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Unit 7.

Three brother

Looking at the caption, the photograph was taken by Michael S.yamashita.

its says three brothers. in the photo, i can see three people.

they are wearing police uniform and police caps, so maybe they are

all of them have moustaches, surprising, they look a i guess they are

they are sitting in a police car, so maybe they are working or on the way to
catch a criminal

they look serious, so maybe they are tired

Unit 7. Cowboy

Look at the caption, They says twenty-first century cowboy.

in the photo. i can see five people.

they are wearing the traditional cowboy uniforms with the hat and boots,

so maybe they are cowboy men

I can see that they are taking care of the horses.

they are Colleague. i can see they are unhappy, i guess they are have hard

Unit 8. Robot

Looking at the caption, the photograph was taken by Robert Markowitz and
Bill Stafford in NaSa.
In the picture, I see a human and a Robot shaking hands. Is a photo of you
taken in an empty space. Looking at the picture, on the left is a Robot , on the
right is a human. You probably won’t believe that Robot will know how to
solve difficult math problems, know how to cook dinner,and are invent
antiretroviral drugs he goes to the moon together. They will fly to our space and
explore many other planets. I feel very interesting because there are many
Robets in the world.

Unit 9. Learning

Look at the caption, the photograph was taken by Cary Wolinsky

Looking in photo, I could see the students practicing their writing in their
own language, probably because many of the words have the same sound but
different meanings, each one has a different word. And I can’t tell you the exact
names of these kids in the picture but they’re probably all middle school
students from Japan. The kids will have to learn some letters and symbols,
especially since most of these words come from Chinese. I feel very excited
when I see them. I hope the children of today and in the future will be good at
learning their first language and their second language.

Unit 10 .Travel

There is A man and I can’t tell you the exact name of this man, but look at
the caption, I guess his name is Zoltan Takacs .I’m sure he is a man who loves
to travel and explore snakes because he is holding a snake in his hand. He
looked at the snake and seemed surprised because it was quite, special. I feel
this is an interesting and fascinating trip when traveling to many places.

Unit 11. History

Full is an uninhabited hut, which has been covered with snow and taken in
Antarcatic. Looking at it, it looks very cold and desolate. All around is snow so
it may have appeared for more than 100 years and by the British. With a very
low temperature, I wouldn’t know if the food or property inside would exist.
But I find it interesting because of the picture.

Unit 12. Nature

Look at the caption, the photograph was taken by Chiristian Ziegler

This picture can be taken in a forest looking at the picture, I will see three
frogs with very natural colors. On the left side is a yellow frog. On the right is
brown and in the middle is black. Those colors help it avoid many prey attacks
under the wet leaves. I feel very interesting and wild when I see this picture.

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