. hopilnlsis \\·crd. = "lammillari:1 ro lnmbiana S- D
(B~bg.) R~ USl:h. .II. bo~a11liiSchmol1 '" ?,\Iamrnillaria discolnr ronn
'-_ Jl'($ti, IllIIch. '" l.ubi';a ma~i miliaua
1'.... csti; (Ilutch.) R ~usch .Il , brm'll<itCraig = ,\ lammill3ria halmian3 Wen!
L. ".in/mana Kin . ~ Lobi";:1 ..Tightiana ''- ... inrcriana (Ri\[,) .Il . hu(hrnal.ii lllhg_ ~ M:nnmillariacrociger.a ,\ Ian.
Kausch \!.bullan/iana{GalcS)lJocd. = .\lnmmillari a hutch isoniana
L. zudan'fuis Card. = Lobi,-ia cinnabarina(J[ook.) II. & K. (GllCS) Bocd.
'.\1. rodtrtyIlina' = cal 3logu~ name = Mammilbria p)gmaca
l.ophophoTIJ «klnala Croi/. '" Lophflphoru nill iamsii (L~rn. ex
(Il. & R.) lkrg
5- D) Coull
I/. O1trNl(IJ Cmig" Mammil1ariachion()cepha la I'urpus.
L. rminalQ ,'. JtjjuSJ/ Cmi,. '" I ~Jl'hophom diffuS:l (Croiz) UT;I'O
.11. (al/(lJna Bkbg. = Mammillaria wildii Dictr.
'L. JIIrdaniana' (Rebul) '" Lollhol'hora .. iIlinmsii (t ern. c_~
.II. I'l001 II. llra,·o = Mammillaria m)S la~ .\lart.
S- D) Coult.
.II. ({inanu l.em. " nom. dub., plants sUl'I'lied under Ihis name a.~
L.lulta (Rouh.) IJkbg. '" SlJrusdoubrful.
im", ,\Iammiliarianlllchlcnprordtii.
·L.zi",lm·Schmoll '" sratusdoublful
,u. [rntririrrira Lcm . = .\ Iammillaria magnimanuna []a...
.11. rhl11'("Zii Cowper'" ,\\ammillaria ,·iridinor.l ( Il. &. R.l l!(ltd.
,lll1llJ(ll(lIrpu1 Sl'e und," Hig~insia
II. rirrllifrru ,\I.rt. '" ;\\al1lmilbria romprcssa IX:
,lIalllillopsis d'gurrii (\\eb.) 11. & R. = StalU! una'ruin II. roIltnl1 I'urpus ",,\\ammillari:lha:lgca na I'feiff.
..II. smi/is (5-1J) 1J. & R. = .\bmmillaria scni li s (Iurib. In I_~odd ,\I, roIlins;i (B. & R.) OrcIIIl = .\Iammillaria ,oounlcnsis
b)l S-D I·.collinsii {II. & R.) KepI"

1/ (I"o~mm Cr.lig = Mammillaria beneckei Ehrenbg .11. pJJII G13S§ & Foster = Mammillaria s.aOO:u: \'. guldii (G. & F.)
II, (lntf~UJ (B. & It) Orcuu = Mammillaria karuinskiana .\!an. Glass & Foster
If. ('ut/ZOIllI{B. & IqOn:un "' Mammillari3k3rwinskiana ,\1an, M. ~n'd"i;" mtiJpinQ I)J\\"S<m '" ,\\ammil1aria reelispina
1I.l!)nmanaSch. "swusdoublfuJ (Dawson) lI.err.
II roDptrM Shud) " Mammillaria modkr~m' lkoed. ,1I'KT<MtJnmana lloed. = sutusdoubtful.
II. mnifo"";j JX: ,,!.\lammillariacrinila DC. M.lI,(/t/(lmmniana Bkbg, = ?,\ la mmj\\ aria shcldonii jB.& R.)
II. mSp;lt!N Cr.lig = Mammillaria m) sla." ,\l~n. I""'d .
.11 (1rJ(IdiJ!D [.em, SU1U! d()ublful. .11. pilmt'!/mSJI Ilra\o = Mammi llaria ocncckci t:hn:nbg.
II, MlPSIJnji (I Joughlon) Cr.lig = .\Iammilbri" glarwsa lkoed ,II.plillaumrnulIllI I.Ikbg. = ,\ Iammi\\aria men:aden sis
.11 Ma/btJ!aDiclr. = .\Iammillariahaagcarm Pfeifl". ", guillauminiana (llkbg.) lkpp
II. ,kI!UjinnD Shud} Mammillaria bdla m bg ,II. XU;romhmsu Craig '" ~.\lammillari'L sheldon ii (Il, & R.) Ik",d
II, ",""uMla (I~ngdm.) Berg ~ Mammillaria las,a,~mlha .II. p.mmif= I'. manWut</',i (Rose) Iknson = M:llnmil);'ri:1
~.ngdm. macdougalii Rose.
.\/ ,j,a(mIFIIJ3C." statusdoub1(uJ ,1/, fJ'mmif(T(l I'. mnll('aMha (hgd m.) Benson = Mammillaria
.II d;~N(lu(Wcb.:r}]). lI um = Mammillaria scn;lis IAn. 10 Loddl mciacmllha Engelrn.
b)S D :,1/. hUQ!ii' = catalogue na me " Mammillaria \'irginis Fin. &
,II. Mdwnu 1Ir.l\"O '" .\lammi''''ria dehcrdtian:1 \ . dotlsonii K!Jdiwa.
(firm,) Glass & !'''ster 11. h(l.(hndlana lloed. = Mammillariakncocliana Hoed
II. diJ/lr/llxm!rn Lcm. = ,\Iammil1ari~ obcuncUa &heid". 11. ha/Mn~'; Ik",d. = st.tu"douh!ful.
\/, dun~tiiUerg,u&h." .I lalusJoublful. M. hamala Lchmann Cl l' feilT. = nQ",. 'ub., pl ~ L11S currc n ll~ su pplied
II. dyrl:iana ZUCCo = .\Iammillaria haagcanal'feiif. as Ihis are sim ilar !o ,\lammiUaria duofomli s Cr~ig & Da" son
,II. rMrarunthaSchmn\\ = "ammillaria karu'inskiana .\bn, II. hami/ul1!hoylro (!Jrl\'o) \\ erd. = ,\lammillaria giganlca lI ildm.
II, Wtl"ana DC " ,\lammillaria c\unpla DC n Sch.
\I f/!/";a Ilkbg. '" " "'mmillaria lasiaeantha bLgdm .11, hllSlifaa Krainl 5. KcJkr = ,\lammill:Lri:l gig:lI1tca Hildm. ex
II. n.;,umui (luehl = Mammillaria \'obUmCllsis " cichlam,; Sch.
(Quthl) RtJlll. II. hauJ, & \\'~gn~r " Mamn!illaria s'llx!ac fa , haudeana
M, ,J:mu;r Werd. = !'\\ammillaria mammil1aris (L.) Karsl. (La u & \\'agl1l'T) D. lIum.
.II rif'tU"S 1'. uirmol/u CrJig '" Mammillaria meissneri Ehn:nb ,II. hayll'; Ehn:nb. ~ st.tusdoub1ful
.11 mrtQh~mala Uoo:d, Slatus doublful II. huriana lll.hg, n.n. = StJllIs doublful.,pl Jn1S supplkd as mis arc
II mI(lI;; Fiubu '" il lammil1aria backebergiaoa \ . cnu:stii ,\imilar 1<> ,\lammiflaria duor.Jnnis Cra ig & Dawson.
(l'in.) Glas, & Foster, .11. hrm;sphain{1I Engdm. '" M:1mmillaria heyderi
,I!. (l!N,on::AnISlsBocd. '" il l:unmil1aria discolor Ibw, \', hcmisplmcrirn (£ngclm. ) £ngdrn.
'If. (ljQUjslm' '" C"~taloguc name Mammillaria dcnsisl)ina M. hmllisii Hoed. = "l:immil1aria rolumbi:1n:1 S- D
{(:.~'lte r) Orcutt. 1/, "(Jilin 1'. mlll'lioulalii (Rost) Benson = Mammillaria
II, rumanalloed. ~.'1a!us dnllbtful. maeduuguliiRo5C.
II. (llullZu(/mSlS.\loclt.-r '" ,\l3mmillaria mndida Scheid .I/. hf)'dtn 1'. m(UI((Ot/lhu (Engelm.) Ikns01I = ,\ bmrnillaria
II (lltbannuisLindSJ) Mam,"ill ari a angdcnsis\'. meineml1ha F.ngelm.
cSlehanen"is(L.indS<1)-)'p. 11. hida/pm;s J'urpus = Mammill:lria pol)"lhc1c ,\ l an
\I nolhrlf Bkbg. n.n. = Mammillaria mclanoccnlra J'osdg :11. hiidmanr",' '" t'lllal"h'1l~ nam~
1/ fllSnro/ula I~nb~m. = Mammillaria Ihomllcri Orcun . ,1/. huJjiminniana(fi rgcl) 1.I r.l'O = Mammillari;! POI)lh,·l,· ,\lan.
II pm1is J liIdm. '" Mammillaria backcbcrgi:lI1:1 BU<'ln'nall ill. hun'aUil' = catalogue name
It·fiuirm I't<:,fl: = Mammillaria knNinskian:1 .\bn. II. lfullloJmsis lkoed. = sialusdoobtfui.
,1I.jIm·Nflu ll .... ,.,.\lammi\\arianinlSaLi nl '·I I'fcifT. II. ",ar(l.( Cr.l ig " Mammillaria ., heldonii (I!. & R.) Jloed
II jllJ1~ms I'. nmnn (!.ink) Bkbg. '"' .\bmmillaria ni\Us:. .11. tnfmld/msis Cr.lig '" ,\lal1lmillaria parkinsonii Eh",nb.
I.inleX I'f,·ilT. ,\I. int{Jfs ilk bg. '" Mammill ariapol)'lhele .\ lan
\J.f//J1'I('(I/I'~ m hg. - ,\ I . dixanlh oc"Cnlmn \". lla\·iten\r~ II. kfJlmana Sch mnll n Cr.lig = " Iammilbria pul)1hele ,\ \art.
(Ilkbg.) RePf'. ,II. kfwnlJif S - I) = Mammillaria pol}'\hclc \ hn
IIj/mlhQnlOla Illbg. ~ M:unmillariajaliscan:1 (IJ . & R.) l.Ioed. '.II. t/adilfW( '" horl. '" ?\lammillaria spi nosissim a J..em
ILjI~l""""mJ S-D '" illmnmilbria magnimannna Il." ,II. hm/!;Innn I'. & IJ. Fe~m = Mammillaria "Cluta .\ l arl.
lI .jlor(ll; IJlbg. = " bml1lillari:1 canelensisCraig .1/. kunlhll Ehn:nh. = "Iammitlaria haal't'llna l'fei n:
1l.[ral'llJ S- J) ~ ,\lammill:ori:. ~Tacilis I'feifT. .1/, h",zro nu Bo.,d. 8.. Quehl = MalUS do~hl fu l., plants sUl'plifd as
II.jidll'n(;J(/S D = , I3lUsdoubtfui this are usu~ll) il lammilbria bocasana I'osd g.
II. fuswa Link & Ono = .\laml1lillaria rhoclanlha I.inl & On<>. II. /anala (II. & R.) On: UI1 .. Mammillaria stlpc:nc.\ l3 illan. \'.~
II. /!IlrtSsii r"'wJ~r '" " "'l1ll1lillaria barbam I:.ngdm. l'f~ilT.
'II. ~rnjQ"ma(' .. horl. '3T. = ,\I :!mmillari a diu'olor \law, II /un~N<"lIIma Cr.lig '" ,\ Iammillaria canclcnsis Cra ig.
\I g/n./iula ,\!an. Mammillaria magnimamma lIa\\ ,I/.Iauiif~.II.Mllila D. IIU1lt = Mammillaria subtluela (I). Hunt)
II. "loth,dlala \lan. = ~U!us doublful. K ~pp.
21Z .\ I ~\I\IIU.\KI\

,1/. ItnIJoblrri~"a Uocd. = SI~IUS doublful :II. Orlttar (Il. & R.) Oreul! = .\Iammillaria scrippsiana (H. &. II..)
,1/. INI~d Poselg. = Mammillaria polls;i Si:he~r ex S-D On.:uu ,
M./tuunirri(Rebul)Si:h. =swusdoublful ''\/.orliz·",bl(ma'(Brlll"()) iI'rrd. .. Mammiliariacandida Si:hcid.
,\I./ru[Q{minJ [krg = ?\Iamm illaria gcmi nisp;na Haw. M. padlyr/tiza Inbg. = Mammillaria d;scolor lla"
11/. ma(o"IU"amha DC = Mammi ll aria magnimam ma lI.w. :II. pamlrri Rose ex Qurhl see under Mammillaria pygmaca.
,\/. ""'I"t"/im/a .\leyran '" Mammillaria "club ,\Ian M.palmrriJac.nun n(led. = SUlUSdoublful
,II . ma",rrilln~ Ilkbg. = Mammillaria gr,Ihamii ,'. oli..iac (Ortun) M. /JIlrmliJ Cr:lig = Mammillaria pringlei (Coulter) K. Ilrand~gl't'.
Henson M. palonll (l3ra,·o) Hoed. = Mammillaria malatlancnsis Sch.
II. ""'l1hllllrana (Galcs)Uocd.cxUkbg. = Mamm ill ariaba."lcriana ,\I. fJMinifnafo. wJillJibs (Ilkbg.) S.-\IejondJ = )lam millaria
(Galcs)l.Ioed. svlisioidcs llkbg
,\1. marlin(::i; Bkbg. = Mammillaria sUpl.'n c.~ 13 Man M. pmnllpinlISII ,'. nazaltnm GI.1.'iS & Fosler = .\lammillaria
,II. mayntsis CfOIig = "'am mi ll~ria candensis CfOIig nala.~c ns i s (Glass & Fostcr) Rq)fl
.11. mrl;Jptnd \\'erd. = slatusdoublful. ,II. pmltUllntha I'fcilT. = sTalu,ooubtful.
,1/. mtndAi~na (Hram) Werd . = ,\ lammillaria hahniana \rerd. um.
,II. phatlU"~nlha = >lJlusdoubtful.
II. mrrid;orosri Casiciler II ~/ = Mam millaria wright;; ,'. "'iJroxii ,1/. phJrIUII~lht/r [krg. = stalus doubtful
(roumeye. Sch.)!\ \arsh,1I M. piklllis Shun)" '" Mammillaria pcttcrssonii Ilildm.
,1/. mrxicmJilCl"3ig = sl3tusd(}llbtful. ,upiIll1.Y'lJis = inconttl.IpCllingof Mammillariapikaycnsis 111"310.
~\J. mir/r9Q("lIntnsiJ' : c3t31ogue n3me = ?Mammillaria mcyrani, M.flJ/yf;onaS - D = St31usdoubtful.
Ilra,·o. AI. /JOSsr/twna Hoed. '" Mammillaria n;:tligi~lla Ik>cd
,II. mlrrtXaf"/M Engelm. = Mammillaria milleri (8. & R.) Uocd M.prat/ii .\luehlpf. :StaluSdoublful
M. miffl)(af"/M 1'. Kroham;; Engelm. = Mammillaria grahamii AI. PlrutiolllllmtnliJ Ukbg. = Mammi ll~ria grahamii \'. oliviae
Engelm (Oreun) lIenson.
M. mirrohr/i&PJil Werd. = Mam millaria microhclia Wcrd ,If. pstuJorrkoi [al1rib. to (Rose) &ed. (1931) b)) Uocd. = ~om. dub.
,I/. milkmis Bra,o = Mammill aria rd.:oi (8. & R.) "III il/. pitMllwhitdt-anll' hon. = Mammillaria dumt'lOn'm I'urpus.
M. ",ixltfnllil Ur:I"o = Mamm illaria casoi l!fOI\O ,II. pJ(llrkncrippsiana lIkbg, = :\1ammillarian scripps;a n" (II. & R.)
M, "",lIihamal~ Shmly = Mam mi ll aria lIygmaca (Il. & R.) Ikrg. Orcun.
M. rlumanrisrraamlha Ilkbg. = Mammillaria nana Bkbg ,\I. psruMJi",plrx W, Haagc & Bkbg. = ,\ ianlluilb ria manunill aris
ex ,\ \unrJm (L) Karsten.
,1/. mlmO(nrlr~ Jac. = stalUs doubtful ;\1. pittulosuprrrOla' = ClItalogue n~me.
M. mllftltnsiJ (fOI,g = ?"'am millari~ ClI nclensis Cr:lig. ,1/. puhispina Hoed. = Mammillaria pygnlaea (11. & R) [krg
M. morricali; Cowper = ,\ lammi ll aria barb~la Engelm, '\/.pusillll(DC)S"cet = Manunillaria prolifern (,\liller) lIa".
,\I. m(ll't!l/IS CfOIig = Mamm illaria standley, (8. & R.) til. ppr/tf.lflPhalll Scheid"". = :\1~mmill aria kaJ"\\;nskiana .\Ian
Oreun M. qurrmn((l CfOIig = Mammillaria I"",nii Hrenb.
II. mU/licmtraiilCraig = SUtus doubtful ill. qurt-tdai' = cat3logue nJme = Mammillaria hahniana Craig.
,\I. mu/rictpJ S- J) = Mammi llari~ prolifcm (,\hller) H3". AI. rlldiaissimu UndSJ)" = Mammillari a baumii Uoctl.
,II. ",,,ltiformiJ (B. & R.) Boc:d. = Mamm illaria cf)1hrospcml3 ill. ra~'I;i' = catalogue name = Mammillaria mma IIkhg
llocd M. tm!i I'. QuriJpina \...iu = Mammill~ria aurcispilla (Lau) Repp
M. m"ltih~matn Boed. = st~IUS doubtful. ,\I. tm!i t·. Irplalllniha Lau = M~mmillaria Icptac-,Intha (uu)
111. mulliina £hrenh. : Mamm illaria k3l"\\i nski~na ,\!an. Rcpp
,II. mUlnbilis Scheid". = !\lmnmillaria mJstax Man. il/. moianQ'Craig = r.lammiUaria Ido; (II. & R) \ pI.
,II. ndwni' (13. & R.) Hoed. = .\ lammillaria bcnc<:hi Ehrenb. ,II. mtnsis Craig = Mammil1~ria parkinsonii t:hrcnb .
.II. ~«Jhntnmdianu lIkbg. = Mammillaria magalb nii Schmoll. ,u. fflStrKnllru Burd. & Rill. = ]\Iammillaria magallanii Si:hmoll ex
,II. lI<W!i!\lllan'Q Knuth = stalusduubtful. Craig
,II. nrocrnciproBkbg. = St31US doublful M. T1JJSUlIIIJ Heinr. = ?Mammillari a duofunnis Craig S. Ihwsoll.
,II. nromJSflU Blbg . .. ,\ larmni llaria mJsta~ !\\art. ,1/. mbiM Schwan .. Mammill aria bUl:cnsis ,'. rubida ReP!'
,II. nmpha(lM"aniha lIkbg. = j\lammillaria pol)1hclc Man ,1/. nlnJOnii (11. & R.) Boed. = Mammillaria mclanocentl"d Poselg.
,II. MlfJl!IOS;n~ Craig = Mamm illaria m uch lcnpfonltii l'oc:lS!' N. rlililn ZUCC. ex Pfeiff, = StilUS doubtful.
,II. uw/r1lJllr"..lana Ilkbg. = M~mmi llaria bocensis CfOIig. M. ~ I'. l/rtrtut (Cnuk) Ro\\lcy = Mammillaria lhcn:sac
:II. obu-ulll Hildm. = !Mammillaria pcltcrsson ii lIildm. Cutak
M.oM:aillllaOllocxDietr. = status doubtful. M.lI1jJonlii( B. &R.)Br:I,·o = Mammillariaurn;:liiRebutexSch
,1/. II((Imprmis DehO( . ., Mammillaria mcn'lldcns;s v. AI. uurllliltnmShurl)" = Mammillariapilispinal'llrpus.
guillaumi niana (Ilkbg.) RC"JlIl. ,\I. umlatlarmjij eo..1l"r '" ,\ lammillaria harhala Engtlm.
II. odrOlarnat (Bra"o) \\"erd. "' Mam millariadisl:olorlbw. AI. sthrid'Hi/fflJtIIl Ono ex A. Dielr. = Mammillaria
,II. <KOli{/msrs Craig = Mam millaria gigantca Ilildm. cf)1hruspI.'mt:lBocd.
,II. olnw Orcutt = Mam millaria grahamii ,'. uli,iac (OrculI) M.sthrlh~riiPfci(f. "' sMus d(}llbtful ,lIlantssullplicdilSlhisan:
IknSOll usuallJ' Mammillariabucasana.
11/. OmlfflJ Iknson = ,\1am mill~ria ,'iridiHora (8. & R,) Bocd ,II. sthit/;n~Q Schick, = Mammillaria p;"'la :\kins.
\1 ~ I1Mt l l.~~t ~ - \\Ul\O\ .O\!I\\A 213

II 1IIt"""/ii (Br:I\o) \\~rd. = M.lI.nlfnilbria discolor I b,,·. AI. ~ (Kim. & Ilu[ch.) Bux. = ,\la[ucana au,.~nliaca (,"pl.)
·Hfthrrdtn·hon.Schmoll:sl2lusdoubtful. B~.
II lIIt" (I~d.) !JUl:b. = Mammi llaria roahuiknsis (Rotd.) .I/. «krrimtlliu Riu.• :\lalllC"llna inlcne.\ta,·. ttlcndinl'nsis
\Ionn. (Rill.) Brtgman.
IIJnJnUl,,"~hl "'~!a!usdoubtful. til. ~ Rauh & lI~bg.• Mallle."ana haynci (Ono) B. & R.
II stll:IQIUI\ I;m.uPfeiff. = Sla[usdoubtful. :U. dm.-ifP;IIII' . 1\bIllC"lln~ h<r.}TIci (Duo) B. & R.
II shrlrnll Ga[es u Shurly .. Mammillaria blossfcldiana M. (II""IIMJt"IIIU Rill. ,. Malucana atlrantiaca (\"pl.) lIut.
'·. .,h urliana (Gates) Wiggins. AI. tw"KI/'" Rauh & Ilkbg . • 1\latucana haynei (Ottn) B. & R.
\I s''''pla Ih". - ,\ i3mm illaria marn1ll i!l;lris (L.) Kars[en il l. tritJiljft,,· · Marucanapaucicos[3ta Rin.
II stna/fH'"IlSll (Rose ,'x Ortcga) 1\\o([T:lm • Mnmmillarin ,II. htr.,otil1l1l1 Ilkbg . .. M~tul.,ma haynei (Duo) B. & R.
nlnullallcnsis Sch ill. hUUn(tIIl;I· · MalUcana paucK:ostala Rin.
.II Jittlnll (II. & 11..) lIocd. '" Mammillaria albkans (8. & R.) M. hUll""I">I/;/ Kn~ ".R.• ,\ IDrucana myriacanlhD (\ pl.) Bux.
lIerg. M. ~JSlrir R ~uh & Illbg. '" MalUcana ha)11d (Duo) Il. & R.
II whltlllllurr \\ Iba~ & U~bg. '" Mammillari a columbiana ,If. mu/tjtMilr R.1uh & Illbg. '" Matucana haYllci (01[0) B. & R.
S2lm-I:>,-cL. ,II. ,..urupiR"· ,. "'a[ucana paucM:ustala Rill.
II Mliuii (Il. & 11..) Hoed. '" Mammillaria nune~i i (8. &. R.) ,1I. "."..,NfIlM Rill. - ~1alUCana myriac;lnlhll (\pI.) BUI.
1I._UwRin.u. .. Ma[ucanamyriacantha ('·pI.) Ilw:.
,II JJs""jm Repp.
(Kepp.)!).l lum
Mammillaria 10ngiHora fa. siampferi ~\I. Inti/I ", '\/alllcana palKicosla[a Rill
,1/. stili/IS'· MaluC".. na paucioostata Rill.
.11 slrllll-dt-IMlIHJW I IuSI' '" identitic:ition ullC(rI~in. ,\/. IUptrtnl. Rill .• '\\atuCllna hap.",i (Otto) B. & R.
,1/. s~Munspl~II Bkbg. = :\Iammill aria polYlhcle 1\brt. ~II. Iu,/ri"jformu· · '\!D[tll"1l na paucioost9[" Rin .
,\I.lllbli/u Bkbg. Mamm illaria pilispilla J. ..... Purpu~ ,1/..... riDhilis R~uh & Bkbg . • Matucana harn<: i (Ono) B. & R
,II 1~"'")'Q"jl Killip C~ L. S~hn~~ = Mammillaria rolu mbialla :·\J.l;/I"ritl1· " :\Iallleana haynci (Duo) II. & R.
Salm- U),d. ,1/. lI'i~ttri Kin. '" 1\l:.llUCl\na mJ riacanlha (\ 'pI.) /lux.
\I t",""'"..111 (8. & 11..) Ikrg. '" Mammillaria sartorii J>urpus II. )'I~~Jf""""'''J Rauh & Blbg. " ]\lalllcana ha)'nti (Ouo) B. & R.
.11 tt!TIK'Mhll S 0 = :'I lammillaria oboondla Sc~d\\".
•11 It!TIK"'tTtl ]~lIrib. 10 0110 h,l "·MrS!. = ~Ut\lS doubtful. JII~UlNOIincludcdbclo-aarcanumbcro(in'·:r.lid
II lit¢/;;1UI H~. - ,\lammiUaria Inridn<iOllji EhKnb. rombinuions,(qn.a.l~· pubiished:l.SII(IIfltII"JfuJ"in[hi:<~nu§).
II InlWnl~' Sch. ,.. SI~IUS doubtful. &om sc:cd and planl mtKMnlS' {2t.a.1ogucs..lfOOllist~d, these
\I ,''''."" lIildm. u &h. '" Mammillaria magnimamma 1Ia>! . IUmcs$hould bc,,;lUghl un(\erR,.",,,,.
.11 ~''''n1Ul l.hrenbg... SI<IIUS doubtful.
\I uik.llUl. I~d. '" Mamm illaria weillg:lrtiana IJoxd IIt~","/..,mIlllI" Rausch .. Rcburia alhopccrinaI9Rl11S(."h.
\I ''''~''1IlJ Craig Mammillari~ matni mamm a 113"'. ,II.•U,,,jflljtJ,, (\\cssn.) Kninl '" Rcbutiaeinsleinii Fric .
.1/ IVlUpt/" Ticgd = Mammi llaria haag-ca na I'f~iff. ,\!. 11~",jfOr(l (nkbg.) Ilkbg. an d '·DIl. '" 'R~hutia ~ins[cill ii
.11 Ivrhll(11lu"" lIo~d ... S131\1~ doublful. v. aun:iflol"ll'
:11 l"IflmIlil·. catalogu. n~me '" .\13mrniIl3ria chka Repr M.imlnfS(I">IJ Rausch _ Rchuti abroncsccns Rausch
.II 1>'""']111111111 Kniro: Mammillaria parl<insoni i Ehrcnb. M. CtljfQilka (W'liSn.) Knilll '" Rcbuna c;nst~;J1ii Frie.
.II nkm, I'. lln''.fIt;TiI (II. & R.) Marshall & Bock · Mammillari" ,II. /WIDI. (Wcrd.) KnilU • 'Rebu!;a sleinmannii v. eos[ala'.
\;rid inora(II.&R.) I~d. .II. ,u,UIlIfU/'/'14 Blbg. '" ' Rebu[ia einsteinii ,'. aurcinora·.
\I PIIOd;ilr.raig"'MammillariahahnianaWcrd. .1/.~lU llkbg.• Rcburiaeinslein iiFric.
\I ...tI""I·. nnJ,j/ln (8. & R.) ~brshaU .,. .\Iamrnillaria .11. nullllltnv (Bl:bg.) KrainL '" Rcbutia euanthema (Bkbg.) Buin.
'iridiflora (B. & 1I. .)~ lmMIi. &I>o.t.
II ....tltt" r ....!.wr, (J"oumey) \brsl\311 '" Mammlllaria "ilroMi .-II. tw.Ii/HD1UI (Dkbc-) Krainz = Rebuli. siei nmannii (5oIms-
ToolM)·uSch. Uub.) 11. & 11..
:11 "..Jjil· ,\bmmillaria ... righl;; ,·.... oltii (D. I!un[) Rcpp.;Iuriu.llkbg... s[~tusdoubtful.
,1/ Rlkl">l,u'UI1 Bkbg. '" Mammillaria nunc1.ii (I!. & R.) Orcutt. .til. ItlJtfom411lJ Cullm. • !Rcbulia pygmaca (Fries.) B. & R.
.II Ju,hml1 (II. & R.) Uoed. = StatuS doubtful. M. jlhJW""thl1 Cud. = Rcbulia ithyacantha (Card.) Diers.
.1/ :4h,uu I~d. "" Mammillaria ... intcl"llc Iloed ,II. lfiqi(Q/IJ (Wessn.) Kninz .. RebuTia rirleri (WtilSn.) Buin. &
.II :4f,,/w",Jis CraIg Mamm illaria !,.'1 Jemronis (IJn ."O) [anTib.
[0 1looI. b)·]llkbg. & Knulh.
AI. o",'l">Ilis IJkbg. · 'Rebu ti apHJmaea v. oruKnsis'.
M.pmj"Q'Q (Bkbr.) IJkbg.non I'rK =' Rcbutiapygmoca{ l'rics.)
' lIatlUlllIII ,mil/ill,,' '" Ma[Ul-ana haynci (OliO) B.8o R II. & R.
.II ~,1l1bg. MalUl.'ana halnti (Otto) B. & R. II. pm;1IlJ111 r. _""nrlil(lIlbr.) Il~bg . .. ' R(bUlia p)"l'nacu
.11 },rr:rjIqN Rauh & =' 'Mal\K"ana harne; v. bre'iflora'. ,·.orun:nsis'.
·".fMI~I_' :'Ilatlleana paucicoslafllRin. .11. 'J1;MMIBkb&.• · Rcbu tia pJ~aca,·. ha:agei'.
II (1II/I4I1IM Rill. = Mal\K"ana l rahnii (Don.) Bregman .til. riltm (Wcss.n.) Kninz '" Rebutia ritteri (\1 m o.) I)on
II (IlJoi~ Shrupk. • .,. Matueana m~Tiaealllha (\'pI). BUI. "'. .,.jt//ijflmlllkbK. • ' Rcbutiae insteinii v. aurciflul';l'.
2 14 \lrI)IOIIIIIIIII _ ,\r,OCIlIl 1"'\1\

\ j, mltriflora IIkbg. '" ' lt d mli" t inSlci nii \". 3 UJ~H1ora'. \ '. duripulptl (Rin,) Blbg. '" Ncoponc ria IT ich ei (Sc:h.) Blhg.
II. Sl/mlirdrhrmonlJ( Kuehl.) Krainl and 1"I'In. = Rcbulia ei nsteinii S. rriofcpha/a Ukbg. '" status drnlbrful
I'ric .\. rrioST..tIllm (Rin.) IIkbg. = Nco])Ortcri" cri ospoidcs (Rin.)
.II. ,pim/iWf!ll/uJajo = slanlS dollblflil. Dun. &. Ro"Ie).
'x. 61nrr~lMnQ' (R ill.) Bkbg. '" N"" IMl l1 cri a csmcrdldana (Kin.)
' IIr/O('Iltl/<) 1l1~lri" '" ,\ ldoc;l<'i us pcn... ia nus \ 1'1. Don. 8.. Ko\\Ic) .
•11. omllut::.iM Rauh &. Bkbg. = ,\ lclocaclUs pcnovianus \'pI \.JI(>((I)U/ (Ri n.) Illhg. ~ Ncu]lortcria echinus I , fIOttuSll (lt in.),;,1lIli n.(I."f.= l\ldornclusorcassubSI'.cmcstii (\"pl.) K..\l.hmmall
JJ r~un \".fobtallu (,' ;licdl.) IJlbg. = stalusdoubtful.
'II. rim/m,;,' '" l\Iclu<"~Cl uS IM: N";anu s \ '1'1. ,\.fulflJ ( \l uchlpf.) I). &. R. ...,[JIl~' douhrful
II. lrmmvp/II/UI Uu in . &. UTed, = Melocactus urcas ,\Ii<lu. ,\ . tlU~mrrtll Rill. '" l\'~~']lortcri:l n~pin:1 (l'hi!.) lJ~b!!.
II. ml~11I \ 1'1. = l\Id(lCllctus un';ls subs[I. en ,,:slii (\"1'1.) 1l ... un ,\,r.filUfNmJ (Kill.) BLbg. l\'co ]1'Ortcri:1 cchinus(Rill.) 11..\1
.11. rTJlhra(anlhli, !luin. & Bred, '" o\1 c1ucactu s uITas .\ /iqu. I'clT)man
I I, h~llllu,,(umjij Itauh & lllbg. = MclOC",ICIUS pcnl\'ian us \ 1'1. .\'. grlUi/'1 (Kin.) Ilkbg. = NC0l'uncria m IlJcr .. n:l (ltill.) lAm. &.
Il.janinllu""j mbg. '" -' l dOClCIU.~ pc rm'ianus \",,1. Rowle)',
.\1, 11JI1~,pml<j Huin , /1, ai, = .\ ldococ (Us urcas Mi<l u ,\ . h~nj'rllll~ & run. ,.., 'talu~ doubtful
II. nili/IUI Kin. = Mcloc~lCIU S """'-~ subsl" cn lcstii (\'1'1.) Ur:lIl1l \ : hIl4SlrtlS;S (Rin.) IIkb~. '" Nl~']H.'l1 Cri a hU:lSI."cusis (Rill.) J),,".
II. mhn,arlOs/lj 1l uiu. rl. ul. = l\1docaelUsoITas ,\liqu & fl O\\lc).
II. ImpllM1lliS Kauh &. UU>g. = ,\ Ic!ucaetus flCl"Ulianus (\"[11.) ,\. mllla~J Blhg. '" i\'colK,rtcria ,Hlil·ri (Len!.) ).krg.
IJ.untlmpmus m bg. " MclOt.'lIetuspcnJl'ianus\'pl .\. ;nlrrmrJia (Kin.) BLbg. _ Nco]roncri" ("d ld em na (ltin,) I~J1I. &.
R"" Ic~.
lI11u: fnrJll publ i'hcd nam l'lj scc ,\ lil aC':1espitosa ll. & K. X ;qul¥"mj;J(ltin.) IIkb!!. '" NC"l)On cria i'lui'lucnsis (Kill.) Don
& I{ nwle).
,\al·ujlNljp. ...,e undcr l' cdiu,."actuS IM."Chlcsianus (C.roiz.) Uenson.
\. jllSs;roi (-'10m.) Bkbg. '" Ncolroneri:1 jussi("ui ('Ion'.) 11.& I{
\ 1'(>bmi;'IIa<pmlpmn (Bu.:d.) B..,.:d. = Esro\Jaria m issuuricusis X kun:;.rr( I-'nc:rsl.) Blbg. = N"" IHrrtcria kun/.ci (I·.)("r,)lJkbg.
'. " Slluispina (Burd.) N,P. T~~lor. "xiTolISi;"(Kin.)lJkbg. = Ncupnncriandicri \. m:[lIcoia la(RlII,)
\. m;uourims;, (SW~~I) B. &. fl . = t~'\COhari " mi sSilurirnsi s K .J\1. h~mJn

(SlIce l) D. H UI1l . 'X. Irtllhikn' Ilkbg, '" Nco]lOncri~ reichei (Seh.) Ilkbg.
\.1I01I'lltmll( lJ ril.) B.& R. '" ESl1!haria mi ssuuric llSis ' . similis .\'. mlll/lIIIula (Kin.) BLbg. = Ncoportcri a ,,,Iicri \. nmllculara
(E ngdm .) 1\'.1'. Ta~lor. (Kin.) K..\ I.l'erl')man.
.\. l1JIifl~'a Lahm. '" Escob;ui:l misSlJuricllsis ,'. si mili s (t llgeim.) ,\. mlll/tIIlala 1'. Sl>lil~riu Ri ll. "" Neopo rtcri a od icri " , m:llleni ata
N.P. Ta~I<>T. (Kin.) It ,\ \. Fcrl')I11Jn.
\. simi/I! ( l~ n~'Cl m .) n. & It, ,.., ~:scobaria misSlJ urien.• is ". similis \:mtbbtsii( l lildm.)illl:>g. = sTaMdouhtful.
(F.n!!dm .) 1\'.1'. Ta)lor. ,\. min;"", ~.n. '" N~'U[lnncri a (ho">scn sis (Rill.) Dun. &.
\. ~'"smann;1 (1Iildm.) Il. & R. = t:...~>baria mis",-,uric llsis (Sw~",) KUlik).
I). Hum .\". mllll (l'hi1.) Bkbg. '" l\'~o poncria napina (Phil.) Blbg.
X m~II/(-amargnlJlj' Bkbg. '" Nco]1'Ortcria (ld icri \', m"m c'
\rodllimta a~roo,rpiJ (ltin.) IJkbg.« Ncol)Ol1cria i(IUi,! ucu.,;s amargt'nsi s(lJlbg.)R.\ I. Fc~,""ncomb.nO\
(Rin.) I~J1I. &. Ro\\k) S, JrUplllO (Phil.) IlLbg. ~ Ncojlortcri,\ m\pin~(I'hi!.) IIkl:>g.
\. andr<lUan~ IIlll!!. "" I'YlThoc"J("tus and ITaCmlUS (llkbg.) Rin \'. lIupina 1". spmltlia,(Bl bg,) Ill bg. = Ncuportcria nal)in a(I'hiL)
.\: ancrlls;s (Rin.) Illbg. '" Ncoponeria iqui1lucnsis (ltin.) Don. & Ukbg.
11.(1\\ Ic~ ,\. nmfustlJ IJkhg. = Nl'Up(ll"tcria juss icui (.\1011'.) Il. &. K.
\. alpillat~i (Swilr.) 8("'r,. = Ncnpuncri a aspilbg'di (5ochr.) Bkbg. 'X nrorruhd·\llbg. ~ N,'Uportcri arcichci (Sch.) JIk I:>g.
'\.a/,"' Blhg. '" Ne"lH,ncri:I rcichci (Sch.) m bg 'X n't,nitOpan,,' Bkbg. '"' Ncoponcria crispa (ltin.) Don. 8..
\ . ra/dmmu (Rit1.) llkbg. '" Ncoponeria ClIldcTllna (Rirt.) Dnn. & Ro,,19
Ko"le\. ,\. Ot'mllo (Seh.) Bkbg. = Ncoponc ri~ occult" (&h.) IJ. & It .
\. rU nll'l!j/dnJ Kilian = probablt h)brid ,\". odonf/QnJ (Rill.) IlLbg-. '" l\'coport("ri" hOl"rid a (Rem) e~ Gal)
,\. rllllnllli ( lliIdrn .) Illbg. ,.., Ncuportcria chilcnsis (I lil dm.) Don. X pllll(!ll)j/ala & ,'. l'lnJI!(l{ in.) Ilkbg. '" Nroportcria
& R.",ky. lr.lucicosl;lIa (Kin.) l)on. & flo\\k~.
\.rltol'rlfmsis(Rin.) IIk bg. = Ncvponcriarhorose nsis (Kin.) Dnn. \ . pilisplllu (Kilt .) llkhg. = Nl'Ul'(lmria ("~ldcrana (Ki ll.) Don. &
& Ko\\Ic,. ROlllc) .
.Y. (Vnfi"i, {Rin.) Blbg. = Ncopon cria l"()nli uis (Rin.) I)on. & ,\',p,,/mr/fil( Rin.) Bkbg.n.n. "' l\'copvrteri" pulchclla (Kin.)K ..\1.
ROllk,. I'clT)lTI~n,
',\. ,uh~lwnll· lIlbg. '" Neoportcria chornscnsis (Kin.) Don. & \ . pytmlUa (Kin.) Ilkbg. -= Ncol)On(ria l... ldcr~ l1J (Rin.) Don. &
Ro\\k,. Ko"Ic).
,\ . d;mIJrpha (Ril(.) Blbg. "" N~OIH)ftcri a jussicui \. dimo'l'ha S rmmJlla (Ki n.) Illbg. '" l\'coponcria ",m udit3 (Kill.) Don. &.
(Kin.)l loITman n. R""Ie,.
:-rOC I1I1 f'lll _'lI'.OPU RTtNI A 215

,\" f(j(hn (Sch,) I! kbg. '" Neoporteria rdchci(Sch.)llktlg. N, smithii (,\ luehlpf.) Kladi,,'a & Filth\, '" 'G""n(KIU/ul Hguin;;'
\. miduQ (Rin .) Bkbg. "' Ncoporccria rccoodila (Rin,) Don. & Bkbg.lWm. iJITa/.
Ro,,1e> N. srhmi,did:iana (Hoed.) Anderson " Turbinicarpus
.\. rob"ll" &. \". '"t)[altma (Rin .) Ukbg. = Ncoporte ria horrida (Remy schmicdickianus (lloed.) lIux. & Bkbg.
c:o: Ga)') D. Ilum, S. srhmi,dimana ,'. tii(nJ()niat (Glass & Fosler) And~r.;un =
\ ",p;(O/a (Riu .) Ilkbg. '" Ncoponeria cahalcnsis Hucch Turbinicarpus schmiedidi,mus \'. dil·kis.miac Gb ss &
\. SIW/rat.a II.". ,.., Neoportcri~ iquiqucnsis (Rin) Don. &. Ro"le)' Foster.
.\ , iWfJU nQ (Rin.) Ilkbg. = Ncoporteriacaldcrana (Rin, ) Don. & ,\'. srhmirdid:iana 1'. j/rmj/Qra (Frank &. Lau) Anderson =
Ro"le). Turbini("d rpusschmicdidianus\'. fla\'itluHl s(l'rank& Lau)
\. 1~16jiJI~rt1 & t·. inlronrdin (Rin ,) Bkbg. '" Neoponcria SClosinora Gbss& FOSler
(Rin.) Don. &. RowJe). ,\: srhmirdid:iana t·. gratilis (Glass & FOSler) Ander.lOn '"
.\. sliM:" ~.~. '" Neoponeria choroscnsis (Rin. ) Don, & Rowle). Turbinicarpusschmicdiekianu s \'. grncilisGlass & FOSler
.\. la/la/ms;s t'. j/al1j/~ra (Rin.) flkbg. ~.~. '" Ncoponeri:! 1\', srhmioii(J:Uma 1'. t-/in/unilnu Wkbg. & Jacobs,) AndeJ"1lon '"
ncohankcana (Rin.) 11. ••\1. Fer~'man TlIrbi nica rpllsschmiedi(kianus,·. ldi nkcri;mus {Bkbg.&
.\. IDMa/ms;s (Rin.) Bkbg. '" NeolJoOrtcria 10lOralcnsis (Rin.) !.~m. J:tl"hs.)Gla,;s & Fustcr.
& Rowle)·. X. Wrmioii(nana I'. malTfJ(h,k (\Verd.) Anderson'" Turbini ca rpus
,\. Irimn/f1Isis (Riu.) Bkhg. = N~'opurtcri:llrnnsitcnsis (Rin.) R..\!. schmicdiekianus \'. maerochcle (\\'erd.) Glass & F'lSter
Fernmlo NU"hmirJimanal'. WrIPllr::,i(ShurIY)I\nde,.,;un '" Turbini(".trpus
',\".l'on·btltlii· Ncoporlcria jussicui (i\lom'.) B. & R. .<ehm icdidianus \'. schwanii (Shu rl),) GI:ISS & Fosler.
X. !"JoIIUIJI~rt1 ~.~. = Neoportcria laltalcnsis Ihitch, N lubummm (BLbg.) F. .\Ioon:: '" Gymnf)CllCluS subwrronclis
\ Qwt.f1Ij'"«hlll (Ri ll.) Bkbg. = Ncopurteria jussicui {Bkbg.)lJkbg.
,. wagcnknCl'htii (Rill. ) R.'\!' lIoffmann. .v. luh/manta ". ;;ora~ (Gla,s & Fost~r) Anderson =
GpnO<M."3ctlls subtcrrJncus \'.zar-.. gosac Glass&. Foster
Srop;m(fia'(J,,Jr; Caslan. '" Ariocarplls agamides (C.;l.~tan.) \ : ra/dr::;ana (.\!ocU.),~ndcrson '" Turbinicarpus ,'aldn ianlls
~nd. (.\locl1,) Glass & Foster.
N. :'irutl!ii (Wtrd.) Knll1h = Gp"n"•."3ClUS vicrn'kii (\\'~rd.) Bkbg.
SroJl(JJd,~ (ffll/ll(j (Quehl) B. &. R. = Nrol1oydia conoi dea (IX) ,\'. Il'drnl)(ioii Henson = Echinum ...,rus wamuckii (Bensun) Glass &
II. & II. F'lSter
.\ . ilmouk" 1'. ma/ilts ({lueh!) Kbd iw:t & Finhu '" N~"UlJoydia
conuidca(Dqll.& R. aMmmma (Bkbg,) Don. & ROlllc)' '" I'rrrhot.'aelUs
.\'. ronoloku 1'. grunJJj/orll (Ouo ex Pfeiff.) Kladi""lI & I'inbu = Bndrcaeanus (mbg.) Riu.
Ncolloydia conoidca (DC) IJ. & R. V. an'(f1Isis (Rin.) Dun. & Rowlc) '" Ncop"rteria iquiqucl1sis
,\.ronniJtal'. tIlJl/(hualtlllis (lIkbg.) Kildiwa& Filth u '" Nl"U lio)'dia (Rill.) Don 8: Ro\\k).
conuidc~ (DC) It &. R. ,\., armala (Rill.) Krainl = Ncoporteria horrida (Rem)' ex Gall
S. m(/omtlrG (Coull.) Henson '" Eehi nomastus ere~1occnlHlS D.llun!.
(Cou ll.) II. & II. ,V. illrifpiTroU/ (llkbg.) Ilkbg. = Neoporteri:t ,·il1osa {.\!on,',) Bcrg,
\. ";risdmfiana (\\enl.) Knuth ~ G,'mnul"\lctus ,,";dsdorfi:mus ,\ '. ("(Jlwallll fo. pOOlis (Rin.) Don. 8: Ro,,]ey '" Ncoponcria
(\\"crd.) B~bg. caldcr-dna (Ritt.) Don. & Ro\\lc)'.
S. pandJj/rtru (Ouo ex l'fei1T.) Berg. '" Ncul10ydia oonuidea (DC) ,\'. (IlSla"'a Rill. '" Neoportcria subgihbu"" ,'.mSlllnca (Rin.)
11.8. R. R..\1.hTT)man.
,\. hom/li/" (l.t"") fl . & R. = G)'mnOC"~clus hOml)il us (um.) ,\ '.rtphau,phora(lIkbg.) Bkbg. '" Neoponcria villosa(:\!om'.) lkrg.
Hlbg ,\". lhlJ<lptllsis (Rin.) Don. & Rowlc)' = Neoportcria horrida (R~IIl)'
X. mltrln:/U (Englm,) Benson '" echinomastus intencXIUS ex Gay) D. Hunt.
(Englm.) 11. & R. ,Ii. (uf!'if/lina 1'. arof/(uXl'f1Isis (Rin .) Doll. & Rowley '" Ncoporteria
,\ . jolmsiJI,,'i(l'alT) lIen"m '" Echinumastusjohn sonii (P:tIT)'1 ( un'ispina (lI"rt.) Don. & Rowley.
1Ia'1. N. (u ,":ispina t,. ilndirola (Rill.) Don. & RowlC}' '" Neuroneria
X.lrrlul/uanG (Uocd.) Knuth = Gymnocacrus knulhianus (Bocd.) eun'ispi na (Bert.) Don. & Rowley.
f:lkbg. N (Urt'ifpinu 1'. ("(Jrr&..I/f1I,;s (Rin.) 1)011. & Rowley'" NcolJoOrteria
,\ mdl,w""llii (Rebut eX Quchl) !I.1~. ,\lnon: = Thd'lCa~"IUS I",uralcnsisv. C'Jrriz:l1cns;s (Rill.) 11. •.\1. Fcll]mall.
macdu,,"c llii (RchutuQuchl ) C. Glass N (U,,:ifpina I'. l'I"hinus (Ritt ,) Don. & Rnwk,)' '" NCOIHlrtcria
1\ mlln(Jmmsif (1lrslerj Iknson = Echinomasnls mariposcnsi~ tthinus (Rin.) R..\1.l'fTT)'man.
lleslrr N. (Urdf/lina t'. .«Iral'(lliai (Ritt.) I)"n. & Rowley'" Ncoponcria
,\ Q</Drala(llord.) IJkbg. '" Cllmarini;\od"r-~la (\loo;:d.) Bux IfJrJ'"Cnlai (Rin.) R..\\. Ferryman
,\, psro,wpm/nala (llkbg.) ,~ nd~n<On ,... Turbi nicarpus N. nm';5{"·,,a t'. ilrinritiriuna (lJkbg.). Don. & Rowlc)' '" Ncoportcria
pscudopecti nalus (Ilkbg.) GI:lSS & FOSler ffi:ioriehiana (llkbg.) 11.,,\1. l'er'1man.
,\". pullnntanG Ilkbg. = Coryphanc ha pull cincana (Bkbg,) Glas.<>. N. (Urtirpina Z'. lilJ(J((lf/Ni (Rin.) Don & Rowl~)" '" Neoportc ria
1\ . salim' (lIoed,) Knuth '" Gymnocaelus sallcri (Bo.:d.) Bkbg l"IJnispina (Ekn.) Don & RO\\lc)·.
216 \H)I'URH,KI\ - \OTOCIcr us

\ . tur;:;;pllllll'. /,am;/nu;l (Min.) [)on. & Mo:w.ley '" Ncoportcria ,v. rri(An 1'. rnmri fl. amx,,'fNI (Rin .) DUll. & itow1ey '"
lr.msill·nsis (Rin.) R..\Lhrryman. Ncoponcria rdchci v. acrocarpa (Rill.) R.,\1. Ferry'"'"
\ . a;r;:'lpIIIII 1'. ;'lIlInulrfnJ'l (Rill.) DUll. &. RU"k) '" NcollOrl eria :\', rrirAri \\ rrimri fo. (lI",roj/QrtI (Kil.) Don. &. Ro:w.1e) '"
,'alicn:lrensis (Rin.) R.,\!. Fcrl)man probablch)brid
\. rnouphll/~ (m bg.) !(l/SN 1)"11, & R''''k) '" Neoponcria od icri S mrhn \'. rn{h,; fa. J~np"l"" (Ril\ .) l>tm, &. Ro"le) '"
\. rn:tllcobt:1 (Rin .) R..\!. I'nl)'man. Neoponcri:t reichd (Seh.) Bkbg.
\. mouphu/IIl". ~/allrrsmf$ (Rin.) 1).111. &: Ru\\lr) '" Ncopuncri:\ .\. 'rithri I'. rnm" fa. /(mbrkri (lJlbg.) Don. 8.. Rowie) '"
,,,,'hi nus (Rin.) M..\!. l'clT) mlll. NcollQrtcri a rcichei (Seh.) Bkbg.
\, fobrtma (;\ Iied!.) Ilkhg. "stJtus doublful ,\. m(nri I'. rrimrifo· nromm" (Il~bg.) I)on, &. R""k) =
\. fiu(U (\ IU<'lll l' f.) Il. &. It '" .Ul11~ doubtful. Ncoportcria reichd (Sch.) Don. &. itO\\lc)
\. p,wrpha/a ho '"' Ncoponcria nidus ". gcI'tK"C11haia (ho) Rin. ,\. m·mri!'. ,n(hri fl· PS(fIJorrir/t" (umb. &. Blbg.) Don. &. Rowle)
.\. mlmntil,,, (Rin.) Don. & ROllle) '" Neoponeria ClIldcrJna '" Ncoponeria reichi (Seh.) IJkbg.
(Rill.) Don. & R(mk) ,\'. m/m D"". & Ru\'k) '" Nc"ptJT!cria jus,icu; ", wagcn klll~hf;i
\. il/ilynllill'. ';/aynllufu. h",,-iry/mJril"!1( Rauh &: Ilk hg.) I)on. & (Rill.) Hoffm~nn .
it,,,,""} - NCOI",rtcri:l isb~c n sis (FOCI'S!.) Don. 8.. Rowlc). X. roImsra Rill. '" Neopor!eriatoimasc nsis,". robusla(Rin.)Rin
\. 1>/~J'nIlll 1~ ,,/u)'f'Ims fa. ![I'lIndij/omu (Rauh & Bkbg.) Don. & N. rupirola (Rin.) Don. &: Rowlr) '" Nl'Oport~ria laltalensis Il ulch.
it o\\lc, = Ncuportcri:l islaycnsis (Foerst.) Don. & Ro:w. lc~. ,\ '. swpanll (Rill .) Don. & R""lc~ ,., NCU1","c ria caldcrnna (Riu.)
\ . ll/lI),nms 1'. illu),fflSis fa. millo' (Ilkbg.) [)OO, & Ro"ky = Don. &. RO\\lc, .
1\\'''ptJrt''ri" isb)c nsis(!,,,.:rsl.) l:Hm. &. Ro,, ]c) Y. srni!;s( l'hil.) IJkbg. '" Ncoportcria nidus (Sohr.) B. &. R,
\ . 's/a),ffl$/l 1". Il/a)"{Jni, fo. molln/ilnnis (\"1'1.) Don. & Ro"k\' = S. kJliabilis I'. nllpmll (Rill .) '" Ncoponcria sociabilis Rill.
NCOI'"ncria islaycnsis (l'oersl.) I>on. & it o:w.l ey, 1\ '. subaillna (lIkbg.) Don. &: R(lwle}'" Ncoptlrtcriag:Lmwnlai
\ ;111I),mlis:". ;s/aymsis fl. sp;mmo' (Rauh & Ilkbg.) Don. &: (Rill.)R.M. FelT)man
R""Ic~ = NCU1"'rtcria isbyensis (11.>1'1'>1.) Dun. &: Ro"lc). 1\: s~bg,blH!fa 1". mimJs/Mrma (Rill .) Don. & ito"lq = Nco])()rteria
\ /,m;rr{>S Rin. '" Neoporlcria ,~ nosa ('\\on'·.) Berg. microspcmmRill
\ /inJ/q, (Foe,.,.l.) ))on. & Ro" le!' '" Neojlortcri~ isbycnsis 1\'. suhpbhosa I'. nt"¢homd.l (lIkbg.) Don. &: Muwlc) '" Ncol'oneria
(ForTS\.) DOll, & R,,,,ie! nigrihurrida (Bkbg.) mbg
\ . bwr~"s &. ,'. ""~m,d,~ Ril\. ~ Ncol'oncria subgibbosa ( 1~1".) N. s~bgibhosll ,'. M'rnlalil Rill. '" Ncoportcria slIbgibbosa (lIa".)
II. &. R R&R
\ . murA"unu 1'. IUII/'Ilsi, (Rin.) llon. & RO\\Ic)' = NCOjlon cria '\ . ,uiltibbimll'. subfjMosafil. (IISlan", (Rill .) Don. & Ro"l~) '"
marhiana (Rin.) Don. & Ro" lc). Ncuponc ria slI bgibbosa \', caSlanea (Rin.l it ..\!' l-'( lT)m~n.
,\. m;ffl}spmnn ... gmdllnu Rin , = NCOllQrtcria microspcmla Ril1. 1\: fubt,ibhosafa.liiorflii; (Rin.) Don. & Ro\\le) = Ncoponeria
X. mim)Spmnu 1". ~allll Ril\. " Nl'(lpo rtCri:l rnierospcnna Rin. subgibbosa (Haw.) IJ. &: R
\ . mO"Ir-Rmd~n/lis (Bk bg.) Don. &. it O\\ le! '" Ncoponcri;1 od icri ,\. lubnifu/(flla Uac.) Don. & Rowley = Ncoportcria hurrida
,'. monlc-lIm;lrgcnsis ( lIkbg.) 11. ..\1. Ffrl)man. (Rrmyex Ga!') D.llunt
\. mU/llroiQr Rin. '" NCUllQrlcria nidus '"' mUllil"lJlor (Ril1.) .\: lubnifu/(IIII1l".lIlrln:inilis (Rill.) Don. & Ro"le) " Neoportcria
Iloffmati n. alw"iridis (Rill.) R.,\ !. Ferl)man
\ nupmll 1", 4mi/!",n.n. = Neo)lOr!cria napiM \". r~n khau5Cri S. IlIbniSU/(fllfl t·. a"'Wlfl (Ril\') Don. & Ro"le) '" Ncopuneria
(Rill.) 11..\1. Ferry'man horrida (Rcmyex Gal) D, Hunt.
\ . na/lm~ ... milts (PhiL) D<m. &. Ro"1c) = Ncoponcria nal)ina IY. lubrris~kllill ,'. ruprral41 (Pos.) Don. &. R()\\ic) '" Nwpol1cria
(Phil.) Bkbg. horrida (Reml'ex G~)") ]).I lu nt.
\. Ifdpm~ 1". mil;! fo. K/~brrsm/S (Rill.) Dun. & Rowle)' '" N. I~brn'sukala 1". MIlSID (Rill .) DOli. & RO"k) '" Nl'OIJoOrtcr;a
Ncoportcria nal'ina (I'hil. ) Hkhg. hurri,Ja (Remycx Ga)") D. HUll!.
\. If~pma r. Splllln';~r ( B~bg.) Doo, & Ro"lc)' = Ncoporlcria N. l~brriluklllD II 'WililIW (Rin.) 0011. & RO"'Ie) '" Ncoponeria
n;'l'in:o (I'hil.) mbg horrida (Rem)" cx Ga)") 1). llun!
\, lI~pmu ". sp;nw;Q, fo. /n(/!btsti (Ilild.) Don, & Rowley = ,Y.l'{1l1m"""sis Rin. '" N~'ol)()rtcria "'agcnkncch ti i
NC"I'()rlcrianapina (l'hil.) llkbg \'. ,·allcnart:lIsis (Rin.) Hoffmann.
\. niJul1". malund/Mna (Rill.) NeoptJncria nidu s (Sohr,) B. & R. ,Y. lI'Ilgmht«hliil'. IIl/plnU Ri1\. '" NcolJoOncri3w3gcllkncchlii itin.
\ . lfiJllsl srnili! (l'hiJ.) Dun. &. RQ\\Ic) '" NCOl'orlcria nid us
(Sohd Il. So. R. '\·9"""1f/H.iA:(lI~inata( lIkbg.)Kladiw:l&:lIu~.'"
\: m.{r;lwrritia 1\"1". major (j minQ' (Ilkbg.) Illbg. '" Nc()portcria Tu rbinica rpos l'st:udolICctinatu s (Bkbg.) GIO\SS&. Foster.
ni!:r;h()rri,.b ~ m llg.) Ilkhg. K.nudr;;JQII,,( ,\loell.) Kladi,..Ol & Ilux. '" Turbinicarpus
\. oJorij/UI'il (Rill.) B~bg. - Ncoportcria horrida (Mcmy ex Gay) I). '"llldczianus (:\ locll.) Glass & 1'0,Ier
.\. piii!pma &.fl. PI't:"'Il(tJ (Kin.) l)un, & R()w l~)' '" NrtJl)()rteria NQ/(xllltUf //lUlus itin. = NOlocaelos ollonis (Lehm.) Ikrg
ClIldcrnna (Rill .) D()n. &: RO\\!r!. .\'. lIg>i(/M"an \liel '" NotOC:1cluS C'Oneinn us( l\lonl.) Ikrg.
\. fH"yraphis (rf~iff.) mhg. = ?Ncoponeria 'illosa (.\Ion". ) !krg. N. alaeriportan us (Ilkbg. &: \'011) Ilux.see under NOUl<.:acl us
\. '41pl/tm itin.lul. '" Ncoportcri:l wage nkneehlii Rill. bucnckeri

N, allosiphon Marchesi see under No!Oeaetus mammulosu s Onryaljl«;rJ, with tht ~.ceplionof OroJ'a horchersii are all
," nJmmf(Ar.) lkrg. = NOlOcaL"fus mncinnus(,\ lonl·.) ikrg. refcrable 10 Oro)':!. per\lIiana (Sch.) IJ. & R.
,\.artU"hnilrl Riu . " No tot:aetuscrassigibbus Ritt
o\". lIrmlll1'11lrlll, (Speg ,) Hen. = NotOClletus ottonis (Lchm.) Ilerg. PllrodillllpIJlll flrandl " l'anodia "~~'flalha Rill,
,\ ·. blnuulI'ianus'-:l.n \1itt = Notocac rusoonci nnus (,\ Iom·.) lIcrg. P. Qgrt"f)Q Wesk nOm. pM'. '" Panodia dichroaC",mtha Uf:lnd! &
N. brcvihamata (lEge,) Ilu~. s<:e NOloca~1us bucnckeri (Buin.) Wcd
Bu.. P. lllllhkl)'MIlisllf:lndt = Parodia microspemm (\\"cb.)Speg.
1\ ' i-omrt;n"an\1iel " Notoc-..etu s ooneinnus (;\lom'.) lIcrg P. applanllia Brandl = \'arod iaschwcbsia na (Werd.) llkbg.
,\" ((JmprJlmms Rin. '" NOlocaelUs ottoni s (t ehm.) Berg. 'I'. alro;;iridis' Bkbg. = Parodia microspt:nna (Web.) Speg.
\ CllfmnhtulIsis Buin, & lIn:d. _ NnloC:1(:tus OItonis ,'. tortuosus P. llurihnmlllll hon . = Parodiaaureispina Ilkbg
(Li nk & Otto) Ilcrg. P. htMhbrrt;WIII1 UrJnd, = Parodia OIUJ'c nsis Rin
1\ '. trl1lUlIiUS Rill. - No toc-..etu s coneinnus(,\ lom'.} Uerg 1', Mlillln Brandt = I'anodia ma:l.~sii (Heese) lIcrg.
's. rn:;(!' = Notocaclos "ccnianu s'1In 'liet P. btTmrjonu;s Ur.mdl = Parod ia msassii (Hee1;C) 1k1i.
\. rrylhfWll1llhus & hl. & Bn:d. = NotO<."'9.ctus mammulosus P. Mllniana Ritl. .. Parodia microspt:mla (Web.) Speg.
(I~m.) f1erg . P. bilhtumtlil Card. = Parodia tanlcnsisCard.
•1>.'. rUU1!lIu "an \1iet = Notocactus \"Cc nianu s ,-an \liel. '1'. Mudi' : catalogue name.
N. jlOTT(Omus (Ar.) Uerg. = Notocactus mammulosus (t ern.) Berg. P. brmalil Rill. = Parodia miguillcnsi.~ Cnd.
I>. .tlaudnm Ritt . = No\Ocactusot{Uni s {I.ehm.} Berg. P. ((/illmQ Il r.llldt = Parodia ocampoi Card
,I>. ~ulnril Rin. '" NOh..:actus ottonis (Lchm.) Berg. P. (amargrns;s Riu. = Parod ia maassii (He<:'sc) Ilcrg.
.1>.'. hDml&nlanUf Ritl. = Notocactu s ottollis (Lchm,) lIcrg. I'. ((/Jtlbklftmll Rin.lI.n. = I'arodia maassii (Heese) lkrg.
.\' lbimimsis = Notocaetus ott oni s (uhm.) Ikrg. P. (Ud/dala Urand! = hut\. hrbrid .
. \'. inromplus' : NOIocactus ottollis (Lehm.) Ilerg P. (Ilpil/ilan!!is Br.mdl = Parodia spqr.. zziniana Bra ndt
,I>..wln-imll Rin. = Noto:..:actusottoni s (uhm.) Berg. 1'. fllrlljldriana Ilrand l = Parodi a foml0sa Ril! .
.!\'. link;; (Lchm.) Hen . .. Notocaetus ou onis v. tortoosos (Link & 1'. ((/rdmllsii Rill. = I'arodia fonnosa Rin
Ouo) Berg. P. flJr7rlinal(J Bkbg. '" Parodia microspcnna (Web.) Speg.
N.megalanthu sSchl.& llred.""eunderNotOl'aCtu s P. ((/m'mnaCard , = slalUsdoubtful
mamnmlosus(l .... m.) Ikrg. P. (IJ5/dllfll Rill. = PArodi a m!laSsii (I leesc) Ikrg.
IY. m~powm'rus 0sI. cx Hen. = NOlocattus ottonis Y. tortuosus P. ((lillmarmuis Bkbg. = I'arod ia microspem';I (Web.) S~g
(Li ok& Ono) lIcrg. P. murllXllTPi' Rill. = \'arodia formosa Rill.
\ . IIImilllus Fric& KreUf_ = NotO<.llCluscaespitos usSpI'J:. P. mnlldmllrcDna Urandt = Parodia procera Rin
'X mu~lIfT-IIIMllm' Fric '" status doublful. P. (hin'mPJllralla Il randt = Parodia fonnosa Ril1.
'.1\'. muwhnnus' : Notocactus horstii Rin P. mwl'Ol"!lrptt Rilt. : Parodia micmspenna (Web.) Speg.
,11,'. mu{tl(Olllllu! Uuin. & Ured. : Nowcactos Cflnci nnu s (~l()",.) I'. dlllimsis Ritl. = Panodia maassii ( H et~) Berg
,.~ P. COmMa Riu. = Parodia rniguil1cnsis Card.
X.nroJ,un"J:m·Riu . .. No tocactuss ucineusRin. P. compmSll Rin. '" Parodi" ocam poi Card.
N. nigrispin us(St:h.J Uuin. Se<:' und~rNotocaclus kninghausii P. roIMdfrnsis Uran d! = I'arodia a)'oparllna Card
X orlhQ(nlhus (Link & Otto) I len. = sla!Usdoulxfu! P. (ruli-lIit;ri«lflr~ (llrie) Sub. = Panodia fau stiana Bkbg
X onhlU"lmlhus f(IIfU ,'an \1i~1 = Notocaetus mammulosus P. rulpillrnsililrandt : Parodia sublerranca Rin
(I,.chm.)llng. "1'. d"rispina' = caIJlogue name.
X. OllonlS t, l'(11(lusla~m St:hue~ = or:inge Aowered ~hon. of p, «hillill Ri lt. = Parodia miguillcnsis Card.
Notocm:lusotlon is. 'Po rHitiana' = calOloguc na mr. 1Parodi a pnteera
,\ . IttrClmmus Iluin. & Ilred. ,... Nmocactus otlonis (uhm.) Berg P. rW!rislll llf:lndt .. Pa rodia pu nae Card.

"' •.
N. fJl<mfXanul (Speg.) Ilkbg. : NOlOCl1elU S mammu losus (Uh m.)

N , piUllUI St:hl. & Bred. = Nowcactus wcnianus '-an \~icl.

V. psrutbJhmm !luin. = Notocae(os herteri fa. pscudohcncri
1'. rklla llr.tndl = Parodia "yop"),,,n,, Card
I'. r/qjlnl I'ecbs. n.n. : 1'lII"odia microspcnna (Web.) Speg.
"p, lTiod=' = Parodi" schwebsiana (Werd.) llkbg.
P. nylhran/h(J {Speg.} llkbg. = Parodia microspcnna (Web.)
(Ru in.) Hrnn Speg.
IV. puh'mllius "lfl \1icl = dumping fonn of Notocaclus crinaccus P.NIl)'(Jfhrnsis(\'pl.) ll kbg. = I'arodia maassii (11e.-se) Be rg
110\\ P.fiTllliuimll Br.tndl '" I'arodiaotuycnsis Rilt
,V. pU'fJurrus Rill. ,... Nou)C'~ctus horslii Ritl. P. fridQII~ Il ra ndt = Parodi" steulllcri (Wwd.) llkbg.
N. S«IITT/uhmul~lus Rill . '" NOtOCllCl\lS OMonis (I,.chm.) IJerg l'· fuk-isp;1II1 Rin, = Parodia maassii (l'leese) Berg
N. SUhlllQmml,/osuf (l..chm,) Bkbg. = NOIClc:1(:tus mammulosus 1', pbbulolll Rilt. = Parodia gibbulosnid es Urandt
(L~h m.) Berg. P. P§ln/!Il I'ric Cl Kr.tinz = Parodi" stcumcri (\\'erd.) Bkbg
,\. IlIhukiris (Cds tX Seh.) Ikrg. '" Notocactus ooncinnu s (:\\on'·.) 'P. gigan/(Il\·.jujuJalll1' = Parodia spcgal~ in iana Ilr.tndl
Ikrg. P. glisdtrwarptt Rill. : Parodia microspemm (Wrb.) Speg.
X. Irnmrylmdrirus Rin , = Notocactus ClIcspitosus Speg. 1'. ",mmfllna Ileinr. = Parodia stcumeri (We rd.) llkbg.
X. ~~ntllTi \"an 'liet = NOlocaclUs ,'cenianu s ,'3n \lie!. P.patilis Rin. '" I'arod iaocam poi Ca rd
218 PlllOlJl\ _ l't"I ~Cll'IIUR\

I'. r.ulflmifrm Ukhg. & \ 01, '" Ucoclrnannia gummifcra (l3kbg. & ·P. rIlIlKh;i' Ulbg:. '" Parollia 3ureicentr~ lIkbg:.
\ ·ol.) lJ uin. 'I'. ri';J,,'lllbg. '" l'anHlia lIidmJ:ll.... nlh:. 1I•.mdt.
'l',gul~kun/llllnl1' Ulbg. = l'arodi;l Slcurneri microspt::rma (Weh.) /'. npdispinll KrJiru. I'anldia sccumcri (\\CN.) IJlbg:
Sro:g· I'. nopa~drnsis IJl1Indl = hon . hybrid.
1'. hfl(lg(ona Br.mdl " 1'31"O(Iiamaassii (lkcsl")lkrg. /'. nllm·lluin. '" Pan>d ia m33s"i; (]lec;o:) Berg
'/" hir.umllJ$' '" Ulal,ogu~ namc. P. rillm 1'. {J~rirrtl;s (Rill .) KrJiRJ. '" I'amdia nl:l:.s~ii ( Ilc~",,) Be rg.
1'. IdwU/ lJnndl '" l'amdi :1 "Ius~nsis Riu . /'. robu!lllulJnOI~ Rill. n.n. P~rodia sublemmc3 Rill.
/'.IJnQrmo Hnndl '" I'"rodiaoclmr'oi Card /'. roslrum-Jp(mla Bl1Indl = Parudia maassii (I kesc) Ikrg
/'. jl'pmmal'ricnSub. = SUlmooublfui. 'I'. rn/t(l/ihlimaIQ' Ulbg. z I'a",di~ mierospcnna (\\cb.) Speg.
'I'. bliullalla' llkbg, '" ,1011" doubtfuL l'<sold:lSlbis~reusuall! /" rn~,Ju Rill. '" Parodia IIma ssi i (!I~~",) Bcrg
I'~rud;:{ fauslian:. P. rn~n(nIlTQ lIkbg. !';.nKlia ",cumeri (\\crd.) B~~g.
1'. hllzn Ilnndl - P"rodi .. ma,~~si; (I'] ecse) Ikrg 'I'. rnhnjlol'll·lIkbg. ~ l'arodi'lsanguini l1oml'riccxlllbg
P. }wllrts/,mu IJ l1Indl = hon, hybrid. I'. nifidihlimato Rill , n.n. = l'~",dia micfl)spt::mla (\1 cb .) ~pt:g
/'. &I1su,kana Bl1Ind t .. l'arodi a luoc....,,,!:lIa C<lrd 1'. S/illlmms BrJndl '" 1',mKli:l~ubt"rrdn(" Ri tt
/'. lampro;pma Bl1Indl '" Pam,Ji:. maassii (Ikrso:) l1.,rg. P. S/ilmQn(1i BrJnclt SlalU~ doublful.
'I'. Ifionrn>J)' = c~IJloguc nam~. ~ 1':lrodi:. maassii I'.Wl/atdSla (Frie) \Ig!. = l'arod i:1 microspcnna (\\eb.) Speg-
P. ¥Iima Brandl '" p<ll"O(l i3 col umnaris Cml /'. Ilhu(t:.iuoJaio "' l'arodi aslc umeri(\\crd.)Hkbg
'1'.lil'nnS<1· " ("Illogu~ name . •\lissrellingofnn1 CnlT): P. J(O{JllOl,m IIkbg:. '" l':m Kl ia 3urcispinallkbg.
I'. Ifl/m~Ulllrandl '" ]',.rlldiall,::nl1]H>i Card I'. I(Q{Jlln~ Rill. '" Parodia slcumcri (W~rd .) mbg
P. maliSlIl 1'. /lImmulllns (Rin.) Don. & Ro"lc~ = Parodi" "P. Jr/Ji/,rnl;J' c:llaloguc name.
com mulans Rill. P. Jtpflrllia IJr:lndl 0= Pnrodiacehinopso;dcs IJnlldl.
1'. mllaml:". rommMam fo. mllxima (Ri n.) non. & Rowlt), = Pal"O(lia I'.wifrra Bl lIg. " !'''TlKlia micnJspcrma (Web.) Sreg
n1a~im:. Rill. (sec under 1'. rollll11ut:ms Rin.) P. stllSpma Rill. '" P,{mdia fonnos:1 Rill.
P. IlUlIiSSlI 1', su~lmu~(iI (Rill.) KrJinz '" Parodia SU blCrrJnCa Rin /'. SQlumll)'IIr<'1lSIS Rin. = .' I'arodiaot u)cnsis Rill .
1'. maadnowlJrJndl '" I'arodi a mib'l,i llensis Card. /'. s{Jllnisa Ul1Indl = I'arodia mierospt::rma (\\rb.) Sreg.
I'. mallhnilll/u lleinr. " slallisdoubtful. "- spm(JJJ1 Ill1lndt " I.on. b~brid
P. 11I3.~i m:. Rill. ""e under 1'3rodi" commUians Rin P. splrrrJ<'1IJ Card. '" SlalU, doubtful
I'. mll::Al/<'1ISIS n.n. = Parodia riui~nsis Rin. & \\"csk. p, strrrflJpmlllll1lndl 0= Parodiaoluyensis Rin.
P. mrnJCJlnllljrand! " Parodi:, maassii (Heese) Berg 1'. sunms;J Il'J~dt '" Parodi a lubcreulam Card
I'. mtsfmbn'nll lll1lndl = '1':ll"O(lia fcch sc ri' Ukbg I'. suptr/la Ill1In.lI " l'anKlia miCTlIS]H:nna (\\cb.) Spcg
I'. mirrothdt mbg:. '" l'anKli" l11irruspc nna (\reb,) Sreg. I'. SUprtmO Rill. " I'arodia ma3ss;i (lke,c) B~rg.
I', minlllUl Br~l1dt '" ]'3nKli3 schwo:bsiana (Wnd ,) Bkbg. 'I'. IlI/ims;I' Illbg. '" P"rod ia sangui ninora \. wmala Rill
P. millll1Ul RauSI.'h = P:.rodi" minuscula R~usch P. IlllMlllis Bl1Indl ~ Parodi R nmcmncislm (Sch .) \1 losl.
P. mironJa IJr~ndl = hon. h)brid . 1'. la'<I~Ij{Jno Card. = slants dllublful.
I'. m"hrii Hr~ndt " l'an,dia alln:iccnlr.. lJlbg 1'. Ihidronllllr.lndt ~ 1':.nKlia rl13assii ( Ik~sc) B';rg
'/" m"II"(lin~' ~ I.'at.luguc .lame. P. Ih;onalllha BrJudt = l'arod i" milTO!;pcnna {\\cb.) Sreg.
1'. MMIlMislllbg. = Parudia;wn:;s])inambg. 1'. tilwmtsis (\Icrd. I\. Illbg.) IIkbg. '" I'''n>dia slcllmeri
P. I/t'fhlll Brandt '" P:mKlia eum:lmpana Card. (\\crd.)lJkbg
I', "t'fI<'flnj,fnBl1Imll = l'an.dial'f,rnam]"",,, r.ard 1'.liIlJl\\'esk. = !'aI1Kl i" limnl)!;a Rill.
/'. ni~T(Y~ IIl11nd! ~ l' anKli:. sublcrr:mo::. Rin . /'. IQjIJ<'1I';S Bl1Indl = Parodia ma~§~i; (I kesc) Ikrg.
I'. oblUW Rill. = l';lrodi:, romm ul;ms Rill, /'.trrMntlJ(U$laIDRiu. = I':lrotliaeehinupsoidcslll1ln,1I
1'. olll;·iQnaCard. = P:mKli:lI1la.1ssii (I 1t:t'se) Ikrg. 'I', Itlbtr('JiIOli-roJlllla ' mbg:. = l'anKli a mienlSJI·cn11a (\\ ~b.) Speg.
1'. {J<uhJsa IIl11ndl = I'arodia fonn()S;l Rill 1'. udvlmonmanu Rill. - l'anKlia rnicrospc n na (\\'eb,) Speg.
I'. pa/XIK/l]('1/1i Bl1Illdl "' l'arudia micro"~nn" (Web.)Sreg, /'.uhhgiunilllkbg. = l'arodiaaureie<:nlrJlIkbg.
I'. /XITllplllJ<'1IJisSreg. '" . t.lusdoublful. 1'.1'Imirolor Rill, = l'ar,ldiaaurei('CmmlJkbg.
P. paTt"llla Bl1Indl '" Parollia lonnl)!;:! Riu . /'.wtbrrWidnlJl1Indt = 'Ialusd{)ublful
P./'"Pina IJTandt = PArtHlia maassii ( lite... ) Ikrg 1'. lJ'(S('llmP'UnU Kr.i,ulla (.. Spano"sl) ~ I':trooia microsl>crma
'I'. pmr,'uma' = ,Iatu,dollblful (\\'cb.)Spcg.
/'. pillziu",m \\'t·.~. = I'"rodi :! horrida IJl1Indl. 1'.JilIlJ{Jllr=lurd. '" l'arodiaOlu)'e nsisl{in.
'I'. poIOSII/d' = Cltlalogue ?P,uooia mMs~ii. I'. Ullt1MIN~4 Bl1Indl = I'amdia subtcrr.. nca Riu
l',ps(Udoo]OfNlJ,mIlCard. " l'arollia ayo]la)'auaurd 1'.::Rhm\·aSlju. ", pa"Klia]>unac ('.ard.
/" pSfudupfrJ((fu IJnlldl " !'anKlia p"'cer.. Rill
'1'. (IS<"t/mlmmm' Ukbg-. '" Parodia sicumeri (Werd.) Ilkbg. P,dUKtIl/US bTllJyi r. /:nowllonii ( lknSf'~ ) IJk~K. '" !'cdioe"clus
I'. pJn,dIJSllblm~n(1l Brandl = hon. hybrid knowllOnii Iknson.
I'. purpurrfl-IIU1'(1i Ri n. '" Parodi:! fonnosa Rin.
I'. pusilla IJrandl = l'arodiafomH>S" Rill /'rkryphorllpsn"kp({l;n~ta Bkbg. '" TurbiniClll'Jlus
I'. qu«hull llrandl = l'anHliautu)·cnsis Ritt psCUdOpcl'tinalu s(lllbg.)' Foster
~EU:C l~H O R ~ _ ~lRRltOC~CTI"S 219

P. 1'lJIJr-i~~a .\locll Turbinica'l'us '"lIJdc~i:m us (.\!oc!L) Glass P. ch(IQpr'lJiJ Rill. = Ncoporleria hurrida (Rem) tX Gra)
& Fosler. 1). llunl
P. r/wrriSfPlJiJ Rill . = Ne()portcri;1 eh""JJSl'nsis (Rin.) D Ull. &
I'hriloJ/Nmro /(/r~nflJ/'" (I'. ngdm.) Il. &. R. = Ma mmill aria Rowle) .
IClr... nci.~lr... I:.ngcl m, P. roli[.u.oJt1lsis Rin . '" Ncoponcria ell ....·ispina (lkl1 .) Don, &.
/"/orf',Ud{JOil loldriJ Rin . .." C~'piapo... solaris (Rill .) Kill p, (lJnjiniJ Ritt. '" Neupurteria <'Urlfinis (Ritt.) Don. & Ro.. lc}
P. mspuJ Rin . .. Ncopomriu crispu (Rill.) Don. &. Rowk'\.
PQtjirrIJWrU'Ilr/ZJ.(Fric) Uoed. = " lammi li ariaCf'lahuil cnsis p. m';:ispinuJ(lkl1.) lkrg. '" Ncoponcria cuf"ispina (Hen.)
(1Iocd.) \!oran IJon. & R(I"lc)
P. Jimorph", Rilt. '" Nl'ul",rtcria jussieoi I'. dirno'1,ha (Rin.)
l',ruJolohu'IQlJnriJirophvru (SJI<:g.) ULbg.= Echinopsis Hoffman.
anciSIT(lp horu 5pcg !'. «hiHUI Rin , '" Nwpon cria cc hinus (Rin.) R . ~I. I'cr~mall
I' (lUff" (II. &. 11..) llkbg, '" Lob,,'ia aurca IJ. & K. I'. mglm' (Rill.) Rill. '" Ncoponcria engleri (Rin .) Don. & Ro"ley.
1'. brJJI"~HS (Ritl.) n~hg. '" fe hinopsis boyui~nsis Rill P. mliJT..oidn (Ril!.) Ritt. '" NC<lportcria crin.• ymidcs (Ritt .)
P. riilluhromil (Card.) ULbg. '" Echinupsis obreJl:utda (5 - 0) Sch. Don. & Ro"lcy.
P. ru/tm.brIJ{urd.) Ulbg. Echinopsis obrepanda \', c:l l or\lbr~ 1'. m'osr-IJJ'JnI', Jumqi"t/(1/JiJ Ritt . '" Ncoportcriueriosyzoidcs
(Cud.) Ra usch. ". dullleyLocllsis (Kitt.) R.J\!.Ftrl)man.
/'. (Qmllnrr>j/DTil Iloffm. & IIkhg. '" t:chinop'i s "hrepanda (S- ])) /'.j/OlWIUS Ritt , = Ne<lpnncriacch inu s ''. noccosa (Rin.) R..\! ,
Sdl. Ferryman
P. [ffliX (Il. &. R.) mbg. '",·;a reM Il. So R, p, jlorr'/tllnJul (Bkbg,) Rilt_ '" Ncoportcria iquiquclisis (Ritt .) Don
/" fitbripi (Guerke) Ukbg. '" F.chinopsis obrepanda (S- D) Seh. & Rowlc)'.
!'.[ranh, 11ost,. - Eehinopsisohrcpallda (5 - 1» Sch I' tl~u«S«flJ Kin. = Neuporlcria cchi ll us (Rin ,) R..\!. h rrymln
P. !Jdm"IIJrilntlr~ (Ilkbg.) Ukbg. '" EchinollSis anlistrop h"rJ Spcg P. [.ianliJ Rill. '" Nl'UllOrtcria ~-ald~"Jna (Rill.) 1)0". & R.."le).
p A'(mI(fJ~" Krai ll7. '" F.chinopsis mami l10sa ". Lcmlcsina P. [.'QnJif/~"'J Rin. '" Neoportcria cuf"iSIJinu '". gf"dlldinorn {Ritt.}
( lI: ... illl) FritdOl D(ln. & Ro"k).
!'. J:ra/Olh,;[,,,na (Hkbg.) Blbg. = Echin()I,sis a n~~stn'phord 5reg I'. hri~richilJnul (Illhg,) Kiu . = Ncul'''rteria heillrichiana (Ilkhg,)
I' /trorir,uiJ (Card.) IJkbg. = Lobi ';a rerox I!. & R. R..\!.F,'n)'rnan.
1'./(II(lJrl""dt.mtl'Q( Bkhg.) Bkhg. = Eehillopsisa ncistn'phum5reg P. homJ", (Rcmy ex Ga}) lIkbg. = Neoportcria horrida (Rem) c~
P. /MPJpm~ (B. So R.) BLbg". '" Lobi"ia rcrox \'. lungispillu G3)') D.llutl!.
(II. &. R.) Rausch I'. h"~smtsjJ Kitt . = NcolKmcria hua..ccnsis (Rill .) Don. &
I' /ulnjlo'd B~bg. '" Lobi"ia ~ u rca (Il. & K.) BLbg RO\\!I')-.
I'. oh"f'iJnik (5 - 1)) IIlhg. ~ t:chinJJps;sohrcp:mda (5 - D) 5~h. P. mlrTltmlt/1J Rilt . '" Nwportcria caldemn a (Rilt.) Don. &
p, oJ'IJZIJUl"" (Rill.) BLbg. = Echinopsis m:llnillos~(j uerLe Ko"I.,.
P. {><1mrluubis (lJkbg.) IJkbg. '" Echinopsis ancistroJlhom 5fJ<'g. 1'. jussi(/,i ("I"n'·.) Kin. = Neoponeria jussicui (~ I on'.) II. & R.
I'. po/)'Qnrillr~ (Hkhg.) Ilkbg. '" F.chinopsis a nd slrophor~ Sreg. P. hln.:::n (Form.) Ito '" Ncopurtcria kunzei (F""rsl.) Bkbg
I'. potvJma (lInd.) B~bg. = u Jbi,-ia re ro_~ B. & R. 1'.llIIlIlritTIlil Ritt. '" Neuporleria limariensis{Rin.) K. ,\ !
I'. ro)DJil(Card.) llI,bl[. '" Echinopsisobrcpanda (5 - 1) Seh Fe!T)man.
1'. Ib,alal"",a (Card.) Bkbg. '" Echinol'sis obn.'I,anda (5-U) Sch. P. lIIIlrb"ianul $.. I'. /untTISJI Rill_ = Nl~'l'Uncria marhiana (Ritt .)
1'_ /v",riIUurnJ;J (Card.) Bkhg. '" Lob;'·ia ame hnaca ntha Don, &. Ro\\'lt).
' _I"""',.""illa.wnsi_(Card.)Blhg P. ntQ/wnl'ranuJ Rill . = Neoponeria lleohankcaua (Rin.) R..\!.
1'_ wilA=: lllbg. '" Lobi"iu rerm ~. longispina (Il. & R.) Rausch Ferryman.
1'. Ol(fJil'" (Sch.) Rin. '" Nc"porteriaoeeu ha (Seh,) II. &: II.
l'y"iltJ(Q(fUJ Q(lJnrap""uis Kin. '" Nl'UJl"neria hurrida (Remy ex P. odorijlonlJ Rill. '" i\'e<'purtcria hurrid3 (Rem) c~ G'J)
Ga}} n . Hunt D.l lunt
1'_ alp,/Ialtd' (50ehr.) Rin. '" Ncuponl'riaaspillagai (Sochr.) Bkbg. 1'. pamanlJJJ Ri t!. '" Neopurtcria J;m~ricn sis (Rin .) 11..,\1
I' aTl(r~si, Kin . '" Ncoportcria i(lu ique nsis (Rin .) lJon. & Rowlf)'. Fern-man.
I' MUD/IIJ Rill. = Nl'UI","cria horrida (Rem) e~ Gal) D. Hunt. P.",,';'roIld!us&,·.I',riJi,(Riu .) Riu. ", NcOportcria l' aucicostala
f' ~/'r,,:rnJJJ Rin_ ,.. Neoponeria alro,-iridis (Rin .) R.,\1 (Ritt.) Don. & Kowk'\
Fern-mall. I'. pilispinuJ Ril!. = i\'''';poncria caldcr~fl3 (Riu.) JJon. & Ro"ley.
f' ralbron~J Rill. '" Ncoponcria C1I lderana (Rin.) Don. &. Rowle)'. P. pllltlrrl/ul Rill . .. Neol'oncria plllt:heUa (Ritt .) R..\I. Ftmman.
1'_ rorriullt1lJis Rin. '" Ncoponcria IOlOrdknsis ' . C'... rri/-llicnsis P. p]tmlJ(llj Rin. = Ncoponeria calderdna (Rill .) l)on. & R;I" lcJ
(Rin .) R..\!' FelT) mali. P. fmmJilUJ Rilt . .. Neuponeria rcwudita (Ri tt.) Don. & Ro.. lcJ .
P ch"Hla,,,,s;J Ri lt. - Ncoponeria heinrichiana (Bkbg.) R.M. P. rt$iJ~m Rin. '" i\'e<,portcria rccondilU (Rin ,) IJon, & Rowley
Ferryman 1'. rolmJIUJ & 1'. ~"«{jJQ n'" Rin . '" NcnllOncria horrida (Rem)" e.~
1'_ rI,i/tTlsis ( iliidm.) Rill. '" NeoJlune ria ehiJcllsis (I [iidm.) Don. & G3}) D. Hunt.
Ko" Ie)-. P. rupjro/UJ Rilt. '" Ncoponeria taltalensis !-I utch

P. 14rifr<if.1H Riu. '" Nwponeria iquiqucnsis (Rin.) I)on. & R.fn·,dnrhuma Rausch ~ ' Rcbutia pygmnca '. friedrichiana'.
R()wl~~ R. fU~Q Rin. " Rebutia speganiniana m bg
P. sroparilH Rin. '" Nroll·oneria caldcrana (Rin.) Don. & ROllle)·. R. twmrriwa Card. ~ Sukorcbmia ginmeri""ta (Card. ) Rin.
/'.j(/tlji}10",S&1·. inlmtlrd"'s Rin. '" Ne"I,oneria .'ClUsin"rd (Riu.) N. tWmrri1pma Card. '" Sukorebulia glumerisllina (Card.) nUIO
Don. & Ro,,1c)·. & Don.
P. smlllltmi Rin. = N('()poM~ria simulans (Rin .) IJon. & Ro"Jc) R'lO"Jianii Kif."S. " Rebutia einsteinii \'. gonjianii (Kits.) l)(on
P. sl<haiut/l/S IJkbg. '" Ncoponcria pmnlUai (Ri n.) R..\1. R. tracilispinll Ritl. = Rehutia pygmaca (l-"ries) I!. & R.
Ftmman R. r,rundifloril Bkbg. = Rebutia minus<'uht \. graltdinllrd ( Il~bg.)
P. ,al/Illmll$ (Hutch.) Rin. '" Ncol)(,ncria taitaJcnsis Hutch. nuin, & Don.
P./muis Rin. '" N~oporlcria taltaknsis Hutch. N, n",w"nlno (llkbg.) Illbg. = Rebutia wessneriana Ikwg
1'. lIJIof~/mJiJ Rin. '" Neuponeria tutumlensis (Rin .) Don. & R, inJl(XIJ(la Card, = SukurchUlia innni.,cta (C. rd.) Don
R... \\lt) R. ijilJ:pu/!msis Ra uS(·h '" ' Rebutia PH(m:.lea \. iSC"d}'achensis'.
P. InmJimJ Ritt. '" Neoporle ria trdnsicns (Ri n.) R.•\1. Ferl)·man. R. I'IIrius/una \\'esSl!. = pink flo\\ered form of Rcbulia "iolaeinorn
P. lrumil",sis Rin. " Ncoponcrialmnsilcnsis (Riu.) R.;\!. Wessn. or Rcbutia marsoneri \\crd.
FtlT)man. ·R. mIlrinra' = Rehulia deminuta (lIeh.) B. & R.
P. lrupi,hmsis Rill. = Ncnponeria eho ...,so:nsis (Ri n.) Don. & R. minu""/Ilfo. "iollJ(ljloru (Bkll-g.) DOli. ~ Re butia \"iolaci nora
Ro\\Ic). U~bg.
I'. mm,Il(iM'a/us Riu . .. NWpoMcria marksiana (Rin.) Don. & R. ""nuliumUl lI.i u." lI.ebUlia sllCgazziniana !l~bg.
Rowley. R. mlUummsis R ~u'\Ch = 'Kebutia pyglllae" ,'. mutlancn,is'.
('.II,/lmsulrolm(Jac.)Jkrg. '" Ncoponeria horrida (Rrm)' ex Gay) R. nt;:;;IJr(tW(tlsis R.usch ~ 'Rebulia ilygtnae3 '. nazarcnoc:nsis'.
O. Hunt. R, n,pi(ons (\\"cssn.) Bkbg. = Rcbutia ritleri (\\eSSn.) lIuin. &.
1'. r"lllJ(nUmlsis Rin. '" Ncoponeria ''l1Ucnarensis (Rin.) Hoffman n
P. l"ll"OIUJ Rill. = Ncoportcria ITeondita\". ,'exata (Rill.)
R. "ilida Rill. '" Rebutia dcminuta (\\"tb.) II. &. R
R. nOf,IJ/(fmns Rin . .. Rebuti... deminula (\\'eb.) B. &. R
/'. u'IIpnrnrrhlii Rin. '" Neoponeria jussieui \". \\"a~nknl"Chtii R.lKUlmaWcrd, = Rcbutia CU3nthcma. (lIkbg.) Buin, .... I)(on
(Rin .) HotTmann R. odamlJ(malt. Rin. = Rrbutia pygmaea ''''. fricdriehian:l'.
·R. olitl1r/QT1I/is' = Rebulial.ygn!:l.en (Fric,) n. &. R
R(/JUI;iI Il/Milrrolm~
Ritt. = Rcbutia demiOlna (Web.) U. & Ie R. pal/ida Rausch = 'Rebutia p)'gtnaca \'. pallida'.
R. almrymllrinr. ex IJk bg. '" ?hon. hybrid R. paltri(lllyr Rin. = Rebulia dcminura (II cb.) B, &. R.
R. urrnlJ«IlCa rd. = SukoTl:buti" arcnacea (Card.) Riu. R. "",,,,Iatll Ilein r. ,. sta!Usdoublful.
·R. bnyll"iibs' '" Rebutia wcssneriana ". ocT)'lIioides (Uuin. & R. psmdominusmla (Sp.:g.) 11. & R. = Rebutia del1linul~ (\reb.)
Don.) Don 11. &. R.
R.binnnroldio7W!leinr. "' mtll5doubtful. R. r~uJd,ii Zcrb, = 'Rebutia stCinm'lOnii Y. !1Iuschii'.
·R. />olin(tlSls' = Rebutia deminuta (Web.) II. & It R. roJ,usliJpina Rin. '" Rcbutia spt:ganiniana IIkbg.
R. b,Q(k)<mlha (Wmn.) Buin. & Don. '" Rebutia steinmann;; R. mb,pnoUi Ritt. = Rebutia dCOlinuta (Web.) B. & R
(Snlm ~-Laub.) B. & R R. ",lilif/oriJ Rill. '" 'Rcbutia pygmaca '. diersiana '.
N. (sjllsmJiJ Rin. '" Reblltia tleminuta (Web.) Il. & R. R. Ulnguinra Ritt. = Rebulia ialla Bkbg.
N. ("Ilianlhll Ikwg. = Rcbutia wcs~neri:ma ". C"dJli"mha (Ikwg.) R. SlJnJlhroidffllerd. '" 'Rebutia einsteinii Y. aUTl:inurd'

N. (ilIIoanlhllt". bnyllioidff lI"in. & ])on. = Rebutia wessncriana
,'. bCr)'lIio;tlcs (Ouin. & Don. ) Don
R. sinKulo,is Rin. = RchuI;a l/adca}cnsis Rausch
'R, sp/oarri .... · = RebuI;a rilleri (lrmn.) Don
R. Mnrhwnsis Ritt. = RcbUli n deminula ( \\~b.) B. & R.
R. amam=tlJlS Rau~h = ' Rebu~ia PH:m"ca ,'. canaCflll.cnsis'. R, IDnj'msis Rausch'" iRcbulia rillcri (WI!SIO.) I)(,n.
R. (af,d;/M Ca rd. = Sulcorebu lia candiae (C3 rd.) Bu;n. & IJon. R, liraqumsil C~rd. = Suk~"cbutia tirJquensis (Card.) Rin.
R. (atlipsrral;iCard. = SulcuTl:bUli"canigucralii (Card.) Ull in. & R, 1000rrmll Card. = Sulcurcbutia IOlurcnsis (Card,) Rin
])on. R. 1I,/InoUl Rin. = RebutiadcOlinura (lleb.) II. &. R.
R. (uru("Ummsurd. sec SulcorebutiacardCarcllsis 5CllSU R ~usch R. rDllrgrllndmsis Card, = Slalu~ doubtful.
R. (hnsJonUl Rausch = 'Rebutia steinma nnii \'. christinae'. R. ,"ulpina Rin. '" Rebut;" SIICg-d~.l.i niana Blbg.
R. dnrrnnma Rau sch = 'Rcbufia stcinmannii ,.. cincinnata' R. ~mm Ra uso:h = Rebutia riueri (\lessn.) Don
R. cimimJis Rin. = Rcbutia ficbrigii (Gue rke) B. & R.
R. roloft<l Rilt, = ' Rebutia p)'l~lllaea ". colon:a'. ·Rrirhroau/IISJlonhu"dw· lIkbg." NWI)()rtcriaicluiqucnsis(Rin.)
N. roslala Wcrd. = 'Rebutia steinmannii ,'. costala'. 1)(>0. & Ro"lcy.
R. J,milmll r. minor Rliusch '" 'Rebltlia pygmaca ,'. dicrsiana'. R. pw<M,rim(tmus Illbg. = Lobi"ia faOlaliOlcnsis (Speg.) Il. &. R
R. M Rauso:h = 'RehUlia PH:mac~ \'. cu,,'.
·R. ffpinoJa(' " Rehutian;II"\'aeccllsis (Card.) Don RodrnlJOphiwallMIlmmsis Rin. n.n. = t:rio,"ycc Inl-gaca'll:l Rin.
R. ",(a/,plan~ (lJkbg.) Riu. = Rebutia steinm:mnii (SoIms-J...:mb.) R. nrrf,ilrorpa Ri lt. n.n. ~ t:rios)"cc mcga('arpa Rin
Il. & R.
R. fi(bripi I'. dmsis(Jil (Cullm.) O<:ser = Kcbutin fiebrigi i (Guerke) RIJjftj(KfusfiJlurulus (Eng.) Ilerg. '" Ariocarpus lissumtu s (Eng.)
Il. & R S<,
KOSfOCACTIJS_ T Hf l . oc~crIJS 221

R. iWlrmud,u, Ilkbg. /I.; Kil . '" Arioc:arllus IissuralUs I'. lIoyd;i S. lubmulalu-d,,)1Dnlha (Cud.) Don. '" Sulwrellulia sici nbachii
(Rosc) !l.nd. (\\'erd.)lJkbg
R.I:(J/i{hcwbqanus(l..em,) Ucrg. '" Ariocarpus kOlschoubcyanus S. un~ispilla Rausch'" Sulwrcburiapurpurca Don.
(Lem.) Sl:h S.l'tJn/xJ,liin, n. = Suloorcburia krucgeri v, holTmannian:t
R, /Io"'i, (Rose) Ikrg. '" AriOC"3 I"JIUS lissur.llus I '. lIoydii (Rose) (ill:bg.) Don.
Md. S. rrrtiri/Ja.anlhu I'. applanma Don, /I.; Krahn '" 'Suloorebutia
Srxhrtmlll brwlril (II. & II..) Ukbg. '" Lohi\";a hruchii IJ. /I.; R S. ,VTlirilltu"(mlltol'. aurriflortJ Rausch '" 'Sulcorcbulia
lar:abucocnsis v.aureiflorJ'.
Scli,'" prelmala (Stein) 1.1. & R, '" Mammillaria peerinifUli (S tein) S. rrrtiri/Ja.anlhQ I'. drmajil/mlll Ckscr /I.; Ured. '" Sulcon:butia alba
Web. Rausch.
SubrtuJlUlcMDurcnliaro (YpJ.) Ilkbg. = MalucanaaUr.l"Iiaca (\"pJ.) S.1"(rlml/fI(ont/'''r.{IIprrllRa""h ", 'Sulcurcburiamarkusii
Ilux v,coprea'.
S. alluiflora (Riu.) ULbg.= Mameana aurcinom Rill. S.m1irilltuanlnQl·.I'(11irosior Ritt. = Suloon:butial·enici llacantba
'S./mgalanm" ", Matucana aurn ntiacn (\p1.) Bux. Rin.
's. ro/madn' = !\1alueana auramiaC".l ('·p1.) flux 's. I,,';ngilrfioitks· .. Sulcorcllulia pam pagrandcnsis Ra u!;Ch
S. (a/;c(s(ms (Kim. & Hutch.) flkbg. ~ l ialuclina auranti:K:a (\'pI,) S. .-anlltllfml"" Ilkllg. ~ Sulcorehuti3 candiae (Co rd,) Bu;", & Do"
Dux. S. ='1&I~ (Cud.) llkbg. '" status doubtful.
S. currutllJaJ""i, (Rill,) IJkbg. '" Marucana auramillca (\'p!.) Bu.
S. formlliil (Rin .) Ilkbl!". = M O IU~-ana formosa Rill
'S, {,T"nJijforo.' '" MaluC".l"a auramiaca (rpL) nux T1td",iJi1Uj bir%r ". "holl" Da,;s ex Illbg, = Thdocactus birolor
S. inlrrtrxla (Rin.) Dkbg. = Malucana imcrlCXla Rin (Gal. ex PfcilT.) l.I. /I.; R.
S, maJilMiorum (llutch.) Bkbg. '" Morucana madisoniorum 1: bir%r 1', larnsi! Hkbg. Mm. in ..a/. = Thclocactus bicolor (Gal
(liutch.) Ro"ln. t:.: l'feiff.) II. & R
S. piJU(T(lIIltJltJ(Ri';.) Bkbg. '" "'alucana pauricO$ta t:a Rill. T. !nwlor l' lri(%r S{h. '" TIldoc3l'tuS bicolor (Gal. ex rfci ff.)
S.riflrri(lluin.)lIkbg. '" ManlCanarillcrilJuin l.I. & R.
T. himlort,. Wfj!l'rrianus (Berg.) Krailt7. '" Thclocaelus Ilicolor (Gal.
SuirortbUlia alln@lI.n. '" Sulcoreburia albissima (Brandt) ex Pfeiff.) fl. & R
l'ilhc~rn, T. ~"«i:,, (Klein) B. I\. R. '" ThdOC"ActuS tulc nsis 1'. bucckii
's. !nm/or = Sulcon:butia stcinbachii (Werd.) Ukbg. (Klein) E.I'. Anderson.
S. {ain,ana (Ca rd.) Don. '" Sulcorchutia Iln:liflora Ilkhg. -r ((mmh~/M ,'. lIII1l,ufllvllii Glass & Foster'" Thclocaelus
~~. romfl(ho,' '" Sulcon:butia lira'lUcnsis I ', bicolorispina Knile macdowdlii (Rebllt exQuehl)C. Glass.
110m. pM' T. plLl'dispinus (Illbg.) IJkbg. '" Thdocactus bico lor (Gal. ex
S.fUp'rIllnn.n. "' Suloon:butiafla\'issimaRausch I'feiff.) l.I. & R.
S.fIa,.,·Ja Brandt '" Sulcon:butia fio\"issima Rausch. -r h=drophoru, ,'.[lI$sull1lu! (Sl:hddw.) 5 - 1) ex I.all. '"
S. luutfroml (eml.) Don. '" Su1corcbulia bre\·iflor.l Bkbg. lnclocactus hcxacdrophorus (Le rn ,) B. & R
S. hofJmunnt~ntJ n~bg. '" Sulrun:butia ~ntcgcri ,'. holTmanniana T. m.{a(alllkUl 1". p!lrmlUS (Lern.) Bkbg. '" T hcloc3ctos
(I.lkbg.)J)(Jn lcuC".lC:Inlhus (Zucc. ex I'feilT.) I!. /I.; R.
's. hNhm,'" "" Su1corcbuti'L bn g~ri N~um. & Falk. Mm. PnfL'. T. k,UlUIlllllt", 1". tandrr:m,junulai (.\ k J'ran) Ilkhg. '" 'nlclocactus
S.lrp,Ja Rin. Sulrorc butia IOIOn:nsis\', lcpida (Riu.) Pilbcam lcuC"JC"dnthus {Zucc. ex l'feiff.) n, & R
~~ J)on. T./wp/li 1.1. & It. '" -llaclOClLttus hcxacdrophorus \'. lIoydii
S. ",m&SII I '. ~Ilm'm,is~. n. '" Suloon:bulia mencscsii (Card,) (1.1. & R. ) Kladiwa /I.; Fittkau.
Buin. /I.; Don. T. Illf'holhd~ (S- D) II. & R, '" -[nd...:actus rinwncnsis (l'OSI'lg.)
S. ",usehit \'asqu. Sulcorcbutia mcncscsii I', muschii (\"asqu.) fI. & R.
T. /llf'hOlhtf(
s'po/ptlotpha (Card,) IIkhg. '" Sulcu.dlUtia stei nbachi;
v. p()I~'m"l"J)ha (("_.:lTd.) l'ilbcam. T.
miu/tJn! (Quebl) Klad iwa & '" Thdocactus
IJ, & R
"",luJar 5alLch~/.-Mej. & Lau '" ThdOC"Actus tulcnsis
S. pu{(lt"" '" incorrecd) published name (orSulco.ebutia pulchrJ matudac (S"nchcz~.\ lej. & Lau) E,F. ,I.ndcrson.
I' ,
(Card.) Don. T. ~"Ml1l1s (Quehl) [I. & R, '" l ndocartus rinconclIsis (I'osdg.)
S, srino,ana\"3S<ju , """,.p""'. '" SulmrehmiakruCgt'ri Il. & R
I'. holTmmminiana (Bkbg.) Don T. phymalolhdm, '-,I,' (POIdg. ex Ruernp,) Il. & R. = Thcl"cactus
's, smilis' = Sulwrcb"tia tirnqucnsis v. bicolorispina KnilC rinconcnsis (Posdg.) B. & R
"om. pM'. T. "'nwllmsis ". lIiiu/alls (Quebl) Gl ass & Fosler'" lnclocactus
~. sr'mbar",.~ t·. {,Tari!,,,r Bkbg'l '" Su1corcbulia stcin-bach ii rinronclIsis (Posdg.) ll. & It

~~ ::~:=;; :';Q7~Q~.lL'Ch (\\"trd.) I)kbg.
S. SU{mlS'S Ritt. n, n. Sulcorcbutia losc ni ck}'ana Rausch.
r rin(onnui, I'. phJ""'I~thdVl (Pose lg. ex Ruernp.) Gla...~ & F"stn '"
Thclo.:actus rinculll'nsis(Poselg.) 1).& R.
T.llln{hr:mqorad4i.\ [C)"ran = ThclOC'Jctusle u<::lcamllus (Zucc.f:1;
S. IllralmsiJ (Card.) ]Juin. & Don. '" status doubtful. PftilT.) Il. & R.
222 TIlIIOc.~cn~ _ ,n"Ii'M ·lI~

T. 14I<ill,", ('\fix-I) Ikrg. '" Thdoe;1<:IU 5 oonothtklS (Rfgd oS. II: .IN.o!JtJ IlrJndt " S1:iIw.dnubtful.
Klein) Illbg. oS. h.nUlh . I\. B~I$I"'" IIr~ndl ,.. S UkoTChulia albissima (lIr.mdl) l'illM:Jn,
l' $(1",.I1,-i; Ilkhg. - Thcloc:lclus bieolur \. sch .... ~rl.ii (B~bg.) II. alf/~lfIi" (lIildm.) IlLbg. - stalUs doubtful.
E,]'.'\nderson. IV /oarkrbrrpunu Bl1Indl " S"korchutia Slcinl"'chi; (\I t id.) mhg.
II' Imuhrp1IfJ/ril4l lIr.mdl \\cingartia llCOCumin~i tI~~.
nr'-f1IIi1'- _~ (Rin.) Rin . Nropllncria reichei II falll'rlll/n,sil IInndl = 'Suk."'UI"Cbulia llIr~huctJcn~i,
• . :acnll'":lrpa(Rill.) R)\. Fenym:m. ". aurei norJ'.
T. JMri,,,/,. (Rill.) Rin. = Nooponcria reichti (Sch.) Blbg, n. tI"u../b· (mbg.) BLbg, - NCIJ\\cn.lcm,~,ltlia chilcnsis m~.
1: tfm"uIJani1 (Rin ,) l(iu, _ Nco!"ortcria esmcra1d:ma (Rin. ) W mUful(k"fH'tfll'J lJrJndl . \\'rinIfJrti~ la":I1~ Itin
I)on. & Ro"iC). H: (/m"ll/i1, '" Sukun:bu liaslei nbachii(\\crd.)mbg
1:fanJ:hul.wri Itin. '" NcOportC ri:l n~pina.•'. fankhauscri (Rill.) H. I'Om"mll Curd, 1971 .. \\'cinp n ia lanala R,II.
I loITrn:mn. H, (Su"""*U/lu) mK(VIr~la I1l1Intll - "~IU' douhtCu!
T. 1Mb (Rin .) Rill - NCllp"ncri~ odkn (I.ern.) IklJ. II: til"",,!', (S - U) \Im!. ",r \\cingania Mocumin,rii IIkbg
T. f}Uminu (Rut.) KIf!. " NCOIlOncria napina (I'hil.) Illb!!:, II. m~...(VI Rill , .. \\'cing'~rli~ nc:ocumin~i ~uhsp. pulqulMn)is
r &.r.", (Rin.) Rm. '" NCIIJIOn eria odicri • . malkllbla (Rin.) (C~rJ.)1.)un.
R.\\.Fcrmnan. 1I.}lunJa IJnnJt '" S ulron:bulia n a,i.'sim~ R~u!t(h
'f: Innhrkn (liLbg.) Ril\ . - NcoIM,rtcria rtichd (Sell.) BLllg. WformDlu IJr~ndl" ~wu,douhl(ut.
T imrP"ljNI Rill. - NeolM,neria odicri (I.I'rn,) Berg II. ![T(l(I/iJpma Rill. '" \\'eingolrtia ncocu minj:ii suhl.p, ~ucn:n~is
r 1fMlIiWilIa So ,'. wllfU"a (Rin.) Itill. .. Nenponcria odieri (Lern.) {Rin.)]}nn.
Ikrg. 'II. "~Jfa' - Wcinpni~ ncocumingii ~ubsp, pulquiocnsis ••
T ~.pllfa (Ph~.) ho '" "c"!,,onena "al'ina (Phil.) mbg. mail'llMnsisDon.
T. wuJa Rin." t\eoponeria n~pina (I'hil,) Illbg. II. ImItn'UIJ IlLbg. '" Wein!::!ni:! ncocnmin~; 'II"",!,,, ~ulT..,n~i ~
'f: o.lirn' (S-Il) Rin . .. Nwponeria odieri (lA'm.) Berg. (Mill .)]}u".
'f: ...,ti,ri (&h.) Rill.... Ne01Mlncria n:ichei (5.:11.) lJ~bg, W ~"';;(I IJrJUdl '" Weinpnia ncul·umin!-';i ~lIbs l" llU1q uincnsis
T. Itflrbrii"ll Rin. '" '\'coponcria n.:il,ina (Phil.) Illbg. (Cud.)1.)on.
II. '-,w/liJ r~rd. '" Weinran~ "cslii Iluh:h
r"IIf(l""'PY"U.nIM(lnglrn.)IJ.S.It .... & lcn>C:"Jetus II . "'pp'" RilL = Wt;npnia Ian~t:I.
f1'Il'yrJ~-antims (I:.n~trn.) Ikn,,'n 'II: """Il1JfalNl'BI1IOOI - \\eing-Jn;anc(lc:umingiisuhsp.
pul(luin~nsis\'. mairuncn)is lAm.
'T"rf,mra''fJul di(/."iiJ","1 _ Turhinica.,.us sc hmiedichBn,,~ II~ "'m~",ltfllii IJrJndl = Wcinpnia nctlCuminlCii ~ullSl"
\ . dick;soniae GI~" So. FO!>lcr. pul'luincnsis (C:lrd.) I)on.
7: fttr.rj/~TJiI Fnnl oS. Lau '" T"ri)inicarpu~ scllmlNidtllflUS n: "'UIIUPIJfIJ Rill. ", Wtinpniancoeuminpisubsp.
\'. na\;llorus(l'nnl: So. Lau)GI:i'>S &. h "ter. pulquincnsis {("~rd.) ])on.
T.f,ltisd!Jrftu~I{\\t"I. )\.John & Rih:i _ G)mnocaclus II . ~a llraoot - \\'einpnia ncocumin,;i 'U~I" .UCTCnSIS
giclsdorfianus (\Ind.) Illbg. (RilL) Dun.
T xriKi/u Gl..." I\. rU,lcr " T"rbini~"l"lU' .• chmicdiekcanus II( nlK'fJ-/uI(ll/llllrandl - .'i ulwrchul;a lir.lquc n~i,{Ca rd.) Kill
\'. !(T'Jeil is (Glas~ & 1'1I:'i1~r) II: ~'tlll~nlhn IIrJndl '" Su lcorcbutia tarijens;, Rin.
T /wrripilMf (L.-m.) \. Jolm &. Rilla '" G,mn"•.":Il"l US huni"ilus n. phlYflllIUl C~n1. '" Wcinllania lanaI" suh~p. I,ilcum:.l)'ocnsis
(ixm.)llltJg. (C~rJ.) !.>on.
T /:I'WtrriaWMI milt!. &. Jacobs. " TurbinicafJIus 'II: p"",,_' ~. R . . . c,mlngu~ name ?\\cinpn;a ncocuminpi
scllmicdidca"u s\. klinlerianus(lllbg.&Juobs.)GI ...'\S& ULbg.
rUS1U II. pul.iumtflllf Clrd. '" Wei0l!:lnia nrocumi ngii ~uh.1'
7: klllllhi~nJll (ltnl:d,) John & Riha ,. Gr"1nOC"~IUs knuthi anus pulquinc".is{Card.) Don.
(lIuo:d.)BLbg. I!: P:n.mllfll Ritt. - Wcinlr.'niu larg liana Itall~h.
T. mmr.::.l4lul (l'ran~) lILIlg. - Turi)iniclorpus I'scudom:ac1"Clc hc1c II: ""1:ll1ouk>rjijRin. = \\'ci ug'Jrtialanalasubsp. ri''I'f".nJen.i.
\ , krJilU.ianus(lnnl)G~S.I'O$Ier. (Rin.)Uon.
T ~tk (\I(nl.) lJu~. &. m~. - TuminiC'JfJI"s 'II. ",Httrlljlf ':< f,""3woglM' name . Weing'.lnia ncocllmingii 1.1tbJ.
schmiedieLeanus •. m3{"rochek (\hrd.) Glass &. rOSter. II. rub",...Mnt = 'Suk-urchulia larubucocnsis\ , auremnn'
'r. ,""""dll' mbg. nn",. illl.'lIl. .. To rbinicafJIu s schmiedick~anus W JIU1<tj~ Br~ndl '" Weing~rlia nel)Cumingii MIllsI'. ]lulquincllsis
\. Hc hw'lr, ii (Shurh)Gla.' S.1'Il<lrr (Cant ) I)'m
r. smJNI:;/J (Shu~') !!ltJg . .. TurbinicafJIu.~ schmicdickn nu s II'. l4IipmtfllJl Ur,II\dl " \\cin~oni~ ncul·um;II!-';; subsl'.
• • $Ch ... anii (Shuri))GlmoS. FWer. pulquinc:nsis (Card.) 1Jon .
T !1mt111 (\\erd.)\,John & RiN - Gym nocacrus\'ic rrckii If: Sll(7,'l$Ij Itin. '" Wein!:"~rtia nl"«uminr:ii sullsp. ~uCTCru;i5
(\\crd.)lJkhg. (Rill.)U..n.
'U. I~m'ntflj'j' C"JI:lIogue nlllll'.
IIl'JnK"rt'aaglaID lJr:m,h _ Sukorcbutiatir:lq ucnsis IV 1~1IIIumlJlj Cud. '" SUIC1 ,n: butia tortJlUTC I"is (( :anl.)Il",J, II.
\', bicolorispinp h.nif.t""lII.p'U!'. "',.
IHI"GIRT1\-\\II.CO\U 223

1I.loIOrtl/""lfisllnmdl = Slalusdoublful. W supfUmnii (l3kbg.) D..\\. Pon. '" NOlocactus crinaCl:us (11a" .)
II. troll" o.scr = Wcing-Jnia Ilcocumingii subsp. sucrensis Kminz.
(Rill.) Don II'. UphfManlha (Link & Otto) 0 ..\ 1. I'ort . = Notocuctuscn naceus
W 1,kil)"l"lW1 Ca rd . = Wcingania wesl;; IIu1Ch ( ~Iow.) Kr.iru.
II'. turllinalu (:" r.) 0 ..\1. Pon. = Notocactus crinaCl:lIs (Ibw.)
1I'~'Wjill arrcl""..,/rla' (Sch. eX Speg.) D.O. I'on '" Notocactus KlOIint.
ncoarecha''lliciai (Sch. cxSpeg.) Elsncr. 11': t"OnMtiallll (Werd) D..\ 1. I'on. = N"I!M.-~l·tus crinal·cus
JI . ClJT)"f>Ik (Ono e.~ Pftiff.) S- [) .. NOWCl1Ctus ennacc us (lIaw. ) (lIaw.) Kr.iru:
II mnlJl"u(lbw.) I).,\ \. Pon. NOlOclIctU$criRaCCUS ( II~" .) Wi!w.ria a/bijloTll Illbg. " u hinoccrcus Icucanthus N. I'. Ta)lor.
KlOIlnl. II( QUl/raJis hon. n.n. = t:c hinoccn: us posclgcn t ern. (scc under
IV [n·(I' (Ar.) D..\\. I'on. '" Nnrocactus cnna~"1:US (I-Ia ... ) Kl1Iinz ~;ch inoctreus ICUl-:l.nthus)
II' hontii Riu . = Not, ....... clus ncohon;tii (Ri u.) Thcun. II( pwlgrri ( n. & R. .. u hinocerc u$ posdgcn l.-em. {see
W lant liioifii (I.-ehm.) D..\\. Pon. '" NOl()CllCtus cnll~ccu s (lI aw.) under ~:':hiIlOC<'Te US Iruc:mthus}.
KrJinz W smmollii (\\'tingan) Bkhg. = Ech; noc~rcu s sc:hmollii
II~ /(Ij((}(arfJil (Ar.) [) ..\\. I'on. = NOIoc3CtuS crinaccus (113 ... ) (Weingan)N.I'. T.ylor
Knin1 W lamauliprnm Werd. '" uhinocercus posclgcri l.-em. (sec un,ler
·'1 . puh,nilw · = Noto,:aCluscrinaCl:us (1·1a.... ) Kuinz Ech inoccreusleuc:lIl thus)
W smilrj/ora (:\Iackie) o..\\. Pon. = No tocuc!\JS cnn~ccus (lIaw.)
1' lc r URt: I\CKNQ\\1..EDGE-'IENTS

by l'reou.phOIos. but !he publishers '1vuld also liLe!o!banl.
!he (ol1o'ling people who kindly g:I\';' pemlission for !heir
I .. Bn:mcr 23 HI.
G. Ch~rles 14 HI.; 15 IHI; 16 TR.IL\!: 17 HL, H,II: 18 Ti\!: 19
71.; 20 HI.. IL\!: 31 HL. 1LIf, OR; 32 TR; 37 BR; 391J1.; 41
HI.; 54 TN; 58/111; 62 BR: 65 TR. B,\I; 6(, ·IM. 8,11. DR; 67
TN, HIf: 68 TR; 69 TN; 71 71.; 73 11., TIl, flM, DR; 74 rl.;
75 n, "1:1/: 821LII; 90 n: I06DL; 109HL; 117 TN; 118
n; 135 HL; 136 TL Tilt. BL. &11, HR: 137 n. T,II, & It;
138 TL. Tilt. BL. All; 139 ];1/: 1# 71.; 147 "fl.; 15 1 TAl;
154 HL; 157 "17..; 167 HL IIR; 188 IIR; 193 B.II; 195 17., TR.
81.. IW. HR; 196 n. 1;11. TR. BI.
j. Donald 153 B,It; 156 &1/; 175 TR; 176 BR; 177 BR
R.iI!. FerrYnian 20 TR; 21 TL; 22B.1f; 121 B.II; 140 H,\I: \41
HI-. IJ,II: 142 HM; 143 n.7111: 144 TAl. TR. OR; 146 OR;
1471l/.,S,1I;148S,1J:1491L1J; 1507111;16sn
G. l lolel60/W
R. ,\loUTlini 59 BR; 60 fl..1I: 76 ];\1; 105 TR; 150 OR
D. I'arLer 33 HR
W. Reppcnhagrn 87 ilL; 90 TR; 92 T il; 94 Tl... HR; 96 n,
TAl. TR; 99 1111: 101 T:\I; 107 TL; lOB HR; 110 7111; 11 5
1i1/: 116 TN; 119 1J1/; 127 1L; 130BI.. BR(~oo..;,); 131"17.;
P. Snla" 804 TR; IN n; 175 &\1; 18<4 TN; 189 BI.
N .!'. T~) lor57 TL, TR. BI.: 58 TL. Til: l OS HIJ: U)'} T il ; 139
n; 180 TL; 190 LW


n - Top Left: 1;\1: Top Middle: 71~ .. T()p Righ!

BI. _ BQuom Lef!: fl..1I " &'!!Qrn illiddlc: BR 110uol1l Righ!
Rod and Ken Preston-Mafham have grown
cacti for nearly thirty years and the brothers
have a varied and extensive collection. Ken
Preston-Mafham was for many years the sole
writer on cacti for AmateurGardening magazine
and , with his brother Rod , maintains an
ex tensive network of contacts with other
growers in all parts of the world.
For several years Dr Rod Preston-Mafham was
Head of Biology at a local grammar school
before fully devoting his time to authorship in
the zoological and botanical fields. His brother
Ken is a professional wildlife photographer and
author. He has travelled the globe in search of
original and unique photographs - and for this
book studied and photographed cacti in their
native habitat in the USA, Mexico, Costa Rica,
Venezuela , Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Peru .
Together with Rod 's wife , Jean, they operate
Premaphotos Wildlife , a photo library with a
large range of natural history photographs
which are in constant demand internationally.
'This is an excellent reference book. . The
Index of Alternative Names is commendable.
This will go a long way towards answering the
queries and frustrations of those cactus
'addicts' who are sometimes confused over
what names apply to their plants.'
Clive Innes, Th e Garden

Phorographs on the fronl of me book jacket show

(clockwise from the top left) Mammillaria blo!S/eldiOl/a v.
shuTliano, Thelocaetus bieo/or, Rebutia sp. KK871 and
Phorographs on the rea r show (clockwise from the ro p left)
Notocactus herren, Lobiviajajoiana, Ferocacru5 pi/orus,
Parodia lauii, Mammillaria subdllcta v. dasyaeanrna and
Ferocactus pilolUs © G. Charles; all other photographs
© Premapholos Wildlife.

Timber Press, Inc.

The Haseltine Building
133 s.w. Second Ave., Suite 450
Portla nd , Oregon 97204-3527, U.S.A.

Printed in Singapore

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