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El1202 (2018) Reading 4 1

Title - Evaluate the Risks of Using Nuclear Energy as an Alternative to Fossil
A) Answer the following questions
1) What is the objective of this essay as mentioned in the introduction?

2) According to section 1.1 of the text, what is the main issue the world will face in the
future with regard to oil?

3) What are the problems with wind and solar power?

4) How do fossil fuels contribute to the greenhouse effect?

5) Describe the cost advantage of using nuclear energy.

6) Name a leading natural source of radiation mentioned in the text. What kind of people
are largely exposed to this type of radiation?

7) In section 2.2, what has been said about the effect of nuclear energy on the

B) State whether the following statements are true or false

1. The use of nuclear energy is a controversial topic. ………………………….
2. Nuclear energy is a finite energy source. …………………………..
3. A study done by the writer revealed that the use of nuclear energy significantly reduced
carbon emissions in France. …………………………..
4. Scholars point out that the cost of purchasing fuel for nuclear energy is unlikely to
increase. ………………………..

Prepared by Sucheru Dissanayake

El1202 (2018) Reading 4 2

5. It is mentioned in the text that there is a high possibility of nuclear energy falling into
the hands of dangerous groups who might use it to create weapons. …………………………..

C) Write the meanings of/find synonyms for the underlined words in the sentences given
1. The rationale behind using nuclear energy stems from the need to find alternative
energy sources to fossil fuels, i.e. oil, gas and coal, which are finite. This is a growing
concern, due to the increase in the global population, which is accompanied by an
increase in energy demand.
2. The total global stock of oil and gas would only be adequate for 250 years, thus
requiring the urgent development of other energy sources, which would not deplete the
stock of natural resources available for future generations.
3. In recent years the price of oil and natural gas has risen sharply, and this trend seems
likely to continue in future.
4. Especially since the Chernobyl accident in 1986 there has been persistent concern about
the dangers to human health from nuclear power and nuclear waste.
5. There are alternative materials such as toxic gas that could produce equally lethal
terrorist weapons.

D) Discuss
a. What is the writer’s position on the issue of using nuclear energy as an alternative to
fossil fuels?
b. How does the writer make his/her position clear?
c. What is your point of view on this issue?

Prepared by Sucheru Dissanayake

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